Accepting Dizyntk 3 Chapter 3 Fighting Dizyntk
- 3 years ago
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Virathea Tzilank was an emotional wreck. Not that anyone would be able to tell it by looking at her. She was performing her duties flawlessly as usual. The fact remained that she was dreading going to the human settlement today. A small part of her was also looking forward to it.
She was a major in the Royal Guard and would soon be twenty-two cyankas old. She was not bonded, which was unusual for a Dizyntk of her age. It was not that she was unattractive. She was tall for a female of her race at five feet two inches. Her fur was light brown with just a few hints of auburn swirled in. Her eyes were the bright green of a peridot in which it was hard to see the silver flecking when in bright light. When it was darker it became obvious that her eyes had a high concentration of this flecking. Her eyes at these times seemed to shimmer. She kept her hair, which was the same color as her fur, cut fairly short. It fell just past her shoulders, which was short for a Dizyntk female. Her tail was a bit longer than most, as would be expected since she was tall. She was also in extremely good shape. This was only to be expected of one who served in the Sapphire Royal Guard. All in all she would be considered very pretty by any Dizyntk.
Virathea had friends, even a few close ones. She occasionally had sex with these close friends, but she had never met anyone that she thought she loved. Mostly this had to do with scent, not unusual for her people. This had all changed just a week ago. She had been helping replace a panel on one of the human ships. She had only done so because Ariarisha had asked her to. It was then that she had caught a scent that almost made her drop the panel she was holding. Normally, Virathea thought that she had no good use for humans. So you can imagine her confusion when she realized that this scent that had caused her mouth to water had come from one of these humans. It did not help that she had to admit that the human in question was attractive. Virathea had never been this conflicted in her entire life. She did not like humans but she was suddenly attracted to, and aroused by, one of them. The only question was what was she going to do about it?
Ariarisha and Lilavasi had been spending more and more time at the human settlement. The reasons were simple. Aria's parents had become quite busy trying to deal with the sudden crises on the border with the Protectorate. Aria had therefore taken to spending her time getting to know this race that her father belonged to. Vasi was just content to be with Aria no matter where they were. Normally the only other Dizyntk accompanying them on these trips was Virathea. Today was different. Today Velakari had decided to visit these humans. While Aria and Vasi would have normally spent time with the human children, they were touring the settlement with Kari now. This was because Velakari did not speak the human language that well. Aria was with her to act as a translator.
As they walked along and greeted the various humans, Virathea saw the human that was causing her current problem. For just a moment Virathea froze at the sight. She felt her breath catch in her throat. For the barest of moments her eyes went wide as she remembered how good the human had smelled. Most Dizyntk would not have noticed her slight lapse. Velakari was not most Dizyntk.
Velakari looked at Virathea and wondered what was wrong. She saw her eyes widen and her breath stop. It had only been for a second but it was there. She had seen Virathea's normally stern composure slip. Kari had known the other Dizyntk for three cyankas. Since Virathea was head of the personal guard for Feya's family, Kari had gotten to know her quite well. She knew that Virathea had no serious relationships of any kind. At that moment she realized that this might change. The look that Kari saw on Virathea's face in that brief moment was, she suddenly knew, a look of desire. The realization caused a smile to form on Kari's lips. Kari knew that only an overwhelming emotion could cause Virathea's well disciplined mind to let such a look slip to her face, even for a moment. She saw that they were close to the field where the human children were playing. She whispered to Aria, who was standing next to her, to go ahead and play with them if she wished.
Aria looked at her for a moment and asked in a whisper, "Are you sure? There is still more of the settlement to see."
"Very sure", she answered. "I have something to discuss with Virathea."
Aria thought for a second and nodded. She took Vasi's hand and the two of them trotted towards the children.
Virathea had heard this last comment and looked at Kari with a bit of confusion. What could she want to discuss with her?
After Aria and Vasi left, Kari looked at Virathea and smiled. Virathea was suddenly very nervous.
"I would never have guessed that you, of all Dizyntk, would feel desire towards a human." Kari said gently to her.
Virathea's breath stopped and her eyes went wide. Suddenly she looked away from Kari and stammered, "I ... I ... do not know what ... what you mean."
Kari took a step closer to Virathea. She was no longer smiling but had a look of concern on her face.
"You know exactly what I mean, Virathea." Kari said to her softly.
Kari then gestured to a small group of humans standing not far away. "I saw that look cross your face while you were looking at that group of them over there."
Virathea was suddenly angry, not really at Kari but at herself. She snapped, "What business is it of yours?!!!"
Her hands flew to her mouth as she realized what she had said and how she had said it. It was, in fact, part of a priestess' job to act as a councilor in matters of affection in Dizyntk culture, if a Dizyntk needed it. This was usually done by the priestess that was best known to the Dizyntk in question. There was certainly no priestess that knew Virathea better than Velakari and Virathea knew it. On top of this, she knew that it was wrong to yell at a priestess. She felt very ashamed of herself at that moment.
Virathea crossed her arms over her chest, with a hand on each shoulder as if she were praying. Then she dropped to her knees and closed her eyes.
"Forgive me for my rudeness, Sister." she said in a whisper.
Velakari took another step and was now right in front of Virathea. She put one hand gently on her head.
"You are confused and scared. Why is this, Virathea?" Kari asked her softly.
Virathea did not really want to answer. Virathea had never been a very open Dizyntk. Her family had been a warrior family for generations. She had trained to be the best fighter that she could be. She had also disciplined her mind so that her emotions would not show in her face or her actions. As she thought of her unexpected attraction to a human and her sudden outburst towards a priestess, the emotional walls in her mind weakened slightly. When Kari touched her head, these walls dissolved completely. It was if she could almost feel Velakari in her mind. She had heard that a rare few priestesses were capable of doing this. She had no idea that Kari could be one of these. The effect was immediate. Virathea could feel the tears start to trickle down her face.
"I have never liked humans" she said in a quiet voice that was not like her. "Why do I have to be attracted to one of them?"
Velakari closed her eyes and concentrated. "You do not like them?" she asked. "Have you ever known any of them other than my mate?"
"No, but what difference does that make?" she asked. "They are still enemies!"
Kari smiled at this. "Enemies? Michael is not your enemy. He is trusted by the Empress and loved by your Princess. Some of them may be your enemies, but that does not mean all of them are."
Kari kept her hand on Virathea's head as she thought about this comment.
The ability that some priestesses possessed was a subtle but powerful one. It erased any resistance a Dizyntk felt towards expressing emotions while at the same time it gently restrained their ability to move. It was also quite effective at causing a Dizyntk to speak truthfully even if they did not want to. In truth there were many Dizyntk who could learn to use this ability. Only priestesses were allowed to be trained however. The training was only done, coincidently, on Lilac. It just took five or six cyankas of intense twelve hour a day training. Training that included absolutely no physical contact with anyone for all but the last cyanka. Most Dizyntk, priestesses included, would be unwilling to undergo that. Hence very few priestesses possessed it.
It required the simplest physical contact and concentration but once mastered was not difficult to use. Virathea herself had only finished her training in it three weeks before Feya had first returned to Sapphire. This was the very first time that she had actually used it on someone other than her instructor. Part of the training had included being taught how to know when it was needed. Until today Kari had never been in a position where she thought it was necessary. She was happy that she found it was still easy for her to activate it.
Virathea wanted to look up at Kari. She knew that she could not. She thought about what Kari had just said.
"I suppose you are right. Not all of them may be enemies." she said.
"Do you want to talk to this human that you are attracted to?" Kari asked softly.
"Yes, but I cannot." Velakari replied as her tears increased. "I do not speak their language and I doubt that she speaks ours."
Velakari smiled again in understanding. "She? That is the real source of the problem is it not? It is a female."
"Yes. I know that human culture does not permit such things. That is why I am scared to ask to get know her." she answered.
"Ask her anyway. The worst that can happen is that she refuses. You will never know otherwise." Kari said to her. "You are a warrior who knows no fear of battle yet you are scared of your own heart. Open it this one time and use you courage for something other than fighting."
Velakari removed her hand from Virathea. She opened her eyes and looked down at her. She felt a little bad at using the power on Virathea. She had never seen her cry. She also knew that it had been necessary.
Virathea looked up at Kari and, in an almost meek voice, asked, "Will you introduce me to her, Sister?"
Kari was confused by this. "Do I know her?"
Virathea nodded. "She is the one that is friends with Michael."
Kari's eyes widened at this. "Cynthia? The human who has attracted you is Cynthia?"
Virathea closed her eyes and nodded.
Velakari looked at the six humans that were standing and talking about thirty meters away. She had not paid attention to it before but, sure enough, Cynthia was among them. She was pretty, Kari thought. She was also not very tall, only about two inches taller than Virathea.
She looked back to Virathea and held her hands out to her. Virathea took them and Kari helped her stand.
"I do not speak their language all that well myself." Kari said. "But there is one with us that speaks it quite well."
Velakari shook her head a bit. "I could not ask Ariarisha to do something like that."
Kari smiled and tilted her head in amusement. "Why is that? She is very mature when she wants to be and she is quite fond of you."
Virathea thought on this for a few seconds. It was true that Aria was fond of her. The girl had spent almost half of her young life around Virathea. Anytime that Aria went someplace by herself she always asked if Virathea could be her guard. Even on the many trips Aria had made over the cyankas to Dizyn in order to visit Lilavasi, Virathea had always accompanied her.
Virathea closed her eyes and nodded in agreement.
Kari smiled and said, "Wait here for minute."
Velakari walked over to the field where Aria was now playing. She knelt down next to Lilavasi and asked her if she could call Aria over. She did so and Aria came running up.
"Are you ready to continue looking at the settlement, Velakari?" Aria asked, smiling.
Kari shook her head. "I need your help with something else Aria. Something important and serious."
Aria stopped smiling and asked, "What is it, is something wrong?"
"Not really wrong." Kari replied. "Virathea seems to have found herself attracted to one of the humans."
Aria's eyes went wide and Vasi gasped a bit.
"Virathea likes a human?" Aria asked in wonder.
"Yes. Well, she is aroused by her scent anyway." Kari answered.
Vasi blushed a bit at this. She well understood the problem. That was how she had been attracted to Aria when they first met.
Kari went on to explain what Virathea had told her.
"She likes Cynthia?" Aria asked with a smile
"Yes, apparently she does. Will you help introduce her?" Kari asked. "I will stay here with Lilavasi."
Aria nodded and ran off to where Velakari was standing.
Michael had spent the past week talking to the various leaders of the human refugees in the Trellken system. One had been a government official from Tau Epsilon. He had been surprised but happy that a human was acting as the representative for the Dizyntk. He was able to fill Michael in on what had been happening between his system and the Protectorate. About this time, a Dizyntk messenger ship arrived with the news that an official representative of the three rebelling systems had arrived at the border requesting negotiations with the Imperium.
Michael arrived at the designated coordinates on board a Dizyntk battle cruiser and saw on the scanners that a single human vessel was there, surrounded by three Dizyntk destroyers. He ordered an audio channel opened to the human ship. He identified himself as the Dizyntk Ambassador and requested that three representatives be sent to his ship for negotiations.
Michelle Kirtland was surprised that the voice she heard was speaking English and not through a translator device. She was pleased about it however. If some of the Dizyntk had learned to speak the most common of human languages then it would make talking with them that much easier. Michelle herself had a rough grasp of Dizyntilin and thanked them for the invitation in their language. She then told them that they would be there in thirty minutes.
Michelle Kirtland, her assistant David Hostler and Doctor Mueller exited their shuttle and stepped aboard the Dizyntk ship. All three of them were nervous but also excited. No humans had talked with the Dizyntk face to face in over fifty years. No humans had ever been aboard a Dizyntk ship of any kind, much less a warship, as far as they knew. All three of them had access to more accurate records of Dizyntk appearance, including a few pictures, than the general populace or even the majority of military and government personnel. Thus they were unsurprised at how they looked when they saw them. Even so, Michelle was quite taken by them. In truth, she had been since the first time she had seen one of the pictures. She had always believed that the Protectorate should have done more to try and get along with the Dizyntk. She had, in her fifteen years of government service, never been given a satisfactory answer as to why they had not.
"Well screw the Protectorate." she thought, smiling to herself. "I am here now and I AM going to talk with them."
Dr Veronika Mueller was not used to working outside of a laboratory or classroom. She had accepted the government's offer to be on this team because she wanted to meet a Dizyntk. She had studied them, theorized about them and examined what few biological samples that humans had collected from them. Other than theories, she had run out of things to study about them and this frustrated her. She could tell that, despite some physical differences, the Dizyntk were very similar to humans. That being said, it only made sense to her that their technology might be compatible with ours. There was no telling what might be accomplished if the two races could learn to get along with each other. It was only on a lark that, three years ago, she had decided to test whether or not Dizyntk and human genes and DNA were compatible. She was shocked when her results came back. It still astounded her that she had been the first scientist to ever bother to check this.
"I wonder if the Dizyntk realize this yet?" she asked herself as they stepped aboard the Dizyntk ship.
The three of them were met by a pair of guards and a male Dizyntk who was not dressed in military attire. He bowed slightly to them. "Which of you is the Ambassador?" he asked them.
Michelle stepped forward and gave a slight bow of her head. "I am Ambassador Kirtland. Are you the Dizyntk ambassador?"
He shook his head slightly. "No Miss Kirtland, I am Drasdenalian, the Ambassador's assistant. If the three of you would kindly follow me, I will take you to meet him."
Michelle introduced her companions. After greetings were exchanged, Drasdenalian led them into the ship.
As they walked through the Dizyntk ship, the three humans were impressed by its construction. Human ships, especially warships, tended to be very functional with little thought given to aesthetics. This ship, however, seemed very attractive. Its curved and rounded architecture and decorative touches seemed closer to a passenger liner than the warship which it was. They finally arrived at the meeting room where the talks were to be held.
Michael stood up as the three humans entered. He had watched their progress on a monitor and already knew who they were.
"Ambassador Kirtland, Dr Mueller, Mr. Hostler, welcome. I am Michael Christopher, Ambassador from her Imperial Majesty, Empress Ziniadyra." he said while extending his hand.
It took Michelle a couple of seconds to recover from her shock at seeing a human here before taking his hand.
"I must say, the last thing I was expecting was a human to be representing the Dizyntk." she said with a bit of a smile.
Michael nodded. "I know that it is unusual to say the least. I will explain the details later. Right now I think that we should get started. The situation is stable for the time being, but there is no telling how much longer that will last."
Michelle was more than happy to do this. Despite her curiosity, she was a professional.
After several hours of negotiating, Michael and Michelle came to a tentative agreement. The first offer was not what Michelle really wanted.
In exchange for allowing the Dizyntk mining rights on the mineral rich, and lightly populated, world of Berringer, the Dizyntk would recognize the Tri-Systems Alliance. Michelle had tried to get full military assistance from the Imperium. Michael told her that he would need more than minerals to risk going to war with the Protectorate.
Michelle Kirtland was stuck and she knew it. She had not really expected the Dizyntk to send in their fleet just for a small mining colony on Berringer. Finally she laid the only real offer she had brought with her on the table, an offer that the Alliance become a semi-autonomous part of the Imperium.
Michael agreed on the condition that the Protectorate state religion be eradicated from the three worlds.
Michelle now had to send the agreement to be approved by the heads of the three planets she represented. While Michael sent it to the closest Dizyntk who could conditionally approve it, his mate, Feyalisa.
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(STORY-NOT REAL)I admit. It took a long time for me to accept the fact that my son was a fag. I mean - I’m progressive. Kind of. So I don’t have a problem with the whole gay thing. Kind of. But in his case, he’s like this huge contradiction. He’s big and hairy and beefy like me but the k** is SUCH a fucking cocksucker. He practically begged me to fuck him and what k** does that to his father? But, once the guys on the crew figured out the Boss’ son was a whore, it was only a matter of time...
I saw her get out of the car, 1:30 am. She had been going out with friends for years a couple times a week. I stood there in the dark, cabin light comes on and a kiss between friends. I get back in bed and pretend to sleep, I don't know what to say. She comes in quiet and goes straight to the bathroom in our bedroom. No shower tonight. She slips into bed and falls asleep. I hear her softly breathing. I love her so much. I knew she had an active sex life before we met. Living with her...
They lay on the bed together, he on his back and she propped up on her elbow. Slipping her hand across, she began to trace the outline of his penis through his new satin pyjama trousers. She felt it begin to stir. ‘Would you like me to train you to be more submissive?’ she asked. Mike knew that was indeed what he wanted her to do but asked so directly, her question filled him with doubts. What was she planning? Now he’d expressed his willingness, could he go through with it? Did he want to go...
I was wearing a fitted, plain white t-shirt, a pair of old skinny jeans, and black sneakers. My hair was a deep red and it flowed down my back in waves. Green eyes stared back at me in the long bathroom mirror. I didn't think I was pretty. I couldn't seem to convince myself no matter how many men threw themselves in my direction. Even when my boyfriend told me I was beautiful everyday, I still didn't see it. I didn't wear make up. I didn't wear heels or attractive clothing. I wore jeans, tees...
Hardcore"I'm going home. I need a bus pass, can I have one?" she pulled her purple backpack over her shoulder and walked up to Mr. Craig's desk, handing him her test papers. There was only one other girl in the classroom, Maricela. He looked up at her. "Of course," he said, writing her a pass. Mr. Craig smiled up at her, taking a second to look at her and then back at Maricela, who was putting her phone down by now. "Hey, Mr. Craig, do you think...
Danny sat down at his computer. He just got home after a twenty seven hour flight from Vietnam. Sighing, he clicked open his email in order to send messages to his family and friends that he made it home okay, but there was one person that he wanted to talk to, one person who’s voice he wanted to hear. There was something about Dawn that made him weak in the knees. Her long, lithe body combined with her sun-kissed[,] blond hair just made his heart beat a little faster. The first time she...
On the third day of house sitting, I awoke to a nice surprise. After my neighbour, Daniel, had unexpectedly visited, I had decided to work on my make up and mannerisms. After a day of walking in heels, I had perfected my sexy walk as well as getting my make up just right. I was feeling in the mood to show off my new found skills so was excited to see a note waiting by the front door. It was from Daniel. It said that his wife and daughter would be out all day and he would like me to come over...
Part# 1 the beginning 9/23/17First few entries explained how I got to today. I have sucked a cock every day since Aug 20. But last day i truly showed myself, strangers, and my best friend who I was at heart. I was at Green lake community showers early. There was only two of us there and the attendant told us he opened it early for us please close the door all the way. I looked out of the corner of my eye as he undressed. Boy was he In shape, ripped muscles,six pack abbs and his soft cock was so...
In a stupor of green lungs I had wandered out of my apartment for the very first time in dress. My petite feet clacked along the pavement at midnight through my zipper boots, my God do I adore velvet. They were crimson with visages of pink roses wrapped along the toes and heels. The warm summer air still lingered. It brushed against my black leggings gently, just enough pressure to remind me of my nerves. They faded like my cutoff jean shorts, frayed just below my tucked cock where my leggings...
I was doing dishes in the kitchen. It was quite late that night; I don’t usually stay awake late at night but that day, I got busy with some office work after the dinner so didn’t get time to do dishes. I was thirty-nine years old, living with my nineteen year old only son Edward, but I called him Ed. Life was not going really well; I was working hard and so was Ed. He was studying and doing part time jobs to help me. Ed was a good son, he loved me and respected me, but there was one thing that...
IncestHello, this is Rahul. I was living in a gated community, and in my block, there was this lady, Sandhya. She could easily be 20 years senior to me. Well, she lived all alone. She was hot looking and would be dressed in the western office wear and had a nice job. We would say our hellos and when we would pass each other, I could see the look in her eyes but was not sure if I could try asking her. Anyways, days became months and one day, as I was walking, I saw her drive by. She was driving slowly...
On the third day of house sitting, I awoke to a nice surprise. After my neighbour, Daniel, had unexpectedly visited, I had decided to work on my make up and mannerisms. After a day of walking in heels, I had perfected my sexy walk as well as getting my make up just right. I was feeling in the mood to show off my new found skills so was excited to see a note waiting by the front door. It was from Daniel. It said that his wife and daughter would be out all day and he would like me to come over...
CrossdressingI was with one of my office partners having lunch together. Barry was a handsome black guy and that day at the restaurant a nice waitress was flirting with him…Since he was still single, I asked him if he was lucky with girls.Barry smiled, saying all white women were attracted to black men.I said that some white women would never be attracted to a black guy, especially if it meant cheating on their husbands…Barry picked up the gauntlet, saying he would bet me a hundred- dollar bill that he...
It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...
Cuckold(415) Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt7 After film 1 time was spent comforting and fixing up the many tiny scars, stopping the trickles and antiseptic dressing the pin holes, Dan was very complimentary, and the obligatory vanilla sex followed both with Gaye and Mary. The following week was spent recuperating for Gay, and in a frenzy of cutting and editing for Mary. Then the film went to what dan described as a friendly copier, a greasy little man called Pedro who ran a backstreet photographers...
In retrospect, I suppose I was being a little macho about the whole thing. The punishment definitely didn’t fit the crime though? It had started as any other Saturday morning. My wife, Victoria, was going shopping with one of her girlfriends for an upcoming holiday party, and I was settling in for watching some football. Then things went downhill. Her friend called and said she was a little sick and wasn’t up for shopping. My wife hung up the phone and looked over at me with her pouty...
409 DAVE`S REASSURING HAND HOLDING PT1 This is a story of a woman`s love of masochism and her husband`s journey into voyeurism, if It is not for you, it`s time to leave… I`ve done my humble best to tell of the emotion`s involved, the pain, the distress, and to be accurate with this story, sent me by “Dave” and if comments demand I shall endeavour to do part two as soon as it arrives I hope you enjoy it! “You know what that sadistic bastard wants to do to me don’t you Dave?” she asked, he...
( 100 per cent true story)Troy and I had been married for nearly 6 months, we were High School friends and after he left school he joined the Army so we lost touch for about a year, then one day when he was home on leave we hooked up at a disco one night. I think I had always loved him and he me; so it wasn’t long before we were an item. We dated on and off for around a year until he romantically proposed by taking me to a really nice restaurant and sang “will you marry me” in front of the...
(414) Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt6It was that weekend already, and time for the first commercial film. Dan had visited during the week with borrowed lights, some recording kit he had bought cheaply, a box containing candles all dark coloured, a sealed box, cuffs and straps and his beloved whip that he placed in the playroom with instructions not to play… He asked as to her health, and any marks, being told in reply that she was in good health and unbruised, which reassured him. He asked...
A Girl Holding A Cat Has Two Pussies I laughed out loud when my father looked over at my sister Janice. Mom had just gotten her a six-week-old kitten. Dad said, “A girl holding a cat has two pussies.” I found that to be the funniest thing that I had heard in quite a while. Dad walked away and Janice wanted to know what was so funny. I told her that she had two pussies and she said that she only had one kitten. Then I poked my finger into her crotch and said, “That’s a pussy too.”...
I joked to Russell once that he made me crazy. I guess I didn't know how true it was until that night in Rome. The worst part was that I was in the hotel suite with my mom and dad, so I couldn't even vent about it. I mean, I love them, but there are some things you can't talk to your parents about and one of them is catching your boyfriend fucking someone else when he was supposed to have been fucking you. Besides, they thought Russell, like, walked on water. So I had to pretend that...
CHAPTER 1: The BeginningReaders. If you're a small cock husband, whether your wife be beautiful or average, there will come a time when your cocksmanship and tongue-manship will still fall short of what she believes she needs in the way of sex. And if you truly love her, then you have to go all out to do what it takes to keep her, and hold the marriage together.Believe me; it can be rough at times to do so. It's trying. For instance, I'm baby-sitting our three young k**s tonight while my...
Wednesday 16-May 2007 Chris glanced behind him to check on Shahia. She was standing right behind him, her eyes wide open in fear. There were few kids close around them, and he could see more coming, drawn to a fight like moths to a light. He turned back to Jerry. "You leave her alone. What a coward, picking on a girl." "So what are you going to do about it?" Jerry growled back at him. Chris swallowed. Jerry was a lot bigger than him, and he'd heard about Jerry's fighting ability —...
Everything changed for me after the big fight. Brian's nose was messed up pretty bad and, at first, his dad threatened to sue us. But there were fifty witnesses who said that Trent was the one who broke it, and the police were trying to get me to press charges against Brian, Aaron and Trent for hitting me, and Jake for throwing the beer can at my head. Principal Howard said that if there were criminal charges pending he might not let any of them play sports, which could screw up college...
(413) Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt5Saturday arrived slowly, a quick call from Mary confirmed that they were home and would visit the next day, so it was late Sunday morning before the little car pulled up outside the Oast, greetings were exchanged like long lost friends and then they had coffee. Dan explained that he had sent the questionnaire, partly to try and gain some insight into their thinking and partly so he and Mary could plan for the next film. This they now began planning with...
412 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt4 The next two weeks passed slowly, oh they had sex, Gaye and Dave, but it was with the memory of that last weekend as a stimulant, Dan had promised Gaye that he would up the stakes if she so wished, and the prospect of both watching and of having the delightful Mary again had Dave more than a little interested. Meanwhile he finished the painting, one of his best so far. It was on the Monday of the second week as it happened the day that the client for the...
411 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt3 It was about 6 on the Friday when that old cattle grid rattled its welcome, the little car drove up and Dave welcomed the visitors at the door, with Buster, a huge quiet, and friendly brindle coloured great dane, making friends easily , while Dave ran his eye over Mary in her flowery skirt, as he ushering them all into the old oast house. Gaye met them in the lounge, beautifully dressed in skirt and blouse, and after the usual hugs and a stroke of Buster...
410 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt2They sat at the table she naked, he in PJ`s, coffee and a chip and egg meal, filling empty stomach`s, it was the Sunday evening and she had been sleeping all day after her overnight ordeal. He too had slept after masturbating a number of times watching the video and marvelling at her absorption of the pain she had endured. They were both wondering how to break the massive silence between them. In the end it was Gaye who spoke, “Well? Am I the biggest whore...
It had started out to be a fun-filled day tour of the snow-capped mountain. Billy Jo was glad to be out of school for the entire day. Her teacher, Mr. Hardcastle was nicer than usual and even allowed her to sit in the seat right next to him right behind the driver. Billy Jo was a bit older than she really looked and at eighteen she gave the appearance of a much younger female. Most of the others were older than her because this was an upper class outing restricted to the third and fourth year...
Walking was almost as painful as sitting, especially in a hurry. The hallway deserted, she allowed herself to use the unseemly crouched saunter she had perfected over many months. Like a zombie who died because it couldn't get to a bathroom in time, Melody shambled between the rows of lockers, all senses on alert, a hand up the back of her outrageously short skirt, another holding the liquid content of her tender navel bump steady. She was not heading for the bathroom, though; that was a lie...
Marsha and I had experienced her fucking about five different black guys with me there when I discovered a new turn on for us. We met this black guy named Mark in a nightclub one evening while having a few drinks. Mark was an impeccably dressed and very handsome, light skinned black man. He was over six feet tall and was thin but muscular. He was very well spoken and traveled with a fast crowd made up of several well to do white people. We learned through conversation the night we met him that...
Guess I shouldn’t have given those cops such a hard time last night but I was d***k and pissed off and lost control a little so when they got me back to the station after taking my info and all they shoved me into a holding cell there were three cells two empty but the cop stuck me into the cell that was occupied after the door clanged shut I saw who occupied it…It was a huge black guy and boy was he pissed off ranting about how that white pig of a police officer took him in just because he was...