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It had been several weeks since Courtney’s initial run in with Michael. It still haunted her when she closed her eyes. When her phone would ring unexpectedly, or she’d receive a text message at an awkward time, especially when she was home at night with Dylan, she would cringe as she would check her phone.
Michael had successfully manipulated her mind and caused her to succumb to his control. She lived in fear that she would run into him unexpectedly and he would take her at a moment’s notice.
It was now Mid-March. Spring appeared to finally be falling on the suburbs, as the snow had begun to melt, and the temperatures began to flirt with the upper thirties. Courtney looked out at the parking lot from her desk. It was slow. Just another quiet afternoon in the office.
She turned back to her computer, opening up an email. The sound of the door opening broke her concentration. “Hi, can I help you?” Courtney asked cheerfully, as she turned to the door.
She looked to the door and her throat instantly closed up. Michael stood in the entryway of the office. She did her best to hide the fear that was rapidly multiplying inside of her as her eyes went wide with terror. She could feel herself shaking as her stomach dropped like a stone.
“Hello, Courtney.” He said quietly, stepping up to her desk. “I actually have an appointment with Rick this afternoon.” He eyed her admiringly as he watched her struggle to hold it together.
Courtney turned to look at Rick, who was on the phone. “He’ll be just a few minutes, if you’d like to take a seat. I’ll let him know you’re here.” She said, trying to keep her voice from breaking.
“Thank you.” He said, taking a seat at her desk. Courtney shuddered as she felt him staring through her. She began printing out his file for Rick, and did her best to try to ignore him.
“You look well, Courtney.” He said quietly, his eyes flickering at her as she looked away nervously. “You didn’t reply to my message last week. Are you avoiding me?”
Courtney winced as she pulled his file off of the printer and turned to staple the sections together on her desk. “No, Michael.” She replied. “I’ve just been busy.” She did her best to avoid eye contact.
“You’re lying.” Michael said roughly, his gaze intensifying as he stared at her. “Remember what I said.” He warned. “If you try to hide, I will find you.”
Her eyes were full of fear as she looked back at him. “I believe you, Michael.” She said nervously. “I just don’t like this.” She admitted. She was hoping that her honesty might appeal to him. It didn’t.
“I own you. Remember that.” His tone was harsh as he chastised her. He leaned forward on her desk as his voice dropped, a move which instantly intimidated her. “I’m going to call for you again soon, and you had better respond. Or you will be very, very sorry.”
Courtney closed her eyes to blink back the tears that were threatening to fall. “Okay.” She conceded, her voice resigned.
“Good girl.” He said, enthusiastically. He sat back and smiled as Courtney pushed her chair back and walked into Rick’s office to hand him Michael’s file. A moment later, Rick appeared in the doorway to his office, and called Michael back.
“It was nice visiting with you, Courtney.” Michael said politely as he walked back to Rick’s office. His tone held no trace of the power he held over her. Courtney smiled nervously and nodded as she turned back to her computer, praying that Rick couldn’t see the panic that gripped her.
An hour later, the appointment was finished, and Michael walked out of Rick’s office, only pausing to glance at Courtney briefly as he left. Rick stood even with Courtney’s desk as he walked out.
Once he was gone, Rick turned to look at Courtney. “Something is really not right with him.” He said, his voice full of concern. “I think he’s got an obsession with you.” He looked at Courtney seriously. She nearly choked on the sip of water she had taken.
“What?” she asked, feigning surprise, hoping that Rick couldn’t see through it.
“The first ten minutes of the appointment, all he talked about was how nice and helpful you’ve always been when he’s called since he’s been here. He thinks you’re great. On and on. Started to make me nervous.” Rick said. “If he starts coming in with any frequency, or he starts calling you, let me know right away, okay?” he said. “And if you’re here alone, text or email me if he comes in. I don’t trust him.”
She instantly fought back tears. She wanted to tell Rick how stupid she had been five weeks ago, when she broke the office rules and went by his house to drop off the cards he requested. When her error in judgment turned her life into a nightmare. How Michael had so easily played her.
But she was afraid of what would happen if she did. She was afraid of what Michael was capable of. Any scolding from Rick would be welcome compared to what she would surely endure from Michael.
“Courtney?” Rick asked, his voice concerned. “Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Yeah,” Courtney started, “I’m fine.” She paused and looked out at the parking lot. “Just sort of zoned out thinking about what you said. He makes me nervous too.” She said as she went back to her work.
The next several days went by without incident. Courtney had started to calm down again, thinking that maybe Michael had just tried to manipulate her into believing he was going to call for her. That maybe, just maybe, he loved the mind games more than the assault.
But her peace was short-lived. On her way home from work the following Friday evening, her phone beeped.
“Miss me?” It was Michael. She nearly rear ended the car in front of her as she saw the message pop up on the screen. Within a couple of minutes, another message arrived. “Don’t hide, sweetheart. You don’t want to test me.” The panic that she felt was increasing as she drove home.
After she pulled into her driveway, she sat in her car, staring at her phone. She closed her eyes, deleting the messages before shoving it into her purse.
She looked over her shoulder as she locked her car, before starting up the sidewalk to her door. As she put her key in the deadbolt, she heard footsteps behind her. Before she could turn around, a hand covered her mouth. “I told you not to hide from me, Courtney.” Michael growled in her ear. His breath was hot on her skin. “Unlock your door.” He snapped. “Now.” She could feel the anger in his voice.
Michael locked the door behind them as they entered Courtney’s condo. “Take your coat and boots off.” He ordered. “Put your purse down.”
“Michael, what are you doing here?” Courtney asked nervously as she took off her coat, kicking her boots into the corner. Her fear was rapidly escalating into full-fledged panic as he leaned against the door, watching her.
“You were ignoring me.” Michael replied, darkly. “I told you I would find you.”
“I was in the car.” Courtney retorted, the irritation in her voice clear. “I don’t text and drive.”
“You weren’t going to reply.” Michael snapped. “I watched you sit there and stare at your phone.”
“So you’re stalking me now?” Courtney snapped in return. “I’m not your property, Michael.” She countered. “You may think that you’ve got me wrapped up in this twisted little head game, but you’re wrong!” she argued as he stepped closer to her. She tried her hardest to hide her fear, but it didn’t work.
“What did you say?” Michael’s voice was angry as he stood in front of Courtney, his face inches from hers.
“I said,” Courtney started, with false bravado, “You’re wrong.” Her eyes flashed defiantly at him. “I’m not playing this game anymore.” Her heart raced as he stepped closer. He was furious. She was in trouble. And there was no place to run.
“Wrong answer, sweetheart.” Michael snarled, reaching out and grabbing Courtney by the throat. He watched her face break into a look of pure terror as the realization that she couldn’t breathe hit her. He smiled wickedly at her as he pinned her back against the wall. “I. Still. Own. You.” He snapped at her, his voice tinged with rage. “Do I make myself perfectly clear?”
Courtney nodded frantically as she grabbed for his arms, desperately trying to free herself. Her eyes pleaded for him to let her go. His dark eyes pierced through her as he released her, watching her sink to the floor gasping for breath. He knelt before her. “If I ever hear you say those words again...” his voice was cold, “what you just felt will be pleasant compared to the punishment you will receive. Do you understand me?” he threatened.
“Yes, Michael.” Courtney answered breathlessly.
“Good.” He ordered.
Courtney returned to her feet, still struggling for breath. She watched Michael nervously as he surveyed her living room. “Michael,” she started, her voice shaking. “What are you going to do?”
He approached her, smiling darkly. “I haven’t decided where to start.” He watched as her green eyes widened in fear. “But, I do think that maybe we should see what dear Dylan will say when he finds his wife in a compromising position when he gets home tonight.”
Courtney’s heart was in her throat. “Michael, no ... please.” She begged. “I will do anything you want.” Her voice cracked as she looked at him pleadingly. “Please, just leave Dylan out of this.”
Michael chuckled at her as he stepped closer to her. He reached out and touched her cheek gently. She winced under his touch as he caressed her face. “Oh, Courtney.” He said sarcastically. “Isn’t that just like you? Wanting to save everyone...” He reached behind her head, grabbing a fistful of hair, causing her to whimper in pain as he pulled her head back. “Get on your knees.” He seethed.
Courtney reluctantly did as she was told. She looked up at him fearfully as he stared down at her. His eyes were dark. “Please ... don’t do this.” Courtney pleaded as he continued to stare at her. His expression darkened as he watched her fear spread across her face. She was shaking. Tears were building up in her eyes.
He could feel the familiar feeling of longing building within him as he looked at her. “There’s that fear again...” he said quietly. “You know what that does to me, Courtney.” She closed her eyes as he released his grip, running his fingers through her hair.
He unzipped his jeans, revealing his erect shaft. “Open your eyes, Courtney.” He demanded. As she opened her eyes, she gasped, realizing what he wanted her to do. Her eyes went wide and she tried to pull back, but Michael grabbed her by the shoulder. “No.” he said, his voice firm. He stared at her, his expression sinister.
“Michael...” she whispered. “Please.”
“You know what I want.” He said quietly. “Now do it.” His voice was rough.
Courtney whimpered as she closed her eyes, leaning forward to take his cock into her mouth. “Use your hands.” He growled. “Show me you know what you’re doing.”
Courtney hesitantly reached out and wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock as her tongue flitted around the head. As she bobbed up and down, Michael grabbed the back of her head. He groaned lustfully as she continued. He pushed her head down farther, feeling the head of his cock hitting the back of her throat. He felt her pause and pull back as she tried to keep herself from gagging.
“None of that.” He warned. “Keep going.”
She did as she was told, stroking him as she kept twisting her tongue around his dick, sucking him as if her life was depending on it. He groaned his approval as he leaned his head back. Soon, Courtney could feel him throbbing in her mouth. He was going to come. She whimpered in protest.
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I wrote this story and originally submitted it to another site. I have made a few slight revisions to the story before posting it here. Enjoy! Author’s note: If you’re into wham-bam-thank-you-mam stories, this isn’t one of them. It’s an extremely long story, and you should really read my ‘Terror in the Snowstorm — Part 1’ story first to learn how the characters got to this point. Thank you for your indulgence. Comments are welcome, constructive criticisms will be much appreciated. * As we...
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A further chapter in the story of the unlikely relationship between the beautiful blond heiress, Tara Hawthorne, and me, Seth Johnson, a poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks, during Christmas break in our sophomore year in college. At the time, Tara was nineteen, and I was twenty. You will have to read the first two parts of this story to understand this one. Warning: As is usually the case with my stories, this one is pretty long. ____________________ After I had gone soft in Tara’s...
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In the morning we had coffee and then showered. That was not our normal routine. But since Jenny had to stay naked in the house she put off her shower until after breakfast. Then she put on another of her sexy little dresses and we went to work. All day long I had only one thing on my mind. I was anxious to get home and find out what would happen to Jenny at work today. I could just imagine her in the hands of a troubled teenaged boy with permission to do just about anything that he wanted...
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This is the final chapter in the story of beautiful blond heiress Tara Hawthorne, and the poor man she came to love, me, Seth Johnson. To understand the background and growth of our relationship, you will have to read the first three parts of this series. As with the other chapters, this is not so much a sex story as it is a life story. Also, it is rather long. If you need a quick thrill, check out the works of some of the other authors who submit their work to this site. Please post...
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You have just woken up and turn the TV in your room on for the morning news. As you head into the bathroom off your bedroom where you can still hear the TV an odd sounding news story catches your attention. This story is about how during the night patches of a strange pink mist have been forming and dissipating all over the world. According to the news these patches of mist have never lasted for more than a minute but have changed anyone caught in the mist. It seems that all women who get...
Mutagen26-Final There it was. The big pharmaceutical building was facing us, just about a hundred meters away. It all seemed calm around it. Too calm. All that time we had walked to reach our destination, there was always signs of humans' existence, mostly fucking noises to remind us of the current situation. Still, there were noises, but right now there weren't any. It was all too calm. This was the clear sign that we should turn and go back to some house and live happily for as long...
All comments are welcome and wanted, though the more constructive are more so!! Though if you won’t comment at least vote that way I get SOME response. ************** ‘I SAID NO LARIA!’ Brian snarled at a pouty Laria. ‘And DON’T think that since we’re separated by a few thousand miles and a view screen you can get away with what you’re about to do.’ ‘And what is it that I’m about to do?’ Laria pouted, acting innocent enough to give someone diabetes. ‘Laria, you just said that you all just...
This is a fan-fiction based in the Gor universe. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. What Has Gone Before: Armand of Tellus is an Earth-born agent of the secretive Priest-Kings of Gor....
© 2002 Couture "Hello, Helen, welcome to forever." The young woman's eyes fluttered open, wondering just what the hell Ann was talking about. And more importantly how did Ann get here anyway, when she was supposed to be running from the galactic police for sabotaging the A.I. "What? What's going on?" Helen pushed Ann away. She may have worked with her, but she certainly didn't like the woman. She scared her. And when the United Planet Council of Science got a copy of her report,...
Hello friends, story start karne se pehle me apko apne bare me batata hu. mera name shahid he me rajkot ka rehne wala hu, meri age 23 he, or hieght 5.8 he dikhne me handsom hu. Ye meri pehli kahani he or ye kahani mere life ki sachi kahani he umid karta hu aap sabko jarur pasand ayegi aap muje apni comment bhej sakte he mera mail id he. Mujhe Mumbai jana pada business client se milne ke liye to meri sunday morning ki flight thi, jab me Mumbai pauncha to mujhe airport pe lene ke liye client ki...
Alex's, Will's and Heather's parents sent regrets. Dan and Consuela were busy. Sarah and Steve helped with the preparations. At supper, Saul greeted their guests. They were all lightly clad in the warmth of the house. "I'm glad you remembered that we don't dress formally here. I thought I'd mention a couple of house rules, even though some of you already know them. "First, the cook never has to wash dishes. Second, if you use the rooms or beds upstairs you are guaranteed privacy...
Dear Stan, It's been a long time since I last heard from you. So it was quite a surprise when I received your letter in such a fat envelope. As it turned out when I opened it, most of the volume came from those printed pages with the funny characters. I'm glad to hear that you and Cathy are getting along so well. I wish I could say the same about Tracy and me. Here, things are going from bad to worse. But I don't want to bore you with my problems. I apologize for taking so long to get...
I walking over the shop and looking for new clothes. I take some t-shirts and jeans to check later are fit on me.When I collect new clothes salesman look at me from time to time. At the begining I thought that the is thinking that I am a thief or sth but when I walk next to him he proposed jeans for me from promotion newsletter. He smiles to me and said: You will good look like at these oneWhen he turned off to me, I just look on him. He was older, maybe 45-50, grey hairs, maybe 185cm high and...
Club LifeDan looked at the couple in front of him disapprovingly. The girl was pretty enough, and he was expert enough to assess her beneath the superficial appearance, but she was skinny and undernourished. She looked u******e. The man was a type well known to him, lean and rangy and scruffy in his appearance, although he had some expensive cowboy boots under his dirty jeans. At least ten years older than the girl and she was obviously besotted with his attentions.“I’m not sure you understand...
Hi iss reader, mera naam rajesh hai. Mai is site ka bhut bada fan hu. Mummy ki chudai ki sari kahaniya padhi hai maine. Pehle bhi mai teen kahani post kar chuka hu mom ki anniversary bete k sath 1,3 aaj mai apne iss fan ki kahani lekar aaya hu jisne mujhe bheji thi. Is kahan me maine uske mom ka naam sharda rakha hai taki apko padhnke me aur maja aaye aur mujhe post karne me. Ye kahani kaise lagi mail karke mere iss reader tak jaruru pahunchaye Meri age 28 saal hai. Baat tab ki hai jab mai 25...
CONFESSIONS OF A SLAVER: PART 1 CONFESSIONS OF A SLAVER: PART 1 I am a purveyor of female flesh. It=s really the only work I've ever done.? I learned it from the ground up, on my own, and eventually became a major player in the procurement and training of slaves.? Male and female, though I do prefer the thrill of turning a haughty, college educated, snobby female into a quivering mound of obedient, submissive slave meat willing to do anything for an orgasm.? Breaking males is also...
Well this story tells about how I got my mom to suck my cock and fuck her itching pussy. I am Vicky from Tamilnadu doing my final year engineering am 22 yrs old and my mom Latha is 40yrs old All my sexual thoughts on my mom began when I was in my 10th class, once when I was at home for my study holidays for my half yearly exams. Me and my fend deepan used to study together when we were studying about zoology about “inaperkam“ in Tamil we got some sex chat. That grown a bit and he said that he...