ShilohChapter 32: Shiloh free porn video

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Kyle grins as he arrives in the storage room of Jonas’ office at Shiloh. Because it’s just eight feet deep by five feet wide he keeps a hold of KK’s hand and walks across the room to let the others through the portal and into the room. They’re all soon standing in the room while Kyle listens at the door to see if anyone is in the office. He soon decides it’s empty, so he lets go of KK’s hand to open the door and he walk into the doorway with his staff ready.

It looks just like it did when he was last here with Jonas. He stops in the doorway. Kathleen senses Kyle’s grief at this reminder of Jonas and reaches up to squeeze his shoulder. After a moment he reaches up to tap her hand while he sighs and walks into the room.

In a few seconds Kyle is across the room with a cupboard open and he reaches in for weapons to hand the others. In moments all are well armed with the types of weapons they can use. Larry is the least armed; with only a crossbow, knives, and his staff. The rest know how to use swords and bows, something they were surprised to learn about Nadia. All have crossbows and knives as well. Kyle even hands out some hard leather armor and caps kept there for Companions.

Properly dressed in a set of red leathers and wool for autumn, since the website told him it’s mid-autumn on Chaos, Kyle opens the door and leads them out of the office into the hallway. In a few minutes he’s in the kitchen doorway watching several women working at the cooking fires and counters on two sides of the room.

With a huge grin Kyle says, “Nelly, I hope you’ve got enough extra for four hungry travelers.”

The woman bent over looking in a cauldron spins around while she comes upright. She rushes over to embrace him, asking, “Kyle, how did you sneak in here so quietly? Where’s Lord Jonas?”

Kyle takes her by the arms to direct her to a chair beside the table before saying, “I’m sorry, Nelly, he won’t be coming any more, his time has come.” The woman looks deep into his eyes and sees the pain and grief in them before accepting his message is true. She buries her head in her hands and she cries. Kathleen walks over and stands beside the seated woman, giving her a hug. After a few minutes Nelly looks up at Kathleen with a question in her eyes, so Kyle says, “Nelly, this is my life Companion and wife, Kathleen or KK. We’re recently wed, so she may have some questions for you on how a new wife trains her husband.”

Both women laugh at his training comment. Nelly smiles at KK and says, “Well, milady, we best get to working on the meal while your man goes outside to find my man and tell him about things. We can discuss how to train children and husbands while we work.”

Kyle smiles when Kathleen and Nadia move toward the cooking with Nelly. Turning to Larry he says, “Larry stay here, please.” He nods when he realizes Kyle doesn’t want him to overexert himself.

Kyle walks out the back door into the main compound and he goes in search of Nathan. Shiloh has changed a fair bit since he was last here, but he was expecting it from the notes Jonas left him. The compound is very large, as it’s almost a town inside the wall built to defend over one hundred families that live and work here. The wall is now twelve feet high from its previous eight feet and it has an inside raised walk way. There are some interior walls opposite the gates too. The four gates are much stronger and the building roofs are now all covered in clay tiles.

Kyle finds Nathan supervising men building a wall facing the north gate; it’s to provide defensive fire from if the gate is breached. Walking up behind Nathan, Kyle says, “Nathan, I’ve news you won’t like.”

Nathan spins around to look at Kyle, notes the colors he wears, and gives a slow nod before saying, “Lord Jonas is dead!” It’s clear this is a statement and not a question. Kyle nods yes. “He told me he expected so, last time we met. I’ve something for you to take to the bank.”

“That’s for tomorrow, or later today. Now we’ve much to talk about to prepare Shiloh for war. Before he died Jonas found out the enemy had spies within our support organization elsewhere and they’ve copies of the plans he drew up for the defense of Shiloh, so we must now change them. Let’s go for a walk as we talk about them, bring a few of your senior assistants so they can hear my thoughts too.” Soon a dozen men are walking with Kyle while he walks around the walls of Shiloh.

The area around the compound has been cleared of trees and obstructions for just over half a mile then leveled, this was done many years ago to create a kill zone and to provide grazing land despite much of the area for a few miles being open grasslands in a wide valley. There’s a slight slope to the land, not much, but enough to ensure the stream that comes from the north-east continues down the slope after flowing alongside the northern wall. This stream is only a hundred feet out from the wall and it makes it hard for attackers to charge at this side, which is why it’s the last gateway to get an interior wall. Shiloh was originally built here to use the stream as a water source and a moat on this side, now it’s time to extend the moat.

Stopping near the stream Kyle picks up a stick and draws in a patch of earth while he says, “We’ve a lot of work to do and I doubt we’ll get it all done before we come under attack, but the more that’s done the better things will be. Starting near where the stream passes the eastern end of the wall we’ll dig a trench one and a half times the height of a man with a width of three men lying down. The side nearest the wall is to be straight and the other side at a gentle slope. The bottom on the side nearest the wall is to be level for a large pace from the side then the rest of the bottom is to be dug further down to be knee deep. On the level area you’re to plant blackberry bushes to create a thorny wall to stop the enemy from climbing it, so plant them close together.” He draws the profile of the trench while he talks. “The bushes will take time to reach full growth, but the height will make climbing over it hard, until then. The gentle slope is to allow the stock and people easy access to the trench to get at the blackberries and to get out of the strong winter winds. When the trench is completed all the way around the compound we’ll dig out the final space between it and the stream at both ends of the north wall to allow water to flow in at the top and out at the bottom, it’ll flow along the deeper section. To do this right the last section along the western wall will need to run a bit further away from the wall so the water will flow freely. We’ll also need to make the stream banks match this trench when it’s done. The trench is to be thirty paces out from the wall. This will let us fire arrows down into the trench from the top of the wall.” The men frown until he adds, “The wall is to be the height of a man higher again than it is now. Use the dirt from the trenches to make adobe bricks and build a new wall in front of the existing wall. That way you can use the current wall to stand on. The new wall is to be an arm’s length deep. Once a trench is dug on a side you’ll build a road over it that comes from the left at the quarter angle, even if the road to the far end has to go further to reach it.”

One of the older men smiles while saying, “Brilliant, Kyle. Attackers will have to place their shields on their right arms as they approach.”

Kyle nods, “Just so. The approaches will have to be built after the trench as we need to lay down fired clay pipes in the stream area for the water to flow through and then build the road over it. The road is to be three wagons wide and have waist high fences along the sides. Line the sides with adobe bricks to help keep it in place and strong. When this is complete the defenses will be very formidable, just the empty trench, itself will make a charge across the open ground impossible. The idea is to channel attackers into the approach roads and give us plenty of time to hurt them before they can get into positions to attack. This is our main defense. Inside the walls we continue this approach by having walls like the outside walls creating chutes people pass along once the gates are open, it’s also to turn so they can’t build up a charge.”

Nathan and the other community leaders nod their understanding of the defenses and how they’ll work. Another of the men asks, “Kyle how can we better protect the houses from fire?”

Kyle takes a moment to think then replies, “When making the adobe bricks for the walls make a lot more and build extra outside walls for the buildings by placing a layer of adobe bricks up against them on all of the outside walls. This will also help keep you warmer in winter and cooler in summer while making it harder to set them on fire. If you take the grass from the trenches out as turf you can lay it on the roof as more fire protection. Should it dry out in an extended summer it can only burn down to the earth in the turf, but the usual rainfall will keep it green. You’ll just have to throw a goat or sheep up there now and then to stop it growing too long.”

Nathan thinks on this and adds, “If we do all the roofs this way and build a grass slope up to one as well as build linking areas we can let the smaller stock graze the roofs all of the time.” They all smile at that. “We’d have to ensure the roof supports are strong enough for the extra load, but I think it’s worth it. If only to get them out from underfoot.”

The group wanders around having a closer look at the compound and the existing defenses while they make many notes on how to improve them. At the gates Kyle says, “Dig holes in the ground about a man in height, have them just behind the gates to fit thick stumps into so they stick up about a man’s height behind the gate to fit snug in the hole and tight against the gate. That makes it much harder for them to push the gates open. One for each gate on each end and one in the middle of the gate. Make covers for the holes for when the gates are open. Only have one side open, unless absolutely necessary, and only open one gate most of the time. I’d make it the north gate so they have to go around and pass our defenders before they reach an open gate. Sure, it’s a bit more work, but it beats being dead or being a slave.” That gets quite a few nods. After a few minutes he adds, “Build some small sheds along the walls and fill them with arrows. Place buckets on lines near them too. That way the older children can pass extra arrows up very quickly. Make many thousands of arrows to go in them, they’ll never go to waste.” More is discussed before they break up for the midday meal.

While Nathan and Kyle head to the main house Nathan asks, “Kyle how did you get into the compound without me being told?”

Kyle thinks on how to answer this and replies, “This war is over the whole planet. Some great magicians do not like the way the slavers behave, but their rules do not allow them to take sides. A few have done what they can without breaking the rules. One of those things is to give me a magic doorway from the storeroom in Jonas’ office to a storeroom at my house in the other land. I can only use it at certain times and only I can use it, but I can bring people with me when I do use it. I have it only while the war is being fought. I think it’ll help us during this time of war. No one else is to know of this doorway, or our enemies will go crazy trying to get control of it.” Nathan nods his understanding, happy there isn’t an unknown hole in his current security measures.

Very soon they join the rest of the main household sitting down to the meal, after Kyle introduces everyone to the others. During the meal they chat about many things while they all get to know each other. As they linger over a final cup of tea Kyle says, “Larry, for now, your job is to do your exercises and finish getting well and fit again.” Larry nods as Nathan looks a question, “Larry is recovering from a major war wound and needs to rebuild his muscle strength.” The other men at the table nod their understanding; most have had to do the same in the past. “An issue I expect to have is with the young men. I know you’ve taught them all Jonas has taught you about fighting on horses, but he hasn’t taught you all he knew. Nadia was a student of his and also knows a lot about another way for cavalry to fight. I brought her along to teach our riders all she can about fighting from horseback as a group. I doubt there’s little she can teach them about individual skills, but there’s a lot she can teach them about fighting as a group. Jonas thought very highly of her skills and knowledge so I intend to use them to defend Shiloh. Make the men aware they have to learn what she has to teach.” The men nod yes and he adds, “Nadia, as well as the Cossack combat tactics I want you to teach them those of the Mongols and have Larry help you with teaching them guerrilla style cavalry tactics, especially those of the Sioux and the Apache Indians.” She smiles and nods her understanding. “Kathleen is my Companion and will go with me when I leave the compound. When I’m busy within the compound she’ll help teach the men the use of the longbow in war, in many ways she’s better than Jonas or I with it.”

Nathan asks, “Kyle, please, how did Jonas die?”

Kyle takes a deep breath and replies, “Nathan, in our homeland the laws and culture are a lot different than here. Certain types of things can cause major troubles for people there, but would be ignored here. A bad man in our land who’s connected with the slavers visited Jonas and made threats that would’ve caused great harm to my family and myself in a way that would also have hurt you here at Shiloh. The man was sure Jonas would give into his demands to sign over Shiloh to stop the threat of the harm to my family and I. The threatened harm was of a type that would cause major social stigma and hurt. Kind of like what happens to the family of a slaver. What neither Jonas or the man Carl Edmondson knew was that the information was useless and wouldn’t cause that trouble. But they didn’t know the other things that stopped this from happening. Jonas saw no way to protect both myself and Shiloh, except to make the threat useless by killing himself; which he did after Carl left and Jonas wrote me a note about what happened.”

While the men nod one of the senior men says, “I know of this Carl, he likes to make people hurt for fun. We must make sure he never gets to control Shiloh. Kyle, how could this social harm not be a harm?”

While Kyle thinks for a moment Kathleen says, “I’m sure you know some people in a community have a higher social position than others, due to their work!” She gets many nods. “Robert Alexander managed a very large estate, much like Nathan does here, but an estate many times bigger than Shiloh. Because of this his family had much standing in the community.” Her listeners nod again. “Despite being Robert’s father Jonas was of a lower social status there because he was only a wise teacher. Carl threatened to make public the information Jonas was Kyle’s father by Robert’s wife.” Quite a few heads turn to look at Kyle and Nathan slowly nods when he remembers how Jonas described Kyle. “In a normal situation this would require the absentee Lord to dismiss Robert and the family to be shunned.” A lot more nods. “What no one, except Kyle’s mother and Robert, knew was Kyle’s mother was the Lord’s only child and now owns the estate as the laws there permit women to inherit. Thus Robert would not have been fired and the only social harm would have fallen on Carl, with a little on Robert and none on Kyle.”

Kyle takes over, “Not knowing this Jonas thought the only way he could protect Shiloh and me was to remove himself from the situation and he killed himself, thus making Carl’s threat useless. This is an extra reason for me to see Carl and his group is defeated.” He looks around the table as Nathan and his senior men with them nod their agreement.

Nathan finishes his cup of tea and stands, saying, “I’ve a medallion for you to take to the bank today so we can see ownership is passed on to you. If this Carl had killed Jonas it wouldn’t have been right to pass it to you, Kyle, but since Jonas didn’t die in a fight it’s now yours.” The men all nod agreement when they stand to leave and go back to work. While Kyle collects papers from Jonas’ office Nathan goes off to his room and returns to hand Kyle the medallion Jonas gave him.

Outside the house Kyle and KK go with Nathan while he takes a few minutes to introduce Nadia and Larry to the young men as Nathan details twenty off for Nadia to train and sets other work details going. The first of the new defenses being the holes and poles for the gates. Then the three of them are followed by a detail of twenty young men to the stables where they ready horses to ride into Riverview.

While entering Riverview they take a good look around, since there aren’t many people on the streets. They stop at the stables to leave their horses there. Joseph comes out to greet them and says, “Nathan, take care, there are about fifty armed men in town looking for someone.”

Both Nathan and Kyle slowly nod and Kyle says, “Stay and talk to Joseph for a moment, Nathan, I’ve another duty to perform in the stable.” When Nathan nods Joseph gives Kyle a close look. Kyle walks into the stable with KK beside him. He goes out the back to the paddock there and whistles a perfect imitation of a whippoorwill. War Bonnet trots over, not as fast as he does for Jonas, since he can tell the difference in their calls, but fast enough. He greets Kyle, and looks around. Kyle rubs his forehead and strokes his neck while he says, “I’m sorry, Old Fellow, but he’s gone and won’t be back.” War Bonnet pulls back to look at Kyle and shakes his head. “I’m sorry, he’s dead and we’ll both miss him.” The horse rears back and gives a loud snort before racing away.

While they stand there and watch War Bonnet race around the field a few time Kathleen says, “I’m sure he understood exactly what you said. If I’d not seen it I wouldn’t have believed it.” Kyle nods yes and he waits for War Bonnet to come back to them.

Some minutes later the horse comes back to the fence and places his head on Kyle’s shoulder. He hugs War Bonnet tight around the neck as they grieve together for their loss. After a while Kyle loosens his grip and says, “War Bonnet, this is my wife and Companion, Kathleen, also known as KK. Jonas thought a lot of her.” The horse moves to Kathleen and leans over to sniff her. She reaches out with her hand and lets him get a good sniff before stroking his neck. After a moment War Bonnet gives a snort and nudges KK with his head, showing he accepts her. “OK, Old Fellow, we need to go to the bank and we’ll take you out to Shiloh when we leave.” The horse nods and turns back to the paddock.

They walk back through the barn to meet the others. Joseph nods at Kyle, he’s more reassured Kyle is who he is by the way War Bonnet met him than by Nathan’s reassurances. When Kyle and Kathleen check their weapons are ready for action the others notice and do the same. Kyle asks, “Nathan, do you know this banker Klovus Hissup?”

Nathan shakes his head no, but Joseph says, “I do, Kyle.”

“Good, go put on some leather armor and weapons. If the men are here for me they’ll have someone at the bank. When we get there and Klovus comes out greet him. If another comes out to claim he’s Klovus say nothing. Understand?” Joseph nods yes before darting off to get armor and weapons. Kyle turns to the young men, “If anyone raises a weapon to us or attacks us, kill them! I’ll trust you to know who are our local friends who’ll come to our aid and not to hurt them. KK, kill anyone who attacks you or me or Nathan.” They all nod. A moment later they’re all ready and walking toward the bank while Nathan assigns positions to the young men so some will stay outside to cover their rear.

Entering the bank they all ready their crossbows for immediate use, Kyle’s is in his left hand. Only Kyle, KK, Joseph, and three men go in.

There are three armed guards in the bank, all wearing sneers, and the young man in the teller’s cage looks very frightened. Kyle walks up and asks, “Are you the manager?” The young man shakes his head no and darts into the back room. A moment later another man walks out and Kyle asks, “Are you Klovus Hissup, the manager of this bank?”

The man replies, “I’m the manager, Klovus Hissup, who are you and what do you want?”

Joseph is quick when he raises his hand to shoot the man in the chest with his crossbow as he says, “I don’t like liars impersonating important people.” Seeing Joseph shoot the man the guards go for their weapons and the three young men toss throwing knives into their throats. The guards lose all interest in everything. Another armed man enters from the back room and turns when he sees the dead man in the cage. Joseph grabs Kyle’s crossbow and puts a bolt between the man’s shoulder blades. As the man hits the floor they hear the back door slam.

The young teller and another man walk in from the back and Kyle is happy to hear Joseph say, “Hello, Klovus. Had some trouble, I see!”

One of the young men retrieves the thrown knives while another sticks his head out and calls a warning code-word to the others. Those outside are quick to move to cover.

Kyle grins and says, “Our bolts please, Klovus, and make sure that back door is secure. After we deal with these killers you and I have some business to take care of.” The manager nods as he leans down to rip the bolt out of the man on the ground near him as the teller does the same to the other. Both men are dying, but not dead, so they grunt in pain when the removal of the bolts tears their bodies apart even more. While the teller hands over the bolts Klovus puts a bar across the back door and retrieves some weapons from a cupboard to share with the teller. Kyle hands the medallion to Kathleen, saying, “The code-word is Old Sam and Mose. If things go against us take care of Shiloh for me.” She gulps and nods yes. “Stay here while I deal with this!” Another nod and Kyle heads for the door, “Joseph, stay and protect KK, please.”

Kyle and the three young men walk out of the bank to see several groups of men coming toward the bank from as many directions, but he can’t see Nathan or his men, which is good. One well-dressed man in leather armor is leading a group of twenty from the tavern. Kyle sees the young man beside the leader wears a sapphire ring a lot like his. The well-dressed man yells out, “Kyle Alexander, give us Shiloh and we’ll let you and your men go unharmed.”

Kyle raises his crossbow and aims as he tells his men, “The young one I shoot must be taken alive,” and fires at the young man, hitting him in the thigh and causing him to fall. He reloads his crossbow while the young men with him use their short bows to shoot three of the men with the leader. As they do a wave of arrows comes from the buildings beside the bank to hit the attackers coming up the street from the other end, killing them all. Another flight of arrows and all of the small groups are dead men in the street as the last dozen of the first group near Kyle.

Dropping his crossbow Kyle draws a large knife and his sword (a cross between a Roman Gladius and a Japanese katana; it has aspects of both, but is neither). The leader swings his sword at Kyle and is very surprised the knife provides a solid block. Kyle stabs him in the thigh with the sword in his right hand. Kyle avoids the body as he glimpsed chain-mail under the leather armor; no point wasting time against that. The leg wound will cause the man issues. When the man stumbles back to regain his balance he leaves himself open, inviting an attack against his chest. Kyle wonders how many people he’s tricked into attacking the mail while he attacks their side. Making like he’s taking the bait Kyle lunges forward with his sword. When the man smiles Kyle lowers his sword to slice deep into the man’s inside thigh. When he pulls his sword back Kyle watches the blood of the cut artery gush out. The pain causes the man to stumble. Kyle can tell when the man knows he’s dying because of the look of horror on his face. The man takes a step and stumbles to his knees, falling forward onto his face. Kyle kicks him in the face, snapping his neck when the head goes back with the kick.

Kyle looks up to see all the attackers are dead except the young man he wounded at the start. Nathan and the others didn’t know why, but they knew Kyle’s wounding of him was deliberate and they’ve kept him alive while they kill all of the others. Walking over to the young man Kyle asks, “Who are you?” No reply. He takes the ring off the man’s hand, breaking a finger in order to get him to open his fist and let it go while he screams in pain. Looking down at the man he says, “I’ll ask you who you are, every time you refuse to answer me I’ll break a bone. Who are you?” No reply. Kyle snaps another finger and the man screams in pain again.

While sobbing he says, “Jason Bennett.”

“Where were you born and what is your relationship to Carl?”

“Abilene, Texas. Carl is my boss; my dad works for him too.”

Kyle looks at Nathan and says, “Strip him, search him, tie him up, and take care of his wounds. I want him kept alive. I’ll take him with me. I’ve a use for him alive, to send a message to Carl.” Nathan nods and issues orders to the others.

While they tend to Jason he asks, “How did you kill LaMas so fast? He was sent to kill Jonas and you because he’s a great swordsman.”

Kyle turns to look down at Jason while he replies, “LaMas was a swordsman. I’m a warrior and a trained killer. I know more than the sword. Both of those give me a big advantage over such as he.” He turns to Nathan, “I don’t want this garbage left in the street. After you strip them feed them to the hogs. Check where their horses and gear are and collect them too. Use any money collected to compensate for any damages they did, please, Nathan.” A smiling Nathan nods while Kyle turns and goes back to the bank.

Kyle walks into the bank and takes the medallion Kathleen holds out for him. He places it on the counter and says, “The password for this is Old Sam and Mose. I already have an account and a lock box. All I need to do is transfer the balance and the contents of Jonas’ lock box.” Klovus smiles and he starts the processes required before leading Kyle into the vault to empty Jonas’ lock box. Most of it goes into Kyle’s lock box, some goes on the table, and some of the contents of Kyle’s goes on the table too, before he closes Jonas’ now empty box and it disappears.

Kyle hands KK a pouch of local coins and stays there while she goes to open an account of her own. She also gets a lock box and returns to the vault Kyle’s is in. Her box is soon where Jonas’ was and the things on the tables are put in it. This is so she has access to some resources if they get separated for any reason. After closing the boxes they return to the front. Kyle hands over the papers for various properties so Klovus can transfer them. Kyle has the teller transfer some more money from his account to KK’s while Klovus handles the properties.

Handing back the amended papers Klovus says, “Also linked to the account of Jonas were a number of other joint accounts. As it seemed they were for the running of the businesses I’ve changed them to be linked to your account with the other operator staying the same. I hope this meets with your approval.”

Kyle smiles and replies, “Perfectly, Klovus, perfectly. If I’d known of them I’d have asked you to do that. Thank you. All that’s probably in the other papers Jonas left for me to go through.”

The transfers take only a few minutes, which is long enough for the men to clear the street. When they leave the bank Kyle watches a wagon of dead going down the road to the large hog farm just outside of town, on the downwind side. They head to the tavern so Nathan can introduce Kyle and pass on the sad word about Jonas.

For the next few weeks Nadia trains men in cavalry tactics while KK trains men in the use of the longbow in warfare and Kyle helps with the preparation of the new defenses. As men dig the trench, starting on the east wall, Kyle helps with making the adobe bricks and building the wall higher. Since the trench will help protect the east wall the new bricks go on the west wall first so they make two walls safer at once. Dana, Nathan’s son, is busy making fired clay pipes for the moat water.

Very soon Kyle has a good production line making the adobe bricks near the stream. The production is faster than the wall building team, so he adds making the smaller bricks for the houses to use up the dirt the trench diggers are supplying so fast.

The people work very hard and fast. In two weeks the new wall is done on all except the north side, all of the houses have new adobe walls with sod roofs - though some houses got extra bracing for their roof. The approach path on the south side is finished, so is all but half the western trench. The berry bushes are being planted almost as fast as the space for them is made ready. The pipes for the stream in the other two walls are down with some earth packed around them so the approaches will be easy to finish after the water is diverted.

KK has been teaching the use of the longbow in war to the men used to using their bows for hunting. All the men and women can use short bows and long bows, with sixty now qualified as combat archers. Nadia has been busy training the cavalry in maneuvers and training officers in combat tactics. All the men and women are very competent riders and many can fight with swords on horseback. However, Shiloh now has over a hundred trained to respond as a mounted combat force to fight with lances, with a few more trained as cavalry officers. There’s still a lot more work to do to train all who live on Shiloh, since the compound only houses a small percentage of those who live and work on Shiloh lands; the rest live in the surrounding area. What they do have is the core of a good combat force who now take on the job of roving patrols while the others come in to be trained in the same skills.

Same as Shiloh
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BigTitsRoundAsses Natasha Nice Natasha Nice Tutors Jmac

Natasha Nice was helping Jmac study for his pilot license, but he just didn’t get any of it. so she decided to encourage him a little bit by playing with her giant tis for him. As this was going on her father walked in to grab something from the fridge. They quickly scrambled to put her massive tits away. And after her father was back away to his room, things escalated a little bit. Natasha pulled Jmac’s cock out and shoved it in her mouth. She pushed his cock far down her throat. Soon, they...

5 years ago
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Jenny comes home and Alexandra 6

Educating dear dod Jenny is all up to me, after she got expelled from school in first month.She loves to learn everything she can from me. Sexuology is her special subject of interest.In a few months she knows almost all she wants from me, also in practise. Only a girlfriend fails.Luckily for us (and her) also Alexandra got herself in sexual trouble at school. Can we help her?Alexandra is an awesome sweet sexy Swedish blonde boyish beautyAfter Jenny had been expelled from school, I had started...

2 years ago
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Rules and guidelines for proper slave husband to proper oral servitude : 1. Consider orally serving a woman a privilege and honour. 2. Always be ready, eager and willing to serve her orally in any way and as much as she likes, at any time, anywhere and under any circumstances, no matter whether she just was at the gym for a workout or whether she is just having her periods or whether she just had sex, with you or any other man. You always owe her your full oral servitude at all times....

3 years ago
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movin with momma

We had spent a long day moving from Chicago to Cincinnati. The Ryder truck was finally unloaded and returned to the rental station. My mom and I were exhausted and completely filthy. My mom is about 5’3” with an incredibly sexy ass. She had a beautiful set of dd cup breasts with nipples that when erect could poke an inch through the halter tops she habitually wore. As we walked up the stairs to our new apartment, I could not help staring at her luscious ass cheeks peeking out from her short...

3 years ago
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Old Friends and Fuck Buddies Part 1

It had been a long flight. At least I had tomorrow to get over my jet lag before I needed to start the project. I checked into my hotel room, after picking up two bottles of wine and a twelve pack for the fridge. The room had a great scenic view looking over the river front. I put my clothes in the drawers and hung the suits in preparation for the next five days of work. Tomorrow would be a pretty easy day, with just a visit to the office in the afternoon. I decided to make it an easy night as...

Wife Lovers
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Flat Nates Part 2 Chapter 14 Time to Grow Up

FLAT MATES - Part 3 Chapter 14 - "Time to Grow Up" Three years; where had they gone? It seemed only Yesterday that I as a callow youth of 19 had left the family home in Scarborough to travel to Manchester to start my engineering course at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. I arrived in Manchester a straight, horny teenager keen to get amongst all the beautiful girls that would, inevitably, be around every corner. Within weeks I had discovered I was a...

3 years ago
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Friends wife

Friend’s Wife ——————————————————————————– Shakeel was my friend from last 13 years. We were the same native place. We worked in one city. He was employ and I had my own small business. We met twice in a week. Usually we met at his place. Because he was living in his own rented house. I was living with a couple of friends in a sharing place. Where shakeel doesn’t fell easy. Mostly we spend all the Sunday at his home, playing cards, etc. Shakeel family has not too big, his wife neelam and three...

4 years ago
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dennis the ceramics shp helper

We had a ceramic shop for a few years and when we closed it due to a sagging economy, we moved it into the basement.One of the customers asked if her son could help out to earn some money for high school.My wife asked me about it and I said let me interview him and see if he seems like he could be helpfulHe showed up after clases one night and my wife showed him to the basement where we had all the molds and shelving set up. She walked him down the stairs holding his hand. She showed him all...

3 years ago
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A few months after the German occupation of France in June 1940, Emilio Vargas, an émigré carpenter of Andalusian heritage who had moved to Carcassone in the early 1930s to seek work, decided to return to Spain with his French wife of two years, Elise, who was then eight months pregnant with their first child. Under cover of darkness, in late November 1940, they left their home and made their journey south in their rapidly deteriorating and unreliable Citroën Traction Avant, which finally gave...

Straight Sex
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Fun at Church

So it was a normal sunday morning.. Me just 18, average/athletic body nice cock about 8 and a quarter, woken by my girlfriend playing with what woke her up with a poke. She is a bit older than me, brunette, B sized breasts covered only by her oversized t-shirt, going down her tight body down to her tight shaved pussy and long soft legs. I grab her sweet bubble of an ass, but theres no time for that much fun, ofcourse, sunday morning, its time for church. But today we have plans for a special...

2 years ago
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One Word

One Word Everything had to be absolutely perfect. I waved Teresa off as she reversed out of the garage and headed back inside. I went straight to the calendar and stared at it, excited. I felt my cock begin to stir... and quickly clamped down on the thought. Stay cool, I told myself. Tonight... March 10th 2008. A day that had a big red exclamation mark on it. March 9th had a big red X on it, as did most every day for the last year, all the way to March 10th 2007. One year worth of Xs. Seven...

3 years ago
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A Teachers Fantasy Part3

The pictures Sara sent me were quite graphic. Close up shots of my cock sliding in and out of Sara’s cunt; my cock spitting its contents on her clit; her face as she was coming. But the worst of all was the picture of me licking the sperm from her slit. There was no mistaking who’s face was in who’s crotch.After class that day, I asked Sara to stay after class for a moment. I asked if there were some way that the pictures could be destroyed so my career wouldn’t be. She smiled and said I had...

4 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 37 Live Fire Training

A Sa'arm scout had been tracked by a probe as it explored the uninhabited planet Darkford. The headquarters analysts expected a small hive ship to reach the planet within a window of six to eighteen months from the time the scout left the system. Only thirty percent of the planet's surface was water, but that was still enough water to hide both North and South America in more than one of its oceans. Daniel Boone and Sir Galahad waited at the rendezvous point, which was about half a...

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Looking After Anna Part 3

I returned to the lounge and put the glasses on the table and stood in front of Julie with my cock bulging inside my shorts, she moved to the edge of the sofa and widened her legs for me to step closer, she looked straight at my bulging trapped cock. “OMG Frank” she sighed softly as she gently put her hands around my arse cheeks pulling me closer so the cotton fabric of my shorts was rubbing against her face, “Mmm” she moaned as she felt the hardness of my cock rubbing her.Her fingers went...

1 year ago
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Streamate Teen

We’re back on Streamate, this time looking at my favorite of all the sections on the entire site – the Teens! There is a healthy supply of legal teenage girls willing to shove dildos up their asses on camera for free, and most of them can be found right fucking here under the Teen section. Naturally, there’s a lot of cross-contamination with other categories like big tits, great ass, jerk-off instructions, and so on because that’s just how tagging systems work. They allow you to get more...

Live Teen Sex Cams
2 years ago
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Domineacute par Claire fiction part 5

Bonjour à tous, Pour des raisons professionnelles, je passe une nuit par semaine, 1 fois par mois chez ma belle-sœurAprès quelques séjours, elle me domine maintenant complètement, elle est ma princesse et je lui dois donc une obéissance absolue.1er retour chez Claire après la soiréeJe suis impatient de la voir, un peu nerveux aussi, je toque, elle m’ouvre, je la sens un peu nerveuse, il n’y a pas eu de contact depuis qu’elle m’a sodomisé.« Bonjour Princesse Claire »Je la sens se détendre, elle...

2 years ago
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Adams First Time

StoriesAdam's First Time Adam's First TimeAbout 3 months ago, I began, in earnest, my exploration of the BDSM lifestyle. I had read stories, listened in on discussions, and read a myriad of information about it. I began posting stories in the hopes that I might attract the attention of, not so much a Mistress, but someone I could discuss in depth, the feelings I had been having. I am a 25 year old male. Supposedly mentally well-balanced with little or no idea of the practical side of BDSM life....

4 years ago
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Anything For Your FriendsChapter 3 Cindy

I was at my parents home one day talking with Dad about some company business. I had to run out to my car to grab some papers that I forgotten. I looked up the street and noticed a familiar face walking down the road in my direction. I got what I needed out of the car and slowly made my way to the road. "Hello stranger?" She looked at me for a moment before she stopped walking. It seemed to take her a moment to recognize me. "Mike? Is that really you?" "I was about to ask you the...

4 years ago
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Mast secretary

By: Bobby Hello Guys Bobby Here. With the response I got from last three stories of mine I am flattered. One person has asked me to write this for him. Well its his fantasy about his sister. Ya you heard me right his own sister. Well he is a sales executive and she is a teacher. Well he gave me an idea for the story. I am putting my words. Before joining into a school she was working under Abhi. Abhi is the CEO of a Marketing Firm. This happened about two years back. She had joined in the firm...

1 year ago
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Always Lock Your Door

It all started when my husband and I were thinking about getting a seperation. We loved each other just a little too much to go the one step further and get a divorce. The reason why we were getting a seperation was because we had really different ways to please our sexual desiers-He liked it the old fashioned way, but me-I liked it nice and rough with a little extra and he just couldnt please me. One day at work I was really frustrated and I could have really used a little "satsifaction"to get...

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People watching

The evening was hot and humid so I made my way down to the local bar, ordered an ice cold lager and sat outside to enjoy what breeze I could feel. I love to sit and people watch, trying to guess the passers-by occupations as they hurry by. The first passed my chair was a middle aged man, hair receding wearing a blue polo shirt, black jeans, large mirrored sunglasses and walking a poodle. My mind imagined him sitting at a desk in a large government department, grudgingly complying with the...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 50 The First Wedding

Saturday Week 23 They slept in, with Kellie waking up with a start as she realised it was 8:30 am. "Sorry, Dave, I've got to fly. You can stay in bed if you want, but I have to be leaving in an hour, so I'm off to the shower" she told him, kissing him gently on the mouth before bounding out of bed and rushing into the ensuite. Dave lay there for a few moments, but then got up and joined Kellie in the ensuite. It was really a full bathroom, with a large double shower, a spa bath for two...

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Delta TrixyChapter 20 Midas touch

As per usual, Lee’s place rocked. James and I were still attending our regular sessions at the Magicians school. However, because we were part of the family if the Wizards did a Sunday and it was a long weekend due to a holiday, we were included. This public holiday was Lee’s birthday weekend even though Earth time it wasn’t her birthday because our April was about six months out from theirs. Confused, well them’s the joys of planets spinning in their own time. Plus, we had all the issues...

3 years ago
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Not Taken III

The personnel changes went smoother than anticipated, as one accepted the move to marketing with some enthusiasm and the person we let go acknowledged she needed to do better. I liked her and probably violated some employment laws giving her honest feedback. I didn’t think her future was in sales, but she was good at project management. I encouraged her to think about certification.Finding a trainer was somewhat more difficult. It’s pretty easy to understand which trainers are in it for you and...

Gay Male
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Linda at the gas station

Just the other day I was getting gas for my motorcycle. Up pulls a woman right behind me and she’s about 25 with Blondie hair. She steps out of her truck and bends over to unscrew her gas cap. That’s when I see the best looking ass I’ve seen in a long time. I wanted to strike up a conversation,But she did first. She commented on my License plate holder. It reads “Ladies Flash Me Your Rack” Then just below that I have another sign that says “Spank You Very...

4 years ago
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Very busy while Ana fucks a BBC

Friday afternoon I had stayed at home, having some paperwork at my desk.My sensual wife was laying out at our pool tanning under the warm sun.I was busy and focused on my own task, when Tadeusz, a black guy who worked with Ana, brought her some other papers for her to sign. I sent him outside to talk with my wife as I finished my own business…A while later I went to the kitchen for a glass of water and I glanced out the window to see what they were doing. Tadeusz was sitting in a lounge chair...

4 years ago
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Cousins Are We In Too Deep Part Two

Danielle had told me after dinner that she started using birth control pills two years ago due to having excessive monthly cramping which, I guess, the hormones are supposed to reduce. Anyway, she had said quietly that it was perfectly OK to cum inside her and that was a fact that I was liking quite a bit thinking about how the night was going to go. As we neared the bed, Dani climbed up on it, staying on her knees and facing me. The height adjustment was perfect as I now was looking...

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FidleChapter 27

His fingers slid across her cheeks and into the luxuriant softness of her hair; not to grip, or hold, or tug, but simply to create yet another point of connection. His touch signaled that he was fully awake, and she began suckling his rod with more urgency, sliding her tongue down the bottom of his shaft to cradle its length while she fed more of it into her throat. Humming with pleasure, she worked herself downward inch by inch until she’d taken the entirety of his erection. For a few...

2 years ago
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In a State of Indecision

My name’s Melissa, I am a fresher, a college girl in my first year. I come from the countryside where boys are easy to get to know; firstly, there aren’t that many of them around, and secondly they are generally horny as hell, most of the time. So getting one of them into bed is generally not a problem. I was used to having a healthy sex life. Some boys would visit me and I would visit some of them. My father’s a farmer, so the hay barn was always a favourite of mine. I even, on one occasion,...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 9 Life with Pippa January 1988October 1990

As I picked Pippa up from the armchair her mouth had fastened on mine like a love struck limpet. Our tongues delved into each other's mouths, sliding and slithering, as we gave ourselves over to the passion that had been building up since the day we had first met in the White Star cafe. Our teeth clashed; we gasped for air as we kissed, sucked, and licked. I carried her towards the staircase, in a rather ungainly fashion, her arms around my neck and her legs gripping around my waist like an...

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My Wife With A Tailor

I am Rahul,28 years old,living in Delhi.I am working as a software engineer.My wife is Amrita,25 years old.She is very beautiful and typical Indian housewife.We are having our marriage life since 3 years. We love each other very much and we share everything between us. According to that,she shared an experience of her college life with me.When,she was 21,she had that experience.So,I am narrating that incident in direct speech,as I heard from my wife. When I(Amrita) has experienced the...

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Jessies Journey The Private Club Chapter 2

As Derek led her through the crowd, a path opened for him. A path lined with masked guests with their eyes running all over her naked body and trapped nipples. She could feel the heat of their eyes scouring her, mapping her body. Her face and chest flushed red in embarrassment as she was led by the chain around the room until they both ended up back where they had begun.He released the chain, allowing it to fall back and hang between her beautiful breasts. He took her by the hand and addressed...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Cherry Kiss Sunbathing Blonde Cherry Kiss Takes DP Slamming From Pool Guys

Blonde rich bitch Cherry Kiss is relaxing outside after taking a dip in her pool when she decides to oil herself up. Getting carried away with herself, Cherry strips naked and toys her juicy pussy with a glass dildo. She completely forgets that her pool guy, Vince is working today and he catches her pleasuring herself before offering to help out. Vince sits on the edge of the pool while Cherry sucks him off. He climbs in the pool behind her and slams her from behind and his work colleague David...

4 years ago
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Favor for WifeChapter 2

I felt like I really needed to say something to explain his part. I didn't want her to hate her late husband especially since it would be my fault, or so I felt. But first I had to look at her standing there naked. I could see her pubic hair and a bit of her slit, her breasts were thrusting out a delightful way. She was one sexy woman standing there. I tried to see if anything was dripping down her thighs but I couldn't make out anything. Her fury seemed to make her even sexier in a way I...

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Sister8217s Sexy Blowjob

Hi sexy indian sex stories dot net readers.How are you all? I’m your Viraj here with another hot and sexy story.Hope you all will enjoy it. Feedbacks are welcomed at Let’s come to the story. Mine is a well-settled family at Bhopal.Father is a Principal at a Government College and my mother is a professor in a private institute.We are a family of 4.Me, Mom, Dad and My sister Rupa.I’m elder to her by one and half year. I’m in my 20 and she is 18 now. I’m a student of commerce and she has just...

2 years ago
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What A Gym Lesbian

We got to the high school gym just as the night weight lifting class was getting out. Working for the police department gave me access to the key to the gym, and its weight room. It was the high school's way of thanking us for providing security at all their games and dances. Wendy and I stood upstairs and watched as the class left for the night. I particularly noticed a cute redhead, with a well-toned bottom and long, curly hair. She looked adorably cute in her white weight lifting shoes and...

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All rights reserved, 2012. Her name was changed to protect the confidence of the title character. Summer, 1975 It seemed less an invitation than a summons. ‘Students matriculating in the national Medical Scientist Training Program will convene at the Given Institute in Aspen, Colorado for four days of meetings with leading biomedical investigators. Please contact the dean’s office for your travel and lodging information.’ The NIH had forecast a shortage of physician-scientists capable of...

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The Angels Take America part 3

"Well," Jamie said as the end credits rolled on the cartoon. "That was - that was different." "Yeah," Charlotte concurred. "I mean, I'm used to seeing myself on TV, but - yeah. Not too sure about that." "But I'm sure the kids will love it," Hannah said. "And there's no arguing with the message, right?" "Definitely," Jamie said. "If we help only one person with this cartoon, it'll be worth it." Much like the main Angels show, Jamie thought to herself as she and her friends filed...

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Keichi Tales Birthday Bash 5

My tight vicelike clenching must have set him off, digging into the last bit of his reserves to knock the wind out of me each time he slammed down, biting at my neck as he howled out for all to hear. I could feel the powerful throbbing of his wolfmeat as he unloaded deep inside me, more and more cum being stuffed into my leaky hole. He collapsed on me, all his weight pinning me down as he caught his breath, teeth still firm against my skin. It truly was one of the best feelings in the world! I...

3 years ago
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A Missed Call Take Me To Beauties Bed

Hi readers, This is Rahul from Bangalore working in Private Ltd Company. I am staying alone here & I stayed in a flat. I am fair dashing good looking guy without mustache. My friends call me Sharukh, because of same looks. In first visit itself ladies attract towards me. This story started with unknown call & my heroine name is Juhi (name changed & she looks exactly like film actor Juhi Chawla). let me describe her, She is very fair milky white color with nice structured i.e. 32- 36-32 with...

2 years ago
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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 5 Friends and Enemies

Introduction: Harry and Hermione escape as Ron has some fun. This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 5 A young fox pawed its way hurriedly through the snow and undergrowth in pursuit of its quarry. The density of the trees became less and less as suddenly, the fox emerged into a clearing. The rabbit it was chasing stared back at him wide-eyed, frozen to the spot. The fox knew this area well, even in...

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A night at the bar

Hey, the names Gabriel, I'm 22 and I stand 6 foot 1 with an average build and a six pack. I don’t really stand out in a crowd, or at least I wouldn’t if I didn’t have red hair. Yes, I’m a ginger, my hair is kind of shaggy, but has a stylish look about it; I have freckles going across the bridge of my nose and some on my shoulders. Other then my hair I blend in pretty good with the crowd, but the one thing that makes me stand out is also my greatest feature. My hair has helped me win over a few...

Straight Sex
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FilthyTaboo Fiona Frost Giving Away My Stepdaughter

Tyler Steel’s teen stepdaughter Fiona Frost is a straight-up dick magnet. Tyler is trying to protect her from all the strange cock being thrown her way. He asks his friend Tony Rubino to find Fiona a gentleman to take care of her. Both Tyler & Fiona are a little surprised when Tony volunteers himself. While Tyler is nervous, he approves and Fiona seems downright excited. Tony & Fiona start kissing. He starts fingering her hairy teen pussy, making her moan. She pulls out...

3 years ago
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Rotkppchen und der bse Wolf

Es war ein schöner heller Morgen im Frühling, als Rotkäppchen sich auf den weg zu ihrer Großmutter machte. Ihrer Großmutter ging es nicht gut, hatte ihre Mutter ihr erzählt und so machte sich Rotkäppchen auf, um ihrer Großmutter einen Korb mit Kuchen und Wein zu bringen, damit bald sie wieder zu Kräften käme. Rotkäppchen war gerade achtzehn geworden und ein junges unverdorbenes und unerfahrenes Ding. Sie war einen Meter siebzig groß und hatte goldblondes Haar, feste Brüste, etwa zwei Hand voll...

2 years ago
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The Sins of the Fathers Repaid in the Vaginas of the Daughters

As the jeep entered the small town, Glenn looked about. It looked prosperous enough. The occasional person he saw had the blond hair so common among the Norths. A couple children played in a field. Here an old woman, there a mother with baby. The van stopped near the center of town and the six men and two dogs got out. William was going to be showing Glenn the ropes. Ben was a lab mix, and after sniffing the air, he pulled on the leash William was holding. William let him lead, and he and...

4 years ago
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Tag Team

(I wrote this story with Odink. This is a 50/50 collaboration. Thank you, Odink. Your input was sensational!) Kim's phone rang early that morning. She looked at the caller ID and noticed it was JD. With a groan, she picked up the receiver. “I know that you are my best friend, but prepare for an ass whipping. Do you realize it is 7 am?” she grumbled. “Yes, and you need to get your lazy ass out of bed. I reserved us a spot at the lake, but we need to get there early. So, get up and get to...

Group Sex
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Stepford Househusbands The end

Chapter 28 Emily was discharged from the hospital later that afternoon. They had to wait a little while as the doctor had some paperwork to sort out. Then after giving her a clean bill of health and recommending a lot of rest (with a wink towards Stephen), the doctor let her go. "Here you are Honey," Stephen said as he handed her a cup of coffee from his thermos. "Thanks, babe," Emily replied as she took a sip. "This is lovely," She told him with a smile. Stephen beamed and...

4 years ago
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Lurking in the ShadowsChapter 24

When I returned to my room I left the two Smart Frames working as well as one of the telecoms and started to pack up the other things. I moved three of the telecoms, my tools, the spare parts and some other things downstairs and stowed them out of the way but handy. It made that much less to move later. After breakfast the next morning I took the rest of it down and I was ready to move. I then turned back and helped to load up what was left of our supplies and so on, so that when we had a...

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Fucking my Mom part 2

My mom is a nurse in a clinic and works very hard and sincerely. She also got promoted to senior nurse but she is only 36. She looks good and is really bright in her nature. After having to fuck her two times in the same day I always wondered what she did after that because in just 3 days we were back to normal. We just watched TV, had dinner together but sometimes I caught her walking naked in her room as she came from the clinic, she always takes a shower and changes into her pajamas, so...

2 years ago
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Hentai is one of the most popular types of adult content in the world. Although it was originated in Japan, this comic book-influenced type of adult comic has seen a wild level of success all over the world, with the United States actually being one of its largest consumers.Hentai is nothing like your typical pornography. It definitely sets itself apart from the rest of the adult industry. For one, most of the material involves reading. Manga books are the number one form of hentai (with hentai...

Hentai Manga Sites
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“Take your pick, Janice,” Anabelle said playing with her own breasts. Jen was still asleep, so my mother silently stripped herself naked and, after getting him hard enough, lowered herself on Peter’s peter. “Oh, God,” he said, causing her to wake up and said, “Hello Janice?” From atop her stepson, she waved at Jen, and asked, “Do you have anything left for me, Sonny Boy?” He got his hands on her breasts and said, “You can help yourself to whatever I have, Mom?” That was very hot to...

2 years ago
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Samuh Chodan 1

Maru nam abhishek chhe. Hu ahmedabad ma rahu chhu. Mari age 16 year chhe. Mara pappa pradip 40 ane mother shusila 38 year ane bahen shweta 18 year chhe. Mara dada dipakbhai 60 & dadi padma 58 chhe. Mara kaka ketan 38 & kaki shilpa 36 varsh na chhe. Temana chokaro vipul 18 ane chokari varsh 16 year chhe. Mara foi asha 36 ane fuva navin 38 year na chhe. Temani chokari kavita ane chokaro kavit banne 16 year (jodiya) na chhe. Amara ghar ma chodava nu khub j khulleam chale chhe. Game te game tene...

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