A Romp In The Janitor Closet Part1
- 4 years ago
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John was here at the farm by seven and began digging right away. We had everything dug by eight-thirty, and the pipe laid and covered by ten. The man was a wizard with his equipment. I told him that he could come over and clean his equipment here when I had the steamer ready.
He told me, "Jump in your pickup and follow me home. We'll separate the stock real quick and come back for that coffee and pie that Monique made for me."
That's exactly what we did. The steers were all being lazy today and moved only when we poked them. Three were in John's barn to get fat, three were in a small pen to be shipped for cash, and one was ready for the butcher.
Back at our house, John said, "Call your Aunt Kate, and see if she'll come over. I might have a surprise."
Kate was happy to hear from me and I told her John was here and asked if she might come over. She said she would be here in ten minutes. That's a rather record time for a woman who would normally take an hour to dress to go to breakfast."
Grandpa had joined us while we had some of Monique's pie and some fresh coffee. John reached across the table for Kate's hand and told her, "I'm a mess, Kate. All I can think about since I first met you is being with you for the rest of my life. I'm not a prize catch; I am a good farmer, however, and know how to make a living. Will you marry me, Kate?"
I think he had the desired effect. Kate looked at the man, her jaw dropped open, and then she fainted. John scooped her up and put her on the big couch in the living room. Aunt Kate's eyes slowly opened and looked at John. She smiled as she said, "If you just asked me to marry you, I'm ready. You've been too much a gentleman since we've been seeing each other. Both of us know what it is all about, so take me home and do with me as you should."
Grandpa smiled at me as we watched the two leave the house. John left his equipment behind, so I put the backhoe into the big shed. I looked at the big hole and thought I should probably frame it in, but then I thought to let it be natural. I called the rock company and they said they could deliver early Monday morning. Business was slow for everyone due to the cold weather. I had to drive all the way to the city to get the parts for the steamer. I brought them all home and attacked the beast. It was going to take me a while to do this, but time was what I had a lot of.
I was nervous Friday because of my date, but I figured that I didn't need to be in a suit, and that khakis, a nice shirt, and coat would be good enough. It was mid-December, so it was cold, but we would all be fine. It was decided that we would take the Suburban, so it was perfectly clean when we left to pick up Jed and Jenny. Josey and I had to go in when we arrived at the Browning home, and were greeted by all twelve kids, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Browning. I think all twelve of the Browning kids had names beginning with a 'J'. There's no reason for it, but a guy picking up his date always feels like he's on the spot. Mr. Browning asked where we were going, and I said, "I think we're going to the theater in the city." I looked at the others who were going with me and they all had a totally blank look on their faces. I wanted to say 'What the fuck?' but said, "That seems to be where we are going."
My only help was Mr. Browning who shook my hand and told me, "I know you'll take care of Jenny. Just bring Jed back in one piece."
Mrs. Browning hugged me and said, "I know you kids have had a hard time, but everyone's talking about how you all have worked together to keep your family together and have been successful at farming. I even heard you brought your Grandfather home to be with you. Have a good time tonight."
I was driving and Jenny was in the passenger seat when we were in the car. Jed and Josey were in the back seat actually holding hands and leaning into each other. Jenny laid her hand on my arm, and said, "Thank you for taking me out tonight. I've wanted you to take me out for a long time, Kenny, but you've never asked. You didn't ask anyone, so I was forward and had Josey help me get you to take me out."
That was sweet, but made me feel like a dolt for not trying to get a date with the school's best looking female.
We saw a good movie and then enjoyed some hamburgers at a drive-through burger joint. It was time to take us all home, but none of us wanted the night to end. I said, "We've all had a great time tonight and I know I want to go out with Jenny again soon, so how about we make your folks happy by getting you home at a reasonable hour."
It was agreed that we would go home, so I drove to their farm. Jed asked, "Can you stop for a minute so that Josey and I can say goodnight?" when we turned into their lane road.
Duh, couldn't they say goodnight when we were at the door?
This model Suburban didn't have a big divider with a lot of cup holders since it was a bench seat. Jenny snuggled over to me, and whispered, "You can kiss me if you want."
What's this if I want? I wanted to kiss those beautiful lips and will probably get off thinking of it later. Jenny and I kissed for the first time, and it was as if there were fireworks firing up into the sky. I felt things I didn't know existed and looked into her eyes to see she was seeing the same things. We heard a moan from the middle seat and turned to look. My sister, my little sister, was holding a boy's crotch while his hand was squeezing her breast. Jenny looked at me, and I took in a deep breath. I started the car with Jenny holding onto my arm and kissing my cheek. We drove up the lane and into their parking area, making sure there were no good sight lines from the house to the car.
The passionate clinch in the back seat had relaxed. Jenny pulled my lips to hers for a kiss that was beyond my knowledge. She told me, "Call me. Come to see me. Please don't forget me. I really enjoyed being with you, Kenny. I think we can have something together."
I took Jenny to her door and we sweetly kissed. She reached for the door and it opened to the smiling face of Mrs. Browning. Jed came running up and hugged his mother on the way into the house. Mrs. Browning caught the sleeve of my shirt, and brought me to her. She said, "Think nicely of Jenny. She's had her sights on you for a long, long time. Kindly think of her, Kenny." Wow, a mother promoting her daughter.
Josey was in the front passenger seat when I got back to the car. She told me, "Another fifteen minutes and I'd have been spread out and fucked, dear brother. That man made me so hot that I'm in flames."
"Are you alright, Josey? What in the world has gotten into you?"
"That man has my number, Kenny. He affects me even more than you, and that is immoral. I want it; I want something I haven't had yet. I want Jed to make love to me until I swell up and burst. I know him and I know he has never seriously dated many girls. They all said that he was 'Mr. Dull Guy', but I have to tell you that he flipped my switch as soon as we sat together. Don't poke me tonight, Kenny, or I'll drop my drawers and fuck you like Monique would like to fuck Chet."
"Is it safe to take you home, Josey? Will you be a good girl all night? Should I take you back to the Brownings' place and drag him out to the car for you?"
Josey said, "I wish, but he may not feel the same way. That's the first time I've ever felt like that with someone other than you, Kenny. I want to feel all that again and often. Those kids don't have cell phones, although I think Jed does because he has a job in town in addition to his work at home."
The two of us had some left over pie and a glass of milk when we got home. Josey said, "Go to bed and don't let me get next to you. I'm really primed tonight. Maybe Jed will ask me for more, and I'll show that man what a woman can do." My sister was ridiculously funny.
I didn't have Josey, but I had June on one side and Jeff on the other. In a sleepy voice, Jeff said, "You always make me feel like Dad's hugging me."
I had tears streaming down my face as I held my little brother. I fell asleep thinking about how I can continue to raise him to be a good man.
The next day, Josey said, "Okay, we're going to the city to get Kenny a suit," as soon as breakfast was complete and the dishes were washed. "He's grown and needs something bigger. You boys put your Sunday suits on to see if you need new ones too." Chet really hadn't grown, and his suit still fit him nicely. Jeff was getting high water pants. Josey turned the legs out to see if there was enough fabric to lengthen them, but it was a lost cause. Jeff and I were destined to get new suits. Jeff probably needed new dress shoes, but mine were fine as long as I continued to shine them. I was a little concerned that Chet wasn't continuing to grow. Jeff was going to overtake him in size soon.
We went to Sears and I didn't care for the strange guy who was waiting on men. The mall had a Penny's, so we checked their men's wear department. They had loads of clothes, and I found a suit everyone liked. They marked it up to fit me, and I found a couple of shirts and ties. Jeff found something that he really liked and was fitted at the same time as me. That was a bite out of our budget, but it was something we were expecting. Each of the girls had things they needed and found the undergarments they wanted.
We were sitting in the food court having a snack a little later. I asked Chet, "You haven't been growing much, so how about a physical when I get mine. You may be just a little smaller than some of us, but I'd like the doc to tell me that."
Chet was willing as it would get him out of some classes. I at least had his commitment to get checked out.
I asked Josey on the way home; "I'd like to spend some more time with Jenny if she's willing. How about calling her brother and see if she can come out tonight?"
Josey called and was immediately asked out by Jed. She wanted to go, but she made sure that Jenny and I would get together tonight. The end result was that Josey and Jed were going to spend the evening at our house, and Jenny and I were going to spend the evening at her house. I had a great time with all her brothers and sisters. We did a lot of joking, played cards, ate popcorn, and the two of us finally stepped out onto the porch to say goodnight. I was just going to give her a short gentle kiss, but it turned out to be an amazing kiss that had us both panting. Jenny told me, "You're special, Kenny. I want you to be special to me, and I want to be special to you. We're of age, Kenny, think about it and keep me. I want to be kept."
Whoa, wow, amazing, a woman is asking to be kept. She was actually asking to be married. Sure, that sounded good, but would it work? That's some scary stuff.
"We don't know enough about each other to make that kind of commitment, Jenny. I'm raising my sisters and brothers, and am just learning how to take control. Josey and I are doing all the books and making sure the kids and Grandpa are all taken care of."
Jenny was smiling and said, "I can help with all that. I'm a farmer's daughter, and know how to work in the fields, I'm a good cook, I know to keep a clean house, and I want to learn to be a good wife. You're a good man, Kenny, and you need a woman in your life. My hand is raised; pick me, pick me! You don't have to say yes today, but I want you to think about it real hard."
This girl I had known all my life pressed into me and gave me a kiss that melted the eyelets on my shoes. I couldn't even think, much less walk back to the pickup in a straight line. I watched her go back inside and opened the door to my truck. Mr. Browning was standing beside the rear wheel, and after startling me, said, "These girls are like their mother. Sara worked me every way possible until I just gave up and we did all the stuff so a priest could marry us when she made up her mind that I was going to provide a home, work a farm, and raise kids with her. I'm not sure what Jenny has planned since you're not Catholic, but she's acting just like her mother did. I still consider that we waited for our wedding night one of my most treasured accomplishments. I don't think we got out of bed for two days. She took a shower after bleeding all over the place that first time, put Vaseline on herself, and kept right on going. We couldn't do anything for a couple of days when we finally stopped for something to eat. We were both really sore."
That was too much information.
I was watching the man to make sure that he didn't think I had been forward with Jenny. He said, "I just wanted to let you know that I realize how much pressure is going to be put on you. You honestly told her that you didn't know her well yet, and she didn't know you either. Don't let her rush you, and don't be alone with her so that she can't attack you and give you more than you want. You seem to have your head on straight. I like you and all your family, Kenny."
"Good night, Sir, I need to get home to make sure the kids get to bed. We have Church in the morning."
The man nodded and went toward the house.
I saw Jed coming toward his house and stopped to talk to him. I asked if he enjoyed the evening. Jed said, "Your sister is so much more relaxed than my sisters. It's not like Jenny who thinks the world will come to an end if you don't immediately propose to her. You and Jenny are like Josey and me. We really don't know each other well enough. We've known each other all our lives and played with each other as kids, but we've both had lives that have taken us away from each other. Watch my sister, though; she's sort of made up her mind."
"Thanks, Jed, I'll do that."
The house was already pretty dark, although there was a light in my room. I went into the kitchen to have a drink of water and hunt for a cookie. I wondered about how intense Jenny was. I was sitting at the kitchen table when Josey came and made me move away from the table so that she could sit on my lap. "I really like that boy who's become a man. Do you know that he has saved the money he's made over the years in order to have enough to build a house when he gets married? He says the land his dad farms should be enough for most of the kids to be able to make a living on it."
"How was your time with Jenny? Jed says she pretty determined to make this a short courtship. What do you think?"
I gave Josey a squeeze and said, "She actually almost directly asked me to marry her. I think she was ready for the priest tonight. Her dad came out to tell me that was how her mother was when he met her. He warned me to watch her because the women in that house were very determined. I stopped to chat with Jed on the way home, and he said that you were fun to be with because you weren't pushy with men like his sisters are. He said he wants to get to know you real well before you two go farther."
Josey said, "That's the impression I got from him. I'll tell Jenny to cool it or she'll run you off if I get a chance to talk to her. I know you'll make up your mind when you're ready."
"Let's go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be busy."
I had June in bed with me, and we were joined by Josey. I wonder how Jed and Jenny would feel about this.
I woke up early Sunday morning and went out to do the barn chores. The calves were romping around, being playful this morning. I hadn't done it yet, so I checked each of them to make sure they had the rubber band treatment. They were all fixed, so I could now bide my time to sell them as yearlings or raise them to slaughter size.
Jeff's and my new suits looked good on us today. We both had new shirts and ties, so we were very GQ for a change. A couple of the girls who were Josey's and my ages were very friendly today, making suggestions that they could be asked out. June thought it was funny that girls were finally paying attention to me after I had been going to that Church all my life. I think it was the realization that I was working a successful farm and hadn't committed to a female yet that had them interested. Aunt Kate and John met us at Church, and said that they were going to the city for dinner.
John got me off to the side, and asked, "Kate's divorce has been final for a while now, and I think we might make a good couple. You didn't mind that I asked her to marry me, did you? I know she's not really your relative, but it's like she looks to you for a lot."
I shook the man's hand and said, "Good luck with that. I think she probably is good wife material, but you're going to have to make that decision."
He smiled at me, and said, "At least she has experience getting a divorce. I think we'll get one of those agreements where we keep what we brought to the marriage if something happens. That lawyer fella, Smith, can make one of those up for us. We sort of talked about it and she was the one who brought it up."
I laughed and told him, "So you're already writing an escape clause. Doesn't that doom it?"
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I must of looked at least a little foolish, kneeling there, half his cock in my mouth, a hand on the remainder, and the other on his balls, but, now, not moving at all, and almost perceptibly blinking while looking between him and the condom.He leaned down and, putting his hands under my armpits, softly lifted me up. As if in a daze, I complied.Now that I was standing, we were not that close, but I could feel the head of his cock touching my stomach. When I looked down, I could see he was rock...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Angie Sloan went home that afternoon QUITE happy, knowing that she had altered her neighbors’ marriage for the better. She also knew that she was getting BOTH a slave and a master out of this, since the newly emancipated Allan Dumont had proven more dominant than expected. It had simply taken the right kind of persuasion, in the form of a teenage lover who gave him back his confidence and self-esteem. She got her stuff ready for the mall, as she had...
Fetish"And don't forget to make a start on your chores please. Don't spend all morning in bed.""No mum."With that my mother left my room, closing the door behind her.Saturday morning. No school. Thank god. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. The bright sunlight outside was fighting to break through my closed curtains. I lay quietly, trying to decide what to do. I had just started the fourth in the series of the George R.R. Martin Game of Thrones books. I might read that. I was also thinking about...
I am 40 years old. I have a pleasant wife and a 13 year old son. It's not that I don't love my wife, I love her, and fuck her as much as she wants, but sometimes I just need to fuck someone else, if you see what I mean. Well, when this happened, it wasn't done on purpose or anything. It just happened. My wife, son and I live an apartment, but we also own a house not far from where we live. No one lives in that house, but we use it a storage space for various stuff. I also run a small...
Hi friends, I am Shiva Rohan from Chennai. Thanks for all your feedbacks for my previous sex story. And let me introduce myself for the new users. Am 26 years old average built guy from Chennai. Any girls and aunties interested in me can contact me .. The story is about my encounter with my neighbour akka Savitha (name changed) which happened when I was studying my post graduation. Savitha akka stays in my next house along with their parents. She was 25 years old with perfect assets at right...
The moan that escaped from Samantha's lips was music to James' ears. She closed her eyes, let her head fall back against the sofa and opened her mouth in one long moan. James sat there and watched as Buster attacked the piece of flesh with is elongated tongue, dipping deep and drawing out all of her juices, which he quickly swallowed and dug in for more. While Buster was busy down below James reached over and pinched her nipples, bringing the to a state of hardness she'd never...
A man has needs, there’s no question. Take sex, for instance. If Preston had a nickel for every time he desired sex with the college girl down the hall, he would have been a millionaire by now. But the college girl, he sensed, was not interested in him, and this was because he represented, in her eyes, another lonely, washed-up piece of white trash slumming in the ghetto due to his inability to compete in the white world. Fair enough. It was a free country, and a free market, so girls could...
Hello ISS Readers, I have been reading a lot of stories on ISS website. I was thinking of sharing one of my experiences as well. So, here I am sharing one of my encounters with my neighborhood Bhabhi which turned out to be a sexual encounter. About myself, my name is Naman Narula, born and raised in Delhi, 27 years old, 5′ 8″, having a nice body and a normal penis. (I don’t like to brag about it) Let’s Start the story. 2 years back, one of my brother’s friend, Ankit got married to the star of...
If you accidentally walk in on your girlfriend’s roommate while she’s naked, it’s only fair that she sees you naked…right? Right. Amid Miley thinks so, too. Her roommate’s boyfriend Ryan just bursts through her door while her big tits are hanging about, so she takes it upon herself to walk in on him in the other bedroom and finds him masturbating! Not just that, but she learns he was slappin’ his salami because of her her fat rack! Ryan’s gf isn’t home, and won’t be home for a while,...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Call girl, Angel, believes theres nothing nothing more to life than what she is doing now. But when she falls in love with an undercover cop, and things get heated between her and her pimp, Angel searches for answers. Is this really all she is destined for? Could she escape if she wanted to? Would the outside world accept her if she left this lifestyle behind? Chapter Three: A Blue In The Brothel Angel knew Frank all too well. He was her first pimp, and had stolen her virginity...
Laurie and Frankie both gasped with awe as they sat between Howie and Harvey and stared out the window of the limousine and observed the beauty and magnitude of the estate they were entering. Laurie could not believe her eyes as she said, ‘This place is just too fucking huge. I don’t believe this place.’ ‘I know,’ Frankie agreed. ‘It looks like something the Queen would own.’ Howie and Harvey both smiled at the teenage girls’ amazement. Truth be told, they were both a little taken back by the...
"We can talk about it tomorrow. I'm sorry but I'm going to bed." He crawled in between the cool covers, and fell asleep almost immediately. He felt her as she came to bed and crawled very close to him a little later. But then he was asleep again. Robert awoke to the bed shaking thinking that what he felt was an earthquake. He looked at Katie who had her back to him, and a hand between her legs rubbing herself violently. It didn't take very long until she was groaning, and then...
This website has made me want to flash my not mother in law so I built up the courage to do so. I didn't plan everything so I just went with it as the day went. She's a mexican lady in her mid 60's. She's not cute or anything and doesn't wear makeup. She's very tiny and talks very low and walks slow. My wife has told me her mom has had dildos in the past so she has a freaky side. Here's my story how I flashed her.I started by waiting till we were alone one morning. She was awake before me...
Kara had been babysitting for the Jacobs for about a year. She was a senior in college, and babysat to earn extra money for school and other things. Kara was a pretty 23-year-old, with sexy blue eyes and short blonde hair. On Saturday night, Kara was staying overnight in their guest bedroom because Mrs. Jacobs and her husband Jim had said they probably wouldn't be home till the wee hours of the morning. Kara went to bed around eleven that night but she couldn’t get to sleep. She finally decided...
EroticSometimes It Just HappensAbout two years ago I graduated from college. Like most others who finish college I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and nowhere to go. So, I decided to go home and regroup and weigh all my options. I traveled from Boston University to my small hometown of Harper, Iowa.I arrived earlier than I had told my mother I would, kind of by accident, and surprise as well. I hitched a ride with a farmer to our house, just outside of town. I thanked the farmer and...
It was a very warm night at the Litton School for Girls. The school sat on the edge of a small, isolated town that many former students had decided to settle in. The school itself was for women from the ages of 18 to 21. They were instructed on the proper way to behave in society. Though the U.S. was beginning a sexual revolution, the school functioned the same way in 1961 as it had it 1901. The instructors, taking a cue from the school's headmistress, neither discouraged nor encouraged...
Mind ControlHello ISS readers. I am a 23-year-old from Bangalore. My dick is 7”. I would like to be a sex slave of women and couples. Coming to the story, I met this couple on some social networking sites. I sent them a message stating that I was interested in meeting them. We exchanged a lot of messages. Later after some days, I received a reply from them, stating that let’s have a casual meeting at some social place. After meeting regularly over weekends, I cannot forget that day when she bowled me away....
There I was minding my own business, taking a leak, when some guy yells at me and tells me to knock it off. So, I figured I'd better explain to him why I'm pissing on a grave. It all started with my best sales rep. for the last few years. Larry Wilson was a 35 year old salesman and had a territory that was about 1000 miles from the home office outside New York City. So he lived with his girlfriend in a small house he had rented when assigned the territory four years ago. He was good at...
Part 2The casino was buzzing. Someone had just won big. I felt pity for whoever it was, they’d lose it again so quickly. The house always won. Won no matter what. The croupiers were all smiles, smiles and fake tans. Fake smiles. They knew, as we knew. The other punters smiled, their fake smiles, patted each other on the back. Their “why isn’t it me” fake happiness. They didn’t know, didn’t understand, that the house would win, no matter what…………….Tris, my ex-husband. My gambling addict...
I had slept off my sexual hangover by 3AM, so I left Mosby's apartment. I figured that Jerry and Mosby would do better with breakfast alone. I knew for damn sure I would do better with breakfast alone. It wasn't just chilly. It was cold that Saturday morning in mid November. I could managed to make it home and into my small bed before I got core body cold. The heater in the cruiser was pure crap. From Mosby's apartment to my cabin was about eight miles. The heater in the cruiser got warm...
Another fiction... Enjoy.A few weeks ago, one of the local girls came around to sell me Girl Scout cookies. Since I do love those cookies, I made a good sized order. The little scout was cute, in her forest green uniform, and her innocence made me smile. When I placed the order, (about 10 boxes) I asked her how long before she'd deliver them, and would she be able to bring them all since the order was so big.She mentioned that when people order a large amount of cookies, her mom helps her...
We were a family of five. But, practically my elder brother used to be working abroad most of the time and thus we could count only four as the permanent members in our house. Brother used to come every three months or so and was working as a top executive with an MNC. I was the younger one of the two and was just hitting my 20s. My brother and I had an age gap of more than 15 years. This made him more like a father figure to me.His bedroom was on the top left-side of our two storied building...
Partial transcript, America over All 7:04 pm November 5th, 2006 12:04 pm November 6th, 2006 (local time) Many events happened recently that are of great interest to all pure Americans. First, our hero, General Colt was recently appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by the God Given President. Second, the Association For An Almighty America went public. Let me strongly recommend that every person listening to this broadcast join this blessed organization. They, more than any...
Jake looked genuinely shocked to see Dave standing in the doorway to his room at the fraternity house. Dave even heard a brief whisper of ‘Shit’ from his mouth. Jake said in a caustic tone, “You here to tell me I’m totally out of the Circle?” Dave shook his head. “Quite the opposite, in fact. I’m here to try to get you come back where you belong. We miss you.” “After what I did and was about to do?” His tone changed to a more conciliatory one. He went on, “I was infected, although I didn’t...
Mira, an Indian wife’s rite into sexual awakening – Part 2---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By mirax86@xhamster. Based on real events. Contd. from Part 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Still hard and deep inside, Ram spoke. “You have been such a cock tease, prancing this butt…” he paused and...
Hello friends ye meri phli story hai pasand aye th rep kijiyega ye koi sex story nahi balki ek pyr ki kahani hai main apni sis se bahut pyr krta hu aur hn pls meri story pad kr meri sis k sath sex krne ka khyl mann me mat layiega meri age 29 aur meri sis ki 24 hai main ek normal ladka hu bt meri sis bahut kamal hai ekdm mast uske pass wo har chj hai jo kisi ko pagal kr de the story start krta hu bat 2 month phle ki hai mere rltv Dusre sahar me rhte hain main aksr whn jta rhta hu when sab...
My Step sister Carry found out her long term boyfriend had been cheating on her, it was an angry painful break up by what my mother had told me, and as her and my father were already going away that weekend for a work conference they couldn't miss, it would be down to me to give her hand moving out.So reluctantly I headed over to Carry's place and found Abigail, Carry's best friend there also helping her to pack, and between the three of us we soon began clearing her stuff out and in three car...