RuneswardChapter 56: Chrysalis free porn video

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Vestra watched as the black dragon slammed its paw down one final time, a cloud of dirt and dust billowing out yet again. The sound of its blow took a moment to reach her, but her eyes were already watering. The man encased in blue had sacrificed himself for her. For all of them, really ... but also for her.

There was no movement from the mound of crushed metal the black ri’Dagowyn had left in its wake. She turned to watch the crumbling face of the other white-haired girl. She watched the girl shudder into herself, her knees trembling but never fully giving way.

The girl had loved him, that was obvious. Vestra’s heart went out to the fellow white-haired girl as she idly wondered at the relationship between the blue man and the girl. Were they siblings? Friends? Spouses? She lamented being unable to ask.

She turned back as the cloud reached her through the cavern’s opening. The tears streaming from her eyes left dark tracks running down her cheeks. She shuddered as she realized that no matter their relationship, the girl had loved the blue man – and, to sacrifice himself, he must have loved her just as much. As she thought it, she could feel her sadness slowly turning to anger.

---- ∞ ----

“No,” Teran whispered, her eyes impossibly wide. Her hands faltered even as her bow dipped and the arrow she had held in her right hand tumbled from her suddenly weak fingers.

“NO!” the pregnant woman screamed, the feeling of her entire world collapsing around her. Her legs trembled and then buckled, dumping her to her knees but her eyes never left the crumpled metal and blood no more than thirty yards from her. The world was tilting. Her entire life was spinning, and she felt herself swaying in the dirt-infused air. “He can’t be dead! He can’t be dead!”

Bremer could not believe what she had just seen, and her breath caught in her throat. Her friend was gone. Her best friend, her confidante, was dead. She could see blood and crushed metal and there was no movement. He had to be gone. Nothing could survive what that dragon had just done. She hadn’t seen the first few blows. Her attention had been diverted by the golden dragon breaking off and coming towards their group. She saw the last two, though. She saw the second-to-last blow and the dragon picking up its paw. She watched as the blue armor laying forlornly in a small depression trembled, and she heard, or imagined she heard, a slight, liquid cough over the sounds of the pitched battle.

Then, the paw had come down again, flinging dirt fifteen feet into the air. The cloud of dirt and dust and grass partially blocked her view of the crushed, bloody metal. She never fully lost sight of it, however. It did not move. Even after the cloud of dirt dissipated, the metal mound lay still.

“Teran! Bremer!” Scollaw yelled, trying desperately to get their attention even as he loosed arrows as quickly as his hands could bring them up. “He’s gone! Don’t let his sacrifice be in vain!”

Suddenly, Teran stood. Tears streamed down her face and an inarticulate cry burst forth from her chest. Her hands blurred as she shot arrow after arrow at the black dragon. The arrows were made of a thin, hollow metal. Yren had designed them and the metal from which they were made. Each night, he’d used his portable anvil to make more arrows by melting down plates of the tin alloy and then adding them to a mold. He handed them out as quickly as he made them, but the mold only allowed him to make ten at a time. It was only right that the arrows, made from Yren’s own hands, avenged him.

The young woman screamed as each arrow left her bow. Scollaw looked over and could scarce believe it. He had never seen arrows shot with such speed and precision, especially as he realized Teran’s eyes were filled with tears so she couldn’t possibly see where she was aiming. The dragon was able to elude some but certainly not all. Teran would not let it. The arrows she fired were in a spread formation. There was nowhere for the dragon to move to dodge them all.

Scollaw watched as arrow after arrow found its target in the dragon’s chest, arms and torso. Each one made a dull thud as it hit and Scollaw could tell each arrow was embedded at least half its length. Blood dripped from the end of each arrow, the hollow nature of the arrow providing a route for the dragon’s blood to escape. A full twenty arrows adorned the dragon’s chest and still, hurt and bloodied, it moved. It roared in pain, but it did not fall.

Bremer had recovered and was herself firing arrows, but not at the black dragon. The gold dragon was lumbering towards them, an evil smile on its face. For all her training and practice, she was not as quick as Teran, nor had she thought her bombardment through. Where Teran had foregone aiming and had launched her arrows in a wide swath to make sure the black dragon could not evade them all, Bremer was still trying to aim at particular body parts – and the gold dragon was dodging them fairly easily.

“Spread them out, Bremer,” Scollaw yelled as he copied Teran. He caught her eye and began a demonstration of what he meant. He shot his arrows as Teran had, not at a point but in a spread formation. “Don’t target, just shoot a volley with each arrow about a hand’s width apart.”

As the three archers fought, Vestra watched from the mouth of the cavern. She swallowed hard as each of the combatants screamed and battled, each in their own way. The three metal-clad figures and the ten to twenty hide-wearing fighters were perhaps barely holding their own against the red and black; at least, they weren’t burnt or melting yet, though it looked like at least one or two of the hide-wearing fighters had lost their lives. Her eyes closed involuntarily as one of the metal-wearing figures barely dove out of the way of the black’s acid spit fast enough. She could see the yellow lumbering up and wondered for how much longer these people would live.

She swallowed again, the foul taste of dirt and dust born on the wind a nasty sickness in her mouth. The dirt scratched at her throat as it went down, adding to the anger boiling up in her stomach. Bitterly, she watched these creatures – her supposed enemies – struggling desperately for their lives. The arrows were finding some marks against the gold, but they didn’t seem to be enough to bring the O’lak-residere down. The others, seemingly limited to hand-based weapons, had yet to actually do any damage to the two – soon to be three – ri’Dagowyn they fought. She watched as the wounded black turned towards the archers.

The end appeared inevitable. These creatures would fall to her brethren. The ri’Dagowyn were near invincible, it seemed.

She wondered how had these creatures managed to drive the Dagowyn off so many eons before?

It didn’t matter. These things would die – and she with them. Her own death meant little to her. She had killed men and there was no coming back from that infraction. Her guilt along with her anger rose like bile in her throat.

The guilt came from many different directions inside her mind. Part of it was that, as a woman, she had been born guilty of not being born male. Part of it was the guilt that, as a woman, she was supposed to be subservient to the whims of men, but she’d railed in the past against that compulsion.

Then there was the guilt of her pride. Even though a woman, she knew she was different. Her ability to go unseen made her more than other women. In truth, she felt she was more than many of the men. Still, she also knew that, as a woman, there was nothing she could do about it.

Throughout her life, guilt had been her constant companion. She had lived with the guilt of her subservience, the guilt of her pride, the guilt of her shame. She reeled under the guilt of being Unseen, the guilt of defying her parents, the guilt of defying the priests. All her life her guilt had covered her like a shroud.

Her eyes were drawn back to the slight depression and its bloody, crushed metal contents. She had watched from the mouth of the cavern, the other women circling around her, as the black ri’Dagowyn pounded the blue knight to death. He had fought for her. Certainly, for the others – but for her as well. They were all fighting for her. For themselves, for the other women, but she had been pulled along with them.

The child lost in the black’s descent landed atop the already towering pile of her guilt. Doing nothing while watching the blue man’s death landed atop the pile. She was being crushed underneath it, pressed down into nothing by its weight. It clawed at her, carving deep into the flesh of her psyche.

Vestra fell to her knees, unable to stand against the guilt piled upon her. She reached out, looking for something – anything – that would give her solace. But all she found was the anger boiling within her.

She grasped it, desperately wrapping it up within her. She rode that tide of guilt until her legs steadied and she rose back to her feet.

She looked around at the distraught faces of her current companions. They weren’t looking at her, their tear-stained, melancholy faces and watering eyes watching forlornly out of the cavern mouth. Still, their faces accused her. In her mind’s eye, she felt they knew this was all her fault, that she had brought this calamity upon them. In silence, she felt their accusations pile atop the guilt within her.

It was too much. She couldn’t let these people sacrifice themselves for her. Not for her. She was unworthy. She was guilty.

Then, suddenly, the metal-encased woman surged forward to join the fight. She had done her duty; her charges safely out of harm’s way. Vestra looked back and saw the animal-skin clothed woman, restraining the young girl with similar hair. Even as their eyes darted out to the fight beyond, the others, too, were holding the wailing girl back, barring her from getting to the mouth of the cave.

“Please, let me go!” Bena cried, struggling vainly with the hands holding her. They didn’t understand. They could never understand. He needed her ... and she needed him. “Yren! Please Yren, don’t die! Yren, I need you!”

Vestra looked at the mouth of the cavern and then back into the darkness once. Guilty. The word resounded around the corridors of her mind, each echo slapping her. She felt guilty. But why did she feel guilty? Because she was a woman? She had no say in that. It was the will of her god that she was born female. Because of her ability to become unseen? That was a gift from her god as well. Subservience to men? Defying her parents? Defying the priests? The words of her god claimed those things she had railed against, those things she had defied, were paramount.

As she felt her guilt towering over her, new thoughts came to her. Her god had allowed this. He had allowed the creation of women and bound them in subservience to men. Her god had caused all of this. The gate was his. The struggle was his. Every word in every book of her god struck against her, consuming her with ever more guilt. She was rife with it, bound to it. She was completely filled with it and, for the first time in her life, she tired of the enormous guilt weighing on her like a thick chain.

She rose against that guilt. She wrapped herself in the cloak of her rage and met it, pounding against it until it shattered into a thousand different pieces.

“AAAAAAAAAAHH!” she screamed into the night, even as she ran from the mouth of the cave.

No more. This would continue no more. No more would she allow this guilt to hold her. No more would she allow blind obedience to color her. No more would she allow these creatures to die for her.

Rage surged through her as the chains of her guilt fell away. Her spirit soared as she felt unfettered for the first time in her life. For the first time, she felt truly free.

No more would she listen to the words of her god and let them rule her. He had abandoned her – abandoned them all for eons on D’arwyn. Now he wanted to redeem them? Now he wanted to bring them back to Vylun? Where had he been all these millennia while his people were suffering?

No more. That would be her mantra. No more. Hers were a petty people, thirsting for something they could never have. Right now, they were focused on the peoples of Vylun, to exterminate them. But when the legendary humans and elves and dwarves and the rest were gone, what would happen? Her people would fight amongst themselves, until they destroyed each other.

No more. Her rage burned within her, and she felt it start to consume her. Even as she ran, she felt the heat within her surge. It pushed its way to every point in her body, until her entire body felt thick and swollen. She screamed again as the heat boiled up with her, her gorge rising with it and fire searing through her mind. It purified her and changed her, pushing her, making her skin flow and grow. She felt her scales form, felt her tale grow from her buttocks. Her wings clawed their way out of her back even as her mouth surged forward, becoming a great, toothed maw.

Her iridescent scales gleamed in the moonlight, seeming almost to glow terribly with a light all on their own.

This was it. This was enough. It was time to be what she was meant to be.

---- ∞ ----

Yren could feel the life flowing from his body. His eyes were open, but he could not see. His mouth was open, but he could not breathe. Darkness had fallen over him and was in the process of consuming him.

He had failed. Ardt would be disappointed. His sister would be disappointed. He had failed and Bena and Teran and Elva and Issa would pay the price. Ataya and Audette would die, because he was too weak.

Knight or Armsman. Blacksmith. Mage. He had struggled with the sheer concept of them, fear and worry gnawing at him as he contemplated what each of those terms meant and how he could possibly fit into any of them. He had felt too small. He had felt too unworthy. What right did a humble blacksmith have to any other claim? It was fine to hear how Ardt had been more than a simple smith, but Ardt had lived a lifetime. He had only 16 seasons under his belt. In time, he felt maybe he could become something more than a simple smith. But not in the time he had lived.

So, he had prevaricated. He had lied, the most horrible lie of all – a lie to himself. He cringed away from the words. He wondered, falsely, how could he be true to himself, clothed in any of those titles? Only the title of blacksmith felt comfortable. It was the only one that felt familiar – but still, though he ignored it, each of the other titles felt true.

Like a self-fulfilled prophecy, in the end he would be none of those. He would be a corpse, his body joining those of his loved ones because of his failure. There would be no more Times of Remembrance – at least, not from this side of the Veil of Death. Not for his family. His family would be gone, lost to the annals of time. They would end up food for the dragons.

He did not fear his death. He didn’t fear the deaths of his loved ones. All were born to die. He lamented his failure, however. He lamented the destiny he had clearly lost.

Knight or Armsman. Blacksmith. Mage. It was almost funny if it weren’t so tragic. ‘You can be all of them or none of them,’ Elva had said. ‘It is your choice.’ He had not heeded her words. He’d never made the choice, scared to choose one over the others. In the end, he’d made no choice ... which was, in and of itself, a choice.

The choice to be nothing. To end. To die. To fail.

Then, the sound that chilled his failed and dying body filled him. “Yren, I need you.”

‘I’m sorry,’ he whispered in the halls of his mind and willed Bena to hear the words. ‘I am broken. I have nothing left to give.’

He could not answer his beloved’s call. He truly had nothing left. He had no breath. His body was broken, for all intents and purposes dead. He was in the last few moments of suffocating life before crossing the dark veil to Ober’s domain.

“Yren, I need you.” The call was insistent, if quiet. It echoed in his mind.

Bena would die. They would all die. All of them, to these dragons. He would have cried if he only had the strength.

Teran would die. With her, his child. His child would die before it was even born.

At the thought, anger flared within him. It was but a single flame, burning intensely in the dark vaults of his gut. It trembled, violently, flashing and ebbing, before it faded and left only an ember.

Then, the hatred he felt at his failure roiled over the ember, igniting it anew. Under the caring fingers of his hatred, the flame was fed and nurtured, billowing up from a haphazard finger of fire into a roaring wall of heat and light. Hatred fanned the flames, growing ever higher, until that flame burned into white hot rage. He had failed and his family – his child – would pay the price. All he had gone through to keep them safe was for nothing.

Failure. He had failed and that failure fed the rage within him, turning it into a towering inferno.

Even as he felt that heat sear through his body, it found the strange, unnatural opening within him, and the impossibly unending pool of power contained within. The pool ignited, its power rising even as the towering flame kindled it.

His rage surged. His hatred gushed. His whole body, on the very precipice of death, shook with it. For the first time he truly realized why he’d named his blades as he had. He had named them after himself.

There was a whooshing sound as his body ignited. Squirming fingers of bright blue flame burst from his broken, smashed chest and crawled outward, down his arms and legs and up over his face. His skin glowed like hot, blue embers and the flames flooded over and through his armor.

Finally, he let his worry and fear die. It didn’t matter if he were a knight, a mage or a blacksmith, if he were dead. Only the living had use of titles. In that moment, he no longer cared what he was called. He would be all of them ... and more. He would be whatever he needed to be to succeed.

He. Would. Not. Fail.

The flame turned impossibly hot. The blue fire hissed and its tips burned with a white so bright it would have burned the eyes of any who dared look at it. The fire burned within him and wherever it touched it burned away the pain. Bones knit. His crushed torso pushed upward, his body turning whole. His armor glowed like the noon sun and as the glow faded, it was once more intact. It was new, all of the blood and detritus burned away by the blue flame. Even the sigils of Deia and Kyr returned, Deia’s mark glowing with a renewed burgundy and Kyr’s shimmering in her customary purple.

Fire roared across the surface of his armor, still the blue but now tipped with impossibly bright white. His eyes filled with the blue fire, tendrils of flame licking out of the corners. His clenching hands glowed with it, the flames licking up between the fingers.

He let go of his fear and indecision and just became.

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A Mothers MistakeMaybe

This all began two years ago at my home when I was alone and in our pool. This story continues to this day and I will try to keep you updated if your interested. Note: I have published this story at other sites also so please do not copy and repost anywhere without my permission. Thank you!My name is Jill, 45 and I'm a married bifemale with three grown c***dren ages 25 (son) 23 (son) and 20 (daughter). I really don't know where to start this or how to explain what happen too me last month but I...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 22

Woodenly Elaine made her way up the stairs.   She held the railing, steadying herself.   Her legs were like jelly and she had to stop a couple of times.   Despite the feeling of taking one step forward, two steps back, she was wiping her feet on the mat and sliding her key into the front door in less than a minute.   I wish I could stop thinking.    Maybe I could take a nap…   Inside the apartment Elaine was somewhat surprised.   Her roommates were on speed!   Or at least that’s how it...

2 years ago
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Shy Indian Wife Finally Learns To Enjoy Life

Hello Friends, I am Sandeep and here with a real story of my life. This is a sex story which will tell you all about how my shy and Indian house wife turned into a real sex lover or you can call a sexy slut. Sujata my wife was very shy and never looked interested in sex at all. I got married to Sujata a year back. I was more like a horny type guy doing all the crazy stuffs before marriage like accessing porno sites, watching blue films, etc… So the first thing that came into my mind when my...

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An anniversary to remember

Hello ISS Lovers! It was his anniversary with his conspicuous by her absence. Guess who eventually compensated for the excitement lost ? Let me have your impressions about this story at Anniversaries are not worth celebrating if you are alone. Mukesh sighed helplessly as he felt immensely aloof on his very first anniversary. Suchi, his wife had gone for her first delivery and the small flat in the suburbs of New Bombay had begun looking like a haunted house in her absence. He even cursed...

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Thunder Buddy Slumber

This story involves my little cousin. We we're the oldest of our family. I was 20 and she is 16. She's short, has perky little tits, and a beautiful tight body. We were basically brothers and sisters and the family knew it. She's definitely an innocent one but I'm almost certain she knows exactly what she's doing. We weren't close but there were moments where she needed a drive home and I was her only option. We talked about the drive home and she told me not to tell her mom as well as 'keep it...

4 years ago
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Kissing KeiraChapter 7

For the next month I worked hard to distract myself. It didn't work. Keira hovered in my consciousness, ever-present, haunting me and stealing away everyday simple pleasures. I saw her beautiful tears every time I closed my eyes. I became obsessed with distracting myself from her memory. Once casual alcoholic drinks became the norm, no longer casual, consumed to numb me and help me sleep. In moments of inebriation I wondered if there was only one person in the world that was the perfect...

4 years ago
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Bhua Ki Chudai Meri Virginity Lost

Hi friends.!! M Raushan from bihar. M 18 years old. Jyada baate ba krte hua mai story pe aata hu. Ye sachi ghatna hai. Koi khani ni hai. Hope you all will enjoy. Kuch din phle tk mai virgin tha. Pr jb meri mom ki tabiyat kuch kharab hui to meri bhua unki madad krne aayi thi. Papa ko hospital me hi mom ke saath rhna prta tha. To mai aur bhuaji ghr me akele the to saath me hi sote the. Mera koi glt intension kvi ni tha unke liea. Unki figure thi 30 36 30. Ek din jb meri nind khuli to mai dekha ki...

4 years ago
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Spells R Us 4 stories in one

This story takes a bit of reading to get to any sex. If you are looking for a quick read, look elsewhere, please. Also, any suggestions are welcome. ======================== Andrew walks through the mall, doing some last minute Christmas Shopping when a store sign catches his eye. "Spells R Us" it reads.

2 years ago
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Sex on the beach under the Super Moon

The day started like most other Saturdays. My husband and I worked around the house while the k**s played in the pool. At about noon, as I was making lunch my sister called me. She wanted us to come out to the beach, saying it was far too beautiful a day to waste working. She did make a lot of sense so after talking to my hubby we all changed into our swim wear and headed off to meet my sister at her beach.She was right. The beach was gorgeous. My husband boogie boarded with the boys...

2 years ago
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Take Her For A Test Drive

Take Her For A Test Drive I had lost my wife after thirty years of marriage. Cancer took her from me. That was nine years ago. Now at sixty years old I was looking for another life partner, a soul mate, a woman to spend the rest of my life with. I had confided in my best friend for years and he knew everything about me. He also knew that I was in love with his wife. Patty is four years younger than her husband and I. She was my wife’s best friend and she too knew everything about...

3 years ago
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My First Time revised

Hello all this is my fist entry and feed back would be greatly appreciate My first time with Lisa. She was a hot blonde with big tits and a nice heart shaped ass. Lisa  stood 5′ 6′ tall, and was around 125 lbs. I am 6 foot  245lbs   I am just your average looking guy. We worked together at a small town pizza shop. Lisa had ask me for a ride home one night after work, and I  agreed out of kindness . We arrived at her place she ask me in for a cold drink, and I accepted I  ask about her...

2 years ago
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Sure bet

We had to bring in my other friend Tim to help because with my job I was not always free to take bets and pay up money or to help collect. Me and TIm go back to 1st grade knowing each other. Mr. Franklin owned a few of the hardware stores in town he had some money and wanted everyone to know it. He married Sarah one of the daughters of the town mayor. I think she did it to piss off her Mom and Dad. She was about 35. Five years older that me, Tim, and Jeff. She had light brown hair was about 6...

3 years ago
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Watching Daddy Shower and getting wet

Every girl has a dark secret and in my case, it was sexual, as is normal but the dark part was, it was with someone close to home, and nobody comes closer to a girl than her father, especially if she was the instigator, as was the case with me.Being the only c***d I was spoilt and preened over. Celebrating my twelfth birthday as my coming of age, I was treated to a day out, a nice meal, and two glasses of bubbly, what harm can two glasses of bubbly do to a young girl, after all, French c***dren...

2 years ago
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My wifes first big black cock part 1

Its been a while since I first discovered my wife, Kay, in the arms of one of our African American neighbors, she wasn't too happy with me since we moved from the big city to a small urban neighborhood. Money was tight and it was just something we had to do. I can still remember the day, we were just unpacking the moving van when I noticed our neighbor standing on the front porch of his house looking our way. He slowly walked over and introduced himself. His name was Bobby, he was 6'3', 210...

2 years ago
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A Passionate Encounter With A Designer From Pub To Bed In Bangalore

Hello folks!! This is Pavan working in a reputed MNC in Bangalore and basically from Hyderabad. This is my second story in ISS and I am huge follower of this site. Infact I prefer this site more than any other porn sites as it is a platform for many of the realistic experiences which turns on anyone big time. I only say I’m a cute guy with decent looks and who respect women and their preferences a lot, no matter where it is. As i believe respecting women is the biggest trait any guy would need...

3 years ago
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Being a Jerk for HalloweenChapter 3

I've never been in a tornado or hurricane. I've seen film of reporters standing in the approach of a hurricane, with everything behind them blowing horizontally, and them hardly able to stand up. It looks like a confusing, wild and scary environment to be in. At the same time you wish you could be there too. There's something visceral about battling nature and surviving. But I'm also sure that, once the tornado or hurricane was actually there in full force, all you'd be doing was trying...

2 years ago
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New Rules

I sat at my desk listening to the near riot in the classroom, for years students had been getting more out of control as the laws changed and we were no longer able to discipline them. I was looking forward to the future, UKIP, the United Kingdom Independence Party had won a stunning electoral victory and they were now in power. We had been withdrawn from the European Union, all the petty rules had been abolished and we had withdrawn from the European human rights act. There was a case going...

4 years ago
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Mother And I 8211 Part II

Hi to all, I hope you have enjoyed the first part of my story. The second part is as under: July 15 I woke up around 8.30 am and went downstairs. I saw dad left for office. I went to kitchen and saw mother preparing breakfast. I came from behind her, held her buttocks with my hands and plant a kiss on her neck. She moaned for a few seconds and told me to bath and have breakfast, as she wanted to talk to me about something. I went upstairs, thinking that now as dad is in office she may want to...

2 years ago
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JulesJordan Ava Addams Ho Ho Ho Santa Brought Me Big Titties For Christmas

Seasoned slut Ava Addams is a horny MILF trying to spice things up in the bedroom with her husband. She’s mostly into role playing and has tried different costumes to keep things interesting. Every time she dresses up she makes sure that her huge tits are bursting out of her top and her tight ass is on full display for her man. She’s been a French maid, a sexy schoolgirl, and a naughty Santa’s helper and it always seems to have the same result, Manuel takes her to the bedroom...

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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 6

We were sitting at a longer table and were quickly joined by Melody, Tracy, and Amanda. Carl arrived moments later and asked if he could join us. Agnes nodded and I said, “Sure, Carl. Leave your stuff and get a tray.” He got in line leaving his books on the table. He returned shortly with a tray of food. “Eric, who are all these pretty ladies?” “The one on my right is my beautiful lady, Agnes. Next to her is Melody, her roommate. Those two are Tracy and Amanda. They’re all good...

2 years ago
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Were You Hit With a Slut Ray Book IChapter 16

“I still can’t believe that I didn’t recognize you, but then you were so demure while working at my office. Such a contrast from high school cheerleading captain Kara. Somehow, it never clicked. Perhaps because I never got your last name back then. You were just Kara, the super popular captain of the cheerleading squad. Kara Logan the temp turned permanent staffer, that was a very different girl by all appearances. “I thought that you had a boyfriend or something, that kind of thing. Or that...

4 years ago
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James and Ally

James laid back on the hammock, sipping his icy rum and cokeand breathing in a deep sigh of summer air. It was lovely to get away from the business of his work and the city, and he closed his eyes and soaked in the serenity of the little beach shack they’d rented for the weekend. He and Ally hadn’t been together for long at all – they hadn’t even slept together yet- but this weekend away with her and a few friends was the perfect opportunity to test how far she’d let him go. Just as he began to...

Straight Sex
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Jasons Secrets Exposed Chapter 2

"That's better, pussy. You are now totally in my power and I will do with you whatever I will. I am now going to turn you, and you will put up no resistance. If you do, I promise that you will regret it. Do you understand?" "Yes." Another slap, this time harder. " 'Yes, Mistress' is what I want to hear." "Yes, Mistress." I then opened Jason's mouth, took a big drag on my cigar, and blew the smoke through his lips. He coughed again, and I slapped him once more. "No coughing, pussy." ...

5 years ago
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Nanny in Los Angeles

I was living in Los Angeles. I was there to try and get in to show business. I took a job as a nanny for a couple that were both lawyers. It was only a temp job until their regular nanny came back.The husband came home occasionally in the middle of the day and worked in his office as did she. About three months in he started coming into the kitchen when I was cleaning up from feeding the kiids.I did the clean up after they went down for their nap after lunch. We talked usually about them and...

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I became Jennifers sex slave and I love ot

Back when I was in school,I used to hang out with a girl named Jennifer and .Since we were just friends at the time, having any sexual encounters really never crossed my mind. Well, Jennifer moved away, and I thought I would never see her again.About ten years later, after high school, I moved into an apartment as far as from home as I could find. This one particular day, I went to the complexlaundromat to do my laundry and my surprise I would run into my old friend now 25 years of age...

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Help To Shalini

Help To Shalini Hi Readers, mera naam raj hai ,age 22. Dusaro ki tarah mai meri size to bataunga nahi .comments are welcome at Any Woman can Contact with me for Chatting. Ye story un diko he jab mai 17sal ka the our mere ko sex ke bare me jada jankari nahi thi. Us time meri 11th me padata tha .mai mere mom dad our 1 brother ke sath rahta tha.usi time hamare pados me 1 couple rahane ko aya tha, mr shasri ,age 42 our unaki wife ka nam tha Shalini age 35.uncle kisi private company me kam karate...

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Rigor MortisChapter 30

Julie and I were sitting down on the floor next to my little hideaway in the office looking at the assortment of files that constituted the data collected on the murders that had spurred my investigation of the Dirty Cop case and I guess I must have been sporting a huge frown of frustration at not being able to pull it all together into a semblance of logical motivation. When I had taken the courses in investigation at the police academy, the first thing they had driven into our heads was...

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The Deception of Choice Episode Seventeen

The Deception of Choice. Episode Seventeen, comprising Chapters 40 & 41. Preamble. David's friends lend sympathy and help. For which David is duly grateful but does it solve anything? Is it all too late with the Government seemingly now involved? Hope eternal springs in some breasts whereas David's breasts seemingly just spring .... Helen offers an explanation, but you will have to decide for yourselves.... Chapter 40. Anne, there before him, was sitting at a table...

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Breaking in Ones New Body

The Doctor flipped a switch, and the familiar vworping sound was heard, as the TARDIS dematerialised from the planet Skaro. "Well then, that was certainly a challenge, wasn't it, Doctor?" Romana said. "Oh hardly," the Doctor smiled. "Defeating the Daleks is mere child's play for me. You know, I faced them just after my first regeneration too. The planet Vulcan I think it was. Of course, I had Ben and Polly to look after me." "Vulcanites?" "No no, they were from Earth. You...

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Stressful Mom

Chapter One I am David, the only child of Gerald and Emma Fitzpatrick. Both, mom and dad loved me very much and gave me everything any child could ever ask for. My parents had a very special relationship. My father was a typical alpha male very dominant and controlling. My mother was his best friend, his lover and his sex slave. She loved him to death and did everything he wished. She had fully submitted to him heart, body, mind and soul. Dad always made lots of money so mom never had to...

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CHAPTER 7I must have dozed after the Dane was able to pull his knot out of me. In fact, we all did. When the door to the hut opened, again, the three women found me curled on the floor with the two dogs. I looked up at the same time that the dogs did. The women chuckled at the scene before them. One of the them was carrying a tray of bowls and another had a jug of water and two bowls. Walking in behind them was Sylvia. She gave me a smile and a hug as I stood up from the floor.“How are you...

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Always Daddys Girl

I’ve always been different from other girls. I like math and science. I like riding and jumping BMX bikes, roller blading, skate boarding, climbing trees, and all the stuff guys usually like to do. However, I wasn’t a typical tomboy. I liked wearing pretty dresses, and I wasn’t even opposed to frilly pink outfits. My name is Stephanie, but my dad as well as all of my real friends call me Stevie. I also had a different attitude about my dad. At least I treated him differently than other girls...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 1

When I knelt in front of your erect cock, just looking at it, taking it in my mouth, licking it and sucking it turned me on. Plus, grabbing your slightly dangling balls was always a good patent to keep you from shoving your cock down my throat, because you fucked me often in my throat as if you were driving into my ass without resistance. I liked to lie on my back and you would get me from the top in a reversed 69 Being under the influence of alcohol while playing with a screen, I suddenly had...

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The Elevator

  The Elevator By Ms. Cleavage Copyright 2007   The elevator door closes and behind me is a very handsome man that I noticed as I entered. He is wearing a very expensive looking suit with an attaché case in his right hand leaning up against the wall. He smiles at me as I enter the elevator and press the button for the floor below the button he pushed. We have many floors to go yet. I stand there in the middle of the floor and we begin our...

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A great night with Bec

I open my eyes. I’ am greeted by a pleasant surprise. A smile crosses my face as I look down and see Bec’s face imbedded in my stomach. “Morning” I smile. “Morning sexy” Bec replies. I lay back and shut my eyes as Bec moves her lips down my stomach. My mind is flooded again, reliving the visions of the previous night. What a night! Is all I can really say? I have thought about her for such a long time and last night I acted on it. It started with a night out as most do. I hit the dance floor...

Oral Sex
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NubileFilms Elsa Jean Alexa Grace Emma Hix Three Beauties

Elsa Jean and Emma Hix have decided to spend the afternoon in bed as they explore new ways to pleasure each other’s super skinny bodies. Their bras are soon a distant memory as their hands roam to one another’s pussies that are covered by their underwear. When Alexa Grace decides to join her girlfriends, she brings a double ended dildo that she just knows will give them an even hotter time than just their fingers and mouths alone. Exchanging a set of kisses, Alexa and Emma flank...


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