Office Texting 2 Scheduling
- 2 years ago
- 34
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Actually Mom's idea of getting to be early was just the opposite of what we needed. We were all for getting to bed early, but instead of trying to get to sleep on the off chance that I would be able to bridge Angela again, I felt my best chance would actually be to stay up as long as possible and sleep the next day. In the week that she had been missing my only successful attempt, not counting the near miss this morning, had been in the middle of the day. Granted I didn't know she was actually missing the first four days, but looking back I think I would certainly have felt her distress even if I wasn't looking for her.
So I think Mom and Dad were a little surprised to see us all up watching a movie when they came home. They didn't actually say anything, just gave us a general round of hugs goodnight, but I could tell Mom was wondering what was going on. Rather than let her wonder I explained my concerns.
"So far the only time Angela has even been on the dream map was early this morning and then again this afternoon, so rather than try and get to sleep early on the off chance I might run into her, I decided to play the odds and try to reach her during the day. I think he's been keeping her up nights mostly to screw up her sleep patterns but there may be other reasons."
Suddenly Allison sat up on the couch and smacked herself in the forehead. "Oh course! Stupid, stupid, stupid. It's so obvious. Jimmy, of course there are other reasons. He doesn't want to draw attention to himself. He probably works during the day! Rebecca said something about checking the local cable companies and others that might have drivers in vans to see if anyone had suddenly disappeared or started calling in sick a lot. He's keeping his cover by going in as usual. I'll bet that's why you reached her. He wasn't there to wake her up."
"Then when is he sleeping?" Shannon asked. "I mean, if he's torturing Angela at night, and he works during the day, when does he sleep?"
Something clicked in the back of my brain. "That's a very interesting question, Shannon. And I think I may have the answer. If I'm right, it would answer or confirm several other questions and theories we've been wondering about. I need to talk to Bob about it but I think the answer is, he doesn't, at least not much."
"How is that possible?" Mom asked. "Everybody needs sleep."
"Yes, but not as much as some people think. The body is very adaptable. Sleep is basically a cleaning cycle for most of our systems, mental and physical. The physical can take care of itself in many ways, not as well, but it can get the job done. The mental side is totally different. The brain is more complex and therefore more delicate. Neglecting its needs can cause all kind of problems and imbalances. Insomnia is a recognized medical condition and affects people differently. More importantly, there are many documented cases of sleep dysfunction being a common side affect of different psychological problems."
"It would explain a lot," Allison said.
"Yeah, like why my contact with him is so unpredictable. Bob and I have suspected a mental illness for some time but it's not like we can call him in for a check up."
"So you'll all be staying up for awhile?" Dad asked.
"As much as possible yeah," I answered. "I know it's a long shot but if what we suspect is right then my chances of reaching her are much better during the day."
"Okay, try to keep it down; some of us have to work tomorrow."
They headed down the hall and we returned at least part of our attention to the movie. It was only a few minutes before Allison stopped it again.
"So, do you still think it's some kind of mental problem that's keeping you from bridging the killer directly, or just that he doesn't sleep much?" she asked.
"I think it's actually a little bit of both," I answered. "The not sleeping part would explain why my flashes from him are so intermittent. But even when I'm getting them I can't get to him, only watch. It's obvious the images are from him, but I can't interact with any of it. It's always been memories, and even those are more like watching television. It's not even like the girl in the closet where I'm sort of there with her. So, for now I don't think there is any reason to abandon the current theory of mental illness. It seems to fit."
"That's not true," Shannon said.
Allison and I both turned to look at her. "What's not true?" Allison asked.
"The part about only being able to watch like on television, what about the guy in the cell? You said you were in a hallway or something and could look in the window, or through the bars, or whatever it was, but you were in the scene."
She was right. Allison and I stared at each other for a second and then Allison hugged her. "Don't you ever tell me you're useless again, girlfriend. It's just like I keep telling you. You see things we don't. You ask questions we don't think about."
"You mean I'm right? I was just asking..."
"Yes," I interrupted, "you were just asking... the perfect question, as usual. One that I, we, should have thought of before. I was in the scene, even if it looked like I was on the outside looking in. I just didn't try to see if I had any control." I stopped for a second to recall the dream I had been in. "I didn't realize what I was seeing until afterward. I was so used to only seeing images of the girls, past and present, that I never questioned whether that particular scene was something more. I can't believe how stupid I've been."
"Oh stop," Allison said. "It's just like you said, everything you've ever gotten from him, all the way from the first images Amy showed you, were memories; past or present they were still only memories. You didn't even understand what it was you were looking at, how could you possibly jump past that to experimenting in the time you had. The important thing is, now that my lovely young friend here has pointed out the obvious, you can be ready to take advantage if or when you get the chance."
"And what if I don't get another chance?" I asked, still not willing to concede the point.
"Then you never really had the chance to begin with," Shannon answered. "Whether or not you get the chance again, you didn't have time to do anything in the short visions you had. It's all you can do to keep the windows open long enough to figure out what you're seeing most of the time. There was obviously nothing happening that you perceived as being important enough to even try to get a longer look at than you were getting. Besides, you may not be able to keep those open any longer than you do the memory pieces. Remember, according to your working theory, his mind operates differently than what you are used to. Even if you had been able to tell it was not the usual memory image, there is no guarantee that you would have been able to do anything with it. All you can do is try again next time you get the chance."
"You mean if I get the chance?"
"Well, personally I hope you don't get the chance, because from what you and Bob have said his control was getting better as the deadline approached. The only way you may get a chance again is if he gets away," Shannon said.
"Oh, don't say that," Allison answered. "I don't even want to think about that."
"Right, none of us do," Shannon continued, "and since in all likelihood he will be too focused to allow Jimmy to really do anything, then we don't want him to have another chance because it will mean it's too late for Angela. If he gets a lucky break and has a shot, he can take it, but hopefully we'll get what we need another way and Rebecca will nail this bastard before we have to worry about it."
"I can certainly live with that," I said.
It was pushing midnight by the time the movie ended and I could no longer keep my eyes open. Allison was already snuggled up asleep next to me. Shannon was laying with her head in my lap and I thought she was out as well but she turned her head up to look at me.
"How are you holding up?" she whispered.
I gave a long slow stretch so I wouldn't disturb Allison, "I think I've about had it, I can barely keep my eyes open."
She got a mischievous gleam in her eyes and said, "Maybe I can help." She rolled off the couch and immediately began untying my shoes. It took no imagination at all to understand where she was going and suddenly I was very awake.
"What are you doing?" I asked in an urgent whisper.
She didn't answer, just rolled her eyes and gave me a look as she pulled off my second shoe and then reached up and started unbuttoning my jeans.
"Are you crazy? You want to get us caught?"
"No," she whispered back, "and if you don't either then maybe you should just shut up. Nothing attracts attention like a whisper." She started tugging my pants down. "A little help here?"
I lifted my butt up off the couch and she pulled my pants down and off. As soon as the pants cleared my hips the tent pole sprang straight up and out the fly of my boxers.
"Oh goody," she said. "Look what I found!"
Suddenly Allison stirred beside me. It looked like she was still asleep and just moving to a more comfortable position. Apparently she'd gotten to be a pretty good actress. Neither of us realized she was really awake as she sort of snuggled down towards my lap, but when she opened her mouth at the last second and swallowed the top half of my erection the jig was up.
"Hey!" Shannon whispered. "That was my idea!"
Allison giggled around her mouthful and slowly worked her way up to the top, massaging me with her tongue all the way. Finally she let me go and answered, "See, I told you, you always have these great ideas and you just wouldn't believe me. I must say though, this..." she gave me a quick little lick, "was one of your better ones."
"Yes, it was, so why don't you give it back and let me finish what I started?"
Allison kissed the head and said, "I'll tongue wrestle you for it." And she started licking hard around the top of my shaft, working her way back and forth around the head.
"Bitch!" Shannon said, but she was smiling as she moved forward and began playing tag with Allison around my shaft. When they suddenly met at the top and started frenching around the head I thought my other head would explode. They started pressing harder, each trying to force the other one far enough away to allow them to capture the tip.
Suddenly Allison gave a start and pulled back, which gave Shannon the opening she had been wanting and she quickly took me into her mouth. I looked at Allison to see what was up and saw Shannon's hand up under her sleep shirt, massaging her through her panties.
"Cheater," Allison complained. She might have said more, but just at that moment Shannon got a finger inside her panties and shoved it deep into her already moist box. Allison's head snapped back and she bit her lip to keep from crying out as Shannon began to work on both of us at once.
Suddenly Shannon released me, moved over, and started tugging Allison's panties down. Allison lifted up enough to help and placed her hands on Shannon's head as the older girl leaned in and began taking long licks of her lover's suddenly very wet nether regions. Shannon took Allison's wrists in her hands and pulled them away, placing the left on Allison's own breast and the right in my lap. My younger lover took the hint and began slowly stroking my shaft. I thought she was going to rip it off when Shannon started sucking hard at her little love button. Fortunately she realized what she was doing and released the death grip, moving the hand instead to her other breast she began pinching and massaging herself as Shannon continued her assault. This left me suddenly out of the loop.
I decided it was time for a little turnabout and slipping down to the floor, I tugged Shannon's panties down over her shapely butt. She lifted her knees up to allow me to remove them completely without missing a lick. Once her treasures were bare I rolled onto my back and began licking in earnest. As soon as I hit her love button she gave a groan that would have awakened the whole house if it had not been for the muffling affect of Allison's muff. Even I had to chuckle at that play on words.
Suddenly Shannon pulled off my face and whispered, "Fuck me." The fact that she even used the word was clear indication of just how badly she wanted it, and, being the ever faithful servant, I immediately slipped out from under her and got up on my knees.
I figured out a while back that when Shannon starts talking like Allison she expects me to treat her like Allison, so as soon as I was in position, the head of my cock just parting her now soaking lips, I grabbed her hips and slammed myself forward as hard and as deep as I could. The impact drove her mouth hard into Allison's crotch and I thought my sister was going to jump over the back of the couch. Her back arched, her hands shot down and, grabbing Shannon firmly by the hair, she began grinding herself against the older girl's mouth.
It was obvious how close Allison was and then Shannon administered the coup-de-gras by first shoving two fingers deep into Allison's wetness then pulling them out and shoving forward again, only this time one went straight into Allison's cute little rosebud, all the way in.
Several things happened at once; Allison's eyes, which had been closed in concentration, flew open wide, her head snapped back, causing her to arch her back up off the couch, and she took a huge gasping breath. She then bit her lip as orgasmic convulsions shook her body, her hips pumped up and down, still grinding themselves against Shannon's hungry mouth like she was trying to pull the girl inside of her. This went on for some time and I didn't realize she was still holding her breath until her eyes rolled up into her head and she collapsed down onto the couch.
Somewhere in the middle of all that Shannon's own spasms started and I felt the contractions around my cock, which was still buried inside of her. This reminded me of what I was supposed to be doing and I began thrusting into her again.
She leaned her head on the couch next to Allison as I renewed my assault but stopped me after a few seconds, whispering, "Thanks, that was fun, but before we were so rudely interrupted, this was supposed to be about you. Come here," she said, indicating the cushion on the couch that was not currently occupied by Allison's still unconscious form. I took a seat and she quickly resumed what she had started before. What can I say? It was wonderful. The brief interruption was enough to diminish my level of urgency and allowed her to take her time and really enjoy one of her favorite activities.
She had explained once before that it didn't matter which one of us it was, Allison or me, she just loved going down on us. The feeling she got from giving us such pleasure was something she just couldn't get enough of. Surprisingly she said she liked doing me just a little bit more because there was more to it. It was more physical and more challenging. Especially once she learned how to deep throat me. Her latest trick was to swallow me all the way to the base and then try to stuff my balls in her mouth at the same time. There were very few angles that allowed this and she probably wouldn't be able to do it much longer regardless. I hadn't really noticed but both of the girls insisted that I had been getting bigger and Shannon said that pretty soon it just wouldn't be possible for her to fit it all in at once unless I was soft. Me staying soft in Shannon's mouth is not likely to happen anytime soon so... she was making the most of it while she could.
I noticed Allison had rejoined us when she gave a sigh of contentment and reached out to stroke Shannon's hair as she bobbed slowly up and down on my slick shaft. "That was wonderful, Sha, thank you."
She lay watching for a few seconds then crawled up on her knees and stuck a breast in my face. Oh yeah, I can take a hint and I began paying homage to the parts of her that had been growing this year. I suddenly realized that I was not the only one who had grown and Allison had now reached the point that Shannon had been at when we first started exploring each other the previous fall. She was now a firm half a grapefruit, up from her original orange. The biggest difference was that Allison's nipples were more prominent, having grown proportionally with the surrounding flesh, where Shannon's were still somewhere in the quarter to fifty cent range, Allison was a solid Silver Dollar. I sucked a buck and half's worth of flesh into my mouth and tried to make change while rolling the twin between my fingers. The extra stimulation of a nipple on my tongue pushed me right over the edge. The spasms started and I was suddenly filling Shannon's mouth as she locked her lips around the head and gently massaged my cock and balls with her hands.
When the flood finally stopped she climbed up, pulled Allison's mouth to hers and shared the bounty of her personal harvest. This was another of their favorite activities and they spend over a minute slowly exploring each other's mouths for the last little bit of flavor.
By now it was well on towards one o'clock and we were all pretty awake so we got dressed again, Allison dug out "Victor Victoria" from the DVD cabinet, and we settled back onto the couch to watch.
I'm not sure what time I actually fell asleep but I suddenly found myself in the glade with both of the girls cuddled up next to me on the blanket. I reached for Angela but she was no where to be found. I lay back in the cool shade and let my mind drift. Before long I felt a tug, getting up I moved to the nearby door and stepped into the hallway outside my office. I was getting used to these feelings; more and more often if someone was thinking of me in dreams, I could feel them. I was pretty sure I knew who it was before the elevator opened and Bob and Rebecca stepped out.
"Thought you'd never get here, Matthews," Rebecca said. "What kept you?"
"I've been trying to stay up as late as possible in hopes that I'll be able to sleep more tomorrow."
"Why would you want to do..." she stopped and looked at me. "You found her! Why didn't you call me?"
Bob came to my rescue, "There was nothing to report that couldn't wait. Nothing we would all want discussed on an open phone line anyway."
"So what happened?" she asked as we moved through the door and into the office. She and Bob took the love seat. "I'm surprised the girls aren't here."
"We were cuddled up in the glade, since we weren't going to be discussing anything new I figured I'd just leave them there, they can join us when they want." I sat in one of the chairs, and quickly brought her up to date on what I had been doing.
"Do you think it will work?" she asked.
"Oh, unless something goes wrong, it should work very well indeed," Bob answered. "The mind is very powerful and if it can get the time it needs to rest, which Jimmy seems to have given hers, at least temporarily, then I think his personal time table may be somewhat upset."
"Great, any time you can buy us is good. So far we're coming up empty on everything we look at."
"No luck with trying to find the van through local companies?"
"How local? We're assuming he's still in southern California because he dumped the tow truck back in the local marketplace, but that's still a huge area, and we can't pin it down too closely or we could miss him. Do you have any idea how may companies use those vans? Here's a hint. A lot! I hate to seem like I'm putting pressure on you, Jimmy, but it's beginning to look like you may be the only shot we have."
"That's why I stayed up so late. We figured out that he is still working whatever day job he has so as not to attract attention by his absence. That means that he's home with Angela at night, and that's why we haven't been able to reach her. We're hoping that if I can sleep during the day, I'll be able to get to her more often and for longer periods of time. There's only one thing that worries me."
"What's that?" Bob asked.
"It's almost the weekend again and if he's off then he'll have several days to devote to her without interruption. If I don't reach her today, I may not get another chance until next week."
Rebecca reached and put her hand on mine, "You can only do your best, Jimmy. Just don't give up."
"No chance of that happening. I'm going to find her, whatever it takes." I turned to Bob. "So far we've been working under the idea that there is something in his mental makeup that is keeping me from bridging him directly. We came up with something else as well. Allison figured it out earlier. Isn't insomnia or an inability to sleep normally symptomatic of several different illnesses?"
"There you are ladies and gentlemen, a perfect example of a rhetorical question. You know very well it is; you're probably the most attentive student I've had in my class in years, especially when it comes to anything related to sleeping and dreams. It narrows the list of possible conditions that could be causing you, or more correctly preventing you from reaching him. That could also explain why the few contacts you have had have been so random and intermittent."
"That's what we were thinking. We also figured out that I may have blown at least one opportunity."
"Really, how so?"
"You know that image I got of a guy in cell, the one in the straight jacket and mask?"
"Sure, I think we talked about it, at least we discussed the idea that he may be schizophrenic and that maybe one of his alternate personalities is in control and that's what keeps you from bridging him. 'The Man in the Iron Mask, ' I think Shannon called it. The suggestion being that the guy in the cell is the primary or original personality and that he's the one that's opening the door for you."
"Right, well I didn't even consider it at the time, but looking back, I don't think that part was just a memory vision. I think if I had tried I might have been able to do something during that part of the sequence."
"Interesting idea, but be very, very, careful if you get the chance. Sometimes the personalities are completely separate and know nothing of each other. That does not seem to be the case here. The image of the cell and being locked up against your will is an indication of intent. It is entirely possible that interacting with the primary may give you away to the alternate; you could lose your one advantage."
"I'll keep that in mind, any other suggestions?"
There weren't any so I headed back to the glade to see the girls. Once I was there I woke us all up so we could try again later. I hoped I wouldn't have to spend the entire weekend on catnaps trying to get lucky. For one thing I wasn't sure how long I could survive their attempts to alternately keep me awake or put me to sleep.
By late Sunday afternoon I was a wreck. I had not slept for more than a couple hours at a time all weekend. I hadn't been really awake for much more than that either. The sudden radical change on my schedule was taking its expected toll on my body. I was in that lethargic state they make fun of anytime they show country folks on a porch; an image that never made sense to me. A rural lifestyle tied to the land is anything but restful. Crops and animals required a lot of attention and a lot of work; those people were just plain tired. The only reason you always see them on the porch is because the photographers were too lazy to go out to where the actual work was being done.
I had somehow ended up on the couch watching golf of all things. Now that's a recipe for excitement if I ever saw one. There seemed to be two basic scenes, the first was a shot of a camera trying to track a tiny white ball across a blue and white sky. The second was usually of someone imitating a mime imitating a statue... badly, while someone else whispered the commentary in a semi conscious tone that was apparently supposed to add excitement and meaning to the scene. Allison had given up trying to match my schedule late Saturday. She had stayed up with me late into the night but otherwise she appeared to have taken the path of leaving me to sort it out on my own.
They say that necessity is the mother of invention and that desperate times breed desperate actions. It was mid afternoon, somewhere around 3:00. Mom and Allison had gone to the store to do the grocery shopping for the week. Allison was getting in a little domestic training. It was her week to cook so Mom made her plan a menu of sorts and then go through the cupboards to make sure she had everything. I had commented that it sounded like a good idea and Mom assured me that I would get my chance next week. Dad had fallen asleep in the chair while reading a book and trying hard to ignore the television.
I'm not sure exactly what happened. You know that place you get in when you've been napping but not really sleeping, where you're not really asleep but not really awake either, and you have to keep looking for clues to tell you where you are. I found myself staring at the television to try and determine if I had actually dozed off and missed something or if I'd just imagining it. Golf is not a great sport for that. I didn't know the players so I couldn't tell who I was looking at or remember who I had been looking at before, and the announcers all sounded the same. So unless I had dropped off in the middle of a commercial, or woken up during one, I really couldn't tell the difference. It's kind of like when you're reading and you finally figure out that you've read the same paragraph or even the same line in a paragraph like twelve times and you still don't know what happens next? That's were I was. I'd swear I wasn't asleep, I'm pretty sure of that, but suddenly I felt a familiar tug, the kind I get in dreams that alert me to people I'm interested in or are interested in me, and the suddenly I was standing by the pool. I didn't remember walking out the back door, but suddenly there I was. I looked around but everything looked normal. I even had on the same clothes I'd been wearing inside. Suddenly a body erupted from the surface of the water. Oh shit! It was Angela, and she didn't just pop up out of the water and look around. She exploded out of the water and landed on the patio in front of me. I reacted without thinking and caught her as she began to fall.
"Jimmy!" she exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"
Before I could answer she rambled on, "You can't be here, you're not supposed to be here, this was supposed to just be a place I could come to rest, and I'm so tired, and oh god, Jimmy, he hurt me, it hurts so much, and I'm so tired and..."
"Angela!" I yelled and gave her shoulders a shake. I was in deep shit here. I'd been drawn to Angela's dream before she even arrived, which was not totally unprecedented, I'd done it with Allison before but never with Angela. But I wasn't prepared and now I couldn't change. This was bad. What to do?
"Angela, what are you talking about? This is my back yard. I live here. What are you doing here? How did you get in my pool? And how did you jump all the way out of the pool and land on the side? And you're dry? This doesn't make any sense. It can't be real."
She caught herself then and stood up a little straighter, caught her breath and stopped crying long enough to answer, "Of course it's not real. It's a dream. They set it up so I could come here to rest. But why are you here?"
"How should I know? You said it's a dream. Whose dream is it?"
"Mine, of course."
"Then why are you asking me why I'm in your dream? If I'm here it's because you wanted me here."
"No, I didn't want you here, I mean I wanted someone but it wasn't you, not that I don't want you here, but you're not the one I was thinking of. It was supposed to be that other guy, the one that set up the whole thing, but you're here now so maybe I wanted someone familiar so I could... Oh God, Jimmy, I'm so glad you're here." She buried her head on my shoulder and the tears rushed back to fill the sudden silence.
I wrapped my arms around her and held her as she cried. Think, Matthews, there's got to be a way out of this, I needed to be someone else but I couldn't just change. Duh! Suddenly the proverbial light came on. Behind me the door opened and a second me walked out as the image of Tim I had used when I appeared in her other dream.
He didn't hesitate but just walked up and said, "Angela, I'm glad you finally made it. I've been waiting all weekend for a chance to meet with you. I see you found a familiar figure to comfort you, but we really need to talk before we lose the opportunity, so if you don't mind..." My original self began to fade from her arms.
"No, wait. I mean, please, can he stay? I need someone right now and I know Jimmy cares for me. I guess I just didn't want Tim to see me like this."
Boy, I really hadn't been paying attention. Suddenly I realized that Angela was, and had been, naked ever since she jumped out of the pool. Now that I looked it was impossible to ignore the bruises. Her face was okay, but there were bruises of various sizes scattered down across her body. Mostly they were small, but there was a really big ugly one on her thigh. There was another one that looked like a hand print on her hip. It didn't take much to imagine what had been going on when that one was made, the angle pretty much said it all.
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byJag22© Albert Zoo Sandy was walking in the forest for about an hour, it could have been longer or shorter but it felt right to her. It was a warm and a hot summer night, it felt energised and vibrant in the forest, the air was moist and damp, the sound was intense, may it be the bird or insect the orchestra was in full sound, adding to the appeal of being in the outdoors. It was approaching dusk but being a beautiful summer night there was still abundance of light.... Sandy was a...
[ I am Ujjwala sharma, 23-years, a singer, dancer, model, and an actress. As an actress I have to assume many roles – – – dulari baai, kammo rani, chameli jaaan, or bibi bibbo. My first ever sex story, ” ”, is published on sept. 12, this year, at Please read that. ] Aaapko bataya nahin ki main apni mom ke sath rah rahi hun kyonki papa ko vo psnd nahin jo meri mom aur mujhe psnd h.Isliye vo alg rahte h.Meri mom khud kathak dancer h aur vo bombaynude.Com site pe apna...
Hello Friends, this is Shravan from Bangalore. The following new story is completely a fiction and it’s not related to real life. I hope you will like it and please do send your feedbacks to This story is the continuation of my previous Fiction story with the same title, where I have written a fantasy story in which my friend and I seduce my mom Arundathi and fuck her together. Now enjoy the Continuation after fucking my mom along with my best friend Ravi, we three enjoyed sexes many more...
IncestA few days after you do something stupid, like - I don’t know, take one girl’s virginity and then make another young girl submit until she begs you to cum inside her unprotected pussy - your brain can’t help but focus on anything else. So on Saturday I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. The nice thing about being in a city is there’s plenty of places to visit just with your own two feet. Or on the bus so you don’t have to own a car. I avoided the area where I met Lori this time....
Sunday, October 8, 2028My mouth dropped open, “You… you… WHAT?” This… This was not a conversation I expected! My wife had just told me she wanted to invite Samuel for dinner Friday, this Friday!“Here? At our house?”She chewed on her lower lip, something she does a lot when she’s really nervous. She nodded, “Uhuh,” then went on, talking kind of fast, something else she does sometimes, “I don’t know if he could… or even would; Lily, too, I want Lily to come.”Thankfully, after breakfast, the kids...
Wife LoversI am out of school the rest of the week as they prepare the highschool for us. Not much happens the rest of the week. On Friday, dad sayshe called the guy about the pick up and he wouldn't come down on the price,so we have to keep looking. My cleaning job at the church starts Monday. Saturday morning comes and I am bored from being home allweek. Luke says if I want, I can hang out with him until 4. He says after4, he has plans. We get up and get dressed and he says lets go fishing atthe park. I...
First let me start by saying this really happened and was way better than any night I could have planned myself. I changed our names for obvious reasons. I'm the cuckold I'll call myself George. My wife will go by Ann. So Ann and I have been together in a very happy marriage since we were teenagers. I myself had only had sex with one person when we met and Ann was a proud virgin. I took me over two years before we had sex. Now we are in our mid thirties and have been together for...
As Misty sat nervous and naked from the waiste up. Her nipples quickly became erect as the cool air hit them. After her bra was taken. Deputy Buck stood in front of her taking pictures of her as each article of clothing is taken. She looks at his stiff prick straineing againest his tan uniform pants. Becky reaches around her from behind and lifts and weighs her big tits in her hands. "You sure have some nice tits." Buck comments. Becky all of a sudden gets paged. "Don't let her get away. I'll...
EroticNote : This story is completely fictional! Hello this is saket from a Delhi in India. I am 21 year 5.9 feet tall old and doing my college. My family is very small comprising of me my sister and my mother. My sis name is swati she is 19 years old and 5.7 feet tall and with a perfect body is studying in intermediate she has a great figure. My mom is only 40 years old and is working as a personal assistant for a general manager of a multinational company. She had maintained herself in a way that...
IncestThe girl was Leslie Sayer, a living, platinum-angel, with all of the proper physical attributes in the right places, enough ordinarily to cause him to blow his gourd, Jamey Halo was thinking as he went on talking to her young husband, Mike, his new caretaker... except that today, he wasn't himself. His abortive attempt at making love to Susan the night before had not only left him frustrated, but it had stripped the veneer of his pride right to the quick, and he would've been happier had...
Christmas day dawned bright for Katie Shaw. Her clock radio had awakened her to the sound of Christmas carols and news of snow falling since 2:00 that morning. There must be at least three inches on the ground. The prospect of the roads being covered didn't dampen Katie's spirits as she turned on the shower while she brushed her teeth. Stepping from the shower Katie took down the oversized towel and rubbed it briskly over her skin. She could feel the electric tingle she created as she rocked...
Paul awoke with a jolt. He was naked, he was naked! The last thing he remembered was buying the girl at the bar a drink. She had been a beautiful raven haired girl with deep blue eyes. And so four women now surrounded him. Paul struggled in the restraints as they locked his wrists and ankles into the chair. He was naked and totally unaware he was being watched through a one way mirror. The technicians behind the glass gently typed commands on their keyboards. As they did the chair gently...
Fourteen-year-old Eve Winslow fell into the trap with her eyes wide open, and once the last door closed, her eyes closed. She was so screwed. All three of the congregation's child molesters were in the van with her and they had an eight hour night journey ahead of them, and then five long days until Sunday--the earliest she could expect to be released. Eve could almost feel the men grinning ear to ear, briskly rubbing their filthy paws together, high-fiving each other at their craftiness,...
After Christmas, both Trish and Dave starting to get quite concerned about the lack of bookings and came to an agreement, that Trish should apply for her old teaching job. They were quite amazed to find there was a position in the geography department and the school wanted her to start in the last week of January.Trish taking the job took a great deal of worry out of the equation for Dave. He had plenty he wanted to do at the shop. Change the layout of the shop being one of the first things he...
Wife LoversFred's New Job By S. J. Burton About a month ago me and my wife Mary, had the biggest argument of our marrage. It seems that she was angry at me because she thinks that I don't help around the house enough, and that if it wasn't for her this home would be a pig-sty. I laughed and told her that I thought that it was enough for me to go out to work everyday, without having to come home to even more menial chores. Mary fumed at me about this. "You think that looking after you and this...
© 2002 I met my girlfriend Katie in college. We shared a class together. I remember seeing her the first day. She looked like some sort of angel with her long fine blonde-white hair and green eyes. I had to try very hard not to openly stare. I quickly convinced myself that it was silly to stare or even think about her. After all, a girl like that was out of my league. But apparently my fellow male classmates didn't suffer from such thoughts. Some guy or other was always trying to hit on...
I was practically delirious as I followed Kelsey and Amanda into our house. What had happened in Stacey's car had completely blown my mind, and now I'd just found out that that wasn't even what my sister and my girlfriend had originally planned for me. Just thinking of what other things they might have in store for me made me grin stupidly in anticipation. Mom looked up from behind the kitchen counter when we came inside, and I had to suppress a grimace of disappointment. I was happy to...
Olivia huddled in the shower, rocking as she wrapped her arms around her legs. The shower struck her, water cascading off her body, but it didn't make her feel clean. The water ran down to the drain and swirled around clumps of Baron Samedi's sperm, clogging the drain. His seed was so thick and rich it drained slower then the water. Most of it was off her, but her belly still felt full. She was filled with shame, but it was hard to regret. She'd enjoyed sucking off the Baron's cock even...
After about three years Uncle Chuck drives a large single frame truck out of the workshop and over to our house, he calls it a Road Dog. Being a Saturday morning we’re all at home, mainly because he asked us to be there. The truck is a three axle one: forty feet long by thirteen feet high with a width of eight feet and the truck’s bed is twenty-seven feet long. Dad and Uncle Chuck are soon arguing over the capabilities. The maximum load for such a truck is sixty thousand pounds, including the...
There is an adult cinema near my place well it’s a room with some couches chairs and a big screen I like to visit every week or two to great place to suck cock.I don’t know if I’m like most people but I like it when a guy hold my head and pushes down while I am sucking I can usually get my gag reflex is under control and really go deep I love feeling and tasting that pre-cum in my mouth especially when I’m being pounded sometimes I forget that I’m so into what I’m doing that I forget to look up...
I recently moved into a really nice high rise apartment complex in New York. Rent is way too high, however, my friends keep telling me I need to start enjoying life a little. I have been single for a quite a few years, and I am now on my 8th vibrator. Hopefully, someday they will make a vibrator that can outlast my sexual needs. I need to find a man soon though, before I lose my mind with this constant sexual desire. It’s getting to the point where I can’t even function at work, and now even...
Chapter 14: The Avalanche - The Transformation As Dee Dee and Tiffany stared in disbelief at what was happening, Toppsy and Lulu's chests grew with each breath. Their breasts swelled in a matter of seconds. Both dancers continued moaning as their breasts grew. Lulu's eyes grew wide as she felt her breasts suddenly began to change, and the whole of her breasts began to increase in sensitivity at a startling rate. Lulu's groaning and moaning escalated with each inch of breast growth. Both...
Netflix on the tv i wait for him on the couch , wearing my little white panty with the Qos logo over my cage the little white tshirt with Blowjob queen written in fron on my fake silicone sleeve tities iam ready for the guy who is making me his propertyI never could have imagine this happening to me, but the days passed and he started buying me the sissy thing he wanted me to wear until i had become his little sissy princessat fist it only was a bj , i met him at the park as i smoke weed and he...
Walking around buck naked in his own central heated home felt like the most comfortable thing in the world to Calvin. His penis was hanging so it wasn’t limp and it wasn’t hard. He felt free as a bird. Suddenly, Calvin remembered the woman he saw running in the park he was running in she was fine looking and she was a milf. He got an erection a little and his penis muscles flinched. Up and down his penis went and he watched it in amazement. Calvin then sat down on his comfortable brown...
Briana Banks feels really bad about having had sex with her daughter’s boyfriend several months ago so she decides to make it up to her by delivering a very cute pool boy to Natalia. At first, Natalia Queen is a little shocked and unsure how to handle the situation but when mom shows her what a nice cock she has all is forgiven. She knows her mother cannot help it and is a nymphomaniac just like herself. In a touching cum jerking moment, a mother and daughter get to share a cock....
xmoviesforyouI'm not a good traveller . Being the kind of person who likes the familiar and to know exactly where I'm going. So I get a little anxious. Now add to that who my journey takes me to see. My Dominant. And the prerequisite "dress code" and your understand a bit how I was feeling last Tuesday. Sir was 12 miles from me. Attending a meeting in a nearby city. So we were taking the opportunity to see each other before he travelled home. He had, the week before, mentioned that he was thinking of a...
My relationship with my twin sister has always been the most important part of my life. We are identical twins, and have spent each day of our lives together. While we don’t have any “mystical” connection, I have never felt as in tune with anyone as I have with Kirsten. Our up childhood was completely normal, despite an early habit of pretending to be the other. I’m not even sure our names our attached to the same body our parents intended. Not that it matters. I am me, she is she, we know the...
IncestJanet Porter stared at her gorgeous black figure in the dressing room mirror. Her sensuous brown eyes, studied the reflection of her naked black body with satisfaction. She had everything a man could possibly want, and all in the right places. Her large firm busts jutted out proudly: Two magnificent globes of smooth black flesh, capped by a pair of prominent nipples. "Mmmmmmm," she sighed dreamily to herself as she caressed the smooth firmness of her nipples with the tips of her manicured...
Erotic FictionThe two bounty hunters had spent their first night on the road in a hotel over a saloon. At least they had a bed, but they had to share it. Yecch! Oh, well, it did beat sleeping on the hard ground. At least, breakfast was passable and there was plenty of coffee. After a couple of hours on the road, Ada came to an abrupt stop. A naked, unconscious man was lying in the road. He was bleeding from a scalp wound that looked to be fairly recent. Hank and Bill jumped down from the buckboard and...
Once Again, After two days while I was travelling received her call. I was so happy and excited to hear her voice. I was in a meeting so excused myself and went out so that I could talk to her freely. She said “ How are you Uncle?” I said “ I am fine, thank you , and how are you? “ I asked. She said she was fine and that her parents were away for two days. I was so sad hearing this. I said that I was away and could only return after two days. She said that was Ok, and after some talks about...
Four months later... Time: Friday, May 21, 2004 2:37 PM I sat at a classroom desk, immersed in a three-hour math final. I came up for air after finishing one particularly difficult problem on conformal mapping and glanced at the clock, 2:37 PM. I smiled happily. I had another fifty-three minutes to go, and I thought the three remaining problems were straightforward and would take less than ten minutes each. I'd have a little buffer time to check everything over, but I was certain...
Hi dosto, mai ap logon ko ek asi story batane ja raha hu, jo meri life me hakiqat me hui thi. Meri ek sexy bhabi he woh humari porosi me rehti he. Uska husband defense me naukri karte he bhabi bohut sexy he mai roj usko dekhta hu woh aage2 salte to piche se uski gand ko dekhr mera lund khada ho jata hai, usko dabane ka man karta hai, bhabi ka nam dipa bade bade boobs, bade bade gand dekhr roj mera lund khada hote hai bhabi ki figure mast ha boobs size 34 he dekhne me thoda moti sexy he usko...
Semi-organized chaos would best describe the kitchen for the next 5 or 10 minutes. Excitement was everywhere and everyone was raving over the new game as Lissa quietly made her way around the room. She listened carefully to the many different conversations from the different players. She also noted that Grinder seemed to have completely forgotten the intimate encounter from just a few minutes before. Lissa just smiled ever so slightly as she made her way back around to David. ** I was...
I have always enjoyed teasing older men, Sure it's fun with the boys at school, but they're much too horny and annoying. Whenever my dads friends come over I always make sure to tease them, wearing little short shorts and tight shirts and playing with my hair and biting my lip as I talk to them. I can tell they love it, I look very innocent, being so petite. I'm about 5'2, 105 pounds, deep blue eyes, pink luscious lips, tanned skin, brown hair down to my boobs, perky B cup, and very toned...
IncestPart 23It was a long flight back home and I was very glad to have a seat in first class. I walked through the tunnel and into the airport. I went to get my suitcase and walked through customs. Then check my passport.“Did you have a nice flight, miss?”“Yes. Pretty long though!”He looked at me and then my passport. “I bet! Well, you’re clear, miss. Have a nice day!”“Thanks. Ehmm. I’ve got my car stashed in a hangar. Can you maybe help me get to it?”“Sorry miss. But ask at the airport security...
It was a typical indian summer afternoon after when Rishi’s mother had just finished her daily routine of dusting and cleaning house. Rishi’s mother says ” aaj bahut garmi hai “. Rishi couldnt help but notice that her mother’s whole body is sweaty as pig and her salwar is all wet and could clearly see the outline and shape of her tits fitting inside her bra. He checked her out with full lust in his eyes and said “haan mummy” . Rishis mother name is kaveri.. She is a typical UP mother who would...
This is a true story of our first time getting horny together. We had just started dating but she had liked me for years. I was 18, she was 18, her parents were away on a mission trip out of the country. She invited me over to her house for dinner. She was a curvy Italian, and cooked meatballs, sausage and pasta.When she brought me my plate she had arranged the sausage to be between two big meatballs! So it looked like a dick and balls! Hint number one that she was horny! This made us talk...
I am so lucky to be dating a hot ginger girl called Beth. I met her at uni and she was known to be easy but I generally just think she was looking for love. Just going about it the wrong way! She is about 5,6 very slim with B cup boobs, pale skin and auburn/ginger hair with some light dusting of freckles that go with the gingers. Her tits were so cute and she rarely wore a bra as she did not really need to. She is from Northern Ireland in the UK and we both went to Uni in the midlands UK...
They talked for a while and Helen reassured him that both surgeries could be done during his winter break and he'd be perfectly healed before classes began in February. "Do you really think it would be safe? I mean, would I still be able to teach class without anyone noticing?" "Sure. We wouldn't be making you a woman, just a smoother man. No Adam's apple and no more large nose to take up your whole face. You could even change your frame prescription and all people will say is ?hey,...
Ariana Aimes and Shae Celestine were trying their hardest to lose their virginity before college. It was only a few days before school was supposed to start and all they accomplished were sucking a few dicks! How the heck are they gonna get deflowered with only a few days to spare? By swapping their handsome fathers of course! In part two Ariana pleaded her case to Shae?s dad, and he was totally willing to help her out. He shows her sweet brown pussy and mouth how to handle some real cock,...
xmoviesforyouWe’re never going to have enough hentai themed sites, and that’s a fact. I’ve never met a man who didn’t love himself some animated pussy and the Japs are the absolute best at this type of content. I mean, they pretty much invented an entire genre of porn out of thin air. That’s fucking amazing. Ever since they defined what a perfect drawn pussy is supposed to look like, they’ve been hard at work shelling out hentai after hentai, but they usually start by drawing a comic book first. I...
Hentai Manga SitesThis is my follow up piece on how to receive anal sex. In this segment, I want to share more logistical ideas, tips, and experiences in receiving anal sex that can help the reader learn about potential unknown facts that I may not have shared in my first writing. As I try to think back on my sexual experiences, I have estimated to have had sex with probably 30-35 women, I have blown over 100 guys, and taken as many as 50-60 dicks in my ass. I have lots of experience and want to help you if you...
We chartered a sailboat out of Oyster Bay, leaving the channel markers behind us and headed north with the wind in our sails. The next course of action was refreshments and letting the wind gods grace our bodies. Anne went for the beers and I kept the boat on course while taking off my clothes. Anne returned with the cold ones and handed them to me so she can follow suit or should I say suitless… We spent the mid morning sunning ourselves and working on our allover tans while enjoying the...
ExhibitionismDedicated to my favorite author, Angie E, otherwise known as Tasty Little Pop Tart. Thursday, June 28, 2018, 4:16 pm Every boy in school ought to sample Noah’s mouth, Noah thought. So far, only one boy had, Justin Conner’s older brother Logan, and that was not by choice. Logan forced Noah to suck his cock one day after school. It was Noah’s terrible school secret. He’d also sucked off his twin cousins, Christian and Zachary, 3 years older than he. Also a boy where Noah worked as a stock...
I would like to start out that as a 40 year old male, I have always had a fairly perverse mind while my wife is more on the prudish side. Over the years I have slowly gotten my wife to go from only making love in the dark and missionary style to introducing toys and talking about fantasies. Our sex life has gotten better and my mind has gotten more perverted the further we have come. A few years back, I was walking into the locker room at the gym I belong to and a black guy was changing. He was...
I recently became friends with a guy on Lush, he is in Australia and his name is Dan. Dan loved the pictures of my wife Jaq on my profile and began to leave comments on them. Most of you will know that Jaq and myself have a very varied and interesting sex life and Dan loved to read about our adventures.One day Dan messaged me a short video that he had made. I quickly clicked onto the video to see what it contained. The video clip showed Dan jerking off over one of the pictures of Jaq. It was so...
MasturbationIt was one of the last Fridays of the summer trimester before the end of the year and, incidentally, my graduation. Squat for career prospects, and barely having had any time for myself had left me exhausted and exasperated. Not to mention that our lecturer had been droning on for the past couple of hours. Half the room was already asleep, and for all I knew we were all slightly dead inside. I wouldn’t consider myself as anybody particularly special, or talented. I decided to go to uni at the...
Hotel Bar & Room ( full story)Gill had recently told me about her 10 year liaison with Larry. And a few more that she had met with. To say I was shocked, surprised and a little jealous was an understatement. We had planned a night away at a hotel, Gill mentioned that it was near her Physio, a guy called Gus who she fancied, he was a stocky rugby type, good looking with a beard and nice eyes and teeth. I said wouldn’t it be strange if he was in the bar having a drink when you walked in. Gill...
Wanna hear about a typical Saturday afternoon for Riley Nixon and her boyfriend? First, he demands Riley make-up her face and wear clothes as if she were a street walker. Then, he literally makes her walk around on the sidewalk, watching Riley grow more and more embarrassed as people gawk and passing cars sound their horns. Then, he’ll push her right into a local bar and let the regulars know Riley is available for “slow dances.” He’ll also encourage the fellahs to grope...