Captain GoldChapter 12 Conflict
- 3 years ago
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Chet was strutting around on Thursday morning, saying how he would be a real licensed driver when he comes home tonight. His Driver's Ed class was giving the driving test at the DMV as class graduation. They didn't do that with kids when I took it. Monique said that her class did that too, but Josey's didn't.
I was going to try the steamer today, so I turned the blue valve on as I passed the pump house and listened while the pipe filled up. I opened the valve by the machine shed and let the air come out and the water begin to flow. I went to my new shed and opened that valve so that the air would flush out there as well.
I used our two-wheel dolly to put under the steamer as I tilted it forward, then brought the steamer upright so that I could roll it into the shed. I tilted it forward again and pulled the dolly from beneath the awkward piece of equipment. I made the water connection, filled the reservoir, checked the power switch, and threw the big breaker for the 220VAC to the 'On' position. I turned the steamer on and remembered that the directions said it would be about ten minutes before there would be steam. I started the tractor with the lift and brought it out to the wash pit. The tractor sat there idling for a few minutes since I like them to run a little when you start them. I checked the gauges on the steamer when enough time had passed, and it was ready. I pulled the coiled hose out, and began steam cleaning the tractor from top down using the long wand. I was amazed at how much dirt, oil, and grease was still caked on the engine. There was enough pressure from the steam to make chunks of dirt fly into the air. It took almost thirty minutes to thoroughly clean the big tractor. I would be using some fancy car products to clean the cabin. I had already cleaned it, but really hadn't thoroughly checked either of the cabins out. I was going to let this tractor air dry before attempting to start it. I shut the steamer and the water supply off. I knew I was going to use it all again, so I didn't coil the hose or drain the water.
The oil company pickup came into the yard. The man didn't even get out of his truck; he only rolled his window down and said, "Follow me down to the meadow. I have something for you to see."
I got in the pickup and began following. I noted that the truck needed gas. I was amazed at what I saw when we arrived. There was an operating pump and a giant oil tanker sitting next to the tank. A large semi was off to the side with three more big tanks. I didn't understand. The oil man said, "These tanks will hold about two hundred and twenty barrels. That tanker will hold two hundred barrels. This well is a problem because it filled the tank, causing the shut off to operate. The pump was shut down when we came out this morning, and we thought it had malfunctioned. It didn't. This well is producing more than two hundred barrels a day. We're going to add two tanks to be sure that it doesn't shut down again. That back well came in with almost as much pressure as this one had. The new pump there is ready and all we have to do is to get the tanks in place. We have two more tanks for that well too."
I said to the man, "That's unbelievable. That's a lot of oil."
"You bet, it's a lot of oil. This might be like those Kansas wells they've been opening. I can tell you that the company is going to want to drill more wells though. I think we need to expand our search to both sides of this strip of land and stay separated about like we are and drill four more. We've made up our cost on these two wells just from what the oil in that tanker will sell for. We didn't break any expensive equipment, the bits are in good condition, and we're ready to drill. Our man will probably be out to see you. I can tell him to go straight to your attorney if you want."
"Do that. It might make it happen faster. We'll have to see where if you decide you want to drill in the other fields, because we need the land to farm."
The man asked, "Are you still going to farm with all the money you'll be getting from the oil?"
I smiled, and said, "That's what we do. We're farmers. Farmers produce the food for America. We don't know any better, but we do take pride in growing our crops."
The maintenance guy was working on connecting the new tank. I asked him, "That steamer comes with a set of wheels according to the information on the internet. Did you pitch them, or do you still have them?"
The man laughed as he said, "We drag that thing all over with the crane. Both sets of those wheels are in plastic bags over by that group of cedars. Take a set. Hell, take both sets if you want. Did you get it working?"
"I did and have a tractor air drying right now sitting on my rock wash pit. I ordered big rock so the water drains fast with small rock on top. I have the steamer in a small Tuff-shed. I didn't pay attention and didn't realize that I had to have two twenty."
The maintenance man said, "You know, I don't even think about it because we use these big diesel generators and I have these big forty amp extension cords. Go get your wheel set. I need to get this tank connected and then get the third tank set and hooked up."
I took only one set as that was all I needed. The wheels and axles were industrial strength and would work for years and years. I took them home and mounted the axles and four wheels, along with a large pull bar that made it easy to tilt and move around. The wheels were a very good addition.
The tractor was dry, so I went through the starting procedure and the big tractor started right up. This cab didn't have a display, but it had a radio, CD player, and even a power plug for charging things like a phone. I was checking all the controls and turned a switch on that said 'Air' and then turned the temperature down, noting that there were four fan speeds. Oh boy, air conditioning! Our newer tractor had a cab and air, but the old tractor didn't have a cab. I turned the air off and adjusted the temp for heat. This was a nice tractor, and it wasn't the nicest one. I needed to finish polishing the interior of the cab and treating the upholstery.
I parked this tractor and pulled the other tractor to the wash pit. This was a huge tractor and I checked all the controls in the cab. I flipped up what looked like a lid to something, and it was a large touch screen that was like the combine. It told you everything about the tractor's operation, including that it was three quarters full of fuel. I used the on screen help to set the new maintenance times and when the last maintenance was completed. I needed the manual for this tractor because there were a couple of items that I didn't recognize and understand.
I shut the tractor off, turned the steamer and water supply on, and had a drink of water while waiting. I finished with this tractor in about another half hour and was amazed at how new the machine was. I let it air dry while I coiled the steamer hose and drained all the water from the tanks. I went to the pump house and turned the feed off, then came back to open the valve by the machine shed. I checked the fuel in the two heaters and left them on the lowest setting. I wanted to go inside, so I started the big tractor and moved it inside the big building. I shut everything off and closed the big door. The steamer door was closed, so everything was done.
Grandpa had just made fresh coffee inside, so I had a cup and remembered that I didn't have lunch. Grandpa came in and said, "You've really been busy. I saw you leave with the oil man, what's up?"
I made a sandwich and told Grandpa about the second well and that the first well was producing far more than they anticipated. I told him that we kids all needed to have some restraint about spending the oil money that would be coming in. I told Grandpa that we would have to pay taxes on the money. I would find an accountant to help us figure it out because we were all going to be in some high tax brackets. My faithful advisor was in when I called.
"Hey, John, I want to give you a heads up that the oil people will be contacting you for additional property leases. The second well came in with pressure. They are flow pumping the first well and it is producing more than anticipated. I'm going to need your help and advice again. Do you know an accountant we can use? That person is going to have to advise us of when and how to divide the proceeds that begin coming in soon. They're already transporting oil from the tanks. That's like two hundred barrels a load."
"That's great, Kenny. You kids need some luck. I do know of a local accountant who is really sharp and handles some of the farmers with oil income. Your situation might be different since you are the property owner but you probably want to divide the income equally, not just for fairness but because that might keep all of you in lower income tax brackets. She'll figure it out for you."
"So this is a female accountant?"
"Yes, Kenny, and a very good one. She's done my books since I began my practice. You'll like her. I'll have her call you so you can get together. She'll come out to talk to all of you if you want. I'll let those oil people contact us meanwhile. They might increase the amount per acre for the lease bonus since you are producing a lot of oil. I'll work them and see what they might be willing to do. That you're getting a twenty percent royalty is really good. I think the max I've ever heard of was twenty-five. They may get ridiculous on the lease bonus if we stay at twenty."
"So what should we be paying you? Should you be just charging time and effort, a salary, or a percentage? What's the right way to do this?"
John said, "Let Shirley Dobson, the accountant, answer that question. I'm not sure how to handle you kids. She knows the rules and I'll live with whatever she says."
"Fair enough, John. Thank you for always answering my questions. I have a big learning curve ahead of me."
John asked, "I understand you and the Browning girl stopped in at the jewelers. Should I know about that?"
"I guess you should. Josey is going to marry Jed Browning, and I'm going to marry Jenny Browning. This is sort of quick, but not really. We've been friends since we were little kids. We've been neighbors all our lives. This will be a good union."
"Does the family know about your oil leases?"
"No Sir; we haven't talked about it at all and really don't plan to. That is another part of our lives that we'll have to deal with separately. They don't even pass that meadow when they go to and from town. You actually have to look for the road if you want to turn in there and you can't see anything from the road. Someone might notice the oil tankers going to and from, but that would be the only way they would know. I doubt anyone even knows that property is part of our farm."
"Well, good. Do you think you need to have a pre-nuptial agreement?"
"I hope not, John. I'd rather not have to think about what something like that would be like. If you think we need something like that, put something together and we'll come see you to sign it. The one thing to do though is to make it sound like this would protect her and her family in the event of a breakup. Obviously, we're also trying to protect my brothers and sisters."
John laughed and said, "You want me to use some slick legalese that doesn't say anything except that you retain everything that you had before the wedding."
"I suppose something like that. You write, and we'll come by to sign it. We're getting married a week from Saturday. It's going to be a very small ceremony. We'll have a ceremony at her church."
"Good luck to you, Kid. Be careful though, or you'll end up like the Brownings with a dozen kids. One look at Sara Browning, of course, and you can understand Burt chasing her all over their farm, ha, ha, ha."
I had a second cup of coffee and decided to clean up before the kids got home. I didn't want to get caught like yesterday showing all my stuff to Jenny. I was all washed, shaved, and ready for our last preparation or pre-cana meeting.
There was a lot of kids getting out of cars once again when the Suburban pulled up in the parking area. Jed pulled up in the parking area too, and more kids got out of his truck. Five stood to one side when they all came in, and Jenny said, "The girls are Jean, Jane, and Jeanette is the youngest. This one is Jack, who is a year younger than Janet, and this guy is Jim, who a little less than a year older than Jeanette." That must have been a busy twelve to fourteen or fifteen years. Jenny said, "We're supposed to bring them back for supper and homework. Dad might need help with chores too. Help me take them all home, Kenny, and we'll come back for supper before we go to the last meeting."
We could jam a bunch of kids in the seats since our pickup has a crew cab. Jenny actually drove the Suburban with the rest of the kids in it. They all fired dozens of questions at me all the way home, which took all of three or four minutes to do. I had to go into say hi to Burt and Sara, and it looked like they may have been up to something while the house was empty. Burt said, "I want to come over and look at those calves. Maybe you'll give me a deal on one. We have a steer ready to butcher, a yearling, and we need to get a calf now. I'll give the going rate for it. I know you didn't get them for free. I'm also looking for a larger disc. I know my tractor can handle one. You might have something that's the right size."
Jenny told me on the way to the meeting. "You and your brothers need to come over so that I can cut your hair. All three of you are looking a little shaggy."
I told her, "We usually cut each other's hair, but haven't really felt like it lately."
Jenny said, "Well, you three need to be cleaned up for the wedding, and I'm good at it. I can do it at your house if you have a clipper set, otherwise you three come over, and the girls and I will do the clipping."
That was scary, so I suggested, "Do it at home. I don't think we'd be safe around all those girls."
"You would be safe, but Chet and Jeff might be under some female pressure. Chet has a lot of swooning going on when he passes by at school." So my kid brother was a heartthrob or heartbreaker now.
The meeting was conducted by the priest, and he was very complimentary to all three couples for entering into our marriages as virgins. He said that we would be blessed because of it and he hoped we would all be blessed with many children to raise as good Catholics and Christians. He made a real pitch for us to be sure to have our babies baptized in the Church. He said that we would be good parents if we taught them what is right and wrong and to live by the commandments. He kept saying that being a good neighbor and Samaritan was as important as being faithful by going to Church. I was impressed with that.
He went around the room to ask each of us our intentions regarding how we planned to worship. The first couple was both Catholic, but apparently didn't come to services often. Jed said that he still planned on regularly coming to Church, the same as always. He then said, "I think I can speak for my sister, as well as Josey and Kenny Schulz. Our plan is for Jenny and me to come to early mass on Sunday morning. We would then all go to the early service at the non-denominational Church in town with their family. It wouldn't be a sin to worship with our friends and neighbors."
"It's very commendable to want to maintain commitments to both your faiths. I'm looking forward to interest you two, Josey and Kenny, with good messages from the pulpit. I hope you enjoy my services. You can't share in communion, but you can share in the fellowship. If you get in line for communion, just hold your hand over your heart to receive a blessing instead. Come and join us this Sunday."
"Now it's time to send you out on your own to anticipate your wedding. One couple will marry at noon tomorrow, and the other two couples will marry next Saturday. Good luck and go with God."
Maybe I would enjoy his messages. I had attended the Catholic services when an older priest was there. He had since retired. I never did understand what he was talking about. I'm not sure the others in the congregation did either.
I told them that Brian was finished, the electrical pole was planted, ready to be hooked to the trailer, and the septic tank was installed, when we were all at home sitting at the kitchen table. Jed said, "The house will be here tomorrow. I'm taking off work to make sure the house is set up right and all the connections are done correctly. Brian will be back tomorrow afternoon to hook water up to the house and he'll connect the septic line. The REA people will be back out to hook the power up to the house. We can begin moving the extra furniture in. It has some, but we found some that we want at the Salvation Army stores. I want to get the cable company to run me a line for the internet and phone. They should be out tomorrow afternoon or Saturday. Josey has a proposition for you, Kenny."
Josey said, "Since we're going to be right down the lane, how about Jed and I eating with the family as always. We'll only have two extra from right now, and we have plenty of room and chairs. This would eliminate having a full fridge at our place. We can have some things there for snacks, but it'll be nice to share everything with the family. I was thinking that we might want a bigger table in case the Browning bunch wants to come for a meal. I'm not sure we can handle another dozen, but we could try or we could get one of the tables to put in the outer part of the office next to us here in the kitchen. Those big folding tables hold six. We could do that."
I laughed and said, "I'd love to have them all over. We might just get two of those tables with folding chairs so the kids can eat together and the adults can eat in here. I'm sure there will be discussions as to who is an adult. Jenny said, "Janet, Monique, and Chet might be in here with the rest of us."
Josey said, "It doesn't make any difference as long as everyone gets a place to eat. I like the idea of Jed and me continuing to be a part of the family meals. I think we'll be picking up help with Jenny, and only one more guy to wash, iron, and clean for."
Jed said, "I'm going to build on a little room outside for us to take our shoes off with a place to put them. I'll pick some tile up for the floor, and we can have a warm place to take them off and put them on, as well as store them. You saw how my family took their shoes off out on the porch without even thinking. You'll get used to it. Some people like slippers with their socks, but you can bet the kids will be barefoot as usual in the summer, and we'll put a bucket with a wash rag next to the bench."
Monique said, "I'm really getting excited about the wedding. We're not going to have a lot of people at the ceremony, but it will be our family and that's who counts."
Grandpa asked, "You girls need to separate your mother's clothes to give away and to help me move your father's clothes to the other bedroom. I slept there last night and love that bed."
Jenny said, "I'll be here tomorrow and will get you moved, Grandpa. You don't mind if I call you Grandpa, do you?"
"Not in the least, Jenny. I'll be proud to be your grandpa."
Jed said, "All our grandparents have passed away, so you're the elected official, Ken. I've always known you as 'Ken', so I'll probably continue that way."
"It's all good," Grandpa smiled at what Jed said.
Grandpa addressed the group, "We're still a car shy around here. Your folks were killed in my car and it was destroyed. I received an insurance settlement on it, but they didn't pay on the personal injury they should have. I think we might revisit that when the Department of Law Enforcement gives their report. I don't need the money, but why not get what I paid for."
I told everyone, "We'll hunt for another car or something like the Suburban that will carry everyone, plus a hitchhiker or two. The Brownings have to take three cars to go to Church.
Chet said, "Used Suburbans aren't expensive. New ones run upward to fifty thousand. We don't need four-wheel drive. Another car that will carry eight is the Honda Pilot. It's a nice car that gets decent mileage, and it's less than forty thousand new if you don't buy a bunch of extras."
Josey said, "We haven't touched the life insurance money, we have the farmer's mortgage paid off, we have money set aside for emergencies, and for all the spring planting. Kenny really put us over with the custom work he did. Dad knew what he was doing, as he really had the crops figured right and knew that we would be having a decent profit. Go find us another car, Kenny. Buy a Suburban for the kids to go on dates and such with if you can get another one cheap enough. Just because you never dated doesn't mean that the others won't, and they're going to want to drive to school instead of taking the bus most of the time."
I said, "We'll see. You and I took the bus all the time and it didn't hurt us. Besides the bus is a great place to meet your neighbors, right, Jenny?" I looked around and suggested to Chet, "Use the internet to see what's available. Go as far as the city to see what's around. The killer is going to be the insurance because of our ages. They are going to check us out and slam us on all our vehicles as soon as we begin insuring a new car with a young driver." We have to continue to drive safe and with no tickets."
Jenny was sweet as she was sitting on my lap. As she kissed my cheek, she said to me "I have this magic feeling that you guys aren't going to have to worry about how you make it. I'm betting that you turn the equipment out there into all the money you need to buy a couple of vehicles and pay for the insurance. That's the way you are, Kenny. You make things happen for your family because you don't quit."
I hoped that was the case, and that the second well came in as strong as the first. From what I had learned on the internet it was single pool and not multiple pools if the pressure let up on the first well when the second opened up. Depending on their depth, we were going to pump enough oil to keep us a lifetime. We will climb higher on the food chain and do some bragging if we add to the find. I hoped we wouldn't do that, but I could see June and Jeff rubbing it in with some of the townies who ridiculed the country kids. Some farmer's kids were accepted by the townies because their farm was close in and the townies used them to make their lives easier. It was mostly to grow pot, and have been caught in the fields lately. Thank goodness the kids out this way weren't into pot or other drugs. I think a few local kids have munched on some mushrooms, but that's a discovery not an intentional grow to thwart the law.
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Incest“There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Mafia.” —KURT VONNEGUT, JR., The Sirens of Titan Jason woke feeling groggy. Linda had come to bed very late, hyped up and demanding. She aroused the sleeping Jason sucking on him until he was aroused and then mounting him. She rubbed herself frantically as she rose and fell until she got...
Even in college, you have projects to work on, it’s like high school all over again. Our teacher assigned us all to write a paper on something that we thought should be changed, I picked the game rating ages. You have to be 17 to rent an ‘M’ rated game, I think the age should be lowered to 16. I have a female friend in that class that picked the drinking age, she thought it should be lowered to 18. Personally I disagree with that, but that’s besides the point. We were both 23 and decided to do...
Sexy spinner Lexi Lore is into her stepbrother Ricky Spanish, but her dad Sebastian Diox is such a cock block! Lexi begins her day by flashing her tits and ass at Ricky as they sit around the breakfast table. She even goes so far as to put her pretty bare pussy on display, although she cools it when her dad nearly catches her in the act. Later, Lexi takes advantage of some alone time in her room by masturbating with the help of some porn. Ricky hears what she’s up to and tries to spy on...
xmoviesforyouWe are on our way to Florida to visit step-son and family. we have the top down on our convertible and my 60y.o wife has on a sundress with the skirt pulled up to mid-thigh to tan her legs. We pass a truck on I75 and he toots his air horn. I told he I thought he must like her. We look up in the cab and it is a young good looking black guy. I look over and ask her if she is interested? She smiles and says "maybe?" There is a rest area coming up and I slow down so he can come up beside us again....
The first time I saw Lynne, was at a bar a group of friends and I started to frequent after our weekly workout. Yeah, nothing like losing all those pounds and get it all back in beer and chicken wings. Anyway, I first saw Lynne, she stood about 5′ 2′, shoulder length, silken, honey blond hair, dark green eyes, full lips and huge breasts. They must have been at least D-cups (I’m terrible estimating size). Lynne was also about 175 pounds. But there was something that immediately attracted me to...
Healthy Behavior 2: A Normal Relationship By Brett Lynn The former Khalil Stanford stretched out her impossibly long, athletic legs, primed to start another day. She brushed the long hair out her eyes as she made it to her feet in her large bedroom, making a point to avoid the large amounts of sunlight that streamed in from the skylight above her. Slowly, and on unsteady feet, she made her way to the bathroom, where she pulled down her basketball shorts, ambled her way to the...
aul never even thought of how brave his mother was to bring that jar to the bed. When she looked at it in the bathroom, she knew hr son wanted her ass and she decided that it was her duty to give it to him. Walking back to their bed she was preparing herself for any pain. She promised herself that she would learn to love his cock anywhere he wanted to put it "I brought this, in case you didn't want to until tomorrow." Said very softly with just a touch of a smile. That gesture of...
Alice snuck back into the bed and next to her husband. She whispered, “Did you like that – watching me fuck Jim again?” Dave grinned and nodded. He whispered, “I did. A beautiful middle of the night fuck with your new lover; what’s not to enjoy watching.” “You’re not mad at me?” “Hell, no. Ever since we loosened up, I’ve enjoyed watching you fuck other men. I have these secret cuckold tendencies that I even admit to. Bill Lewis told me they were more Stag-Vixen kinks to put a finer spin on...
First let's decide who's discovery of the symbol we'll follow first: Jonathan Benjamin: A 42 year old married, dark-haired and slim built pastor living in a two-story house in middle America. A staunch, family-values conservative Jonathan has begun hinting at support for the Quiverfull movement, making it clear he resents having only 5 children (all of which are now over 18). His wife is the same age (having been her husband's high school sweetheart) and after marrying they had a child nearly...
Mind ControlZoe Vanssen sat on the leather sofa outside the Head Mistress’ office and fidgeted with her hands. She knew that she was really going to get it for what she had done in town that previous Saturday morning. The girl with the long dark hair shuffled around uneasily on the sofa as she waited to be called into Miss Marks’ office to explain her behaviour. Conduct that was unbecoming an Alannah Lawrence girl and also conduct that would probably earn her an exclusion from the prestigious school. The...
Spanking---------------- by: mark period: late 2001 story type: true, incest (bro/sis) ----------------------------------------------------- before i proceed with the story, i must inform you, the reader, that i am not very good at story telling, this is a true account of what happened between my sister and i during 2001, the year we came closest to each other. due to certain reasons, i have not used original names, instead, i have used our original nicknames. my step sister mona...
As I walked down the quiet Spanish beach in the hot sun, the cool sea breeze blowing across my oiled mostly naked body, just three triangles of thin cotton covering very little of my bronzing body. I was half way through my 2 week holiday with a friend and had decided to walk the beach as she was tired from the late nights we spent in the night clubs for the past 3 nights and gone back to bed. As I walked slowly through the soft sand my mind drifted back to the guys we had met in the clubs so...
Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, MALE, 38 YEARS OLD, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at Alternatively, call me at 1-510-927-1462 any time I AM THINKING OF GETTING MARRIED, SO LOOKING FOR A HOT WIFE. WHO LIKES GROUP SEX AND KINKY THINGS, SO IF YOU ARE BROAD MINDED EMAIL ME,...
Hey guys. I am Raj(changed) , 22 from Nagpur. I am 5’10 with wheatish color. I will tell you a tell you a story between me and my sister’s friend whom I met at my cousin brother’s marriage. This is my first story so please excuse me of any mistakes. Now coming to the story , my friend’s name is Aisha(changed) . She is average looking and the thing I like most about her is her elegance when she talks and present herself(i get attracted towards women with elegance and class). I dont care about...
0003 - Conner- Thomas 0667 - Marco - Brown 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0778 - Jan 0098 - Lucy 0798 - Celeste 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0908 - Tara - Mara 0125 - Lars 0999 - Zan 0200 - Ellen ...
CHAPTER 1 Donny London couldn’t understand the fuss some people made about sex, proclaiming its social popularity would end civilization prematurely, killing off millions through STDs. Of course there were the optimistic diehards who proclaimed it as the elixir of life. Well, being a courier guy with a vehicle too small in which to fuck comfortably, Donny could take or leave sex. He often bypassed opportunities because he was not over-fussed. He didn’t like sweating or having to tell a babe...
It was morning again at Brookdale and small traces of life began to stir around the old mansion as one by one, its occupants, each with their own thoughts, prepared themselves for the day ahead. In his private apartment on the top floor, Dr. Quinn splashed cold water on his face, washing the sleep from his blood shot eyes, and peered thoughtfully back at his image in the mirror. All in all things were going even better than he had originally planned, for he was already a month ahead of...
‘The bastard!’ I thought, ‘the incestuos bastard!’ I had been good fucking wife to my bastard husband and see what he did to me? The bastard has been cheating on me with his own cousin Radha. I could not belive my eyes when I saw him in Radha’s bed and the bitch was moaning in ecstasy as my Kishna pumped her pussy with his huge cock. I did not know what was inside her room and. I simply came to her house to borrow some money as I had forgotten my purse at home. I had an idea that Radha would be...
Rebecca My mother really surprised me this evening. She hardly ever asserts herself or goes against anything my dad says or does. Yet twice this evening she took him to task for things he was saying and doing. She made it clear that there were areas where she had a degree of expertise and had something of value to contribute. She also asserted that Rory and I were way too mature to be regarded as children in any discussion about our future or the future of the companies we might one day be...
Have you ever had one of those nights when you feel horny and need to get off, but nothing you try quite does it for you? This was one of those nights for me. I had started with my fingers, tried my dildos and vibrators, it wasn't enough. I passed over the porn vids I had. I've seen them all before, many times. Tonight I needed something new, I could tell. I pulled up the worldnet, there's enough on there for a lifetime of masturbation aids, right? One by one, all the old standbys did...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net My name is Anshul and I am a friend of Goa. This is a true story and my granny said you folks might like to read about it. I was almost 63 and still in good shape and very active sexually. I love sex and I am also a member of several swinger sites. I’m also a nudist and I stay naked whenever I can. One weekend I was leaving to go spend a few day at a local nudist resort here in Goa beaches. I have been going there for years and...
IncestRiley Reid and her stepbrother Tony are in the middle of trying to see if the spirits have anything to say with their Ouija board. Much to Riley’s delight, the spirits start trying to communicate! Strangely, though, they want her to take off her pants. Riley is not one to mess with the afterlife, so she does as she is instructed. When the board tells her to give Tony a blowjob, Riley gives in and sucks him into a deep throat BJ. From there, it’s no surprise that sex is next on the...
xmoviesforyouNote : This story is completely fictional! After leaving you in your bed as my seed dripped out of you I was counting down the hours and days for our next fuck lesson. I told you that we would fuck and suck again and I couldn't wait for it. The next morning I took advantage of the situation. I heard you in the kitchen and knew my sister would sleep late that morning, and my brother was out around the yard. I came up behind you and grabbed your ass while reaching around and getting my hands...
IncestReveal by Charlee White Meticulously measuring each step, I glide onto the pool deck above pink, ankle strap stilettos. The open toes tastefully frame the subdued red nail polish that I have chosen. To the exclusion of all other thought, I focus my attention on the task of infusing every gentle sway of my slender hips with a sexy confidence that hides my relative inexperience walking in heels. As a twenty-three year old boy dressed as a girl, I carefully temper my moves to...
Well it was a normal Saturday for me I was off to get my nails done and to lay in sunbed. Well I have a very good friend which she is a bbw just like me and one thing about my husband he loves bbw. Well I get my nails done and decided I really didn't want to go deal with sunbed and wait awhile for my turn so I decided I just go home and surprise my husband with a good handjob. He loves me to do my nails and come home and ask him what you think of this color. Well his answer is always the same...
Busty Spanish bombshell Bridgette B. poses in a sexy, sheer outfit that perfectly displays her massive 40F tits. The voluptuous Latina beauty goes to work on the big cocks of white performer Mick Blue and black stud Jax Slayher, giving one man a blowjob as the other fucks her phat, juicy ass. Bridgette enjoys a nasty DP as well as double pussy penetration! She sucks their schlongs ass-to-mouth during an epic interracial anal threesome. Semen splatters her boobs, and she takes a creamy cum...
xmoviesforyouBack in the days before my mother evacuated me from her house after she caught me masturbating while sniffing her knickers, I used to lure my neighbour teen bitches to our basement with the same lie, Netflix. The only positive thing I can commend my mother for was always paying cable bills and Netflix on time. At least desperate neighbour bitches frequent our home to catch up with the hot series, The Vampire Diaries. Most of the time, I would blackmail them to come braless and pantiless and...
Premium Gangbang Porn SitesWhen I got home from work I was totally shocked to see my step-sister’s new car wrecked in the drive-way, our parents are gonna freak out when they find out. She begs for my help, knowing that I have a friend that could probably fix her car for her. I tell her it is not that easy, she is gonna have to do something for me. I have always thought my step-sister was sexy and now was my chance to fuck her. If she wants my help she is gonna have to let me fuck her, but I am not sure if she can...
xmoviesforyou“Welcome to tonights episode of the worlds first omnipotent television show, Sex Watch!” A suited woman exclaimed. “For our first time viewers, the simple explanation of our program goes like this. We here in the studio carefully look through all the live sex happening right now, and decide on which one is the hottest, and then show it to you, our loving audience, as if you were actually experiencing the sex! While the sex is relatively live, we do have a delay, so you can start from the juicy...
FantasyYou Author's note: This one is quite dark, and a little rough. Reader discretion is advised.. For some reason, I wanted to try it in second- person perspective. We'll all just have to see how it goes. You make your way to room inside a concrete bunker, having been checked, rechecked, searched, stripped, hosed and put into a hazmat suit. You wait while a door slides open, letting you into a small chamber. After the door behind you closes, the door in front of you opens, and you...
The story starts outside a brothel during the late 1400's where a worker had just given birth to a baby girl. Judging by the fact that the child's mother is a whore, she is unsure of who the father is but is positive the father was one of her elven clients because of the child's good looks. After deciding what must become of the child, the mother decided to leave the baby on the King and Queen's castle steps hoping the infant will be raised better there rather than by a prostitute. Eighteen...
FantasyPart 9 – Seduced for more cockWhile we were busy in our little 3-some the other couple suddenly joined us in our action without asking. One of the first things I learned about a swing club is the rule “No means No”. But nobody said no! Nobody resisted or complained about the extra bodies that suddenly and unexpected got entangled. Again I experience when I have hot and good sex that my brain is not working in a rational way. In a moment like this seems as long as I don’t get physically or...
You pour me another glass of wine, the night air is cooling but the water in the hot tub is keeping us from getting chilled. The party has moved inside but there are still three of us left. You sit snuggled up beside me, legs intertwined under the water. You have one leg over mine and the other spread out to the side, exposing your pussy without being too obvious about it. S sits across from us, we are talking quietly, enjoying the sounds of the night. I had turned off the lights earlier so we...
For a very long time, Hector Boggles only used the pay phone in the hallway of his apartment building. When he was working, which seems like a long time ago now, he liked to use the phones in the big red booths on street corners. It seemed like those days were disappearing very fast. Nowadays the best way to call people on the phone was to have a cell phone or a "mobile" as young people were fond of saying. Now that he was declared redundant and unemployed, he liked to classify himself as...
"I feel fine!" he snapped irritably. "I ain't sick, or nothing. I just can't use any of the mental powers they've taught me. I try, and I try, but nothing happens. I don't even get any more of my hunches, like I used to do back before we came here." "Take it easy, Kid," Mike soothed, tossing another stick of wood on the fire as they sat on the ground outside their tent. "What's happened is, you've probably just blown a fuse or something. From what they tell me, that was one Hell...
I took another look at the business card in my hand and looked back up at the metal door I stood in front of. I checked to see if anyone could see me, then gave the door four hard knocks. The little window slid open and I heard a voice ask: "Who sent you?"I looked at the card again to make sure and then said with a shaking voice: "Emperor Caligula."The window slid shut again and I could hear the door being opened. A hulking figure greeted me into the surprisingly well-lit hallway."First time?"I...
“Argh!” I complained as the morning sunlight shone through the window and steadily beat away at his eyelids. I rolled over and muttered to the sun, “I hate you.” I lay there for a moment in gloomy silence. I was a light sleeper and knew that now that I was awake, I might as well get up. Sighing heavily, I rolled back my blankets and sat up, stretching. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and saw the notification on the front: INTERVIEW TODAY!! I grinned happily to myself, finally I had a...