TandraChapter 24 free porn video

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We hovered overhead waiting for the Yuri's party to begin. Around 8:00 local time, a small Beamer left a garage in the back of the property, followed by the SUV with four different men inside.

Twenty three minutes later it pulled up to a large warehouse complex and was allowed through the gate by an armed guard. Other guards were posted around the perimeter to keep people out or possibly people in.

The girls clustered around, as I sent two dozen probes into the building. In the centre of a wide area was a large flat expanse, with wooden structures. Leather belts were affixed to various places. Around this, was seating for almost a hundred people. Men and a few women were already present. A stream of people came from an underground tunnel, and started to chat with their friends. I sent the younger ones to their beds or study for the time being. Ingrid was still sedated and the doc modules were still trying to repair some of the more serious damage.

Mom built a three dimensional representation of the buildings below, complete with all of the entrances. I saw the transformers, water pipes and lines for the propane to heat some areas. Little by little, more came visible as probes went to all of the areas that were hidden. One room in particular held our interest.

A room that was formerly offices, and held five naked people and two dressed in black leather harnesses, reminiscent of a Hollywood production. The uniform was just for show, for the men were clearly erect and fully exposed. Two young men about sixteen and twenty, two young women one about seventeen and another a year older, lastly a woman about twenty five or so were all secured, within the room. They were all tied to eyebolts in the wall and wore a ball gag to keep them quiet. Their eyes wide, as they looked about futilely for escape.

The two large men guarding the group of naked captives, were talking to each other as they fondled a few of their helpless charges.

"Look here Joe. A little finger up his ass, and he gets a hard on. I think I am going to enjoy this one." The short man Clem, appeared to have less than normal intelligence and more than normal endowment in the phallic department.

Joe meanwhile was twisting the nipple of one of the young girls. She cried at the excruciating pain and cried through the gag to please stop. "This one is more to my liking. I will see what she is like with pliers on her pretty little nipples and clit."

"Susan, Secric. Do you want to help?"

They were agonizing over the plight of the captives, but the thought of them assisting in the rescue was very far from their mind. "Aa, sure Henry. What would you like us to do?" Asked Susan.

I pointed out a path through the maze of buildings and corridors. "I want you to take five extra shield generators, place them on the captives and lead them out. If they are like others I know of, they will just run. Keep them tied, and force them to follow you." I looked at them as they looked at one another. "Are you prepared to do as I say or do you want me to do it?"

"What are you going to be doing here?" Asked Secric, in a vocal manner this time.

"I plan on destroying the people that like to see this type of torture. If they did not have a sick need for this sort of thing, then people like Yuri Mecholov would not be making money from it."

"Oh," was all I got in reply.

"Mom, can you make an opening in the wall about here?" As I pointed to a section of wall.

"I can, but my tractors may do a better job. Your law enforcement may find the cut area, and the edges gain a crystalline edge, that is not found in nature, if I use a weapon."

I turned back to Secric and Susan, "Mom will make a hole in the wall over here," I pointed to a section. "Her tractors will hoist all of you to safety, and then the fireworks can go off. There is a good possibility that some you will run into people that will try to stop you. Are you prepared to kill or disable them? Those were the people that did all the damage to Ingrid."

Again they looked at each other. Secric this time spoke, "I will do everything it takes to get those people out safely. If it means a few deaths of guards, then that is the way it has to be."

Susan listened to the words and her mind agreed with the ideas. She had not had to deal with a serious threat to her life or others before. There was so much more for her to learn. I could see a guard threatening to kill a captive, unless they dropped their shields. Later, all of them would meet the same fate, because of a wrong sense of priority.

"Nova, there may be some people on foot or in cars trying to escape. I don't want that to happen. Do you understand? Can you do that sort of thing?"

I pictured in my mind some of the ways and surprisingly she agreed with me. It actually pleased me, that she was so bloodthirsty. It wasn't long ago, that these girls would never think of doing this. One more reason why I was a bad influence on them. Sometimes hard choices had to be made, and then you had to live with the consequences.

"Kitten, when the captives come in, I want you to take them to medical and get them looked at." Turning to Blue, I said, "There is a main electrical disconnect for this area here," I said as I pointed at Mom's mockup. "Over here is the emergency lighting. Take the first and shut it down, then the second as quickly as possible. The second set will take a while to start, so you have an extra 15 seconds or so, as the ballasts and lights warm up."

"Mom, you have lots to do. I want you to rip out the large canister of propane and pour the gas and liquid in it through a hole, that you are going to make in the roof, but only after all the girls are back. I would like as much gas as possible mixed with the air. When it reaches about 6 percent I want you to ignite it. The explosion should be large enough to level this entire complex."

"I understand the principles, Henry. Do you want to kill everybody?"

"Almost. I want to take Yuri Mecholov alive, and see what other things he has been up to. You said that you could remove his memory. Is there a way to make him confess to the police about his accomplices, that are not at this show tonight?"

"That can be done, but he will be groggy while confessing. The effect won't last more than a few hours."

"That sounds good enough for me."

A phone on the wall below signalled the performances to begin. Joe put a leash around the older woman's neck, and then used a short piece of hickory behind her back, to keep her hands and arms from moving.

"Chris, I saved the most difficult for you. I want you to provide security for Susan and Secric. If one of the captives are taken onto the stage you will have to go there and rescue them. You will be invisible and your eyes should be good enough for the amount of ambient light, after Blue cuts the power. Is there any questions?"

She had none, but was really unsure of what was expected of her.

They ran off to get their supplies, and Mom dropped us off at side doors. Two had to be ripped open by Mom. This did bring a little attention from two of the guards.

At precisely 8:30 the woman of 25 or so, was led from the room by Joe, and dragged to the large open area. There, the collar around her neck was locked to a frame. Her wrists were tied in front of her and a pole was between her back and her elbows. Bright lights shone onto the area and left the audience invisible in the dark. There was very little the young woman could do to help herself. A plaintive cry was heard, wanting help from anybody. Blue was not in position, and I knew Chris was anxious to help as quickly as possible.

"Mom, I want all the data feed from the probes, to be recorded, but not dispersed to any of the crew. Have some probes follow us so you will know what is happening."

"Yes Henry. It is done," she said.

Susan jumped at me with her mind. "Why are you doing this Henry? We all have a right to see what happens too."

"What is going to happen is not what any of the others expect. I have lived through things like this before, and most times I was helpless to act. This time I am not. It eats you up inside, and I would not wish this on anyone."

I pictured the entire event, with the timing and objectives, again to let everybody know what was going to happen and when. Things had changed minutely even in the last few seconds.

Susan and Secric were sent on their way. I wanted desperately to go with them or do so myself, but I had to be elsewhere.

I had taken a knife from the weapons locker. My own shield was set to invisibility, and a spare was all I needed for the moment. The plan I had, was sure to get a lot of attention in the news later, and take out all the present sickos that would come here to enjoy this sort of spectacle.

The girl on stage was strapped further to one of the wooden frame, and a portion was bent and twisted into position. The black clad man, now with a very erect cock, picked up various phallic devices and inspected them with the intention of getting the audience worked up.

The girl, after being strapped in and the mechanism rotated, placed her waist at a level, for all to see. Her legs spread painfully wide, as the man seemingly stroked the woman as a lover would. The man then picked up other devices, and traced them close to her lower orifices. A large black plastic dildo was finally chosen and he shoving it quickly into the woman's vagina. Her screams were heard echoing off the far walls before returning again and again.

The crowd too screamed, but in an orgasmic frenzy. They wanted more pain and humiliation. I ran toward a door on the far side of the building, and Yuri Mecholov. This was the time a male donkey was brought onstage, and paraded in front of the crowd and the helpless victim. Its nose brought forward to smell the scent, and get worked up, before being pulled back and tied to a ring.

Susan too ran up some steps to the suites of offices above the main floor level. She turned the knob and rushed in, to find a captive young man, impaled on Clem's large cock.

Susan just ran forward and kicked upward into his nose. This drove the cartilage into his brain, and he fell to the floor twitching before voiding himself.

Secric was just a bit further back, and closed the door behind her. She knew what had happened, but was none the less shocked to see the man dying on the floor, so soon after their entrance. They stepped around the corpse and took some of the rope that was laying around the room, and began to remove the captives one at a time, and secure them closely together. The captives for their part were cooperative.

Nothing had ever happened to them before like what had happened recently. Kidnapping, rape and one had been teased, when told that the ultimate fate was death when they were too worn out to fight well enough. Now they saw ropes flying through the air, their own bonds removed by ghostly hands from the wall, and then tied together again. Before more than two were removed from the target wall, running steps were heard.

Susan mind spoke, "It looks like the guards are coming as an automatic response to us opening the outside door. It looks like three or four from their minds. Drop your shield and get your knife, while I get these people onto the floor."

Both girls dropped their shields. They saw the incredulous looks of the captives before the shields were reestablished. Secric got into position and the captives could only see a phantom knife raise to a metre behind the door and remain stationary. Susan quickly cut the last two captives loose and the last tried to run. Susan did not have time and merely grabbed her hair and hit her on the side of the neck. "The rest of you stay down, and you will get out of here alive. Run and they will kill you."

The men burst into the room intent on moving the captives to a new location. They found Clem on the floor unmoving along with all the slaves.

When all had entered the room, Susan and Secric came up behind their victims and reached around quickly and drew the blade across the throats of the last two. The blood spewing out and struck the backs of the ones in front.

Blue had finally gotten into an enclosed area. Chain link fencing kept out people, while allowing air to cool the switching gear and distribution panels. The pad lock on the gate was still in place, but the two hinges had their pins in an upward position, and with a two by four, was successful in picking up the hinged side off the door enough to pull it off the pins. She grabbed the main disconnect and pulled with all her might.

The lights went off and the motors for the air circulation units stopped. Voices of concern rose from the audience as things were just getting interesting.

Chris was moving her weight from foot to foot, waiting her chance to jump into action. When she knew Blue had finally opened the gate, she could wait no longer. The woman on the stage was about to be raped by an even larger dildo in the gleeful man's hands. Her cries of pain had lessened as she pleaded to be spared. The man was quiet for a while as if contemplating the possibilities, the even larger dildo poised over her bleeding vagina. The crowd clamouring for the man to continue, and to ignore the woman's appeals.

Chris had not taken training in martial arts, but did peek into Susan and Secric's minds on occasion, and decided to act now, before the woman was killed. She took three steps onto the stage before the lights went out. She got behind Joe, and when the lights finally stopped, she jumped on his back, grabbed his head, and in one mighty twist with both her upper arms, broke the man's neck.

They were both carried to the floor and Chris had a difficult time getting her leg out from under the body. She kicked it off with her other foot and got up. This was what it was to take a life. Since she was a child she had been taught to respect life and do her best to nurture others. She looked down at her two hands. The dim light told her that they had committed one of the worse crimes.

The cries of the audience did not get through to her, but the piteous wailing of the woman on the torture device somehow made it. Chris pulled herself together and pictured the woman as she last saw her. The arms, feet and waist were meticulously undone, but the collar was locked to the frame with a padlock.

She felt gorge raising in her throat, knowing what she must do. Returning to the corpse and she used her hands to run over the corpse, till she was able to find the piece of leather. The key that was on a thong around its now broken neck. The smell of shit was strong in her nose. She held her breath and ripped the thong, making the supple neck follow her movement, and the head landed on her foot as the strap finally parted.

I too waited the lights to go out. There would be lots of chances for Yuri to escape in the confusion, for I was sure he had more than one bolt hole. At the moment he was in a room with the remote controls to many cameras that were strung around the stage. The images would wind up on perverts entertainment centres, as they saw the snuff film to its conclusion.

I had not been close enough to him to read his mind well. To tell the truth, I did not want that, for he was a cesspool of corruption that hell would graciously welcome when given the chance.

I watched Nova in my mind, as she finally overcame her obstacle.

The lights went out and I reached for the door handle and found it locked. Knowing the Torch as well as I did, and much more than I wanted to, I knew that the door was solid. The only thing I could do was drop my shield and recover my knife. Soon, someone would have to go through the door, and when they did, I would be able to enter.

I felt pain inside, as Yuri hit a technician for allowing the power to fail him, after the show had begun. I heard the man fall to the floor and further grunts of pain as he was repeatedly kicked. Equipment fell and finally the door opened by Yuri's own hand.

My sight was good enough to see as most would at dusk. As the man slammed the door shut behind him, I shifted the knife and hit him as hard as I could in the soft stomach with my fist. The sounds of gunshots were heard a split second later, and throughout the building. The emergency lights started to flicker as I gave a kick with the heal of my shoe, to the side of his head. A man this big needed to be incapacitated completely. If this were war or a serious enemy, I would just kill him, and not have to fear him attacking me or mine again.

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“What the hell do you mean I have to kiss her? I don’t see that in my script!” “I had the screenwriters put in a love scene, kissing, necking, lovemaking, all the fun stuff.” “No, I won’t fucking do it, this play wasn’t written with intimate scenes, why the last minute changes with gratuitous sex?” I was talking to the director and producer of the off Broadway play we were rehearsing. I played the title character in the production which started in two days and now they decided to change the...

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Never Regret

Introduction: First Story Jennifer stood there in the door, still with her hand rubbing furiously down inside her panties, she was awaiting Calistas answer. Calista could feel herself growing warmer. She had always had sexual fantasies that involved her and other girls, but she was always too afraid to admit them. She usually hung out with Jen, known as Jennifer, in hope that someday they might be a little more than just friends. It seemed to her now, that her hopes had come true. Finally...

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Mastered By Three

Mastered By Three One day, after cheer-leading practice, Alexia, 18, was walking to her car.Now she was one of the best looking girls on the squad mind you. She stoodfive feet nine inches tall, had long, flowing, red hair (that came down justpast her ass and she wore in a ponytail), emerald green eyes, a small waist,large chest (they were high and firm), she weighed about 135 pounds, her asswas round, firm and stuck out just a bit and legs that were long and lean.As she crossed the parking lot...

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It would be rude to say no Right

I have always been shy, maybe introvert if you prefer. But it is not like that I do not enjoy my time with other people. In fact some of the best memories are from times when I was able to get over my fears. But that is the tricky part. How to get over the fears? I have this odd fear of not being successful. And it is so bizarre! I know that failing would not be the end of the world but my head just makes it a big deal. I do not dare to try something if I am not fairly confident that I will...

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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 6 4th of July

Mom, do you think we can take a trip and go some place where nobody knows us? You know, wherewe could actually go on a date?"I smiled at the thought. "Robert, you are so cute," I said as I felt my pulse quicken at the very notion of traveling as a couplewith my stepson. "I think I would like that. Let me see what I can do. I have four days off over thefourth of July. Maybe we could go someplace then."I started an internet search to find some romantic options for my young lover and I to...

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Days As Good As Nights

Hello readers , this is Ashish from Lucknow . Have well built athletic body . Girls , aunties or bhabhis can contact me at Coming to the story , I am B.Com student in one of the reputed college of Lucknow . I live in lucknow on a rental flat in gomti nagar . This is an incident of a lady who shares the same floor on which my flat is. Her name is rashmi . She is just newly married and obviously have an awesome figure and great assets. My time for leaving college and her husband to office is...

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Linda and Bobby 3 Surprise Jimmy

Suddenly the backdoor slammed opened and Linda rushed in. Linda is Bobby’s younger sister. She is 15 and quite stunning to look at. It’s only been a couple of weeks since Bobby and Linda found out about sex and how great it can be. “Oh, I’m late. I’ve got to get to work and I really need a shower.” She is moving like a tornado, rushing here and there. Then she spotted the movie. “Oh, I love this movie.” and her butt hit the chair across from Bobby and Jimmy. She was engrossed...

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I Almost Got Caught

I graduated from high school in the spring when I was seventeen years old. I started preparing to attend college in that fall just after turning eighteen in August. I never got any time for myself at home; even in college, it was hard finding time when I could be alone. When I got home this time on winter break, things were still the same as usual. People wandered in and out all the time. This made it extremely hard finding any time alone. Luckily though I finally found some one morning. My...

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An Anniversary to Forget

She was pulling out all the stops, her long blonde hair done exactly how I like, halfway up with a few curls falling in front of her face with white gold hoop earrings and a pearl choker necklace. She was wearing a little more makeup than usual, the black eyeliner made her baby blues pop, they looked almost crystal clear. Her fire and ice perfume overloaded my senses, I wanted to stay home at this point and start our celebration in the bedroom. “You ready?” she asked, strutting by me. The...

4 years ago
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The Story Of Roger

Roger was a reasonably fit guy who had recently retired and after losing his wife Elsie of 35 years a year or so ago he had decided to make a fresh start. He had no family and there were too many memories so with no financial commitments and a cash buyer he bought a nice little 3-bedroom house in a quite seaside village.Why 3 bedrooms I hear you ask, well after 35 years Roger wanted to spread his wings while he still could, he wasn’t short of a few bob either and her wanted space at home should...

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Gym Bob Part 2

The next day at the office took forever. Even though I was busy with work, all I wanted to do was to get to the gym and see my new friend. I had lots of work on and knew Bob would not be there until early evening. As I worked away in the office as usual, wishing the day away, I regularly checked the time. By 7.30pm I could hold off no longer. I locked up my office, saying goodnight to a few other staff still working away, and headed for the gym. As I walked through the gym, I saw Bob on a...

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The Toy The Tormentor

A JJ Submission: Hello to all my readers, this is JJ from Chennai reaching out to you with a hot & horny personal experience that well defined and very truly matches the heading above. “The Toy & the Tormenter” I was normal just like any other kid of the block during my school & college days, listening and reading third rated porn books that came my way. Let me tell you there came loads and loads of them, I had a huge collection until a faithful Good Friday when parents cleaned my cupboard the...

2 years ago
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Mature Mum Seduces Her Loving Son

Three months ago my wife of five years walked out on me. We had the most horrendous row, over pretty much nothing, but I guess it had been building up over a few months. Since my first divorce twelve years ago, I never seemed to have found anyone that could really stick me for any real length of time! I know I can be moody, and a bit grumpy, but hey, aren't most 36 year old guys? A short-term dilemma was what to do with the tickets for the weekend break we had booked a while back. It was...

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Seducing Women From Pub To Bed

Hi, wet girls and women.This is harish from Coimbatore. I am 24 and working in private sector. I went to Chennai to attend a training program in my company’s new project in Chennai. They provided me accommodation in a well-known star hotel. Because of others from local Chennai so I am only in my room. I liked this privacy. In the night I felt bored so I decided to go to the pub on the top floor. I dressed up and went to the pub. I am having a beer and looking girls and women. There I saw women...

1 year ago
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Secret Agents Helper

Secret Agent’s Helper 1-8-2018 The bar was busier than June expected, but then, the hotel was busier than usual this weekend too. It looked like there was some sort of artist convention and a wedding reception both being held in the hotel itself. From the entrance coming from the hotel lobby, she scanned the crowded bar. There were several large groups obviously from the artist convention / show, decked out in their ‘I’m making a statement clothes’ and the like, boisterously talking...

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My Teenage Vampire Bride

Bram Stoker was right, well almost. Vampires do exist, but not as Stoker or popular culture had led people to believe. Vampires are not blood sucking fiends, well not really, and we can walk around in sunlight. The original vampire has never been tracked, but he existed in the time of the crusades, he was an elderly knight in the Knights Templar. He got what has become known as blood lust, like the Vikings of old. He took a prisoner, a Moor woman and made love to her; he then bit her to make...

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MyDirtyMaid Lady Lyne Money for Anal

Lady Lyne came to clean Charlie Dean’s apartment. She had those giant natural breasts and looked extremely sexy. Charlie wanted more than just cleaning. He offered her some money to clean topless. She was first upset but after he raised his bid she gave in. It was so nice to watch those bouncing breasts as she kept cleaning the apartment. Charlie got more horny. He offered a lot more cash to see more skin. Lady Lyne stripped naked and kept cleaning. Charlie got undressed and started to...

2 years ago
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HindsightChapter 3

"I told Mary Ellen how you drool over her ass," Dana said out of the blue as the two of them drove to the store. "You told her what?" Drew asked incredulously. Dana laughed. "We were talking about how depressed she was and I was trying to cheer her up. Besides, it's the truth." "Yeah, but you don't have to tell my best friend's wife that I ogle her ass," Drew said. However, there wasn't any anger in his voice and he had a smile on his face. "She needed some cheering up. It...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 314 Organizing the Money

Thursday, August 10 to Thursday, August 31, 2006 Vanessa called our lawyer back, to tell him we'd signed. He said, "Congratulations. I'll get the ball rolling here and I'll fly to Corvallis with the rest of the originals on the next available flight." "It'd be more convenient if you could fly direct on one of our new jets." "It's too early for that. Commercial flights will be fine. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll let you know my arrival time when I've got the bookings." Now...

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Back at Camilles

So during the lock period me and Camille never had a chance to see each other as lock down has been easing we still couldn't make time for each other as Rob works in education and the schools have been closed.Yesterday I finally got to see her as Rob was going out for the day.I waited in my usual place for Rob to leave the house and made my way once I knew he had left. Camille had left the door slightly opened for me to come in. As soon as I entered Camille jumped into my arms and we started...

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Ivy Barbie and Me Part Three

Ivy, Barbie and Me: Part 3 Barbie finally gets some The fun continues from where we left off at the end of Part 2. I’ll set the stage in case you haven’t read either of the previous stories: At the time of this story my girlfriend, Ivy, is an 18 year old pixie minx. 5’1”, 90 pounds, short red hair, hazel eyes, abut a zillion freckles, tiny AA breasts with tiny pink nipples, the tightest, tiniest ass you can imagine and her pussy is shaved clean. Barbie is 19, an ex girlfriend of mine who went...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 8 Just Like Romeo And Juliet

Sophia sat at her kitchen table, doling out the happy meals to Eric and Tara, her younger brother and sister. Eric was 8, Tara 6, and they really were cute kids. She had to baby-sit tonight after work, because her mother had gotten an extra shift at the hotel where she worked the front desk. Luckily, she had company-Warren had come home with her. He had gone with her to McDonalds to get some food, and was now making googoo eyes at Tara while he ate his Big Mac. Sophia smiled to herself, as...

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My Berlin SummerChapter 2 The Club

Luckily, there was a car - a stretch limousine - waiting to take us to the club. The driver opened the back door for us, staring pointedly at my body all the while. I did my best to avert my eyes. Once in the car, Cristina pushed me to my knees on the floor. "You will lick my boots until we get there," she said simply. I crawled in front of her on my knees, carefully lowered my upper body to the floor so that her black leather boots were just in front of my face, and delicately opened my...

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My first time swinging part 2

I entered the porch and like a naughty school boy summoned by the headmistress waited for further instructions. Sensing my nerves Debbie took my hand and said it was OK and led me through a very lavish house and into the conservatory where her husband Bob was sat enjoying the afternoon sun. I was surprised at Bob's appearance he was much older than Debbie I would guess she was forty and he was almost sixty but had obviously kept himself in shape. Debbie offered me a drink and I accepted as she...

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Im a fucking whore part 2

The guy and girl come up to me and begin with some small chat. The guy walks off and her and I are chatting about things we like to do. I'm sipping my drinking and playing with my cherry stem. I open my mouth and stick my tongue out and show her that I just tied the stem into a knot. She is impressed and asked what else i could do with my tongue.I reached over to her, grabbed her head and planted a big fat french kiss on her. As we were kissing, she began to rub my tits. My nipples are...

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The Paper Bag Princess

The guy at the bar is wearing a T-shirt that says “Honey Badger Don’t Care.” He’s skinny enough for the shirt, but he cringes when he takes a sip from his bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon.I wonder if he can fuck a girl like me and really not care.I like to tell myself that I’m not that ugly. I’ve studied my reflection enough times to believe that my cheeks aren’t that chipmunk-like, that my teeth aren’t too big, that my forehead isn’t too high. Those features are all I know, but self-confidence is a...

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Sex in the Country Part 1 The Things Wet Dreams are Made of

Let me begin these memoirs by telling you that I was adopted when I was three years old by a young couple who couldn't have children of their own. My mom to be was infertile. Three years after adopting me, they adopted twin girls, Rachel and Renee, who were five at the time. Four years after that, a few weeks after my 10 th birthday, “Dad” was killed when he lost control of the twin engine Cessna that he was piloting and crashed into the side of a mountain. After that, “Mom” raised us as a...

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A hot winter vacation

This is Shaunak from Bangalore again, with another one of my wild real life encounters. As mentioned, I am now 28 yrs old, 5’11 with an athletic body. Years ago, our group of college friends decided to go for a 3night/4 day holiday to Kodaikanal. The group consisted of 4 guys (Rohan, Rohit, and Sanjeev & Pradeep) and 5 girls (Simran, Geeta, Mona, and Aparna & Sanjana). Since we were light on cash and allowance, we decided to stay at Sanjeev’s bungalow, overlooking the lake. It was a beautiful...

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Safar Me School Girls Ki Choodai

Hello friends, I am shekhar anand,age 27 from Mumbai! Waise to mai UP ka rehne wala hu per yaha Mumbai me mai pichhale 6 sal se hu or ek reputed IT company me job karta hu,mujhhe byk ka bahut soukhin hu or aksar Mumbai se byk se hi apne ghar jata hu,3 se 4 din ke safar me maine bahut se masti ki hai,jise mai aaplogo ke sath share karna chahta hu. Bat aaj se 6 sal pehle ki hai jab mera Mumbai me job laga tha or kuchh din ke bad main eek byk lee Enfield (bullet) or pehli baar mujhhe khayal aaya...

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Mujhe choomemujhe sahalaaye 4

Aaj mai apni sari stories un ladies ko dedicate karta hu jo iss me meri stories regular padhti hai yeh story mai aaj ek ladki ki story batane ja raha hu so enjoy this stories my beautiful readers open ur panties finger ur pussy & start….aapane mujhe raaja kaha bibijee… Mai us se aur jor se lipat gayi aur jor jor se saamse lete hue boli..ab to tum hi mere sab kuch ho hariyaaaaaaaaa..is bhaawana ke aate hi mera aur skhalan ho utha. Chut me se paani chuta to mai apane upar sawaar naukar se aur kas...

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