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No rest for the wicked, Nick picked up where he left off.
"We soon entered uncharted territory for me, ever deeper into jungle. To my surprise, men's presence proved sparse. More surprising, the small communities we did find shared a similar language with Teplick's tribe with all the clicks and pops. Sam found this to be unchallenging, learning the slight differences, like different patois, easily. But his usefulness as a translator, and his improvement as a negotiator kept him from thinking he wasn't unneeded. His confidence, from a nerd like shyness, improved with every negotiation.
"We traded with most, food and shelter for what, to them, were exotic objects. No need to trade any whores. I needed to find a larger, more stable community for that. I didn't even need to barter to spread my seed amongst them. Occasionally that was provided, perhaps in an innate interest in spreading their gene pool. One in particular," he smiled fondly, "was rather insistent about being seeded."
"What an arrogant asshole," Salomé comments as they settle into the guest hut the small village provides them, "proud and arrogant, for no apparent reason."
"This is a pretty nice hut," Nick smirks.
"Not really," Salomé smirks back, trying to get comfortable on the rough pallet with Sam.
"And the chief did have quite a lot of wives."
Salomé snorts. "I'll give him that. He definitely has enough to at least share. But no, he had to get all defensive when you checked them out. And him checking me out as if he needed another fucking wife, the asshole hypocrite."
"It must be the stud in him that makes him proud," Sam suggests.
"Yeah, probably," Salomé nods. "You're twice the stud he is."
"Right," Sam responds ironically.
"I find sweetness and smarts a much more attractive lure than any cock shaking arrogance. Although your cock looks most appetizing when it waves at me," grasping it in illustration and leaning down for a taste.
"Still insatiable," the whore Doris shakes her head.
Her constant companion for the past several days, a bearer named Adam, snorts.
"You two cooling off?" Nick asks his friends. Though leader of this adventure, he treats his underlings as equals even if they tend to give him more respect than he wishes. These two happen to have a much more comfortable attitude in his presence, mostly Doris's doing as she has an admirable feistiness. In fact, after his angel and her lover, he finds her the most companionable, with Adam close behind. Their attraction to each other has as much to do with their mutual intelligence as it has their physical charms, which neither could be said to lack in the slightest.
"We fucked for a while," Doris grins. "Now we're getting to know each other. I find the knowing as effective a foreplay as touching."
Nick nods, thinking, "Love. I hope that won't cause trouble." He must have been apparent.
"Nick?" Adam asks stiffly, "Uhm, do you think, when you trade Doris, that I could be part of the package? I am strong and a skilled hunter."
"And bright as well," Nick adds. "We'll have to see. But I wouldn't worry about it for now. I find Doris a delight, and you as well, and don't plan on trading her until last. Let's see when that happens if you still feel the same."
"We will," they both say simultaneously, bringing a chuckle from Nick's lips and a loving glance shared by the two.
After a pause, and another shared glance ending with mutual nods, Doris clears her throat and says "Nick?"
"Uhm, did you notice a girl, almost a woman really, who looks too thin to be healthy. Her tribe seems to ignore her as she flitted about nearby our tour."
"I did. I couldn't help notice her big, sad eyes. I wanted to approach her, but I sensed the chief would rather I didn't."
"Asshole," Salomé mutters incoherently, her mouth full of cock flesh.
The vibration must have been enough for Sam, because with a "Fuck!" he fills her mouth with cum.
After a chuckle, Nick asks, "What about her?"
"Well," Doris continues, "we noticed that too, and we saw her get more upset, and figuring we weren't the center of attention as you were as usual..."
"Fuck you," Nick responds with a sardonic grin.
"Well you are. Anyway, we decided to help her, at least feed her. We communicated with signs, which she did well with, and she guided me to her tiny hut, a poor leaky structure, with Adam a few steps behind gathering food as if for him. When he joined us, she ate ravenously, acting as starved as she looked."
"Fuck. With the chief and his wives looking a little too well fed compared to others in his tribe, it still seems as if there's plenty to eat. Can you lead me to her?"
"No," Doris responds, her lover equally as emphatic with his head shake. "She insisted that would be a bad idea." Doris chuckles. "You know when I mimed her leader and she got it, she nearly spat, but when I signified you, I couldn't help seeing an almost worshipful fondness, with a certain sexual interest as well. That I could smell."
"So, if she doesn't want me to visit her..."
"I mimed sleep and her coming here."
"Waiting for her tribe to be unaware. Soon then."
"Very," Adam smiles, looking at a new guest standing in the doorway, an extremely shy, gaunt young lady, who, despite her terrible thinness, still reverberates with loveliness.
"Hello..." Nick greets her. Even that little word needs translation by Sam.
"Ahchkah," she responds timorously, her eyes however wide and intense staring at Nick, a smile creasing her lips when he pats his bed.
After she sits, he asks her, "Did you get enough to eat, Ahchkah?"
She nods and mouths a presumed silent thanks to Doris and Adam.
"Why are you being starved?" Nick asks her. Her shivering response, makes him add, "You are safe with us. We will keep anything you tell us from your tribe." When she looks at the door, he tells her, "No one you need to worry about will hear you. You saw my men surrounding the hut."
"It is the Chief's way," she finally begins, her voice quiet yet somehow confident. It is a melodious voice, deeper than expected considering her age. "His way of punishment for those disobedient to him."
"There are others like you?" asks Salomé.
A tear trickles from her eye. "No. Others have died. Starved. I am the only one now."
"Fucker." Salomé mutters.
"How can the tribe let such cruelty happen?" Nick asks.
"If anyone gets caught helping me, feeding me or even just talking to me unless it's taunting, they too would be punished."
"Why didn't you escape?" asks Salomé.
"Even if I could survive alone on my own, I'd be caught, and the catcher would be well rewarded."
"He wants your people to watch you starve?" Nick realizes
Ahchkah nods. "I get water, only water."
"Monstrous," Salomé growls.
"I won't have him killed, Salomé," Nick says. "I bet he'd just be replaced by his son or something."
"Please don't kill him," Ahchkah murmurs. "His son hates my mother."
"Your mother?" Doris chimes in.
"She is second of his wives," Ahchkah explains. "She serves as his disciplinarian, guiding his son on the proper path. I think this is on purpose. He doesn't trust her, and if she were to kill him, she knows she will be killed by his successor, by his oldest son."
"And what brought his wrath upon you?"
"I compared him to a baboon."
"You called him a baboon," Adam chuckles.
The smirk looks adorable on the lovely young woman. "Actually I called him less than a sick baboon."
Everyone shares a laugh, ending with Nick asking her "Why would you call him that?"
"I became a woman a month ago. I was ready to become his wife."
"But I thought your mother..." Doris begins.
Ahchkah interrupts with spitting anger, "He's not my father! He killed my father! It's why my mother hates him and why he feels threatened by her. He always lusted after her, so he had my father killed and married my mother. Unfortunately I look much like her, although not so much now."
"You're lovely," Nick says.
She grins up at him. "I'm glad you think so." Losing the grin as quickly as it appears, she continues. "I ... I just couldn't be with him. I just couldn't. He represents everything terrible in my life. Unfortunately I have a gift, and now it seems to be a curse. It really did become a curse, because my cursing tends to be as creative as any ever have been. I'm smarter than pretty much anyone in my tribe. I must have got that from my mother. Not the cursing. I'm much more creative than her, and of course she can only curse quietly to me and to no one else, especially not the chief. But there's a reason she teaches the chief's offspring."
"You curse him and he punishes you, sentences you to death?" Salomé growls.
"He had to. The whole tribe heard me. It was a ceremonial moment."
Everyone listening nods, and they nod again when Salomé proclaims, "You're coming with us."
"I ... I can't," Ahchkah sniffles. "It would mean my mother's death. I... ," she takes hold of Nick's hand in hers, looking up at him pleadingly, "I came here because ... I want you to make love to me. I want to feel that once in my life. And you're so ... beautiful."
"With pleasure," Nick casts a heartbreaking smile at her.
"Do you want to, with me all skin and bones?"
"I think you're beautiful, too," Nick responds before kissing her and bringing her hand to feel his hardness, revealing his desire for her.
Others in the room don't wish to stare. Well, they do. The women and at least one man in the room find the sight of Nick naked and making love both aesthetically and libidinously pleasurable. And the young woman has a charisma about her that fascinates. Regardless, they agree silently not to stare, but instead to share the moment, making love with their lovers.
Once he strips her of her small piece of fur clothing covering her loins, Nick strips and coaxes Ahchkah to lie on her back. He straddles her hips, his cock jutting forth as if it were hers, the base of it pressing against her tiny clit and rubbing. Between tender kisses, he tells her, "Help me cum for you. It will make me last longer in your tight sheathe later." Bringing her remarkably delicate hand to grasp his glans, already dampened by precum, he teaches her how to pleasure him.
He now speaks and understands her tongue, aided by the faraway minion, Teplick, not presently distracted by a lover like Sam is. Of course Teplick, awakened by Nick's telepathy, insists he bring her every sensory aspect of his deflowering of the young maiden. And with her masturbating quietly while her lovers, brother and sister, sleep soundly in a post coitus embrace beside her, her pleasure only amplifying Nick's, he has no reason to deny her.
After a particularly intense kiss, Nick introducing Ahchkah's tongue to his, she pushes him at his chest, separating mouths. "I want to watch me make you cum," she explains breathlessly. And he lets her, enjoying the sharp points of her turgid black nipples on her young, small breasts, with both his hands.
"Harder," he tells her. "Faster. Reach down with your hand and tickle my balls. Take care with them. Oh that's so good. Almost there. So good. I'm..." The last word, silenced, becomes unnecessary, because he's doing it. His ejaculation, a mighty and intense spurt, reaches all the way to her mouth, open with amazement. The following ones reach her chest, her breasts and her tummy. After she smiles from the flavor of him, he feeds her more of it. He wants her very, very horny.
With the sounds of lovemaking surrounding them, moans and sighs and the smacking of flesh against flesh and the wetness of a mouth and a pussy being stroked into by hard cocks, sounds that distract Ahchkah, and thrill her seeing their cause, Nick tells her, "Turn over and turn around. Do you want to watch me get hard again for you?"
As they shift positions, she giggles. "I want to make you hard again for me."
"Even better," he chuckles, and brings her small dark and barely fringed pussy to his lips. Normally he would wait for this to happen. It would be a long tease zeroing in on it. But he senses she neither needs nor desires such a tease. And his oral action also has the added benefit of suggesting to the clever girl that she could return the favor, which she does right after his tongue slides across her clit, meeting it for the first time.
"Cocks don't like teeth, sweetie," he tells her.
"Sorry," she answers.
"No problem," he chuckles, returning to his feast.
There's a pungency to her lubricating fluids, but also a sweetness, and the two combining flavors seem to affect him more than usual. Her flavor and scent turn him on. And her ever improving sucking and fist strokes add immeasurably to it. He hums into her pussy at each piquant moment or undulates under her lips and tongue and fist, and she learns what brings that forth and concentrates on those things.
At first he thinks he'll let her get him hard again while he gives her as many cums as possible orally. But he finds himself approaching his second orgasm before giving her her first. He decides to go with it.
"I'm cumming," he announces, and he feels her suck harder, trying to pull sperm straight out of his balls, and succeeding.
"Incredible," he murmurs.
After swallowing the last of him, she giggles. "I can't seem to get enough of you. Maybe I am still hungry."
"You keep that up, and you'll never feel my cock inside your pussy."
"Really?" she responds, sounding worried.
"You're taking a lot out of me, but no. Just keep doing what you've been doing and I'll be ready. But I wanted to make you cum too."
"I think I did. I felt a shiver all up and down my body when you filled my mouth with your love."
"Then I'll just have to make them bigger and better for you."
By the time his cock achieves full rigidity in her mouth, his mouth fills with an abundance of her spend, like great crests of ocean waves out of a relatively quiet lapping sea, three of them, each bigger, bring him the pleasure of her rich taste and scent and the achievement of sending her into ecstasy.
As if an unstrung puppet, she flops on top of him after becoming taut and undulating, her moan, though quiet, releases a caught breath in a passionate exhale. Having become completely malleable, he easily shifts her onto her back and opens her thighs wide, bending them upwards, before he guides his thick, hard plum into her small wet narrow oval portal, expanding it. Her two sets of labial lips hold fast to his bulbous glans. The squeeze they create feels exquisite to him. Despite the needed expansion, her quiet sigh sounds nothing like resistance and everything like welcoming him into her.
Sliding ever deeper, inching in after pulling back, keeps building their pleasure until he encounters her hymen. "Breathe deep, Sweetie," he tells her before charging through the barrier. "Keep breathing."
A bit of stiffening is the only expression of her pain; that and a silence in her breathing instead of her moans. "Fuck me," she murmurs quicker than he anticipates, her hands grasping his butt and pulling, physicalizing her words.
Each stroke deepens his thrusts. Each thrusts is met by variations on her moan: "Mmm. Ahhh. Oooh." She sounds ever more appreciative. Her hands pull him ever more vigorously. His thrusts become ever more aggressive while accelerating in speed until he feels her next barrier, her cervix, which he knows not to breach. He has an inch left of his cock and measures it in his mind before pulling out until his glans once more are surrounded by gripping lips and pushing in with even more intensity than he's given her before.
The thrust makes her shiver, and the ones that follow, equal in length and intensity while increasing in speed, escalate, shivers become shakes, until she again stiffens and undulates, her mouth wide to yell out her exquisite bliss, but nothing emerges.
He slows but continues the intensity, elongating her orgasm, until the breath she finally releases becomes the loudest and longest moan of the evening. That cues him to recommence the speed he has slowed from, and increasing it, shortening the length of thrusts. It becomes almost as fast as a vibration as he lets himself build to his own orgasm while she crest over and over again from an already high level of pleasure, peaks of one continuous orgasm really, until he lets loose his pent up sperm, pressing dangerously against her cervix. A little more and it would hurt her. But the pressure, and the throb of his glans as he releases spurts of cum bringing an added complexity to that pressure, and the heat of his semen splashing directly against her barrier and through, serves to eclipse all previous climactic moments for her to the point it gets to be too much of a good thing, and it eclipses everything. She passes out.
Not all that unusual for him, bringing his lover to unconsciousness, but they usually awake moments later. Ahchkah does not awaken. Only her soft, blissed out smile and the movement of her small breasts as she breathes, each breath a little quieter until her breathing steadies to a sleepers rhythm, relaxes any concern he might have.
He hears a sniffle and looks up from his gaze at loveliness of his newest lover and sees a lovely woman standing just inside the doorway. Though much more filled out in body and face, the similarity between mother and daughter makes it obvious who this woman is.
"You must take her with you, and you must leave before daybreak," she tells him.
"But your daughter told us you would be sacrificed."
"I'd rather it be me than her."
"You can come with us," Salomé offers, Sam once again translating.
"I ... can't. I'm needed here."
"That asshole will kill you."
"He won't. He'll make it unpleasant as will his son with even more sadistic glee. But I'm needed as his teacher and the teacher of the other children. The chief has no one else. Besides, I will be needed as a bribe."
"A bribe?" asks Sam, unsure it is the right word.
She nods. "There are two men guarding this night. Two the chief trusts most. One does not deserve his trust so much because he lusts after me. I will give him my body to let you pass. The other you must dispatch without killing him if you can."
"I can do that," Nick agrees. "Are you sure you wish to fuck this man for us?"
Her face becomes mischievous. "It will not be a sacrifice. Afterwards I'll have to hurt him to make it looks as if you did the deed, which I have to admit I won't mind either. I have a lot of frustration to release, and both kinds will be released."
After the room shares a second chuckle, she continues. "Tell her I insisted she go with you. Tell her her death would be mine as well, at least the death of my heart. Tell her I'll survive and wouldn't if she didn't leave."
"I'll miss you," her daughter murmurs.
Instead of responding verbally, the mother, tears streaming down her face, kneels beside her naked daughter and pulls her into her arms. She kisses her daughter's face repeatedly before releasing her with a sigh.
"I better go give my newest lover a night he'll never forget," she says as she rises, reluctantly disconnecting her eyes from her daughter and glancing at the others in the room, resting them on Nick. "You treat her well."
"Of course," he grins sadly.
They nod at each other, and with a difficult breath, she leaves.
"You said this woman Ahchkah," I interrupted, struggling with the pop and click of the name, "sought your seed. Was she like Claire?" I asked, remembering the woman accompanying him much more recently, early in his current skin.
"Very much so," Nick smiled fondly. "Just as fecund and just as feisty. She gave birth about as often. And she was another one I hated to see become old and die."
"You love these women," Lindy said.
"I can't help it," Nick shrugged. "They make my endless life much less relentless."
"You have your angels," I reminded him.
"We have our duties," Betty responded. "We are often busy, and Nick expects us to be independent of him most of the time."
"We are friends as well as grandchildren or whatever," Rosa added. "But we're really not like mates, or really all that intimate most of the time."
"You have your lovers," I continued to probe. "You need to seed women."
"There's a huge difference," said Maggie, Maddy finishing the thought with, "between these seedings and his companions."
"Devotion?" I asked.
"Devotion is shared by all the women," Rosa explained. "The ones being impregnated and Nick's companions. And Nick is equally devoted to them, though many find that odd, since they are so much lesser than him as far as they think. No, the difference between the women he makes pregnant exclusively and Ahchkah or Claire is described by what the latter are called, companions. Lifelong companions. It's a kind of love that lasts, like the best marriages, where respect is shared and communication is essential."
"They calmed me and made me humble," Nick completed the conversation. "Their honesty and feistiness, aspects I loved in them, soothed me and comforted me and brought me great happiness. Their intelligence was as important to me as their beauty, which they had in spades, perhaps more internally when they aged, but I always found them beautiful in every way. Interest wanes in most marriages, both intellectually and sexually, but these remarkable women never bored me, and never failed to peak my libido.
"Anyway, let's pause for lunch before we continue."
As if on cue, I heard my cell phone faintly announce a call. I hopped to my feet and rushed to the bag near the front door to extract it.
"Hi," I said.
"Hey Big Brother," the sweet voice of Debbie vibrated into my ear.
"How are you?"
"Good. Really good."
"Me too."
After a pause, she said, "I know it wasn't long..."
"To say the least," I chuckled. "I mean, one stroke and I'm cumming."
"Yeah, me too. Feeling you, just that stroke and then your hot seed, it was enough. I loved it. I love you."
"I love you, too. So, no regrets?"
"No. You?"
"It's what I needed."
"Me, too."
"It satisfied me perfectly. It quenched all those horny thoughts and fantasies. I'll have it, the reality instead of the fantasy, to play in my brain when I need a good cum. It's perfect. But..."
"I know."
"Maybe someday, but right now, it's enough."
"Yeah. Me too. You know I'll be back here for a while. If you need more memories, I wouldn't object."
She giggled. "If you're with Eva and I'm with Albert, things might happen."
"You find her hot?" I asked her.
"Very, which is a first for me, but it will be Albert getting distracted, and me getting needy when Eva pounces on him. It's the scenario I envision that would reassert my need for you, and it would be a long and loving fuck with my lover getting fucked by that sexy blonde beauty beside us, until your eyes and body and beautiful cock would transcend everything else and it would be just you, my lovely brother, pleasuring me to wondrous heights and loving me to my heart's greatest depths in the end. Oh fuck, fuck me Albert!"
"Was he sucking your cunt?" I asked her.
"Is he pushing is long cock inside you?"
"Are you already cumming?"
"I love you baby sister."
"I love you big brother." Between gasps, she murmured, "Wait."
"I ... just want to say ... you made Albert so happy ... He ... he ... Oh fuck! They hired him on the yacht. It's a dream. Thank you! I love you."
"I love you, too."
"And ... I think I love ... No I know ... Oh God! I love..."
"Tell him. I'll see you in a few weeks. Bye."
"Yes!" she screamed into the phone.
I chuckled and hung up, my cock once more hard. I had sat at the dining room table surrounded by beauty and noticed a plate with a club sandwich and chips. Lifting a quarter sandwich to my lips, they let out a groan before they opened to my teeth. One beauty had knelt under the table. Eva pushed her mouth down on my cock until it entered her throat. Proving how hungry I was and perhaps how used to exquisite pleasure I had become, I bit into the sandwich, chewed and swallowed and bit into it again. Scooting back a few inches allowed me to meet Eva's crystal blue eyes gazing lovingly back at me. By the time I swallowed the second mouthful, I filled Eva's mouth with my cum. She happily swallowed it down.
"Did you know she mentioned your name?" I asked her.
"You glanced at me and smiled," she grinned. "Didn't you notice?"
"Oh yeah."
She had stood beside me and leaned down to bring the taste of me to my lips with a soft, warm kiss. "Does she want me?" she asked.
"More Albert would want you, and, well, you being so delicious, it would add fuel to her libido watching you fuck her boyfriend and she'd need to fuck me too."
"I'd like that, even more when we take turns feeling his long cock fill our assholes while your big fat cock fills our cunts."
I chuckled, and after another sweet kiss, I said, "I should have kept her on the line and put us on speakerphone for that."
"Yes, you should have," she responded, adding her own chuckle. She walked over to her seat and filled her mouth with soda, swishing it around before swallowing it.
We finished eating, and returned to our places in the living room. Snake recommenced his Tale.
After their early morning escape from the arrogant chief's village, Nick's entourage only rest one more night in the jungle before encountering the largest gathering of people they have found since leaving their home.
Set along a low, scalable mountain, following a stream whose source sits atop the mountain, a rather large lake, both spring and rain fed, the stream feeding into the wide tropical river after a meandering mile, the village of more than two thousand live along the edges of these waters. The chief's dwelling, as usual much larger than any others in the village, and in fact the largest Nick has seen in Africa, rests at the mouth of the stream right on the lake. The mouth actually manifests as a torrent of water, a 20 feet high waterfall.
When Nick sees the waterfall, he exclaims, "Beautiful." His entourage nods in agreement.
Unfortunately the statement turns out to be ambiguous, because in the pool beneath the falls, three lovely women swim naked. It takes Sam several minutes to reassure their village guide that Nick means the waterfall and not the ladies.
"But why not call them beautiful too?" asks Nick. "Even if they weren't, it would be insulting to say otherwise, and they are."
"They are the chief's daughters," Sam explains. "No one is supposed to look at them naked except their husband to be. Otherwise they are clothed from neck to knees, and even their faces are not to be gazed at."
Salomé frowns. "I take it that they're not triplets. They look similar to each other, both in age and face and body. I have a feeling we're about to encounter another harem."
"Filled with sisters?" Nick speculates. Everyone shrugs. Sam knows enough not to translate.
He definitely doesn't translate Ahchkah's comment, "Are you husband to them now?"
Nick chuckles, but notices none of the girls, who finally notice him, shy from his gaze. One of them even swims a backstroke bringing him a perfect view of her youthful voluptuousness. Her sisters end the exhibition by pulling her under the water. She pulls them under with her, and they all rise giggling, their eyes again returning Nick's gaze.
"Hmm," Nick thinks to himself with a hint of "Uh-oh."
He chuckles when he sees their guide shying from the sight, though he can imagine peripheral vision would still be available. He notices the guide coaxing Sam and the rest of his entourage, at least the males, to move away from the scene, and Sam obeying the guide most diplomatically. But when Nick moves towards them, Salomé and Ahchkah beside him, Sam translates, "Too late. You must stay. Wait here to be led to the Great Leader. The guide will bring us to our guest hut."
"But what about translating?" Nick yells over the crashing falls.
"The man's upset," Sam replies. "I think we have to go with him. Maybe call on Teplick?"
They share a shrug and a nod.
Nick finds Treplick with his mind, finding her advising her virtual if not biological father, and asks her to make her apologies. The chief understands, respecting Nick and owing him for her.
As soon as the last of his entourage disappear within the jungle, Nick sees a man appear from behind him. An older man, thin and delicate looking unlike most of the tribe, with no hint of body or facial hair, a word immediately appears in Nick's mind, "eunuch." He whispers it to Salomé while wondering if it had been necessary, because the man has eyes only for him.
© Copyright 2006, 2007 Dear Readers, The following story is a sequel to the very first one that I wrote, ‘Remembrance’. It is possible to read and understand ‘Renewal’ without reading the earlier work. If you could do so, however, it might enhance your enjoyment of this story. Thank you for choosing my work for your reading pleasure. Whichever you decide, I hope that you like it. Autumn Writer *********** George glanced at Helen as she dozed next to him, her sweater draped around her...
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LesbianAs goes the Helen Reddy song goes, I met Angie last night. Angie is a server at a roadhouse, and had just gotten off duty when I entered the establishment for dinner.Angie was seated at the bar, having a drink with her brother-in-law. I had a great time, BSing with the folks at the bar. Angie and her BIL were cordial, and we talked as though we'd know each other for a long time. Angie was especially friendly. I had such a good time, I bought Angie and her BIL a round of drinks. They were...
Minimum Sissy Slave Requirements:A SISSY GURL IS KEPT IN CHASTITY: A sissy must be ‘permanently’ locked into a chastity device at all times, (except during supervised cleaning), her orgasm’s denied and any discharges graciously granted will be 100% controlled by her key holder and under the proviso that the sissy will consume them. The sissy no longer has a penis; she has a “clitty” and will always refer to it as such, the “clitty” is for her Alpha owner to control and use as their...
Allison walked off the trail and into some densely packed trees. As she walked behind the tree and began to unzip her pants, she noticed a large patch of grass 20 feet away . It didn't seem normal, the grass was much thicker, and way too green to be normal. She walked towards the strange growth, but stopped. She suddenly realized she didn't know which way to get back to Derek, as she was in the middle of the forest, but she was distracted by the plant again. She finally reached the...
CHASTE NANCY-BOY HUSBAND 4 by Throne This was what I had been dreading for the past two weeks. I knew my desirable Asian-American wife Miki had been going out clubbing with her cousin Lia, and Lia's tall broadshouldered boyfriend. My bride had liked Lia's idea of getting a lover for herself and no longer depending solely on me licking her pussy to keep her flaming libido under control. She would come home late, her long, glossy black hair slightly mussed, her make-up retouched and...
"Greetings, Sombra," said the contact in a distorted voice. "I'm pleased you took interest in my offer. My clients wanted the best, and I like to get them the best." The legendary hacker stared at the grainy videofeed on her handheld. She was suspicious when she got an email about a one-of-a-kind contract, and this was not helping her suspicions at all. "Indeed. And what do the best get paid?" "In due time. Let me explain the terms of the contract, as it's a bit...unconventional. I represent a...
Corky dreamed he was flying. Green, hilly countryside slipped away beneath him, heady excitement filled him. His mind reached upward and his frame followed without effort, proceeding with the effortless grace of a great fish of the open ocean. Gaining in confidence, he slid downward until he was brushing the treetops, banking from side to side for the sheer joy of his motion, reveling in the wind on his face, the gentle heat of the sun on his back. Then, with a jolt, he was brought up short....
Introduction: Hey Boyz: This is the sequel to my first sexual story which posted on 7-4-12 or so. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTs/FEEDBACK. Round 2: The announcer states that round 2 will begin in 10 minutes, no exceptions. Both teams head back into the locker rooms to discuss their strategies for round 2. The White team is bouncing with enthusiasm at their win. The crowd of whites cheers them on, but little do Brit and Longman know that Kitty has a Black fan in the crowd… This Black man squirts a water...
This is a true story of when i was visiting family in houma,LA.I decided to take a trip to houma,louisiana to visit family i hadn't seen for a long time,my aunt uncles and cousins.when i arrived i was welcomed by my aunt and cousins,"where's uncle paul" i asked just as i said it he pulled into the drive way with his work mate and i almost hit the floor this guy was amazingly hot.i sat awkwardly in the living room trying my best not to stare at him but it was impossible,i just kept getting...
Happy ending at the chiropractorI went to my appointment as usual. I was always happy to go, not only for the chiropractic services, but also for the secretaries. There was two in particular that were hot as fuck. Brenda was taller and skinny with dirty blonde hair. She usually wore sundresses but sometimes wore tight fitting tops to match her tight jeans. She had an amazing petite figure. Brenda was married because of the huge rock on her finger, but we casually would flirt with each other...
I pulled into the driveway of my humble abode, smiling softly as I realized my hard day of slaving at work was finally over, and could once again return to the warm confines of my home, and her. I worked my way towards the front door, twisting the worn handle and stepping inside. Already I could smell the wonderful aromas of my beloveds cooking, knowing she had been waiting for me. I smiled at that notion, how much I cared for Rhianna, how much she made me smile at even the smallest things...
KEEPING THE FAMILY TOGETHER By Tammie Anne Freeman Ellen Smith was furious when she found out that her husband Carl was cheating on her. But she was also frightened when she found out that he had emptied all their investment accounts. He had transferred over $500,000 to his personal account. She was sure that Carl was planning to leave her and take his money with him. She was worried for herself and her 3 children. There was Amy who was 9, Mary who was 5, and Janet who was almost...
A Second Chance - Chapter 8 MONDAY, May 2, 2016 In the bus on Monday morning Rachael walked past her normal seat and sat down in the second last row, politely asking the boy sitting there if she could have the seats for this one day only. He seemed confused by the request, but got up and moved forward, unsure of what had just happened. Rachael said 'hi' to the three girls in the back row, and when they questioned her about the change in seating, she said they should wait until...
The temperature dropped as we entered the cave. Blaster had wrapped himself in a thick fur cloak over his Sun robes. When he shivered, I chuckled. All that fur and he is still cold. At any moment, a slavering monster might jump out at us and I needed an unfettered sword arm, so I was not afforded the luxury of a cloak. "You should feel how cold armor gets here," I told the Muse. "Be thankful you don't have to swing a sword. Against the monsters of the Arctic, I chose a Flamefang, one of...
I now saw Elaine pretty well every time I went to the Health Club. We said our hello's, asking after each other's health and worked out, apart from a smile that was all the contact we had. Until a couple of weeks had gone by. She came up to me as I was getting my adrenalin pumping on the treadmill. "Do you think we could have another coffee?" She asked. "Of course." I answered. "Shall I see you outside in twenty?" "Great. I'll be there." It was a good feeling driving with...
I have written earlier about how I am living a cuckold life now at age 61. There are few stories I have about what happened early in our marriage that probably led to my current lifestyle. This is all very true and I suppose this is where it all started. In the early 80s, my wife and I lived in Shreveport for 5 years; I had transferred from the Dallas area. We had one experience where another man came into our love making. (You might want to read my story (An Anniversary To Remember.) In...
Wife LoversOn the king size bed in the privacy of their bedroom Alka was thrashing her body wildly while her husband was pounding his cock deep into cunt. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her cunt and knew that any moment he may spurt. As she lifted her legs and allowed his cock to penetrate deeper, giving a final trust her husband spent his sperm into her and being exhausted lay upon her crushing her on the bed. She liked it as it was on rare occasion that he fucked her, more so when he had...
His reverie was broken when a sporty looking blonde popped up from behind the reception desk. “Oh sorry sir” she started “I didn’t see you come in, how may I help you?” She was a good looking woman of maybe thirty years of age, in excellent shape and dressed in form fitting workout clothes, her long blonde hair in a ponytail and her smile was warm. Her name tag read Amber and had a black four after her name. “I have an appointment with Burt” he said followed by a softer “among others.” A...
Hello Readers I’m Abhishek, This Is My Second Story for Readers and I want your Feedback after Reading My Story On . In This Story I Use Mixed Language Hindi and English. Ye Story Meri aur mere boss ki biwi ke sex ki story hai. Padhai Complete Karne ke baad Maine eq Computer center me computer teaching ka kaam karna suru kiya. Wo company Govt. ke kaam kaaj karti thi aur aadivasi area me school student ko computer teaching ka kaam karti thi aur is kaam ka payments Govt ki Taraf se hi aata tha....
I was woken from my drunken slumber by the buzz of the doorbell. Slowly climbing from the couch I began to piece my night together. Student night at the union. Cheap and nasty shots… far too many of those. What am I doing fully clothed on Dawn’s couch? Shit. yeah… Dawn. Left her high and dry in some bar. Why did I do that? I knew why I did that. I’ve known Dawn for a year. When I first met her I thought she was the most graceful creature to walk the earth. Tall, slim, glossy black hair with an...
TeenJosie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on her bus ride to work. On the bus the boy would sound out his sister's views on sex in general and perhaps sex with her brother in particular. The teen wasn't so sure how to go about it. He knew subtlety was needed but that wasn't his strong point. Well, he would just have to play it by ear. "You're looking sexy this morning, sis." A few compliments never hurt to start out Freddy...
I lived next to this lady for years and didnt know anything about her even though I would occasionally go to her home to repair small things in her home and sometimes cut the grass for her. She never did say very much when I was around her but she seemed very nice and was very polite. Every time I would do something for her she would repay me the next day with something she had cooked, I would come home from work and there would be something wrapped in foil on my porch with a simple thank you...
EroticWhat Helen likesA lot of you have asked questions about my dear wife, Helen – what she likes and does not like.Physical things first – she is in her mid to late 50s. She is 5 feet 10 inches tall. She weighs about 80 kilogrammes – (which is about 175 pounds)She is a size 14, sometimes 16. She has a narrow waist but quite full and curvy hips and a round full bum.Her bust size in the UK is 34E or 34F. Her tits are full, but heavy and I like them a lot because whilst they are heavy, they do not...
Kat sat huddled on her bed. The clock on the table reminded her that she should have been in bed hours ago. While her body was quite sated, her mind was in utter chaos. She couldn't believe that he had actually tied her to her bed and made love to her with his mouth. What was she going to do? She loved what he had done to her but if he kept digging in her past, he was going to reopen old wounds. She knew that if he was seriously considering marrying her, then he had the right to know her...
Part 1 Ch. 1.7 – Caroline’s Story: Jo’s anger and the next time (No sex – well hardly) * (Hi, please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will!) * Jo opened the door and she knew immediately that something was wrong. ‘Lena, what’s wrong. You look terrible. WHAT has he done to you?’ ‘Oh, Jo, it has been a terrible afternoon. This morning was so good....
Hi friends this is ali 18yrs old frm lahore main iss ka bht bara fan hon aur last 3 years sa stories parh raha hoon ok without wasting time lets cum to the story Last year main nay iss pr aik story post ke jis main main nay bataya tha hw i fucked prostitude in lhr…shayad app ko yaad ho wo story parh kr mujhay bht se logo ke mails ayi jinho nay meri story passand ke un main aik mail maha ke thi (jis ka sath baad main sex relation bana) uss nay bataya ka usay meri story bht passand ayi aur wo...
Bill Hardesty’s turn: I’ve just become Bill 3.0. Cindy officially conferred the status upon me. “Bill 1.0’s my adopted dad. Bill 2.0’s Haley’s husband in Louisiana. Since you’re part of this now, you shall be Bill 3.0.” Which is fine, except to Herself, the Vickster, I’m ‘Billy’. “Cindy said you were ‘Billy’ when she first met you.” “I was. I like to think that I’m mature enough to be ‘Bill’ now.” Sparkly eyes. “Not ‘William’?” “Bill.” Snicker. “Billy.” That snicker is one reason I’m...
*This isn’t my usual style, but it comes from the heart – I hope you enjoy!* The wind howled across the plains as the wolves sang their woeful evening song, making the desert sand seem endless. The warrior closed his eyes and let his mind go. Soon he was aware of her presence. Although he knew it was only a dream, it was a dream he was very familiar with. He had been having the same dream his whole life. And this time was no different. He felt her beneath him, his long dark hair falling around...
Lorraine was a woman I had known for quite a while. Sarah and I had invited Dave and her to dinner on more than one occasion and frequently met them at parties. Needless to say, I have always wondered what she would be like in bed. But beyond some mild flirting and a few kisses now and then, that was as far as it went. But things changed at the New Year party we went to. It was a two-tier affair – dinner for a dozen or so and then open-house afterwards. By ten o'clock the party was in full...
Quickie SexDaya Knight’s been getting kinky with her husband, Charles Dera, and she’s ready to push it further with a home invasion fantasy. She has no idea what’s in store for her, or even if it’ll happen, until one afternoon she’s set upon, tied up, and she gets way more than she bargained for. Charles doesn’t hold back, and turns a simple fantasy into an afternoon of domination, obedience, bondage, flogging, slapping, cropping and deep, hard pussy fucking. Daya cums...
xmoviesforyouBabs came round again on Monday as arranged after she had got Simon off to school. "Hi Jacqui, am I too early?" she said cheerily. "No, come on in, I've got the kettle on for a coffee." I had dropped my daughter off at school in the car so I had been back a while. "Any joy with the job hunting?" "Nooo. I went for the part-time job in the bakers up the road, but even they wanted some experience." "What was it you did then?" "I was a legal secretary, but there's only one...
I met Steph on a course at her company and we immediately hit it off. She’s only 5′-5’2′ tall, slim with shoulder length hair, tied back in a pony tail. She was wearing tight black jeans, hugging her ass and a grey t-shirt which nicely outlined her breasts. She was a pretty little thing, about 20yrs old, with a well defined face and lip glossed lips, frequently applied throughout the day! I spent much of the day trying to look down her top at her small smooth tits, discovering that she was...
DisclaimerThe information for this story was supplied to me by rawbadboyz in PMs for his teenage granddaughter Jenny. I merely wrote it up, softening some parts and adding a few explanations where necessary. I have no real idea how old Jenny and Cheryl are, or even whether they really exist outside his imagination, so don’t blame me for any parts you don’t approve of.Jenny“Grandpa will you please untie my hands so I can type this story”.Most evenings Jenny sat on grandpa’s lap, reading David’s...
When Tina and I had relaxed on the bed for several minutes, Tina was about to enter a light sleep. But Tina had promised to lick me clean when we were done. So I told her she had to make good on her promise. Tina rose to her knees and elbows so her face was right over my semi-limp member. She began to lick the sides, tasting her own juices on me. As my hardness returned she put the tip in her mouth and sucked like a lollipop. She was definitely causing a favorable reaction causing my dick to...
Straight SexAn Alpha Subbe’s Diary Dear Journal,Dom has bought me this book to pour out my thoughts and activities so W/we can sort and better understand myself. He will read these pages back to Himself whenever He wants to. Today I whipped His beta subbe with a determination to make her cry. I enjoyed hurting her but not because I’m a sadist or even dominant. As the alpha subbe, Dom had commanded me to hurt her good and nothing is more important than pleasing Him. He watched the scene while sitting on the...
From the netThe doorbell rang for the third time. I had no other option than getting myself out of the bed. Being alone at home on a Sunday morning does not guarantee peaceful sleep, I thought, while walking towards the door."Good morning, Mr. Handsome.""Radhika? How come...? Were we supposed to meet today? Did you call before leaving? Sorry, I didn't check the phone... And where's Madhav? You came alone?" I fired a round of not-so-significant questions, blocking the door."Wow. Is it a quiz...
Friendly Fuck It all started out so innocently... My neighbor and I are friends and old classmates only a year apart. We’ve helped each other out on many occasions with many different things. We’ve had dinner at each other’s houses and even rented movies together. This story is what happened during the last movie that we had watched together... My name is Tom. I’m of average build, 5’ 7” and in relatively good shape. My neighbor, Tammy is a brunette, 5’ 5”, a little overweight with a very big...
Straight SexHumans love to argue. We'll battle about almost anything. That's why we create forms of entertainment we can debate about instead of resorting to real issues. It helps us get our inner monkeys out so we can function as members of civilized society while at work.Master DebatersSports fill this role quite well. Right now, at any sports bar in the world, you can find a couple of guys in a heated debate about rules, bad calls, who the GOAT is, and who is going to have a better next season. Entire...
Premium Anal Porn SitesIt had been a week since that night in her house and Sarah had been avoiding him since. Sarah was typing away at her desk when her intercom buzzed. “Sarah...could you come in here please?” She heard Mr. Matthews’ voice ask. “Yes Sir,” she replied and made her way into his office with her notepad. “Yes, Mr Matthews?” “Please, close the door Sarah,” he said, “and I told you, call me Liam.” His green eyes sparkled and she couldn’t help but smile. He gestured toward the...
Quickie SexNow Linda and Mike were looking over the seat, doing some watching in their turn, while Tina finished fucking Clyde to a frazzle. Tina was lithe and limber and fucked as sinuously as a snake, clinging to him when he filled her cunt with his thick load and wailing with the joy of it as her pussy melted on his spurting prick. Then Clyde was finished. His prick came out limp and drooping, and his balls had gone into a state of collapse. Mike, although he had enjoyed watching, also had a soft...
Time is always of the essence, so the ‘Call and Collect’ facility my local supermarket had introduced was a boon for busy people. I’d ordered some cases of beer and wine for an upcoming party, and, after leaving work later than usual, I pulled into the car park, hunting for a space. The place was busy, and I finally found a spot at the far end of the site, up against a high wall. I blipped the alarm and walked into the store. The collection point was near the front of the store, a male worker...
'So, here we are again, Greg, we're lying here watching a movie again on a Friday night, but every night, around this time, you seem to need to head out. The movie is almost over now, so what's gonna happen now? You're cuddling with me, and I know you love me, but you still have me wondering.'"Oh, that was some movie, Dahlia," he moaned, arching his back and stretching out.I peeked at the clock again. 'Yes, and you're about to leave, aren't you?'"I'm sorry, babe, but I have some...
VoyeurAt nineteen, John had found himself in a position where he had to get a job. What it was didn’t really matter, he just needed something. After finishing college in the summer, he had waited eagerly for his results, but to his and his parents’ frustration, he had obtained the expected results so his primary job was unobtainable. More by luck he had found a local job in an Engineering firm. He fitted in well, especially with the women on the shop floor. He had an air around him, that made him...
SpankingRebecca This was bad with a capital B. "You didn't see this," I told Paul, "You don't know what's inside." I put everything back in the envelope and handed it to him, "Hold onto this, and if anyone, anyone, tries to take it, destroy it immediately. I'll get clearance to take it out without further tests. Wait until you hear from me. It won't take long." I walked back over to the tech on duty. "That envelope does not exist, you are not to log it in or mention it to anyone, you...
"Come on sleepyhead. it's time to get up and go to the party." Mindy said quietly as she gently shook Chase awake. "Wha? What time is it?" Chase asked blearily. He noticed that the sun was slanting low through the blinds. He was exhausted. He was never a good napper, when he woke up, he was usually useless for the rest of the day. "It's a quarter to eight, the party starts in fifteen minutes." Mindy bounced out of bed and put on her sandals. "We need to go pick up our...
Dinner was finished, it had included a wonderful dessert made with berries and cream. Connie, Tammy and Harry excused themselves and headed to the barn when Pap said, "The stock needs feedin' and the cows need to be milked. Those are chores the young'uns do." The women shooed us menfolk out to the porch while they cleaned up the kitchen. Having over eaten again I was stuffed and sat back as well as down. Pap took up a pipe and a tin of tobacco in a cabinet he kept out on the porch. He...
Work was tough. Framing is not as easy as it looks. All I wanted to do is come home, take a shower and relax. Maybe watch some t.v. As I walked in the house, I see my little girl getting her round supple breasts fondled by some young man, probably some one from her school, as they were in a deep kiss. "What the hell?! You need to leave right now young man!" The fear in his eyes was enough to keep me from ripping him a new one. After he had left, I turned back to Jazz. She was huddled in the...
IncestKarma RX was getting ready to fuck the biggest dick in porn history. She was a little nervous. She heard lots of stories and saw pictures. Only very few girls were able to take such a big dick. Karma had an amazing body. Beautiful breast and tight ass. She showed it off to us. Then she entered the house and met with Vlad. When she pulled down his pants there was this giant dick that didn’t fit into his boxer shorts at all. Just hanging past them, almost to his knee. Karma was playing with his...
xmoviesforyouEm was in Amsterdam, where because of the season it was chilly. She preferred warm places. Apart from anything else, you could wear less. It was a business trip as always, this time a little further afield than usual and of longer duration. She had already been to Milan and Munich and this was third week of the trip. It was also the Saturday of a free weekend, giving her a carefully contrived two days of R&R before the work schedule recommenced on Monday. She had arrived the evening before...
There is very little sex in this story that’s why I put it in the non-erotic category. A Cabin in the Woods My name is Dave. I enjoy fishing, ATV’s, snowmobiles or anything else that lets me be in the great outdoors. My favorite outdoor sport is hunting and the best type of hunting in my opinion is deer hunting. I would rather deer hunt than do just about anything else. Today is my favorite day of the year; no it’s not Christmas or Super bowl Sunday. Its Friday November second the day...
After several years of marriage, I found out a really dirty secret about my wife. Simply put, she is a cock crazed slut. Shell take any cock. It doesnt matter what size, shape or color. If she can find it, she will suck it dry, and if the person is smart enough shell let them fuck her brains out. I only really found out a few months ago. It started off as a regular Saturday night. We went out for a drinks at our local bar. Weve gone there for years, and pretty much know everyone there. We said...
The Lodge was not crowded this early in the season. The few folks who were staying had had their evening meal, and then they seemed to fade into thin air. As I waved Warthog off, I remember the car park had seemed empty. "Sorry to be antisocial Sven, but I have some friends who live locally and I want to see them. Their car's busted, so just this once you lose!" And he had grinned as he gunned the engine and sped off. "Don't wait up!" had been one of the last comments before the little...
Hey everyone… This story is about my mom and me. I have been studying in hostel since class 1 so as a result I only get to spend only 2 to 3 months at home.. I have always been my momma’s boy and have always helped her and never got my sexual intensions towards her. Although she is very sexy. I do not know about her breast size etc but they are quite big. The best part about her is that she is very cute… Other than my mom, my dad and I live in d house… Mom used to take a lot of care of me…...