Father daughter Date Mother sonChapter 9 Shocking Communications
- 3 years ago
- 28
- 0
Kyle exclaims, “Wonderful! I’ll notify Doctor Narduchi you’re on the payroll as of right now. We’ll also immediately start setting up some housing for you and your family.”
“That’ll be appreciated, because we’re currently crammed with two other families in a three bedroom trailer.”
KK shudders at the thought, but with a woman’s insight she asks, “Since it’ll be your home do you have any preferences or suggestions?”
“Angelica and I are attracted to a modular home manufactured in Albuquerque. Its exterior is of a traditional Mexican hacienda and will fit in well with Hector’s house. If we set it up properly we can have a plaza between the two houses and make the access to this house even harder to spot from the road. It’ll also be easier to defend your house because anyone trying to get back here will be caught in our crossfire.”
Kyle nods approvingly and says, “On that basis I want you to start developing your plans, both for the house and the grounds around it. I’ll advise Doctor Narduchi of our tentative plans when I let her know you’ve joined our little band of merry men.”
“That’ll be appreciated. Do you think she’ll actually help us get a home?”
“Instead of just helping I suspect she’ll have the trust purchase it.”
“Why would she do that?” asks the puzzled ex-cop.
“I think the security angle will play a part in it, but it’s also a matter of convenience. If we have to go somewhere we won’t have to wait for you to arrive, and by living here you can have more of a life with your family when you’re not needed.”
A smiling Sonny replies, “When you look at it that way there’s a lot more to this job than it seems.”
“There is, but mostly because you’ll be on call twenty-four seven. As for actual work, I suspect you’ll probably average less than twenty hours a week, plus a lot of waiting around in many places.”
Sonny replies, “Believe me, no matter what the reasoning, my family greatly appreciates the opportunity to have a somewhat normal life; a lot more normal than we’ve had in the past. Allowing us to choose the house and the landscaping makes everything even better. Are there any suggestions you can make, since it’ll be built on trust property?”
“I haven’t discussed it with Doctor N, but I’ll want you to consider energy and water conservation in addition to security.”
“Sonny, you’ve already mentioned this to some degree in making our house more difficult to see and utilizing a crossfire. You can also use landscaping to funnel anyone attacking us into preset fields of fire.”
“From my time in the Marines I understand the use of terrain to determine fields of fire. I’m not sure how that plays in what you’ve just said.”
“Sonny, the security part of landscaping is to take the same idea, but instead of evaluating the existing terrain and making the best of it you’ll be designing things to be the most effective for you. Small berms placed correctly can deny the enemy good firing positions while thickly planted thorn bushes in a hedge can be more effective than razor wire. Another example would be using concrete benches and statues placed in a way to slow down an attack by vehicles. Make them slow down and have to go around things instead of being able to rush straight to the objective. I guess you’d liken it to the old English castles with moats, sharp turns at the entrances, and hedges formed into mazes.”
“OK, that makes sense. What about the rest.”
“Energy conservation could be nothing more than placing the house where it avoids much of the harsh summer sun and cold winter winds. It’ll also include planting trees that can help accomplish your goal of limiting extremes in the weather. As for water conservation, look for ways to hold as much water from our infrequent rains as possible, as well as finding ways to utilize that water more than once. When you’re ready I’ll try to get you some help.”
Sonny responds, “I think I understand. In fact, I was envisioning backing the house up to the ridge opposite Hector’s house. That’ll shade much of the house from the late afternoon sun. Some trees or a wall on the north side can reduce the effects of the winter wind.”
“That’s the right idea,” says a pleased Kyle. “You might also consider excavating part of the ridge, and incorporate the cool rock into part of the house. You might do that for a family room and possibly even a garage.” Sonny nods thoughtfully as he tries to picture what Kyle is describing.
Changing the direction of the conversation, KK asks, “Hector, do you have a garden?”
“Si, we have a small one for peppers. Las Cruces has both a co-op and a farmers market where we can get fresh local vegetables, with much of it being organically grown. If we want to expand our garden we’ve been told there’s water about a hundred feet below us. I don’t know how potable it is, so that’s why a well was never drilled.”
“If that’s the case where do we get our drinking water?” asks Kyle.
“Patrón Jonas had a deep well drilled and a large storage tank is hidden in an underground room near the top of the hill between our houses. It provides us plenty of water, but it takes more than a week to fill your pool. There’s some automatic control that makes sure the pool does not leave us short of drinking water. The water is tested by the system several times a day, but samples are also checked by the state each quarter.”
KK is pleased with what she’s just learned and asks, “Hector, you’ve covered fresh fruit and vegetables, what about fresh meat?”
“Señora, I buy a young steer from my uncle about twice a year and my sister down the road has plenty of chickens and eggs. For other things there are several butcher shops in Las Cruces. I have found the quality of one to be much higher than that of the others. It’s slightly more expensive, but not more than a few cents a pound.”
“Hector, in keeping with our objective of staying out of sight would you consider including our needs in your purchases. We’ll reimburse you and also cover a portion of your costs as compensation.”
“I will check with Adalina, but I don’t see a problem. In fact, if we can buy for the three families we can probably get a good break on the price.”
“What about freezer and refrigerator storage?” asks KK.
“Currently, all we have is a standard refrigerator-freezer and a small chest freezer,” answers Hector. “We’ve talked about a bigger freezer, but there isn’t room in the house and we don’t want to put it outside or build another room.”
KK replies, “How about our having walk-in freezer and cooler units built in that massive garage below us. We’ll all have easy access and with the automatic propane generator we don’t have to worry about a power outage and things thawing. That’ll enable all of us to purchase our meat and produce in bulk without taking up additional space in our homes to store it properly.”
Kyle adds, “We can also get some golf carts for the compound to make it easier for everyone to run to the basement to pick up food as well as increase interaction between our families.
Hector grins, “I think both are wonderful ideas. Can we also include a workplace for canning and freezing some of the fresh fruits and vegetables, along with a storage area for the items that are canned? This is something Adalina and Varena have wanted for a long time.”
“Hector, I’ll see that it happens, even if Kyle and I have to pay for it ourselves. Also, please tell your wife I may not know very much about canning and freezing food, but I’m willing to help and learn.”
“KK, I think she will be very happy to hear that.”
A surprised and happy Kathleen remarks, “You called me KK!”
Hector smiles, “That is because you are becoming family. We work for a Patrón, but we work with family.”
“Oh!” KK replies softly. That totally resolves her Patrón issue.
Pleased with the attitude of his new bosses Sonny asks, “So, what do we need to do at this point?”
Kyle answers, “I’d like you to look over the weapons we’ve acquired and make any suggestions and requests for what we might need. In doing this you need to remember we do have limited access to some light military weapons. Hector, do you know anyone that can build and equip what we just discussed for the garage?”
“I think so. I’ll have to make some calls.”
“KK, while he’s doing that can you call Doctor N? Let her know about Sonny’s employment and advise her of what we’ve discussed regarding the garage and golf carts. Like you, I expect to pay for it, but I think we should have the trust’s permission. We also need permission to build a server room, a woodworking shop, and a couple of additional storage areas. We can probably do it all along one wall.”
“OK, what about our moms?”
“Check with them on their progress and when we should expect to pick them up. Sonny and I should be free in just a few minutes.”
KK snaps to attention and salutes while saying, “Consider it done.”
Kathleen quickly discovers she can’t hold a straight face and very soon starts giggling. This causes the others to start laughing too. Kyle, Hector, and Sonny head for the garage while Kathleen finds Dr N’s private number and gives her a call.
When they reach the garage Hector heads back to his house to share the news with his family while Kyle leads Sonny to the workbench holding the weapons and ammunition acquired from the Haywoods. Sonny reviews everything before saying, “Impressive start, but I’d like to get some radio controlled Claymores, combat shotguns, and several more combat weapons, preferably MP-fives, or M-fours, or a combination of the two. What you have here is good for long range or short range. What I want is some mid-range weapons, along with more short range. If too many of the enemy get close they can overwhelm us. Remember, even with what I’m proposing we’ll need people behind those weapons.”
“Sonny, I was in the Army and I rated expert with both the M-sixteen and the M-nine. KK and I have been shooting since we were preteens and we’re both carrying Glock forties and have Texas carry permits. KK’s model twenty-three and my model twenty-two are both loaded with Hydro-shocks. In addition, we’re both experts with the bow, along with many years of martial arts training.”
“That’s a good start, but we still may need access to some additional help. From your statements I’m assuming both of you are black belts.”
“No belts because we stayed out of competition. I’ve trained for years with a sword and dagger plus KK is deadly with throwing knives out to thirty feet. My favorite weapon is the Kettukari or fighting staff.”
“Man, you’re into some heavy shit. I’ve a buddy on the force in Orange County who had a similar background. I once asked him why he did it; but all I got was some strange look, a smile, and then he told me I wouldn’t believe it if he told me.”
“Interesting,” remarks Kyle. “I think I’d like to talk to him sometime.”
“So would a lot of people. He disappeared about six months ago and no one’s seen or heard from him since. What was really strange was the house was locked from the inside and nothing seemed to have been touched. Even his keys, wallet, and weapon were sitting in plain sight.”
Before the conversation can progress KK bounds into the garage and announces, “Everything’s fine with Doctor N, including the trust paying for it all. Also, our moms will be ready for us within the hour.”
“KK, I need you to ride in the front of the car part of the time to free up passenger space if it’s needed. How about grabbing something that’ll help distort your features?”
“No problem. I’ve got just the thing upstairs. I’ll be right back.”
“And bring my laptop,” Kyle shouts to her while she heads upstairs.
Kyle turns back to Sonny to ask, “I noticed earlier, you’re carrying. Do you know what the rules are in New Mexico?”
“I’m on reserve status in California so I was able to automatically get a New Mexico license. From what I was told, if you have a Texas permit New Mexico will automatically honor it and Texas reciprocates by accepting a New Mexico permit.”
“Good. That means KK and I are both covered for a while.”
Moments later Kathleen comes back down the steps carrying Kyle’s laptop while wearing a big floppy hat and large round sunglasses. Kyle doubts her mother could have recognized her in that outfit.
Opening the passenger door KK asks, “How do we handle the exit as our garage remote is in Kyle’s Jeep?”
“We don’t have a problem because Doctor Narduchi gave me one before I left,” answers Sonny.
“Then let’s get this show on the road,” she replies. Sonny turns the SUV around and drives straight out the garage.
When they reach Doña Ana Sonny asks, “Where are we going?”
KK answers, “The first stop is the lower level of Sunland Park Mall. My Mom and Kyle’s older sister, Felicia, will be waiting at the Sears entrance closest to Macy’s. As for Kyle’s Mom, Charlotte, and his other sister, Courtney, all I know is they’re in Bassett Place Mall. I’ll find out more when we get closer.”
While Kyle sits in the rear of the black SUV he thinks further about some of his and KK’s conversations. Suddenly some of the pieces fall together and he realizes their cell phone are a weak link in their security efforts. Thus, even though they’re more than ten miles from Missionary Ridge Kyle has a lot of apprehension when he decides to use his phone, but he hopes keeping the calls short will help.
The first call is to his Mom. “Alexander,” she answers.
“Your favorite son has a couple of quick questions.”
“Since we’re going to be on call to Texas State Energy do you think we could receive company phones?”
“Then who’s the carrier?”
“What about Internet?”
“I think that would be crucial. Do you want me to have phones sent to you from Houston? We can overnight them to be here tomorrow and do you want to keep the same numbers?”
“Different numbers would be smart. I need two new four-G Android Smart phones with Houston or Dallas numbers. Mister Frederico Mendoza will pick them up at the FedEx office in the morning, unless I hear from you otherwise. Also, can you please have your phone guru call me ASAP, especially before those phones ship?”
“Sure, I’ll get things started and have Dennis Chapman call as soon as I can locate him.”
“And, Mom, I don’t want either of our names associated with those phones, even on your internal paperwork.”
“I’ll get it done, but I’m going to want some explanation when we get together.”
Kyle ends the call and asks KK to get her brother on her phone. Moments later she hands her phone to her husband.
“Ryan, don’t you have Skype on your laptop?
“Yes, my user name is Brain two two two.”
“Can you get set up? I’ll call as soon as we locate a Wi-Fi hot-spot.”
“OK. I’m free the rest of the day and evening. Talk to you shortly.”
When Kyle returns her phone KK asks, “What’s going on?”
“After we left the house I realized we’ve got a potential security problem with our cell phones and I’m trying to do something about it. Sonny, I need to quickly purchase a computer headset with the ability to talk as well as listen. I also want a prepaid cell phone as a safe and secure backup.”
“You’re going to use Skype to cover your calls?” asks Kathleen.
“I’m thinking of trying to use it as much as possible.”
“That’s a pretty smart approach,” adds Sonny, “I don’t know why we didn’t do something like that in LA. With so many hot-spots around it would have been simple to do.”
“What set this off?” asks KK.
“Your talking about not having Internet capability. I knew we were too far out for DSL or cable and having a T one line to our home would not only be expensive, but could draw attention to us. Then I vaguely remembered reading Verizon built a LTE four-G network along the I two five Corridor. The article also claimed their four-G Android phones can be used to create a localized Wi-Fi hot-spot.”
“I follow that, but what about our old phones. I thought we didn’t need to do anything?”
“Regarding ownership we don’t need to make a change, but then I realized our phones can potentially be used to locate us. That created the need for new phones and new numbers. In that same thought I realized the phones needed to be kept out of our names.”
“That makes sense, but I would’ve thought we’d go with prepaid disposable phones in that case.”
“At the moment I don’t think they come with the higher level four-G service, and we need that. What I need to check out concerns the ability to track our location from our voice mail. If it can’t be traced then I plan on keeping our existing phones for a while, but with the batteries removed. Thus, when people call the old number it will automatically go to our voice mail which we can access from the new phones or from Skype.”
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Chapter 17 Now don't get me wrong here. I will always enjoy a great romp in the hay, but this one was moving much faster then I'd anticipapted. I mean I'd only opened the door and I'd already been sucked to a shattering cum and now this woman, whom I'd just met no less, was lying on MY bed, asking me to JOIN HER! Talk about a rapid relationship, though I'm not sure 'relationship' would correctly define what had just happened. Sue looked up at me, after inviting me to join her, and I guess...
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Chapter 8 That evening, as I was eating my dinner, I got a call from Henry. He let me know that his sister-in-law was going to be ok, a few broken bones but nothing that was life threatening. Then he apologized for leaving me alone in his house. I told him that it was fine and that I fully understood the situation and that it was not a problem. I assured him that I might have done the same thing if the circumstances had been reversed. family, in my humble opinion, had to be placed above...
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The candles burned low in the little hut that served as his temporary home. He had not seen any other human being that day. The last vestiges of daylight had long passed among the jungle and the village beyond. He was not sure what the people there thought of this man, stranger from a strange land, living amongst them these last few weeks. A simple meal was prepared and eaten, rice and beans, enough to fill his stomach and fortify him for his quest. As the night sounds around him became full in...
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Suzz woke up to find Anita licking the side of her neck as usual, but another tongue between her legs.She whipped back the thin sheet covering their bare bodies, ready to admonish Toby, their fictional Great Dane, for being in bed with them again.But, of course, instead of his long furry snout bringing her to the edge of orgasm, it was her son."Mikey - what are you doing here…", she started, then it gradually dawned on her excited brain - of course the university was closed and they were...
Chapter 15 I woke up the next morning with Barbara going down on me. Her hot mouth hand enveloped my entire hard-as-steel rod and I opened my eyes and watched as she bobbed her head up and down on me, taking me all the way into her mouth with each downward movement. "Damn! What a way to wake up!" I thought to myself. Eventually Barb realized I was awake and locked her eyes on mine, as I continued to watch her movements. She reached down then and grabbed my balls, gently squeezing them with...
Chapter 14 All I could do was stare. I thought I was imagining it, but there it was, a cock! Barbara has a cock between those beautiful legs. "I guess you hate me now, don't you?" she asked. While I'd been staring at her crotch, she'd raised up on her elbows and was looking at me. I could see sadness on her face. I found that I wasn't mad at her though. I could feel the pain she was in and I reached out to touch her cock for the first time. "Don't!" she said. "Buy why?" I asked. "Because...
Chapter 13 (This chapter, as well as the next one, is dedicated to a reader who has become a big fan of this story. I've chatted with him several times and in one of those conversations he mentioned something that stuck in my mind. He knows who I'm talking about and I do hope he enjoys these next two chapters. I will also give credit to those who inspire me with ideas to use in my stories, whether intentional or inadvertent. Thank you very much, T.) That afternoon I was out doing my daily...
Chapter 11 Once we got in the bedroom it didn't take long for the three to quickly shed our clothing, what we wore of it that is, and to situate ourselves on the bed. I'd already pulled back the covers and added a couple more fluffy pillows, in case they were needed, so all was ready for our encounter. LuAnn positioned herself to where her butt was on the edge of the bed, with her feet not quite touching the floor, and spread her leg wide as she could. I didn't need an oral invitation to...
Chapter 10 I woke to the sound of the shower going the next morning. Apparently I needed the extra sleep. Looking at the clock on the bedside table I saw that I'd been out almost 12 hours. I got up and went into the bathroom, and found Rob sitting the chair I'd left in there yesterday. He was enjoying the water from all three showerheads, much like I would do sometimes. "Damn," he said, once he realized I was in there with him. "I've got to get my bathroom fixed up like this one." "Those...
Chapter 9 Rob and I retired to my bedroom where we sat on each side of the bed and began to undress. I looked over at him and he was bent over taking off his shoes an socks and his shirt was riding up his back, exposing the top of his butt crack to me. I decided to hold my judgement until I saw him completely naked, so I turned around and continued getting my things off as well. Once I was finished I turned and saw him lie back on the bed, his cock resting on his belly. From what I could...
Chapter 4 The whole move took just over two weeks. First of all I had to visit several times to make sure the changes to the house were coming along the way I wanted them to. Of course the bathroom had to be enlarged. I'd grown use to the larger bath area, as well as the multiple shower heads and I was damned certain that I'd have the same thing at this house, too. Then the bedroom had to be enlarged as well. To get this right the second bedroom was incorporated into the one I chose as my...
Chapter 2 The first thing I did when I got home was check the mailbox. Sure enough the mail I'd been expecting was there, waiting for me to open it. I took it into the house and sat it on the table next to my favorite chair, while I went to the bathroom to take a leak and to get freshened up a bit. It was hot and muggy outside and I wanted to wash a little bit of the sweat off me first. I decided against taking a shower right then and just washed up in the sink. Standing in my shower was a...
When I retired, 15 years ago, I never realized just how boring my life was. I was happy though. I'd managed to stay single all my life, never even tempted to get married and have a family. Yes, I'd had plenty of girlfriends, but for one reason or another none of them lasted much longer than a couple of weeks. I think one relationship lasted almost 6 month, but I didn't end that one. She was killed by in a freak accident one evening. She lost control of her car and it went into a lake,...
Looking a porn sites of very old grannies, I have often wondered how they got those old birds of 70 plus to pose for indecent cunt and tits shots. I suppose money must come into it somewhere. So to find out I put an ad in craig list and viva street, to find out. It read: Professional photographer researching interest in pornography for men who have a fetish for really old ladies, would be willing to pay £100 to ladies over 70 who would be happy to expose the naked body in provocative...
Today I was sitting at my girlfriend Molly’s place listening to music with her, and her roommate Joni. “I need to go shopping for my FriendlyPhoebe persona” Joni says to Molly, I look up at Molly confused. “What’s that?” I ask “oh my god! Like sexy lingerie?” Molly asks Joni, “yeah, wanna go to a couple sex shops and the mall with me Molly? Oh, and it’s my OnlyFans account. FriendlyPhoebe.” “Yeah, that’s Joni’s slutty persona” Molly says teasing her friend, they both start laughing. “Yeah, I’ve...
[ready for an all-nighter? hope you're drinking your fluids] Elaine Ferguson blinked at the text that popped up on her phone, trying to make sense of it. She carefully set her paperback copy of Water for Elephants on the counter, picked up her mobile, and read it again. It felt dangerous to get a text like that, even if it was a mistake. She buzzed a little. Nice girls like her weren't supposed to get these kinds of messages. Then she checked who'd sent it and that buzz turned nauseous....
Everyone ran out into the yard where they danced around marveling at the quiet that surrounded them. There were still several meteors falling yet, so between that and the three-quarter moon, the visibility was fairly good. Which wasn't to imply it was a clear night. As a result of the continuous meteor showers for the last several days, the sky was covered with a dirty haze and the ground outside was dusted with a thin layer of ash created by the incinerated extraterrestrial debris. Even...
Luke had been moved to the day shift at the hospital. In the short time he'd been employed there, he'd made a few acquaintances and earned the respect and admiration of just about all of his co-workers. He was a quick study and soaked up knowledge like a sponge soaks up water. There was no question that he was bright, maybe even exceptionally bright. He asked for the day shift when it became available because that meant he could spend more time with Jennette. After dancing around each...
Natalie sat back, enjoying the quiet of Norfolk's Town Point Park. The smell of dead fish was annoying, but due to the destruction of the organisms which accelerated their decay, it wasn't overpowering. She watched the waves in the distance, seemingly unconcerned with anything around her. "Natalie, can you read me?" Natalie reached up and appeared to scratch her ear. "Of course I can hear you. I taught you how to use the headset, so I'm familiar with them. What's more, I heard you...
The week went very slowly for both Mel and Sean. Even though Sean kept busy in preparation for her visit, the week seemed to drag by. He wanted everything to be just perfect for her. Early in the week he went to the blood bank and gave blood. The only difference was that he bought back the blood he 'donated'. It's amazing what money can buy, he thought and chuckled. He wanted this to be a special treat from him to her. He stocked up on the best wines, which he knew she really didn't...
This is the last part of my story. But you can expect more stories from me. The old man stopped moving. Totally drenched in sweat, and very tired, he gazed towards the door and listened. For a moment I thought that it was all my mother’s imagination. But then I heard it too. A light rapping on the door. It was probably Parvathiamma. Had she come to see about how things were going? My mother looked at Vasu. He had already disengaged himself from her and had plopped down upon the cot. He seemed...
Mark walked into the cold house, he and his mother lived in."Hey Darling, I'm in the living room," Mark's mum Helen called from the other room and he went to her. He walked in the living room and wondered what was going on. Mum was making a giant bed made in front of the fireplace and it was set up for two people. "What are you doing?" he asked and hoped that Mum wasn't having a man over, but she hadn't dated in the last few years and this was a big surprise.His mum was 33 and she had shoulder...
Kit held Nichelle’s hand as they strolled from the Sweet Bean toward Whalen. “Sweet Bean has become our regular Saturday spot,” Kit remarked. “Yeah. I like the group who played there tonight.” “The Washer Women? You like Celtic music?” “Yeah, why shouldn’t I? It has a nice beat. I wish I could get some of their CDs.” “You listen to CDs?” Kit asked. “They sound better I think, don’t you? Mom has a really good sound system at home.” “Your mom is an audiophile? I’m learning all these new...
Chapter 1 When this all began, the phone didn’t ring much any more. It did a lot right after Mary died, I was invited over to friends all the time but, after three years, the calls had dwindled to pretty much a stop. We had a lot of friends who were very supportive while my wife of twenty-six years fought cancer, but, after all, they had their own lives to lead so I understood how it happens. That’s what made it so nice when my next door neighbor, Brenda, called me one Saturday several years...
The hitchhikers were heading north. I told them I was heading to Bundy (Bundaberg). They were more than happy to get in. The sheila got in the front, and the bloke got in the back. I warned them that I smoked, and they had no issues, so off we headed. I turned the CD down and asked them about themselves. I was surprised to learn that they weren’t actually travelling together. Nina was from Perth, W.A. and Paul was from London, England. I now knew why Nina wasn’t worried about travelling...
I can see it in your eyes. The lust. The want. The need. Confusion. I can sense the rise in your arousal as I walk by you as if you don’t exist. I can hear your heart race, and see you break out in a sweat. I can sense every twitch of your cock, and feel you resist the urge to stroke your cock right there in the cafeteria, surrounded by your classmates. But what I sense the most is your confusion. You don’t understand why you’re attracted to me. I’m not your type. Never have you seen anyone...
SupernaturalAfter exchanging gifts and having a glass of champagne with his long-time friend Ginebra Bellucci, Emilio Ardana sensually undresses her and starts licking her hairy pussy. The Spanish slut then sucks his cock, before placing it gently into her tight asshole. From there, it really doesn’t take long for Emilio to bust his load inside of her. After enjoying another glass of champagne the couple is joined by their mutual friend Jesus, who quickly pulls his BBC out and slips it into Ginebra’s ass,...
xmoviesforyouDarcie Belles boyfriend was preparing for a big day at work. It did not go so well, so he called her up from work letting her know he would need to relieve some stress when he got home. Darcie prepared herself mentally and physically for what she was about to endure. She waited for him nude in the hallway with her ass and pussy spread wide open. He then dragged her by the hair to the living room where he maliciously slapped her with his cock and fucked her. She was treated like a good for...