Goetic Justice 2Chapter 11: Strike At The Heart free porn video

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They followed behind Azazel as it barreled through the hallways, somehow able to squeeze through the tight space despite its size. They heard screams and gunfire occasionally, but they were unable to see past its bulk, only the charred and dismembered bodies that it left in its wake serving to illustrate what was going on.

It was like tailgating an angry, fire-breathing steamroller, and before very long they arrived at a large cargo lift. It seemed out of place, big enough that even Azazel could stand on it, and Ryan looked over the guard rail to see that it descended deep into the mountain. He wasn’t sure how far down it went, as the only illumination came from floodlights mounted on the platform itself.

Azazel snapped its head around suddenly, looking back in the direction that they had come as if it could hear something that Ryan could not.

“I sense the presence of a Seraphim,” he muttered. “It is Samael, he has returned. He knows that I am here, but he cannot sense thee, Ryan Cutter. He has come to defend the Ark. Go now, and I will stay behind to hold him off.”

Ryan nodded, hitting the lever on the platform, the gears grinding as it began to slowly descend.

“Wait father!” Nahash shouted, Azazel turning to look back at her. She threw the ring, and the beast snatched it out of the air with its massive hand.

“I will return it to him, assuming that we prevail,” Azazel chuckled. A brilliant light flooded the corridor above, like a sunrise was happening inside the building, and Azazel’s halberd flared to life as the Watcher turned to face it. Samael’s golden wings propelled him forward as he emerged from the hallway like a rocket, driving his spear towards Azazel. The beast parried it with a deafening crack and a shower of bright sparks, their duel beginning anew, the two battling figures growing smaller as the elevator descended into the unknown.

“You know, I actually get on with him a lot better than I did with my ex’s in-laws,” Ryan mused.

The platform rumbled beneath their feet as it crawled down the tracks, the sounds of Azazel’s duel becoming fainter. After a few minutes, they could scarcely hear them, and it just kept taking the pair deeper. It made Ryan feel like he was descending into hell, he had no idea what would be waiting for them at the bottom. The silence became too much, and he felt compelled to make conversation, deciding to ask Nahash a few questions now that they had a moment of quiet.

“You mentioned your mother earlier,” Ryan began, “is it alright if I ask about her?” Nahash nodded, and so he pressed on. “She was mortal, right? Like me? What happened to her?”

“She was killed in the deluge,” Nahash explained.

“I’m sorry...”

“It was a long time ago,” the Seirim replied with a shrug, “it isn’t exactly a fresh wound.” “Tell me about her,” he insisted. Nahash took a moment, staring off into the distance, pulling up memories that were older than most human civilizations.

“In the antediluvian era, the period of time before the great flood, the land was presided over by Yahweh. It was an entity that had been birthed by the imaginations of a few scattered tribes, and through conversion and conquest, they had imbued it with immense power. It drove off all the other minor deities and spirits in the region, and it used its wealth of energy to turn the deserts into gardens. In exchange for their worship, it kept its followers fed and protected. There was no reason to reject the gifts that it bestowed.”

“The fertile crescent?” Ryan asked.

“That is what they call the region, yes. Agriculture flourished, it was a true garden of Eden and likely the origin of that very myth. Humans did not know disease or sickness, their lifespans extended into the hundreds of years, and after a time even war became unknown to them due to the protections that Yahweh afforded. It created Angels, calling them the Watchers, who cared for their mortal wards as if they were their own children.”

“That doesn’t sound all bad,” Ryan said, “but I get the impression that it didn’t last.”

“For nearly two thousand years they flourished,” Nahash continued. “They begot tens of millions of offspring who all worshiped Yahweh and kept it fed with their energy. The entity was all-powerful, unchallenged, but when one achieves ultimate power and authority the only fear left is that they should lose it. The deity became capricious, petty, it wanted to micromanage the day to day lives of every one of its subjects so as to keep them in line. It handed out edicts that forbade the building of statues, for example, fearing that they might be worshiped as idols. It forbade contact with outsiders for fear that they might carry with them a foreign religion that would spread like a plague. It demanded worship in new and elaborate ways in order to maximize its take of energy, it ordered that lengthy prayers and rituals be carried out, it had monuments and temples built in its name. Like a jealous lover its attempts to control the people became stifling and overbearing, and after a time the Watchers served as little more than prison guards.”

“Utopias have a tendency to go horribly wrong,” Ryan commented.

“Some of the Watchers began to sympathize with their mortal wards. They saw them as sentient creatures with their own hopes and desires, beings who should be free to make their own choices.”

“And that’s when the rebellion began?”

“Not quite. Many of the Watchers began to desire more autonomy for themselves, too. Yahweh had created them as sentient, powerful beings, but that lust for complete control extended to their own activities as well. The humans were as their children, and the Watchers wanted to teach them, to see them grow and mature. But Yahweh feared where that might lead. Mutual appreciation sometimes blossomed into love, as was the case with my mother and father.”

“How did that happen?” Ryan asked.

A smile brightened Nahash’s face as she fondly recalled the events.

“Her name was Bathsua, it means daughter of abundance, and abundant she was.”

“Yeah, I figured you probably took after your mother more than your father,” Ryan joked.

“She had hair the color of wheat, skin as pale as the waxing moon and eyes the color of ocean surf. She was kind and patient, she had so much love to give, and so much of it was directed towards my father. The Watchers came in many strange forms, but most chose to change their appearance into something more familiar to avoid frightening the mortals. Azazel was not one of them, he saw it as deceitful. My mother saw the good in him shine through his bestial exterior, and they soon fell in love.”

It should be a heartwarming story, but Ryan already knew how it ended. This was the point of no return, the spark that had ignited the fires of rebellion.

“At that point, there were hundreds of Watchers and millions of humans, so their activities went mostly unnoticed. Azazel would shirk his duties to spend time with her, he would expend energy needlessly to entertain her with magick, he would whisper the secrets of the universe to her. Yahweh was not omniscient, it did not see what Azazel was doing. The Watcher was well liked amongst his comrades, and so they didn’t turn him in. The relationship went on until he had given her twelve children, Nephilim, the offspring of a Watcher and a mortal. Many other Watchers did the same, finding human wives and starting families on Earth. All that Azazel wanted to do was share with Bathsua all the wonders of the world, to give her strong and worthy children, but these were things that Yahweh forbade out of paranoia. It wanted the mortals kept ignorant and docile, it feared the creation of half-breeds that were outside of its design.”

“I know what happened next,” Ryan grumbled. He had already heard stories of the rebellion and the flood.

“Eventually word of this reached Yahweh. It found out that a great many Watchers had defied it, that they had taken human wives and had taught the mortals forbidden knowledge. In a fit of rage, it ordered the Watchers to kill the Nephilim, along with all those who they had taught.”

“That’s barbaric,” Ryan muttered, “Yahweh asked them to kill their own families? Did any of them actually do it?”

“Only Samael,” Nahash spat, her hatred for the Seraphim apparent. “The rest defied the decree, they took their families and fled into the desolate mountains that bordered the fertile crescent in the North West. Many mortals followed them, mostly the extended families of their wives who feared retribution, but there were many who sought to free themselves from Yahweh’s rule too. There the rebel Watchers educated them in the ways of war, armed them, prepared them for what was to come. When the time was right, they marched on Eden side by side. Yahweh was powerful, but an army of two hundred Watchers, over a thousand Nephilim and a million mortals was a force to be reckoned with.”

“And who won?” Ryan asked. The answer had seemed obvious at first, but Nahash and Azazel were still here while Yahweh’s paradise was not.

“It was a war of such great scale and such terrible devastation that its like was not seen again until the great wars of Europe. Azazel’s forces were outnumbered, but they fought harder than their foes. Love is a greater motivator than fear. At the end of their campaign, what had been a cradle for humanity had been turned to blasted wasteland, its cities razed and its land unfit to bear fruit. It mattered not to Azazel, it was almost symbolic of his desire to see humanity fly the nest, but Yahweh became enraged. Not only had they defied its will, not only had they deprived it of energy, but they had destroyed everything that it had sought to build. In one final fit of rage and in an attempt to deny Azazel his victory, Yahweh brought forth a great flood. The land was wiped clean by a tsunami the height of a mountain, friend and foe alike were drowned by the millions. The rebellion was ended, and Yahweh’s reign along with it...”

“And what of your mother?” Ryan asked, looking up at Nahash to see her expression darkening.

“Drowned. My sisters and I might have been lost too had our father not been so revered by his people. They had fueled him with enough energy that he was able to save us from certain doom, and so he brought us back, conserving what little energy remained to him and entering a state of hibernation.”

“That I eventually woke him from?”

“Yes,” she said with a nod. “My sisters and I endured for a time, feeding on the energy of primitive tribes who revered us as spirits of the wilds. But as you well know, we were eventually forced to enter into the service of other demons. Watchers are powerful entities, very difficult to kill, but once cut off from their energy supply even they will eventually fade. Azazel may well be the last of them.”

“So ... who won the war?” Ryan asked.

“Nobody won,” she replied bitterly. “My father did not succeed in defeating Yahweh, he could not protect the families of the rogue Watchers, and he could not save the lives of his mortal followers. In a sense, his actions freed humanity as a whole from Yahweh’s rule, but it came at a terrible cost. As for Yahweh, in its paranoia, it created the very thing that it so feared. Its land and people were destroyed, in part by its own hand. The faith survived, however, preserved in the practices of a few scattered tribes who were descended from survivors of the deluge. In time they grew and spread, becoming the religions with which you are familiar today. Yahweh steadily regained its strength over the ages, but it never again sought to intervene directly in the lives of mortals.”

“Until now,” Ryan said.

“Perhaps,” she replied with a shrug, “but I am not so sure. Maybe it is the Masons who champion Yahweh’s return, and not the other way around. The myriad religions that feed it energy continue to grow and spread even in its absence. I see no reason for it to upset the status quo. It may even have learned from its experience, perhaps it no longer seeks to dominate and is content to merely be revered.”

“That sounds optimistic,” Ryan added, “but you’d know better than me.”

The lift finally ground to a stop, and they found themselves at the mouth of yet another corridor. They stepped off the platform, Ryan shouldering his rifle. He had come here to save his own skin, but now he was tasked with saving the world.

“I just wanted to pay my rent,” he muttered under his breath.

“What?” Nahash asked.

“Nothing, let’s get this done.”

The hallway was just as long and as featureless as the rest, their footsteps echoing as they made their way into the unknown. It was akin to being inflicted with a kind of snow-blindness, the pale, synthetic glare of the fluorescent lighting reflecting off the whitewashed walls and the polished stone floor. It all blended together. There were no side doors here, no scribes traveling to and fro and no guards patrolling. Ryan kept his rifle ready, but the corridor was so long that he couldn’t even see the end of it.

They had been walking for minutes by the time something finally appeared in the distance. It was a metallic glint, a door of some kind perhaps?

A noise like a thunderclap rang out, and Ryan spun around, knocked off his feet by the force of an impact. It felt like someone had hit his right shoulder with a sledgehammer, and for a moment he was confused, dazed. When he came to he was lying on his back, staring up at the bright lights in the ceiling, the entire right side of his body aching. He turned to look at it, seeing that blood was staining his clothes, his blood...

He heard Nahash bray like a goat, heard her hooves impacting the floor nearby, but he found himself unable to move. It didn’t really hurt that much, the pain was numbed by shock, but he felt as if all of the strength had been drained from his body.

Someone had shot him. But who, and from where? He feared for Nahash, she was no more bulletproof than he was. He could hear her bellowing angrily, but he couldn’t rise to get a look at her. He clutched at his rifle as if it might somehow protect him, but moving his right arm sent a stab of pain shooting down its length.

The ground began to rumble, there was the sound of creaking wood and shattered stone, pops of gunfire followed by distinctly human cries of anger and pain. Nahash returned to his side, crouching beside him and shaking him like she was trying to wake someone from a deep sleep. Her voice was distant, but it grew louder as his eyes focused on her face.

“Ryan! Ryan! Stay awake! Look at me!”

He blinked at her, his awareness slowly returning.

“I got shot,” he groaned weakly.

“I can see that, how badly are you hurt?”

He tried to sit up, and she helped him, curling an arm beneath him and propping him upright. He opened his jacket and his shirt, now soaked in blood, exposing the skin below. There was a hole in his shoulder the size of a penny, still bleeding but not profusely.

“I think it went through,” he croaked. “If it had hit bone, I’d have an exit wound the size of a fist. If it had hit an artery, I’d have passed out from the blood loss by now.”

The memories and experiences that he possessed reassured him that the wound was not immediately threatening. It must have passed through the soft tissue and narrowly avoided the bone, but the sooner he visited a doctor, the better.

Nahash helped him to his feet, supporting him as they walked down towards the end of the hallway. Now the pain was coming stronger, but he felt more alert, shock fading and adrenaline taking its place. As they neared their destination, he noticed a giant, metal door. It was covered in gears and rods, like something that might be found in a bank vault.

Two large trees had grown from the floor to either side of it, their thick, gnarled trunks standing like pillars. A product of Seirim magick no doubt. The slabs of stone that made up the floor beneath them had been shattered and upturned by their roots. Trapped in their leafy branches were two guards. One of them was limp, certainly dead, his body crushed against the ceiling and penetrated in places by sharp twigs.

The second was still alive, hopelessly trapped in a cage of twisted branches and pinned against the wall, but he was moving. The tree had grown out at an angle it seemed, as if it had been reaching towards its target like a grasping arm. At its base the man had dropped a long rifle with a magnified scope, Ryan recognizing it as a H&K G28, a German-made marksman rifle. The two guards were well placed, there was no cover in the hallway, and anyone approaching the vault could be fired upon from a distance. It was a stroke of pure luck that the round hadn’t landed a few inches to the left, and that they had thought him neutralized when he had fallen to the ground. It was one close call too many. Was it really luck, or was Azazel somehow watching out for him?

He considered drawing his handgun with his good arm and putting a bullet through the Mason’s masked face, but he was trapped, and he no longer posed a threat. Enough blood had been spilled by necessity today, he didn’t need to add to his growing kill count if it could be avoided.

“Can you see a way through?” he asked as Nahash examined the door.

“No, it’s some kind of ... mechanical locking mechanism, I don’t understand how it functions.”

Ryan gave it a look over, but he couldn’t figure it out either, it was a mess of wheels and steel rods. There were three keyholes, but only two guards.

“Try to burn through it,” he said, “we don’t have time to figure this out.”

She pressed her curved sword against the metal where the three keyholes were lined up in a row, and Ryan looked away as the weapon produced a bright light. He discarded his rifle, no longer able to wield it with one of his arms rendered next to useless, and drew his handgun instead. They didn’t know what they might find on the other side of this door, for all they knew there could be a hundred Mason goons waiting for them.

“How’s it coming?” he asked, growing impatient. The clock was ticking, and she had been trying to burn through the door for several minutes already.

“This door must be half a cubit thick,” she complained, “it’s taking me a long time.”

“Cubit?” Ryan asked.

“It’s maybe twelve inches thick,” she reiterated, “I don’t think that we can get in this way.”

The bright light faded, and Ryan turned to see a river of slagged metal pouring from the door to pool on the stone slabs that made up the floor, now made uneven by the spreading tree roots. Nahash had melted a hole deep enough that he could have fit his fist inside it, but they weren’t even close to breaking through yet. Destroying the locks had not caused the door to open either. He didn’t know much about bank vaults, but he knew that sturdy metal rods extended from the doors into the walls around them, locking them in place. Might it be easier to destroy the walls?

“You got enough juice left for another tree?” he asked.

“Maybe,” she replied, taking a step back from the door and letting her sword vanish into a puff of dark smoke.

“Don’t do it if you can’t be sure that you’ll have enough magick left over to manifest another body when we get out of here,” he added, “but I’m thinking that we can maybe break through the walls. The trees that you grew here broke through the stone floor, right?”

“That might work,” she said, scratching her chin. “Perhaps an ironwood tree would be able to produce enough pressure, but I can’t be sure. I will have to try. Take a few steps back...”

Ryan retreated a ways down the corridor, nursing his wounded shoulder as he watched her slowly raise her arms. It was almost as if she was lifting a heavy weight, visibly straining against an invisible force. The branches on the two existing trees bloomed with pink flowers, and their trunks were coated in a spreading layer of moss, the trapped guard wailing in alarm as he was engulfed by the cherry blossoms. Ryan was worried that the man might be in harm’s way, but there was no time to free him from the branches, and there was nothing to indicate that he wouldn’t immediately turn on them again.

Nahash took a few steps back, willing a green shoot to sprout from between the cracks of the stone slabs, little more than a weed. It began to grow, slowly at first, then expanding exponentially as it exploded out of the ground. It threw the heavy stones aside, upending them along with a mass of black earth, the roots growing and spreading like a nest of roiling snakes to find purchase. The trunk grew to be as thick around as an oil barrel, the branches reaching towards the vault door like skeletal fingers.

They impacted the stone wall and pressed against the ceiling, the tree still growing and expanding before Ryan’s eyes as it strained against the obstacle. There was a terrible sound of creaking wood, accompanied by cracking stone and bending metal, immense forces at play as the tree put pressure on the apparently immovable obstacle.

Nahash continued to strain, her limbs shaking as she pushed against an unseen barrier, the air thick with magick and motes of pollen. The tree embedded itself deeper into the earth, the thick trunk bending under pressures that Ryan could scarcely conceive of.

There was a loud bang as a crack appeared in the wall beside the vault door, then another, and another. The tree finally won its battle, and there was a sound like an entire mountainside collapsing as the walls surrounding the metal door crumbled and the circular slab of metal toppled over backwards. It kicked up a massive cloud of dust that swept through the hallway, the tree continuing to grow and pushing through the ceiling until Nahash saw fit to stop it.

She lowered her arms and fell to a sitting position, Ryan hurrying towards her through the obscuring cloud.

“Are you alright?” he asked, taking a knee beside her. He coughed as he inhaled the dust, pulling the collar of his shirt over his nose and mouth in an attempt to ward it off. The Seirim seemed exhausted, her chest rising and falling heavily, her breathing labored. “You did it, you got the door open.”

“I will recover,” she said, “go on without me. Complete your task and do not delay.”

He nodded, rising to his feet and making for the breach, holding his pistol in his left hand as he kept the right clasped against his chest. He dodged around the thick trunk of the ironwood tree, clambering over the rubble and debris, the dust slowly clearing as he made his way into the vault.

It was an expansive, dark room in the shape of a cube, the only light spilling in behind him through the hole that they had made. The massive vault door lay on its back, a few pieces of crumbling stone still attached to the heavy rods that had anchored it to the walls. There didn’t seem to be any light fixtures inside at all, no furniture or decorations, there was only a box resting on the ground in the center of the floor. It was made from wood with a golden lattice that held it together, the gilded lid decorated with twin statues of winged Angels that were facing one another. There were two golden rods attached to the sides of the chest, used for carrying it around no doubt.

He had expected something more awe-inspiring, something so finely crafted and extravagant that it could only have been forged by the hand of a God, but this looked rather innocuous. It wouldn’t have seemed out of place in a museum exhibit.

Movement caught his eye, and he pointed his weapon at a man who was trying to free himself from the rubble. As the dust cleared, Ryan could make out two more figures. One had been crushed by the door, only his robed upper body visible, the lower trapped beneath it. A third was leaning against the far wall on the other side of the chest, his hands raised in surrender. They were all elderly, clad in the same lavish garments, the purple fabric decorated with all manner of adornments and symbols.

“Stop!” the one near the far wall wailed, “stop this before it’s too late!”

Ryan kept his weapon trained on the man as he moved towards the Ark. He wondered for a moment how he was expected to destroy it, but upon second glance, it wasn’t especially sturdy looking. Gold was a soft metal, and the wood didn’t look thick.

“Please!” the old man pleaded, rising to his knees and wringing his hands as Ryan examined the chest. “Azazel has deceived you, he is the father of lies, the origin of all sin! You can still stop this. By staying your hand now, you could thwart Azazel’s plans. You have not yet strayed too far, no man is beyond redemption.”

“What were you doing in here?” Ryan asked, “who are you?”

“I am one of the Grand Architects,” the main explained hurriedly, “an instrument of God’s will on this Earth. We were calling for aid, for more Seraphim to be sent to stop the beast.”

“Like Samael?” Ryan asked disdainfully.

“Yes, yes! You have seen him? You have basked in his holy glory? You have felt his love?”

“Oh yeah, I felt his love alright, when he tried to lure me in and kill me. I also know that he murdered his own family and that he’s a sadistic piece of shit.”

“Please ... Ryan, that’s your name, is it not? Ryan, listen to my words very carefully. Azazel is a liar, he has made you into his instrument, but the ultimate choice still rests with you. It is not too late to turn to God, but if you do this, your soul will be forever lost. The beast cannot touch the Ark, he cannot destroy it, he needs a mortal champion to do it in his stead. You must see reason, you must refuse! If we succeed in our endeavor, there will be no more hunger, no more war or disease. Human lifespans will be extended into the hundreds of years, justice and peace will reign across the whole planet, deserts will turn to gardens and the world will be as it was always intended.”

“All under the control of your God?”

“All under the control of a loving, benevolent entity, yes. An entity who wants nothing more than to love and to be loved, to free us of our burdens, our fears and our doubts. You must see the value in this, surely?”

“Listen, old man,” Ryan began. “I’m real tired, I’ve had a long day, and if you haven’t noticed already, I just got shot. Maybe you should have opened with that spiel rather than trying to murder me in my own home. I wouldn’t even be here if you hadn’t fucked with me.”

“Wait, wait!”

“Now if you’re quite finished, I came here to smash this box and that’s what I intend to do.”

The Grand Architect looked around frantically, searching for something to use as a weapon. He picked up a piece of rubble and climbed to his feet, raising it above his head as he charged towards Ryan, loosing a desperate battle cry. Ryan casually aimed his handgun and shot the Architect in the chest, the old man keeling over to lie motionless on the dusty floor.

He stowed the weapon in his belt and walked over to the Ark, giving it an experimental kick. It was hollow, flimsy, it shouldn’t take much force to destroy it. He reached over and struggled to remove the lid, which was solid gold and by far the heaviest and sturdiest component, pushing it onto the floor. After leaning over to look inside, he saw the two stone tablets sitting on a bed of plush material that might have been silk or something along those lines.

He felt a spark of guilt. This Ark and these tablets were genuine historical artifacts of great significance, thousands of years old. Destroying them just felt wrong, but after everything that he had seen he understood why it had to be done. He reached in and picked up one of the stone tablets, examining the Hebrew inscriptions. He couldn’t read them, but he knew them to be the ten commandments, dictated to Moses atop Mount Sinai according to legend.

He raised the tablet above his head and threw it, the stone shattering into pieces as it hit the ground, then he did the same with the second. He upturned the chest and knocked it onto its side, then retrieved a sizable chunk of rubble from the ground, using it to smash through the wooden paneling. The gold dented inward and the wood splintered, and before long the chest had been reduced to a pile of debris. He pulled apart the gold lattice as best he could with his one good arm, putting his foot on it and leveraging it to bend the metal. He wasn’t sure exactly how destroyed it needed to be if it was to be rendered unusable, but he did all that he could. Once he was finished with the Ark, he returned to the tablets and ensured that they were too fragmented to be reassembled.

A haze appeared in the room before him, and Gaap manifested there, grimacing at him from beneath its burlap hood.

“Apologies,” it said in its rasping voice, “I was prevented from returning by powers greater than my own. I came as soon as I was able.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Ryan replied, “just get me out of here.”

Azazel had no doubt prevented Gaap from carrying Ryan away before the task was complete, and if he had let the demon return, then it must mean that the Ark was adequately destroyed. Gaap began to do its work, Ryan feeling a pain in his chest, sinking to his knees and gritting his teeth. He knew that it would pass, but no amount of logic or reason could stave off the primal panic that flooded through his veins as his body began to die. It felt like his chest was being crushed in a gigantic vice, his muscles aching as his heart beat erratically, then came to a thudding halt. As he fell to his side, his vision darkening, he heard footsteps and shouting.

Same as Goetic Justice 2
Chapter 11: Strike at the Heart Videos

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Goetic JusticeChapter 3 Tangible Results

Ryan was hunched over the kitchen sink washing dishes when Nahash appeared again, that same cold haze and the stench of sulfur alerting him to her imminent manifestation. A feeling of instinctual dread washed over him as he sensed her presence behind him, as if his mind rejected her on some subconscious level, an aberration whose very existence defied the laws of nature. One of the plates that he was washing slipped out of his grasp and broke, the crack of the ceramic making him jump out of...

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Goetic JusticeChapter 4 Sweet Dreams

Ryan had finally found something – a job interview for a good position in his field that paid well and was in range of his soon-to-be new car. After scheduling an interview by email, he slumped over his keyboard, exhausted and relieved. He had a car, he had a job interview, now he just needed to nail the face-to-face and he might actually be able to climb out of this hole. He checked the clock on his taskbar, seeing that it was two in the morning. Time to get some sleep. He rubbed his itchy...

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Goetic JusticeChapter 5 Gainful Employment

Ryan stood in front of the wardrobe mirror, trying to straighten his wrinkled shirt, struggling with his tie. It was the day of the job interview, and he had but a scant hour to get himself prepared. It wasn’t as if he had never worn a suit before, but it was Becky who had advised him on being presentable. He didn’t know the first thing about dressing snappy. She had prepared his wardrobe, helped him shop for clothes, ironed his shirts. Without her, he was a mess. Maybe there was an element...

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Goetic JusticeChapter 6 Breaking Chains

A hooded figure traipsed through the forest, clambering over gnarled roots as he made his way deeper, fallen leaves crunching and twigs snapping underfoot. The naked branches of the trees reached upwards like grasping fingers, rising from the obscuring mist that hung over them, the light of the waxing moon providing just enough light to see by. The sky above was clear of clouds, velvet black, the cold stars twinkling in the heavens. The figure stopped at a tree, placing a gloved hand on the...

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Goetic JusticeChapter 7 Consorting With Demons

When Ryan stepped through the door of his apartment, Nahash was waiting there for him, lounging on the couch as she watched him hang up his coat. She was treating it like a chaise longue due to her size, reclining on it as she leaned with one arm on the backrest and the other trailing over the side. Her long legs were crossed, hanging over the adjacent armrest, her cloven hooves touching the floor. She had always been distractingly attractive, but for the first time, he felt free to really...

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Goetic JusticeChapter 8 Best Laid Plans

Ryan awoke alone in the ruined bed, yawning as he stretched his arms above his head. The sweet ache and satisfaction from his romp with Nahash the previous night still lingered as he brushed away stray feathers, sliding out from beneath the sullied sheets. He made his way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, glancing at his wall clock to see that it was already noon. He didn’t like waking up without Nahash, but he understood that manifesting a physical body did not come without a cost. If...

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Goetic JusticeChapter 10 A Taste of Freedom

Becky mounted the steps of the apartment complex, muttering angrily to herself, tapping at her phone as she rounded the corner and made her way past the numbered doors towards Ryan’s apartment. How dare he ignore her calls. She had wanted to teach him a lesson, that was all. He was supposed to realize what he had been doing wrong and man up, start giving her the attention that she deserved instead of taking her for granted. Instead, he had gone dark, dropping off the face of the earth and...

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Facing Justice

This is the second of my Lost Gods stories, the first being "Imprisoned". However, this is not a sequel and they are not directly connected so you do not have to have read Imprisoned first in order to read this one. Facing Justice By Morpheus It was near the end of a very long day. It had been yet another day of hearing constant excuses and sob stories. Of being surrounded by criminals and liars, some of the worst of which were the lawyers. I had long since realized that...

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Bovine Justice vs The Sugar Skull G

The local media was now calling it ‘the crime wave of the century’. There was still no evidence the spike in crime was organized in any meaningful way, but the event was straining Megatropolis’ police and cadre of superheroes. There were many theories on how the crime wave started but the most convincing one was the simplest: there had been a small increase in crime, big enough to be reported on the local news. The reports mentioned that the city’s police and superheroes were stretched thin...

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Justice League Jumble

I had the idea for this story for quite some time. And when I heard that DC was actually going to come out with something with a similar premise, I hurried to get this one out first. Most of the characters in this story are owned by DC comics. Justice League Jumble chapter 1 By Morpheus The morning light was beginning to break over the city of Gotham, and a lone figure stood perched atop a gargoyle, his gaze searching the city below. Searching for what, he didn't know, but he'd...

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Justice by I.R. Nixon April 1997 For Judy Pollux the Delta Delta Chi's spring party was the highlight of an already great day. She had enjoyed bicycling with her two best friends Mary and Louise in the morning. In the afternoon she went shopping at the Mall and then her and Louise treated themselves to a fine dinner at Edwardo's Resturant before going to the party. With her first year of college nearly over she was now in a party mode. Roger Turner brought her a mug of...

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Justice and Audrey The After Party Surprise

The night had been so incredible for the young couple. All the awards and attention had them high on excitement and their own press. It didn't even matter what the media was saying about them; good or bad, they were the hottest twenty-somethings in the world and they knew it. For six hours they smiled and waved and shmoozed and pretended to care about the millions of dollars in chaos swirling wildly around them. Without a word, they both trembled in anticipation of the moments when they could...

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Miss Justice my sexy BBW

Sex, sex, sex, that was all I could think of at work. Everyone kept asking me throughout the day if something was wrong? My answer out loud was no I’m okay just feeling a little sick, on the inside I was saying that I wanted to find a sexy black big beautiful woman to make love to. I went home that evening browsing the web looking for the right lady to play with. The social networking site I was on was full of women but not the type I wanted. After about an hour of pointless searching miss...

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Paramount Rule Poetic Justice

Inga Weber screamed in anguish as the branding iron touched her inner thigh. The searing agony was the likes of which she had never known; a unique indecision between heat and freezing cold. Her body convulsed causing her hands to jerk backwards. They were bound behind her back as she lay across a small wooden framework which had been secured to the dungeon floor. Her legs were secured in shackles which were rooted to the ground. As her wrists jerked upon the rope, a second howl of pain filled...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 4 Young Justice

Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...

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Victoria Justice photoshoot

It was just another day for me, on the set of a new photo shoot, we were never really given much detail as to who would be here, just that she was important and we needed to the best of jobs, I was told by my "superior" aka the person who takes the pictures, via a text from the mystery woman's agent earlier in the day just when they would be arriving.I was getting the camera ready, making sure the set was in immaculate condition for our soon to be center star of the shoot, we were told to keep...

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JLA TG In The End Justice No More

This is a very much rewritten and expanded version of the first long story I posted to the web in 1998. The original version is at Fictionmania and Superstories, possibly even the Grey Archive. I'll be asking all sites with the older version to replace it with the RTF file I'll make of the entire story once all of it is spell checked in the next few days. Last year, the writer of the original short story which gave me the inspiration to write this one, FFCSKRULL2, asked me to help...

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Young Justice A Chivalrous Sprite

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics, a division of AOL Time Warner. It is written solely as a fan fiction and the characters are used without their permission. It is not intended to alter the established continuity of any story line in any book published by DC Comics. The story that follows was written purely for fun, with no thought of profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided that the author is given...

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Justice Is Served

JUSTICE IS SERVED By Trixie Delabarte [email protected] Ray and Carl were always up to no good. They were always shoplifting and started breaking the law at a young age. Recently they robbed a gas station attendant at gunpoint, and got away with it. They eventually decided to take their criminal ways a step further. It was a slow summer night for a taxi driver named Phil. Phil was in his late 20's, and engaged to a wonderful lady. He was currently driving taxi to get through...

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Gemstone Guardians Book 1 Beautiful Justice Part 1 The High Master

Beautiful Justice (Part 1 of 4) - [email protected] (lisacaitlingrey) Author's Note: Ok, here it is, ladies and gentlemen...my second attempt at writing fiction. I don't feel that this story contains the same emotional depth of my previous story, but of course we are all our own worst critics, yes? It is significant to me as it is my first attempt at a completely original work. I guess I will rely on my readers to give me feed back on what they think. I don't plan to be a...

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Batman had been in the Batcave for hours putting together what happen. " It can't be". If this is true, it will be the end of us all. I have to call a emergency meeting the whole League must hear this. While at the same time Wonder Woman and PowerGirl were having the same dream of a sexual nature. The dreams were always the same. Wonder Woman would be fighting some super villain when out of nowhere a mysterious powerful black man would appear. He has a black grayish beard, white robe and white...

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Blind Justice

I was sitting on the tenth floor of a high rise office building, in the very expensive and plushly furnished chambers of a Civil Court Judge. With me was my attorney; Corwin Nellis; we were scheduled for a meeting concerning a law suit for damages stemming from an civil Suit on alledged sexual harassment and breach of contract for work I performed several months earlier. It seems that one little shit of a client was trying to extort money from me by alleging sexual harassment for an encounter...

Straight Sex
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Agent of Justice Terrorist

This story was suggested to me by an e-mail from a friend of mine. I haven't edited it much, it's just to get a few things off my chest. Ezekiel *** Agent of Justice: Terrorist Ezekiel Smith He had been behind it. As an amazed world watched, he had had his loyal followers guide the aircraft into the three buildings to their death and glory. There had been a fourth that the passengers had resisted their glorious fate, but no matter. He had proven his point, he could strike...

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Gillians Justice Chapter Five

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Porridge Annabelle Creighton and Brian McCaffey both gave their closing remarks to the jury. Annabelle summarised the case against Gillian. Gillian was found at the scene of the murder locked in her office with Lord Edward Beaumont's body on the floor, stabbed repeatedly in the back. She was covered in his blood and had his semen was inside her and on her underwear. The building was deserted apart from the accused and the...

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Justice is served

Hello, my name is John Doe. One night my dad and mom went out with their friends, so they left my 21 year old sister in charge. Let me tell you about her, she is about 5 and has long red hair down to her waist, and about 36c breasts. Her name is Justice, and let me say, she has a very nice ass. That night we were watching "Into the Storm", and Justice was drinking a lot of beer. When the movie was about 75% over, I told justice I was going to take a shower and she nodded and said ok. I could...

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Rough Justice

This is a story set in the future, where local Officials determine the guilty party when the law is broken. There is then no need to go to Court which reduces costs, but gives great power to local unelected Officials even though they might not be the best to wield such power. This is one story of rough justice. Becky stood at the front of the stage at the local theatre and looked as the audience gave a standing ovation. Becky was eighteen-years-old, and had been the understudy for Emma....

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Celias Social Justice

The girl was strange.  Celia was the youngest of five girls in the family.  She was halfway to her fourteenth birthday and she was making a plan.  Then, I am a strange girl too, with my own plan.  Celia was my best friend back then.  I could not even tell you where she is or if she is still alive.  This all happened ten years ago.Celia and I agreed that we would accomplish two things by the start of the school year, lose our virginity and sacrifice our bodies sexually to create some social...

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Gillians Justice Chapter Three

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Cecelia Flick The oak-panelled courtrooms had been purposely designed to look imposing and foreboding to those appearing before the Justices at the Old Bailey but Gillian Dixon confidently strode into the dock looking like she owned the place. "Any chance you're going to show a little respect and servitude?" her barrister Brian McCaffey hissed into her ear before he moved to the front benches and took his seat. Gillian just...

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The Spirit of Justice

The Spirit of Justice By Heather St. Claire Terry Martin was drunk. That wasn't much of a surprise; he was drunk just about every night, and most days as well. As a college senior and the child of privilege, he could do just about anything he pleased. He flung an empty Jack Daniels bottle out the window of his Porsche and slammed his foot down on the accelerator. Martin was due to graduate in three months, and he knew he hadn't earned the Bachelor's Degree he was going to...

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New League of Justice Chapter One

New league of Justice Chapter 1 By Pussywillow Copyright 2001 The woman, whose beauty had never arrived, screamed with her legs askew, waving in the air, "I am the great OSAMA, do you hear, do you hear," as we watched the man on top enter her and begin his piston like movements. Visible on the great OSAMA were the jiggles of beautiful melon like breasts, topped by large, strawberry like nipples surrounded by nearly plate sized areoles suitable for hard working teats. Then...

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Gillians Justice Chapter Four

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Objection! Gillian Dixon's trial had been running for four days and Annabelle Creighton was steadily building her case. A succession of witnesses provided the jury with evidence that Gillian had the motive, the means, and the opportunity for her to murder Lord Edward Beaumont. It was alleged that she and Lord Edward were alone at the club and his body was found in Gillian's office with her in attendance when the police arrived....

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ThesisChapter 24 Some Restorative Justice

Jenny's Recollections (Day 44): The photo session is possibly one of the most humiliating experiences of my life. Worse than having Jo watch me on the toilet back at Inward Bound. Worse, maybe than when Jo showed me the video of me masturbating. At least, then, I felt I was still a person. This time I just felt like so much meat. It is one of the heavies that comes in to do it. He doesn't even speak, just waves the camera at me like I am supposed to understand what he wants. He pulls me...

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The Perfect Shot Starring Victoria Justice

The Perfect Shot (Starring Victoria Justice) Join http://awriterswonderland.forumatic.com/ for more celeb Content I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I’ve always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I decicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day. I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine....

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The Perfect Shot Starring Victoria Justice

The Perfect Shot (Starring Victoria Justice) Join http://awriterswonderland.forumatic.com/ for more celeb Content I was nervous. Today could be a make or break day for me career wise. I've always dreamed of being a photographer for a magazine. I loved just flipping through the pages of a magazine, seeing all of the beautiful photos of various people. I decicated my life to being a photographer and today was my big day. I have just landed my first photo shoot for my first magazine. Apparently...

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The SmithChapter 9 Justice

The week of the 23rd was the introduction of garter belts, stockings and corsets. Since most of the lingerie was see through or as good as, Cat wore one of my undershirts belted all week as a minidress. On the 24th, Justice came out with their issue. “SPECIAL ADDITION” “Who is the man holding the leash of the sixteen-year-old girl that has the world at the edge of their seats?” With a picture of me from ten years ago with a ‘?’ over a grayed out oval superimposed behind Cat in her red...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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A New Age Chapter 2 Rightness and Justice

She followed him out of his car, up the pathway to his door, and as he unlocked it, the order he’d given her before was still in effect. “Kayla, I order you to act as yourself but do as I say,” he’d said, no more than 15 minutes before. Now he looked over at her and spoke. “Kayla, I want you to want me to fuck you. To cum in you. I want you to be a slut for me,” he said, to which she immediately responded. She hopped up into his arms, her being so short, her arms wrapped around his neck,...

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Sweet Justice

This is a completely non-sexual tale about right, wrong and responsibility. Each reader will have to come to his or her own conclusions about relative morality. * ‘Ah, Special Agent Jenkins, my favorite FBI agent! You’re welcome to sit out here on the porch or in your government sedan while I waste more of my precious retirement income on my attorney who I would think will be here within the hour.’ ‘Mr. Thompson, you don’t need to call your lawyer. The judge approved your writ. I’ve been...

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(Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional of Victoria Justice and Madison Reed. Any similarities between reality and this fantasy is purely coincidental and unintentional. This story takes place on the date that Madison, the younger of the two, turned of legal age.) “It’s okay, I know you’ll be allowed in. The club is eighteen and up,” Victoria Justice told her s*ster, Madison, as she parked in the lot next to the Pangea Lounge in their home-town on Hollywood, Florida.“Awesome! I've...

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Magic Returns Justice of a Sort

Justice, of a Sort By Circe Doctor Braxton, You asked me to write about what happened because you think I'm not "confronting the reality of what occurred." That's a nice theory, doctor, but the realities - all of them -- are not in question. If I ever doubt the current reality I have two great reminders close at hand. All the therapy in the world will not change that. Still, I know that I have to complete the therapy before you will let me out of this hospital, so here is what...

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Justice? The detective came into the interview room, and placed a tape recorder on the table. A pretty young woman followed him, and took the seat he indicated. "All right, before we begin, I have to remind you of your rights. You have the right to keep silent, but anything you do say can be used against you . You have the right to have an attorney present, and if you can't afford one, we will provide you one at no cost. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand, detective. But I...

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A Darker Side of Justice Part 1

A Darker side of Justice By LaShaunda Part 1 It never ceases to amaze me, in hindsight, just how quickly and unexpectedly my life turned upside down. It was in my sophomore year of High School, and I NEVER would have seen this coming. And it was not just me, but everyone in my town and family who was ultimately affected. My life growing up was a paragon of normalcy. I was just a...

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Mediaeval Justice

The count looked at the beautiful young girl that sat opposite of him at thewell loaded table. He smiled to the girl, trying to be as nice to her aspossible under the given situation.He had some mixed feelings about this and tried to explain his point ofview."It is just bad luck for you, dear", he argued, "but there is a law touphold"."But that law is inhuman", the girl protested. Her name was Ruby and she wasonly s*******n years old. She was so scared, that her voice quivered. Butshe realized...

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Stuart sat at the back of the court listening to the judge’s decision. The defendant was given a large fine, banned from driving, and a hundred hours community service. Stuart shook his head in disgust.Lily had been seven years old when this bitch had hit her on the street where Stuart lived. Another victim of drink driving, just one more statistic. And the judge had released her back into the world, instead of locking her up.There was no justice, or so it seemed.Stuart had heard the screeching...

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Medieval Justice Chapter 1

Converted from "3934_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 Medieval Justice Time: middle ages By Ivan Bulley Chapter 1 A girl's school: Somewhere in EnglandThe curtains were drawn in the head mistress' office. In the dimmed lighting, faint drops of sweat on the foreheads of three teenage girls went unnoticed. Outwardly they seemed calm and even slightly arrogant. The headmistress of the girls' school stared at the delinquents. This time she would make certain that their punishment would...

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Backdoor Justice

Copyright© 2005 by Carlos Malenkov You can talk about the courtroom dramas on TV all you want. They're crap, I tell you, utter crap. Listen. I know a story that tops it all. New York has this peculiar institution known as the Sanitation Court. That's where you report if you get a summons for littering or maybe if you're a contractor who's tried to sneak a couple of bags of renovation debris into the regular municipal trash pickup. And it's where young judges start their career, and...

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Owensville, Texas was once a booming town; shipping ore from a large mine just outside the town limits. There was a railroad spur to ship the ore, first to El Paso and then on to smelters back east; but when the mine played out so did the prosperous future of Owensville. Twice a year a train would come down the spur to pick up cattle that local ranchers sent to market. The town proper now consisted of a wide street flanked by weather beaten buildings and stores; many of which were closed and...

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Occult JusticeChapter 7

Arne sensed a freshness about Bathsheba's excitement as soon as he was awoken by her, the stern woman riding his face as soon as he was conscious, the lushly erotic scenario of his public humiliation still filling her with raw excitement as she burst into a heady orgasm; her ecstasy embellished with thoughts of the events to come magnified her pleasure; she would be granted even deeper satisfaction later, and her erotic elation would not be denied. Temporarily sated, he was pulled from the...

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Justice for my Brother

Justice For My Brother By Princess Chapter 1 She has little or no memory of her childhood. She knew she had a twin. Most official records said that she was the only child to her single mother Melissa Wisecarver. But she had a few memories of living with a brother when she was very young. Christine Wisecarver thought she was happy. She had lived a good life until around a year ago. She began having vicious nightmares of a little boy. IN her dreams the boy was very sad and...

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Generation Gap The One Strike Rule

This is the second chapter in theGeneration Gap series. Ruth is 25-years-old and has 45-year-old Sharon as her lover, Sharon disciplines Ruth when she needs it in what is a mutually desired pseudo mother-daughter relationship. Sharon and I had been seeing each other for about three months and she still spanked me several times a week. We loved each other but still my behaviour wasn’t good enough for her. So Sharon stepped up my discipline. I was still speaking without thinking, just blurting...

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Generation Gap The One Strike Rule

This is the second chapter in theGeneration Gap series. Ruth is 25-years-old and has 45-year-old Sharon as her lover; Sharon disciplines Ruth when she needs it in what is a mutually desired pseudo mother-daughter relationship. Sharon and I had been seeing each other for about three months and she still spanked me several times a week. We loved each other but still my behaviour wasn’t good enough for her. So Sharon stepped up my discipline. I was still speaking without thinking; just blurting...


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