SamChapter 5B free porn video

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Neeka gave us all a good show. With her legs spread as far apart as she could get them, she rubbed her fingers all around her pussy very slowly until her labia parted and revealed her pink inner flesh. We could all see the glistening drops of her juices as they ran from her opening. Her pussy looked like a ripe peach sliced in half with the pit removed. Lori swallowed repeatedly as she imagined how sweet Neeka would taste.

I slipped out of my shorts so my own pussy would be free and available. When I slid a finger into my own slit I was so hot and wet that it felt like a tropical swamp. Bambi saw me and took my hand and sucked the juice from my fingers. Sara glanced over, her eyes attracted by the motion, and moaned when she saw what Bambi was doing.

Neeka put a finger into her opening and moved it around to get it good and wet. She used the lubrication to make the skin around her clit slick and then she rubbed up and down with a finger on either side of her clit. When she pulled up, her clit would peek out of the fold of skin. After some more of this stimulation, her clit became engorged enough to stand up and out of the hood on its own.

Neeka had made herself so hot during all this that her hand was shaking as she stroked her pussy. Finally, she gave Lori a pleading look and moved her hips in little jerks to try to entice Lori.

Seeing Neeka so highly aroused, Lori crawled over beside her and lay down next to her. Lori put her hand on Neeka's thigh and stroked her fingers up toward her sopping pussy. When her fingers reached their destination, she cupped her hand over Neeka's mound. Neeka moaned deeply, pulled Lori's face to hers and began kissing her passionately while Lori stroked her.

Sara was just about beside herself. I wasn't ready to give her release yet, but I could give her some distraction. I reached out and touched her knee to get her attention, then I crooked a finger to her and put it inside me. Sara got the message and lay down between my legs and started licking my own hot pussy. Bambi and I continued to kiss and caress each other while Sara licked away. I was so hot I felt like I was on fire all over. I felt Sara's mouth leave me. Before I could break a kiss and look down to see where she had gone, Bambi stiffened in my arms and then shuddered and moaned. I knew then where Sara had gone. She had just moved one pussy to the left and was busy licking Bambi. Sara wasn't the most accomplished pussy-eater around, but she had a sweet way of exploring with her hot little tongue that would drive you wild.

When I heard Bambi sigh and slump into my arms, I opened my legs again and Sara moved back between them. I wasn't going to be able to stand much more of her licking before I had to cum.

Lori and Neeka rolled over on the bed and almost into Bambi and I. They were close enough now that I could reach over and slide my hand between Lori's buttcheeks and touch her pussy from behind. When my fingers slid into her, she arched her back and pushed down on my hand. I pulled my soaked hand out of her and started to rub my fingers across her clit. Flick, flick, flick, flick. Flick, flick, flick. Flick, they went, making small explosions of pleasure in Lori every time I touched her clit. The third time across, Lori threw her head back and opened her mouth and froze. She started to jerk her legs and then she let out a high-pitched howl as her climax washed over her.

Hearing her cum made me so hot I could not stand it any more and I clamped my legs around Sara's ears. She started sucking my clit. She sucked so hard I thought she would rip it out by the root, but she made me cum so hard I almost passed out.

When I came, Neeka came too. We were so close together that she could not avoid feeling everything I did and we came at the same time. I relaxed my legs so I would not suffocate Sara and she moved back over to Bambi, who climaxed almost as soon as Sara touched her.

Soon, everyone but Sara was gasping for air and feeling their insides churning as their vaginal muscles spasmed, trying to suck non-existent sperm into our wombs. Poor Sara was doubled over, hugging her knees to her breasts with her ankles crossed. She shivered every few seconds as a micro-orgasm wracked her body. I thought she had suffered enough, and I took hold of a foot and pulled her out of her tuck. Before I could get to her, Bambi reversed her position on the bed and started licking and sucking Sara's pussy. Sara immediately climaxed and lost control of her limbs to the point that I had to throw myself across her to keep her from kicking everyone off the bed. As she came, she screamed at the top of her lungs. It was such a loud and prolonged scream of ecstasy and relief that I thought she would surely be hoarse afterward. When she ran out of air, she took a deep breath and screamed again, just as loudly. I looked down at Bambi, who had her chin planted in Sara's pussy and was flicking the underside of her tongue across Sara's clit faster than I have ever seen a tongue move. Sara again ran out of air and again sucked in a huge breath and again screamed at the top of her lungs. Bambi kept flicking. Her tongue was a blur over Sara's clit. To Sara, the sensation must have been overwhelming. Every muscle in her body was contracted and, even with me on top of her, had arched her back so much that only the top of her head and her heels were still on the bed. Just when I thought she would scream a fourth time, she collapsed and went completely limp under me. When I looked at her face, I could see that she had passed out. She had cum so hard that she had overloaded on it.

Neeka looked concerned, but when she put her hand on Sara's neck and checked her pulse, she smiled. "Let's not wake her up," she said, "She might start screaming again and I'm not sure my ears could take it. What on earth did you do to her?"

Bambi grinned. "It's called the Bumble Bee. You have to have a very limber tongue to do it properly. And it takes practice. Would you like me to show you?"

Neeka clapped both hands over her pussy and shook her head, her eyes were wide. "Mmmmm, some other time?" she said.

"I'd like to try it!" Lori said. "Can you do me?"

"OK," Bambi agreed, "Scoot your butt over here. Here, let's put a pillow under you. Now, if Sam and Neeka will help me get you warmed up, we will see if I can't make you scream, too."

"Oh, gosh! I don't know if I'm ready for this." Lori said. "I'm a little scared." She spread her knees wide and Bambi started slow, licking her labia with short flicks of her tongue, trying to get her aroused."

Neeka and I started stroking Lori and taking turns kissing her. We could tell from the increasing enthusiasm she put into each kiss that she was quickly getting seriously turned on from all the stimulation.

Since you're never more ready for sex than when you've just cum, it did not take long for Lori to reach a fever-pitch of arousal. Neeka and I each took a breast and squeezed it and licked her nipple mercilessly. She soon started to moan and toss her head back and forth.

"Oh, please! Please! Now! Do it now! OH! It's so good!" Lori begged.

Bambi settled down with her jaw on her hands and the point of her chin stretching Lori's pussy open. She stuck out her tongue and gave Lori's clit a couple of pats before starting to flick it faster and faster. The effect of Lori was immediate and intense.

"OH MY GOD! Oh! That's... That's... OOOOOOOOOOoooooo, YES! YES! YES! AAAaaahhhh, hmmmm, gaahhhh." Anything else she meant to say only came out as unintelligible gibberish. I think she was cumming already at that point, but Bambi never quit flicking her tongue. Lori stopped trying to vocalize and shut her eyes tight. She clenched her jaw tight shut just before she opened her eyes and then her mouth wide and sucked in a deep breath. She held it for only a couple of seconds before she started to scream. The only difference between Lori and her sister's reaction to Bambi's oral talents was the pitch of the scream. Shortly, we had two unconscious girls on our hands.

"Damn!" I said, when we had laid them out on the bed and draped their arms around each other. "Looks like I'm not the only one around here with superpowers!"

Bambi and Neeka laughed with me at that. We pulled the covers over the unconscious girls and got dressed. Bambi laid out on the bed the clothes from her closet that she thought Lori and Sara looked best in, and we snuck out of the room to let them recover in peace.

"It's almost lunchtime," Bambi said, "I better go get started in the kitchen if we're going to have anything to eat."

"Can I help?" I asked. I didn't want to look like a freeloader. She had done so much already, with serving all eight of us breakfast and sharing her clothes and all.

"Thank you, honey. But I'd rather do it myself. I'm just learning... I mean I have everything I need and I can work faster if I'm alone."

My suspicions about the amount of time she spent in the kitchen looked justified. I said, "Bambi, tell me the truth. How much time did you spend in that kitchen before Friday?"

"Well... Oh hell! I guess it shows. The truth is, the only thing in that kitchen that I used on a regular basis was the phone and the list of take-out places next to it."

"It doesn't show. Your cooking has been excellent. It just seemed that you were trying a little too hard for someone who had been doing it all along. You tried to match what you were used to getting in a restaurant, didn't you?"

"Yes, I guess I did."

"Why? Why are you doing all this? The cooking, the cleaning, the washing and ironing?"

"It's all part of a dream I've had for a long time now," she said. "I promised myself that I would learn to be a homemaker someday. That is, if I ever became a mother again."

"And now your dream has come true?"

"Yes, honey. My dream has come true. And I'm enjoying it even more than I hoped."

There was only one thing I could say to that, and I said it. "Thanks, Mom!"

"It will take me about an hour to get it ready and on the table. Can I count on you to make sure everyone is awake and ready to eat by then?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Good girl. You two run and play, now."

Neeka and I watched Bambi go off happily to the kitchen to fix lunch. When she had gone, Neeka said, "Her eyes light up when you call her 'Mom'."

"I've noticed. I need to remember to do it more often."

"Most girls your age would bristle at being told to 'run and play'."

"Yeah. But she's trying to recapture lost time with me. If she wants to pretend I'm 8 years old at times, that's fine with me. We owe each other 18 lost years. I try to be whatever she wants. If she wants a friend, I'm there for her. If she wants a teenager, I'm her teen. If she wants a child, I'm her child. If she wants a baby, I'm her baby. She loves me so much I can feel it whenever she looks at me."

"And you want to give some of that back." It was not a question. She already knew the answer, of course. Conversations with Neeka seemed like talking things over with myself. She was the best sounding-board because she would know instantly if I was trying to fool myself or trying to justify something or just engaging in wistful thinking.

"I want to share the love with as many people as I can. Love multiplies when you share it." I said.

"You even wanted to love those scum-bags last night."

"But love could not help them. And I have a responsibility."

"You think because you can do all these things, that you have to use them to help people."


"Even if you have to risk your life doing it."



"Because I could not live with myself if I didn't. If I could say, 'Oh, there's nothing I can do', then I might be able to justify doing nothing. But you and I know that now there is something I can do. That changes everything. Every day I find something new that I can do that other people can't, or that only a very few people can. I can't stand by and let things happen out there any more than I could stand by and let things happen in here."

"So you are throwing yourself on the forge to be hammered into some kind of sword of justice?"

"'Sword of Justice, '" I chuckled. "Pretentious, but noble. I like it, but let's keep that list open."

"Are you going to show me the dragon?"

"Sure. Down here." I led the way down the back stairs to the workshop. When I turned the lights on, Neeka walked right to the motorcycle and started looking it over. I could tell by the way she examined it that she knew more about bikes than I did.

"This is one of the most beautiful custom bikes I've ever seen," she said. "I don't see a logo or a name anywhere, though. Do you know who built it? It doesn't look like anything I've seen before. This is something special. That's a racing motor. But the fairings and the windshield aren't for racing. Those pipes have mufflers built in. And that suspension! See the air dampers? This thing runs against every design principle I know. Quiet, comfortable, soft ride, but very fast. And it's gorgeous!"

"It didn't sound quiet to me," I said.

"You started it? In here? We should have heard it all over the house! Those mufflers must be better than I thought. Still, I imagine it would sound pretty impressive in a room like this. All the sound would just echo around. So that was the Dragon's Roar, hunh?"

"Yeah. I thought I'd wet myself."

"Hop on. Let me see you on it." Neeka was getting enthusiastic about this, but I was having more misgivings. Still, it wouldn't hurt to sit on it, so I climbed aboard again.

"It fits you. That's odd. Oh, I see. All the adjustments are still cranked down for shipping. No one has ever ridden this bike. Do you really think Mrs. Reynolds is going to let you?"

I laughed. "Not until I learn to ride one."

"You've never been on a motorcycle before? Criminy! Do yourself a favor and don't try to learn on this one."

"No way. But how do I learn if I don't have one to learn on?"

"My cousin, Paul. He has a small dealership. He sells scooters and dirt-bikes to the yuppie-scum kids, pardon me, the children of the newly affluent elements of society. He teaches classes that help you get your motorcycle endorsement on your driver's license. Lord! You don't have a driver's license at all?"

It was a rhetorical question. She had just got the answer out of my head.

"You have a license?" I asked.


"I bet you have a motorcycle endorsement on it, too."

"Uh, yeah. Paul and I used to go riding together. He's more of a kissing-cousin, you see?"

"There's plenty of room to ride two."

"Oh, hell." Neeka looked at the bike with fresh eyes. I saw her smile and knew she'd just thought of something I had missed. "OK, so I'm your chauffeur. I guess that means I get to go along. Good. One condition here, Blonde Dragon, I'm going to be taking those martial arts classes with you. You'll need a sparring partner who can give you a challenge, anyway."

"Oh, yeah? What do you know about martial arts? What color belt do you have?"

"I know the same as you do, girl — nothing. But I can do this." She took two steps toward me and started to swing her left hand up and over in a long slow slap aimed at my face. I wondered what she was up to. I stepped in with my left foot and raised my right hand and caught her arm, just as she jabbed me in the side with her right hand.

"Ow!" It didn't hurt that much, but I was caught off guard. "OK, smarty. Want to try that again?"

She did the same thing again. She started a slow overhand slap. This time I turned the other way and raised my right hand to catch her left and stood ready to block her left-handed jab. While I was watching her right hand, she dropped her left and jabbed me in the other side.

"OW! You're cheating!"

"Duh, Sherlock! I can read your mind. I know what you're going to do the instant you decide to do it. When you can beat me, it's safe to assume that you can beat anybody."

We spent the next quarter of an hour proving that the same qualities that made Neeka a fantastic lover and friend also made her an unbeatable sparring partner. Still, it was an awful lot of fun, and I came away with a firmer commitment to learn to fight. Toward the end of our first sparring session, I got a glimpse, just an inkling, of the degree of awareness of my body and of the situation that I might achieve. It was an incredibly heady feeling and I wanted a lot more of it.

We decided that the workshop would make a good practice room, but the concrete floor would need some padding before we tried anything too energetic.

"I guess we need to go wake up everybody," I said, as we caught our breath. "Nap time is over."

"OK. Let's do the boys first. They've been asleep the longest." Neeka said.

"By all means, let's do the boys!"

"You devil! You're insatiable!"

"Guilty, your honor!"

"OK, hotpants, which one do you want?"

"I'll take Bud. You take Jim."

"Works for me."

We giggled all the way back up the stairs to the boys' rooms, but we managed to stifle ourselves as we each quietly opened a door and tiptoed inside.

In the dim light coming through the closed curtains, I could make out Bud's form on the bed. He seemed to be still sound asleep. "No wonder," I thought. "If Lori and Sara didn't drain you last night, then I certainly did with my cum-vampire act." I decided not to force myself on him and just to try to wake him up as pleasantly as I could.

I untied my blouse and let it drop and stepped out of my barely-on shorts. Slipping off my shoes, I walked over to the far side of the bed. I picked up the sheet and crawled in as carefully as I could. Moving slowly, I slid over next to Bud until I was almost touching him and I was able to lay my head down on his pillow.

For a moment, I lay there, listening to him breathe and feeling his body-heat radiate into my breasts and my stomach. I lay quietly and for the first time considered what it would feel like to spend all night in a boy's bed, with our bodies nestled against each other, enjoying closeness beyond that of sexual intimacy. I decided that I'd really like to try that sometime. Perhaps I could even get an invitation. For the moment, I could lie there and fantasize about it.

I closed my eyes and tried to match my breathing to Bud's. I rolled into him so that our bodies were just touching. The feeling and the heat of his flesh touching my breasts was wonderful.

The touch must have woken him, because he rolled over into me. His hips pressed on mine and his chest crushed my breasts between us. His cheek was on mine and I could feel his breath on my ear. I turned my head slightly, so that my lips were touching his. I whispered into his mouth, "Hi there. Time to wake up." I rubbed my lips against his, inviting a kiss.

Bud opened his eyes and looked right into mine. "Hello, Sis," he said, "Funny meeting you here." He kissed me and put his arms around me. I snuggled against him and we lay there, holding each other while he finished waking up. After a few moments, he said, "This is reeeeealy nice. If I have to wake up, this is definitely the best way to do it."

"You don't mind me sneaking into your room and climbing into bed with you?" I asked.

"Oh no! You are welcome in my bed anytime you want, for as long as you want." To emphasize his point, he kissed me and hugged me tight.

"That's good," I said. "'cause I was feeling guilty about... you know... using you."

"Using me? Sam, let's clear this up right now. You are the bravest, strongest, most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You are sweet, kind, loving, thoughtful, and you could have any guy you want by winking at him. You come in here and let me have sex with you and you wonder if I mind? Let me think about this for a bit-NO! Any more questions you need answered?"

"I guess not. Oh, I came to tell you that lunch is almost ready. The Chef is hard at work in the kitchen as we speak."

"Just let me hit the john for a sec and I'll be right down." He said, but he did not make a move to get out of bed. I didn't move either. It was just too darn nice to lie there and hold each other. Eventually, nature's call became irresistible. He rolled off the bed and headed into the bathroom and I got dressed and stepped out into the hall.

I poked my nose into Jim's room to see how Neeka was coming along with getting Jim to wake up. The unmistakable sound of Neeka squealing with pleasure as Jim fucked her sent a tingle through my pussy. "Better make it a quickie," I thought to her as I closed the door. I got back the feeling of Jim's hard cock slamming into her pussy over and over. It was enough to make me collapse to the floor of the hall with my hand in my pussy and my pants around my ankles. It was another of those 'zero to 60 in no time flat' feelings.

I almost surrendered to the secondary experience. It was so tempting to just lie there and go along for the ride. With more will-power than I thought I could muster, I got to my feet and even managed to walk a few steps before I heard Neeka screaming in ecstasy through the bedroom door and inside my head. Her orgasm became my orgasm and we both nearly came our brains out.

It would have been embarrassing and difficult to explain if Bud found me lying on the hall floor in mid-orgasm, so as soon as I could force myself back to my feet, I staggered into my own room a short distance away. I had to run to the bathroom for a towel to sop up the juice flooding out of my pussy. I wondered if this was what Neeka felt every time I had sex with someone and she was in range of our telepathic link. I had no sooner posed the question to myself than the answer came from across the hall, "Yes!" Followed by "Can I come use your bidet? Jim and Bud don't have one and I am awash in cum."

"Come ahead," I sent back, smiling. She was there in seconds, one hand holding her clothes and the other clamped to her pussy as she tried to keep the stuff from gushing out all over the carpet. I went out to the bedroom to get dressed while she cleaned up.

As soon as we were both presentable we went down to check on the Henderson girls. The bedroom we had left them in was empty, the clothes we had left for them were gone, and the bed had been remade. All the clothes we had tried on had been hung back in the closet or put away in drawers. I knew Bambi would appreciate houseguests who picked up after themselves. It looked like Lori and Sara were making an effort to get invited back.

We arrived for lunch to find the Hendersons setting the table and pouring the iced tea while Bambi added garnish to the plates of neatly sliced sandwiches. One look told me that she had no intention of lowering her standards on preparation or presentation, despite my complaint that she was overdoing things. I decided with a shrug that if she got a kick out of preparing and serving us gourmet meals, then I would shut up and eat them and be grateful that I had such a wonderful mother.

Jim and Bud came in right behind us and we all sat down to eat. Everyone had an appetite and there was very little conversation until the food was almost gone.

Lori brought up the inevitable subject, "Mrs. Reynolds, we want to thank you for having us over and for cooking for us and everything. We really hate to leave, but we both have homework left to do before tomorrow and we should be getting back."

Sara chimed in, "Oh yes, this has been the best time I've ever had. I hope we can come back real soon." Her blatant plea for a follow-up invitation was rewarded by her sister with a nasty look; one that she returned with a pout.

Bambi answered graciously, "I'm glad you had a good time. It's been a pleasure to have you here. I'm sorry you had to be exposed to that unpleasantness last night. You do realize that you can't discuss that with anyone, don't you?"

Both girls nodded vigorously. Lori said, "Oh yes! Sam made us promise not to say a word. And we really don't want Sam mad at us. Seriously, we know we owe Sam a lot. She probably saved all of our lives. But if she doesn't want to be a hero, then we'll never tell." That earned me a couple of looks from Neeka and Bambi that I knew were about that 'wanting to be a hero' comment.

Same as Sam
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Stunning, young dirty blonde Jill Kassidy has been with fiance Cody for a long time, enough that her eyes tend to wander. Not just her eyes — the blue-eyed beauty with the smoking body has found herself in adulterous affairs, and guess what? She really gets off on it! It’s not just the variety; there’s something especially exciting about secret sex, and the risk of getting caught turns out to be thrilling! But recently, Jill’s adulterous behavior has her worried. What if...

1 year ago
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Junior Year Ch 03

III. An Innocent Fantasy It turned out that Lauren and Hanna had a class together on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The class was Introduction to Sociology. They sat in the back of the lecture hall and spent most of the class passing notes back and forth. By Thursday afternoon, they had grown to be really good friends, certainly more than just flat-mates. The notes they wrote back and forth in their notebooks started out innocently enough, gossip and goofiness, but soon turned to more randy...

2 years ago
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Scum Part 1

I couldnt believe it was stupid enough to fall for it, because it wasnt going to be a real offer… was it?I was stood there outside the prison on a road round the corner on a cold wintery night, waiting to be let down.Was I shaking because it was cold and I was just wearing a short mini dress to show off the stockings, suspenders, and thong, with high heels and large hoop earings, with my long hair swept down and round to one side….or was it because I had a slight chance that maybe, just maybe...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 27

While Ms. Fagan was continuing to be blackmailed by Austin Whittington and Jimmy Aldrich, Leslie Platt got moved into her living area at the Home for Unwed Mothers. She was extremely happy for the first time in over a year. She could now turn her life around and not have to deal with men and boys that only wanted her for one thing: the use of her, admittedly, sexy body. Leslie’s first day at the home, she was introduced to Joey Wilson as the other managing partner of the home. When Dianne...

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Roberta and CousinsChapter 2

The next morning I woke up at 6 AM to the smell of bacon and coffee. As I stumbled into the hallway I noted Doug coming out of his room. We just stared at each other and then headed for the kitchen. There was Roberta putting the food on the table. When we said good morning she said we were just in time for breakfast. During breakfast we both told her how much we enjoyed the meal and if she promised to cook for us she could stay as long as she wanted. We had been half kidding of course but...

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Black List IV MalevolenceChapter 19

Bathed in red light with sirens blaring, Mason and Bridges have their weapons up scanning the area for something to shoot. They are not expecting the hands reaching out of the ground suddenly grabbing them. They turn their weapons toward the ground not letting panic seize them and pelt the ground. Snow and chunks of ice fly up. The hands disappear just as quickly as they appeared. “Well that was different,” Mason says. The doors to the facility open just then. The red light cuts off and is...

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Driveway Sex

I'd been talking with this guy Mike from one of my favorite websites. We have cyber sexed for a few months. I told him I was going on vacation, but didn't tell him that I was going to surprise him. He thinks I'm going to Indiana with a friend. I did have a friend with me, but I dropped her off at the hotel we are staying at.I drove to his house and was waiting in the driveway for him. I was reading some of my stories and began to finger myself. Rubbing my tits, make my nipples very hard. ...

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Farmhouse Slave WifePart 1

My husband and I live on a 10-acre farm in a rural area the nearest house is 5 miles away. My husband Jim is a large dominant man and I love that about him. The house we live in was his parent’s house and when we first got married I had a lot to learn. On our wedding night, I was a virgin and Jim told me that it was my job to please him sexually and that I had to call him Sir. I was told that if I didn’t take care of his needs that I would be punished and as he said this he told me to take my...

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Exibitionist gets caught

At the age of 35, I had developed a penchant for staying in an old motelin a major city in the southern united states. The owners were a older manabout 65 and his 55 year old buxom straight laced wife......I would check in late after 10 pm and take a room on the back, take a showerputting on a cock ring and position the blinds so that anyone walking by thatwere out for a late night smoke could see my large 8 inch hard cock betweenmy face down naked ass as I pretended to read a porno magazine...

3 years ago
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My Master calls

My Master William called me up last night and required my services at a party.He picked me up, told me to strip, gave me a cock ring and a collar, and we drove to a delapedated building out in the country.I got out of the car and crawled to the building where inside around two dozen naked guys and two well used cum covered big titted naked women were, seemingly waiting just for me.I was tied to the ceiling, arms over my head and the two women started to whip me. I had earlier in the week been...

1 year ago
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Katie Norths First TimeChapter 2

I worked on my homework for a while after Colin left before turning on the TV. Mom didn’t make it home until almost nine o’clock. “Where is your Dad?” Mom asked after she breezed through the downstairs. “You two must have gotten your messages mixed up,” I explained. “I found your message about being late first. About five minutes later I got a message from Dad thanking you for covering tonight. He said he was swamped studying film for Sunday and wouldn’t be home until very late.” “So you...

2 years ago
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Without Limitation

You, Jane Doe, are a very unique teenage girl... in fact, you are technically not a human girl at all. You were genetically engineered using material from numerous super-athletes, artificial gene sequences, animal DNA extracts and samples from the various physical and mental elite of human-kind, and you were originally intended by your creator-mother, Professor Natalie Doe, to be the next great leap in evolution; far beyond human ability in every respect. You have two human siblings, Ashley Doe...

2 years ago
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Chud Gayi Jiju Se

Hi friends, my name is Pooja.i am a reguler reader of ISS. Today i am writing my story…we were three members in the family, my father had got expired, my mother is staying with me at delhi. My sisiter had already got married…jiju and didi was staying at noida , but now my jiju had got transeferd to didi had also searched a job in mumbai….abot my jiju and didi , it is a very nice didi and me very open with each other. Even didi has shared his sex experience with jiju with...

3 years ago
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The Pit Stop

It was a perfect day to hit the peddles; there was only a slight breeze, there was not a cloud in the sky but it wasn't too hot, just warm and there was no need for a jumper just the bike jacket and naturally the helmet and the refreshment bottle. Harry couldn't locate his wife, she was either lost in the large garden or in visiting the neighbour who recently had his marriage break-up and his wife thought it was her duty, as a counsellor to offer him support. 'I bet the only support that he...

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Tree Rippen Peaches

When Brody left the house after they loaded the pickup with produce, his daddy was already wiping the sweat from his face. "You got the cooler, Brody Boy? This here's an 80-80 mornin' a'ready." "'s on the porch, Pa. I'm jist fixin' to get 'er in the truck." The old man nodded and continued wiping his face, idly waving his broad-brimmed hat with his other hand to cool down the already darkened sweat band. Brody climbed the porch steps to retrieve the cooler and glanced at the fancy...

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Messy Xmas

KinkyBBW38JJ and I had planned to focus on wax play and anal as our festive theme; she loves the feeling of hot wax on her clit, so before she came round, I'd got all my candles burning, so they would have lots of hot wax to slosh over her fantastic tits and glorious shaved cunt. But before that I ordered her to kneel and present her ass and cunt to me, and wearing black rubber gloves I fingered them both, first with only a finger in each, but moving on until I had three in her ass and four in...

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Loosing my virginity in a village 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS readers… This is Pasupathi from Dindigul. I am sharing my experience, which was first in my life, while I did my Agricultural Degree from a leading college in TN. I have read many writing about their experiences in this forum and I am sure, mine is no different but an interesting one to everyone to feel and read… As part of my degree course, we were assigned to do a project in a village for 6 months. As I was very studious and intelligent, I was pursuing a research on hybrid variety...

4 years ago
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Tie up Games

As far as you can remember you have always been fascinated with bondage. Whether it was a girl tied up in a cheesy film while the villain twirled his mustaches or was it a magician doing an escape stunt hanging upside down while struggling in his/her restraints. You where always embarrassed by this and never told anyone. Most of your "obsessions" was finding movies or scenes where someone was tied up and practicing tying knots with scarves and socks in your bedroom behind closed doors. It...

3 years ago
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Frat Boy Games Ch 4

Clapping broke their reverie. Anna was still wrapped around Number Two, holding him tight inside her. ‘Bravo, bravo.’ The two looked over to see the man in white once again. Number Two rolled off, fixing his mask. Anna rolled off and cowered behind him. ‘Don’t leave me, please don’t leave me.’ Number Two turned and held her in his arms. He gave her a big hug and then kissed her gently. Then, he set her away from him and walked out through the door. The man in white smiled at her and then...

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A Redirected Life Pt 2

A Redirected Life Pt 2 By Holly Day (please read 'A Redirected Life Pt 1' before reading this continuation) After a week in my cage and dancing, Bruce or more properly Sir, sat me down for a little chat. I was desperate to find a way out of here and with the way I was dressed and held captive there was no way it was going to happen unless I could catch Sir off guard. I had to get out of that cage which meant I had to sleep with him. Maybe if I played...

1 year ago
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Sexy Wife Ko Sex Aur Pyaar Dono Chahiye

Hello ISS readers, my name is Sagar and I am from Delhi.I am regular reader Indian Sex Stories. So now coming to our sex story. Aaj se 5 saal pahley maine apni wife ko dekha tha.Tab wo 23 saal ki thi.Mujhe humesha bhari bharaai ladkiyaa achi lagti hai.Meri wife bhi kuch aisi hi thi.She is figer 36 32 38.Maine pahli nazar me dekhte hi use pahchan liya ki yahi meri life patner ban sakti hai aur kuch aisa hi hua.1 saal ke baad saadi bhi ho gayi lekin in 1 saal me humane kabhi sex nahi kiya. Sirf...

2 years ago
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Lilly Coming of age Part 5

March 2007Lillie sat on Tammy’s bed and listened as her friend stood just out of sight in her bathroom talking about how excited she was about going to the prom in the dress she was trying on. Lillie was kind of glad that she did not have a current boyfriend. She did not like asking her father for money for things like fancy dresses that she was only going to wear once. She had even stated that when she got married she was going to have everyone come in their normal clothes because wedding...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Chloe Blowjob For The Servant

Woah! Look at those gigantic 36DD / 80F hooters! Could you resist Chloé’s incredibly hot boobs? Her servant Tarzan serves her some apple juice in the afternoon when this ever-horny brunette Slovakian glamour goddess asks him if he wanted to have some fun. Of course, he’s down for that! She grabs his dick and starts massaging that gigantic cock in her strong hands. Chloé loves his sac and can’t wait to stick his dong down her deep throat for some late afternoon blowjob action!...

2 years ago
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Handy High School Helpers Pt 2

Vicky lifted her head and gave Steph, her older friend who she’d been sleeping with for several years now, a long passionate kiss. “Sorry I had to be so rough with you back there, sweetie, but there really wasn’t any other way to get you to do it.” Once she’d seduced Cal, a man twice her age and then some, then blackmailed Steph with the exposure of their own secret relationship, the last hurdle was to get her to join them, or more bluntly put, to get her to fuck her own uncle. Now, having...

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An Erotic Online Encounter

One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn’t...

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I recently met a few young guys at a bar who didn't understand having a milf fetish. The guys didn't even know who I was. We just happened upon that topic as men are want to do. Obviously, I didn't agree with them and felt compelled to guide them towards the milf light.Why Milfs?First off, I explained that all the young and dumb college bitches they're fucking have no idea how to handle a dick. These dudes were only twenty-two, so they were happy to just have their dicks rubbed. It all feels...

Premium Mature Porn Sites
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Reclaimed In Full Chapter 6

“Sandra, finish your greens,” I said as I swallowed a morsel.“No! I don’t like them,” Sandra replied as she gently pushed her plate away and sat with her hands crossed.“Sweetheart, how will you become strong if you don’t eat your veggies? Come on, be quick. You need to finish them.”“I don’t like them. Mama used to cook better than you. I want mama to cook.”I kept the fork down in the plate and sighed. Ever since Carol left the house, I found Sandra growing into a rebellious child, as days...

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Fiona S

Fiona S. was a good friend of mine. We would meet up in the pubs and clubs around town and, usually, get bladdered together. She was 11 years younger than me and almost a foot taller. She was definitely a BBW! She also had an unfortunate reputation for being an easy lay, a reputation that was not totally undeserved, even I had had to step around her outside the pub whilst she was giving some guy or other a blow-job or wank. On this night back in July,1994, I was 33yo, Fiona S. 22yo. We had been...

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Rattling Snakes Cage Ch 07

This is a romantic crime thriller which contains some romantic sex, some non consensual sex, some male on male violence, and a lot of very interesting and interacting characters, with some twists and turns in the story. I have tried to keep things as tasteful as I can, keeping in mind some peoples sensitivity. As with all my stories there is not always a nice tidy happy ending for everyone – life is just not like that. * Jerry walked leisurely down the road from where he had parked his car...

3 years ago
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A True Story About Ann

Ann was a beautiful brunette with large hazel eyes, perfect smile and a body to die for. She had large firm breasts with a cleavage so inciting you wanted to kiss her and bring her great sexual pleasure just by looking into her eyes.Ann had a look that would follow you into your dreams. The only problem was that Ann knew it! Ann would tease and bring you right up to the point of thinking, just maybe she will let me into her world with great kisses and the promise of better things to come.One...

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Stroke of White Luck Gay

Malcolm sat on the subway car, angry about his life. He was in his late 30s and still worked a grill at a restaurant. He had to take orders from some stupid white k** every day. He hated being ordered around by white people.Malcolm's also gay. He's had very little luck with men lately, though, He's 5'10, 230lbs the one thing that helps him is his huge black dick.In the past, he enjoyed the discreet encounters he'd have with white guys. He always enjoyed when a white man - especially "straight"...

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The WolvesChapter 53

The Escape 18:19 Ship Time Seeing that they were dead, Anja leaned her arm around the doorway where Mason and her sister could see it, and then gave a thumbs up. After that, Ben and I immediately got to work dragging the two bodies down to the second floor, while Anja gathered up their guns. Unfortunately the roof the idiots were on wasn’t as sloped as the one on the factory was, so the blood pooled under them, rather than away from them. It wasn’t all bad. The man we assumed as Idiot...

4 years ago
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The Bradley BunchChapter 7 The Wedding Night

Six months had passed since the Bradley Bunch had all started fucking each other, and Lisa and Robert had finally gotten married. They did it on Saturday morning at the county courthouse. The ceremony itself wasn’t a big one, just the Bradleys and the Taylor cousins who had come up from San Diego. They took over a restaurant for a lunch reception, and that was a much larger crowd—friends, neighbors, and co-workers. There was food and drink and dancing, until 5 p.m., when the restaurant staff...

4 years ago
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First Thine With My First Love

This is a story of how fucked my neighbor Pratibha (name changed) who is 20 yrs. old and live in the apartment which is front to mine. She is fair, is chubby in the right proportion she has a figure to die for and every guy in the neighboring apartments stare at her like a hungry dog waiting to pounce on her the first chance he gets. She has a great figure of 34b-32-34 with marvelous boobs and ass. She and I wave each other with a smile when we pass by each other. So in the evening I went to...

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The start of my Lineage

It was my third Methedone pill of the day, so easy to get. I felt the crushing weight of my lonliness, this time however it was different; This time I would do what I could never bring myself to do, I would pull the trigger.Not once do I ask for Sympathy, I don't need it nor want it. I am what I am, and I wanted nobody to lay next to me. In those days I really thought that was the truth of it.Not once did I realize that I had been set-up. Trained from the very day I had tore my way into this...

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THE FIRST TOPIC OF DISCUSSION over Christmas Eve dinner was which church would have the best Christmas service on Sunday morning. We finally all agreed that the Lutheran church on the edge of town, would be our choice. They had an eleven o’clock service and no one wanted to get dressed before then. Beth’s parents, Dot and David, joined us. David borrowed a banquet table and folding chairs from the Kiwanis Club so we’d have room for everyone, including Beth’s sister, Brenda. Brenda is four...

2 years ago
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Aunty Neha 8211 My Sex Goddess

Hey guy its Sam(sameer) here ,this is my first story so sorry for any mistakes , any ladies want to contact me please email me at . This story is a True Story So the story starts , I was studying in a Jr college doing my plus 2 and was focused on my studies as I wanted to do engineering , my parents had to leave to the US as my dad got transferred there so my whole family including my mom and my sister had left as I was doing my plus 2 I had to stay back so I went to stay in my aunts place ....

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The RestaurantChapter 5

The walk from their table to the rest rooms was much briefer than Paula had feared. With her still-dripping breasts wetting the thin silk of her blouse, she knew that every bit of their plumpness and stiffened nipples could be easily seen. In addition, the blouse was not fastened and each step caused it to move, revealing flashes of her nakedness beneath the fabric. She worried that everyone would notice her wicked display. To her relief, no one really paid attention as they walked by....

4 years ago
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Our Weekly Friday Rendezvous

While on the construction site on Friday, I received an sms from Fatima. I was delighted by it's content, it says meet me at the Motel immediately he goes for Friday prayers.....don't be late, Room 201.Immediately we closed and my supervisor Fatima's husband left for prayers, I boarded a commercial motorcycle straight to the Motel. I opened the door and entered cautiously.stepping quietly into the room and closing the door behind you. Further into the room, I saw a small table set up in the...

1 year ago
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My StoryChapter 2

The week before they left I was doing both of them – Billy in my ass and Bert in my pussy – when Billy said: "We need to make a change here." "What?" I asked. "It doesn't seem right that you don't have a cock in your mouth. All of your holes should have something in them." I didn't say anything, just moaned as he slammed his cock into me. The he said: "Okay Jim, come join the party" and Jimmy Melbourne came out of the closet. Jimmy was naked and he had a hard on and it led the...

2 years ago
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Wife Becomes Black Cock Slut

If my husband, Paul, had known how things were going to turn out, I don’t think he would have gotten himself into the situation he now is.Paul and I met at college, married soon afterwards and have been together for 18 years. He is 42 and I am 41, but people tell me I look ten years younger. I guess I’m lucky in that I’m naturally slim and the little weight I have put on over the years has gone straight to my breasts, giving me a 36C 25 36 figure. I would be naïve if I didn’t admit that most of...

1 year ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 87

~~Damien~~ He looked at the picture again, then put the phone away. Gulping, he pulled the phone out again, and looked at the picture. She was so beautiful, and fun, and joyful, and overwhelmingly sexual. The frizzy red hair, bouncy and big, her soft face and pale skin, her golden eyes, it was all gorgeous. Of course, she knew she had large breasts, and in classic Dolareido fashion, had no issue using them to get what she wanted; in this case, him. Lucky him. He was damn glad she left her...

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Gronk by Arcie Emm It was a calm night, moonlight being disturbed, but rarely, by the passage of clouds. And nowhere was the result of this better seen than if one were to stand upon the stone bridge and look down at the reflection shown in the creek over which it crossed. Of course there was nobody silly enough to be caught upon that bridge at any time, little alone at night. The reason for this could barely be seen, floating beside the bridge, his grey skin almost matching the...

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Baby Girl Puts On A Show Part 1

Baby Girl laughed, as her friends chastised her on how controlling her Daddy was. Quietly seething inside at their judgement. They just don’t understand how he loves me, she thought to herself.  One of her friends nudged her on her shoulder, and nodded towards a group of guys at the other end of the bar. ‘I bet he’d freak out if you even said hi to those guys,’ she teased. Another friend rolled her eyes and nodded in agreement. Baby Girl had reached her breaking point. She stood up smoothed...

1 year ago
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Facial Fun

Reddit Facial Fun, aka r/FacialFun! If there is a subreddit that speaks for itself as loud as it fucking can, I think r/FacialFun/ fits the bill. What the fuck else could you possibly expect from this place other than chicks getting facials and having fun. This is actually pretty neat since now you know whether you want to actually check out what this site has to offer or not since let’s not forget that is a free website with thousands of other subreddits you are welcome to...

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