They That Have Power Book IChapter 18
- 2 years ago
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Saturday, May 29, 2010
“How do you feel today, Jake?”
“You mean about last night? Relieved, Mom. Like a huge weight has been lifted. I just felt so guilty about my father.”
“For the boy who’s so smart about people, you sure misread me. How could I reject you?”
They pulled into the Harrisons’ circular drive. Ellen was wearing a short suede jacket over a white blouse and a light brown floral skirt that came below her knees.
“Mom, you look great tonight. I think you are the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“You are sweet, Jake. You make me feel good.”
Jake projected into her mind the sensations, thoughts, and emotions he had when he looked at her—the image and the smell, the way she aroused him, his affection for her, his pride at being her son, his pride at being her escort that evening. Ellen stared ahead, her mouth open. Then her eyes started to water.
“Jake Fielding, what are you doing to me?”
“Those are the emotions that I’m feeling.”
“You make me want to kiss you to death. Is that really how you see me?”
“That’s the most honest way I know to communicate.”
She grabbed him and pulled him close for a hug.
“Mom, I have dinner reservations at L’Espalier. Would you join me for dinner tomorrow night?”
“How can you do that? Isn’t it kind of pricy?”
“I wouldn’t ask you out without being sure that I could take care of you properly. Just like I wouldn’t let you go out with a man who didn’t understand his obligation to respect you and take care of you. You will also insist on that.”
Jake felt her surprise. He had made her feel prized. She was wondering if she could really expect men to treat her that way.
“Uh, there is one thing. I can’t drive. Would you?”
She laughed. “If you had driven up to take me to dinner, it would have become my parental duty to investigate. As it is, I would love to go out with you. And since you are not very forthcoming about your financial resources, I’ll ignore that, too, if you’ll assure me it’s all aboveboard.”
“It’s all good. I promise. You might want to wear that wonderful blue dress you showed me Wednesday.”
“Oh, I didn’t think about that. I’ll have to look over my wardrobe and decide what to wear. This is going to be fun.”
Her smile warmed Jake. She was broadcasting happiness, excitement, gratitude, and her constant, unrelenting arousal.
She leaned forward and kissed him briefly but firmly.
“We had better go inside,” she said.
Jake got out of the car and looked at the Harrisons’ house. It had two stories and was bigger than any house he had ever seen. It stood on the shore of the lake. He could see no other houses in either direction.
Jan answered their knock. She wore a blue-green sweater and white beachcomber pants. Behind her was a tall man with gray hair. Jake felt anticipation, affection, and arousal from Jan directed equally at him and his mother.
Jake focused on Mark Harrison’s mind. Uh oh, this could be trouble, he thought. Mark Harrison was anxious. He felt prickly, jealous and scared. Still, he could not help but be captivated by Ellen. He smiled welcomingly as Jan made introductions, and then he looked at Jake curiously.
“So you’re the wunderkind that Jan thinks is so special.”
“Did she say that?” Jake said, smiling. “Well, I could talk all day about how I think she is the most amazing person I’ve ever met.”
“Come and sit down,” Jan said, “and you can call our mutual admiration society to order while I get you something to drink. Coke for you, Jake?”
“Yes, please.”
“We’ve got nice red and white wines, Ellen.”
“Red wine, please.”
“Can I ask what you do for a living, Mr. Harrison?” Jake asked.
“I build commercial buildings and residential developments.”
“Is business good?”
“Now that the subprime-mortgage crisis is behind us, my business is on the upswing, not that we were ever really in any trouble.”
“That’s just his day job,” Jan said, coming back into the room with Jake’s drink. “Tell Jake about your charity work.”
“It’s not much really. Just a way to give back a little. I’ve been fortunate.”
“Don’t you believe him, Jake. He’s involved with a street shelter in the city and the Salvation Army. He’s very active and very generous.”
“Hush, wife. Those are things where the right hand shouldn’t know what the left hand is doing.”
“Mark is very modest. If I don’t toot his horn once in a while, no one would ever know.”
“And that that would be fine with me.” He turned to Ellen. “What is it that you do?”
“I’m a stock analyst. JPMorgan Chase.”
“What companies do you concentrate on?”
“I’m a jack of all trades. Our office is focused on regional businesses. There aren’t enough of us analysts to specialize. I do know something about Harrison Properties. That’s your company, isn’t it?”
“That’s what keeps me off the streets.”
“More than that. You stayed in the black every quarter through the downturn. There were a lot of real estate businesses, including some builders, that didn’t make it through at all.”
“The secret is not to get greedy during the boom times. That way you don’t have to service a bunch of debt when cash flow slows.”
“How aggressive will you be this coming year?”
As they became engrossed in shoptalk, Jake looked over at Jan. She was watching him.
Hey, beautiful.
Jan looked startled and then smiled.
That’s right. We can talk to each other this way, can’t we? I suppose I’ll get used to it someday.It’s new for me, too. Until I told you and Mom, it hadn’t occurred to me that I could do this.
I can’t believe your mother. It’s unnatural how beautiful she is.
Jan, even before you met her, I suspected that you would be good for her. I’m delighted to see you forming a friendship with her. And if it goes beyond friendship, that will be good for her, too.
Do you think she’s interested in me that way?
I want to say who, except someone without a pulse, wouldn’t be interested in you that way. But I know there are exclusively heterosexual women. I look at you, and I want to tell them they don’t know what they’re missing. Jake smiled at her. You don’t have to worry about that with Mom. She thinks you’re very sexy.
She smiled back.
You are such a flirt. You make me feel good.
Jake sensed a feeling of disgruntlement. He pulled his eyes away from Jan and realized that Mark had been staring at him as he had been apparently gazing silently at Jan.
It seems mind talk has its own dangers, Jan.
“Jan, you wouldn’t believe what happened today,” Jake said. “It hit the fan with Carol Finch.”
“That’s the girl you wanted me to talk to?”
“Yes. Leanne DeRizzo, Julie’s mom, learned that Carol’s father was planning on taking her to this swingers party and, well, deflower her. She managed to get Carol removed from her home. Carol’s parents agreed to give up custody.”
“Mrs. DeRizzo learned all that? How exactly?”
“Well, Julie and I were visiting Carol this morning and we overheard Mr. and Mrs. Finch saying some very scary things. Carol was strong throughout the whole thing. I’m hoping it will be a positive development, especially getting her away from her parents. The more I learned about them, the more they seemed like bad news.”
“Call me anytime you can arrange for me to have a session with her. I’ll want you to be there.” She looked over at Mark. “Jake can read people so well it’s spooky. If I had a counseling practice, I would hire him to sit in and share his observations.”
“I don’t want to be dismissive, Jake, but you’re only thirteen,” Mark said. “How can you do that? I’ll be fifty in a few years, and I can’t read people like that.”
“You’re sandbagging, Mr. Harrison. In the fifteen minutes since I’ve met you it’s obvious that you’re very perceptive.”
“Jake, not even the interns at my company call me Mr. Harrison. Mark will do just fine.”
“Thanks, Mark. Look at this house. You’ve got to be loaded. I bet you have a state-of-the-art entertainment room.”
He laughed.
“Not up to the minute but still pretty good. Want to see it?”
“That would be great. Mom, Mark’s going to show me his entertainment room. The Rangers are playing a doubleheader today. Maybe we can get the score of the first game.”
Jan, we’re going to have a heart-to-heart. I need to head off trouble.
Jake, I’m not sure this is a good idea.
Trust me. There’s more of an upside than you might think. Ask my mom about her upcoming date. Please, tell her what she needs to know when she goes. Especially what she needs to know to be safe from predators.
“This way, Jake,” Mark said.
He led Jake through the house, up a back staircase, and down a hall to a room with a large HDTV and speakers mounted along the walls. He grabbed a remote and turned on the baseball game. The picture was gorgeous. Jake took the remote and hit the mute button.
“You’re worried that Jan might be having an inappropriate relationship with me, aren’t you?”
“Yes, how could you tell?”
“I can see the disapproval on your face. Besides, Jan and I haven’t exactly been hiding our affection for each other. I guess I should apologize. I wasn’t thinking about appearances, and I’ve given you cause to be upset. That was inconsiderate of me.”
“So, are you?”
“Having an inappropriate relationship? No, I think it’s very appropriate, but I’m not sure that you would agree with me. Still, I think that things are not as bad as you fear. Let’s start from the beginning. Tell me what it is about Jan that concerns you.”
“I’m the aggrieved husband. I think it would be better for you to tell me what you’re doing with her.”
“I’m guessing that your negotiation skills are one reason why Harrison Properties does so well. But no, not this time. You first. I promise that I’ll be frank once I understand what your concerns are. Why are you worried about that achingly beautiful woman you’ve married and a thirteen-year-old boy?”
“You’re playing with me, aren’t you?”
“I’m trying to do you a good turn, Mark. Why else would I drag you up here so that we could talk alone? Answer my question. What are you worried about?”
“I know that she has a weak spot for boys. I’ve known that almost as long as I’ve known her.”
“How do you know that?”
“Besides the fact that she is wasting that brilliant mind of hers teaching you young shits? Or the fact that she comes home from school smelling like she’s in heat? How about the fact that I’ve watched her struggle for years to keep her distance from boys. That was until this week. All of a sudden, she is mooning about one of them like a schoolgirl with a crush.”
“If you knew that she was fascinated by boys, why did you marry her?”
“I could see that she didn’t want to give in to it. I thought I could help her. Besides, even knowing about it, I wanted her. Except for her thing with boys, she’s my ideal woman. I mean look at her. She’s got looks, brains, grace. She’s loving. She’s one in a million.”
“You realize, don’t you, that even if I had never met Jan, your marriage would still be in trouble?”
“Yes, I’ve seen that. I’ve seen her getting bored with me. Becoming more distant.”
“And knowing all that, do you still want her?”
“I will never willingly give her up. If all I had was a chance to talk to her at breakfast every other Saturday morning, I would take it.”
“Are you willing to change your attitudes about sex and relationships if it will help you keep her?”
“You are not a boy. You are some kind of demon. Adults have trouble talking about these things, and yet you just throw this stuff out like you’re Dr. Ruth.”
“Do you remember that Tiger Woods putt at the players championship a couple years ago? The one where he’s about fifty feet away across two separate ridges. The ball broke sharp left, then sharp right and dropped into the cup.”
“Yes, I saw it. What’s your point?”
“I won’t waste time with false humility. I’m like Tiger Woods except that my skills work with people, not golf clubs. I can read them. I understand them, usually better than they understand themselves. I can help them with whatever is making them unhappy. Now answer me because this is important. Are you willing to consider a new way to look at the moral issues? Would you share her if it were the only way to have her at all?”
“Are you telling me that I have to do that to save my marriage?”
“Yes, but it’s even more important than that. You may have to do it to save Jan. What kind of life would she have if she lost control? We live in the post-Mary Kay Letourneau era. What if one of those boys decides to talk to the authorities? Or tries to blackmail her?”
“Wouldn’t it be better if she just got a better hold of herself?”
“Do you really think that’s an option?”
“It’s worked for her for years.”
“No, it hasn’t. She managed by force of will to live like that, but the toll has been high. Including accepting a passionless marriage in a last-ditch attempt to stave off her need.”
“It’s not that bad, damn it. She loves me.”
“Yes, she does love you, but it is that bad. Now we are getting to the point I want to make. It doesn’t have to be like this. If you’re willing to expand your boundaries you can save your marriage, her reputation, and maybe her life.”
“Just which boundaries are you suggesting I stretch?”
“You have to get beyond your conventional morality.”
“You want me to do stuff I think is wrong?”
“I’m not necessarily suggesting that you do anything at all yourself, although there are some things you could do that would go a long way. What you’re saying is wrong is something that Jan needs. It’s hardwired into her makeup. You need to help her express it in a way that doesn’t cause any harm to herself or anyone else.”
“You want me to stand in the face of centuries of custom and law?”
“Yes, exactly. The first step is that you’ve got to change the foundation of your morality. Can you adopt an ethic that says that if one’s actions don’t hurt anyone else then they are permissible?”
“Well, sure. That’s what I believe anyway. And I don’t think that does conflict with centuries of custom and law.”
“I’m surprised that you think that. I’ll bet you that in two minutes I can think up a dozen laws where it is a crime to do something that doesn’t hurt anyone. What is a law, but a one-size-fits-all moral solution? Well, one size doesn’t fit all. The law doesn’t recognize your wife’s needs and it doesn’t consider the fact that if she is careful, she can meet her needs without hurting the boys or herself or you.”
“It would be better if she just did what the law requires.”
“She could obey the law, but she wouldn’t be happy. She also wouldn’t be herself anymore. It would be like telling you to give away Harrison Properties. Give up the challenge and the status and the other rewards of being the CEO, and go get a job on an assembly line instead. You could do it but why? Who would benefit?”
“How can she have sex with boys, without hurting them?”
“Mark, that’s the first stupid thing I’ve heard you say. If she is careful who she selects, Jan’s kink isn’t going to harm the boy. You were probably a reasonably well-adjusted thirteen-year-old. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t have offered up both of your thumbs to have a romance with a woman like Jan. So you tell me, would you have been better or worse off if you had?”
“I would have loved it, of course. And I can’t see how it would have hurt me.”
“Good. Now let’s get back to the point. I’m asking you to love your wife. Can you allow her to share with you this part of her personality? At the very least, can you tell her that you know and accept that this is part of her makeup? Even if she doesn’t take a single step toward consummating her desire for boys, you two can talk about the attraction, about what kinds of boys arouse her, what she wants to do with them, and what she would like you to do to share that part of her life. She craves that kind of intimacy with you. She just doesn’t realize it because of her fear of how you would react. Deep down, she wants to involve you in these things, not hide them from you. They are important to her.”
“You said that’s the very least. What other things?”
“There’s a whole range including helping her choose a boy to be with, talking afterward about what happened, watching her with him, and having a threesome centered on Jan. The most extreme thing would be having a threesome centered on the boy. I would be surprised if you opted for that one, and it has its own problems, but my point is that somewhere in that range of possibilities is a choice that you can live with, a set of actions that hurt nobody, but that let Jan be Jan.”
“So you want me to participate when Jan makes love to you.”
“That’s the second stupid thing you’ve said. No, I take that back. I guess I can see how you might have jumped to that conclusion. Mark, Jan is not my lover, she’s my auntie.”
“I know you’re not related to her. What do you mean by auntie?”
“An auntie is an older woman who trains a young man. It’s an idea I got from a science fiction story. Our society, though, isn’t healthy enough to allow such a thing to exist. Jan’s teaching me about women and sexual relationships and life and scores of things in areas where I lack experience, no matter how good my people skills are.
“We have not had intercourse. Truth be told, I’m saving myself for a very special girl my own age. And I hope it won’t be much longer because all the stimulation is killing me.
Mark looked at Jake with some skepticism.
“I guess I better explain it all. We haven’t had sexual intercourse, but there has been some contact. Call it hands-on training. Jan is a great teacher—generous and patient.
“The initiative for us to get together was all mine. She resisted gamely. I admit that it wasn’t my finest hour. I wanted to be taught, and I decided that she would be my teacher. I figured out her weakness, and I used it to overcome her resistance. It was only as I got to know her better that I learned how remarkable Jan is. Would it be hypocritical for me to plead for leniency because I’m only thirteen and sometimes still act impulsively and selfishly?”
“That’s a remarkable confession, Jake. It almost makes me not want to wring your little philandering neck.”
“Well, I’ve said my piece. How do you want to handle this when we return to the women?”
“What do you think?”
“Honesty is usually the best policy.”
“Does your mom know about you and Jan?”
“She just learned about us last night.”
“I’m not going to go back there and talk about this in front of you and your mother. But Jan and I will talk when we’re alone.”
“And how are you going to approach that talk?”
“I want to keep her, and I want her to be happy. I’ll talk frankly with her about how to do that.”
“When you do, keep one other thing in mind. You may not yet know the full breadth of Jan’s sexuality. Ask her if any other things arouse her.”
“I’ve known her for four years. What else can there be?”
“Ask her,” Jake said and stood up. “How do you get back to the living room from here? I’m worried that I might get lost.”
“This way, Jake.”
He led Jake back the way they had come.
“Mark, do you ever go fishing?”
“Yes. It’s the excuse I use to get away and think.”
“When this whole thing shakes out, there’s a chance we may end up being friends. If you want to talk about things, why don’t you invite me along? But you should know that I’ve never had a father, and you’ll have to teach me how to fish.”
Mark laughed. “I’ll say this for you, Jake. You know how to assert yourself.”
Jake stiffened at that. “Maybe so, but I think that you’re missing the point. I could go my whole life without fishing and never miss it. But it wouldn’t hurt for us to get to know each other better.”
“Young man, what makes you think that I’m anxious to get to know you? You’re interfering in my marriage and, frankly, I don’t appreciate it.”
Jake stopped him before they got to the stairs.
“Mr. Harrison, you may be about to make a very large mistake. Before you do, there are a couple of things you should think about. I love Jan, and I will be in her life for many years to come. She loves me, too. She also needs me, and she knows it.”
“I think you’re wrong. I think you’re most of the way through your shelf life. Some day you won’t look so boyish. When that happens, you’ll be gone.”
Thursday, June 17, 2010 Dinner turned into a big affair with Boris and the Harrison women joining the eight people currently living in the DeRizzo house. They barely managed to crowd around the table. The main topic of conversation was the pending move to the house on the lake. Plans had been made to take Julie and Brian over to look at the house the next day and choose their bedrooms. The master bedroom was to be Jake’s where he could be with his women, but the women would each have their...
Thursday, June 3, 2010 Instead of going to school, Jake rode his bike over to the DeRizzo house. Despite the seriousness of his errand, he felt buoyant. His mother had been in high spirits that morning. She had also been very affectionate. She had kissed him soundly when she woke him up and hummed as she prepared for work. She had come up behind him while he was making toast, given him a hug from behind, and told him that she loved him. He forced himself to look serious and knocked on the...
Saturday, June 19, 2010 “What are you guys hiding from me?” Julie asked. Jake read Julie and saw that they had a problem. He decided to keep quiet and watch it play out. Maybe he could figure out what to do. “What do you mean?” Kara asked. “Not you. Jake and Mom and Ellen,” Julie said “Huh? Hiding something?” Leanne said, her confusion apparent in her voice. “Right. Jake has been linked to you and Ellen all night. Why were you shutting Kara and me out?” “Julie, darling, Jake hasn’t...
I am back after small gap with one real story. Real story padika yeppavum konjam porumai vendum friends. Na eppo work pannitu irrukura company la nadantha oru unmai sambavam ethu. En office ku puthusa oru 10 peru join pannaga athula boys 7 peru girls 3nu peru.Athu la 2 ponnu north india oru ponnu hydrabad. 2 peru nu oru team la potanga athula yen team ku oru paiyanum oru ponnum potanga (hydrabad). Antha ponnu name preethi. Antha ponna paaka appavi maari irrukum, avaluku padipu mattum tha...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 “Dinner was a little weird last night,” Jan said. “Did you serve aardvark?” Jake asked as he drove west down the farm-to-market road. The sun had just risen directly behind him, throwing long shadows before the car. “No, the menu was normal. It was a diner who was strange.” “You served dinner to an aardvark?” “No, smart ass. The strange diner was Christine.” “Strange how?” “She was distracted. Even Mark noticed something was off.” “Did you ask her about it?” “I...
Sunday, June 6, 2010 Carol came over at nine, getting Jake out of Ellen’s bed. He took her back to his own bed where Carol rode him hard for about fifteen minutes. “Tomorrow it will have been a week since I got the birth control shot. We can start doing it bareback.” “Just what I need. It’s hard enough not to come. What if I can’t control myself?” “We’ll work it out. I want to feel you inside me, and I want to feel you come in me.” Jake, Ellen and Carol sat with Gramma at the service....
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 Jake sat down across from Jason at one of the more remote tables in the lunchroom. Jake pulled out a plastic container with leftover spaghetti. “How’s the ex-con?” It had taken Jake a year and a half to free Gil. He had been stymied until he learned that the governor has the power to pardon a convicted criminal. It had taken Jake three months to get close to the governor. The opportunity finally came when the governor had given a reelection speech at the senior...
Thursday, June 24, 2010 After a couple experiments while waiting for the hearing to start, Jake decided his father was right about filtering out mind noise. His experience was much like Ellen had described the night before. Jake damped out everybody at one point except for Donna Glenn. She was nearly 25 feet away from him, and mind noise should have made it impossible for him to read her. Instead he knew that she was bored, impatient and was wondering if Mr. 23b7d5i was sitting in the...
continued from Tara Discovers UsTara takes a deep breath and begins telling me about her."What I'm about to tell you is partly what my mum told me, and partly what I have learned through my own experiences. I'm still learning what I am myself. I sense that I can trust you never to reveal these secrets, as they can be dangerous if not meticulously controlled."I am descended from a bloodline of women with certain sensual powers. You have experienced some of them. Daughters inherit the powers....
LesbianSunday, August 22, 2010 The sound of the door opening woke Jake. When he opened his eyes he was confused for a second. Oh, yes, he was in Lizzie’s bed. He smiled at his recollections. He was lying on his back. Lizzie was pressed against him, her head on his shoulder, her breasts pushed into his side, a leg thrown over one of his. He felt her pubic hair against his thigh. It was all very nice. The squeak of hinges made Jake looked around. Emily was staring at him from the doorway, a broad...
Monday, August 9, 2010 Annabelle, we need you out here in the entryway. Yes, Jake. She appeared a moment later. “Annabelle, you need to pretend that you were escorting Mr. Hamilton out the door when he fainted. If he presses you for information, say only that. If he demands that you say more, tell him you have other duties, excuse yourself, and leave.” “Okay, Jake.” “Everyone else, go back to where you were when Jan put Hamilton out. Leanne, will you stay here, please? We’ll pretend I...
Saturday, July 3, 2010 The slice stopped only when the heel of the knife snagged on Jake’s shirt. Mrs. Cox wrenched it free and raised it to stab Jake in the back. Boris leaped over the top of the table, bringing his arm down on Mrs. Cox’s. The sound of her ulna and radius snapping resounded through the room. Jake managed to paralyze her just as he heard the bones break. She fell to the floor, her arm bent oddly a third of the way up from the wrist. Tommy shrieked, fell onto his mother,...
Friday, June 11, 2010 Ellen woke Jake shortly after seven. “Kitten is gone and Havel will be here soon.” “I can sleep in for a while this morning.” “First, tell me why you didn’t sleep with me last night.” “I was restless. I didn’t want to keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.” “Don’t lie to me, Jake. I am your mother and I can tell.” “Damnit, woman. Can’t a man practice a little well-intentioned deceit once in a while?” “Stop joking. I want to know.” “I was thinking about my...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 “Are you still determined to have your memories restored, Marsha,” Jan asked. “Yes, there’s no question. This is what I want.” “Even though you may find that you can’t live with them?” “I have to know.” “Even though it may make you susceptible to post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and other psychological problems?” “Please, I have to know.” Jake read resignation in Mrs. Schaff. She didn’t like Marsha taking the chance but knew that there was no talking...
Monday, August 2, 2010 “I haven’t gotten to the best part yet,” Ellen said excitedly. “You’re not going to believe what happened the day before we flew back.” Leanne and Kara already knew about it, of course. They had been reading it from Ellen since she and Jake had gotten off the plane the day before. “Jake made friends with a guy at the American Embassy and got us an invitation to a diplomatic reception at the Élysée Palace.” “What’s that?” Julie asked. “It’s the residence of the...
Friday, June 18, 2010 Jake found Harris waiting for him when he arrived back at his car. They got in and Jake reached into Harris’s jacket for the digital recorder. “Did you do anything that worked against my plan?” Jake sensed his frustration. “I didn’t tell him about all of my property.” “What part did you leave out?” “I’ve got a yacht in Galveston.” “Anything else?” “No.” “Call him on your cell phone and tell him.” While he did, Jake started to listen to the tape. He...
Friday, June 18, 2010 “Why do you want me to come with you, Jake?” Shannon asked as she got into the backseat of Jake’s car. Jake sat in the passenger seat. Leanne was the driver. “We’re going to see something you will find interesting and educational. Instead of just telling you, I’ll wait until we get there and let you see for yourself. I think you’ll agree that it’s worth the wait. But, for now, I’m going to zone out here until we get to my father’s house. I’m sure that Leanne will be...
Friday, June 25, 2010 Jake pulled out his laptop and checked his email. He found a message from Donna. It had come late the night before. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: re: Family is what counts Hey, 23. It’s late and we’ve finally gotten the morning edition to press. I’ve been working like crazy to confirm the details of your story. Everything else checked out so we went ahead and took a chance that your allegations about the bar examiner are true...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Now all I get is drowsiness, Jan sent to Jake. The desire is all gone. Finally, Jake sent. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl go as long as Christine. Pent up desire, Jan said. That’s how it is when someone discovers something new. It’s probably a lot like when you discovered masturbation. “We can let her rest for a while,” Jake said to Shannon. He walked over to her and rubbed her back. “You did good. You’ve got her needs figured out, and you worked hard to...
Saturday, June 26, 2010 Jake knocked on the door of the Broadman’s motel room. Emily opened the door and let Jake in. He couldn’t believe the condition of the room. He saw stains on the towels and the bedspread. It smelled bad. He stuck his head in the bathroom and was revolted. “I won’t have this,” he growled. “I won’t let my friends live in conditions like this. I wouldn’t let my enemies live like this.” “Jake, we’re on a budget,” Lizzie said. “We had to stay in an inexpensive place....
Thursday, June 10, 2010 When Havel came by in the morning to pick up Ellen, Jake gave him last-minute instructions and described Harris’s car to him. “With my mother staying away from her gym, the only places where Harris knows to find her are at work and at home. I mostly worry about when she arrives at work and when she leaves. Make sure that he can’t approach you without you seeing him. We figured out how he was keeping my mother from seeing him, and I stopped it. She can help you watch...
Sunday, August 8, 2010 Dom Jake was irritated that his session with Ellen had been interrupted. He had expected to make significant progress breaking Ellen’s will that night. Oh, well, he thought, while a good slave would have provided him much entertainment, some of the family didn’t really understand the nature of dominance and submission. Protecting the family was much more important than anyone play toy, even one with as much potential as Ellen. Ellen looked fearfully at Jake, aware of...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Family is what counts My Dear Donna, Your offer to bear my children is nearly too tempting to resist. But as much as I would like to populate the city with future journalists, I fear we can never meet. It’s probably for the best. I have a medical condition that has disfigured me. My form is no longer recognizably human. Since I admire you as much as I do, it would hurt too much to see the...
Thursday, May 27, 2010 Julie was waiting for Jake at the entrance to the lunchroom. She flashed him a bright smile, and they walked to their usual table. She was wearing a pullover top and a short denim skirt. “How’s the most beautiful girl in middle school?” Jake asked. Julie radiated a curious mixture of pleasure and nervousness. “I’m fine, Jake.” They sat next to each other. Jason and Carol sat across the table, just like the day before. “Will you go out on a date with me?” Jake...
July 1, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “How did the game go?” Kara asked when I walked into the house just before lunch. “They did exactly what Jesse said they were going to do - they went out in style.” “Meaning?” “They won 6-0. Nicole scored a natural hat trick in the first period. She got the last goal as well. Jesse stopped 29 shots, and Mikey blocked at least four. They’re having a team party at Coach’s house this afternoon.” “But you had other plans?” Kara asked with a sly smile. “I was...
Friday, August 13, 2010 “In the Matter of the Marriage of DeRizzo,” the judge called. Leanne and her attorney shuffled up to the bench, followed by Gus and his attorney. Gus didn’t need to be there, Leanne’s attorney had explained. The terms of the divorce were contained in an agreement filed with the divorce decree that he had already signed. When Jake scanned him, he saw that Gus regretted letting Leanne and the children get away. He had been told it wouldn’t do any good, but he had...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 “She’s already awake?” Jake asked. “She’s almost always the first up,” Harris said with a yawn. “I usually sleep until seven. Then I release them one at a time to use the bathroom.” “How are they enjoying their stay?” “What do you think? Except for bathroom breaks they spend all their time lying on their mattresses, paralyzed. They hate their lives. The only reason they don’t hate me, too, is because conversation with me gives them a break from staring at the...
Tuesday, June 1, 2010 Ellen was out the door and on her way to work at seven-thirty the next morning. Carol knocked on Jake’s door ten minutes later. Jake welcomed her with a warm kiss. Carol turned it into a hot kiss. “Jake, I need it bad,” she said when they finally broke apart. “We aims to serve. Take off your clothes and hop on my bed.” By the time they got to his bedroom, she was naked. She jumped on the bed and spread her legs wide. Jake opted to give her the maximum stimulation in...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Jan parked Jake’s Cadillac on the street, half a block from the offices of Steven Cockrell, Builder. When Jake remained still, she nudged his arm. “We’re here already?” he asked. “You should drive race cars.” “Hush. I drove the speed limit. I have to say that that’s an impressive display of focus.” “It’s a lot of detail work. The problem is that too many of the neurons in the bundles are failing to forward signals. They probably haven’t developed a sufficient...
I was awakened at 5:00 by Kristy; she told me that we could go outside now. I had her open the doors and I went up for a shower, a long one felt good. I then got dressed and went for a run. I was half way through my first lap when I realized Buddy was following me. I continued and completed 4 laps then made my way back to the house. Kristy was waiting for me. "You realize extensive modifications will need to be done to the runway and structures at the new airport, correct?" she...
My name is Mike and I'm 22 years old, I have an average build and looks. I have dark brown hair and a seven inch penis. I just moved out of the parent's place a few months ago and got a 2 bedroom apartment that I share with my best friend. My best friend name is Cassidy, she isn't thin but she definitely isn't fat either although the way she dresses in baggy clothes a lot of the time I feel like she think she is. She also has dark brown hair, she has what i assume are C or D cup breasts. She...
Mind ControlWednesday, June 30, 2010 Jake checked his email before the girls woke up. While he was waiting for them to stir, he replied to the message he had received from Donna on Sunday evening. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: re: Sometimes old bones need warm waters Dear Donna, The idea of enjoying the company of a pretty woman like yourself for an entire baseball game sounds wonderful. Sadly we can never meet. Or at least not before October 2015. That’s my...
Saturday, June 12, 2010 “Tell me what you’ve got,” Jake said “I’m at a Holiday Inn Express,” Mark said. “It’s on the edge of the city, right next to the interstate. There’re almost no cars here. But there is a big silver Mercedes.” “Two door or four door?” “Sedan. It’s an S600, just like Carol said.” “Hold on a sec.” Jake turned to Havel. “Get back to the interstate. Head north.” Jake went back to Mark. “Are you out of sight, Mark?” “I’m parked about a block away at the moment.” “Good....
Sunday, June 13, 2010 Jake’s cell phone rang. Julie moaned and rolled over. “Jake, Jerry here. The meeting with Ryan Caldwell is set. You need to get into the city. You’ve got 45 minutes.” “What time is it, Jerry?” “It’s 2:30. You have to be at the IHOP on Commerce at 3:15. This is very sensitive, Jake. If you’re not on time, Caldwell won’t wait for you. He’s putting himself in a dangerous position as it is.” “Is it just us?” “Yes, I had an intermediary set up the meeting, but there’s...
James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...
SupernaturalFriday, August 6, 2010 Before Jake left the pool, he asked Kara to block his orgasms. Then he took Leanne back to his room, undressed her, and laid her on the bed where he lavished attention on her. He suckled her breasts to one climax and then ate her to a second. As she was recovering from that one, Jake put a pillow under her ass and pulled a tube of lube from his bedside table. He drizzled some onto his fingers and began to toy with her anus. Leanne responded enthusiastically as all the...
Thursday, July 1, 2010 As Jake sat, trying to relax, Alice came in. She put her hands on his shoulders and began to knead them. “Oh, that feels good, love. Smart and beautiful and you have strong hands, too. I’m glad you work for me.” “Seriously, Jake, would you let me know when all this is over? I’ll worry myself sick if I don’t hear something.” “Sure, sweetheart. I’m planning on visiting him Saturday. I’ll call you that night to let you know it’s over.” Jake stood. “Now tell me how...
Thursday, June 10, 2010 “What’s this all about?” Brian asked when they were in the car. Carol sat up front with Jake. “You may know that Carol and I have an arrangement.” “What? No. I don’t know anything about that.” “Carol and I have sex. In fact, we have a lot of sex.” “You jerk. What about Julie, Kara and my mom?” “Carol and I have been together about as long as Julie and I. You don’t know that they come as a boxed set?” “How would I know that?” “Well, I can’t help it if you’re not...
Thursday, August 12, 2010 “The MRI was inconclusive,” Dr. Worden said. “We’d like to schedule the electrophysical study next.” “No,” Ellen said. “No more tests. Please arrange for Jake to be discharged.” “But, Mrs. Fielding, we need to learn what happened to Jake yesterday. If it happens again, it could kill him.” “If you’ll give us a referral to a cardiologist, we’ll follow up.” “Any other cardiologist would just have Jake admitted to a hospital for this same test.” “Perhaps. But we’ll...
Friday, June 11, 2010 Jake knocked on the Harrison’s door. Christine answered. When she saw him, she dropped her eyes and asked him in. “Thank you, Christine. Can you tell me where Jan is?” “Out back. By the pool.” Jan was lying in a lounge chair, reading a book, and sweating in the heat. She smiled at him. Though he wasn’t sure how it was physically possible, her swimsuit was even scantier than his last visit. Jake changed in the pool house and sat in a nearby chair which he...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 Jan laughed when she saw Jake’s new bed. “What is this, Jake? You’re already set up for orgies?” “Neat, isn’t it? It was a present from Leanne.” “Hmmm. What does that say?” Jake sat on the bed and began to unbutton her shirt, kissing her chest and belly as they were exposed. “She did it as a surprise for me. The biggest surprise is that she did it at all. She’s the least adventurous of my women.” “I’d say that at some level she wants to become more adventurous....
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 “Kate, this is going to be hard for your mother,” Jan said. “Why don’t you let me handle the introductions?” “Is that her?” Kate asked, nodding in the direction of the waitress. “Yes,” Jake said. “She looks so much older.” “These three years have been hard on her,” Jan said. It took a couple of minutes for Marie to find her way over. She wearily pushed herself away from the bar and walked over, frowning. “You are too young to drink,” she said to Jake. She looked...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 Julie appeared a half-hour later. “Hello, beautiful,” Jake said to her with a smile. “I was just thinking about you.” “Oh?” “I’m looking forward to us being together tonight.” “About that...” “Yes?” “Emily wants to be with you.” “Be with me?” “Be with you.” “For sex?” “Maybe, but not necessarily.” “She decided that herself?” “She’s been talking to her mom. She’s not certain that sex is what she wants. She’d like to ease into it, maybe try kissing and...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 Jake dropped two handfuls of Wal-Mart bags on the kitchen counter at the farmhouse. The light of sunrise was shining in through the window. He went back into the car, brought back a McDonald’s bag, and handed it to his father who had been sitting at the kitchen table, watching him without saying a word. He glanced into it. “I’m sure they’ll enjoy a hot meal.” Jake selected one of the Wal-Mart bags and handed it to Harris. Harris pulled out a drip coffee maker, a...
Monday, August 2, 2010 Kate’s eyes widened. “Really? What?” “There’s some good news and some bad news. Let’s go someplace where we can get some privacy.” Jan took Kate’s hand and lead her out of the kitchen. “Boris, would you come and deliver the news?” “Yes, ma’am,” he said and followed. Jan, Kate and Boris sat at one end of the dining room table. Jake, who had been out of the loop when it came to Kate’s treatment for two weeks, decided he needed to get a feel for how things had...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010 There was a knock on the door. Jake sensed Gil and Jason. He let them in and offered them drinks. After they were served, they sat in the living room. “What’s this about, Jake?” Gil asked. “I’ve got a proposition for you. But before I tell you, you have to agree to keep it secret. What we talk about goes no further. Agreed?” “Okay,” Gil said. “Jason?” “Sure.” “Okay, here’s the deal. Carol wants to have sex with you.” Gil looked over at Jason in surprise. “Isn’t...
Sunday, July 4, 2010 Jake let himself into the suite. As he had ridden the elevator up, he had been bracing himself for a wave of women. But as he got into range, he wasn’t able to connect to anyone. Well, good for them. Jake was glad they were out playing. Things had been tense for a long time. He had caught an early commercial flight to Chicago that day, hoping to spend some time with Lizzie and Emily before their flight back to Iowa. At least he would still be able to say goodbye. Jake...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Jake tossed on the bed again, awakened from a shallow sleep by yet another siren. “C’mon, Jake. Go to sleep,” Shannon mumbled. Jake rolled out of bed. It was three a.m. and he was exhausted. But with the strange bed and the strange place, his sleep was fitful. He got himself a drink of water and stared out the window into the night. There was still a lot of activity down at the ground level. Traffic noise seeped in through the window. He had to get some sleep. He...
Thursday, July 1, 2010 Boris gave Jake a ride to pick up his car at the dealership. They arranged to meet at the airport late in the afternoon. Then, after a trip to the grocery store, Jake drove to see his father. He backtracked a couple of times on the farm-to-market roads. When he was sure that he wasn’t being followed, he turned onto the farm road. Harris was waiting at the door. “As much as I appreciate being able to see, hear, walk and talk, it’s still good to see a person every once...
Sunday, May 30, 2010 Jake waited a minute for Ellen to get inside, and then he followed. As soon as he was in the door, Ellen grabbed him in a bone-crunching hug. “Jake, that was the most fun I’ve ever had. It was perfect.” “You were perfect, Mom. And you did so well.” Jan Harrison walked out of the kitchen. “You’re home so soon? I half expected you to make a night of it.” “Jan wanted to hear how our date went,” Ellen said. Jake hugged Jan tightly. “Thank you for what you did for my...
Sunday, May 30, 2010 Jake knocked on the front door of the DeRizzo house still dressed in his church clothes. Julie answered the door dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. She pulled him inside and kissed him. Leanne came down the hallway when Julie finally released him. “You guys keep your hands off of each other this afternoon. Mr. DeRizzo is not the kind to approve of young love, so don’t give him a reason to come down on you.” “I’ll be good, Leanne,” Jake said. “By the way, you look lovely....
Saturday, June 19, 2010 Carol got into Jake’s car. Once she was belted in, Jake drove off, heading east toward one of the adjacent suburbs. “So what’s going on that you can’t tell me about on the phone? And why am I all tarted up?” “We’re going hunting.” “For men?” “Yep.” Her arousal surged. “Oh, man. Thanks, Jake. Where are we going to go hunting?” “Someplace where a herd of young, virile guys in good physical condition has been spotted.” “A bunch of guys?” “Yep.” “How...
Saturday, May 29, 2010 Ten minutes later, Jake, Leanne and Carol knocked on Jake’s grandparent’s door. Gramma let them in. “Gramma, do you know Leanne DeRizzo?” Jake asked. “Of course. I’ve known Leanne forever. It’s been a long time, dear.” “This is Carol Finch,” Jake said. “Now, Carol is new. I’ve never had the pleasure. But this doesn’t look like a social call. Do you want to talk to David?” “We would like to talk to both of you, Mrs. Fielding.” “Call me Connie, Leanne. Let me get...
Monday, June 7, 2010 “Tell me again why this 13-year-old boy is driving us home?” Shannon asked from the back seat. “I resent the suggestion that I’m only 13. I’ll have you know that I’ve got an official government document that proves definitively that I am, in fact, 16 years old.” “And how did you get that?” “The DMV gave it to me.” “Why would they give you an ID that says you’re 16?” “You’d have to ask them. I admit that if they were to review things, they might decide to take it...
Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jake sat with his arm around his grandmother. Granddad was well into his sermon and was getting charged up. Jake normally enjoyed listening to his grandfather preach, but he had other things to think about that morning. Although he wanted to focus on his own problem, Jake had not seen Gramma that often lately. He glanced into her mind to see how she was doing. Gramma was paying more attention to the sermon than Jake was. He wondered how she did that. She must have...
Monday, June 28, 2010 The room was sprayed with glass, blood, skull fragments, and brains. Jake felt something strike him painfully in the cheek, just below his right eye. A squishy mass hit him square in the face. Caldwell fell onto the conference table without the top part of his head. The court reporter screamed, loud and long. One of the lawyers vomited. Jake was buffeted by the shock and fear of all the people present. It took him several seconds to compose himself and filter out the...
Saturday, June 26, 2010 Jake was up early. He took his laptop with him to breakfast and composed a message. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: re: Family is what counts Dearest Donna, It is probably best if we keep our distance. I admit that I have seen you in the courtroom. In fact, I was quite taken with you. But you would have been disappointed if you had met me. I am 97 years old and I haven’t been able to find my teeth for the last week. I don’t...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010. Darrell pushed his chair back and stood. “Uh oh,” Alice said nervously. “Is this going to turn into a scene?” Darrell stomped across the lounge toward them. “Only if we let it,” Jake said. Jake made Darrell scared of him and Alice. “That’s strange,” Alice said when Darrell suddenly went back to his table, sat down, and stared down into his beer mug, his hands trembling. “Did you do something to him?” “Yeah, I did. He’s a little unstable. I didn’t want to have...