Goetic JusticeChapter 6: Breaking Chains free porn video

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A hooded figure traipsed through the forest, clambering over gnarled roots as he made his way deeper, fallen leaves crunching and twigs snapping underfoot. The naked branches of the trees reached upwards like grasping fingers, rising from the obscuring mist that hung over them, the light of the waxing moon providing just enough light to see by. The sky above was clear of clouds, velvet black, the cold stars twinkling in the heavens.

The figure stopped at a tree, placing a gloved hand on the trunk and drawing a penknife from the pocket of his jacket. He stabbed it deep into the bark, carving a symbol into the wood, large and prominent. It was a pattern of crossed lines and small circles, a demonic sigil. When he was finished, he moved on to another tree. It was hard going, his breath condensating in the cold air as it left his lips, his features obscured beneath the shadow of his cowl.

Over the course of an hour, he had carved them into dozens of trees, maybe a hundred. The same symbol appeared everywhere, only varying in its size. When he reached a clearing in the dense woodland, he pulled a rucksack from his back, kneeling to rummage through it in search of something. He drew a large, camouflaged block from the bag, securing it around one of the trees with a belt so that it faced the clearing. He fiddled with the device for a minute, then stepped back to examine it, apparently satisfied.

The task complete, he returned to the bag and withdrew an armful of rectangular metal plates, each roughly the size and shape of a paperback book. He walked about the clearing and the surrounding area, scattering them everywhere, that same sigil etched onto each of them.

He returned to the rucksack once again, this time unzipping one of the pockets and pulling out a blood pack, the crimson liquid shining in the moonlight. Using his knife, he poked a hole in the clear plastic, handling it gingerly so as not to spill any of it on his clothes. He walked around the circumference of the clearing, splashing blood on the trunks of the trees, careful to coat the sigils that he had carved there. When he was satisfied, he squeezed the rest of the pack out onto the open soil, the ground mostly clear of dead leaves in the absence of trees.

There was a rustle as he wrapped the empty blood pack in a plastic bag to prevent it from leaking, then headed off into the forest once again. Stooping low, he scoured the ground, brushing aside the foliage as he searched the undergrowth. He soon found what he was looking for, picking up suitably sized rocks and carrying them to the center of the clearing, where he deposited them in a haphazard pile.

Once he had collected what looked to be enough, he began to lay them out, creating a rough circle in the clearing about ten feet across. He pulled a measuring tape from his pocket and extended it, judging the size to be correct, then retracted it with a click.

With a stick in hand, he walked around the rock circle, drawing lines in the dirt. He traced out concentric rings, then moved on to pentagrams and triangles, reproducing the symbols from memory. After walking back over to his pack, he withdrew a leather-bound book, referencing the drawings within to ensure that he had gotten everything right. He stowed it, then produced a large bag of table salt, cutting a small tear in it with his blade. He filled in the ruts that he had made in the soil with the powder, the summoning circle slowly taking shape, its details standing out white against the black dirt.

The shrouded figure repeated the process with the sigils and incantations, drawing swirling Hebrew script and arcane runes, pausing every few seconds to reference his book and make sure that his reproductions were accurate. It must have taken two or three hours to complete the procedure. The figure stood in the middle of his salt summoning circle, the carefully traced shapes and text glowing in the pale moonlight. It looked like a scene from a horror movie, or at least what a layman might assume an occult ritual would look like, and that was just the way he wanted it.

He sat down at the foot of a gnarled tree, getting as comfortable as possible in its tangled roots, then crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

Nahash materialized, her physical manifestation forming from the swirling mists and becoming solid, her cloven hooves meeting soft dirt underfoot. She opened her ovine eyes, blinking as her surroundings came into focus. It was dark, the environment lit only by the light of the moon, her pale skin and white fur reflecting it like a beacon as she turned her head to look around. She was in a clearing, thick forest closing in on her from all sides, mist hanging low over the ground as she felt the cool night air on her face.

This was her domain, a sense of déja-vu overcoming her, a kind of primal recognition sparking in her mind as she gazed at the tree line. She had not visited woodland for a thousand years, yet the scents and sounds were all immediately familiar to her, the chirping of insects and the smell of damp soil bringing old memories flooding back.

She wanted to break loose, to dance through these woods and vanish between the trees, the wilds calling to her with an almost irresistible intensity that rang in her head like a bell.

Those days were long over, however. With a heavy heart, she resisted the powerful urges, turning her attention to the task that her master had assigned her.

Where was Ryan? This was not his apartment. She could hear the sounds of the city in the distance, but it was faint and far away. She looked down to examine the summoning circle beneath her feet, drawn in the soil and filled in with salt. It was impeccably reproduced, considering the crude methods employed, far better than the one that Ryan had drawn on his floorboards in chalk. She noticed some irregularities. There was no triangle for the summoner to stand in, and no containment triangle for protecting the exorcist from uncooperative spirits. This could not have been used for summoning, it was merely acting as a gate, drawing in the ambient magickal energy in the environment and concentrating it here.

It felt good. This was a place where nature ruled, and the magick was strong.

Movement caught her eye, the shadow of a hooded figure walking towards her through the fog. The stranger must have been hiding just out of view, watching her materialize. Nahash bristled, but as he reached up to pull back his dark hood, she recognized him.

“Ryan?” Nahash asked, blinking her eyes. “What is the meaning of this? Why are we in a forest?”

“I wasn’t sure that it would work,” he replied cryptically, walking around the edge of the circle with his hands in his pockets as he admired his handiwork. “I figured that wherever I decided to sleep, Orobas would send you, provided that there was a circle here to offset the energy cost. Looks like I was right.”

“This circle was not designed for summoning rituals,” she mused, turning her eyes to the ground. “Did you go to the trouble of making it just to bring me here? Why?”

“That’s right,” he replied, spreading his arms wide. “After you left earlier today, I went for a little drive. I visited a few stores to buy the supplies that I needed. After all, I don’t have to worry about money anymore thanks to you. I searched for woodland that was remote, yet reasonably accessible from the city. We’re right on the edge of a national park, you know. Not many people come through here, but there are hikers and nature lovers who do, and I ensured that this clearing would be close enough to the trail that campers or hunters might stumble across it.”

“Ryan, what are you doing?” Nahash asked as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Whatever this is, it isn’t part of your contract with Orobas.”

“No, it isn’t,” he replied as he walked over to join her in the center of the circle. “This is something that I’m doing of my own volition. I’ve been paying attention to what you’ve told me. I’ve listened when you’ve talked about sigils and the power of faith, the way that magickal energy is created and distributed.”

Nahash lifted her head as she sniffed the cold night air, smelling blood and metal, her amber eyes widening.

“What have you done?” she asked, more curious than alarmed now. “You are but a novice, Ryan. If you seek to summon a greater demon or to make a game of powers that are far beyond your control, you risk inviting a terrible fate.”

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Her mother said "well what the fuck shelby do you even knock!" DaddyBear is laying on his back while MamaBear was sucking his cock. Well not normally but damn im glad i didnt, holy shit thats a nice cock you werent kidding when you said hes gota nice big cock mom. DaddyBear laying on his back cock standing erect,tells shelby to come sit on his face. as she does so she strokes and hold his cock as she climbs up on the bed resting her beautifully bald 19yo pussy in his face, she...

1 year ago
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whips and chains

He shook his head to clear his mind, a bit. Almost there, he said to himself....feeling as giddy as a child with candy. He came to the door, and pulled out the key. He inserted it in the lock, at the exact same moment as the bell's began to chime, some ways further down the street. He unlocked the door, and went inside. The lights were very dim, lit only by a black light bulb. Further down the corridor, he glimpsed a familiar sight....a sight that made him go ice cold, and steamy hot at...

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Goddess in Chains

She opened her eyes or tried too. Her heart began to race. 'I'm blind!!!' Her mind yelled. Then she noticed a fabric across her eyes and realized she was blindfolded. She tried to move her arms and legs and realized she was tied down. This was when she started to thrash and yell. When it came out as a muffled sound she realized there was a plastic ball in her mouth gagging her. Somehow her pussy started to get wet. She realized she was naked when she could feel cool air over her now slowly...

3 years ago
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Kat looked both ways and crossed the street, she hugged her coat in desperation to keep the cold off her bare skin underneath. She had been instructed to wear nothing but her snow boots and a coat. She turned into the alley and bent over slightly putting her hands against the cold brick wall the coat flew open making her shiver. Knowing that if she did something about it she would be in trouble. Kat stood in the cold with her hands against the wall for what she guessed was about 25 minutes....

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 9 Blossoming DangerChapter 4 Fearrsquos Chains

I blinked as Minx burst out of the tent she shared with Sophia, marching forward, her tiny body bristling. She was naked, her clothing thrown over her shoulder, her small breasts bouncing. I opened my mouth to say something, but I had no idea what to say. What was going on? It sounded like she was having a good time with Sophia. But now the halfling marched towards the dark woods in a huff. I was on watch as we camped in the dark woods. For the last hour, I had to listen to everyone having...

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Breaking Up Breaking In

"Hey handsome! I missed you," she said, moving across the room with a cute-almost stumble. She wrapped her arms around me, but I stood rigid. She must have felt that, sensed something was wrong, because her smile began to fade. Her lips still stayed stretched up, but her eyes started to fill with worries. "We need to talk, Serah." Breakups are nasty. I didn't want to hurt Serah, but then I also didn't want to be with her anymore. She was gorgeous, don't get me wrong: around...

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Making Up and Breaking Up

Breaking Up And Making Up“Well, Nobody’s Perfect!” Joe E. Brown ‘Some Like It Hot’by Nikkie Silk Chapter OneDanny stood at the bar and looked around the pub. It wasn't his usual,but this one had looked bright and warm from the outside on a gray,rainy day. The after work rush wouldn't start for a couple of hours orso yet, so there were only a few old boys who looked like regulars,nursing their pints and looking miserable, cursing the smoking ban. Acouple at a table in the corner seemed to be...

4 years ago
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Breaking Up and Making Up

Breaking Up And Making Up "Well, Nobody's Perfect!" Joe E. Brown "Some Like It Hot" Nikkie Silk Chapter One Danny stood at the bar and looked around the pub. It wasn't his usual, but this one had looked bright and warm from the outside on a gray, rainy day. The after work rush wouldn't start for a couple of hours or so yet, so there were only a few old boys who looked like regulars, nursing their pints and looking miserable, cursing the smoking ban. A couple at a table in the...

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Breaking Sara

Alex finished his third set and slowly stood, rolling from the bench to the floor. He had just finished working on his shoulders and arms; cardio was next, followed by some pull ups to work on his back. He wiped the back of his neck with a towel, and casually looked towards the check-in counter at the far side of the gym floor. There she was, right on time. She flashed her brilliant smile to the boy behind the counter and gave him a flirty little wink as he handed her the sign in...

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Breaking Hema 8211 Part 1

The entire story is a fiction, all characters are fictions. The story contains lot of forced sex scenes, people who are not okay with that, don’t read the story. This is my first story, please excuse the typos and the grammatical errors. I apologize if the story is a bit long. Feedback to Breaking Hema – Part 1 Mr. Swaminathan is a 50 year old man who lived with his wife Ambika in a suburban town called Avadi in Chennai, he worked as a manager in a reputed bank. Swami came from an extremely...

2 years ago
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The Conflicts of Magic Tradition and Society Caught Breaking the Rules

So, yeah, this story contains sex. It contains weird stuff as well. I'm doing my best, though, to make this story very worthwhile. It's going to have likeable characters that will be developed by action instead of discription. I think that it's time that I make a good, well-written story. Keep in mind that this little message is being written before-hand. I'm going to try and collaborate with people to make it a good one. I've been kind of inspired from reading a lot of...

1 year ago
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Breaking all the rules Chapter I

He came across a message from one of his favorite playmates and paid special attention. “Click on these two links,” she suggested. “I think you will like them!” Based on his experience, she knew exactly how to please him, so he happily clicked on the first link. As he began to read first about an interesting individual and then about his philosophy on life, he became enraptured. “Anyone who thinks like this guy is worth getting to know,” he mumbled to himself as he read. Rock found...

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Breaking the Rules

I woke up one morning and came downstairs to find pet making breakfast. I sat down to the table and read the morning paper she had placed on the table. One of her duties is to put the morning paper at my place so I can read it before going to work. I was reading it when she put breakfast in front of me. Something was strange - normally, I get a perky "Good Morning, Master!" from my pet, but today she was quiet and reserved. I didn't think much of it at the time and went on about getting ready...

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Breaking In

I am not entirely proud of what I did, but put yourself in my shoes for a minute and maybe you shall understand. See, I have been working overtime at the managerial aspects of my work lately, so my sleep schedule is completely broken. But at least that night I am getting a nice, relaxing sleep. It is the first one I had had for weeks, in fact. Or at least, it would have been, were it not for the fact that I was rudely jolted out of sleep by a sudden, loud crash coming from downstairs. Here is...

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Life of a Slut Wife and Mum Ch03 Breaking In Lou

Breaking In LouboutinsThis story picks up from part 2-2, with my mum, Scarlett recounting the story of how she broke in the pair of shoes she was wearing while she lounged in bed with her three lovers as they recovered from the first round of fucking. This story therefore, is basically entirely from her point of view as she narrates it, while Drew and I listen in from the audio feed of the Mac’s microphone in my parent’s room.“Scarlett, you look so beautiful with all that cum drying on your...

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Breaking Point Ch1116

11. Accelerated Reform "Your mental make-ups are the contents of your everyday thinking; they carry a charge that can either transform, reform or destroy you. Watch your thoughts, they determine your life!" -- Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes ***** Rodriguez made his way to Ray's rooms. He half expected Barker to be dressed in feminine clothes but was not completely disappointed to find his captive in another feminine track-suit. "Good morning Miss...

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