Dont Be Afraid
- 3 years ago
- 38
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Xania and Amy continued to kiss, lick, and fondle until most of Alan's cum was gone. But they didn't stop there. With the others giving them some privacy, they were able to get even more intimate. Xania wound up lying on top of Amy. Xania's pussy had finally recovered from her last orgasms, so the two beauties fingered, kissed, and fondled each other until they reached a mutual orgasmic peak.
They just rested for a while, lying on the floor entwined in each other's arms.
Amy said, "You know what? I like you."
Xania grinned. "I like you too. As if you couldn't tell, from what we just did."
"I know," Amy replied. "But it's more than that. I think it would be fun to get to know you out of bed too. Ya know what I mean? We can be pals!"
Xania playfully rubbed her nose against Amy's. "I'd like that." Then she got up, and helped pull Amy up. "Come on. Let's go join the others in the kitchen."
The snack and drink break turned into a prolonged one. Nobody was really that hungry or thirsty, but everyone needed a mental and physical break from so much non-stop sexual activity.
More wine was consumed by everyone but Alan, Katherine, and Amy. The "adults" didn't want the "kids" to drink too much. Alan was so high on lust he didn't need alcohol too.
With everyone either standing in the kitchen or sitting at the kitchen counter, Suzanne said, "While we're all here, why don't we decide who gets to be the next penis tender?"
Alan suggested, "Can we wait a while until my dick recovers a bit? Right now, it's still too sore for any tending."
Susan said, "Sure, you deserve a big rest, Tiger. But that still leaves the question of who gets to play with your cock when you're ready."
He said, "Frankly, I don't like having to pick in a group situation like this. It's almost impossible not to give the impression that I'm playing favorites. Why don't we go back to our system of letting it be decided by the dares in the card game? In fact, let's start from scratch with all the tending, including the cunt tending and tit tending. There was so much tending going on that there practically wasn't anyone left to actually play cards."
Suzanne nodded. "I agree to that. If nothing else, it'll increase interest so maybe I won't be the only one wanting to play the game."
The others all agreed to that.
Xania chatted with Alan some during the break, in relative private in the dining room. They didn't really know each other that well, and she wanted to get to know his personality better, and not just his body.
Alan had put on a T-shirt. He wasn't cold, since the house heat had been turned way up for the party. But he wanted to have a prolonged break, and since the T-shirt hung down over his privates, he thought that would help things from getting arousing.
Xania found it ironic that when she'd arrived she'd been puzzled to see Alan's cum on Brenda's face, and now it was her turn to look the same. True, she didn't have much cum on her face, but she did have some, since Amy hadn't gotten it all. For instance, she had elevated her faux glasses to her forehead because there was still too much cum on her lenses for her to see through them clearly. Furthermore, Alan's intention in wearing his T-shirt was backfiring. He was calm and collected, but it greatly flustered and aroused Xania to be wearing nothing but high heels when he seemed fully dressed, since his privates were covered.
She asked him, "So, how's your six treatments coming along?"
"Six treatments? ... Oh. That. You mean my six climaxes a day requirement. Well, truth be told, I don't think about that much anymore. I realized I was obsessing and stressing about how many climaxes I have each day. I kind of make a point not to think about it now. If you look around this party and see all the lovely women here, I think you can see that getting enough climaxes is not a problem for me."
She grinned wryly and looked around at all the other naked women milling about. "Yes, I can see that."
"What can I say? It's the tough life." He smiled widely. "Anyway, I figure I'm averaging about six or seven a day, at least. If I get more or less, it all washes out in the end."
She looked around again, feeling incredulous. Despite having been to some pretty damn wild parties with the "beautiful people" in Hollywood, I've never seen so many naked gorgeous women in one place. Not to mention seriously stacked ones! I'm usually the most endowed woman in any group - but not tonight. Hell, I might actually be in fourth place, although it would be a very close call. All these total foxes gaga over this one kid. Wow!
She found her hips shifting around as she wiggled in arousal. She forced herself to snap back to the discussion, and responded, "That sounds like a good attitude. May I ask how you've fared so far today?"
"Let's see. You're wearing my sixth load today, now that I think about it. I guess that's pretty typical by this hour, but I hope to have a lot more fun before the night is over. But there's also the issue of quality over quantity. As my nurse said, prolonged stimulation is key. Today has been pretty remarkable with that."
"It sounds like you've been stroked and stroked for hours. Has it been helping?" Xania was feeling increasingly self-conscious about the remaining cum on her face. There was one particular cum gob that Amy had missed, and it was slowly sliding down Xania's left cheek. It was bothering Xania like a buzzing mosquito, but she didn't want to draw attention to it by swiping it off. Plus, she was so horny that she feared she wouldn't be able to resist swiping it into her mouth.
He was puzzled by what she meant by "helping." He asked, "You mean helping me feel great? But of course!"
"No, I mean helping your condition."
He and the others had nearly forgotten the supposed medical point of all the orgasms. "Oh. You mean fixing my energy and tiredness. No, not really. Not yet. I still have to nap every day, for instance. But when you think about it, I've only been at it less than two months. It probably takes a lot longer than that to see results."
Xania could feel that one cum gob dripping down to her jawline. She worried it would drop if she didn't act, so she swiped it up. But she was right that she couldn't resist, and she fed it into her mouth. That made her blush.
Alan tried not to react to that, but he couldn't help but grin.
She pointed at him, and growled, "Don't you dare say a word!"
He kept grinning, but kept silent, and held his hands up defensively.
Trying to move on from her cum eating, she put her hand to his face and gingerly caressed his bruises on his cheeks and nose. "You want to talk to me about your school problems? You just got these wounds today? I'm happy to talk to you about anything, anytime, free of charge. We could do it in an informal way right here."
"I'd love that, but the game's going to resume in a couple of minutes. Tonight is a time for fun. You have your overnight bags. Will you be around tomorrow? Why don't we talk some time tomorrow instead? I actually have a lot to get off of my mind."
She nodded. "Sure. Glad to help."
He kept a poker face, but thought, She's going to be spending the night? Sweet! I'm gonna be boning her for sure later tonight!
He'd noticed that she was still constantly fidgeting around, almost as if she really had to go to the bathroom. But he knew that couldn't be it, since there was nothing stopping her from using the bathroom if she wanted to. He put a hand on one of her slightly shifting hips, and asked, "Hey, relax. What's got you all jumpy?"
She tried to still herself. She lied, "Oh, nothing. I guess I'm just waiting for the game to resume." She thought, What am I supposed to tell him? That even this break isn't much of a break for me, because I'm so fucking horny all the time? Or that it's all I can do not to start fingering my pussy this very moment? Or that the way he's looking at my cummy face and nude body makes me want to scream?! FUCK! And now the game's going to start and things'll get even MORE arousing!
He'd kept his hand on her hip, and slowly traced a finger across her tummy. He swirled around her belly button, and then headed up. He wound up holding and caressing her left breast. He didn't say anything for some long moments, but then he commented, "You know, you're a very lovely woman."
Xania's pulse raced and her breathing quickened while she watched his hand explore her body.
Then he slowly drew the fingers of that hand up higher. Chills ran down her spine when he lightly brushed her neck. He finally wound up holding her just below her chin. He looked her closely in her eyes, and said, "I like you without glasses. But then again, I like you with glasses too."
She was so aroused that not only were her hips wiggling around, but her breasts started to heave up and down in a very obvious way. She thought, Dammit, and dammit again! Why is this kid having such an effect on me?! I'm the worldly wise and jaded one here. Hell, when I started college, he hadn't even been BORN yet! And yet ... the way he looks at me and touches me ... it's like it's just assumed that he possesses me totally! Fuuuuccck!
She muttered, "Thanks." Then she suddenly broke away from his touch. "I should go clean up before the game starts again."
He nodded.
She hurried off towards the bathroom. She felt even more flustered and aroused.
By and by, each person took a turn in the bathroom cleaning off sweat and cum. The only exception to that was Brenda, who still wasn't allowed to get clean.
Xania was the last one to freshen up. She was glad that she could wash the remnants of cum from her face. She also was very happy to thoroughly clean the cum smears off her glasses and then put them over her eyes again. With that done, she seriously started to consider if she'd have time to secretly masturbate to orgasm. Even though she'd had a lot of big orgasms recently, she hoped one more might help her body calm down.
But Susan had been surreptitiously keeping an eye on Xania and Brenda throughout the break. She was looking for any opportunity to help facilitate their "taming." When she saw an obviously highly flustered and aroused Xania head to the lower bathroom, she followed. Then, when Xania didn't come out in the usual amount of time, she knocked on the door. "Xania, are you in there? We're all gathering in the living room."
Xania tried to sound cheery. "Okay. I'm coming." But she took her hands off her privates, and thought, Dammit again! Talk about terrible timing. But I'm NOT cumming. There's no way I'll have time now. FUCK! It's like there's some kind of sexy conspiracy keeping me totally horny all the time, even during the break.
She hadn't been serious about her "sexy conspiracy" comment, but it was more accurate than she realized, especially considering what Susan was doing.
Chapter 2When the group reassembled, there was no sign of clothing anywhere, unless one counted the high heels and glasses. Even Alan took his T-shirt off again to get naked from head to toe. Everyone had calmed down a bit, but that wasn't likely to last for long, especially since the women were all getting quite drunk.
Alan declined having a penis tender for the first hand, so his dick could recover a little longer. He won the hand, and said, "For my dare, I say we bring back the Susan tit tender idea. And Xania, now that your hands are free, I'm making you the tender."
Both Xania and Susan were very happy about that. Nobody else realized it, but Alan happened to be looking at Susan and Suzanne when they'd been whispering about Xania's bisexual tendencies shortly before the break. Normally, he would have been too far away to hear what they were saying, but he'd watched their lips as he listened carefully, and he'd understood the gist of the discussion. So he thought, correctly, that putting them together would make them both very happy.
Xania was actually a bit frustrated. She'd been hoping that she could just play cards for a while and get a much needed respite from the non-stop sexiness, since the break hadn't been much of a sexual break for her at all. Instead, only a minute after being foiled from getting to masturbate in the bathroom, she was presented with Susan's naked body, which she'd been craving in a big way since pretending to be Susan's psychologist up in L.A.
Xania couldn't turn down the opportunity. She was very good at handling boobs. She began kneading and fondling from behind, with an enjoyable alternating mixture of roughness and gentleness. She knew exactly what to do since she'd been keeping an eye on what others were doing to Susan.
Susan was downright giddy. At first, she submissively pinned her arms behind her back, mostly because she didn't trust that she could control her hands.
But soon, even though the dare was for Xania to "tend" Susan's great G-cups, Susan couldn't help fondling Xania's G-cups as well. She did so wordlessly and furtively, as if she was worried the others would "bust" her at any moment.
Not surprisingly, Xania didn't try to stop her, even though, again, she was almost upset at how everything that was happening seemed designed to drive her out of her mind with lust.
As Susan hefted Xania's breasts with both hands, she thought, Wow! Just ... wow! They're so soft, and bouncy, and ... delightful. And big! So big! Dear Lord, you spoil me with all this titty bounty. Tiger, please, tame this woman, and fast! I can picture so many sexy things. Like peeking into Tiger's bedroom and finding Suzanne and Xania naked, kneeling, and sucking cock together, and then stripping my clothes off and joining in. Three tongues from three G-cup ladies on one big fat cock. That's the kind of service my studly son deserves. Nay, demands!
Or, having Xania spend the night ... in my bed! With my Tiger! We could play 'Hide the Sausage in the Tit Meat Sandwich' game, and so much more. Soon, my son will be fucking me, and of course he'll be fucking her. He'd fuck both of us all night long, so that when the morning came, we'd have to call Angel and Amy in to take care of his mighty, unstoppable boner for a while, until our poor, banged-up pussies could recover. Mmmm! I can feel it down in my hot cunt. I can almost really feel my son fucking me, for real! It's so exciting! Being a big-titted, cock-loving mommy is the BEST!
Alan was watching Susan and Xania fondle each other more often than not, and the sight inspired him so much that he felt his penis finally engorge. So, before the next hand started, he announced, "I'm ready for more penis tending. Let's say that whoever wins this hand gets the job for the next few hands."
Brenda asked, "What if you win?"
"Then I guess I'll just have to masturbate. No, just kidding. I don't know; it's a good point. I guess I'll sit out this round."
For once, all the women were highly focused on the game. Xania and Susan even temporarily stopped their tit fondling.
Suzanne won the hand. She was so happy at winning the penis tender job that she clapped her hands with glee. She even taunted the others, both verbally and by flashing her cards around. "Look at those cards! Would you look at those cards? Face! Who's your daddy? Ha!"
Suddenly she got sheepish, and thought, What's happening to me? God, I'm getting close to losing it again. It's this competitive environment, I think. I need to be the one who remains in control. Who knows what kind of opportunities will arrive this evening for me to advance my position? I need to stay sober enough to exploit them. Calm. Breathe. Count to ten...
But Suzanne was drunk on lust, plus some alcohol. Her attempts to stay calm didn't last long. She sat in Alan's lap and got busy stroking. But she didn't stop there. She blew in his ear as she whispered sweet nothings, and generally used the sexy seduction techniques that she did better than anyone else.
Many of her whispered comments were about Xania or Brenda, since she understood the lure of the new. For instance, she cooed, "You know, when Xania and I were roommates in college, we had separate bedrooms, but that was just for show. Usually I'd fall asleep with her face in my crotch, or my face in hers. God, her tongue!"
She accented her comment by licking his ear, since her mouth was right next to it already. "But you know all about that, don't you? I saw the way she was wrapping it around your cock. Just imagine her tongue and my tongue, licking and sucking on either side."
She began licking up and down the sensitive nape of his neck to show just how she'd treat her side of his shared cock. Then she added, "By the way, have I mentioned what the nickname for her tongue was? The Snake!"
Alan gulped at that. "What was the nickname for yours?"
Suzanne just chuckled playfully. She tickled his side, and purred, "Wouldn't you like to know?"
He groaned lustily. Oh, man! I'll bet her name was something snake-like too, like the Python or the Anaconda. The two of them together? It would be freaking unreal!
Then, as she stroked his cock and balls with both hands, she whispered, "Of course, Brenda only has a normal-sized tongue. But that's just about the only normal thing about her. I'm not even going to talk about her J-cups. J! Do they even make bras that big? But think about the rest of her. Her cute face, her bubble butt, her constantly soaked and oh-so-hot cunt ... But the best thing of all is her attitude. She adores you! She can't wait to submit to you, to SERVE you! Can you picture her naked and kneeling, BEGGING to serve, BEGGING for you to ride her and drill her to your heart's desire? Well, get used to that sight, because you're going to be seeing her do that a lot!"
He moaned and groaned even louder. Suzanne had only been tending him a couple of minutes, and already he was nearing the cusp of cumming.
Going for the kill, she added in her sultry, scratchy voice, "And you know the best thing of all? You've got a sexy mommy and auntie who not only don't mind you fucking the likes of Brenda and Xania, but can't wait to be there and watch and join in! You lucky bastard!"
Then she shut him up by kissing his mouth. They necked for a long time.
Suzanne took on her penis tending role with gusto. She thought she'd done almost everything sexually she could do when it came to stroking him, but she did something she'd never done before. She stroked his cock in very long strokes with both hands from top to bottom, and with each stroke she exaggeratedly lifted and dropped her entire body in time to the strokes. The chief effect was to cause her tits to bounce nearly as wildly as Brenda's had done earlier.
Chapter 3She sat on Alan's knee so she could slide her wet pussy along his leg, just as Brenda and Xania did earlier. Plus, her tits were constantly bouncing inches from Alan's face and repeatedly slapping into his chest. She'd never done this kind of thing before because it seemed so juvenile and undignified to her, but she didn't care anymore. She just knew both of them were having a lot of sexy fun.
Somehow, Alan continued to take part in the poker game, as did Suzanne. Both of them only checked their cards the bare minimum amount necessary, and usually had their hands full of each other instead. Yet, Alan went on a lucky streak, winning four hands in a row.
Susan, though, seemed to see each victory as a further sign of his sexual prowess and all-around invincibility. Brenda caught on to this as well and before long the two of them were nearly orgasmic every time he announced another victory.
Alan used his dares to hand out vibrators, so everyone could be enjoying themselves all the time, even when they weren't part of a dare. He personally inserted them into Katherine, Amy, and Susan. Each woman came to him and all but planted her ass in his face, so he could do the insertion with Suzanne still in his lap.
Xania was the fourth one to get a vibrator. Alan could see that there wasn't much need to give her one to keep her horny, because Xania and Susan were still having great fun with each other. Susan considered Suzanne the chief enforcer of the rules (since she herself wasn't doing much of that tonight), and since Suzanne was so preoccupied with Alan, Susan had gotten bolder and bolder running her hands all over Xania's fit and firm body. The two of them hardly spoke to each other, and they refrained from kissing, but there was a lot of erotic non-verbal communication going on.
Xania was still having fun playing her prudish role, so she put on a big show of protesting. "Alan, you expect me to put this thing inside my most private place? I'm telling you I most certainly will NOT do it. I draw the line here."
He replied, "I don't expect YOU to do it. Come over here." As an aside, he said to Suzanne, who was still perched on his leg, "Stop bouncing for a sec."
Suzanne responded by melting into him and giving him another big French kiss (while continuing to jack him off, of course). He tightly clutched her bare ass cheeks, pulling her in closer.
Xania sauntered over to him and handed him the black vibrator that Amy had just given her. She just stood there above him, and asked, "What am I supposed to do now?"
He replied, "Bend over with your ass up close to my face, and grab your ankles. Then maintain that pose while I put it in."
She already knew what he'd say, since she'd just heard and seen how Katherine, Amy, and Susan had been given their vibrators. But still, she put her hands on her hips, and complained, "That's outrageous! This time, you go too far!"
He thought, I love it when Xania gets angry. She looks extra sexy, with her narrow, intense gaze. So passionate! Especially since I know she's faking. At least, I'm pretty sure she is. He told her, "What happened to 'When in Rome' and all that? Are you going to act like one of us, or are you going to chicken out?"
She glared at him with genuine irritation. "I am NOT happy about this!" But she turned around and clutched at her ankles. She further complained, "This seems terribly unfair. It's like we're all just here for your sexual pleasure." But she made a point of keeping her legs stiff and spread wide. And she wiggled her ass like she couldn't wait for him to put his hands on it.
Leaving the vibrator on the sofa for now, he put both hands on her ass and started caressing her muscular ass cheeks. But her pussy in between attracted more of his interest. He swiped a finger right along her slit, making her tremble. He pointed out, "You say that, but look at your pussy. It's really red and engorged. And wet! It's absolutely soaked." He continued to run his finger through her wet lips, even poking in from time to time.
Xania moaned loudly. She knew her moans sounded extremely erotic, but she couldn't help that. She thought, FUCK ME! He seems to find new ways of humiliating me, but this is the absolute worst! And, of course, everyone else is watching! I might as well die of shame!
With the others, Alan had done all the fondling and inserting himself. But now he said to Suzanne, "Hey, check this out." He guided one of Suzanne's hands to Xania's ass. Then he said to her, "Check out how wet she is. Or is it just me?"
Suzanne gleefully ran her fingers through Xania's wet cunt. She said, "No, it's not just you. She's very, very wet. Xania, I think you protest too much. For instance, let's look at your clitoris. It's unhooded, red, and very erect." Suzanne started pinching and playing with Xania. She knew just want aroused her most, due to their years in college.
Xania whimpered helplessly. Fuuuuuuuck me! Fuck, fuck, fuck! They're going to make me cum, again!
Suzanne was so interested in Xania's pussy and ass that she took her hand off Alan's boner to temporarily focus on Xania.
Alan picked up the vibrator, which was a particularly big one, and pulled Xania's pussy lips open with the fingers on his other hand. Then he slowly pushed the vibrator in her pussy.
Meanwhile, Suzanne kept on diddling Xania's clit, and generally caressing her ass cheeks.
Xania wasn't religious, but she prayed for this "ordeal" to end quickly, before she had a huge orgasm that would possibly cause her to tumble to the floor. Her face burned red with embarrassment, and her hair brushed against the carpet. She kept her eyes shut tight so she wouldn't have to see the upside-down craziness.
She was so wet that it slid in easily. She said in a quiet voice, "Oh." She wiggled her hips around, and then with a bit more erotic delight in her voice, repeated, "Oh ... Oh my!"
Not surprisingly, Alan didn't stop there. He slowly pushed the vibrator in and out.
But that was more than Xania could handle. She cried out, "Please! No! I beg you! Too much!"
He sensed that she was a hair's breadth from a massive climax, and that would be precarious with her hands still gripping her ankles. So he said, "Okay, it's in. You're done."
Xania was surprised by the act of mercy. Instead of standing up, she knelt. It seemed the safest thing to do when she feared practically any movement at all would trip her over the orgasmic edge.
But she didn't get a chance to recover, because Suzanne ran a hand down her bare back, and said, "I think you should thank Alan for giving you a break there, and for the big, black gift. Why don't you turn around and kiss him?"
Xania had to take some deep breaths and try to calm herself before she could even turn around. But she did. She whispered, "Thank you." Then she leaned forward and gave Alan a peck on the cheek.
Suzanne complained, "Not like that! Sheesh! I mean a real kiss ... on his cock!"
Xania looked to Alan's lap and saw that Suzanne had resumed jacking him off. But she'd also pointed his hard-on up and out so it was aimed right at her.
Xania whimpered again, and then bent down. Her plan was to make it quick so she could escape and recover. But she was so far gone with lusty desire that a kiss on the top of his cockhead turned into another, and then another. Before long, she'd engulfed his entire cockhead and started fervently bobbing on it!
She'd closed her eyes again in an attempt to lessen her shame. But then she heard Katherine exclaim, "Now, that's what I call a good kiss!" Then she heard Katherine, Amy, and others giggle at that. That doubled her blushing embarrassment, and quadrupled her desire to suck.
But she had to pull off a short time later, because she was so extremely aroused that she was genuinely dizzy, and she was panting so hard that it seemed like she was running out of oxygen.
She started to staggered back to her chair, but then she realized that Susan was there, and that was too arousing a prospect to contemplate too. So instead she headed to an unoccupied sofa and flopped down on it. She sat with her legs closed as much as possible and both hands over her groin, trying to keep some dignity.
But Alan said, "What are you hiding there? Do you know that's the Mr. Excitement dildo in you? It's becoming something of a family heirloom. Sit up on the sofa and spread your legs. Let's see what you have there." Obviously, he knew what she had since he'd just put it in, but he wanted to put her on the spot in front of everyone. He correctly guessed that she was near an orgasmic breaking point, and embarrassing public exposure really turned her on, probably enough to trigger her release.
Xania did what he asked, even as she mumbled, "This is so demeaning!" In fact, she purposely sat up on her heels and spread her knees wide, presenting an even more lewd sight that Alan had hoped for. The Mr. Excitement dildo, which was actually a vibrator, whirred and twirled on its own.
The room was dead quiet, since the music had stopped playing a long time ago. Xania kept her eyes tightly shut and managed to at least calm her breathing some. But she still felt like her entire body was on fire. If anything, she was getting hotter and hotter, knowing that everyone else was watching her expose herself like this.
She complained with passionate exasperation, "Alan, do you have some kind of magical powers?! How do you get all these centerfold-perfect women to obey your every command? Even I can't stop! I'm so fucking horny! So. Fucking. HORNY!"
She didn't seriously think Alan had any magical powers, but she really did want to know his secret. She'd been extraordinarily aroused all evening long, and she could tell it was no fluke. This kind of seemingly endless sexual ecstasy obviously happened in the Plummer house a lot, to everyone involved. She knew a sense of competition amongst the women was a part of it, but it didn't explain all of it.
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Faculty parties are always a good way to make friends when ou start a degree in a city you just moved itthat was his pitch to get me at his faculty partywell i tought it wasbut this faculty had some pretty weird secret group who every semester , had this scheme going onI wasnt the only white guy , we were 4 when my floor neighbor and me got at the partybut no girls were there yet only some black guys friends of my next door dorm neighbor Alex I was i the living room talking with a white guy...
there is this girl name well lets just call her amy incase she ever finds out a bout me puting this up here she is a friend of mine and she lives a street over from me a bit on the chubby side thats ok iam big aswell and like all girls well last night after i got off of here to lay down for bed a round 2am this morring i just could not sleep so i said i think i will talk a walk to gas stayion to get some pepsi to drink and maybe a few slim jims well amy was siting on her steps as i went...
"Well, well, well.... will you look at who it is.." I hear this every morning when i go to school... its the boy cheerleader.. yepp and i hear it from the star quarterback on the high school football team.... with his friends that are right behind him laughing... What is it. Well if you be really nice i will let you watch us in the shower after the championship game ok.... let me let you guys in on a secret... the quarterbacks name is Matt... and he is the ultimate ladies man.....
Introduction: Sarah 9 this is a dark fantasie of my own, this story is not for the weak minded so please dont read it if you dont like young rape and dark fantasies. My name is Sarah, I have long auburn hair hazel green eyes Im 5ft1 short and slim with pale white skin and freckles on my cheeks and arms. I was 9 when my life utterly changed. My family was moving to Toronto from Montreal, we were listening to led zeppelin of course my dads favorite band when the moving truck spun out of control...
I was always told to stay out of trouble. Ever since growing up I always made sure of that. I had just turned 18 a few months before and was walking home from a mates birthday. I was on cloud nine having just arranged a date with a very attractive girl. I couldnt control my emotions as I skipped down the street. I guess if I was thinking better I would have chosen a better way to walk home. But I didnt.I took the mistake of walking through the park, then the council estate. Bridging the two was...
I hope that someone reads this and in someway understands its a true story the reason i tell it is to hopefully find like minded people . I grew up in east london with 6 aunts and one uncle .I must have been about 8 years old when it all began . i came in from school early this day went upstairs as i always did i heard music playing on a radio in my nans kitchen i looked through crack in the door and saw my aunt getting ready for work instead of walking away i kept watching she was w****d in a...
I ask if you want me to help you out with that situation, but of course you say, "no, I can handle myself." (We're not really at the point in our relationship where we can just have sex together all the time) I ask if I can watch you do your thing while I do mine. You say, yes, as you throw the blanket back and pull off your sweats and panties, I can totally see your dark, wet lips glistening in the light. I just finished giving you a back rub and rubbing on your big brown booty, squeezing your...
Married.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Sixes and SevensChapter 16Copyright© 2018 by Always Raining
Peter – My First OrgasmI don’t know when I actually started to wank as opposed to just playing with myself but my first orgasm really sticks in my memory.In the 60s when I was 13, my family moved to a small country town. I had lost all my new secondary school friends and was desperate to find some new ones. Trouble is in a small town you have to take what you find as many of your school friends of your own age will be dotted over the countryside. In my street I became friends with two other...
Is my girl to much of a slut?!live_your_dream48 is it a good or a bad when the woman u build up a life with is a real sexfreak? Well on one side its great to have plenty of sex all the time and that she always horny and that her pussy is as wet as a waterslide. Can a girl be to sluty in your guys opinions? Even tho Its a strange feeling that probaly alot of your friends banged her. On one side it really turns me on her slutty ways, and it doenst matter to me, even tho she would fuck like 500...
My periods were due, so I was feeling on edge and figety, in the mood for a fight equalled by the need for love, physical love, the rough hard type that makes you yearn to be taken and subdued. I made straight for the park when the bell rang, leaving all my friends behind. I needed to be alone, to sit and wait to see if someone, anyone will arrive and do it. I picked a spot close to the bushes and up and away from the walkway, so people walking would be at a distance, and I could be left alone...
Im bored so i thought id write a short story about a slut wife.Sarah is a slut. Theres no other way of saying it, shes a cock hungry slut. Everybody knows about her slutty ways except her husband. Theres only 2 things that sarah works hard at, 1: getting fucked and 2: making sure her husband has no idea.She was a slut from the first time she got fucked in school. She and her boyfriend skipped a class and had sex for the first time in a toilet. From that moment on sarah was addicted to cock. If...
My periods were due, so I was feeling on edge and figety, in the mood for a fight equalled by the need for love, physical love, the rough hard type that makes you yearn to be taken and subdued.I made straight for the park when the bell rang, leaving all my friends behind. I needed to be alone, to sit and wait to see if someone, anyone will arrive and do it.I picked a spot close to the bushes and up and away from the walkway, so people walking would be at a distance, and I could be left alone to...
Bang-galore… One evening wid Pari… (Dont miss this 1) By: Aneesh (Bangalore) Well friends I had been planning to write this weekend but something forced me to do this. I am Aneesh and I had been writing stories off late due to 3 reasons. One I am hornier as age passes. Two I am single and looking for a girl who is ok to my lusty style to settle down and also beautiful and ready to fuck any time any hole any position. Three, I thought I will meet some more gals over the web. To tell the truth I...
i just came home from my prom i was wearing a blue prom dress, i walked into the house after saying night to my boyfriend, i walked in trough the door when somebody put their hand over my mouth and was taken the the main room, where i see my dad beaten up,their is a man holding a baseball bat, he is demanding money. my father tells them where the money is, thier is none, he turns to me and says, either you tell me where the money is or i will kill your daughter, he walks over to me, and says...
i just came home from my prom i was wearing a blue prom dress, i walked into the house after saying night to my boyfriend, i walked in trough the door when somebody put their hand over my mouth and was taken the the main room, where i see my dad beaten up,their is a man holding a baseball bat, he is demanding money. my father tells them where the money is, thier is none, he turns to me and says, either you tell me where the money is or i will kill your daughter, he walks over to me, and says...
Theres only 2 things that sarah works hard at, 1: getting fucked and 2: making sure her husband has no idea. She was a slut from the first time she got fucked in school. She and her boyfriend skipped a class and had sex for the first time in a toilet. From that moment on sarah was addicted to cock. If it meant boyfriends leaving her she didnt care, she just had to have cocks fucking her and either filling her or covering her in cum. Her first boyfriend left her when he found out that she...
very sexy i just came home from my prom i was wearing a blue prom dress, i walked into the house after saying night to my boyfriend, i walked in trough the door when somebody put their hand over my mouth and was taken the the main room, where i see my dad beaten up, their is a man holding a baseball bat, he is demanding money. my father tells them where the money is, thier is none, he turns to me and says, either you tell me where the money is or i will kill your daughter, he walks over to me,...
IncestThanks to S for inspiration. As I slide the shower door closed behind me I feel the first needle-like jets of hot water brush my back. I turn into the water, closing my eyes and lifting my face up towards the source. Already the steam is building up in the bathroom and I fill my lungs with the warmth. It seems a shame to be washing her scent from my face, I can taste her in my mouth, still smell her delicate musk in my nostrils from where I buried my face in her, drinking her in. It hadn’t been...
Adam stepped off the school bus, walked through the driveway and entered his home. He threw his school bag onto the floor and stomped his way upstairs, tired and fed up due to yet another boring day in high school. They do nothing but pile work on top of you in senior year. He barged through his bedroom door and slammed it shut behind him and it was then that he found it. Laying there on his bed was a stopwatch, placed right in the centre. "Mom?!" Adam called. "What?!" his mother replied from...
Mind ControlEdited by Dave Lori was sitting alone in the small conference room waiting for her partner. She had the big monitor plugged into her laptop and was doing a little online window shopping before their meeting. Eventually, she heard the door open and her business partner, Brent, take a chair to her right and in back of her. "You're late," she said without turning around. "There was an accident coming down this morning." "Sounds like you stayed in Lahaina and needed one last blowjob this...
Sam sat in silence, allowing him the space to think, and within the silence, he gained perspective and understanding of his own reaction to the sudden suggestion from his business partner. He pondered over the task he would be faced with, and the workload, the overtime needed and its effect on Sam. Julie couldn’t cope with his long hours, and he wondered if Sam could. Now settled in the living room, side by side on the sofa, Sam remained silent, and Aidan knew the depth of self-control she...
I was traveling down a very popular roadway in my college town, when I spotted this handsome young man in a pair of short pants jogging along the sidewalk. I quickly turned my car around and approached this magnificent young nubile body and watched as his butt bounced and muscles in his legs tighten and relax. The young thing went on to the local high school athletic field, I found an entrance and park. I got out and went over to the fence and watched as this beauty jogged around the quarter...
I was traveling down a very popular roadway in my college town, when I spotted this handsome young man in a pair of short pants jogging along the sidewalk. I quickly turned my car around and approached this magnificent young nubile body and watched as his butt bounced and muscles in his legs tighten and relax. The young thing went on to the local high school athletic field, I found an entrance and park. I got out and went over to the fence and watched as this beauty jogged around the quarter...
The Stopwatch "So, here is the way this will work," she said matter-of-factly. "I will start the stopwatch when you enter me and you have to hold back from cumming for 30 seconds, or else you then have to eat me out! Deal?" "I think I can do that," I replied with some trepidation. I'm not sure when the last time was that I actually lasted as long as 30 seconds, but I was going to do my best to get there. "OK, before we start, I want you naked," she said. I disrobed and stood in...
Late at night, Susan found herself dreaming. In the dream, she was wearing the same French maid outfit that she'd worn after losing the bet with Suzanne. She was cleaning the dining room table when Alan came in, dressed in his usual T-shirt and shorts, and sat down next to her. "Nice outfit," he said as he reached out with one hand and caressed her nearest butt cheek. Since in her dream Susan was wearing neither panties nor a bra, his fingers found nothing but firm yet somehow soft...
Another problem Alan had was that he'd forgotten just how far away Stephanie's lingerie and sex shop was. It had been chosen precisely because it wasn't the closest sex shop around, so there was less of a chance of running into someone they knew. (Unfortunately, other people used that same logic, which is why even Christine had gone there.) He knew it would take about another fifteen minutes to get there, even driving fast, so he consoled himself that he should make it there by six...
At his door stood, a life-size replica of the most exquisite porcelain doll, complete with alabaster skin, slender limbs and a childish curve to a figure that looked like it barely made it on time for puberty. A porcelain doll with way too much eyeliner on. He paused. And not enough clothes, apparently. Her cropped tee and denim shorts covered just enough to push a man’s imagination into overdrive. His eyes lingered on the gentle slope of her chest where (he assumed) her breasts must lie. ...
Alan had gone to sleep quite late, due to all his homework. It was nearly three in the morning when he finally went to bed, and he fell asleep instantly. Normally he was quite a deep sleeper, especially when he was so tired, so he was surprised to wake up a short time later. He was even more surprised to realize that he wasn't alone. He could tell it was Katherine merely by her smell, but he opened his eyes and looked at her body in the darkness just to be sure. He couldn't see any more...
I wrote this as a new style of writing, it is not my normal genre. Please read it with an open and accepting mind. Thank you. The cool night of early summer had set in fast as I walked home from work. My feet aching and my thighs burning from standing stationary all day helped the short walk seem longer. With my book tucked under my arm, my M&Ms in my hand and the night thick around me, I studied my surroundings carefully as I came off the main sidewalk and entered the apartment complex. ...
By : Gupta.Prem760 Hi readers, this is Prem prakash Gupta from Punjab. This is my first story and is a true story. You people don’t believe that now I am 63 years old and this homosexual experience is my first one which happened about two months back. About me I am 63 years old retired teacher. I am a dark and still active baniya. My height is 5.7”, average built. I always remained sex maniac, but always thought about females and always had sex experience with females only. Though I didn’t...
Gay MaleHecate was so excited! She was finally going to meet Katie McN. H could hardly believe that Katie would be able to arrange for the Space Shuttle to land at Heathrow just to pick her up and take her to Texas. And yet, here she was landing at Midland International Airport at the start of her exciting adventure. H was the only passenger on the Shuttle this trip. So, she was able to sit up front in the copilot's chair for the entire flight. How wonderful! When the shuttle finally landed at...
Copyright© Russell Hoisington 2005 This here tale is an eeerotic fantasy of the humorous variety which I done writ in the vernackulary style of th' area where it all took place. So, if'n you don't speak Redneck, y'all are gonna be lost, 'n' y'all got my deepest sympathies fer bein' so poorly educated. The characters, cept'n for th' famous eeerotic writer cmsix 'n' the briefly mentioned eeerotic writer Naive, 'n' the situation are purely th' product of my overactive imagination....
Ready for Desi XNXX porn, aka Desi52, aka Desi49? As a lifelong fan of pornography, I’ve always thought India should put out more of the stuff. They’ve got one of the highest populations in the world, which means more people to fuck on camera. Still, it was downright impossible to find Desi smut in most parts of the world before the Internet. Sites like Desi XNXX aka Desi XNXX 2 make it a hell of a lot easier than a random shitty Indian sex (or is set up like...
Indian Porn SitesWhat the fuck is Mzansi XXX? I’ll be honest; as an American, I had no idea what to expect when I got the link in my inbox this morning. Pardon my ignorance, but even after seeing all the amateur ebony porn on the front page, I still had to google Mzansi. Language is a funny thing, so the first definition I got was “a low-cost national banking account.” The deposits and withdrawals I’m seeing are all semen and cock, with no money exchanging hands, so I don’t think that’s what they’re referencing...
Black Porn SitesA few minutes later, the phone rang again. As Susan went to answer it, she grumbled, "What does Brenda want now? Do I have to walk her through ANOTHER fantasy blowjob? Good grief!" But it turned out to be one of Susan's cousins, living in Chicago. That was a real cold slap of reality for her. That cousin, like almost everyone else in Susan's extended family, was very religious and uptight. Susan was grateful that for once she was actually fully dressed, more or less - she quickly...
After Suzanne left to make dinner at her own house, Katherine, Susan, and Alan continued to hang out. Once again, Alan was driven to distraction by the clothing, or lack thereof, on Katherine and Susan. Eventually, Susan insisted to Katherine, "With dinner coming up, I must insist you at least wear something to cover up your privates." Katherine griped, "And are you gonna keep on wearing that erotic apron?" Susan sounded indignant. "No, I'm going to change into something else too....
"Sheesh! That Brenda is too much." Katherine was lying on Amy in the middle of Katherine's bed. They were both still naked after spending a long time shaving each other's pussies and "checking for bumps." Their dildos had gotten a lot of use as well. "Yeah." Amy was feeling sleepy after her big orgasm a few minutes earlier. Her eyes were closed and she was in no mood to move or talk much. Katherine was feeling sleepy as well, since she too was floating after a nice orgasm, but she...
Early the next morning, Alan woke as usual to damp, sticky bed sheets. He jacked off in bed, then took his shower where he jacked off yet again. Suzanne came into his room shortly after that, dressed in normal clothing. She closed the door and whispered to him, "Sweetie, I'm not here, okay? Let's be very quiet because your mother would get mad at me, and right now she's down in the dining room. But I thought I should risk it, because your father will be arriving soon, so this might be the...
Friday at school, Alan was impatient and distracted, as was par for the course lately. All he could think about was the prospect of Suzanne giving him another handjob later that afternoon. He didn't realize that she was planning something new, even though she'd dropped some not-very-subtle hints about it. Suzanne and Susan continued their ritual of talking about their dreams and recent sexual experiences while doing their morning workouts. Susan had handjobs and blowjobs on her mind to...
Back at school, Glory still had one Televibe vibrator in her pussy and a smaller egg-shaped one in her ass. The cell phone allowed Alan to remotely control the vaginal vibrator with the press of a single button in his pocket. He'd put the Televibe to good use during the first two breaks between classes, but during the break between third and fourth periods he'd had an unpleasant run in with Heather. All of his troubles with her put him in a bad mood, so now that his fourth-period class...
Susan was busy cleaning the kitchen when she heard the front door open and close. "Honey, I'm home!" Suzanne shouted. That was a bit of a joke to herself, acting as if she were the father in some 1950s sitcom of domestic suburban bliss coming home after a long day of work. Susan rushed to the front foyer and gave Suzanne a big smile followed by an even bigger kiss on the lips. She loved the way Suzanne was dressed in a formal yet sexy way, as usual, and was wearing seductive perfume,...
Susan and Suzanne continued their usual morning workout tradition on Tuesday morning. However, Suzanne had added an exciting new component: before, after, or sometimes even during their exercise session, they would talk about their sexual dreams from the night before, as well as detail any arousing experiences during the previous day that the other might have missed. Susan was generally very honest in her accounts, although sometimes there were dreams or parts of dreams that she was just...
The next day started out like a relatively sex-free day for Alan, by his recent standards. Nothing sexual whatsoever happened at home before school, except for his erotic dreams and what he did in private. He masturbated once before he got out of bed, but it was almost like a chore, done purely to help him reach his daily target. Because Ron was there for breakfast, there was no chance of even enjoying any "visual stimulation." And his school day was almost like any other school day, but...
Alan's euphoric mood began to change on the drive over to Dr. Fredrickson's office. With Susan and Suzanne out of his sight, his thoughts began to drift back to Glory and all the troubles there. Not only did that make him feel bad, but his great time with the 38G duo made him feel guilty that he had somehow ignored Glory's feelings, and that made him feel even worse. He felt as if he'd cheated on her. Man, I suck. It's only been, like, an hour! Geez! Just an hour or so since I heard the...
A Bad Girl to Good Boy Story: Chrissie to Chris to Christopher By Trapper Jock McIntyre Chrissie Latham sat pouting as the Greyhound bus trundled down the highway. As she stared out the window she had a hard time imagining anything like what she was seeing. There were no malls, no McDonalds, no nothing. Just miles and miles of wheat and corn and cows. She couldn't imagine what she had done to deserve such a fate. She was being banished from her friends, from shopping, from...
Katherine waited eagerly for Suzanne, wondering why she was late. Suzanne had said she would get to her by six and it was already past the appointed hour. Suzanne quietly knocked on Katherine's bedroom door and led her to the bathroom attached to the master bedroom. (Suzanne preferred it over the nearer bathroom because she knew the bathtub was much roomier.) She'd half expected to see Susan sleeping in her bed, since she knew Susan had rushed to her bedroom not long before, but there was...
Alan came to with a start. It felt like he'd only closed his eyes for a few seconds, but he realized he must have been out for a while. He reflexively sat up in bed, worried that he'd let too much time pass and that this once-in-a-lifetime evening was already over. Only after he'd started to bolt up did he realize that his body had been snuggled up against his mother's, and that he'd had an arm draped over her. He hoped he hadn't woken her up with his quick movement, but it was too...
Susan and Suzanne were upstairs in Susan's bedroom getting dressed. Alan had given them ten minutes to get ready before his big announcement, so they were moving with speed and a sense of purpose. They had conferred briefly over what clothes to change into, and had mutually decided to wear dresses that were regal and fancy, but also sexy and revealing. Fortunately, a lot of Suzanne's clothes had found their way into Susan's closet over the previous two months. After having decided on...
After a remarkable Tuesday, Alan figured he needed to take it easy for a while. As he awoke, visions of the previous day flooded his thoughts. Between the memories of fucking Heather and getting repeatedly blown by his mother, his penis was hard in seconds. He recalled his mother's "cock hungry alarm clock" treatment, and looked around his room, half-expecting to see her there. But he found himself alone. He remained in his bed and waited until his penis had calmed down before leaving...
Day 76: Saturday, November 30 Chapter 1 (Saturday, Nov. 30) Suzanne stood in the middle of the living room. She stretched her body this way and that, as if she were limbering up for her daily exercises. Alan had just left, but she was still smiling from what they had done together. God, what a night! So much sex! So much love! It's exactly what I hoped for and expected. If her screaming was any indication, I gather he rocked Angel's world just as hard as he rocked mine. I just hope he has...