Beetlesmith’s Ch. 03 free porn video

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When I entered the dining room, Gloria and Jackie were laughing uproariously about something.

‘What’s so funny?’ I asked.

Still chuckling, Gloria said, ‘I was telling Jackie about that patient of mine, and what Karen had said about screwing him until her nose bled.’

Both of them started laughing uncontrollably again. Karen finally joined us. Before sitting down she gave my hand a squeeze and mouthed ‘I’m sorry.’

I weakly smiled back at her, and nodded my head, silently telling her all was forgiven again, at least for now.

I heard Karen ask the other two women something when the full effects of the elixir finally hit me. It started as a slight tingling at the back of my head that extended down the back of my neck. This was followed by a very brief fainting sensation, as if I were experiencing a head rush from standing up too quickly. For some reason I momentarily lost my peripheral vision, which augmented my feeling of lightheadedness. I tried to listen to what the women were saying, and vaguely heard Gloria ask Karen what took her so long in the kitchen, but my mind and eyes couldn’t focus on anything in particular. Then the sensation was over.

The whole episode lasted for only a few seconds, hardly noticeable, and afterwards I felt physically normal. To the unaware, the whole process would have been perceived as a temporary bout of wooziness brought on by too little, or even too much food and drink, and nothing more. My emotions, however, were being flooded with an overwhelming sense of eroticism, the likes of which I’ve rarely experienced. All my senses were sharpened, and everything I looked at, smelled, or touched triggered one salacious thought after the other, and had my member bursting hard against my pant seams. Even a passing look at the condiment dish containing the few remaining green olives stuffed with their crimson pimento was garnering extreme erotic thoughts.

However, there was another feeling that invaded my consciousness. One that felt more focused and pervasive than my heightened sense of eroticism, and it was growing stronger in my psyche with each passing moment. It can only be described as a feeling of total invulnerability, or of supreme self-assuredness. In my mind, I knew I could say and do anything without consequence, because I felt that those around me would do whatever I suggested without hesitation, and those who didn’t would not dare interfere. I suspect that only those long steeped in wielding power over others, such as a Roman emperor or a feudal lord would come close to feeling as I did that moment. It was an emotion I had never felt before, exhilarating, but at the same time frightening. What would happen if ever I were to lose control of myself, or somehow believed what I was feeling was real and not caused by a drug? I could now understand how someone would overindulge in the elixir, for the false sense of power it granted was intoxicating and potentially addictive.

I came out of my thoughts to hear Karen and Jackie arguing about…sex, imagine that.

‘…Oh, Jackie, the way you talk you’d think you took out a patent on the wild life,’ I heard Karen say.

Jackie laughed sarcastically, and said, ‘Compared to you and Will, I do, and that thing you call the wild life is just letting your hair down and having some fun. I can imagine what a risqué time in the Henry household would consist of, it’s probably putting in a DVD of ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ and falling asleep on the couch.’

I watched Karen and Jackie argue back and forth. Each throwing insults at the other and driving themselves into fits of anger, which were quickly followed by tears, and then pleas for forgiveness. I could not even guess what started it, but it was a scene not unlike I observed between Gloria and Karen a week ago, and as I watched to two women banter back and forth, and felt my own moods changing, I was starting to understand the affects of the elixir on the human psyche.

The fluctuation in mood, from anger to tears to laughter and back to anger, was not due to the mingling of alcohol with the elixir as I previously thought, but represented unchanneled sexual aggression. The elixir was increasing the libido gradually, but continually. This was manifest by the women’s unconscious sensual touching of themselves coupled with their increasing raunchy banter, and which became more overt as the minutes passed. The elixir was causing them to push their behavior passed their usual comfort zones that were bounded by their normal precepts of societal mores and decorum, what Beetlesmith had termed his metaphorical walls. However, because of their precepts, they could not, as yet anyway, actualize this sexual aggression. Instead, it was channeled into other avenues of escape, such as the subconscious touching, the sexual banter, or the sudden conscious lapses into sexual daydreams. Unfortunately, these avenues were not enough to quiet the increasingly erotic feelings and needs. They wanted to act on their sexual aggression, but some of their walls were still in place and inhibiting them. This remnant inhibition subsequently frustrating them, and their frustration inevitably gave rise to anger. The women were only waiting for a catalyst to develop that would, in essence, condone their sexual behavior and to give it direction. I suppose as the instigator of the situation that I was the catalyst and it was my task to give it direction.

By this time Gloria had jumped into the argument with both feet and was castigating Jackie about some perceived slight, ‘…Karen’s right, you are a freaking bitch, and an ignorant one as well. You don’t have the slightest clue about anyone, let alone Will and…’

‘Oh, what’s to know? It’s not like Will and Karen are the last of the red-hot swingers,’ came Jackie’s sarcastic reply, cutting Gloria off before she could finish.

Gloria was visibly irked by Jackie’s flippant attitude, and was about to pounce on her when I broke in, ‘Jackie I’m sorry you have such a low opinion of Karen and I. I know by your standards we live too quiet a life, maybe even a boring life, but we have a good marriage, and occasionally we have our fun, although some of us have been having more than others, right dear?’

Karen shot me a quick look of derision.

‘What does that mean?’ asked Jackie with interest.

‘Nothing really,’ I said offhandedly, ‘Except that you make the mistake of confusing a braggadocios nature with actual experience. Just because some people don’t kiss and tell doesn’t mean they haven’t been kissed at all.’

‘I still don’t get it,’ said Jackie slightly irritated.

‘Well, for example, we know that you’re very open about your sexual exploits and the not too subtle and humiliating way you’ve treated your husbands in the past, but as far as the rest of us know, it’s all been talk,’ I turned to Karen and asked, ‘Have you ever seen your cousin exhibit this wild sexual nature she brags about, outside of the way she dresses, of course?’

Karen just shook her head slowly, unsure of where I was going with this line of questioning. I heard Gloria giggle at my verbal tweaking of Jackie’s nose.

‘You think I’m a tease?’ Jackie asked with some irritation.

‘I don’t know,’ I said, as I got up and moved around behind my wife’s chair. I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her cheek, ‘That’s the trouble with boasting, particularly on attitudes and attributes that can’t be readily proven. You have to expect some might not believe you, and some may even call your bluff. But I do know that some in this room, some that you would consider prudish, have expressed certain desires that even you might find…How should I say it…Exotic.’

Jackie smiled, ‘Are you calling my bluff, Will?’

I ignored Jackie for the moment and said to Karen, ‘What was it you said to me in the kitchen?’

I felt Karen stiffen in my arms. It was obvious she was uncomfortable with the situation, and that suggeste
d to me those last few moral walls still remained. I looked over at Gloria whose interest had piqued at Karen’s predicament, as she leaned forward in her chair staring intently at Karen. Jackie was also amused and sporting a wry grin, but contrary to her nature remained unexpectedly silent.

‘Tell us Karen,’ asked Gloria, ‘What did you say to Will in the kitchen?’

Karen remained silent and rigid in her chair. I could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Her breathing suddenly became shallow and labored. I lightly brushed my hands across her breasts, and she reacted with a sharp intake of air. I then cupped her breasts and gently massaged them. I could feel her hard nipples through her blouse pressing against the palms of my hands.

Even with all of her slutty bluster and ‘anything sexual goes’ attitude, I heard Jackie utter an audible gasp at my boldness at fondling my wife in front of guests. Gloria, whether subconsciously or not, had cupped her own breast with one hand, and resting her head in the other, watched Karen’s face with amused anticipation.

When I slipped a hand under Karen’s panties, she modestly clamped her legs together, and murmured a weak, ‘No…Please,’ in protest. I knew her reluctance was fragile, however. It was a feeble, verbal signal that although the last remnant of her ethical walls still stood, they were teetering and about to come crashing down.

I easily slipped my hand between her legs. Her vulva was already moist and slick. Touching her button, ever so gently, I felt a tremor course through her body. She still clamped her legs weakly against my hand, but with each gentle stroke on her clitoris, Karen spread her legs a little wider.

I had Karen in a state of near climax similar to when we were in the kitchen, and asked her again, ‘What did you say to me in the kitchen?’

She was still reluctant to vocalize in public what she had admitted in private, and answered only with a soft moan and a tightened grip of her hand on my free arm.

I stopped massaging her clit. She emitted a whimper of protest, and then, knowing that I was not going to let her get away with remaining silent, she tried to appease my curiosity with deflection, and said hoarsely, ‘I…I said a lot of things in the kitchen.’

‘Yes I know, but this was something specific about Gloria.’

She sat trembling from nerves and sexual excitement and looked silently over at Gloria, who was staring back with raised eyebrows and a subtle smile across her lips. It must have been torture for Karen, to be so close to climax numerous times tonight but not allowed to finish, not without admitting to something she could never admit to at any other time. Yet even though she was on the agonizing cusp of orgasm, she still refused to confess her delicious secret, and only meekly said, ‘Please.’

There was much unspoken want behind that small word: please, don’t make me say it in front of the others, please, stop tormenting me this way, and please, don’t stop pleasuring me.

Gloria guessed Karen’s mind as well, and taking pity on her, walked over and stood in front of us. Gloria smiled warmly down at her and pushing aside a lock of Karen’s hair that had fallen across her face, bent over and gently kissed her. It was all Karen needed, for when I touched her clitoris again, her trembling became a shudder, and I felt the warm moisture of her climax saturate her groin.

Gloria looked down and saw the growing wet spot between Karen’s legs, and said with a slight laugh, ‘I’m glad you’re wearing your panties this time, or I would have been drenched again.’

Gloria continued to play with Karen’s hair as Karen unbuttoned just the lower three buttons on Gloria’s blouse. Then pushing the fabric to the sides, Karen placed her hands under Gloria’s skirt and gently squeezed both of her buttocks while she sweetly and gently kissed and licked her belly.

Seeing that Karen and Gloria needed no more encouragement from me, I shifted my attention over to Jackie. I was beginning to worry that the drug wasn’t having an effect on her, because she had yet to show any outward signs of becoming aroused. Given her nature, I thought she would have at least had her clothes off by now. Instead, she remained seated, quietly watching the two women.

I bent down close to her ear, and whispered, ‘Penny for your thoughts.’

Startled, she flinched before answering, ‘I had no idea.’

Jackie and I continued to watch the others in silence. Karen was still kissing Gloria about the navel and had slid Gloria’s panties off and onto the floor. She then looked up at Gloria and giggled, ‘See, I even remembered not to rip yours off this time.’

Gloria, eyes closed, responded only with a smile. Karen then gently pushed Gloria back so that she was sitting on the table, and hiking her skirt up across her waist, began kissing Gloria’s inner thighs.

Jackie was still flummoxed by what she was seeing, and began to stutter some type of questions, ‘What…How…When did…’

‘This is really a surprise for you, isn’t it? There’s a good reason for that, I guess, because we’re all just a closed book, aren’t we Jackie? We only show people what we want them to see and nothing much else, but inside there are things written that have largely gone unread or unnoticed. Mostly because we don’t want anyone else to see what’s written there. Maybe we fear condemnation and embarrassment, or maybe we just cling too greedily to our privacy and wish to maintain a certain degree of mystery form others, even from those closest to us,’ I said, as I nonchalantly unbuttoning her blouse.

‘I know you’ve never understood Karen’s appetites. It’s probably because she didn’t trust you enough to tell you, so she only showed you a rough veneer, and kept you at arm’s length. But, I also think you never bothered to look inside either of us. You only looked at our covers as it were and read nothing more into it. We didn’t interest you enough, or you found us deficient in some way.’

By this time, Karen was deep into servicing Gloria, who had put her feet up on the arms of Karen’s chair, while leaning back and bracing herself against the table with her hands. Neither of them showed any sign of interest in what Jackie and I were doing.

‘That’s not fair,’ Jackie said in an injured and mocking voice, ‘I never thought you or Karen deficient, or whatever it was you said, just…I don’t know…Karen and I never got along that well. Even when we were kids we were always on edge around each other, Karen more than me. So yes, I’m guilty of keeping distant after all these years, but what of you, Will? Knowing about people is a two-way street. I don’t think you or Karen cared to know me, either. So you’re partly to blame.’

‘Why do you think I invited you here tonight, you dope?’ I said, as I unclasped her bra. Her overly large breasts spilled out of their confines, the nipples large and dark brown in hue, stood out in stark contrast to the paleness of the surrounding skin. I cupped a breast in each in of my hands.

‘You know I shouldn’t let you do this to me,’ she said in a tone of halfhearted reluctance.

I continued to playfully fondle her breasts, and said teasingly, ‘You can tell me to stop at any time, but given your supposed raunchy nature I didn’t think you would mind. I guess that was all an act. I always figured there was more virgin than vamp about you.’

Jackie said, with some irritation, ‘So that is what you think of me, that I’m a tease?’

‘Well I’m just wondering why a self-proclaimed seductress of all things that walk on two legs would sit passively by and watch others, supposedly more prudish have a good time instead of leading the charge.’

I had thrown down the gauntlet again, but this time she picked it up. Jackie pulled me around in front of her with a strength I had rarely felt in a woman, and took a firm hold of the bulge in my pants. She smiled seductively, and said, ‘I’ll show you what kind of teas
e I am. Why don’t you tease me with your cock and fuck my tits. You’d like that, I know. I saw you staring at them tonight. I see it in your eyes right now. Come on Will, rub that hard cock all over my melons until you shot your thick load right into my waiting mouth. Do it all to me… Right now… Right in front of wifey.’

I smiled. This was more like the Jackie I know, ‘Isn’t that what you did to your second husband, made him watch while you banged all sorts of men?’

‘No,’ was Jackie’s curt reply, ‘Todd made me watch as he banged all sorts of men. Needless to say our marriage didn’t last long.’

It was a surprisingly sincere confession that obviously pained her to admit. I was about to say something to ease her embarrassment when Karen, her head still buried deep between Gloria’s legs, began to laugh uncontrollably.

Gloria tried to stay out of the impending ruckus, but even she started to giggle as Karen continued to laugh into her groin. Finally, Gloria thought she should say something, ‘Karen, come on, it’s not nice to laugh.’

At length, Karen lifted her head up, and in between fits of laughter said, ‘You’re right. I’m sorry Jackie, but what do you expect? You’ve got this rep of the buxom, slutty and sultry vixen, ready to boink or blow any guy within a twenty mile radius. Guys would come from far and wide just to droll over your big boobs, wide hips and tight bubble ass. They came hoping for a glimpse of you sashaying down the street just so they could cream in their jeans. Yet, even with your sexual prowess over men, in the end you get turned into a cuckold by a switch-hitting nancy-boy.’

Karen and Gloria erupted into laughter again.

‘Go ahead, laugh, make jokes,’ Jackie said in a cavalier tone that belied the fact she was hurt by Karen’s humorous antagonism.

Seeing the hurt look on Jackie’s face, Gloria held out her arms beaconing Jackie toward her, ‘I’m sorry. We shouldn’t be so mean.’

Jackie hesitated for a moment before she fell into the younger woman’s arms, and hugging each other as two sisters might, Jackie said, ‘It’s not that, it just seems to be, ‘let’s all pick on Jackie night.’ Will thinks I’m a dope and a tease, you’re making fun of my crystals, and Karen…Well it’s Karen just being Karen…’

Hearing this Karen forgot about Gloria for the moment and sat back in her chair, ‘And what’s that supposed to mean?’

‘Oh come on Karen and cut the crap, you know what I mean. You’ve never liked me. Even when we were kids you were always poking a finger at me, and making fun of me. I’m still trying to figure out why you invited me here tonight, probably as some sort of twisted mind-fuck so that you could make fun and humiliate me in front of your friend.’

‘To be perfectly honest with you, I didn’t invite you, Will did,’ Karen said dispassionately, and then she turned toward me with a hint of spite in her eyes, and asked, ‘But that’s a good question, why did you invite her?’

Now, all three women were looking at me waiting for an answer. None of them seemed to understand the irony of the situation and absurdity of the question as they stared blankly back at me, each of them in various stages of undress, and performing acts of sexual depravity that most men have only experienced in their wildest imaginations. I thought the answer was obvious, ‘Because you three are going down on each other and when I’m not fucking each of you blue I’m going to watch. Duh!’

I directed my answer to Jackie, but did so while looking at Karen, ‘Certain things have happened to me that have made me more appreciative of family. Sometimes the people we love most, or who are closest to us, fall into neglect. It’s not done purposefully or with malice. It’s just the result of taking them for granted. I think Karen and I have been taking those closest to us for granted, and I didn’t want it to continue.’

I was being tactfully ambiguous. Let each of them construe whatever they wanted out of what I said. Karen sat with downcast eyes. Was I still pointing an accusing finger at her and her adultery, or was I accepting partial blame for being neglectful of her in the past and pushing her inadvertently toward those indiscretions? I couldn’t be sure what Gloria was thinking, but she smiled back at me and winked. Were the certain things that happened to me a reference to last week’s escapades, or, like Karen, did she believe I was graciously admitting to some culpability? Jackie’s reaction was the most obvious and heartwarming, she run up and hugged me tight about the waist. Holding us close, she began to sob.

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Glennie Patterson The next afternoon at practice, I could see it on Amy's face. She had that fresh-fucked look and finally admitted that she had seduced Aaron into screwing her the prior evening. During our chatting as we watched the practice, she told us all about it and Phyllis added comments about her session with Tommy so that by the end of the practice, we all had a pretty good picture of what had happened both times... and I was as horny as I could ever remember being. We agreed...

2 years ago
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BohicaChapter 7

I was lying on my back and had my arms and thighs wrapped around my lover as he pumped in and out of me. And I was more than full. Gasping and moaning, I slid my hand down between us and felt the biggest cock I had ever felt with my hand. I opened my eyes and looked into his face, and it was Bohica! He was fucking me with his giant cock, and I was not screaming in pain, but moaning in pleasure. He pulsed 2, 3, 4 times and I felt his jizz flowing into me, then out of me and down my ass. He...

2 years ago
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My Neighborhood Delight

I bought a new house a few years back. I had noticed all of my neighbors were the typical type, waved, never really said much or talked to each other, each consumed in their own daily lives. I had never put too much thought to my surroundings, I worked full time and I was busy living up the life as a single man. Then one day I was out mowing my lawn and I saw her. I was in my early 20’s and she was easily 40. She was to my, the pinnacle that every mature lady should aim to be. She was about...

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Kaise Mai Ek Randi Bani

Hi guys, maine apni pehli story me bataya k kaise mujhe sex k baare me pata chala or mai kaise apni chut me ungli daalne lagi thi. Meri first story ka title h “Kaise mai ek shareef larki se bani sex ki diwani “.Kisi ladki ko mere saath lesbian krna hai toh ispe mujhe email kare. Ab agay ki story…. Mai bht fashionable ho gayi thi mujhe sahi kya galat kuch samajh nhi aa raha tha, mai school ko tight kapre pehenti thi vo bhi bina bra or panty k. Ek din fir se amir ne nida ko bathroom mein...

2 years ago
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A beautifully written coming of age story and lesbian sex

The two maidens took Lea by the hand and lead her through the torch-lit temple to the High Priestess’s chamber. Lea was just twelve and had only seen the High Priestess during the most important of religious ceremonies. But she knew the woman was very beautiful. The maidens had dressed Lea in a sheer cloth gown that flowed around her like vapor. Her bare feet padded on the cool stone floor. The two maidens had spent the afternoon preparing Lea. They washed her in the pool, its water...

2 years ago
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First Time with Dave and Beryl

Me and my partner have decided to write all our experiences down, a bit like photos to look back on. So all True stories My partner wrote this oneFirst Time with Dave and BerylI’ve known Dave and Beryl for over thirty years now, Dave has always flirted with me ever since I’ve known him, and he’s always told me he wants to get into my knickers, he has the occasional sneaky feel or squeeze of my tits when he’s been messing around. And is always asking me to show him my big tits, but I have never...

4 years ago
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Prison Island 2

2. Francesco looked around with wary eyes. He had been given a set of fresh clothes which consisted of a t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and one pair of snickers, and then forced into the chopper, next to a bunch of other boys who looked no older than him. He hadn’t been in juvie much, so, in his mind, he thought he didn’t belong there, but no one cared what he thought about it, anyway. He stood on a long bench, at a safe distance from the others. From the short time he had been...

3 years ago
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Local Totty Needs More Attention

A couple of days after my liaison with the neglected milf Jo, she text me to invite me over for an afternoon of, as she put it, 'adult fun'.As an adult, and a fun-seeker, I could hardly refuse, could I? So I feigned sickness from my course and drove the few miles to her house in an expensive looking, modern mini-estate on the edge of the local village. I stopped on the way for some supplies and got a strange look from the checkout girl as she scanned a half bottle of whisky, a pack of...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Kenzie Reeves Throw Me Around Baby

Kenzie Reeves is 4 foot 10 and 90 lbs. She may be small, but she is a work of art. This is one perfectly toned body with perfect proportions, even at just 4 foot 10. She is one of those girls who seem to have long legs, great curves, nice abs, and perfect toning. You could say she is a cubic shit ton of hot slut crammed into a tiny body. She has one filthy mouth on her. She tells TeamSkeet how she loves to be thrown around and fucked hard by larger men. She shows off how skilled she is at...

1 year ago
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Neighbour Granny Seduced me

Hi readers, i am posting the incident happened to me long back.My family was went to attend one function in a city which is 750kms away from my house.My mom requested the neighbour to take care of me. as they will back to home after 3 days only. I was left in house due to studies.Let i explain about my neighbour. They are 4 people in my opposite house.Beautiful structured aunt aged 22 with boobs of 34D. Her husband (Lucky man) works in software industry. Her 2 yrs old cute boy (vicky)and her...

2 years ago
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Incest Sex With My Sister

It all happened 2 years back. My jiju was working in a private company at a very high post, and they used to stay nearby to our place. My sister is 12 years elder to me. Her name is Richa and mine is Jay. I used to call her didi, because of the age difference. As we stay in Mumbai, and our houses are nearby, so I used to frequently visit their house, just to get glimpse of my sex queen. Now coming to my sister, her boobs were 36c; she has a very good ass, with big breasts which can make any man...

2 years ago
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we had to spank

total fictionAs the 2 of us cruised around we came to a place every one called fuck point it is where couples go to go dogging, my mate brought all his victims there and he could whittle a piece of wood away with all the knotches he had. we turned the lights off and came to a hault you could see cars bumping up and down couples fucking on rear seats.My mate said lets go and sneak a peak,we crept up to a car to see a couple fucking like mad she was totaly naked screaming for all her might, we...

2 years ago
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My Elder Assistant Part Five

After a covert sniff, I stuffed Mary's panties into my pocket.The restaurant was closed in with glass walls and very quiet. They didn't have very many patrons this early in the day, which we welcomed. The waitress, Tina, stopped by with some coffee and water. She asked, "Do you have any questions about the menu?"I looked at Mary, and she said, "Nope, no questions, but we are ready to order." After we placed our order, Tina wandered off. We sipped our coffee as my hand was a constant...

2 years ago
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The vulnerability of sleep intrigues me. As she lay there resting, her body nestled into mine with rolling deep breaths, my senses tuned themselves to her. She was my focal point: smells, feelings, tastes were tied into what she was. Things that were not of her were unimportant.We were there – in our pajamas, in a bed a little too small for two people – and I argued with myself, though I could have predicted the victor. We have a connection, don’t we? I think we do. I mean, we’re here, now....

4 years ago
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Azur Lane Beach Festival

The cawing of seagulls. The soft lapping of ocean waves as the tide casually rises and falls. A gentle breeze calmly blowing through the air. The light of the sun shining bright on this hot summer day illuminating the beach. On this particular day there on the sand gathered a crowd of ship girls and other on lookers. Why where they gathered here on the beach? Well they were all gathered around a swiftly built stage made out of recycled ship parts. A lone figure sat upon a makeshift throne in...

2 years ago
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My Mom Walks In

I was twenty and home from school. I got worked up one day and I decided to strip out of my clothes. I was working on getting my cock good and hard when my Mom barged into my bedroom. Damn, I had forgotten to lock my door. Mom stood there and took a long look at my dick. For some reason I kept stroking myself.Mom came over and sat down on the bed. She was in her early forties with long, dark hair and a killer body. To my surprise she reached out and took hold of my dick. She began stroking me...

4 years ago
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Dressed in holiday style II

I was up by 1 p.m., showered, changed into some fresh panties and donned some hated boy clothes to hit the streets. I stopped by a local coffee shop (not the national chain-brand type) and over a mocha latte the barrista was kind enough to give me a few pointers about where she thought the best holiday lights in the city could be found. I tipped her handily for the information and then went to my fave camera shop, where I chatted with the proprietor a bit and bought a couple of new high speed,...

3 years ago
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Star of South Africa

South Africa. Present day. 10 pm. The band of drug traffickers...numbering 40 strong had made camp for the night in the jungle. They gleefully counted the gold, diamonds and other trinkets they had bribed out of some of the unsuspecting exchange for the powerful narcotic they were peddling. The traffickers were a band of roughnecks..hired by a wealthy kingpin who lived in a palatial mansion in Cape Town..built on the profits from his nefarious trade. His reach was long. He had...

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PixOLix act 1 scene 2

   "I am never late Pixie.  I come precisely when I want to. Just ask Tech. What is going on in here?"   A shocked look flashes over Rocco's face for a moment and then cereal box tops flash in his eyes as he realizes the potential income from taping such an amazing sight. Fystee resumes her attack on poor Pixie when she realizes that Pixie's rescuer decided not to. Rocco runs from the room and into his office to retrieve his digital camcorder but quickly returns and starts taping the action in...

3 years ago
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San Diego bay

True story.The time is Southern California 1982, the bay of Coronado.I was stationed as a Navy sailor at one of the local bases and took to the ocean and the great weather of California. I grew up in the northern and much colder states so any chance I got I was outdoors and on the water.By great luck I found a sailboat that was ready to sail and at a price I could afford. The sail boat was a 21ft bay sailor, great for one person operation with a single mast and only one main and one stay sail....

2 years ago
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BSC07 the First Lifestyle NudistsChapter 33 Application Accepted

The ‘YIPPEE!’ coming from 10 Rose Lane, Porterville could be heard all down the street. Before the echo had even had a chance to die down Tom Barry was on the telephone calling Belinda and in no time at all she was there with Tom in his bedroom. In Tom’s hand was a large envelope that contained a wordy document from senator Rebecca Arnold’s administration office. Tom and Belinda were just looking at the front page because that one page told them all they needed to know. Emblazoned across...

4 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch08

Chapter: August “The Sun and the Moon” * Life is as full of treasured moments as it is of hardship, though the challenges and obstacles that must be overcome can seem insurmountable, weighing so heavily that it seems even Atlas must be crushed under its mass. When those special gifts keep coming, it is easy to be desensitized or to focus on them to the expense of missing greater opportunities. And if you do see them, what then? Will you set your eyes on the prize to reach forsomething that...

Love Stories
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Getting aroused at the pool table

That Friday night I had dragged my beloved hubby to a local pub for some drinks. I was quite horny, since my sweet Victor had not fucked me in the last days. So, I thought that he could get aroused by seeing me dressed sexy and getting the looks on my body of every man there…Once there, Victor and I had a few drinks and soon I noticed a few admiring glances. I was starting to get brave and suggested him a game of pool. We played doubles first, with some very younger lads.One of these teams...

3 years ago
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How can you tell

Growing up in an ultra conservative town made what I was feeling at age 13 like an outcast. I had been taught that I should be interested in girls. And for a while I tried but always ended up in just the friend zone. I was undersized for my age, in every category, from my height, muscles, and my cock. I was skinny, pale skinned, with long white blonde hair and from time to time was mistaken for being a girl from behind. Needless to say, I wasn't very athletic besides being good at running. I...

2 years ago
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Taking Cara Business

"Good morning, Arrow Associates. This is Cara. How may I direct your call?" I wouldn't last a week as a receptionist. I could never sound half that cheerful repeating the same thing forty times before noon. Not to mention keeping track so I didn't keep saying 'morning' at 3 pm. But Cara has been doing it for six months now while greeting the arriving staff and clients, keeping the coffee fresh and signing for deliveries. Of course, she's 19 years old and in her first real job while I'm...

1 year ago
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From the Gym to the Bedroom

We hadn't seen each other for years! And, time had been "honest" to both of us! But, That Ass Was Talking To Me,...BIG-TIME!!MD, was a serious PAWG, back in the day! She was a foreign, Nanny/Au Pair, from Central Europe! Long, brown, curly hair! Small, firm and dark-nipple, tits! And, the roundest, firmest, thickest, ass and thighs, that I had the pleasure of slapping against! Many, many, times before we had a nasty, parting of company! I won't bore you with the "boring and pointless" details...

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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 27

Leninsk lay some 30 kilometres to the East of Stalingrad across the river Volga. It had been projected as an industrial city but the war had overtaken its construction. A few factory buildings had been built but now they were just empty shells. The equipment had been shipped East of the Urals. A concrete runway had been laid out before the war for a future airport. No terminal building or hangars had been yet constructed but during the Winter some prefabs had arrived and lay ready to be...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 22 Meeting My Crew

By the time the hour instruction was complete I think most of the people in the room had fallen asleep. I had followed along for a while and then found that the desk allowed me to zoom in even more on sections as the AI discussed them. The one thing I quickly noticed was that the ship was designed to not need a crew. Just about everything could be handled by the computer. Only the combat tasks like firing the weapons or making emergency changes to engine output would require human...

1 year ago
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AmberChapter 7

Leon tells Jessica that it is okay and that she can play with him all she wants. She comes into the room, followed closely by Amber. Together they climb onto the bed, both already naked like he is. His cock is slow to come around and doesn’t go unnoticed, so Amber starts playing with his balls. She motions to Jessica and the girl grabs his rod. Her soft hands are cold, but the combination quickly coaxes his member into action. “Why don’t you kiss him?” Amber offers. Jessica is hesitant at...

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Diary of a neighbourknicker sniffer

I couldn’t believe my luck. Neighbours were going away for 10 days and asked my step-daughter to feed the cats. Didn’t take long for me to persuade that lazy slut that I should do it instead and save her the work. And it was a lot of work: I reckon that I delivered 26 loads round there that week – that’s an awful lot of meat-beating. In fact some of the days it seemed like I never really put it away: I was either beating my meat at the neighbours or having an introductory shaft-stroke back at...

4 years ago
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Sounding like a painter

I have been running my own company for a few years now, I have two female staff lets call them Sharon and Casey to protect their IDs, they are both attractive and I flirt with them but nothing more, Sharon is the older of the two, she’s blonde in her early thirties ,about 5ft a thin with a firm pert ass and small tits, Casey is younger about the same height and is more curvy with a really substantial pair of tits, they really are far too large for her frame , she recently gave birth and is...

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Stacy the Angel

Introduction. The ways of the Official are many, varied, and often formal. That their methods and phrases – often arcane or even quaint to the modern ear – are accepted goes without saying. In dealing with an ‘Official’ you have to listen very carefully, often to long sentences and unfamiliar words that almost borders on ‘legalese’ or ‘jargon’. We seem to live in a world where ‘ticking the box’ and recording target achievements seems more important than doing the actual job. This story is...

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work out

for awhile now my husband mark and his friend tony have been working out together,my husband is average size (5'10",180 lbs)while tony is the bulked up one (around 6'2" 215lbs) and im always alittle weak around him and wondered what it would be like having him take day not long ago my husband was over there working out when he got called out to work and called me and asked if i could get his stuff from tonys for him and i said "sure".im about 5'5" 160 lbs so tony isnt typically...

1 year ago
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In the News

                IN THE NEWS        "I didn't even believe in hypnosis until I met Brian," Christy said. "I mean, yeah, I knew people actually claimed to be hypnotized and stuff, but I thought they had to be very weak-minded or suggestible or something. I figured it would never work on me. No way. I was too hard-headed, too in contact with reality. No way anybody could make me lose control of my own mind, you know? Well. Then Brian came along."        "Thank God," I said.        Christy gave...

3 years ago
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An Inconvenient Spy Ch 01

The Chevy Suburban pulled into the drive and I knew that something was wrong. It wasn’t the car itself, it was the fact that only a select few people knew where to find me and fewer still had the code to get through the front gate without setting off the alarm by the front door of the house. This visitor was at least very close to one of those very few that I actually trusted. How did a 42 year old get to this state of paranoia? It is fairly easy I guess when you make a couple of choices when...

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