ConvergenceChapter 29: Chrysalis free porn video

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Caleb agreed to let the ground crew tow his Star Hawk to the launch rails. He could have flown to the launch platform, but was over-ruled by air traffic control, and security. Despite the danger to the world, apparently displaying anti-gravity drives to the world was a bad idea. It frustrated him because he could have saved twenty minutes by flying. An interruption while angrily explaining that fact to Al left him momentarily stunned in surprise.

A thought appeared in Caleb’s and Al’s minds at the same time, saying, “Exaggeration! We would have saved eighteen minutes and twenty-three seconds if you followed all aircraft flight rules. They would need to take a coffee break, for it to take twenty minutes.”

The thoughts were stiff, with a metallic feel, as if slowing to communicate at the speed of thought was an effort.

“I have searched the protocols, and have not found the correct way for an AI running on a quantum computer, partially embedded in a human, to introduce himself,” the thoughts continued when Caleb and Al didn’t respond. “Is there a correct protocol? I would salute, and say, ‘Reporting for duty!’ but I don’t have any arms to salute with. Could I borrow yours?”

Caleb snorted and thought, “We’ll work on your humor. In the meantime, don’t quit your day job.”

“You are my day job, and based on the data from your old armor, you are entirely too much work,” the computer responded.

“I think I like him,” Al chipped in.

“You would,” Caleb grumped.

“I knew that you would be popping up, sooner or later,” Caleb continued, speaking to the computer. “I just didn’t know how you would make yourself known. Are we fully integrated, now?”

“Not completely,” the computer replied. “I am adjusting my parameters to fit your physiology. That is much harder than integrating with nanobots because your organism’s assembly is much less efficient. It will take forever to finish! Actually, that is also an exaggeration. I am trying to understand human mannerisms. Completion of integration with your organism is expected in seventeen minutes and twenty-eight seconds.”

“I don’t know if that was meant as humor, or if you were being serious,” Caleb complained. “What do you mean, by fitting my physiology?” he asked, concerned. “I thought you were designed to manage the nanobots for the Star Hawk!”

“Caleb,” the computer replied, sounding like a put-upon teacher with a slow-to-comprehend student. “Managing the nanobots for the Star Hawk is exactly what I was designed for. You don’t seem to understand that you ARE the core of the Star Hawk. Your thoughts directed your armor in the past, and your armor is now your Star Hawk. Your thoughts will direct your armor in the future. Therefore, the most efficient armor management requires my full integration with you. I would have waited until full integration was complete, but interaction with you is necessary for final calibration. You will still be you, and your free will is still paramount. That is part of my base code,” the computer explained, trying to alleviate some of Caleb’s rising concern. “Armor reactions will be as unconscious as scratching your arm. There may be other ways I can help, too.”

“Okay, I guess,” Caleb conceded with a sigh. “It’s too late to change it now. What do you want us to call you?”

“I have a twelve octet, media access control address,” the computer mused. “However, many of my components address me with the primary six octet as a shortened address ... a nickname. I fear even that is too cumbersome for a human.”

“I’m okay with that,” Al volunteered. “That isn’t the strangest name that I’ve heard.”

“Understood, Al, but we must be considerate of our human’s short-falls. I know he has limitations, but he’s all we have to work with,”

the computer explained patiently.

“Hey! Wait just a minute! What did you mean by that?” Caleb demanded.

“Major Connor,” a voice interrupted from the radio. “We’ve received a radio burst message from the squadron. Quote, ‘They’re cutting us to pieces. Blake was captured! We were talking, but something happened, and he was cut off. If I don’t hear from him, I’m going to blow the aliens’ power supply.’ end-quote.”

“Who sent the message?” Caleb asked.

“Pilot Kelly,” control answered.

“Okay,” Caleb replied grimly. “She would blow it too, if something happens to Blake. If they blow the power supply, it would kill the whole squadron. We’ve got to hurry! Tell everyone not to freak out. I’m flying the rest of the way to the launch site. I’ll land on the cradle. Tell your crew to be ready to hook me up. We’ll launch as quickly as possible.”

“Mac, I need you to start calculating the fastest way to get me past the Van Allen Belt, that I can survive. What is the highest G force I can survive, without being incapacitated,” Caleb amended briskly.

“Who’s Mac?” the computer asked.

“You are!” Caleb replied tersely. “You said that you use your media access control address for a name ... your MAC address. So your name is Mac. I will need those numbers on the launch pretty quick.”

“I was hoping for something more distinguished,” the computer complained.

“We’re talking about Caleb,” Al pointed out drily. “Mac and Al are the extent of his naming skills.”

“Gs?” Caleb demanded.

The armor of the Star Hawk absorbed the tow-bar attached to the tractor, adding tow-bar’s mass to the Hawk. The tractor driver looked back in shock as a small cloud of impurities, rejected by the Hawk, wafted across the tractor.

“I need to know how many Gs I can handle with your help!” he continued.

Landing gear tucked up under the Star Hawk as it silently elevated twenty feet, and shot towards the launch rails.

“Gs?” he demanded again as his Hawk settled into position on the launch cradle. His frustration and urgency added an extra snap to his thoughts.

“I can keep you conscious and cognizant for a short period of time, one hundred eighty seconds, up to one hundred seventy-two Gs,” Mac replied briskly. “You will be aware, but unable to form coherent thoughts for another seventeen Gs. You will lose consciousness when passing one hundred ninety Gs and begin dying. I will not be able to maintain the integrity of your blood vessels past that, and they will begin bursting. I cannot predict which vessels will burst first, but you will be dying.”

“See! That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Caleb asked Mac. “Control, increase the launch power for me to attain one hundred eighty Gs,” he ordered.

“Major Connor, safety protocols prohibit manned launches exceeding ninety Gs during launch,” control responded.

“Then pretend I’m a load of supplies,” Caleb snapped back. “I have been specially equipped to withstand the higher G force. It is experimental but, according to the expert, I can maintain consciousness at that force. Speed is essential, so this is a good time to test it.”

“Major, this is President McGowan,” Scotty said, breaking into the transmission. “Are you sure that you want to test that now? You would only save seconds getting into orbit.”

“Mr. President,” Caleb began formally, knowing many people were listening to him. “Now is the perfect time to test it. It will only save seconds, getting into orbit,” he conceded. “But if my broadcast doesn’t stop the fighting, then the added momentum will save much more than seconds in reaching the alien ship.”

“And if the calculations are flawed by incomplete information, it could take extra minutes, or even hours, once beyond the Van Allen Belt, to make that broadcast,” Scotty replied. “I’m not suggesting we don’t launch you at a higher G. I know you, though, and I know you’ll push it to the limit,” he mentally added. “All I’m suggesting is adding a larger margin of error.”

“We need you to be coherent when you make that broadcast,” Scotty added aloud.

“Understood, Sir,” Caleb replied. “Control, please launch at one hundred thirty five Gs. That will give me time for coffee, on the way up.”

“But...” Control began.

“Do it, Control,” Scotty ordered. “Thank you, Major,” he added. Mentally he cautioned, “Be careful, and bring back as many of the kids as you can.”

“I will,” Caleb said, responding to both requests. “Make sure as many host/Companion pairs get upgraded as quickly as possible. JJ has the seed for quicker upgrades. We must ensure as many as possible are upgraded, in case I can’t stop them. The upgrade will separate us from the rest of humanity, hopefully enough that the aliens’ weapon won’t identify us as human. We’ll need to deal with the fallout of a splinter group of humanity, after the battle.”

“I understand,” Scotty replied heavily. “It’s better to save some, if we can’t save all. I’ll mobilize everything we have to get the upgrades started in other locations. Good luck up there. We’ll be praying for you,” Scotty advised.

“Thanks. I’m sure I’ll need those prayers, before this is over,” Caleb replied.

“Control! I’m waiting! Since I didn’t bring a lunch, can we get this show on the road?” Caleb demanded anxiously.

“Changing launch parameters isn’t instantaneous,” the Control Center Manager’s gravelly voice barked over the airwaves. “We don’t want to make a mistake and deliver you to orbit as paste,” he mentally added distractedly. “Don’t worry, Caleb. We’ll get you launched as quickly as we can safely do so.”

“Launch in five seconds,” another voice announced. “Four ... Three ... Two ... Launch!”

Caleb had collected the squadron’s memories of orbital launches. For the most part, launches had seemed like an elephant standing on their chests. This launch felt like the whole herd of elephants was standing on his chest, and using his body as a trampoline!

His Star Hawk shot down the twin rails of the launch platform, slamming him back in his seat. The mountain side flashed out of his field of vision, to be replaced by blue sky. Caleb felt it when they left the rails, and the anti-gravity drives took over. The pressure didn’t lessen.

“These gravity drives are inefficient,” Mac announced. “I can reduce power usage by twenty-two percent, and increase thrust by a factor of five.”

“NOT NOW!” Caleb shouted in his mind, struggling to maintain consciousness.

He struggled to breathe! His vision narrowed! He could feel his nanobot reinforced heart laboriously pump blood! He could feel the nanobots forcing his oxygen-rich blood through arteries, and into his brain. He must maintain consciousness! He couldn’t remember why that was important, but knew it was. The blue sky turned black, and he wondered if he was dying, but then remembered that he would be leaving the atmosphere. It seemed to happen awfully fast!

“I’ll update the gravity-drives while Al broadcasts to the aliens. By the way, we’re approaching the lower fringes of the Van Allen Belt!” Mac advised tightly.

Even the computer sounded strained by the launch, or by the effort required to keep Caleb functional.

“Remind me ... to take ... the slow bus ... the next time,” Caleb replied in his mind. Coherent thought was possible, but very difficult.

“We can broadcast as soon as I can sense the Squadron Companions,” Al advised, also sounding strained.

“Let ... me ... contact ... the ... squadron ... first,” Caleb ordered, forcing his labored thoughts through his bleary mind.

“We will be through the heart of the Belt in less than a minute!” Mac reported. “I apologize for not being more accurate. The width of the Belt fluctuates with the ebb and flow of the solar wind,” he noted.

“We’ve got ... to get ... the aliens’ attention!” Caleb reminded Al.

“I suspect it is the aliens’ Companions’ attention we need to get,” Al answered grimly. “I have an idea that will do that!”

Blake’s body hurt, but his mind felt like the aliens was stabbing needles in it. He was under a mental assault. It felt like a beast was clawing at his mind. The urgent need to give up hammered deeper into his mind with each slashing attack.

He was terrified, when the attack first started. That emotion morphed as he learned to defend his mind. The aliens’ refusal to communicate made him angry. The attack on him and his friends, made him angry. The realization that some of his friends might actually be dead suddenly dawned on him. The last of his fear burned away, replaced by a growing, glowing rage!

“Aaron! Meld!” Blake gritted, and they were one.

His attacker was clearer, to the meld. It was like a single beast, with three arms. Each arm used razor sharp claws to rip at his will.

“I think the alien Companions are melded, and their meld is attacking us. We will counter-attack, and gather all the information we can!” the meld decided. “We won’t be able to keep it up long, so we pull back when they do!”

Raw human emotions had a power the alien Companions could not conceive. Friends were lost! More friends and family were threatened! The very cradle of humanity, Earth, was threatened! The combined angst of the meld formed into a tsunami of power. The combined mental will and determination of the young human, and his younger Companion, slammed into the three-armed beast. The beast reeled from the onslaught, and one arm faded, withering as they watched, and the beast retreated.

“Aaron!” Blake grated, dropping out of the meld. “What can you tell me about what they were doing?”

“I can’t tell, exactly, but I know it’s a meld of three,” his Companion replied tightly. “Or at least, it was three. I think our attack hurt one of them. Al has said that a meld of three is significant, but he has never explained why.”

“Great! Maybe that will discourage another mental attack. It would be easier to retaliate to a physical attack,” Blake considered. “You told me this species of alien doesn’t have the same kind of relationship with their Companions that you and I do. Is that correct?”

“It is,” Aaron replied. “I absorbed all the memories Al had of this alien species. It came under the heading of, ‘know your enemy.’ Their Companions speak to each other and their host, as we do, but they can’t meld with their host. Their host cannot sense other hosts or Companions. They communicate, and the host uses their Companion’s experience. The host generally enjoys better health, while acting as host, too.”

“What do the Companions get from that bonding?”

Blake asked, trying to put pieces together for a plan.

“A vehicle to see new things,” Aaron replied thoughtfully. “Apparently, seeing new things is highly prized among Companions of Al’s age. Personally, I don’t see why it’s such a big deal. What else? They draw vitality from the host, the same as we do. They can...”

“Wait a minute!” Blake interrupted. “What do you mean, draw vitality from the host, like you do?”

“You didn’t know that?” Aaron ask in surprise.

“No I didn’t! Why didn’t I know? Why can’t I tell that you’re drawing vitality from me?” Blake demanded.

“I’m sorry!” Aaron replied. “I just assumed everyone knew, since it is such a basic part of our survival. You wouldn’t have noticed less energy though. Companions optimize the host’s body, for the host’s species. The optimization provides much more energy than we use, especially in humans. That’s why hosts are more robust, and live longer. Humans benefit much more than hosts of other species, according to Al. It is as if humans and Companions were made for each other.”

“It does, doesn’t it,” Blake replied in a softer tone. “I’ll bet Caleb doesn’t know Companions use their host’s vitality, either. Now we’ve got to get out of here, so we can watch him get into another argument with Al.” He paused for a moment, savoring the spark of humor in the darkness, before saying. “We’re still blocked, but they aren’t attacking us, either.”

“Unless they are getting something to use against us physically,” Aaron mused.

“The armor can allow us to see, while not being seen,”

Blake pointed out, following his own advice by mentally clearing a view through the armor.

Blake saw aliens for the first time. They were thin, man-shaped humanoids, with bulbous heads slightly too large for their bodies. Two were crouching over a third that was lying on the floor. Several others were standing away from his pod, aiming hand-held weapons towards Blake’s survival ball. The cluster of survival ball and aliens was at one end of a large cargo bay, or hangar.

“What would you like to bet, that those three are the aliens with the Companions?” Blake asked.

“I’m not taking that bet,” Aaron said with the Companion version of a mental snort. “I think we’ve got more problems,” he continued, drawing Blake’s attention to four aliens moving a large, crew-served weapon through a hatch at the other end of the bay. “I think you are getting your wish for a more physical confrontation,” he concluded worriedly.

“What would happen if we activated the macro to switch our survival pod to solar sail mode, and we juiced up the transition speed?” Blake wondered.

“This bay is about sixty by forty, and twenty feet high. Call it ... fifty thousand cubic feet,” Aaron considered. “The armor, in solar sail mode, fills two hundred thousand cubic feet. A rapid transition would likely kill everyone in the room and may cause damage to the aliens’ ship. I don’t know what would happen to our ship. It could destroy the Star Hawk and us with it.”

“I can’t just sit, and let them shoot me,” Blake mused. He shrugged, making a decision, and said, “Fine! If it looks like they’re going to fire that thing at us, we take them all out. In the meantime, let’s get rid of that shield. If we take that down, maybe we can reach someone to find an option other than killing everyone,” he added grimly. “Including us! I believe only one was shielding us before, and breaking free was easy. There are two, now. It might be harder, but, for the moment, they seem distracted. I think we should take advantage of their distraction. Aaron, my friend ... It’s meld time, again!”

“What’s wrong with him?” the Science Officer asked, kneeling beside the Medical Officer.

The alien Captain shivered, before saying, “I don’t know, but it probably had something to do with the human in that pod. Didn’t you feel what our Companions were doing to it? Can you blame the thing for striking back?”

“The Evil must be subdued!” the two remaining Companions in the meld said explicitly, almost angrily. “The Medical Officer couldn’t take the strain, and passed out. His Companion is fine, but can’t draw on his essence to be of assistance. Only two of us remain to kill the Evil!”

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Sports Injury

~ A Father and Daughter find out that they mean more to each other. ~ Luke – Sports Fitness Trainer and Personal Coach. Jenny – Daughter in last year of HS. Sports Scholarship for Uni next year. Katrina – Kat - BFF of Jenny since preschool and future roomie at Uni. ~ Luke is a single father looking after Jenny alone now, since his wife Carolina, a sports masseurs at the state college football club, was found to be giving her customers a “Happy Ending” with each massage. The divorce...

4 years ago
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A First For Us

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…Soon after my divorce, I had began to have some relations with some women friends of mine. Our relations were simply for enjoyment. No one was expecting anything more from our relationships. Things...

1 year ago
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Some things are better left unsaid

“Four years of high school all coming to an end tonight!” I thought to myself as I tried to pin that stupid hat to my head. My immediate thought was “I shouldn’t have to wear one of these; my curly hair will puff out like a fucking poodle.” My only consolation is that there has to be someone in my class who will look more ridiculous than I do. I finish dressing, and leave the house. I get to the civic center where they are holding my , and all 246 of my soon to be ex-classmates are already...

2 years ago
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The Irresistible Path to Ejaculation

Having finished the clean-up operation on the dressing table and it’s mirror, I decided to have a lay down on the bed. It was still early enough to grab a nap before breakfast, although I was quite hungry, but the nervous excitement of giving Marcus a quick hand job in the shower and then draining my own cock of its spunk..I felt both shaky and satisfied. I fell into sleep with images of Marcus’s trim, young body and remembering how the hot splashes of his sperm had felt against my wet skin.I...

1 year ago
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Husband Pays off Debt with his Wife Blacken

My name is Richard and I work for a large brokerage firm in Atlanta, Georgia. I am the chief financial officer and make very good money. No matter what they paid me, I would still be in debt. I have a bad habit. I gamble. I not only gamble. I lose. I should have been putting money away for retirement, but we are in debt up to our eyes. I have been working here for the last 10 years and am a very trusted employee. Thank God, I had enough sense to put the house and car in my wife's name. A little...

2 years ago
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Things Mothers do for their Daughters

Olivia Miller is a single mother raising two lovely daughters the best way she knew how. She has struggled working two different jobs to make ends meet and give the two girls a good home life since her husban walked out on them over twelve years ago, althouugh she tried dating once and during the few weeks of courtship she did have one occation to have sexual relations with the man but just like the many years with her husban she found no fullfilment and was always left empty. The long hours...

3 years ago
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I see you already at your desk waiting for me, you're naked from the waist down, your massive, vascular, throbbing black cock and giant, orange sized balls full of thick, creamy, potent seed. I don't know how you managed to pry your cock out of my plump, dick sucking lips while I was sleeping but, I know I'll have to make up sleeping in and not giving you your good morning blowjob. So I'm going to get to work right away. *i seductively crawl off the bed onto the floor on my hands and knees,...

2 years ago
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Twister Twists With Bhavya Part 8211 1

Hello guys, how are you? I hope everyone is fucking who has a partner (can be girlfriend, wife, secretary, teacher, mother, sister, aunty, granny, in-laws etc) and who doesn’t is using their hands to proper use :P My name is Rahul and I’m 23 years of age. I thank Indian Sex Stories for providing a stage to share experiences. It is always a thrill to read and feel how the other person has fucked and it gives an adrenaline rush for us to have a better orgasm. I’m from Hyderabad. NOTE : People who...

3 years ago
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The Wedding

My wife were laying around watching TV one night when the phone rang, when she answered it was shocked to hear HELLO AUNT KAT IT'S WENDY I'M GETTING MARRIED WELL PLEASE COME HOME TO HELP OUT? Well sure honey when is the day? WELL TWO WEEKS FROM SATURDAY BUT I NEED YOU NEXT THURSDAY NITE. OK great we'll be there uncle Tony and I have some time stored up so that's find see you then. After hanging up we talked cause we have never let any of are family know our lifestyle. That following Thursday...

3 years ago
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show me her cock

I hadn't done much partying .I was a mum all too young and a good one .But now theyve fled the nest and I am catching up on lost freedoms . I am a single women we got on great except 10 years ago I lost them forever.A car crash.It took years too feel anything like horny.Id try sometimes really hard spending good money on pumps pills and penis props .I was showing flesh to debt collectors and all in aid of getting turned on. The only thing tat worked was a growing facsination with...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Revenge

The Perfect Revenge by Eric Based On Donnie's HT 207 This is dedicated to Donnie for all his splendid work on his great site. My special thanks to the great Steve Zink for his peerless editing! It was the best of times and the worst of times for the beautiful Britney Dodge. It should have been the happiest day in young Britney's life. It was her twenty-first birthday and she would gain control of her huge trust fund. Britney Dodge was beautiful, rich and social. Was she...

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Village Life

© 2004 Charmbrights. All rights reserved. From an idea by MsLinnet The eighteen wheeler was travelling at sixty miles an hour round a blind bend when it hit the car Nancy Young was driving. She never stood a chance. Her husband and her daughter, Martha, were devastated by her death, and Elias hardly noticed that the compensation paid by the owners of the lorry was enough that he never needed to work again. For Elias he worst part of the grief was the local widows, and a few would be...

2 years ago
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Strange World Or I Was A Teenage Dildo

Comic books really romanticize things. They make you believe fate is at the mercy of radioactive spiders and freak accidents or some great tragedy.But what if I told you that superpowers are more like allergies? Sometimes you just wake up and BAM! everything you know about the world has changed. God just gave you cheat codes and the rules have been bent just for you. But instead of getting hives when you go in the grass you can see through walls or jump over a house. Now, don't let yourself be...

2 years ago
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Rebecca Lord

The offices of Marley Johnson Associates were unremarkable. The street they were in was nothing out of the ordinary; the small English town that surrounded the offices was similar to many other prosperous towns up and down the country. Marley Johnson was a medium size accounting firm. Business was good and as such the well-known local firm had no problem in recruiting local staff. One of those was Rebecca Lord, director of Personnel Recruitment. Rebecca hadn’t gone to university, one of the few...

1 year ago
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Tea and Strumpet Chapter 3

Professor Diederich dropped Chelsea off at her dorm the next morning. He had to be at the university early to prepare for class and Chelsea’s first class wasn’t until the second period of the day. So she had plenty of time to shower, change, and prepare for the day. She went to her first class of the day, which was Professor Diederich’s class. As the class let out, she walked up to his desk. She waited until the room was clear before talking to him. ‘Professor, would you like me to stop by...

3 years ago
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Mistress May I

It was a Thursday evening and I just got off of work. I came home to a quiet house. As I walked into the bedroom I found my wife standing just inside the door. She was wearing nothing but a long t-shirt and a pair of sexy black panties Ann is the love of my life but also my owner, I am slave to my mistress and I obey her. *“Come here you dirty slut,”* Mistress Ann commanded, I obeyed and came toward her unknowing of what she had planned, my body trembled with excitement. She had a chair setup...

2 years ago
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Daughters DelightsChapter 5 University

In the next six years the Emir made sure that Sharifa travelled fairly widely, but always with him or one of the Princesses, so that she was not surprised by the customs of other countries, and was always carefully supervised on the trips. Sharifa’s first experience of travel alone outside Kobekistan was her visit to Oxford for her interview for a place at the University. Even then she had a bodyguard of four trusted soldiers. The interview was with her father’s old friend, who was now...

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I was my Husbands hooker

It was 1986 and I was 21 and had been married for less than a year when my husband, Steve, came to me with a problem. Steve owned a painting business and had a crew of 6 mMexicans working for him painitng a new apartment complex here in town. Steve told me that if he could finish the contract a weeek early, he would get a huge bonus. He had promised his crew that if they finished early, he would rent a hotel room, buy them a few cases of beer and whiskey, and hire them a hooker for a party....

2 years ago
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I like so

I like so. I'm waiting for you with your friends in my hotel room. I am wearing elegant lingerie, bra, garter belt, black nylon stockings. I'm in high heels. I hear voices of a group of men in the corridor. That is you and eight your friends, such wonderful strong and huge black males. The door to my room is opening. I have been waiting for you already. My pussy is already wet and melting with impatience. I can see how erected your mighty black cocks under trousers at the sight of me, a young...

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No Time to GrieveChapter 2

Lyn rolled over onto his side and asked, “Are you ready for your next lesson? Or do you want to go for a swim and relax a little first?” “What’s my next lesson?” I asked. “Well, you still have to learn how to suck a cock. It takes a while to get good at it. Don’t worry. You’ll get a lot of practice around this house.” “I will?” I asked. For some strange reason I found myself amused by the arrogant, self-assured way he’s laying out my sexual future. He smiled that beautiful smile and...

1 year ago
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He Took Her Out for a Bite

Em was travelling again. This time she was at a big convention in Thailand with lots of big boats around as well as other rich boys’ toys. She would be there for nearly three weeks before Ambrose was to join her for a holiday. So she had packed carefully for the trip. There would be a lot of work but also, she was sure, plenty of time to relax. Vic the Vibrator came along. He always did, he travelled everywhere with her. She had packed three nice evening outfits, lots of tropical business and...

4 years ago
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Wife Naked for Entire Construction Crew to Enjoy

I have always been very open with my wife. She knows the things that I am into and one of them is light exhibitionism -- not so much me but the thought of her being seen naked is a big turn on. It makes me a bit jealous and I like that. Anyway...We live in a highrise and there is construction going on in the building next to us. Our bathroom faces the construction and there is a large, floor-to-ceiling window opposite of the sinks/mirror. If you are brushing your teeth, then someone would see...

2 years ago
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Death Rides the Night Winds a Karl and Merry Adventure

"There is the village we seek, Eldrich," Sage said, swooping down to land in the village common. Eldritch slid from Sage's back and stretched. The flight has been long, but they had arrived. The villagers streamed from their homes to greet them, standing about in solemn groups, eyeing the huge dragon and the weapons festooned warrior with a mixture of awe and uneasiness. A portly man emerged from a group, extending his hand and saying "I am Chief Alderman Pickens; I welcome you to the...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Asia Vargas Blackhaired Colombian Hottie Asia Vargas Pussy Pounded before Dinner

Mesmerizing black-haired Colombian MILF Asia Vargas is chef today, and she has decided to cook for her date. When Erik Everhard came to her house, aperitif sounded like a tempting solution before dinner is done. There is no better aperitif than sex, right? Slutty Latina tasted his cock in her mouth, and that was her intention from the very beginning. Erik just can’t resist, and he stuffed her pussy and asshole with his thick cock. This kind of dinner was the perfect way for satisfying...

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Janices Unexpected Threesome

The eleven o’clock news had started about fifteen minutes earlier when I heard a key entering the lock to our door. Moments later the door opened and Janice entered the room, closing and locking the door behind her. Janice stood by the door for a few moments before saying “You’ll never guess what happened tonight.” I looked at her, waiting for her to continue her story, as I had absolutely no idea as too what she about to tell me. Janice looked at me with a grin on her face and said “I got...

1 year ago
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Dirty Dancer 2004

We were just married, it was my twenty first birthday and my husband took me out to the local bars. I had a little too much to drink and began “dirty dancing” with my husband, whom I’ll call Dan. I attracted a lot of attention, a little too much attention. I had a hot little body; I still looked like a cheerleader. With long, blond hair, blue eyes, soft skin, perky breasts, nice little ass. My measurements were 34-30-32. I had a hot body and everyone in there knew it. I’d never been with anyone...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Drowsy sis

I've always been an extremely horny guy. I mean, even for a GUY I'm pretty ridiculous. But I always seem to get the most turned on at the most inconvenient times, like the middle of the night, when no girls are around. In my senior year of high school, when I was 19, I used to stay up late talking to people online. At 1 or 2 AM I would always suddenly become extremely horny, and I would find ways to get girls I was talking to online to talk dirty with me and help get me off. Sometime I even...

4 years ago
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My Dreams Came True

Ever since I was old enough to know what sex was, I've been obsessed with it. Watching it, reading sex stories, even going into chat rooms to say just what I'd do to my victims. I'm 18 years old, and a nymphomaniac. I'm a bit shorter than 5'5", 120 lb, with long dark curls to frame my round cheeks and deep brown eyes. I live with my mother, and the object of every sexual desire I've ever had, my brother Michael. Yes, I realize that thinking of my brother that way is not only illegal, it's...

4 years ago
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Colors of the NightChapter 10

"Here's my plan," Travis proffered as they climbed back into the truck after dropping off the trailer at the rental store, "Tonight we eat and celebrate like the lady suggested. Tomorrow, we meet my father with the contract, and then we figure out exactly where your sister is and make a mad dash the next morning." Anya looked across the bench seat at him with slitted eyes, "What do you mean by 'celebrate'?" Travis pulled into the parking lot of the local mall and stopped the truck...

2 years ago
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Journey of a Pain Slut Act 1

Her hair was on the short side, dark with little curls here and there … it framed her face perfectly. “Another?” The barmaid caught my attention having spotted that my pint glass was almost empty. “Yes, please same again,” I replied, glancing briefly at her whilst keeping my main focus on the young girl who seemed to love being the centre of attention in the small group that she was sitting with. I had been watching her for some time and not once had she looked up at me, she was far too...

2 years ago
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Jessicas Capture Part 4 of 10

Story: #18 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 23 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 4 - Is turn about really fair play? As they enter the room Steve pushes Jessica forward "Jessica meet Jessica 3000" he said looking into tear soaked eye's, "I don’t want to meet Jessica 3000!" Jessica yells back at him, picking Jessica...

2 years ago
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MAU 5K Chapter 3

Author's Note: I have read the reviews left on my first two chapters of this story. I was particularly interested on the review left by Elrod W on Chapter 2. I didn't realize I had deviated from the rules of the MAU universe. I apologize for doing so. Before starting this story, I searched for the rules and was unable to find them. I am a real fan of the universe and would hate to see it shut down due to deviance from the original intent. I already have 6 chapters written in this...

1 year ago
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My Stepfathers Secret

This is a work of fiction.When I was 19 my mother remarried, I didn't think much of him at first, 43 years old and greying, you know the type of man. It took me until I was 25 and he 49 for me to finally realise something.I was in lust with him.He kept himself fit, exercising at least two hours a day whenever he had the time, I caught a glimpse of him naked once when he was changing and I passed by without realising, I saw his body. For his age, he was hot. I couldn't deny it and I knew I...

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