SamChapter 3A free porn video

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The next morning I felt super. I hadn't slept at all well the previous night and I needed the rest. I ran a brush through my hair and I padded down to the kitchen in my bare feet and the babydoll nightie to see about some breakfast. Mrs. Reynolds was already there, taking a batch of bacon out of the microwave. It smelled heavenly.

"Good morning!" she said cheerfully. "You were so tired last night that I thought you might sleep in, but here you are, up with the bluebirds."

"I slept almost nine hours straight," I said, snitching a piece of bacon from the plate. "That's plenty. I feel wonderful!"

"Well, sit down and I will fix you some eggs and toast to go with the bacon that will burn your mouth if you aren't careful."

"Where are Jim and Bud? Are they up yet?"

"No, they stayed up late watching those porn videos they think I don't know about. They usually sleep in on Saturday morning. They will probably crawl down here about ten and have a bowl of CocoaSugarWhatevers. I should be glad they ate well last night at least." She shook her head over her sons' idea of a decent diet.

After breakfast we both went back upstairs to shower and dress. I put on my walking shoes, a pair of cutoff denim shorts, and one of my more modest knit tops. The top wasn't quite as modest as it had been. Now it was skin-tight and much shorter than it used to be.

When I met Mrs. Reynolds at the side door, she was wearing almost the same thing. Her shorts were a couple of inches shorter, but it was almost the same outfit. It was uncanny how much like each other we were, and I was happy to see the 'sister' part of our relationship blossoming.

On the way to Mom's, she asked me if I wanted her to go in with me to talk to Yvette.

"No thanks. This is something I have to do alone."

"Good girl. Oh, before I forget." She reached into her purse on the seat beside her and pulled out a keychain with two keys on it. "Here are your keys to the house. The big one is for the front and side doors and the little one opens the French doors in the family room."

She did not give me a lecture about not losing the keys, nor did she warn me to act responsibly about locking the doors; just "Here are your keys." I put the keys in my pocket. I kept my hand on them, holding them tightly all the way to Mom's. These were my anchor to my new life, just as I was about to cut loose of my old one.

We pulled up in front of the house behind a car I did not recognize. I had no clue who could be visiting at this time of the morning. Mom almost never had visitors.

I let myself into the house through the front door and listened, expecting to hear voices. There was only silence. I walked down the hall toward my room. The door was open and everything was just as I had left it. I started gathering up the things I wanted to take back with me and; putting them on the bed. There wasn't too much in the closet that I wanted except for a few pairs of shoes and some skirts that I could still wear now that my blouses were all history. I went through my dresser drawers and my vanity. When I had everything piled on the bed, I stuffed it all into a couple of big shopping bags.

I decided to check the bathroom to see if I had left anything in there that I might want. As I passed my mother's room on the way to the bathroom at the end of the hall I saw that the door was halfway open. I peeked in and saw my mother lying on the rumpled bed, still asleep. From the state of the covers, she must have spent a rough night, tossing and turning. I hated to wake her, so I quietly pulled the door closed and tiptoed to the bathroom door. As I reached for the doorknob, I noticed the light coming from under the door. At that exact moment, the light went out and the door opened. Before I had a chance to react, someone came out of the dark room and walked straight into me. To keep from being knocked down, I wrapped my arms around them. I noticed two things immediately: the stranger was female and naked.

We both jumped and she gave out a startled squeak. That struck me as funny and I giggled. Since I was giggling, she started giggling too. Before we woke up Mom, I whispered, "Shhh! Come with me" and gave her a quick hug. With my arm still around her I guided her down the hall and into my room, where I closed the door so we could talk and not wake up Mom.

The stranger was a woman in her late 20's or early 30's. She had black hair down past her shoulders, light gray eyes, pale skin and a lovely, heart-shaped face. I moved my shopping bags off the bed and we sat down together. I put my arm back around her, to reassure her and because it felt good to have my hand on her naked skin. I looked into her eyes and wondered what on earth I was supposed to say to my mother's lover. The situation was so unexpected that I started to giggle again. When I did, so did she. She had a high-pitched laugh that reminded me again of a little mouse and we both gave in to a giggling fit that ended with both of us lying on the bed in each other's arms. I was both very attracted to the stranger and very happy that my mother had made good on the promise she made to me about doing something for herself. On impulse, I kissed her. I figured I was entitled. After all, I had her naked and in my bed. She kissed back. I decided I liked her on the spot. She must have liked me too because she kept kissing me. Before this went any further, I decided that introductions were in order. I pulled my head back to break the kiss, but I kept my lips a fraction of an inch from hers.

"Hi," I said, looking into her gray eyes. I was still trying to think what to say to her.

"Hi, yourself." She grinned. "I hope you're Samantha."

"That's me," I admitted. "Who are you?"

"Jan Overton."

"Hello, Jan. It's very nice to meet you. I'd shake hands but I think we went past that part already. Why don't you kiss me again and then tell me how you know my mother?" We kissed again. She was a good kisser. Without thinking about it I put my hand on her breast and cupped her nipple in my palm. She moaned and I felt her arm around my back pull us closer. She broke the kiss this time. I kept my hand where it was.

"What was the question again?" She asked, laughing. "Yvette and I both work at the plant. I first saw her at a company meeting late last year. I've been trying to get her to go out with me ever since, but she always refused. She said she had to stay home and take care of you. I guess I had the idea that you were a little girl, but you're not; are you?"

"No, I'm only five. I'm just very advanced for my age. And you weren't trying to get her to go out, you were trying to get her into bed, you seducer of older women!"

"Oh, sure. And what's going on here? I have known you for barely five minutes and you already have me naked and in your bed. And if you don't quit playing with that, I'm going to have to kiss you some more."

"As much as I'd like that, I have someone waiting for me and I have to get moving before she wonders what happened to me. It looks like you wore Mom out pretty good last night. She's usually up before now. Look, I want you to do me a big favor, OK? When she wakes up, tell her that I have decided to move in with Bambi. I just came by to collect my stuff. I don't want to wake her up to tell her that. I think if you tell her she will have an easier time taking it as good news instead of bad."

"She told me you would only be gone for the weekend. She was excited about going out last night, but it was hard for her to decide to do it. It was harder for her to bring me here. She's always acted like she had to hide from you; like you would be horrified if you found out she was a lesbian. You don't look particularly horrified to me, and stop pulling my nipple if you don't want to get raped."

I sat up and straddled her hips, pinning her to the bed. I grabbed my top with both hands and pulled it over my head. Lowering myself over her, I let my breasts press into hers. "But I'm just a little girl!" I said in a childish voice. "Please don't rape me!"

"Oh, jeeez," she said. "Those are really nice. You're fantastic. You're beautiful. You're funny. You're certainly not straight. What is Yvette freaking out over?"

"Ask yourself what a lesbian would be like if she tried to raise her child to be straight? Now imagine doing that without letting the child know she was gay?"

"She'd be as fucked-up as Yvette. You're leaving because you want to give her space to be herself, without worrying about her trying to act against her nature because of you. Damn, you're smart too."

"Now you're a flatterer as well as a rapist and a seducer. I may have to stay here to protect Mommy from you. Oh, damn. I've got to go. Tell her to relax. Tell her be herself. Tell her I love her."

"Samantha? I love her too."

"I have to ask. Are you gay or bi?"

"Gay. I've never been attracted to men. Why?"

"Because it would kill her if you left her for a man." I got up and pulled my top back on. As I pulled it over my head, I felt Jan's hands on my breasts. I didn't pull the top all the way down. I stood there and enjoyed being fondled. "You're a child molester, too. And a good one," I told her. "Help me carry this stuff out?"

We both grabbed a bag and I took some coats over one arm. We lugged it all to the front door.

"I'll be at the Reynolds house on Ridgeway Court. It's in the book. Call me later and let me how she's doing, OK?" I gave Jan a quick kiss goodbye. It seemed the friendly thing to do.

I pushed the screen door open, grabbed my stuff and hauled it to the car. Mrs. Reynolds helped me get it into the back seat. I turned and waved goodbye to Jan who was standing in the doorway, watching us. When we were about to drive off, Mrs. Reynolds said, "I may regret asking this, but who was that naked woman I saw you kissing?"

"Would you believe, my mother's other lover?"

"You're kidding!"

"No. I have a streak going. I plan to seduce all my mother's lovers."

"Impressive. You were in there all of twenty minutes. If there is a World Record for seducing women, I think you just broke it."

"I can do better. I'll bet you I can get Neeka naked and in my arms in under a minute from the time she walks in the door."

"No bet. I thought I was going to be teaching you how to use your sexuality to get what you want. Hah! You are the expert. I am just an amateur."

"Well, actually, I did have her in my bed, naked, in under five minutes. And you can verify that. She promised to call me later. You can ask her."

"You're serious?" She thought we'd been playing out a fantasy.

"You think I'm kidding? Nope. I'm perfectly serious." There was a lull in the conversation during which she kept looking at me sideways to see if I was going to crack a smile. The third time she did it, I just nodded.

"Incredible." She said, shaking her head.

"Well, I had to make sure that Mom would be in good hands. I think she will. That's why I'm in such a good mood. I think Jan is just what she needs. I hope she moves into my old room."

"That was fast."

"Not really. It seems that Jan has been chasing her for months. This was the first time that Mom would agree to a date. Afterward, they both came over here. They had a lot of fun last night and Mom is all worn out. This must have been the first time in years that she was in bed with someone of the right sex. She probably tried to make up for lost time. Maybe I should send over a pizza or something. They might not get out for awhile."

"We'll send Chinese take-out. It reheats better."

"Good idea. Mom likes Chinese, but we rarely ate out."

"Her favorite is Moo Goo Gai Pan. I assume you found out what Jan likes? You seem to know everything else."

"Gee, I missed that one. Darn! I'm slipping!"

"You're incorrigible. What am I going to do with you?"

"It's only a guess, but I'd say the same thing Mom is doing with Jan."

"I think you're right. Your room or mine? Or the front lawn? Or the kitchen counter? How about the back seat?"

"You kinky girl! My room. Ten minutes. Come naked."

Ten minutes later a beautiful naked woman came into my room and made passionate love to me. It wasn't even 9am and I had already been in bed with two lovely women. I had a date for later that looked very promising as well. This was shaping up to be a great day.

Bambi and I were lying on my bed, cuddling and enjoying the mutual afterglow. She asked, "What would you like to do now?"

"Once more, please," I answered, stroking her thigh. "Then I'd like to take a sunbath."

"You're wonderful. Have I told you that in the last two minutes?"

"Shut up and kiss me."

"Greedy, too. Would you like me to use the strap-on?"

"Oh, yes! But go easy. Last time you broke something."

"Ha. Ha. Back in a sec." She hopped out of bed and opened the bottom drawer of the dresser. I peered down over her shoulder. There was a large collection of sex toys in the drawer. They were all shapes, sizes, colors and types.

"My goodness! It's a whole store! How many do you have?"

"Ben loved to buy me things. Especially sexy clothes and toys. I have a lot of both. This is just some of the toys. There are some in each guest room and a big box full down in my closet."

"You know, that's the first time you've mentioned your husband's name."

She tensed up and then her shoulders slumped in resignation as she decided if it was time she dealt with the unpleasant subject. I bit my lip while I waited for her, wondering if I had gone too far.

"I guess that's one of the things I do to cope with him not being here. If I don't say his name, it puts some distance between me and a big hole in my life."

Her face fell and I was sorry to have made her sad. I got down off the bed and sat on the floor with her. I crawled into her lap and put my head on her shoulder. She put her arms around me and we rocked. I wanted to say something to make her feel better, but I was afraid of saying the wrong thing, again. Usually, I had no trouble at all shooting my mouth off; a habit that occasionally gets me into trouble. This time I thought it over first.

"You told me that he liked for you to tell him about the women that you made love to," I said. Bambi nodded. "Well, I want you to make love to me and I want you to think of him watching us. Would he have liked to do that?"

She shivered. "Oh, yes! He would have loved to watch me make love to another woman. None of my lovers were ever comfortable with that, though. He never got the chance."

"Well, if he's watching us now, he's going to be really really happy. I want you to fuck me and then I'll do you."

"I have a better idea," she said. She reached into the drawer and pulled out a long black double-headed dildo. "We can use this one and do each other together."

"Oh, wow! That's big. Is that going to fit my little pussy?"

"If you're trying to get me hot again, that kind of talk will certainly do it. Let's get back on the bed so we don't get rug burns."

We rubbed our pussies together some to get the juices flowing again. It didn't take long for me to get well-lubricated. Bambi pushed one end of the dildo between us and twisted it around, getting it wet. When she slid away, I spread my knees and grabbed my ankles to hold my legs apart. She stroked my pussy with the tip of the dildo until my labia spread apart and my opening was running with juice. She pushed the head of the dildo against my little hole and it slowly slipped into me. The feeling was a totally new experience. I had never had something that big inside me before. The dildo she had used to break my cherry was much thinner than this. I could feel this one pressing on the inside of my vagina all the way around. I was being stretched for the first time and I totally loved it.

After every inch she pushed it in, she would stop and work it around, loosening me up before pushing in further. She had four inches of it inside me when I felt my vaginal muscles start to close around the big dildo in response to the intrusion.

"Just try to relax," she coached me. "You will get used to it in a little while. Try to remember the feeling of which muscles are working, so you can do it yourself, later. These are the muscles that you use to squeeze a real cock when you get one in you. It will drive a man crazy when you grab his cock with your pussy."

Even though I was almost delirious with arousal, I tried to focus on the muscles in my vagina. I could feel them move, and after a few tries, I could twitch them a little when I tried. I still could not make them stop when I wanted, though. It seemed as if my pussy had a mind of its own and I could only make suggestions about what I wanted it to do.

After a few minutes, they seemed to stop on their own. When she saw me relax, Bambi pushed some more of the dildo into me. Gradually, about eight inches went in. The next time she pushed I felt a totally different sensation. It was sort of like pain, sort of like pressure, and made me really hot. My mouth dropped open and my eyebrows shot up my forehead.

Seeing my reaction, Bambi said, "It just hit your cervix. That's as far as it will go until you get stretched out more. With practice, you can take bigger and longer cocks. Some of the biggest are over a foot long."

"NO WAY!" I said, incredulously. My experience with the things boys carried around in their pants was extremely limited and mostly from rumor, but it seemed unbelievable that they could grow that big. It was even more unbelievable that I might be able to get something that size into my little pussy.

"I said 'over'. A very few men have cocks up to sixteen inches long. That's twice the size of your vagina at the moment. They get thick, too. Ben's was almost as thick as a soda can. It took me quite a while to get stretched out so I could take that monster, but I managed it and it was a lot of fun getting there. That's how he convinced me to prepare for the treatment. If I could stretch my pussy to take his cock, I could stretch my breasts as well."

All this talk of giant cocks was making me hotter than I had ever been. Imagining men with huge cocks ramming them into me over and over had my juice practically squirting out of my pussy around the dildo Bambi was twisting in me.

"Do you like feeling it touch your cervix? Some women do, but some say it hurts."

"Oh, God! I like it. It feels... like it's trying to get into my womb!" I had lost control of my vaginal muscles completely. They weren't even taking suggestions anymore. They were just spasming all over the dildo, making it twitch in random directions. I had thought it was Bambi twisting it, but it was just me.

"Hang on a minute," she said, seeing how I was so into this, "let me join you." She took the other end of the long dildo and slid it into her own pussy. It went into her much easier than it had into me, but she still had to pause a couple of times before it was all the way in. I heard her gasp each time. Finally, she had it all the way in and we were each impaled on opposite ends of the big black dildo. There was still about an inch of plastic showing between us. If we wanted to rub our clits together, we were going to have to work at taking more of the big rod. I started working my hips around to see if I could squirm more of the dildo into me. Since I was tighter than she was, I had the better grip on the dildo. Every move I made was echoed on the other end. If I pushed down, it shoved the dildo into her. If I pulled back, it pulled out of her. It was as if I had grown a cock and was fucking her with it. I wanted to try to make her cum first, but every time I moved, I got lost in the sensations in my own pussy. If we were going to do this, some teamwork would be necessary.

We each got a good hold on the other's legs and began to pull and push on each other. This allowed us to anticipate the motion and get a rhythm going. I quickly realized that I would not last very long at all doing this. The sensations were just too intense. Every time we pulled together, the head of the dildo would hit my cervix and I would almost get pushed over into a climax.

Somewhere during all this the extra inch of the dildo disappeared and I could feel Bambi's pussy touching mine. The feeling of our labia rubbing together around the dildo was too much for either of us to take.

"Oh, this is wonderful!" Bambi cried out. "I'm going to cum. I can't stop. Oh! Cum with me!"

I was right there with her. I gasped, "Me too! Oh-oh-oh-oh! Oh Yesssssss!"

I lost my hold on her legs and just flopped onto the bed twitching and jerking as the second climax of the morning took over my body. I abandoned all attempts to keep control and let myself go completely. The contractions in my pussy grew very strong as I came. I felt Bambi's legs intertwine with mine, locking us together. My orgasm went on a long time, mostly because every time either of our pussies tugged the dildo, the motion would be transmitted through the shaft to the other. This way, we shared everything the other felt. It was a fantastic experience. I wondered how much better it would be to actually have a real live hard cock throbbing in my pussy. I thought the feelings of shared intimacy must be amazing.

We lay on the bed with the dildo connecting us while we recovered. I felt limp, excited, tired, energized, and high; all at the same time. As my pulse slowed to a more normal rate, the afterglow washed over me. I noticed that the feeling of euphoria and well-being that I usually had after an orgasm was different after the second one. If I came and then let myself fully recover, it was a golden glow of slowly fading pleasure. If I came again before it faded completely, the next was much stronger and there was more of a feeling of a prolonged climax than a pleasant glow. I wondered what it would feel like if I came a third time in a row.

As I idly stroked Bambi's legs where they wrapped around my torso, I focused on the muscles in my vagina. They had finally stopped contracting on their own and I tried to see if I could get them to flex under my control. I closed my eyes and let myself drift as I tried to talk to my pussy. After a few wrong moves, I found the right channel. It was a tenuous connection at best, but I knew it would get better with practice. I knew I had never been able to do this before because it would have been impossible to get the right feedback without something filling my vagina. While I was playing, Bambi raised her head.

"What on earth are you doing?" She asked. "I was just coming down and here you are getting me worked up again."

I had forgotten that whatever I did on my end, she could feel on hers as well. "Just testing something." I told her. "Do you want me to stop?"

"Noooooo. You keep going. I'll just tag along for the ride, if you don't mind. Girl, you have enough stamina for a room full of women."

"OK, you just relax. There is something I want to know." I wrapped my arms around her legs and started working my stomach, my hips, and my pussy. I danced on the dildo like a belly-dancer. Instead of pushing and pulling, I concentrated on squeezing and flexing muscles that until now, I did not know I had. As I worked myself toward another climax, I heard Bambi begin to moan with pleasure at the sensations I was sending through our plastic connection. Soon, she began to whimper and shake and I knew I had worn her out. She had gone completely passive and was just letting herself be carried along to another climax.

By just concentrating on my own pleasure I was able to work myself into a frenzy of arousal in only a few minutes. It was deliciously liberating to be able to focus entirely on reaching climax. I put my whole attention and my entire being into making myself cum. Even though Bambi and I were as together as two people could be, allowing myself to be completely selfish with the pleasure I was feeling made it possible for me to reach a much higher level of arousal. I felt like every nerve in my body had a direct connection to my clit. The sexual power I was generating felt almost like a physical thing. I felt radiant. I felt glorious. I felt like I was crackling with electricity.

Where most of my orgasms came on suddenly and hit me in a rush, this one crept up slowly, building to a higher level than I had ever felt before. I reached for it. I welcomed it. I merged with it. I surrendered to it. There was no peak, no jolt, no rollercoaster-drop feeling this time. I just kept going higher and higher into a purer sensation of ecstasy than I had ever felt. The climax pushed everything else out of my head and completely took over. I was totally detached from rest of the world. Thought ceased and I became pleasure itself. My whole world was one pure, clear note of ecstasy and my body rang with it.

I have no idea how long I stayed in that place. The sensation was total and absolute. Time did not exist. Thought did not exist. Change did not exist.

The world came back in bits and pieces. A sound here — a feeling there. Slowly, like a song heard faintly in the distance that gets clearer as you approach the source, the world came back. I slid sideways into awareness. The single pure note of pleasure remained, but it no longer contained me, now I contained it. The feeling of total pleasure, or total arousal remained, but I could see and hear and feel other things as well. It was a unique sensation. I was cumming, I was still in the middle of a climax, but it seemed to have crystallized. The unwavering intensity of it dominated my thoughts, but now I had thoughts. I waited a while for the feeling to change, to fade, but it did not. It was if the orgasm switch in my head had got stuck in the 'on' position.

I felt so good, I was worried about how good I felt. I know that makes no sense, but it did to me at the time. It was fantastically invigorating to be able to feel this much pleasure and still be able to function. I almost hated to move or to try to speak. I was afraid to do anything for fear of jarring myself out of it. I decided to just go with the flow. There were certainly worse fates than being in a state of continuous climax.

I got up on my elbows and looked down my body. My chest was flushed all the way down to my navel. My nipples were engorged and red and super-hard. I did not dare touch them. I knew the sensation would be so intense that it would be painful. Looking down below my abdomen, I could see my clit standing straight up almost a half inch out from my body. I didn't even want think about what that would feel like to touch.

The dildo was still inside me and Bambi was still on the other end. She seemed to have fallen asleep or passed out. I listened and could hear her breathing. She was so deeply asleep that it was just on the verge of being a snore. I really had worn her out! I hated to disturb her, but I was so energized that I just had to get up and move around. I carefully moved her legs so I could slide away from her. She did not react at all. She kept snoring faintly. I flexed my knees and planted my heels on the bed and slid my rear away from her. The dildo came with me, still tightly wedged in my pussy.

As I pulled the plastic shaft out of her, Bambi moaned and I saw her lips move, like she was talking, but no sound came out. I could not be sure, I was certainly no lip-reader, but it looked to me like she was mouthing the word 'Ben'. When I saw that, I froze. If I woke her now, I could never forgive myself. This was as close to her husband as she was ever going to be again. I felt an incredible sense of joy at being there and seeing that. I had to get out of the bed before I did anything to disturb her dream.

Making sure I would not bump into Bambi, I walked my feet over the bed and carefully slid them off the edge. When they were on the floor, I stood up and tried to walk around the foot of the bed. The double-headed dildo swung between my legs and slapped against my thighs. The sensation of it twisting around in my pussy was mostly masked by my ongoing climax, but it still added to it nicely. I spread my legs and wiggled my hips. The dildo squirmed inside me like it was alive. I took hold of the dangling part and stroked it, fantasizing that I was a boy and it was my cock. I imagined that I was fucking a girl with my big dick, thrusting and pushing my hard cock into her soft wet pussy. In my mind, the girl was Neeka. That image very nearly sent me to my knees as my climax threatened to draw me back into a state of oblivion. I decided to forego the fantasy for the moment. The reality would be along in only a few hours.

I hated to take the dildo out. I had got used to the wonderful stuffed feeling it gave my pussy and I suspected that when it was out I would feel very empty. Still, I could not very well walk around with it dangling between my legs. Or maybe I could. Who would care? Bambi was asleep. The only other people who might see me were Bud and Jim. Seeing me with a huge black dildo hanging out of my pussy would probably make their day. I thought about going looking for them, just to see the looks on their faces.

It was really tempting, but I decided to save that little adventure for a time when I wasn't already at a sexual peak. I reminded myself that there was plenty of time to play all the games I could possibly think of. I wondered if I should start making a list, so I wouldn't forget any of the great ideas I had.

Same as Sam
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Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 12 "Mom, can you come here a minute?" Nicole said as she struggled to latch on the bra strap. "What's a matter, need help?" Amanda asked. "Yes, I do," she before Amanda hooked it up. "Nervous about your first day?" Amanda asked. "A little," Nicole said as she tried to brush her hair just right. "I'm sure it will be fun," Amanda said. It was going to be a bit liberating. She could openly be Nicole. But she still had butterflies. Nicole...

4 years ago
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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 20

It took quite a while ... but ... eventually ... someone remembered the Austin's and the tent and the high bluff looking over Pearl. The 'quite a while' was early 1943 ... the war was getting organized. Production was up. Men were training, new aircraft were coming off the lines ... yeah. The MP Lieutenant ... newly Captained ... was finally returned to the islands. Immediately after the attack, he had been called to Washington ... lots of officers had been called to Washington ... the...

1 year ago
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Gold Plated Garbage TruckChapter 12 The Great All American Country Western Opera

Have you ever heard about people being able to become more than they are? You know, like putting five gallons of water in a three gallon bucket and not spill any? Well, this one afternoon we actually had that happen to us. "You know," I observed, "here we are sittin' around, drinkin' beer and doin' shit, tryin' to come up with a whole different set of routines and numbers for a new tour. And I can't see that it has anything to do with our music. We aren't country western performers,...

4 years ago
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Wills new old home Part 1

“Ooooohhhh...” she moaned to herself. Will was wearing sliders, yet Rachel could see the outline of his cock through them. She loved seeing him naked. He was thin but still he had pecks and his tummy had slight curves from a slight six pack. “He has such a great body..” she thought to herself. Will had nice biceps which matched his broad shoulders. He was about 5’7, and what drove Rachel crazy was his emerging adam’s apple, “Oh, day I’ll be with you...and you’ll be all...

2 years ago
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Why my wife fucks around

I was just sharing some memories with a new friend. I was telling him how I had fucked my girlfriend ( my wife now ) in her family's den one day while her grandmother was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I was on my way out of town for my job and I made a quick detour to see my sexy girlfriend. She was still in high school so I knew I had to get there early before she left. Her grandmother lived with them and she let me in. Then she called my girlfriends name . Leila she said you have a visitor....

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Sweet Teen Daughter Spices Up My Sex Life 8211 Part 3

Hi all, this is Jay aged 40+years, height 5.6ft, working in MNC (Software) abroad right now on deputation. I am a big fan of ISS but never thought I get involve into incest until a few years ago. Finally decided to share my experience here with fellow ISS fans. I and my best friend fucked my teenage daughter, Mangala, aged 19, who is doing her college. We fucked her at various locations, our house, my friend Kishore house, swimming pool, abroad, in the car, outside in open fields, etc. This is...

3 years ago
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Masturbating With My Classmates Before College

Our weekly masturbation sessions had a really nice vibe to them. They always started with solo pleasure while watching each other, then we would naturally pair off and have sex.Samantha and my best friend Tiff were now girlfriends, while Jack and Steven were boyfriends. I'd recently brought in Thomas to make up an even number of six. We weren't a couple, but we'd had sex a few times. Occasionally, some of us would play with the others: Tiff might have sex with Thomas, and I loved to swallow the...

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Brats Incestuous Lesson Chapter 3 Brats Final Taboo Lesson

Chapter Three: Brat's Final Taboo Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Kat Fear rushed through me at my mother's fury. I ripped my pussy off Daddy's cock and threw myself from straddling him on his recliner. Mother stood at the entrance of the living room, wearing her gardening clothes. She was supposed to be out in the backyard. She wasn't supposed to come into the house and catch me with Daddy. I fled. I raced out of the living room, tears spilling down my cheeks. I felt the cum...

11 months ago
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EvilAngel Jessica Starling Titty Fuck BJ 3Way

Busty blonde Jessica Starling looks hot in skimpy lingerie, teasing and touching herself through a heated intro. The wild hottie whips out her big boobs and shakes them for the camera, ready to feel her sweet mouth filled with dick. Irrepressible Jessica models a shirt that reads, ‘CUM ON MY FACE.’ Pornographer Jonni Darkko and hung stud Jovan Jordan arrive to quench her cock lust. Jovan slaps his big Black cock over Jessica’s knockers, and the young babe reciprocates the...

1 year ago
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Wifes Revenge and Reward

I had my husband tied to the bed, as he claimed he loved to be. I timed mybobs to correspond with his thrusting hips. John's cock, purple with need,slid in and out of my wet, red-lipsticked lips effortlessly. My fingersencircled his shaft, stroking in time with my mouth and urging him to cum."Oh God!" he cried. "I am gonna cum!" My response wasn't spoken, becausethat would require me to break suction from his cock. Instead, I hummed apleasurable sound that conveyed my willingness to accept...

2 years ago
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Oral train ride

grandparent's house down in Florida. I was just 15 years old and although i had riden the train many times, this one was the longest and most fun. This also was only the second time i rode the train alone, and i was a bit scared as well as excited. As soon as we were underway and everything was in order, i headed for the lounge car. That was always my favorate part of the train. Lots of big windows to check out the views. It was also the place that riders go to smoke cigs and...

3 years ago
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Aprils GiftChapter 12

Ron sat at the kitchen table with Mattie and stacks of pennies and dimes. “What is thirteen?” he asked. Mattie puzzled over the coins and slid a dime and a penny toward her. “Think about it -- try to visualize it.” Mattie slid two more pennies toward her. “This.” “Right! Thirteen is ten and three. What if you add eight to thirteen?” Mattie bit her lip and, one at a time, slid eight pennies toward her. “There.” “How many pennies?” She counted. “Eleven.” “If we have more than ten pennies,...

2 years ago
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Married Traveling Cocksucker Business Man

I haven't had the chance to fuck around with a guy in a couple of years. The last time was before craigslist personals got shut down. That was always my go to. I found a married guy who traveled from Chicago to Raleigh regularly for business. I let him be my cocksucker in his hotel room. His request was that I walk in, Drop my pants and sit down on the couch. I was to let him have control of the situation from there. It was cold outside and I remember sitting in the parking lot for a while...

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Hoop Dream

Hoop Dream By J.L. Williams Jack Salmon looked up at the clock, there was ten seconds left in the game. Plenty of time to drive for a lay up or dish off to Bill Devers, his center. This was Jack's favorite part of basketball, down one point, with him in control of the game. Jack faked left, began his drive down the free throw lane, his basketball vision saw the opposing team's center move to block his shot. Jack never hesitated, a no look pass to his center turned into a thundering...

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Good News Bad News

Good News, Bad News "Honey, I have wonderful news. I've decided I'm finally ready to have ababy."I perked up. "That's wonderful!" I said. My wife, Laney, had dragged herfeet on for years ever since we had married eight years earlier. "Whatmade you decide to do it now?""I'm 32, and while my biological clock isn't becoming a big issue yet, Idon't want to get into a situation where it is. So I'm thinking maybetonight would be a good time to ... uh ... work on that. How do you feelabout that?" She...

4 years ago
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Chudakkad biwi

Is story ke pehle part ko padne ke baad, humme bahut se email mile. Jaan kar achha laga ki aapko humaari kahaani achhi lahi. Is story ko likhne ka aim aapko yeh batana hai ki sex ki bhook insaan se kya kya karaati hai. Isko likhne mein hume bhi ek ajeeb tarah ka mazaa aata hai. Aapko isse pad kar mazaa aaya, yeh jaan kar hume aur bhi mazaa aaya. Pichhle part ko padke aapko yeh to pata lag hi gaya hoga ki Mamta ki pyaas kitni zyaada hai. Aur yeh bhi pata lag gaya hoga ki hum ek doosre se kitna...

2 years ago
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Allie and me part 8

My music is up, and I think "Only a few more songs til a smoke break." Yeah, Im a smoker now. Thats why I made saved by a cigarette. Through the music I think I hear my mom yell Allie's real name. Now I have a pretty wild imagination. I didn't think I could hear anything with these things going on full blast, so I just shake it off. But around 15 minutes later, I take off my earbuds, and grab a cigarette. My mom comes down the stairs, faster than a bat out of hell. Her expression...

1 year ago
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A Pleasant Surprisenbsp

I really do enjoy my swing life style. Here is an example of one of those times. My lady has this friend, "G" and I wasn't to keen on her. But thank god she lives 4 hours away. I usually bail out on my lady's visits and she is cool with it. But then once my lady begged me to go with her on the next visit. I declined. A few days later she asked me again but said she would make it worth my while. Besides it was a huge cook out that we were going too. -fast forward to the weekend-My lady and I...

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Mother in law show off everytime

I had fancied my mother-in-law for a year or so since glimpsing her getting dressed one morning at my house. She had never entered my mind as a woman to lust over or fancy until then. However, after that day, she took my thoughts over and I fantasized about her regularly. I had seen her in a beige lace bra with a matching waist slip, and she looked gorgeous. My own sex life was nearly dead due to my wife losing interest after giving birth to two sons. As my birthday approached, she took me...

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Susies Freshman YearChapter 4

Susie felt the crop strike her flesh and came yet again from it. She loved it when Mistress Jody and Mistress Amelia disciplined her, though she really preferred it one-on-one. She had learned a great deal about her own kinks and sexuality by means of this ménage a trois. She had also learned that this couldn't last much longer. They were just pulling in different directions over the course of the semester, with the two Dommes trying out nearly every fetish that came to mind on Susie. She...

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Alone Part II

Four leather cuffs with sheepskin insideWhite cotton ropeA black scarfI knew now where this was going. We had talked a lot about sensory deprivation and the impact it has on sexual arousal. He turned to me and said simply “are you ready?” and I simply nodded.He placed a cuff on each wrist and ankle, fussing with the adjustments until they were just right. Not lose enough for me to slip out of but not so tight that they bothered me. He leaned into me and kissed me, our tongues dancing...

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Jans A Bad Mom pt3

As she put on her “bigger” bikini, so many thoughts swirled in her mind. Oh My God, what have I done? Would Brett tell the rest of the boys? Would he tell her son?? She had been caught up in the moment and had behaved recklessly and now she had no idea what would happen. Also, and most troubling, she had NO control over the situation at all. Her life was literately in the hands of one of her son’s sixteen year old friends. Suddenly her mind went to his body, so smooth and fit. And that cock!...

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Son Of Cupid Chapter 2 Flying To Corte Beach

Matt Coleton: A 19 year old country boy with short dark brown hair with a 6"0" height. He is well built and works out 4 times a week. Matt has a 6 pack and a inee belly button. He has a completely smooth chest except for a small happy trail and very little hair on his arms a legs. In terms of looks he is a pretty boy. Currently he has been dating a 21 year old bartender for 2 months. He has dark blue eyes and is a well tanned white guy. His penis is 6 inches long and 2/3 inches wide when...

2 years ago
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Betting 101

I was at work the week and I made a bet with a female co-worker on the Nebraska v. Virginia Tech game, I wagered that Nebraska would win. She asked me what I wanted to bet, I told her that she could decide. I’ll tell you at lunch what the bet is going to be. We met at lunch and she told me that since we are friends with benefits, that if you win we can fuck in whatever position you want. I immediately said “BET”. Don’t you want to hear what I will win? Whatever, I’m not going to worry...

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Womanly charms

You wake up in a wet sweat, the dream of last night still vivid in your memory. The white light that spoke to you "Champion! You are needed! Please help us!" Which wold needs helping?

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Characterless Mother Turned Into BDSM Sub By Son

Hello everyone, I have turned incest since I figured out my own mom had multiple sexual partners. Since then, I have been reading a lot of incest stories on this page and eventually developed an interest in BDSM as well. This story is a projection of my fetish of how I would make my mother my BDSM slave when I got to know about her dirty deeds. So, let’s start with her description. My mom is a dusky beauty, 43 years old and she is a professor. Her name is Payal. She is quite modern, wears tight...

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YesGirlz Natalie Brooke Beautiful Built Blonde Natalie Begs For Brutal Banging

Hot PAWG Natalie Brooke comes in looking fine as hell in her hot pink fishnet set… Every curve on her body just begging to be touched. She gives us a little show playing with her beautiful soft pussy and bouncing around that thick glorious ass- when it comes time to get that dick in her face, she goes right for it. This girl has an appetite, and she sounds hot as fuck with a throat full of cock… When she’s done choking on it, she has got to get it inside of her- and this girl fucking rides. She...

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a bad week gets better

It was a brutal week at work. I was not in the mood to go home and I wasnot in the mood to hangout with my friends. I went to the bar around the corner from my apartment, took a stool bar side. I ordered a shot of Tequila and a Corona. My favorite summertime beer. Three shots later and I was feeling better. I decided to head to the jukebox and play some tunes.  When I turned the corner I saw a stunning brunette in tight black jeans with a red tank top that bared her stomach. Her belly was firm...

Straight Sex
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 232

-- YOUR AGE BY CHOCOLATE MATH ITS FUN TIME IT ACTUALLY WORKS BOB Y our age by Chocolate Math This really works but don't ask me how. Don't tell me your age; you'd probably lie anyway, but the Hershey Man will know! **** YOUR AGE BY CHOCOLATE MATH This is pretty neat. DON'T CHEAT BY SCROLLING DOWN FIRST! It takes less than a minute. Work this out as you read. *Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out! This is not one of those waste of time things,...

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nice BB with the wife

I was looking forward to our trip. We'd been planning it for months and a B&B in wine country sounded amazing. My mother had agreed to watch the k**s and my husband had no pressing work he couldn't ignore. so, k** free and work free, we could just relax and enjoy ourselves. The B&B sounded perfect. Right in the middle of wine country and it had a five star rating. It had a pool, gardens, very private rooms each with their own bathrooms, and all the reviews said the hosts were wonderful....

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Well here I am again lay on my back with my stocking and high heel clad legs wrapped around Marias waist as she fucks my arse, with our favourite strap on, till we both climax in a mass of sweaty screaming heat. I unlock my legs and she pulls the plastic phallus from my ass, I sit up and quickly gobble it into my mouth savouring the taste and smell of the two of us as wee collapse on the bed. She strokes my long red hair ass I finish and climb up to lay be side her in a loving embrace....

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The Plumber by loyalsock

Jake was just about finished installing the new hot water heater for Mrs. Drake, as the old one had been leaking like a sieve and must have cost a fortune to run. Jake lit the pilot light and waited for the familiar whoosh that came when the burner fired up. Mrs. Drake leaned around the corner and asked if everything was O.K. “No problem Ma’am, all finished,” Jake said, as he wiped his hand with an old rag hanging from his tool belt. “Be upstairs in a minute!” After gathering up all of his...

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Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl just read enjoy and appreciate “Come on Hon,” I groaned while I pushed the cart and...

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Wedding Party in Las Vegas

A quick story about my friend’s wedding party in Vegas.So about 7 years ago, my friend got married in Vegas.It was a simple wedding, they said their vows, all our high school friends were there and had a nice reception at the Mirage.They got divorced 5 years later like most marriages do in the US but this is not the story.The next weekend after the party, my friend Charles who also went to the wedding party told us a funny story.Charles, ever since a k**, was never the outgoing type.He is “Mr...

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Sung Hee The Network Part 7

(Author’s note – Read parts 1-6 to see what Sung Hee has been up to before reading this. Part 7 is based upon reality for our real-life Sung Hee. Want to see her? See the photos in my profile.) The next day after the pool party Carol invited Sung Hee out to lunch, just the two of them. Driving over to the Chiang Mai Garden restaurant, Sung Hee thought about the events at the pool and what Carol had likely captured on video. Sung Hee was more than a little embarrassed about it. Carol probably...

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The Coffee Shop Ch 08

The next morning, breakfast was tense. Peyton could practically feel Caleb’s heat from across the table, the hunger in his body reflected openly in his gaze. Getting through breakfast was a challenge, and her mother’s moody behavior didn’t help things either. Something had put Lola in a mood, which only added to Peyton’s worry. ‘Do you work today, Caleb?’ her father asked as they started putting away dishes. ‘Yes, sir,’ Caleb replied, hesitating at the sink when Peyton held out her soapy...

2 years ago
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She finds out what HC stands for Blacken

"Please, not here", I sobbed. My blonde hair falling across my eyes as my shoulders shook. His eyelids heavy, bored, watching me in silence. He knew I would. I had no choice. "Not here. These people know me. They know my family." Pleading, tears in my eyes. No answer. He just lifted the napkin from his lap, leaned back a bit in the booth. Those eyes crushing my will, waiting for what we both knew would happen. I glanced nervously around the restaurant. People I knew. Ellen and Stephanie over...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Indica Flower 05252021

Yoga teacher Indica has a couple of sexy men in a private session today. Very in tune with energy work and chakras, Indica feels the positive energy emanating from the two men’s root chakras. Feeling a need to unleash the pent up energy she takes their cocks out and starts working some deep tissue massage with her mouth. Two cocks in her face she uses her breathing techniques as she slurps on the cocks. Soon both men are banging the hippie yoga instructor all over the couch. Twitching and...

4 years ago
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Keeping it in the Family Ch 04

Keeping it in the Family Ch. 04: The Final Chapter Fuck the Fourth That night I slept in my own bed and Angela came to me. Our lovemaking was more so just that, lovemaking, gentler, less hurried, less frenetic, but no less the enjoyable for all that. I let her take the lead, sitting on top of me and being eaten until she could stand it no more but had to have me inside her, moving back down to impale herself on my straining cock, sliding slowly down my length until we met, bone to bone. The...

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Reemas suhaagraat

This is Reema from Hyderabad. I am 26 years old young lady with good looks and hot assets, 36-29-36. I am fair in color and have silky black shoulder length hairs. My father works for a cell-phone company and lives with second lady, now my step-mom. It was 4 years ago. I just finished my college and started working in a boutique. I plan to open my own one-day pretty soon. In my college I had a boyfriend named Sriniwas. I used to call him Srinu. He is a nice boy, sweetie, simple and very caring...

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First Time In Shiny Pantyhose

Introduction: My first true adventure as a boy wearing shiny tights around my teacher My first true pantyhose/tights experience with someone else happened at the young age of 14. I had been jerking off in my mom and sisters pantyhose, panties, tights, and slips, since I was young. I had accidentally read porn magazines, and even watched some of my dads porn tapes he had collected over the years, so I already had a working knowledge of how things worked regarding sex, and I had developed my own...

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BarbaraEpilogue II

Then the three went off with King to have lunch, leaving Bobbie and Prince alone with Callaway. "So how is my favorite teenybopper?" John Callaway asked Bobbie with a grin. "Jack Callaway, you stop that this instant! I'm ... I'm a matron," Bobbie said with her nose in the air while desperately trying to suppress both her smile and her giggles. "I am about to have a baby — any day now." "Golly, what happened to the old-style pregnancies? You know — when the expectant mother looked...

3 years ago
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A Loser Rebounds Ch 05

Linda Hoffman, director of communications, came into the section and went into the office of Stewart Lawn, manager of the technical writing team. Within two minutes Stewart called Andy to his office. Wondering what this was about, Andy walked between the lines of desks of writers and their researchers and heard one smart-ass send the room into silence when he called, ‘You weren’t here long Andy.’ Cheeky slut, Andy mused, but at least someone in the pack knew his name. There was silence in...

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Saving My Son

Marilyn didn’t know what to do! She’d just stumbled on her fifteen-year-old son 69ing with his best friend through a crack in his bedroom door. Shit! She didn’t want a gay kid! Getting some whiskey and going out on the back porch to act like she’d never been in the house was her first reaction. Brad was an only child and she doted on him. His best friend Will was a nice kid too. But this was unexpected. Neither was dating yet so she had no idea how they reacted to females as far as sex went....

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Les Teacher

"You got a B in Chemistry!" "Sure did." "How is that possible! Last quarter you had the same grade I did—an F. You failed it! How can you go up from an a F to a B in one quarter?" Ginger Mully was questioning her best friend Melissa Runnels on the increase in her grade. They were in the lunchroom during lunch break. They had just that day received their report cards for the quarter. Both were seventeen years old, high school seniors, and due to graduate in the spring—if they kept their...

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Damsel in Need Lena

Brad and Lena were thrown together on a project to implement a new security system. Lena worked for the company, whilst Brad was an employee of the supplier. They were also years apart in age - he was 55 years old, and she was 23. She was single, and he was married. Lena was a petite blonde - just 5ft tall with a beautifully proportioned body having curves in all the right places. When Brad arrived, a number of the company’s staff wished him luck - after about the sixth person he asked “Why...

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a long time coming

My ex and I lived in a studio that had an open floor plan. We had enough room for a dressing curtain in the middle to almost create a second room, enough a mattress could fit in case a friend had to crash. Out of the blue, my friend says she is moving away as she just graduated. We had been friends for years, so I was sad about it.My friend, who is a lesbian, and I went out drinking quite often. We often went out drinking and hung out at bars, judged people from a distance. My friend was...

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the first time i had sex

I went to an all girls catholic high school, though I'm not catholic and not that it matteres my parents thought it was the best choice for me. The summer before my junior year I went on a tour of a popular teacher's college. There I met KiKi, I very hot, very sexy, very bisexual student at the teachers college. I took a liking to her and we exchanged numbers, you know...just incase I had any question..We spoke over the phone alot, we became fond of eachother. We would do each otheres manis and...

4 years ago
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We Few We Happy Few We Band of Brothers and SistersChapter 20 Herding cats and parrots and changes for concubines

On several levels, Terry had to herd cats, or, in the case of working with American intelligence, selectively herd specific cats in a much larger pack of slavering bureaucratic cats. The metaphor struck him repeatedly, and, for he and the concubines depended, above all, on Dolores, his first concubine. While she gave many people the impression of an oversexed airhead, and she was known to encourage that impression when useful, she was actually his right hand and executive officer. Her people...

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First time gay

It took me a while to find out I was bisexual. I had always dated girls and loved it but once I visited an adult book store that changed. It was a nice summer day and all I had on was a loose tank top and loose shorts and sandals. I was walking past this adult book store that I had passed many times but was too young to go in. I was just s*******n at the time and seeing as I had nothing better to do I walked in. It was kind of dark inside and I thought the old guy running the counter would...

2 years ago
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Chance Meeting

I had heard of this park just outside of Atlantic City. It appeared to be little used, and I was a bit skeptical that I would find anything really interesting about the place. There was a gate that kept any automobile traffic out. But there was a small side path that gave access to someone walking. It led down a couple hundred yards of winding sand road that eventually brought me out to a wide clearing along the bay. At one end of that clearing was a picnic table where a heavy old man, wearing...

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Son Repaid dads debt

I had all but given up hope of catching the train.The water logged roads due to heavy down pour and traffic jams were forcing the taxi to go at snail's pace. Miraculously,though I reached station 5 minutes late, Train was still standing on platform, it seems its schedule was also delayed.I thanked God, got into my A/C 2 tier compartment and pushed my suitcase under the my berth. I smiled at the couple and their son and sat in my seat. The k** was nagging his mother that he forgot to bring...

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A Brides Confession

Can you imagine how it feels 2 months after your wedding to discover that you've married one of the biggest sluts in town?I didn't find out until she let me know that we were expecting our first c***d."Darling, I have a confession to make and it's going to test if you really love me as much as you say you do." My wife said to me after dinner one night."Cindy dear, you know I do love you very much. What do you have to tell me?" I asked inquisitively as I held her hand."Honey. I do love you very...

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