- 1 year ago
- 24
- 0
"Betts and I came in the back way. We put our shoes by the door instead of putting them where they should go. I woke up. Betts was sleeping on my arm. Betts went off to bed and I went to the kitchen to get a drink. It was dark but I could see a little. I never turned on the lights. I just finished my drink when I heard a scraping noise. I heard the rollers of the patio doors. Somebody tripped over our shoes and made more noise. Leslie was under guard so I figured someone was coming to... see her. The guy carried something I saw in the movies as he climbed the steps. He fell over a bat that had fallen onto the steps. I was fearful for the safety for both everybody in the house and myself. I used another bat in self defence.
"Betts must have heard the same things. I was right behind her when she hit the guy. She took the guys gun and I had the one from the guy on the steps. I went downstairs. A guy down there pointed his gun up at me but I shot first.
"The flash of the gun or the sound alerts another guy inside. He starts shooting though the walls. I get out of the way but not far enough. I see a young man coming out of the room. The flashes of his gun allow me to know it is Tony. He runs as he fires more bullets and one hits me. My leg hurt like I got kicked by a horse. I fall but manage to fire three times and get him once in the leg."
I left lots of detail out that I would not be expected to think about yet. I would let the police drag it from me.
"Where is Betts?"
"She has been answering a lot of questions."
"The police are after answers. They can be compassionate. A parent has the right, and I will say obligation, to be with her when she is questioned. One or both of you should be there. She was victimised too by what she was forced to do."
"Your Doc is with her."
"He works for the Crown not you. Either one of you go or I will get up and go." Mom and Pop looked at each other and they both left quickly.
Leslie took her place. "Hi Wally. I don't know what I would have done without you." She started to cry. She was hurt as much as I was.
I took my arm, with hoses running into it, and touched her shoulder. "Family takes care of family."
"I am in your family?"
"I think so. Maybe I will have to call you Mom as well."
Dad looked at me wondering what this was about. The girls came over one at a time and kissed me gently as if I were still that fragile. The only ones missing were Patricia, Liza, Gail, Shirley, Erica and Betts. The guys couldn't be here as a group. Paul was here though and he hugged me and I hugged him one handed.
He asked wide eyed, "Did you really kill two assassins?"
"I protected my family Paul. That is all I did."
"Ya, but you got two."
"I'm having a bit of a problem with that. Killing, is not a nice word to me but protecting is. It also goes to show that girls are not wusses. Betts did not curl up and cry but sought to protect us."
"Ya, like the Tomma women."
Dad and Leslie as well as the rest of the people in the room were listening. "The Tomma are a warlike race. The males are big, strong and telepathic. The women are like the Amazons but stronger. They would pick up guys like Paul and me and have their way with us until we got big enough to subdue them."
Paul said, "Tell them where they are."
"Alpha Ursae Majoris. That star used to be thought of as the brightest star in the Big Dipper. Paul and I are going to fly there one day and take on a world mostly made up of women. I guess if we really want to win we will have to bring warriors like Betts."
Paul quickly added, "And the munchkins. They sure know how to fight."
"They do but you are always outnumbered."
"One day I will beat them."
Leslie was smiling now and so was Dad. They thought our talk was about our imaginations.
The talk shifted to other topics until I found that three days had passed. I had two operations on my leg so far.
The nurse came in and kicked everybody out. She took my anal temperature and then checked the dressings.
"How do you feel young man?"
"My name is Wally and I feel fine considering the drugs. The leg is not that uncomfortable."
"That's good to hear, Wally. They say you had an exciting time."
"I would have gladly missed it except for the alternatives."
"One woman murdered then seven more to keep them quiet."
"There was a rumour that you... got two of them."
I looked at the badge on the woman's chest and said, "Melody, picture yourself in a house with your family around you. A gangster wants you to shut up permanently. Four guys come to your house at night with silenced guns. Would you get on your knees and beg? The men didn't have masks. They didn't want witnesses. Would you let your family die?"
"Put that way, I guess not."
I heard running footsteps. Betts came into the room and pulled back the drapes. Melody said, "You have to leave."
"I want her to stay. She fought for us and she has seen a lot more of my anatomy than you have."
The two girls turned red. Betts said, "I see he is now into anal sex."
I guess I turned red and two women smiled now.
I changed the subject and asked, "How was your chat with the police?"
"They were not as nice as I would like. Doctor Suffolk was giving signals all the time for the police to be nice to me. This is the fifth time we talked. He did a great job but when Mom got there they were even more sweet. Perhaps it was her screaming that did it."
"That's quite possible."
Melody soon left but only saying that the doctor would be in to see me soon. When Betts kissed me next I whispered, "Best we think there are microphones here. I don't think there are but being cautious is good."
Betts just kissed me again and then smiled. She told me everything that happened when the cops came. She blushed when she said she threatened a cop to make sure she came here with me.
"How big was he?"
"Bigger than my dad."
"Was he afraid?"
"Maybe only a little. He had lots of friends to help him if I started to get the better of him."
"What happened then?"
"They took you into the operating room right away. People were coming from all over. The police came and asked questions then more came and asked the same questions. In fact I have been asked the same questions about twenty times."
"Leslie said that Wendy is taking it hard."
"Ya, we talked on the phone a lot. That doctor friend said for them to stay away from you for a few days. I think it was more for their benefit."
"What about... Gail and her friends?"
"They figured you were sick because you let one get away."
"Well I was shot at the time."
"They took that into account." She got up from her chair and pulled down the sheet and pulled up the gown. She studied me like a robin does a worm. "Lucky this never got hurt. I'd have to rely on your lips and fingers."
"I use my nose too."
"As your girlfriend, first class, I should inspect to see if it is working right."
"I'm not going to stop you from what you think is right."
I didn't even get a smile because she bent down and sucked me up. Just as she got me hard I saw Mom coming down the hall with Pop and a doctor.
"Sweetie, company coming."
She pulled off quick and had me covered but the time they arrived. All three adults saw the mini-tent. The doctor said, "He does look healthy."
Mom said, "These two certainly make a pair."
The doctor said, "Hello Wally. My name is Doctor Stine. How are you feeling today?"
"Not bad but why were your parents so angry at you?"
"What do you mean?"
"They gave you the name Doctor. I would have given you a suitable first name and then tried to guide you into medicine. What if you were a mortician? Doctor Stine the mortician could get you into trouble."
"Well they also gave me the name Harold."
"Good. Since you gave me your first name I'll call you Doc."
"That works for me."
"Well Doc, I was bleeding a hell'va lot so I had to have nicked a major vein or artery. When do I get a chance to get out of here, not that I dislike your bedside manner?"
"That depends on how fast you heal."
"Care to give a guess?"
"About two weeks at a guess."
"How about I give you three days and I get somebody to take care of me at home? Saves OHIP some money, I don't get fresh with the nurses and I get a chance to work from my bed."
"I don't think three days are enough."
"I think two weeks is excessive."
"Last I looked, I was the one with the medical degree."
"It's my leg. You send your nurses in here to abuse my nether regions with a glass rod. I will also promise to stay in bed."
"I don't believe that for a moment. You came very close to dying. I'm very surprised that you're alive. That vein would not normally clot like that."
"I am starting puberty. Can't you guess what plugged me up?"
"That is another reason for you to stay here."
"Doc, you have my word not to use that part... for a while."
We fought for a while more and decided to see how well I healed first.
When mom was leaving she said to Betts, "We can wait downstairs for a while. How long do you need."
"It's up to him. If he gets into his mood he can stay that way forever and not give me anything."
Mom looked at me and said, "We are going to have to learn that secret. I got it good but old Bert has problems with... more than one of us."
Pop came back and said, "Old Bert? You didn't complain before."
"I'm told Wally's machinery... never fails."
"He has his age and even more stimulation on his side."
"Maybe we can stimulate you more." She turned to Betts and said, "Half hour."
She just made it.
Nadac and Rontem were not that pleased with my performance. In my defence I said, "I am twelve years old. I could have thrown knives and killed them. Spears would have worked better. I have to live on this planet for a while and I have to appear to be a person of my age. I did the work accurately. Did you see that I hit along the joints to the skull bones to make the job easier. Did you see where I placed the bullet to kill the quickest. I could have killed Tony in the room but then that would raise questions about how I did it so neatly. Look at it as an assassination where I had to make it look like an accident."
There was no response to this. Nadac said, "You still were shot and almost killed."
"Tony was shooting wild. I had to hit him where it looked like it was natural. There were no substantial walls around to cower behind. There was one more opponent than estimated."
"Your mate killed one."
"I was right behind the man. I could have shot him too."
There was no reply so I guess I made my point.
Elaine and Ashleigh came visiting later. They looked to be happy to even be in the same room as me. I wondered if that was the telepathic construct put into my mind but figured it was their way because they would have died.
They eagerly volunteered to relieve the pressure in my testicles but I got that changed to kisses instead. It was one thing to seduce a girl but this way didn't feel right. Tomorrow I may think differently. Tomorrow was also the first day of school.
That night I was awoken as the nurses brought in a boy a bit older than me. He had a broken left leg and a broken left arm. I could see the metal pins in both appendages.
I woke up early to the sound of the guy next to me breath rapidly. His lungs were filling with something. I pulled the cord then yelled. Soon nurse hurried in and looked at me.
"He can't breathe. His lungs are full."
The nurse hurried to him and then ran out. A few minutes later a cart was wheeled in and they started to suck the crap out of one lung then another. The guy never regained consciousness and the team left. I went back to sleep.
When I woke up I needed the jug. The nurse asked me if I wanted to hold it and I said, "I could but I am not shy."
"So girls do this for you a lot?"
"Never. I am just not shy."
"You seem young to have a fetish?"
"No, I just like the ladies."
"Well, you hold it anyway. I'm busy."
The guy beside me woke up a hour later when they were bringing around the food. I said, "Hi, I'm Wally."
"What are you in for Bill?"
"I was in a car accident."
"That's too bad."
"What about you?"
"Got a hole in my leg in the basement. I ripped a vein."
We ate our meals and Bill went back to sleep. I found the pleasures of a bedpan and the clean up later. With my free time I studied. Nadac put on my internal screen the diagrams but the ideas themselves were direct as our speech.
Doctor Stine came by around eleven and checked me out. "How are you doing today Wally?"
"Not bad. I'm getting a chance to think. Your medication is wearing off and the pain is increasing but it is not something I cannot live with."
"That's good to hear. You spooked the nurse last night. It was good that you noticed."
"Thanks because he sounds bad again."
The Doc listened to my fellow patient and said, "I think you're right."
The doctor left and came back with another doctor. He was the one that called the shots. The cart came back in and the team worked behind the curtains.
The Doc didn't come back so I guess OHIP only paid for one visit per day. The police though thought it a great time to call. I shook hands with both men. They turned on a tape recorder and asked me questions. I let them do some fishing especially how they would have had time to use the information from their bugs.
The shoes and the bat on the steps were just lucky for me they figured. They wanted to know about my experience with guns and I mentioned television. When I shot the guy in the head I showed them how I held the gun. It was awkward as hell but still something a kid might do.
They asked a lot of questions about why I didn't wake up Leslie or call 911. "Leslie was asleep. What could she do if she even had time to wake up? You guys are not bad at arriving but we would have been starting to get cold by the time you arrived."
They left later without getting me angry. They were not that impolite either.
After the food trays left Leslie and Lauren came for a visit. I hugged Leslie and Lauren reluctantly came for a hug and kiss on the cheek too.
"I am glad to see you two." I then asked Leslie, "How are you really feeling?"
"I'm getting over it. This time was worse for me though."
"Have Mom and Pop been able to help?"
"They have been busy but we talk a lot on the phone. They plan on coming here at nights to visit you."
"They're nice people. They may find it better for them and for you if they visit me every other night. I expect to have a lot of visitors."
"I think you will have a lot of visitors too. Wendy wants to see you so bad she almost cries. I think she has it bad."
"I love her too."
"She may want something more permanent."
"She is my age. I want a lot of things I cannot have. Growing up is a matter of knowing what you can reach and what you should not make the effort to try for."
"I'm just warning you."
"Thanks. By the way any serious damage to the house?"
"I found that bullet holes are not that easy to fix."
"When I get out I will get some paint and plaster to fix the insides."
"Thanks Wally but it wasn't that bad. Erin wanted a hole in her ceiling too. If she got it she would not be so happy. Tell me how did you know what to do?"
"I didn't know. A bat is a good weapon I guess. I was lucky but I could have got the guy if he turned toward... the rooms. Betts figured a bat was good too and used it. The gun I guessed at. The one scary moment was when Betts ran down the steps to me. She had the gun in her hand and she could have done a lot more damage."
"So it was all blind luck and some brave young people."
I said, "Perhaps a bit of brave but scared shitless too. It was something you did or you died. Pretty good incentive."
Lauren said, "The boys heard about you when I was talking over the phone. They watch the television avidly now to catch a glimpse of you."
"Has my name been mentioned?"
"No, just a young man of twelve."
I knew the answer but I had to ask, "Did they find Tony yet?"
"Not yet. They found blood in the basement and then across the grass and then in the next property."
"What about his father?"
"There are new charges coming all the time. He's in jail now. He's too liable to run."
"He will still run."
"I said he is in jail."
"I said he will run. Put the two together. Factor in the man's wealth and viciousness."
"I'll pass the word up the line. Chances are that they will think us fools."
"So you believe me?"
"You are a bright young man. You say he will break out then that is what he will do. I'll start a pool at work and pick up a few bucks."
"You guys are as bad as teachers."
Bill woke up later and I called the nurse for him. He just needed water and a bedpan. He complained of a raw throat but I didn't say anything to him.
The girls came in after they got out of school. Gail brought all of them along with my computer, headset and cell phone. Those that suffered the most were the most affectionate. They wanted to show their appreciation but I still felt it wrong to take it this way.
Bill was awake now and I introduced him to the girls. A whisper in Betts ear had some of the girls talk to the boy a bit to brighten his day. It seemed to work very well. We stayed away from the traumatic events and talked of school and people we knew.
Apparently my seat was picked out already. My name was even on the desk. Somehow or other Doc Suffolk had managed to get a bus to collect the kids so they all went to the same school if they were in the junior grades. Teachers had been understanding so far and even nice. As predicted some of the teachers were moved to make room for others. These had to be ones that were more qualified to handle children with problems.
Betts looked at her watch and said, "Ok guys. He gets a break then the adults come. Let's say goodbye." She did it first and sucked the breath from my lungs. Her hand found me hard so I guess she was happy.
Everybody including Gail gave me a kiss that would have killed a normal mortal. Betts had to give me one more and they left.
Bill said, "Wow, those girls are so nice and so beautiful. Where did you find them?"
"Some were in my class and some were neighbours. They're very nice girls. The trick to getting them to talk to you is to show you care. It may not work with all of them but the best will catch on and be nice back to you."
"You're pretty sharp. How old are you?"
"Twelve in grade eight."
"Grade eight was never like that when I was there."
I turned on the computer and put the headset on. I excused myself and talked to the guys. Nadac used some flimflam to make the image of my lips move when I thought my words. It was quicker and a lot more secure.
I gave the guys the details that only Betts or I would know. I had to lie to them still about my abilities but Nadac was real to them as an online tutor.
I mentioned the house that the attackers had come from and probably now harboured Tony. I could not explain to the police how I knew so I had to remain quiet. The guys were going to find out what they could. They had karate after school now. Grade eight didn't have much homework and they wanted to continue the additional $500 a week pay. They also worked for Gail. She had more time to devote to them this way. They wanted arms practice but that was hard to do for kids to get. We were not far into our talk when the adults arrived and I had to sign off.
Mom and Pop came alone. I had time to say, "Thanks for coming. Leslie came here today too. She's still upset about what happened at her home. She is hurt too but differently than me."
Mom nodded and said, "We know that too. It's in her voice."
"I like your visits but Leslie needs them too. Could you split up your available time between us according to our need?"
Pop looked at me seriously, "You would rather not see us?"
"Pop, I am held together stronger than Leslie is. It's a matter of who needs your help more."
"You were through more than what anybody should ever be put through. We are worried about you and Betty. Killing another human being even if it's justified is very traumatic. I hear Betty crying at night. I don't think you are that much stronger."
"Even if I'm not, Leslie needs you two far more than I do. Most of it is just somebody to hold and tell your problems too. A family is far stronger than any one individual."
"They are more fragile too, Wally."
The police came back again. This time Bill was awake. The curtain did nothing to mute the words. When they left Bill said, "You killed two mob hit men?"
I gave him a serious look and said, "They were attacking my family. I was lucky in so many ways it shocks me."
"They had guns!"
"They didn't think they would have any resistance."
"But... they could have shot you."
"They did."
Bill just stared at me and his jaw dropped. It took a while until he recovered. "They shot you in the leg. You said... hole. I guess you didn't want to talk about it."
"I don't. I am holding up fairly well but the others are falling apart."
"I'd shit myself just looking at what happened."
"I almost did too. Let's change the topic."
"I guess... but I never talked to anybody like you before."
"Tell me about your family, Bill."
Bill's face fell. "We fight all the time."
When no more came I asked, "How did you get hurt?"
"I rode my bike and got hit by a car."
"Your fault?"
"... I guess. I swerved to miss a hole in the pavement and I guess I wasn't keeping track of traffic around me."
"How old are you?"
"Fourteen and a half."
"Nine. I should be in ten but I flunked."
"What about you?"
"Twelve and a few months. They put me ahead one year so I am in grade eight."
"You must like school?"
"I did before. I did what I had to do and did my homework. Dad made sure of that. My mom... well my real mom doesn't like me. Some women get crazy when they have a baby, well my mom is still that way."
"That's a bummer."
"Well school was a good thing because it kept me away from my mom. I had a few friends but not many. They were the ones that got beat up too. I'm small for my size and get picked on. Last year I learned that I had to stand up for myself or they would kill me one day. I usually lost but most of the bullies wanted to find somebody easier but not all."
I paused a while and Bill said, "I was never good at school. I guess the reason was that I never worked at it. I hated everything they taught me. Most guys don't fail a year but they flunked me."
"You hated every subject?"
"Well most of them."
"What did you do well in?"
"I like music... and art."
"I like art too."
"What do you like to draw?"
"I only just started. Mostly it is just people."
"Can you draw me?"
"Sure but you draw me. We work with each other of get better."
The nurses were nice enough to give us blank paper and some clipboards. I did not want to draw Bill in great detail. I made a caricature of him riding a bike toward a hole in the road while staring at a good looking girl. The erection I gave him was... generous.
The nurse that brought the supplies was drawn by me while I waited. She was about forty but I drew her looking younger with bigger teats and nice legs.
Bill showed me his first. He was at a disadvantage because he didn't have an arm to hold the clipboard while I did. His drawing was ok but he had a lot to learn yet. I gave him his and he laughed.
I said, "When you get your other arm back you could do better. I cheated in a way because there is a mathematical relationship between body parts." I showed him the nurse and said, "She is closer to real life but still not perfect."
"What do you mean mathematical?"
"The head has to be a fraction of the total height. It changes a bit as the person ages. There must be books about it but I learned it as I went along. A person can also be thought of as mathematical shapes. Circles are good. If you understand mathematics then art is even easier or at least it is for me."
I drew circles on the paper that matched the image in my mind. Bill saw them first and I slowly showed the image of him in bed and having all the equipment attached to him.
Bill said, "That looks great. You make it look so easy."
I drew the shapes again on a sheet of paper and called the nurse. She came in with a smile much later. It was not the same nurse. "Hi, would you give my clipboard to Bill and give me his, please."
"Sure," she paused though and looked at her co-worker and a smile came out on her face. She picked the sheet up and looked at the one underneath. She broke out in a laugh. Bill got embarrassed but still smiled.
The nurse said, "These are beautiful."
"Thanks. You can have the one of the busty nurse."
"Now this will be great right beside my computer."
"If she gets upset I would like you to take it down immediately."
She gave me a serious look and said, "I'll do that."
When Bill got the clipboard I said, "Try to use the shape to help you form the head. It's just a guide."
From memory I drew the girls when we were at the beach. I wanted them to see that they were having fun. Drawing was getting easier the more I did. It was late before I finished but I had a drawing of all of my family to keep me company tonight.
The nurses flocked in to see the drawings later and I did a few of them. I also did one of Doc Stine. He was a boy in the picture. The facial characteristics could easily be seen. He was partially clothed with a partially clad girl near him. His mother was waging a finger at him and admonishing for playing doctor before getting a licence. His erection was prominent.
The nurses took this picture and it would be posted prominently I guess. When the Doc came to see me all the nursing staff smiled at him but said nothing. I was sure he never got to see the drawing.
The Doc checked out my bandages and did some common things to let me know that he was doing something even if it was useless. "I saw the drawings of the nurses. They look amazingly lifelike. You could make a good living as an artist some day."
"Thanks doc. Art just fit in with math. It is the symmetry of some equations that are so beautiful. By plotting limits on some equations so me drawings can be made."
"What do you mean?"
I took one sheet of paper and worked out seven formulas. On another sheet I plotted out the lines of each. They did not work perfectly with each other and I had to move the origin of each graph around so the lines met where I wanted but the shape of a head came out.
"It's not perfect. The graphs have to be moved around and even inverted to make the lines meet."
"That's amazing. Where did you learn this?"
"I found it myself studying graphs. The really beautiful ones are multidimensional."
"We did some of that in school but it is hard to show even three dimensions on two dimensional paper."
"It was that way for me but it gets easier on the screen of a two dimensional computer screen. There was less to imagine and it does the graphs that much easier."
I opened my computer and opened the program that worked with Aristis mathematics. The equations were plugged in the way humans did it. The Aristis method was not the same by any means but mathematics was mathematics.
"That's amazing. Where did you get that program? I never saw the title come up."
"A friend wrote it and gave me a copy."
"Too bad, but I could get something similar I guess."
"Probably." Actually I knew that none of our programs went that far into mathematics.
The Doc left looking at the mathematics and the graphs. Bill asked, "You sound like you know a lot about math too."
"Mr Ramsey my grade seven teacher said I could do the stuff in his old grade thirteen class when we had it."
"I failed math almost every year."
"Well Bill, you are here for a while and so am I. You want to try mathematics too? When you go to class you will know a bit more."
"I like drawing better but I guess we can try."
I started giving him addition problems but placed the emphasis on being quick not right. It was a game and he started to come around until his brain got sore from thinking too much.
Doc Suffolk came in later. He had on a bit of a smile and said, "Hi Wally. How are you doing?"
I'm Twenty-one and black haired with a rather sexy figure, if I do say so myself. After my parents died a few years ago, I decided to move to Los Angeles after the Christmas break, and so I had to transfer from college back in the Midwest. I decided on a private girls' college in the San Fernando Valley. I'm really not sure why, because back home I'd been in a coed school and there'd been plenty of boys to flirt with. Maybe it was because I found the man of my dreams there last summer...
Hi doston mera naam krish ha m a gr8 fan of iss or maine socha kyon na apna experience share kiya jaye i m frm delhi mujhe mobile chating ka bhut craze ha or ek din mujhe idea k voice chat par ek ladki mili jo phone sex ka bahut shouq rakhti thi or use bhut maza ata tha usne mujhe apna mob no. Diya or kaha raat ko baat karna. Raat ko kariban 11 baje uski miss cal ayi maine use call kiya to usne kaha mujhe maze karne hain abhi ma bhi masti ma tha or usko bola janeman shuru ho jao masti karna...
Hi friends, my name is ramprasad my age is 26 I am from Hyderabad . I am doing job in financial institution . From last one year I am reading stories in ISS . I like those stories very much. So I am submitting my real story happened on June 10 ,2013. I am describing my aunt she is 44 years and her sizes are 40-38-42 very thunder sexy beauty with deep naval . She is my mother’s sister . She is Daman sexy than any aunty. every man wants her to fuck. This is happened on 10 th June night . My uncle...
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I almost felt sorry for her as she attempted to stretch her mouth around the head of my cock. It was obvious that she was either out of practice or hadn't really done much of this before. Once my head was comfortably in her mouth, she cut her blue eyes up to me for approval. As I began to slowly pump my hips, I guided one of her hands to my shaft showing her how to stroke it using her saliva as lube. I guided her other hand to my balls showing her how to handle them.As her mouth stretched and...
You are ‘Oppa’. Your girlfriend is the K-pop idol Sunny from Girls' Generation. You've been a couple for a week and have only kissed so far, and not even had an official date. On a Friday, you take Sunny out for dinner at a fancy restaurant. The date goes well and you end up kissing outside your apartment for a few minutes. You have trouble sleeping and end up lying in until noon the next day. There's a text waiting for you on your phone - from Sunny. "I can't wait to see you again soon~," it...
Spells R Us: Turnabout By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 Matt wiped the whipcream out of his ears and eyes feeling embarrassed to have been caught in the latest prank of his roommates Chris and Steve. The three of them often took turns playing pranks on each other. After all, what else was college for if not for fun and pranks. Going to the mall Matt hoped would give him some inspiration for his revenge. He needed something big to get back at those two and even...
The alarm slices through the peace of a Sunday morning without a trace of sympathy. I wearily lift my head from the pillow and slam my fist against the snooze button. Last night had been such a blast. I hadn’t been out with my best friend, Jess for over three months, her new boyfriend seemed to occupy all of her spare time now. Our evening had gone so well and It felt just like old times, the two of us getting drunk and causing mayhem without a care in the world. We finally rolled up back at...
Claire opened the bag. Inside was an array of leather and steel accessories of a decidedly kinky nature. As I examined the pieces before me, Claire explained that Ulrich was also known for providing the local BSDM scene in our area with gear in addition to corsets, and she had placed a special order. A neck collar with a large D ring set in black and blue leather to match my corset was on top, with a curious arm sleave thing with round leather balls where the hands would go below that....
Jonathan Ansah exited the door to Geeta’s condo tower. He would have liked to have left the building with her so that they could walk to work together, but he knew that was impossible. They were co-workers, and if they were seen together tongues would wag. Word might reach their bank employer’s director of human resources, and then there’d be hell to pay. The “Me, Too” movement was in full swing, and Jonathan knew that if his relationship with Geeta were known to the bank, Geeta would be...
"Oh yeah," Brad moaned. "Oh man..." Brad sat on the edge of his bed, his legs spread apart and stretched nearly straight. He leaned back, propping himself up with his arms, fingers splayed and curling into the blanket. Gina knelt between his legs, her head bobbing, her lips clamped around his cock. "Fuck, yeah ... damn, that's good..." Gina's thighs quaked, her pussy hot, wet, and helpless. She dared not touch it. It was only for him to do as he wished. Every stroke of his cock...
Monica Kelly had just taken off her coat when she noticed the bright yellow sticky note posted on her day calendar on her desk. Another important memo for her to type, she presumed, and paid it little attention as she put her purse away in her desk and switched on her computer. Her boss, Albert, left notes on her desk every morning for various tasks he wanted completed for the day, and Monica, being the dutiful secretary she was, always got them completed on a timely basis. Monica put some...
Recently I moved to downtown long beach so I could be closer to work in LA but also because there's a group of about 25 black guys I have gotten on a pretty consistent fucking schedule. My job just moved me to a different division so I also have a lot of time to work from home, so I only go into the office 2 days a week, which leaves me plenty of time to have the black guys up in my guts. Most of the time I take them 2-4 at a time but every now and then we'll do a gangbang. Well this past...
It was 7am. Her husband had gone to work, a real, not work from home job. Today was a day for her to meet an old friend who would soon be traveling south for the winter. They planned a short hike around Lake Haydon. She had her usual breakfast and was headed to the shower. Her shower was nothing out of the ordinary. Wash her hair, shave her legs and general grooming. It was nothing unusual for spending another day with a long time female friend. As she dried herself, she double checked the...
He’d left Lorraine in the bedroom while she finished preparing, per the instructions. He waited in the den, dressed and pacing while mentally rebelling and anticipating the night. Despite his anger and resentment over the last days he’d begun to admit to himself that he wanted to show Lorraine and the agents that he was good enough to earn the approval of The Guild. He still bristled at their involvement, and his ego was still bruised by what he saw as Lorraine’s betrayal in reporting him. But...
BDSMTOM “Is that the house?” I ask Mom as I pull along the curb of the quiet Des Moines cul-de-sac. Mom looks out of the passenger window and nods. “He still has the black Explorer,” Mom says, gesturing to the truck in the driveway, “you were conceived in the back seat, Tom.” “That’s more information than I needed.” I reply. Mom gives me an exaggerated look of shock, and I smile. “What about me?” Laurie perks up from the back seat. “You were made behind the dumpster of a...
After the day of sex I had yesterday with my sister, I didn’t know what to expect when I woke up this morning. I just knew that it was the most exciting sex of my life, and when my sister swallowed my cum, I was in heaven. When I walked into the kitchen wearing just my boxers, my sister glanced at me and smiled. I knew right then that she probably hadn’t regretted everything we did. At least that was my hope. Me: Hubby already gone to work? Her: Yes, he left an hour ago, for another 12-hour...
Chapter 1 – Piling on Straws"Brock!"Oh shit, I was busted again. My mother, Roseanna, stared at me with a fiery gaze, her eyeslike penetrating lasers."How many times Brock! How many times do I have to tell you not to fist that, that, that bigfilthy prick in my living-room!" mother yelled.I sat completely still, silent and stunned with my mouth and eyes wide open. Mother must'vebeen really heated. I had heard her curse a few times already, but not regularly, and only oncebefore was it directed...
Butch and Stacy 12 Since I came out of my coma I have seen myself as Stacy the girl. Now I am told that for most of my life I have been Butch, a guy. Who am I? WHAT am I? Is there any place in the world for a creature like me? ............................... The very next day mom and I moved into our apartment. It was spacious, bright, and modern and I had a huge bedroom to myself with my own bath. I wanted to be happy, but instead I was miserable. I had asked Liz about my past...
It was just another one of those days where I couldn't seem to get enough cock. It was only 11:30 am and I had already had two guys come over for blowjobs and two separate guys come over for a quick fuck. Both of them came in my ass. So there I was with a slippery gaping hole and cum on my breath and I was still searching the adult classifieds for more. Eventually, I did find another guy looking for action. He was about to go on his lunch break and he just wanted a quick bj. Now, I have to be...
I was so excited after my Wednesday night shopping spree and then date invitation from Barbara that I could hardly sleep that night. Work dragged on for what seemed like forever; I even got up from my desk twice to wander around the office to try to refocus on my tasks. What I really wanted was to tell Jan or Denise about what happened last night. It had been so long since I had been on a date that I was really excited. It made me sad in a way that I was reluctant to share my news with...
“Stand to attention my naughty little Sissy-Boy.” “Yes, Auntie Helen.” “Answer me with a lisp in future.” “Yeth, Auntie Helen.” Alan Jones is wearing pink, satin panties and a matching bra. The rest of his clothes have been removed. The heating has been turned up to the highest level possible. Alan Leighton Jones has been a closet transvestite until being found out by his boss who had planted hidden cameras in the toilet. Helen fiddles around with her very special laptop. It seems to control...
FetishThe guy was in excellent health at 70 and horny as hell, muscular, very verbal too. Let me describe how I got to this point: I was very curious, I met him in a local chatroom and I asked him to my house to enjoy a glass of wine and a hot tub while my girl was visiting family. Our initial discussion online was for him to teach me how to be "used" by a gay guy for their sexual pleasure, a fantasy thought of mine. I asked no kissing. I was standing out front when he arrived and I greeted him with...
Life has its ups and downs, especially my life. My name is Jeni. I am a 40 year old mother of two wonderful teenagers. While I don't think I am super gorgeous, but I do know that I look good enough to get a second glance, as I walk down the street. My body is slim, with a nice set of breasts, that I got enhanced about 9 years ago. My naturally blonde hair is cut short, almost boyish in style. It’s true that men take more than a passing glance, but it’s not a male that heats my core. I work at...
LesbianThe scene that greeted Amanda, Lucy and Andrea as they entered the meeting room was one that no one who was there would forget. The men being held at gunpoint were now sitting on the floor with their arms bound behind them and their ankles tied too. On the left side of the platform at the front of the room stood a black clad fembot with a naked Gerry Haynes kneeling beside her, his genitals locked in a metal tube, a collar around his neck and a hood obscuring his face. To the right a...
As soon as my friend was out of the door, I practically ran to the bedroom. I figured my wife would be naked when I got there, but I was wrong. She was still dressed in the outfit she had been wearing that evening. I stood there looking at her, unsure what to make of the situation. I didn’t have to wonder long. “Come here” she said, as she crooked a finger at me. Her eyes had that glazed look that she gets when she is horny. When I got to near where she was lying on the bed, she told me to...
ExhibitionismIt had been days since Mark and Andrea had fucked in the men's room at work. Their days off from work kept them apart. By the time work was starting back up again, the two were horny and ready to fuck at the drop of their clothing. But Mark had time to think about things and knew this little affair was just that and couldn't last. Though Andrea knew how to suck a dick and loved to swallow his cum, he loved his wife and needed to the affair.He drives over to Andrea's house prior to work. His...
Hi friends and fans, it’s been a long time since I posted my sex story, as it goes I got my share of fun’s and hook ups but as my partners were not comfortable about their experiences been shared, I didn’t share it, but this experience I am sharing with my partner, she is 100 percent comfortable in sharing our experience, I am Sriram 27 years old now, looking for more and more fun’s and hook up’s and one night stands, whatever you call it, just ping me at my address, ramsri4226 at Gmail dot...
The phone rings in another universe, but I don't wake up until Lucy climbs over me to answer. I feel her young, firm breasts on my chest before I hear her voice.“Jim Barlowe P.I.” she says, and the phrase doesn't sound as nifty as it did fifteen years ago. “This is his secretary.”The person on the other end of the line says something, and then Lucy says; “Alright, I'll tell him,” and hangs up.She moves herself around until she's laying on top of me under the covers, with her knees on the bed on...
BisexualI had just graduated college with highest honors and a master’s degree in Business Administration. I had lost my family due to an auto accident during my senior year of high school. I had to work hard but I put myself through college and developed a company that was part of college requirement. The day I graduated college I sold the company for 3.5 million dollars. My college roommate Kyle had gone on to Law School, with his legal help I purchased a small well maintained six unit apartment...
Saturday Jason brought Prince Rashid to Hawk’s suite and introduced him to Hawk, Maria, and Brenda. Following the short introduction Jason informed the three of the special relationship between the two families, and explained why. After a pleasant lunch the Prince and Hawk ended up alone. “Hawk, though my country has considerable wealth we anticipate some severe problems in the future. It’s my belief you can be of great assistance to us.” “I’m not sure how I might help, but from what Jason...
As the artificial winter of Loki's occupation of Asgard ended, the surrounding lands of gentle, rolling hills, known as the plains of Ida, soon recovered from the rime and hoarfrost that the ice giants had brought with them. Ymir and his forces had retreated back to the lands of Jotenheim to recover from their losses in support of Thor's half-brother's rebellion, taking the chill of death with them. Freed from the ice, the green meadows and golden grain-stalks of the fields around Asgard began...
I had just finished a seemingly endless week of classes and my internship on Thursday that left me extremely exhausted. The administration at the University of Pittsburgh had in their infinite wisdom decided to give all of the students in my program 13 credits and their internship in the first four days of the week. The only good thing was that I had all day Friday to myself. One of my friends had graduated the year before and worked right off campus. I had called him up the day before and...
As I opened the door to Miho’s two pretty young friends, a sudden thought occurred to me. Miho had suggested that we meet because none of us spoke any German. Her note had said nothing about speaking English. After some halting introductions it became clear that their English was only slightly better than my tourist Italian. With the aid of hand gestures and frequent recourse to a well thumbed Berlitz it was established that they came from Milan and their names were Allegra and Daniela. They...
Robin sat in misery. He had obviously hurt Lottë deeply but why? He had to offer her a way out even though life would not be worth living without her. He had to. It was the only decent, honourable thing to do. Then her words came back to him. 'You're my life. If nothing else this morning has shown me that you're that'. "Oh God! What have I done? How could I have been so stupid, so heartless, so bloody selfish? I wasn't thinking of her, of her unconditional love. I was thinking as I...
When he replied to my ad online, Steven said he was an attractive, 30-something, successful white man who was willing to explore the wild side. When we met in person, I was more than a little bit disappointed. Attractive was a stretch of the imagination and I told him so right off the bat. He acted as if I’d said something to offend him and responded by saying, “Well, no one’s ever told me that I was unattractive.” When I suggested that was because no one had had the occasion to be brutally...
By Adrian Bauman Chapter 1 DeAnn and Eric had been married for nearly ten years and like every relationship it had it’s rollercoaster moments with it‘s up‘s and downs. For the most part it was pretty good. Eric was a decent looking, 5’ 7” tall, fairly laid back guy in his mid thirties with his brown hair very close cropped to his head, fantastic hazel eyes and in decent shape. DeAnn was gorgeous, around 5’ 2” with beautiful honey brown hair with matching lovely brown eyes and also...
I snuck into the building late at night around 1:00 am. With a backpack full of goodies. Mainly, a drill. Through an entrance to the crawlspace in the school basement, I climbed up into a space right next to the girl's locker room. I drilled a few holes in the bottom of the wall that was parallel to the girls showers. I measured carefully and managed to make the holes pop out in the middle of cracks between the tiles. I attached some of the remaining stone to small string I...
I wanted to meet you after your first message on x hamster- I have an unwrapped diamond ? stud collar waiting for the likes of you! You had me at 'lady in the streets' part.... Icing on the cake was take home to momma!! Let's chat! It was such an intellectual/emotional turn-on that you watched my whole profile video, and my pussy gushed a little at Your mention of collar. Could I have met a kindred spirit? My soul mate, so to speak? I seldom respond to messages, there are so many given my...
I am a man of few words, I have said this on many an occasion to both friends and family. I have seen and done things to help both people and myself and by standards of the people now some of them may seem wrong. I am a fighter, I am a survivor, I am Loyal and I am a fool. I was 15 when I first seen her she had such beautiful blue eyes and hair blonde and lush. She was my age in fact only a few days separated our birthdays and on my 18th birthday Claire would give me a present that I was all...
Hi my name is Jagdip (name changed). I live in Ahmedabad and my email id is . I am 26 now. The story I am going to tell you is real and happened when I was 17. We have a made in our house from last 15 years. Her name is Radhabai. She is really a very good made and very honest. She was almost 35 at that time. I never looked at her as a sex object as she is very average looking female but with a great body as she worked physically for long time. I was a teenager at that time and had started...
Chapter 18 Garden snakes tails point to where beehives thrive, where birds don’t fly.It seemed she was the only one, knowing why. She put on a full-length cotton dress. The kind women wore in the southern states around the turn of the century. Though she wore sun-blocking contacts making her eyes look human, she also wore small circular, Benjamin Franklin style wire-rimmed sunglasses. She tied a wide-brimmed straw hat at the neck with a pink nylon scarf to protect herself from the sun while...
PrologueMagic was once abundant in the world: most agree with that. What people disagree on is how to bring the magic back.Some say the magic will never return, that it is a punishment for past sins. Some say the magic will return once the sins have been atoned for, or when wrongs have been righted. Others say that magic can be made abundant again through effort and intelligence. Most say that the world was paradise when magic was abundant, and will be again, if ever the source of magic can...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWhen I was twelve, I discovered girls. Then turning thirteen, I decided I preferred girls with tits, not just tits but the bigger the better. By the time I'd passed my fourteenth birthday I was becoming more aware of my mother. It's not as she'd been in hiding during my discovery of tits but more because she was my mother and I considered her off limits. I don't know how many times I tried to sneak peeks at her chest while uncovered but it was often. Just watching Mom walk around the...
"Congrats on the finals! Wanna use me for stress relief tonight?"I was so glad to read this message. The finals were really hard and I needed the stress relief indeed. So when Karen, my sexy FWB texted me, I knew we'll have a steamy hot night. So I answered right away: "You don't know how hard I am for you. Be at my place at 7 PM and we can try some new things" The answer came in only 5 seconds: "Yummy!" She arrived a few minutes earlier. Luckily, I managed to arrange everything in time....
Group SexOne night I was watching the Playboy channel on TV and I got realy turned on. I knew my step-mom still had 2 days of work remaining, and my dad went to a convention. I've been always ashamed of my cock, it was petite, small and had tons of hair on it. It was big enough to see it through my pants when it was hard. After a while of watching sexy women, I was realy turned on. The TV was in the living room, and so was all my parent's stuff. So I walked to my step-moms drawer and found lots of...
At this point, the four friends were grinning broadly, aided by the wine they had consumed. The boys’ cocks were getting hard and the girls’ panties were getting wet. Sharon suggested a short break while they cleaned up the dinner dishes. A short while later, the dinner table was clean and the cards were retrieved from the closet. Glasses were refilled and they began to play. The game was started. Following the rules, Tom was the winner for most of the hands. Ashleigh was the big loser. When...
You follow your master on your hands and knees along the cold hard floorof the dimly lit corridor. Your knees ache dully as you struggle over thehard surface. You sigh with discomfort as the thought enters your mind thatyou are in for far worse. The leash tugs against your collar as you Masterstriding slowly beside you urges you on with a sharp pull as you all behinda little. You reach the door at the end of the corridor, a hidden passageform the bottom of the wine cellar of the house. The door...
This is the first Story I have ever written, Genre involve incest, rape, young, violence, bdsm, cruelty, male domination, exhibition and Stockholm syndrome. Chapter one The prologue I lived a relatively normal life, my parents were (and are) nice Christian parents. We had a normal life in 5 bedroom house in the middle lived there all my life. When I was twelve my parents somehow got pregnant again and had a beautiful little girl named Sarah. She is a blonde haired blue eye beauty....
With the film now out a new lease of life it’s about time we tried a Firefly/Serenity story based on Joss Wheadon’s failed TV series about the crew of the cargo ship Serenity. Lead by Captain Mal Reynolds a brooding ex-soldier from the losing side in a war, his first officer Zoë her husband and ships pilot Wash, the ships on board companion and ambassador/whore Inara, the cute engineer Kaylee wanted fugitives Dr Simon Tam and his sister her crazy River, Shepard Book and the Man they call Jayne...
The Prison Planet ... Jasmine snatched on her coat and weapons to hurry out behind Morales, who, like the others, stopped in the deep shadow just beyond the entrance to stare above them. The General, who had been farther away, grabbed his crossbow and followed everyone out. “What in the hell is that?” Morales whispered as he too stared upward. “Colonel?” both troopers called out as soon as they saw Jeff. “At ease,” Jeff absently returned even as Ship’s message touched his mind. “I grew...
THE ROLES WE PLAY By Latex Conservative I awake slowly and just as slowly realize the vulnerable state that I am in. From what I can tell it is not very large room, and its lone light source is a fire burning somewhere behind me. The fire flickers with both light and shadow, it seemed to me; it played off every surface. I see in the shadows and light a white wall, and the dark headboard and posts of the queen size bed I am currently lying on. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, the blurriness of...
“Yeah give it a nice wiggle, thank you. Oh yeah baby!” said Lisa, groaning and standing up as the wet middle finger made its way into her anus. The beauty was naked along with her lover, now standing over him.Lisa was on the trip with Arvan and a couple other coworkers for a project but the virus had shut down all travel. The group was stranded in a smaller town without much to do and to make matters worse, it was shut down. Along with Arvan and the crew, Lisa worked for a massive corporation...
Hardcore2 yrs after my wife was gangbanged by her ex and his 2 buddies, she was asked to be bridesmaid to a friend from highschool getting married in septwmber. The stagette, however was to be held in Vegas in July. all paid for by the father of the bride. One of the girls was a friend of my wife Kari from up north, they had partied before, got fucked at parties together, imprenated at the same party and both had 2+ yr old girls at the time of this wedding. so i knew I would hear every detail after...
The following weeks seemed like a serious challenge for Joey and Deirdre's relationship. The frequency of tests and quizzes increased until it seemed that they had at least one every day. They made up for that by studying together as much as possible. Deirdre was almost living at Joey and Tess' house, even spending many nights in Joey's bed. Joey switched bis bed against a queen size bed from their guest room, allowing for a better sleep. They did not always have sex on weekday nights or...
The air brushed over her overheated skin, lifting a long line of goosebumps from her shoulder to knee. Swallowing hard, she tried to relax into the position he’d left her in; bent over the couch, hands flat on the cushions, standing on tip toe with her ass high in the air. Her dark hair spilled over on to the cushion on either side of her face, leaving her back bare. She was a ball of trembling need before he’d finished adjusting her legs wide enough apart that the air caressed damp lips. He’d...
SpankingI lied to my dad and told him that I was going to stay at my girlfriend's house. I had plans that night. My boyfriend's parents were out of town and it was our joint 18th birthday. It was stupid, but we reveled in the fact we were exactly the same age.Get full story here: and I had been dating through all of high school, and about a year and a half ago we almost had sex for the first time. We decided against it, but that we would on our 18th birthday. We were both...