Miriam s Scruples
- 4 years ago
- 50
- 0
The day I had been awaiting a long time for finally arrived. Susan was hoisted from her tank and gently lowered onto the gurney. I hoped to have this as a family affair, but reluctantly agreed to have it transmitted throughout the ship. Her sodden hair was even longer than usual, as I moved some of it from her face. I looked down and saw an even more beautiful woman. Her body was minutely different now. Her muscles were many times stronger, and her bones made to match. She now was the epitome of the Tandra, she once thought of as supermen when she first met the other Tandra, in the Earth base.
Humans are funny. The position of ears, eyes, nose and the relative sizes and proportions of them, define a certain type of symmetry. Our mind detects the minor flaws, and rates the face as to how beautiful they are. This did not matter now, because I knew how beautiful she was on the inside as well as the outside. I also knew that she had fought like a wild cat, to defend my back, in the final rush. In doing so, she had almost been killed. What could I really say about a person that was prepared to lay down her life for me in this matter? All I cared about now, was that she was once again in our family.
The small transmitters left her body, and a module worked on all the small wounds to make her whole again. Her eyes moved under her lids, then after some movements on her face, her eyes opened wide and she saw me. There was a lot of communication going on, and I am sure that even before she awoke, she knew she was safe. A smile graced her lips, and her arms came up to me.
I could restrain myself no longer, and bent over and held her tight, as tears flooded my eyes. I had dropped my defences, and all of the girls' anguish, pain and worry flooded through me, making it even harder to control.
Her dainty hand came to my head, and moved my lips to hers. I could feel her reassurance flooding out to help me and the rest. I kissed her as tenderly as I could, thinking of her past condition. She would have none of this, and returned the embrace with as much feeling as she could.
Her quiet voice said, "Let me up dear. I have to see the rest of the family too."
Nova, Star, Blue, Sandy, Chris, Amy and her new sister Nema descended on her. I held most back, as each greeted their sister/wife the way it should be done. The feeling of love and belonging was so strong, I could feel it affecting all the functioning Tandra on the ship. One wave added to another, till we were awash in a tide of intense feelings. The Humans were affected no less, as I saw their love for my wife. This was something like what Mom had been able to do, when she greeted the mercenaries the first time, and they were completely enthralled by her.
Susan got up with the help of Blue and Nova. She was completely unconcerned with her nudity, and all the people of various species around the room. Her old robe appeared, from where Cal and Mom had stored it, and the girls helped her to put it on.
I stepped close and her head and eyes came up to mine, and it was if all the others had disappeared from sight and mind. I pulled her close, and held her tight to me, as she laid her head on my chest, and let out a small groan of approval.
I quietly said to her, "I feel your hunger pains. I think it is about time that you had a good meal. What do you think, darling?"
"You are not always the most attentive husband. I bet it has been weeks since we have eaten together."
"Ah! There you are wrong. I have come and sat beside you many times, and had my meal. It is not my fault that you did not come out and get your share." I showed her the many times her sister/wives too, had sat beside her, as they talked and ate their meals. I mentioned that Secric was on Samutzi helping Mom reintegrate the Tandra into a viable culture.
Her eyes misted, and we walked out holding tightly to my arm, and through the parting crowd of admirers. All the Tandra had heard of what Susan had done, along with Secric. The newly freed Tandra had seen their exploits. Mom and Cal had conspired to set up both of the girls as heroes, so that the Tandra would have an example to follow, and help them get over their mental problems, that they acquired when captives of the Samutz.
Rather than eat in public, I decided that we would go to the Captain's quarters. We entered a small room, and mentally told Cal where we wanted to go, and instantly we were there.
Susan stopped in wonder as she looked at this one large room. The girls had done their best to make it like home. Panels on the walls showed life as if we lived, in our house on Earth. The image of the Beaver sat at the dock as the wind and waves gently rocked the craft. In the river, a solitary loon looked for supper, as the sun set behind the mountain hiding the base. To the right, the hanger stood closed, and Dog ran after a Jay, that had the audacity to land next to his food.
From hidden audio devices, the sound of the Northern wind, rustling the poplars, came to us along with the scent of the pine and balsam. Seconds later the loon left the lake, to the flapping of wings and the distinctive call, as it reverberated off the nearby hills.
The other walls were inactive, but I knew they could show our status, systems in our vicinity, or views of Earth, or the Tandra home planet, also known as Tandra. Through a wide doorway, she saw the fire in the fireplace. Reading her mind, I knew she was in for a shock.
Upon entering the next room, she stopped again and looked at the furniture. It was the same type as she helped me pick out, well over a year ago. Hardwood floors, and a large slate area, around the fireplace made her feel comfortable. An exact replica of the carpets we had at home graced the floors here, even to the slight discolouration on one.
Susan closed her eyes in concentration, and headed to the left, and into the washroom. She stepped into the cleanser, and luxuriated in the warm water. A minute later Nova too walked in with a comb. She washed Susan's back, and after washing the hair, she started to comb out all the tangles. When she was done, Susan turned around and kissed her suna, and held her tight. I could see the dynamics working here as clear as day. Nova though much older, was the female wife of her metsu Susan.
"Thanks Nova. It is nice to know you are loved so much."
She sat on the couch, and I walked to the closet, and handed out small serving tables to the girls. Amy set hers up in front of Susan, before getting another for herself. I took one for myself, and sat across from Susan in my chair.
At each of our commands, soup was deposited on the small tables, with a spoonknife and a napkin. The girls, especially Chris, had spent a lot of time getting this meal ready. They were very anxious, that it be exactly right.
Susan asked, "And who made this delicious soup?"
No one took the kudos, or the blame, so I said, "Chris has worked for a long time making the soup. I believe she did the best she possibly could. I will give credit to those responsible, as the courses arrive."
"Courses? Are you trying to fatten me up?"
"Not in the least. I happen to know how hungry you are, from my own time in the vat."
"Well, I am hungry, and Chris, the soup is delicious. I don't think I have ever tasted better. You better not tell my mother that, because she makes very good food."
Chris just bowed her head, and smiled. This was unlike her. In fact it was unlike all the girls. It was more as if the girls had their queen drop in on them, for tea.
The food kept pouring in, and I did my best to give credit to where it was required, and all too soon I knew that Susan needed to get some natural sleep. The girls had been diligent, and scheduled their own sleep time to coincide with Susan's.
Nova cleaned Susan, like a little helpless child. All the rest of the girls removed their clothing, and Cal transported all of it away. An area in front of the fireplace was made weightless, after all of them crawled into position. Again the feeling of a queen came to me, but this time it was closer to a queen bee, and all her attendants.
I knew that now was not the time for me to be here. The girls had been waiting for Susan, since she went into the vat, and my desires came after the wants of my wives. Even though Nema was not my wife, she was bonded to Amy and she needed to be present.
All of our objectives in the present campaign had been met, or would be when the battleships completed their objectives. I wanted to get back to Mom or the one on Samutzi at least, and see what problems she had. I knew she had a very complex job to accomplish, and would probably need our assistance. Besides, Zindor held many ships, that one or another of the Samutz would enjoy taking, and conquer each other or a common enemy. Cal set a course for Samutzi, and I went to bed with my wives. It seemed as if they spread themselves out, between Susan and me.
When I awoke, I decided to make breakfast after checking with Cal. There were very few perishables left, and canned or frozen food had to do. Twenty minutes later, the first groggy person came around the corner, and then the rest of them followed. Susan came up and hugged me, and gave me a big kiss before saying, "Good morning my love. What have you made for us today?"
I presented her with pancakes, sausage, eggs, and toast from homemade bread. The bread was courtesy of Cal, and he endeavoured to make it fresh for us each day.
"Susan, I didn't tell you that our family has grown somewhat. A Softay woman was on a short trip to self-destruction. I took an orphaned Tandra child, and told her that the child was mine. She was to look after it. I am happy to report that both of them are now doing very well. The Softay do not run from me as if I am the bogeyman, anymore."
"That is a good thing to hear. I am not too familiar with all the others on this ship. You didn't take any more wives did you?"
"I can hardly take care of the ones I have. Perhaps tonight, I can show you how much I missed you." She just smiled, and hid her thoughts from me.
After breakfast we got into the chairs on the bridge, and made a leisurely trip to Samutzi at only a 100 times Cal's nominal speed.
We entered the system as if a normal Samutz vessel. The codes we sent out would be informing Mom of our presence before we would be able to communicate mentally. It was good that we did, for we found four battleships and twenty three lesser ships, laying siege to Samutzi and our forces.
We raised our shields as if ready to defend the lawful king, and raced in as fast as we could. Getting very close, I demanded the attacking ships surrender in the Samutz way. It entailed sending missile after missile into the blockading force, to relieve the siege. And if we were wrong in our assessment, then the usual Samutz response was to think that it was just too bad.
Thanks to Cal's large crystal and the one he co-opted, he had lots of processing power to send the image of the previous owner of this hull to the aggressors, and continue the attack. Within seconds the images came in of harassed looking Samutz, desperately trying to get us to cease fire. Already most of the minor ships had been destroyed, and two of the battleships damaged. We had been using the old conventional missiles, and this type of action should never have been able to happen, for they had no pickets out, and completely disregarded our hail. If they had asked our support, and told us why, then we would have had a better chance to take them with the virus, and not the largest of our old weapons.
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False Positive "Aaron McMaster, come to the principal's office." The whole class went, "Ohh, you're in trouble ..." If you wanted to describe Aaron in one word, that word would be "typical". He was around average height, around average weight, he was neither super popular nor an outcast, neither a brain nor a jock - he was one the the kids who live in the middle and for the most part remain invisible and unknown. But that was about to change ..... Walking into the...
Introduction: Tuesday, 9/17 Dear diary, ,tldr: Ethan Greenburg is a fucking loser. I guess its good Im finally realizing this now before he managed to knock me up or worse — marry me. He shows up last night, drunk off his ass past 3am, crashing and banging his way up the stairs, so I get up and hes sprawled out on the couch with all of his shit laying around, and Im like WHAT THE FUCK ETHAN?! Id give you three guesses diary, but youd get it in one because youve heard this story before, his...
Sarai Minx is having some plumbing issues so she calls a plumber to come take a loog. During the inspection, the plumber, Danny Steele, gets his plunger stuck to his outfit. While trying to pull it off, he pulls a bit too hard which rips off his entire uniform, leaving him naked in her kitchen. When she walks in, at first she’s shocked but then realizes how sexy his body is and his huge dick. She decides that she wants to have a bit of fun instead She gets on her knees to give him an...
xmoviesforyouI had recently moved to a new place, Not knowing the neighborhood and people made me a bit nervous.I had unpacked my clothes,kitchenware,and misc. boxes. I had not showered for a day or so in the midst of getting everything ready. I had just got undressed and was already hard and horny.My cock was needing some attention as well. I figured I could have some fun after or during the shower. The water was hot and relaxing as it cascaded over my body and bouncing water droplets off my cock. I...
The Retreat After a time of admiring their gifts, the women went to their suites to put them away before agreeing to meet in the kitchen, taking time out to dress and make themselves beautiful, of course. The men, knowing what would happen to them if they didn’t volunteer, pitched in to take the trash bags of wrapping paper and boxes to the incinerator and generally to put the living room back in order. Matt, not having done it before, found himself having a ball on one of the riding...
I went to a an adult toy party recently with one of my girlfriends which was alot of fun. I was not shy at all about it as my husband and I used many different things over the years to kind of spice things up. I had such a good time that my girlfriend suggested I talk to the hostess and host one myself, you know, if you host you get free stuff, or discounts so I agreed to do it. I picked a night when my husband was out of town and my in-laws kept the kids overnight. I got everything together...
LesbianAll my life I trained to be a Scout and the five years in the Scouts was everything I expected. At least until I broke an admiral's arms and legs for killing all the civilians in a town. That was when I was asked to resign my commission. My name is Devlin Saint and I am twenty three. I got off the port transport vehicle and walked through the port gates and headed into the large town. A guard cleared his throat and I turned to look at him, "yes?" He nodded to the large bore plasma pistol...
‘You are such an ass,’ my wife grumped at me as I came into the kitchen for my morning coffee. ‘Me?’ ‘I’d call you a son-of-a-bitch,’ she steamed, ‘but I really like your mother.’ ‘What is your problem?’ ‘False pretenses,’ she snapped. ‘All right, look,’ I said somewhat wearily as I took a chair at the kitchen nook table. ‘You’re going to have to explain yourself.’ Kylie took a seat opposite me, her eyes flashing angrily. ‘I married you under false pretenses,’ she stated emphatically. I threw...
Disclaimer: This story (and all parts thereof) is copyrighted, except as noted. Permission is granted to post on free sites only, with permission. If you are under legal age where you are to read adult material, stop now. Thanks. Authors Note: This story is based on the Skid Row song "18 And Life" The idea occurred a long time ago, and hearing the song after all this time inspired me to write it. Its as life often can be, tragic... If you are so inclined, please leave feedback...
Geeta, while only 17 years old, was far too experienced a prostitute to feel uncomfortable with the load of cum that sprayed into her mouth. Instead she was glad that her customer had come to orgasm, despite the salty but unusually bitter flavour of the sperm she refrained from swallowing. In fact, she'd deliberately rushed his release by gently inserting a middle finger up his ass, massaging his prostate and quickly bringing him to the most powerfully shocking orgasm he'd ever had in his...
June 12, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “How was the movie?” I asked Samantha on Saturday morning. “Totally cool!” she replied. “It was like the dinosaurs were real. I mean, obviously they aren’t, but the graphics work was amazing!” “And the plot?” “Hokey, but entertaining. I think you’ll like it.” “Too scary for the boys?” “I think Jesse would be fine, and probably Matthew. I wouldn’t take Nicholas, Michael, or Albert.” “Scary how?” “Being chased and eaten by dinosaurs! The two oldest ones...
Juan Loco is worried that his dick is shrinking, so he’s been measuring it. Today, he starts calling for his stepsister Ryan Reid to have her measure for him. Again. She tries to tell Juan he needs to cut it out, but Juan insists that he needs to know. When Ryan tells Juan he really needs to get over it. When Juan isn’t convinced, Ryan tells him that what they’re going to do is get him hard and measure him over the next few hours. Juan claims he can’t get hard because...
xmoviesforyouIt’s Charlie fucking Valentine everybody and this girl with the bodacious ass is back for round 2 after her glorious debut over at HotMILFsFuck. Yes this a shoot that happened on July 12th and was one of Jake’s last, and yes this goddess of a girl thinks she’s working with Jake “the director” again. And you can bet this horn dog of a stiff cock just couldn’t wait to get his fingers or cock inside this girl’s holes once again. So has Charlie ever had a BBC before you ask? What do you think? Fuck...
xmoviesforyouSaturday morning we had already packed our bags and were getting getting into the limos at our hotel, heading to the Ryman Auditorium for rehearsals when Mom tugged my sleeve, then held her arms out to me when I turned. “Jerry, you get better each time you perform. I love the way you slow those ballads down. I want you to slow them down even more today when you sing them at rehearsal - and tonight too. “Last night at The Mockingbird Lounge, when you did ’I Can’t Stop Loving You’ on the...