ChallengeChapter 6 free porn video

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I did the morning chores while Josey prepared breakfast for the others. Monique took a long time to get ready and helped too. Josey finally said, "Okay, we'll take the Suburban, but we won't do this every day. We pay taxes for the bus and should ride it. Finish and get ready so that we're not late for school."

The kids could tell Josey was pissed and were trying to look busy and ready to leave. They could have made the bus, but Josey had already said they would drive. She told me, "Don't worry about picking up milk. I'll get it after school, along with a few loaves of bread. Talk to the butcher today so that you can get a steer in to cut up for us. Make a deal on the other steer if he needs that one too."

I heard a big truck coming up the lane and put my coat on to go out and direct the truck. The kids left and must have passed Jed's pickup as he came up the lane. He let Jenny out of the truck and took off. He was probably running late. I showed the driver where I needed the rock and watched as he understood what I was doing and evenly dropped the rock in the hole. He had smaller gravel on the front of the truck that he poured over the larger rock. They had it figured just right so that the rock was higher than the ground by a couple of inches. I gave him the promised check for the delivery and he was gone.

I showed the steamer to Jenny and told her what I was going to do with it. She thought it was smart to have an area that would drain and not be a mud pit. I explained that I didn't design it, but that a very smart man who uses one of these every day told me about it. We went inside and poured ourselves some coffee.

I had to call the doctor's office for my physical for insurance purposes and schedule an appointment at the same time for Chet. Jenny whispered and asked me to schedule her at the same time so that she could get examined too as it was past time for her woman stuff. The appointment for all of us was at nine tomorrow morning. I explained to Jenny that I was concerned that Chet hadn't been growing much and I wanted a good physical to know if he was okay.

With that done I booted the PC and checked with the store in town to see if they had the rest of the parts for the steamer. They had them all, so I ordered them online with a pickup after ten.

Grandpa didn't want to come with us, so we drove to town to pick up the parts. While we were in town, Jenny wanted to look for wedding bands in Walmart. I told her, "You're assuming a lot, aren't you?"

The woman with me opened her coat and used her hands to present herself in jeans and a turtleneck sweater, "Could and would you reject this magnificent body and all that it promises?"

The lady at the jewelry counter heard her and was dying of laughter. Jenny said, "He hasn't asked the question yet, but I wanted to check out what's available. I don't want a bunch of diamonds. I want a wide gold band for both of us. Maybe a couple of little diamond chips in it to look nice. What do you have? They took her ring size and I filed that away in my brain as an important fact. Jenny didn't see what she wanted and said we'd check back."

I knew exactly what our rings would look like and I would get them with some of the money that I had saved up and didn't need now that the farm was profitable.

It was nearly lunch time, so we ate at the diner. Several farmers greeted me and I introduced Jenny Browning, daughter of Burt and Sara Browning, to everyone. Jenny was a happy girl. She was feeling more confident of our future union by the minute.

We went back to Walmart and I bought her a phone like mine that was still available and signed her up on our account so that it would automatically be paid every month. She asked, "Why do I need a cell phone?"

"So that you can call when you want or need to talk to me. I'll show you how to have a video conversation with me, Josey, or maybe even your brother if you want. I want you to have the phone for emergencies and if you get too lonely. I can't hang on the phone during the day, but I will talk to you some in the evening if we can't get together. You have a number close to Jeff's. He'll get a kick out of that."

Jenny had watery eyes and asked, "You're doing all this stuff with me and for me to show me what you do think of me and to make sure that I know that you're thinking of me. Does this mean you're asking me?"

"I didn't ask you because you're so impatient that we'd be in front of the priest tomorrow if I did."

Jenny wouldn't look me in the eye, but asked, "Could you come to the Church and talk to the Father with me? There are some things you should know and some things you'll need to do. Will you come with me to find out?"

"I suppose this is inevitable, so call him and let's get started on what he might want."

Jenny used my phone to call the Church and speak to the priest while we were driving toward home. She had to really press him for an appointment, and he finally agreed to two o'clock this afternoon.

There wasn't going to be a lot of time between arriving home and having to leave for the Church. Jenny asked me, "Have you been baptized?" on the way to the Church.

I nodded and said, "I was baptized when the Church I go to was a denominational church. The baptismal ceremony is a lot different now than it used to be. I asked our pastor if he thought I should be baptized again, and he said 'once baptized, always baptized'."

"That is good because we can have a sacramental Mass if we want. I don't need a lot of pomp and circumstance, just a wedding ceremony in the Church. That will satisfy me. We will have to go to some preparation meetings, but they aren't long or too boring. You'll learn about my religion. The priest might be a little pushy with you, but just be nice. He is a nice guy."

We were early and the priest came from his office and invited us in. He asked me a few dozen questions, and then asked Jenny several questions. He said to me, "Jenny wants to get married soon. Are you pregnant, Jenny?"

That made me angry, and I said, "It will be the second coming of Christ if she is pregnant."

The man's mouth dropped, and he said, "That is almost blasphemy. I asked a valid question."

"Jenny and I are good people, Father. We are both virgins and are willing to remain that way until we do get married or decide to just live together. We don't want that. We want to get married in a Church, preferably your Church, with you presiding over the wedding. Jenny is a good woman and will be an honorable woman throughout our life and marriage. Now, what do we need to do?"

"It's good that you defended your intended, but please be careful how you address Christ and how you might reference the Blessed Virgin Mary. Forgive me for asking a question that was too strong for your values. I knew your parents since your Mother was raised Catholic, Kenneth. We talked several times but she never came back to the Church. Your family has always been good neighbors and helped those in trouble. I hope you will continue. I want you to come to four short meetings that will also be attended by others getting married. You will learn more of Jennifer's religion and the values that she has regarding marriage and religion, Kenneth. Will you attend these?"

"Sure, Father. I need to learn as much as possible about this person if I'm going to commit the rest of my life to her. When are these meetings?"

The man smiled and said, "Tonight, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. They are being a little rushed as one couple needs to get married quickly, so two other couples will have the opportunity to have these meetings at the same time. Will we see you tonight?"

I looked at Jenny and we both nodded. "Yes, Sir, we'll be here."

The priest asked Jenny to step out of the room for a moment. The priest said, "Just so you know, while my services are free, the parish charges for the use of the facilities." I learned later on that his services were free but that a monetary "gift" to him was customary. "For a member of the parish like Jenny and her family, the use of the sanctuary is technically free also, but there are other costs which still have to be paid, so the price for your wedding is a thousand dollars, which covers the payment for the organist, a small choir if desired, the cleanup, and a 'choreographer', which is our joking name for the person who tells everybody, including me, where to stand, when to walk, and so forth, and another thousand if you have your reception in the parish hall. Jenny's father can pay this or you can. Can you cover the fees if need be. That was a little stiffer than I thought, but I asked, "I need to ask if that is all inclusive or will there be additional requests, Father."

"That will be fine if you are having a simple wedding ceremony or even a full sacramental Mass. If you're going to decorate the chapel, there may be some additional costs for supplies or cleanup."

"That's fair. I don't know what they plan, but Jenny and I would prefer something simple and low key. We want to celebrate our marriage in private rather than a big splash."

The priest stuck his hand out and we shook. "I wish more couples would do as you two want to do. It will be a pleasure to join the two of you."

Jenny and I left for home but I headed to town again to see if I could get what I wanted instead. We stopped at the little jewelry store in the small business district. The old man looked up from his workbench and smiled. He said, "I'll bet you two want something for a wedding." Our smiles confirmed it. I told him, "Jenny wants us to have a wide gold band. I want you to insert tiny diamonds or chips in a cluster that would resemble a cross. Can you do that?"

The man took a sheet of paper and drew a ring and then the cross. He looked at it a while, and said, "I like it. I know both of you. You're the oldest Schulz boy, and you're Sara Browning's oldest daughter. I'm sorry you lost your folks in that terrible accident, Ken. I've just heard there is an investigation going on having to do with that. I hope it works out. Now when can I make these?"

"You'll want our ring sizes and the width of the gold band."

The man said, the top of the band will be very broad, but the bottom will be smaller. It will fit better and won't get in your way and won't have a tendency to slide off. I will make the bands to look very massive. He wrote a number on a sheet of paper and handed it to me. "Is that okay?"

It was a lot less than I thought. "That will be fine. Should I give you my debit card now or later?"

The man said, "Let me charge half today and the other half when you pick them up."

We drove home and I walked Jenny to the side of the house where a giant oak was when we arrived, and had her sit on the bench Dad had built for Mom and him. I knelt in front of Jenny when she sat, and asked, "Jenny Browning, we won't have a fancy ring set, but the question is still the same, will you marry me?"

She said, "Yes, keep me forever, Kenny," as two big tears ran down her cheeks.

I told her, "I really didn't want this to be so fast, but I have a feeling that it's going to have to be if we are to keep our promise. I'm going to take you home so you can talk to your mom and dad. They will have a lot of questions. Plug your phone in to let it charge. Read the book to learn how to use it. I'm scared and don't know whether or not we should get married so fast now."

Jenny said, "We don't have to instantly get married. We can learn more about each other, but we're going to have to be careful or we won't be virgins walking down the aisle. I want you this minute and will every minute until we are married and alone. They have classes for everything but the one thing we want to do. Mom gave me a book that I've read backwards and forwards that explains and describes every pleasure a man and woman can give each other. We'll take that to bed and figure out what we like best. It even says that it can be fun to do it everywhere in the house and not just in bed."

We were sitting side by side on the bench when Jenny said after a gentle kiss, "This is so romantic. This is even better than my fantasy. In my fantasy, we were in your pickup parked out in a cornfield watching a full moon and you asked me then. This is much better. Take me home, I have to tell Mom."

Jenny asked, "When do you want to do it?" on the way home.

I told her, "You decide, and then get with Josey so that she can help you plan. Make sure it's simple."

Jenny wanted me to come inside for a minute. Mrs. Browning greeted me with a hug and looked at her daughter. "Do you have something to tell me?"

"He did it, Mom. He asked me to marry him. We went to see the priest today and we start the preparation meetings tonight. There's someone who needs to marry in a hurry, so the meetings are tonight through Thursday. Will you pick me up, Kenny?"

"Of course. I'll be here at six thirty. We'll have plenty of time to be there by seven."

Sara said, "Well, that gets rid of two of you this evening. Jed has something he's doing."

I had a flash, but let it go as it couldn't be. I left and drove home to do the evening chores before the kids got home. I quickly showered and put clean jeans and a nice shirt on. Grandpa was checking something in the big slow cooker when I went down to the kitchen. He said, "Supper is this thing. Josey said it would be done for supper and it's done now. Can you believe she can cook dinner and be at school at the same time?"

Grandpa then asked, "There were a couple of men who came by and said that Josey was having them do some work. What she is going to do is at that little spot by the edge of the road with the nice trees?"

The flash hit me again, "I think Josey is going to get married, Grandpa. I'm going to do that too, but I didn't think it would be this fast. I think we're both going to the same preparation meeting tonight. She won't be eighteen until May. I guess I'll have to sign for her."

The kids drove up in the Suburban and brought the groceries and six gallons of milk in. I watched Josey as she was flitting around doing all the things that needed to be done. I advised the kids that the chores were done. I then told Josey, "Jenny and I are going to the Church for a preparation meeting tonight. Do you want to go with us or will you go separately?"

"How did you know? Jed and I were trying to keep it quiet so that we could get married and the kids at school wouldn't know."

Josey sagged against me. "I asked Jenny to marry me today, Josey. That's why we'll be going to those same meetings. You two can talk afterward to see how we can do this. I'll bet there is a neat way to take care of it all. I suspect Jed is bringing a trailer here and going to park it next to those trees by the fence. That's a nice location and should work for you guys. You could have used the big bedroom and Jenny and I could use my room."

"No, use that big bedroom or buy a trailer like Jed did. I'm going crazy wanting to be with Jed, Kenny, but we're going to get married like you and Jenny and be virgins when we do it. I hope God forgives me for thinking improper thoughts all the time, but I do restrict my actions."

We ate supper and I left to pick Jenny up, only to be waylaid by Burt. "You didn't run fast enough, huh? That's okay, because I need you as a son-in-law."

I said to the man, "I'm paying the charges for the use of the church, Burt. If he asks you for more, tell him to ask me instead. He said that was all unless we messed up his sanctuary with flowers. Don't give him more money."

"You do know they don't have much money and they can get some with marriages and baptisms etc. Don't be angry at them for wanting some money for extras." I wasn't angry, but I asked point blank if that was all of it and it should be.

The meeting was informative, and very short. We were out of there by seven forty-five. We went to our house to talk because it would be less crowded. Jed and I walked down the lane to where he was going to put his trailer while Josey and Jenny talked. "You need to dig for a septic tank, put in a well, pour a pad for your trailer, and you have to have the electric company bring power to it, Jed."

Jed said, "The water well guy said he'll bring a witcher out to find the place for the well. I've called the electric company, and I've called Harvey in town to do the septic and hookup. I think I've thought of everything. I got a good deal on a small double-wide that will sit on blocks for right now. The men who came out to measure said it will fit nicely. I'll get some gravel for a driveway from your lane road. There are a couple of other places between where we will be and the house, but I'll leave those for you or the other kids. Josey thinks you're going to fill the house up with kids, so we're going to build our place right here on the other side of where the trailer will be. I think between my dad and my friends, I can build our home in less than a year."

We walked back to the house and I complimented Jed on working fast. He said, "That's what I do for the company I work for in town now. They move construction equipment around to different sites, and it's my job to make sure everything is ready for the equipment. There's a lot of planning, but something always gets lost in the shuffle. It's my job to make sure that it doesn't happen, but it's up to me to make it right when someone else misses something. These people have really kicked me up the ladder considering that I only have some internet college courses that I'm working on. I'm making good money now, and I still work on the farm with Dad and the boys. There are only three of us boys, but nine girls. At least you guys are three and three."

Having nine sisters would be a disaster. I asked Jed, "When does Josey want to get married?"

Jed said, "Yesterday," in a very deadpan expression. He paused, and then said, "I'm not sure since you and Jenny are going to do it too. We want simple, only our families. No big shindig, just a simple ceremony, and then we all get together for some cake and ice cream. It's going to take at least a week to get the house ready, probably more, so I'm thinking two or three weeks. The earliest would be the Saturday after next."

"Let's see what the girls think." I knew how Josey is and how nuts Jenny was getting.

Josey and Jenny were at the table writing things down on a tablet when we walked into the kitchen. Josey looked up at Jed and me, and said, "People just can't move fast enough sometimes. I know a water well can't magically appear. An electrical line can't magically be connected. I also know the septic tank takes a few days to dig and cover. Why can't they happen faster?"

Jed was talking on his cell phone as he hugged Josey. He said into the phone, "Make it happen if you can do it. That would resolve that problem."

Jed said, "That was my buddy, Brian, who is going to run pipe up to your pump house and connect to your well. He said that you have enough water for the entire county, so he recommends putting deep water lines in to the well house and putting a larger pressure tank in. He can do it all for next to nothing."

Josey was smiling. She said, "The REA said they can have a utility pole for our new home in place by tomorrow afternoon. Harvey said he will have the septic and lines in by Thursday. You said the trailer was going to be set up and connected Friday, right, Jed."

"Jenny and I have agreed that we will make sure everything gets done between now and a week from this Saturday. I want to have both our weddings the same day, unless you two want to get married this Saturday, and us the next. Kenny and I are very close, and I think it will have a special meaning that we enter into our marriages physically innocent."

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Interspectral Morpheology (the study of Homo Sapiens HermaphroMorpheus Nobilis) Rei Rei I am a Hermaphromorph, that's the simple term, what I am is Homo Sapiens Hermaphromorpheus Nobilis: a long, drawn out latin term that simply states: I can change sex and form at will! My name is Arya al-Sayed, and when I was born, I was barely alive, My Family Physician, one Dr. Benjamin ibn-selafi Abdallah Murradh Elahi, still shakes his head in disbelief that I survived my delivery....

2 years ago
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Dickgirl Diaries Part 2

Part 1: 2We didn't talk about it after that and we never said a word to Tea either, and I was rapidly starting to feel uneasy about what had happened. It didn't help that Paulina's responses to my texts were as minimal as they possibly could be, and didn't give out any hint of her true feelings or thoughts. So, I was happily surprised when Paulina invited me for a sleepover the next Friday.Once we were alone in her room I...

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A Night with Kimny

Hi KimnyI hope this is what you had in mindI work as an engineering consultant, Things got crazy and I had to meet a client, her name is Kimny, at her house Friday night to help out as it could not wait till next MondayKimny is a very attractive young woman. There always was some kind of chemistry between us but we never mentioned it but we both knew that we were mutually attracted to each other.Her face and hair were to die for and she is so sweet and oh so feminine in every way.I got to her...

3 years ago
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Marching In

Now, suppose there was a group of hyper-intelligent ants living in a woman's house. Their first goal would be to remain unnoticed, because humans tend to kill ants. Finding a chance to demonstrate intelligence would be difficult before the human would kill them, yet finding opportunities to eat food is more difficult with this as a concern. Now, suppose these hyper-intelligent ants are nice, friendly ants who are willing to recognize that since most ants are not hyper-intelligent and lack...

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The strange and fantastical adventures of Kim

“Hello? Anyone here?” Kim looked at her phone. Yep, this was the place. The middle of the forest, an hour away from civilization, in front of an abandoned wooden cottage. “Maybe they’re inside?” Kim unfastened her helmet and left it at her moped. She had a cute round face, with colorful red lips and curious green eyes. The place was deserted and dilapidated, furnished only by broken down furniture and dust. It was a bit creepy. She almost didn’t want to shout, but Kim did it anyway. “Hello?!...

2 years ago
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we needed the money pt 2

The last meeting with Trevor was only meant to be us playing , and then him to fuck Ginger, As it turned out he was a great guy, and when he touched me I wanted his cock in me, and showed him so. He ended up fucking us both in every hole and having a great time, paying us more than we agreeded on. . But this time he wanted to invite his friend too, saying that they wanted to meet us around 7 pm at his motel and gave Ginger the room number, She asked me If was ok with another guy being...

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A very good view 3 P

A very good view i had with my sister always in the period that i am recounting from my previouses stories :-P. It was a late morning before the lunch, we were in autumn and not did more much hot it was started the cold but, in the house ... and when you have the sister hottie :-P (but anyway a good girl :-P), at a certain point i hear the voice of my sister from inside her room that she talks to the cellular and i don't know of who it was or a friend or a bf or a lover :-P, anyway seemed me...

1 year ago
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Game of dare

100% fiction! Ever since we were teens my sisters and I have wound my brother up. When we started to smoke he wouldn't touch them, when we started drinking he decided to be teetotal. So we mercily called him Mr Straight and kidded him about how he would never do anything remotely dangerous or taboo. I don't see him very often but his work occasionally means he stays with my family for a few days when he is in the area. On one such visit I was home alone with him as my family were away visiting...

4 years ago
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New Apartment Part 2

I was in the bedroom waiting for the cable guy to show up. Linda was in the living room reading her book. Linda was wearing a short skirt and a button blouse, no panties or bra. I didn’t have much to do, I’m not a reader like Linda is, I’m more an TV / Internet guy. I would peek out, see what Linda was doing. I was bored so I lied down and started to masturbate. I enjoyed watching Linda on top of Ted, riding him. I was enjoying myself to the point I almost came, till the door bell rang. It was...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Lisey Sweet Takes Manuel8217s Thick Cock Up Her Tight Asshole

Big booty blonde Lisey Sweet gets her anal passage way totally reamed in scene 3 from Manuel Ferrara’s “Raw #34”. The filthy anal whore recounts several nasty stories with Ferrara then proceeds to suck his cock.Manuel approves of her technique then returns the oral favor. The Frenchman fills her asshole from behind and pumps her until her cheeks speak. He folds her over and pumps some more, then he crams four fingers into her ass and holds on. The horny duo move to doggie and...

2 years ago
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Amandas slide to depravity

A shy girl though that had very strict parents for an upbringing and had not yet experienced anything life had yet to show her. Up until last year that is when her parents were both tragically killed in a terrible car crash. As Amanda walked in nervously in to her first day of work in an accounts office as a junior she was made to sit next to a 29 year old woman called Sam who was very friendly but as she admits she has played the field many many times. The two girls hit it off and became...

3 years ago
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Last Weekend

The BodySale webpage estimates your hypothetical purchase value based on race and gender and the answers to questions such as: “How tall are you?” “What’s your IQ?” “Are you attractive?” “How much money do you make?” “Would you rather have sex with men or women or both?” The most expensive woman listed goes for a whopping 7.2 million dollars with the average cost of a female coming in at just over 5.8 mil. It turns out the price to buy me is under seven figures, but that’s no surprise. I’m...

3 years ago
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Same Time Next YearChapter 2

It wasn't long before I was able to go home. I wasn't allowed to lift anything over five pounds. My girls understood but Andy didn't know any better and wanted to be held. At least he settled for climbing up next to me and sitting on the bed or couch. My girls were like two little mommies waiting on me hand and foot. Trina went to work every day and when she got home we were pleasant to each other. Jen stopped by for a couple of hours each day to see if I needed anything. She was a great...

3 years ago
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My first deep throat

This happened late one summer night last year.There is a very quiet layby near me where it is possible to find a nice, stiff cock to service and I have been fucked, fisted and sucked lots of cock and swallowed all their spunk there. At the side of a gateway there is an Armco type barrier and on this particular night I found myself bent over it with a stranger fingering my slutty hole and filling me with lube. I spread my cheeks and was lost in the pleasure of him slowly spreading me wider as he...

2 years ago
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The cleaning lady Maid Part 3

The cleaning lady (Maid) Part 3By Dina PetroAnother Episode as a continuation of Part 2, of the same story (The cleaning lady (Maid)After full relaxation, we both got up, we went to a different bathroom each, we had showers, I put my dress back on again to resume my work as I had a long day ahead of me, of course Chuck and I knew clearly what happened was just a one night stand, that would have no strings attached, in any way, that did not need any explanations from either of us.Chuck was busy...

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Hunting the witch Public

Walking into the guild hall I walk over to the job wall and look it over. Feeling my stomach grumble softly I look for a quick job so I can eat something. The only job I could ever get was adventuring for various reasons and it didn't pay that well. Grabbing a job about a witch I move to the counter and hand it in presenting my card to the old man there. "Ah this one, you are a brave son a bitch, or stupid," The old man says as he fills out some paperwork. Handing the job papers to me he grabs...

3 years ago
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Lifes a Beach

(I originally wrote this story under the author name of Voyager.) Chapter One: On the beach The weather had finally cleared, a week at the beach and it had taken until Thursday for the sun to come out. Bill dropped his towel onto the hot sand; kicking of his shoes and shorts he slid his T-shirt off before lying face down on his towel. "Better put some sun cream on Billy or you'll burn." He turned his head to look at his mom who was spreading a towel beside him. "I guess." "Here...

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Dun and Dusted Part I Book 7 of Poachers Progress Chapter 10 Orders are Orders

The Foreign Office. London. September 16th, 1832. “Sir Elijah, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, rose from his chair, came around his desk and shook me warmly by the hand. I was quite surprised by his affability as he is known as ‘Lord Pumice Stone’ to the general public on account of his abrasive personality. “The pleasure is all mine, My Lord,” I said. He smiled, then pointed to a pair of plump-cushioned chairs positioned one each side of a...

2 years ago
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The Mistress of Holt House Part OneChapter 4

The cab arrived at a large detached three story Georgian property surrounded by a high wall. The house was set back about 25 yards from the street the garden was laid to lawn and neatly cut, though no flower beds; just a few box hedges symmetrically placed and trimmed square. The path cut straight to the huge black front door. As he closed the gate behind him, several black crows lifted off from the roof of the house, cawing noisily with displeasure at their being disturbed. The whole...

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Incurable Arousal

Filling your ass with my cock, I tighten my jaw in pleasurable resistance. As I steadily plunge deeper, you hold in all sound, along with your breath. Struggling and failing not to rush, I push all the way inside you, and a single scream eludes your grasp. As soon as I feel able to do so without cumming, I retract, then thrust again. Gentle play has quickly given way to fucking your ass so hard that the bed shakes beneath us. Not hard enough, though. You're still quiet. Taking firm hold of your...

1 year ago
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Be careful what you ask for someone might say Go Ahead

I motioned to him with my head and Jerry came over and his lips, mouth and tongue met her left breast. Cynthia shuddered, I could feel it and her hands moved upwards as she let out a small gasp feeling him come into contact with her. In moments she was lightly moaning and licking her lips and again shuddered violently as Jerry's right hand came up unto her right breast. So here we are at a holiday party, I and my fiance Cynthia. Many familiar faces are around us and some not so familiar. I am...

1 year ago
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POV Briana Banderas Kiihara Strong Skating or fucking

My wife, Briana Banderas, and I accepted the invitation of Kiara, a good friend of ours, who owns a clothing store that has a skating park right by its side. My wife warned me right before entering the shop: ‘I don’t want you to fuck my friend today’. But the truth is that I get really turned on as soon as I entered the store just by seeing Kiara’s beautiful ass, which is almost as perfect as my wife’s. So, besides going skating, I think I’m gonna end up...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 36 The Return

For days after the dehorning the heifers with their blackened cotton swabs were scratching and banging their heads on any post or obstruction that would allow them to try to alleviate itch and pain. It recreated in my mind the whole awful torturous affair. I also remembered how, as a kid, I’d witnessed the castration of calves at a branding work party in Montana where I went to stay with my aunt and uncle. I remembered how I’d tried to help herd the calves, the naive city kid walking in...

3 years ago
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Seduction of AmyChapter 13

When Amy arrived home, she called Thomas and told him she didn't feel well and that she would call him in a few days. She could hear the worry in Thomas's voice as he issued his condolence. She suppressed a giggle, now realizing how blind she had been to his and John's deception. It was so obvious now; all the pieces seemed to fit. While there was a bit of anger brewing in her, she knew that she hadn't really been hurt by their actions. However, revenge would be sweet nonetheless. The...

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The Law Can Be Ludicrous

Cassie was a normal, 22-year-old girl. Average in looks, polite but not timid, driven but not obsessed, she had the makings of a decent person that everyone liked one way or another. She had graduated from high school years ago with good enough grades to get into college. She had attended a two year school (which ended up taking three) and was ready to move onto something else. Her problems start then... For a series of complex and frankly ridiculous legal reasons. Her life becomes full of...

1 year ago
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I Never Knew She Liked To Watch Part 2

My step-daughter has always had an interesting choice of friends. Considering (by her own admission) she's not a slut, and she avoids guys/sex altogether because she's not interested in some loser only wanting a piece of ass (her own words), seeing her hang out with Krystal and Kristina has always stumped me. They are nice girls, but on the opposite site, I know, from my step-daughter having told me stories, that they are both into sex. Kristina has had multiple boyfriends, and Krystal likes to...

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my mother in law

My mother in law was always very prim and proper around me when sober but it was a different story when she had a few drinks in her. It was on a Saturday night out during last summer that things changed between me and my mother in law but would it be for the worst or for the better?Stella was my mom in law and I had always gotten along ever since her daughter Sara had started going out with me and 10 years later Sara and I had been enjoying married life even without c***dren as Sara couldn't...

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The Office Christmas Party

But she had her eyes set on even bigger sights at this company, and she decided that she was going to make that happen at this year’s office party. She arrived wearing a low-cut, strapless emerald green dress that had slits up both sides showing off her shapely thighs. Her beautiful red hair flowed over her bare shoulders, and her large green eyes smoldered as she surveyed the room searching for her victim. Mark, the president of the company, was an older, gray haired man who had a...

4 years ago
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CONFESSIONS PART 9======Yes, I do sometimes wear panties in public. I remember the first time. I wore a pair to school one day obviously I picked a day when we didn’t have gym class! I remember the thrill of it and the fear of being caught. I think I must have had a hard on all day! Now, to be honest, I wear them most of the time because I still love the softness and lightness of the material. Just plain black simple cotton ones - I must have a couple of dozen pairs. Sometime I do wear guy...

1 year ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 19

Bob and Hank watched as the traumatized young ladies were pampered by Bob's "harem" as he had started to think of them. He estimated that they were all around twenty years old. Blonde, brunette and red head. They had similar features and he guessed they were sisters, or cousins at least. They stood between 5'2" and 5'8" tall. He could see that Dana and her crew had taken most of the upset out of the three. After a short time, the women started heading straight for Bob. "Uh oh," Hank...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 10

Laura was desolated. She knew she had set herself up for this rejection, but losing both Karen and Rina wrenched her with pain. And she hadn't even lost Rina, of course. She had never had the girl, which was if anything worse. The desire she felt for Rina was almost unbearable. After being expelled from the girl's apartment, she went home and couldn't get the image of Rina's perfect naked body out of her mind. Did I ever want Karen this much? she wondered. She looked at her hand, the one...

2 years ago
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A Mothers Revenge 4

A Mother's Revenge Chapter 4 Chapter 1 by Kelly Cliffe Chapters 2-4 by Hawlk "Get out of me!" I screamed. "Ah, ah, ah. This is MY body. Not yours. And since you couldn't handle it properly, I'm gonna make you pay!" Then, I felt a pulling of my feet. I felt like I was yanked out of something tight-fitting and thrown up against a wall. I looked up to see Charlie standing over me, or rather, Charlie's body. "You are stranded now, Joe. No spell can ever get help you, now!...

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Dungeon of Bad Ends

Introduction. All great stories must start with an introduction. Welcome to the Dungeon of Bad Ends! Here, the harrowing main characters will do everything in their power to escape from the dungeon unscathed, fighting through many, many, wrong turns on the way out! The dungeon is a massive structure, existing in its own time period as it lays right under the crust of the Earth, containing much to be desired. While the Dungeon has other names, most just refer to it as the Bad End Dungeon. Untold...

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Loved My Aunty Rani

After I left her house i couldn’t sleep whole night. I had enjoyed every bit and just thought of enjoying her again very next day were giving me sleepless night. Anyway I reached her home at around 10 AM sharp. I rang bell and Rany open the door. She was well dressed in nightie and smelling good. She smiled and asked me to come in. She told me that her husband has left for his office along with his daughter. He has to take their daughter for admission in some nearby school.I sat in the sofa and...

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Meet me in the Hotel Lobby

I told her I'd meet her in the hotel lobby. I'd be the guy with the Wall Street Journal. She was encouraged to wear a skirt with no panties and high heels. I saw her coming toward the door from behind the mirrored glass of the lobby. She had done as I'd instructed. Her tanned, toned calves were exquisite in her stiletto leopard-print shoes. The skirt was just above the knee, but you could tell she wasn't used to being pantyless. Her heavy breasts were showcased in a blouse with plenty of...

4 years ago
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The Back Of The Bus

You're sat alone at the back of the school bus again, being the first to get on in the morning. Naturally, as an adolescent male, you start thinking about sex. You have just obtained a rock hard 9 inch boner when the bus door opens to let the next students on. You try as hard as you can to will your erection down, but the realisation that two of the hottest girls in school have just got onto the bus isn't helping any. "Hi Paul" The girls say merrily in unison as they sit either side of you on...


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