DominionChapter 13 free porn video

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There was an error in the last chapter. The president was offered a month to make his decision on the human sacrifice deal, but the sacrifice would have to be made weekly, not monthly. Sorry for the mistake.

Deal with the Devil

If there was one upside to Dominion’s presence, it was that there was no danger of any other country trying to take over. With most of America’s military eradicated, this should have been a dream come true for all her enemies and two-faced allies, the perfect chance for a Red Dawn invasion. It would be so easy for Canada to move in from the north and Mexico from the south, for Russia and China to attack from the west and the UIR or even Europe to attack the east coast, but not only would that mean antagonizing a nuclear superpower or even destroying one the greatest obstacles in Dominion’s way, it would mean putting their own troops within range of that monster.

Should any country succeed, should they take over and abolish the United States and declare the land to be their territory, then they would be the ones facing Dominion. There was nothing the US had, no weapon or technology that could be stolen, no resource exploited, that would be worth the danger. So far, Dominion only seemed to be focusing his gaze on expanding southward, deeper into the US, but the Canadians were terrified, sharing a border with his demonic kingdom.

That being the case, President Collins could now redirect every military asset he had left from defense to internal control. With Dominion threatening the country, Congress was willing to go with just about anything, but only the president’s inner circle knew about the deal set up.

Every soldier was now being used to support local law enforcement and enact the new draconian rule. The rights of citizens, both free and incarcerated, were deteriorating by the day. Across the country, anyone guilty of even a minor infraction was beaten and arrested, often with several guns pressed to the backs of their heads. The time between the failed Augusta invasion and the president’s declaration had ripped cracks open in society, allowing chaos and desire to grip the hearts of the people, but that just gave the police a bountiful harvest of criminals. Anyone out on the streets, no matter the time, could be stopped and frisked, and even the suspicion of a crime was enough for someone to get slapped in a pair of cuffs and hauled off.

Houses in low-income areas, especially minorities, had their doors kicked in by SWAT teams, searching for drugs or other contraband. No warrants, no probable cause, no warning, just the need to fill a quota. Families would be forced against the wall while their homes were ripped apart, searching for anything illegal. When nothing was found, it was planted. Often, the cops would make up some sign of child abuse or endangerment and arrest the parents. It wasn’t long before figures in the media were arrested for “sabotaging the war effort”, and anyone protesting or speaking out against the situation was hauled away with a black bag over their head.

While many soldiers and police opposed the situation, the vast majority went along with it. After seeing the failed Augusta invasion, they were desperate for any kind of hope. This new anti-crime push, it gave them a fightable enemy, someone to blame. It gave them back some of the power that Dominion had taken, letting them once again be the apex predators and feel confident in their own authority and strength. It let them feel like they were doing something to contribute, that their efforts were actually making a difference and making the country stronger. It gave them something to do, so that they wouldn’t wallow in their helplessness and wait for death.

Before the war against the undead, the US had the highest rate of incarcerated citizens per capita. Once again, that fact rang true, but now with even more people being arrested. The prisons were stuffed until overflowing, even the smallest cells now holding up to four people. When they couldn’t hold any more people, internment camps were built, buildings seized as part of eminent domain. Not everyone went to prison, of course. A practice strongly used in the Napoleonic wars, penal military units were formed, criminals conscripted into service as either a punishment or a means of avoiding jail time. It was the only way to even begin recouping the losses from the failed Augusta attack.

This nightmare was easier to perpetuate than one might imagine. Collins was constantly holding big rallies and making speeches, turning fascism into patriotism. Despite originally being a moderate Democrat, the right wing relished this change in Collins and hopped on the bandwagon, pushing it even farther to nurture their fundamentalist ideals.

Anyone who didn’t support the president or criticized him automatically supported Dominion! Dominion was the Devil and America was God’s chosen kingdom, and to submit to the government was every citizen’s Christian duty! America’s laws were God’s laws, and God’s laws were America’s laws, so unchristian acts must be deemed illegal! They had plenty to work with, and after seeing the footage of Dominion’s monsters eviscerating the American military, the citizens were scared enough to believe in anything.

Despite how well Collins’s “plan” was working, he went to sleep each night hating himself and feeling sick with disgust. To stop Dominion, he had betrayed everything he believed in and taken this fascist path. Whenever he made a speech, it was like putting on an ugly mask. He wished desperately that he could believe his own hype, that what he was doing was right and good and that he was infallible, God’s chosen president, but he knew the horrible truth, the whole reason why he was doing this. He wasn’t even certain if he was even saving his country or if he was actually selling it out. The day was coming when he’d have to make the first ... shipment.

Then, of course, there was Dominion, glued to the TV with a big smile on his face as he watched the news. The tyranny, the mass incarceration, the concentration camps; Collins was so desperate to keep Dominion from advancing that he was doing the exact same thing as Dominion. Under the banner of the American flag, Dominion’s slaves were being captured, incarcerated, and transported to him. The only real difference was that it wasn’t his resources being used to do it. It was outsourcing, the US expanding his kingdom for him without his forces having to take a single step past the border. The irony was sweeter than sugar.

Truly fascinating, the resurrected humans kept Dominion’s interest. Two large enclosures had been built, as large as barns, with the pairs separated and allowed to explore. The regular output pairs, E003 and E004, they acted similarly to gorillas. They usually moved on all fours, rarely standing up, and even then, in an ape-like slouch. They each had mattresses with bedding to sleep on, were given both children’s toys and objects from their former lives, and were fed three square meals a day.

They seemed to possess some memory, at least towards objects. They would hold old phones to their ears, attempted to dress themselves, and scrawled on surfaces with crayons. It seemed like muscle memory lasted even after death, flickers of their old lives saved in their neurons like snapshots. However, all personal links were forgotten. Dominion had given them trinkets of various religions; crucifixes, the Star of David, and other such symbols, but the man and woman didn’t give them any real attention. They seemed curious at first, but got bored after playing with them like toys for a few minutes. They didn’t talk, simply made noises, but sometimes if they both heard a word spoken, they’d imitate it, something which even a parrot could do.

The male and female seemed to get along, occasionally fighting over things but never getting too rough with each other. No intimate contact had yet been seen, but sometimes the male would experience an erection and become confused. The instinct to breed had yet to manifest itself. Would they have to figure out the mechanics of sex like sheltered children, or would they remember, if only at a primal, inherited level?

They never saw Dominion or any other outsiders. Food was delivered via a chute in the wall, and their waste was cleaned up while they were asleep. It left them with no cues to copy off of, no culture or behaviors to absorb and mimic. They only had each other, two mirrors reflecting each other, desperately searching their own subconscious minds for an idea of what they were supposed to do and how they were supposed to act. They’d have to develop in almost total isolation. Dominion was already planning on acquiring more specimens and having them live while completely deprived of any social interaction.

Today, he was once again exposing them to fire. He used his powers to put them to sleep, then created a campfire in the middle of the enclosure with a pile of wood nearby, and woke them up. The first time they were exposed to fire, they got too close and immediately burned themselves, then hid in the corner until it died out. The second time, they again retreated to the corner, this time throwing things at it like it was a dangerous animal.

This time, Dominion was lowering the temperature in the enclosure, waiting until they began shivering. At first, they were apprehensive at the fire’s presence, just like before. However, as the cold got to them, their fear of being burned served to remind them of what the fire had to offer, and eventually got close to it to stay warm. Then, as it began to fizzle out, the male noticed the firewood and had the genius idea to add more. Very impressive.

Dominion left them and reset the thermostat. Now it was time to see E001 and E002, the real stars. When Dominion first gave them their batteries, they did nothing but writhe and scream, stuck in a permanent seizure as their bodies were injected with more power than they could handle. However, that eventually changed. They underwent extensive mutations, their batteries forcing them to adapt and become new hosts that could handle the power surging through them.

The first to change was their muscles, growing and toughening so fast and with so much force that they broke the subject’s bones, but that just served as the segue for their own evolution. The bones in their legs extended and they became digitigrades, meaning they walked on their toes with the soles of their feet raised off the ground, making them taller and giving them greater speed and jumping power, just like the legs of the enhanced sentinels.

Their spines had adjusted for them to be able to move on all fours and on two feet. Dominion had read years ago that humans started walking upright to free their hands for carrying tools, but their spines didn’t have enough time to fully evolve and adapt to this new trait and remain undeveloped. These new mutations had erased that problem.

Their ribs became more pronounced, better protecting their internal organs, which themselves had adapted to become stronger and function more effectively. Their arms became stronger, while their hands mutated to grow second thumbs next to their pinkies. Their faces were relatively the same as before, but their teeth had sharpened and their eyes became keener.

With every breath they took, the sides of their noses would inflate like croaking frogs, as their hyper-sensitive olfactory receptors analyzed every scent. Their ears had also grown to take in more sound, and their eyes had become keener. Lastly, their thin hair had been replaced with manes of thick whiskers, like a cat’s, adding even more sensory data. Their skin was even starting to change.

Their brains were also operating at a much higher level than their fellow test subjects. They solved puzzles even faster than normal people could, learned lessons faster, and had remarkable memory. Yet they had failed to develop any kind of complex language, pay attention to symbolism, or cherish anything that wasn’t either useful or physically comforting. Interesting, that their processing and intelligence would skyrocket, but they completely lacked human creativity or the ability to create meaning. They spent their time zooming around their enclosure to expend their energy, and investigating everything around them, searching for stimulus.

“Anything interesting occur?” he asked, speaking to a guard observing them through an array of monitors. Someone was always watching his test subjects, just in case they became violent with each other or tried to escape.

“Nothing, Lord Dominion,” the young man nervously said, too scared to even turn in his chair to look at him. “Those weirdos keep ripping out the cameras, though.”

Dominion simply hummed and checked the time. He had scheduled a strategy meeting with his subordinates in a few minutes. Without another word, he stepped into the shadows and vanished, letting the guard release his held breath. He reappeared in his office, where his subordinates were already waiting for him on bended knee.

“Rise,” he said, striding past them to the table set up in the center of his office, with a map of New Hampshire stretched across. It was the only state that shared a border with Maine, so there was nowhere else to invade.

“Are the preparations set?” he asked.

“Yes, My Lord,” said Blight, standing by the table. “All necessary troops have been moved into position, and aerial reconnaissance has shown that the state hasn’t been evacuated.” As he spoke, he used his saber to move figurines of their monsters across the map like chess pieces. Armies of spawn were ready and waiting just miles from the state border, well out of range of military scouts. He and the US were currently in a ceasefire, but if people saw his troops amassing, it would cause a panic and everyone would flee New Hampshire before he could even invade.

“Collins won’t want to reshuffle the people. He’s fighting so hard to retain control of his country that he can’t afford the chaos that an order of evacuation would cause.”

“Unfortunately, I do not believe we have enough forces to subdue the entire state. While they cannot put up with a fight, it would be all too easy for the people to flee, even if we set up a perimeter around the state.”

“You’re suggesting we take a smaller zone?”

“Not too small. Highway 83 cuts the state in half. We can use that as natural border to establish a perimeter, from Littleton to the north to Nashua down on the southern border, though the Canadian border will still be an issue. Best of all, we can seize both Manchester and Concord.”

“Very well. Adam, how is our food situation?”

“We are currently experiencing a surplus thanks to salvage and looting, but we’ve estimated that to run out within the next few weeks. After that, we have enough food to keep the current population fed for about three months. Four, if we limit rations. Fortunately, your idea to add human meat to the stew and meal bars is protecting our protein reserves.”

“Hmmm, New Hampshire may be a culling state rather than a slave state. Once the ground fully thaws, we can begin farming and that will solve our food problem. Ishtar, is the Portland train yard ready to receive the first shipment tomorrow?”

“Yes, as well as the passenger station. Wherever that train stops, we’ll be able to easily unload every prisoner. But Master, if I may ask, how do you know the president will really go through with it? Wouldn’t it be best to reassign Scourge to spying?” Scourge released a loud hiss, warning Ishtar that she was speaking out of place in criticizing Dominion’s plan. Blight and Adam were likewise shooting her dirty looks. “My apologies, sire. It’s not my place to question you.”

“To answer your question, Collins is putting in far too much effort for this to simply be a ruse. He will deliver, and on the off chance he doesn’t, or is late, we’ll be ready to advance our line.”

It was dawn, the 23rd of March, and President Collins hadn’t gotten any sleep. He had spent the night staring out his window, wondering if he was really going to go through with the deal. He was having doubts, resigning himself to trying to find another way. He hoped, he prayed, that at any moment, one of his aides would burst into his bedroom, announcing that some group of scientists or allied nation had figured out a surefire wat to stop Dominion. Then, as the sun began to rise, a terrifying vision drifted over his eyes like cataracts. The light of the sun, the way it shined on the city of Washington DC, its rays baring on the dark clouds that had not fully accepted the ender of winter, it looked like flames. He could see them, the buildings burning, with people screaming in terror as monsters flooded the streets. America had fallen. No, not yet, but it would fall soon. All he could do was buy time.

Collins rushed into his bathroom and threw up. This had been happening frequently, his body unable to handle the stress. It was getting harder and harder to hide it from his subordinates, and every day, he could feel his health deteriorating. Maybe he’d get lucky and have a heart attack. Until then, all he could do was give the order.

These were chaotic times, and chaos creates cover and anonymity. Anyone with the know-how and power could away with whatever they wanted, as everyone else was busy just trying to stay alive and hold onto the dwindling stability in their lives. The same was true for President Collins.

The country had become a battlefield between the lawless scourge and the new authoritarian government, and with so many people being arrested, the line of prison buses was completely unnoticed in the early morning, even as they pulled into a train yard north of Philadelphia. This spot was chosen because it was far enough from DC to avoid getting noticed, and far enough from Maine that the prisoners wouldn’t realize what was going on.

There, men and women of equal number, all with shaved heads and prison uniforms, were ushered off the buses and onto train cars, meant for cargo instead of people. The soldiers guiding them were sworn to secrecy, same with the train conductor. One thousand people, all forced onto a single train. They had been moved around so much, most just assumed they were being taken to a new prison. They were herded like cattle, forced into the steel boxcars with only enough room to stand and barely any fresh air.

The train then departed, with soldiers stationed at the ends of each car. They moved north, with the path before them cleared of any other traffic. There were two soldiers stationed outside on the caboose, able to watch the scenery change. Spring was soaking into the landscape, but the farther north they went, the more lifeless things became. New England was still full of people, simply because the citizens had nowhere else to go. To give up their homes, their livelihoods, with nowhere else to go would render them destitute. Those with means had already fled, but for the rest, they couldn’t afford to move, and could only wait to the last minute and cling to the hope that that last minute would never arrive.

Others, who already had nothing, simply packed up what little they had into backpacks and duffle bags and decided to migrate on foot. Countless refugees walked south along the train tracks, and many would turn their heads when the train passed them by. Upon seeing the soldiers at the caboose, their eyes would widen, suddenly understanding what the cargo was. They’d either become dead still, like statues, gripped by despair as they realized how dire the situation was, or they’d turn around and walk even faster, knowing more than ever that they had to get as far away from Dominion’s empire as possible.

The closer the train got to Maine, the more sorrowful the scenery became. Houses along the tracks were often boarded up, either abandoned or reinforced for added protection from whatever threat may come knocking, be they marauders of Dominion’s beasts. There were signs put up, warning that the Apocalypse had begun, and that to the north lay the true Megiddo Valley.

Then, when they crossed the state border into Maine, a chill crawled up everyone’s spine, both soldier and prisoner alike. It was the presence of evil, it permeated the air like a noxious miasma. The prisoners then realized where they were, where they were being taken, and began to panic, beating their fists against the walls of the boxcars and screaming to be let out. The soldiers, hearing this, struggled not to give in. They had been told what they were doing, they had been told of the deal struck with Dominion and what was at steak should they fail, but still, they were overcome with guilt for what they were doing.

Had things really gotten this bad that the president was bribing Dominion in the form of human lives? They wanted to resist, they wanted to stop the train and let everyone escape. They had just crossed the border, maybe there was still time, but they could feel eyes on them, feel the demonic entities in the wilderness watching and waiting. If only to save their own skins, they had to comply.

It was seven minutes to 2:00, closer than the president would have liked. At last, they arrived at a train yard in South Portland, where an army of spawn and collaborators were waiting with buses and trucks. Commanding them was Adam. The train came to a stop and the spawn wasted no time, not even acknowledging the terrified soldiers. They ripped open the doors of the boxcars and seized all of the prisoners inside. The men and women, upon realizing their destination, had planned to come out fighting, to resist their captors with every ounce of strength they had, but when those doors open and the massive fingers of the hulks wrapped around their fragile waists, all that hope, that determination, went up in smoke.

The soldiers simply stepped back, doing whatever they could to stay out of the way of the spawn. The train conductor stayed where he was and prayed with his rosary. The prisoners were counted and put on the buses and trucks, then driven off to Portland for processing. With every last man and woman accounted for, Adam approached the terrified soldiers. They automatically raised their rifles, but didn’t fire, as they knew how useless they were. It was obvious that he was no ordinary human. Adam simply looked down on them, smiling.

“Yes, I understand your feelings. Most people cannot help but stare in awe at my perfect existence. Before you depart, I thought I might offer you the chance to experience the immeasurable glory of serving Lord Dominion. My Master is very generous towards his subordinates. Join us, and your every desire will be met; violence, lust, intoxication, anything. There is no such thing as sin or taboo here.” The soldiers didn’t reply, too terrified to speak. Adam retained his smile and nodded. “Take your time, the positions are always open. I thank you for your service in this matter and hope to see you next week at the same time with a fresh batch. Farewell.”

The mansion basement, originally just a place to stash the Christmas decorations, was now a symbol of terror to Mary and the twins. Not only had Dominion brutally tortured Cho and Hijiri when they spoke out for the first time, but down here was where he had bent Mary to his will, wounding her pride with pleasure beyond words. It seemed like the twins would once again suffer his evil. They were both suspended from the ceiling in sex swings, bound like puppets on strings with their legs forcefully spread and held in stirrups. All they could do was cry in fear of what awaited them. They couldn’t talk, thanks to the ball gags in their mouths.

Dominion wanted to celebrate the first shipment of prisoners and decided to give Cho and Hijiri some attention.

“How shameful of me,” said Dominion as he walked circles around me. “I gave Mary the first lesson, the lesson on pleasure, but I never bothered to give the second, and it occurs to me that I haven’t given you both all of the attention you deserve. So, I’ve decided you’ll both receive my lesson on pain. And this time, we have a larger audience.”

He gestured to Ishtar, Mary, and Nayara, sitting in chairs before the twins. On cue, Ishtar and Nayara happily clapped, eager to see their Master’s methods, while jealous of Cho and Hijiri. To be tortured by the Master, it was something that his succubus creation and mind-broken slave dreamed of. The twins, on the other hand, were barely holding it together. The torment hadn’t even started and their faces were already wet with tears and snot. Mary looked like she was going to be sick, afraid of what horrors she would have to witness.

“Oh, don’t worry. It won’t all be agony. I’ve linked your senses. When one of you feels pain, the other feels pleasure.” He held out his hand with the tip of his index finger glowing red hot. Then he turned to Cho and stabbed the underside of her breast like he was putting out a cigarette. She screamed and writhed, trying to get away, but he couldn’t resist bullying her ample breasts. At the same time, Hijiri was panting and rolling her eyes back. Pure pleasure was running through her as if she had been injected with heroin straight into her spine.

“It also goes the other way. When one of you feels pleasure, the other feels pain.”

Dominion crouched and began licking Cho’s pussy, greedily slurping up her nectar and putting his best techniques to work. Despite the deep burn he had given her, Cho couldn’t stop her moans from escaping as he hollowed her out with his tongue. He had raped her so many times, but his skills in cunnilingus couldn’t be ignored. At the same time, Hijiri was whimpering and crying, feeling like her labia was being scrubbed with steel wool.

“Now then, let’s begin.”

He reached into his pocket, and like some kind of magic trick, drew a long wooden switch. To Ishtar and the slaves, it just looked like a flimsy reed, useful only for kindling. However, the wood was unnaturally tough and lined with very fine thorns. Dominion gave a few practice swings, liking the sound it made as it cut through the air. Ishtar and Nayara gazed at it like a couple of dogs seeing a chew toy, but Mary and the twins struggled to contain their terror.

He gave a hum of approval, then lashed out and struck the toes of Hijiri’s raised foot. She yipped in pain, feeling her skin fray. Cho felt it as well, but for her, it was pleasurable, like her toes were being licked by puppies. Dominion circled behind Hijiri, out of her vision, leaving her to wonder where the pain would come. It was just like when he whipped them. A hard swat under her arm made her cry out. No, this was different from the whipping. This time, there was only a small amount of surface area he could strike, so he was getting more creative, aiming for smaller, more sensitive spots.

Rather than moving on to Cho, he stayed around Hijiri. He struck her toes again, making her whimper, and continued. He bombarded the bottoms of her feet with lashes, all the while, Cho tried to ignore the pleasurable tickle she was feeling. She couldn’t allow herself to feel joy while her sister suffered. Even if it was a trick, some twisted sensation caused by Dominion’s powers, she couldn’t stand the guilt. Dominion eventually stopped and licked the blood from Hijiri’s toes. Next was Cho.

She shook and pulled on her restraints, her mind telling her that it was useless but her instincts telling her to do everything she could to escape. He whipped one of her breasts, right on the burn from earlier. She shrieked, feeling like there were fire ants gnawing on an open wound. He hit her again, this time on the nipple, with the gravel-like thorns sheering the spongy flesh of the duct. More hard swats, all to her breasts, each one leaving a painful scrape wound. Dominion loved to torture her breasts, simply because of the huge disparity between her and her sister. He covered them all over in welts, her grazed flesh reddening as the lashes crisscrossed. Cho screamed and cried, begging her mercy through her gag, but she didn’t expect any, and he didn’t give any.

Next to her, Hijiri, recovering from the lashing to her feet, was now shivering as a pleasant warmth moved through her diminutive breasts. Every sensation Cho felt was flipped and sent to Hijiri. The salt from Cho’s sweat was nestling in her abrasions, stinging her flesh but making Hijiri hum as if receiving a professional massage. Then, the pleasure faded and was replaced by pain. Dominion was sucking on Cho’s breasts like a vacuum cleaner, licking up her blood and tears and kneading her jello-like flesh. To Hijiri, it felt like her breasts were being sunburned, but what did Cho feel? What was the pleasure like that it would invoke this kind of sting?

A flick of his finger, that small movement controlled the ropes holding Hijiri in place. The binds on her legs were raised and brought together, putting her ass on display for the audience. Dominion went to work, violently caning her supple cheeks as if she had done something to enrage him. His breathing, his movements, they were nothing short of wrathful, with every touch of the switch devastating her epidermis. Like before, she shrieked and thrashed in agony, hoping each strike would be the last, only to hear that crack yet again and feel searing heat in her flesh.

Watching her, Ishtar and Nayara couldn’t help but play with themselves. Ishtar was born a masochist, and her best student had been well-trained.

Same as Dominion
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By Jax_Teller Working at a strip club you meet all kinds of people. I met Denise and Debby while dancing at a strip club that had both female and male strippers. The club had two different entrances one for the upstairs female strip club and another on the opposite end of the building for the Male strippers club downstairs. Club “V” for Victor ~ Victoria, was a popular place and was located near a major tourist area or trap as we called it. Money from tourism could bend any regulation...

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The Binding of Isabelle Ch 01

This is the beginning of my own version of a story line about the Carpathian Men and the women they mate with. I have always been fascinated by vampires and had my own take on them fantasy-wise. When I began reading novels about the Carpathians they seemed like exactly the image I had of what vampires would be like if I were to write them. This is the first chapter in that effort. Enjoy! ***** How had Isabella gotten herself into this situation? She had been innocently typing a new story on...

4 years ago
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PupsRUsChapter 5

The only dog without a fuck that day was Attila, so they decided to fix that with a pairing of Attila and Joe. To Grace's surprise, she was feeling so horny that she was about to scream. She announced that she wanted to be Attila's partner, and Sue and Liz could decide between themselves who would fuck Joe. Liz wanted that job, and Sue gave in without the thought of an argument. Sue brought in Attila, and Liz brought in Joe. They went through the same routine as with Bruno, and Grace...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Keisha Grey Missy Martinez Mom Swap Part Two

Lesbian MILF Missy Martinez is newly married to Keisha Grey’s mom Mercedes Carrera. In a pact to bond as a family, Missy watched Mercedes covet Missy’s teen daughter Uma Jolie. Now it’s Missy’s turn to have her way with step daughter Keisha. The MILF approaches Keisha in her bedroom and showers the teen with praise and compliments. When she starts rubbing Keisha’s smooth legs, Keisha tells Missy she’s weirded out. Missy persists, asking her if she’s...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 24

St Petersburg station was an impressive building, but so, Jake and Hermione discovered, were the rest of the buildings in the city. And the hotel was wonderful, with first class service, comfortable suites and every modern convenience, and, much to Hermione’s delight, French cuisine. The next morning after a breakfast of French style viennoiserie, which Hermione found most acceptable, they considered their options. These, or more accurately, this, came down to starting at the police...

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A visit to Toms house

'So are you coming over'? tom asked. We had met some moons ago in smutvibes and had steamy conversations about how we would fuck if we ever met, our fantacies, role playing and the whole spectrum of naughty ideas.I was feeling expecially horny that night after watching porn all day. Fucking myself with my 'friend' only left me wanting some real dicky.'Sure' i said, but only for a drink. 'No problem' said Tom."I'll be here" After taking a shower i jumped into a tank top and a short jeans skirt....

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In the right mood for a BBC

Hubby would work until late that evening and I was at the gym, working out hard, trying to get rid of my bad mood…I was running in a tread mill, when a tall handsome black man came into and started running on next to me. He was in great shape with a muscular build, a nice dark skin.After jogging for a few minutes the man removed his sweat shirt.I did my best to keep my eyes forward, but I could not do it. I just glanced over and saw his muscular chest glistening as the sweat dripped down his...

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Husbands Fantasy Becomes Hers

Husband's Fantasy Becomes Hers by Mannyjackie This story was written for and with the help of a wonderful lady from Kansas named Carol. I enjoyed writing her story and hope that I can share other fantasies with her in the future. I will forward all your comments to her. The story really begins about six years ago when my husband introduced a little fantasy to me in our bedroom. His latest dream work was to watch me and another man! Well I have to say that I was more then a bit shocked, I am...

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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 4

Holly continued to improve as the weeks passed. Her hearing had reached the point that it was normal in both ears, and her eyes were able to see motion of dark bodies on a light background. We all hoped against hope that she would continue to improve. Sagro and Elger were certain that I had caused the miraculous change that Holly was showing. The had nearly convinced me when I thought about what I had done. Could my saliva have been the cause of Holly's remarkable recovery? I did spend a lot...

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Second Chance Book 06

My continuing thanks to ErikThread for his expert guidance and editing skills. Any errors are my own. Second Chance: Chapter 25: Bonnie walked briskly from the Dash 8 toward the small, modern Castlegar terminal on the sunny and warm Friday afternoon. She followed the other passengers through the door and immediately saw Brent waiting for her. She ran to him and they wrapped themselves in each others arms, kissing and hugging. ‘Hi,’ Brent said finally. ‘Hi. It’s so good to be here. I can’t...

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At the Adonis in Philly

I frequently go to the Adonis gay theater on Sansom Street in Philadelphia. I always wear my bra and panties under my male clothes, and when I get downstairs to the dark area I take off my shirt and play with my nipples through my bra. Usually I get ignored (I'm not at all femme). But last week I was in a booth hoping to score a cock when an older man came in and took charge as I always hope for. He grabbed my nipples hard, and told me to take off my pants, shoes and socks. I did, and...

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BrattySis Lily Larimar Give Me Some Credit

Lily Larimar has gotten fired from her job and now she can’t pay her phone bill. She tries to get her stepbrother, Tony, to help her out. The bill is for Lily and her boyfriend, and Tony isn’t cool with it. When Tony declines to help, he goes to take a nap. Lily waits until she thinks Tony is asleep, then sneaks into his room to help herself to his credit card. Tony catches her in the act, at which point Lily claims she’ll do anything to get Tony’s help. Tony...

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Saggy Tits

Daphne Blake when almost asleep would think of being with a guy with his fat cock stuffed into her mouth while his fat cock was up her ass. Okay, she knew that was an impossible simultaneous feat even for the most acrobatic of men with an over-size dick but it sure beat the hell out of dreaming of scoffing cream cakes. The former fantasy was better for her figure, possibly. Daphne would then finger herself off to sleep. The 29 year old suppose some women might get themselves off in a cream...

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A Common Man From Bangalore 8211 Part 10

Hi, Pramod from Bangalore again. Well for those who are reading my story for the first time, a small introduction. I am Pramod, a freelance oil massager for females. As well as oil massager in a spa for gents. As I provide massage for gents in the spa I don’t give home service for gents. Let’s come to the main story. I was having sex with Monica as well as my Sharu aunty. All was well till one day a girl staying opposite to my house proposed to me. I told Monica about her. When I fucked Monica...

2 years ago
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Its our life style

My sextsee. We finally got our dream house no k**s home there on vacation with the grandparents so we got the collage girl next door to house sit for use wile we shop the hole time I new we both like how hot she was big tits,ass and we could tell that she was felling how fly we are . So where heading out to the mall day of shopping so as you where down stairs getting you guess bag and phone we forgot to put up our sex toys / fat dick dildo , vibrators lube and straponsI.e our bag of tricks I...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 7

It took three weeks for Sam’s passport to arrive. For Aidan and come to that, for Sam as well, they were three weeks of heaven. For one thing, now that she had discovered how ecstatic sex could be, she was, he had to say, enthusiastic. They coupled daily at least. September was a busy month at work, but Vicky insisted on taking the extra work to leave him free to go home to Sam. He knew just how much he owed her for that, but as she said, when she was ill after the holiday he lost Julie to...

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I guess my problem started during Christmas vacation when I was 18. My parents were on a two week second honeymoon in France, and my Aunt Jill had agreed to take care of our rather large house and of me. Jill, who was 28 at the time, was still recovering from the shock of losing her husband in an automobile accident, so I was skeptical about my chances of having a merry Christmas in the midst of so much gloom. To my great surprise, though, Jill's spirits were high, and the two days before...

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You sick fucks want to know more about Poo Pee Girls? The internet made it possible for porn to be accessed very easily and ‘enjoyed’ by people from all over the world with relative ease. Many early P2P sharing platforms like Kazaa and Limewire had an astonishing amount of porn on them during the late 90s and early 2000s – so much that it was impossible to tell whether you’re downloading a Linkin Park anime music video, or a low-quality homemade fuck-flick. As the internet expanded more and...

Scat Porn Sites
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Our new reality. It didn’t feel different. It didn’t look different. There was a constant feeling that I should be able to look up the mountain to the east and see that large concrete research facility looming over the valley. After numerous times of looking up, it started truly sinking into my troubled brain that it wasn’t ever going to be up there. That became depressing. My training in survival prepared me to deal with the world in its most primal nature. But it is one thing to...

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For four months now we had been going out, and I knew that she was the one. Melissa was her name, although I called her Lissa. I was dating the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes upon - shoulder length deep brown hair, auburn eyes, a slender and delicate body. It was late, and we were cuddled together on my couch watching reruns of the old comedy series Get Smart. I asked her if she wanted anything in the kitchen, she replied no, but I went up and started striding toward the kitchen...

First Time
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Private Dancer Part II

It had been over two months since I first saw my wife dance erotically online. I had seen her a few more times and was even more aroused the more I saw her perform. She had asked if I minded her doing that. I had told her I thought she was incredible and if she enjoyed doing it, then she should continue. “I’ve had an offer about my dancing,” Susan said as we sat down for dinner. “What kind of offer?” “Your golf club has asked me to dance live at their end of season dinner party.” I felt my...

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Gang Banger Slut

For those wondering why I haven't been entering any new short stories here lately, perhaps this story will help explain a little bit. It's sorta short, but I think you will enjoy it nevertheless.*Now I love a big black prick as much as the next white woman, but when the six men, or should I say nearly men, holding guns, and knives somewhere on their person that were attached to those pricks, and directing their anger at my presence in their territory, well it can be somewhat disconcerting. Of...

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Caned White Buttocks in the English Countryside

This is a true story.During the 1990s I used to be involved with running residential summer conferences, it could get fairly intensive but I did get to meet some lovely sexy women, some of whom were up for some extra-curricular activity. One such woman was Sally, a 40 something blonde with a nice round bottom, and biggish bust. It was fairly obvious where things were headed just days into the conference Sally attended. By about the fourth day we were in bed, Sally stripping off to reveal a...

3 years ago
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She Wants a Quickie

This is a work of fiction which means none of this ever happened. The picture was abandoned here on XH and I have no idea who she is other than a beautiful mature body that many of us would love to fuck.“Can you come over right away,” she asked me over the phone, “I just need a quickie.”“Quickie, I have a quickie for you,” I thought but then in my professional carpet and upholstered furniture cleaning voice said, “You need an estimate on cleaning service?”“Well I do need some service,” she...

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My very first anal

I’ve read a story here and decided to share my own very first anal experience with you guys, too. So I was 19, young and stupid. I was a really wild girl. Scott was 14 years senior. I thought he was too old for me. He wasn’t really handsome but there was something wild about him. Real a****l magnetism. Just a look and I was unable to resist… Every time we had a date I was telling myself it was the last time, I had to get over him. He was married, he was older, I didn’t love him at all. Anyways,...

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ReflectionsChapter 9

Clarissa On the way to her condo, Julie read me the riot act. "Damn girl are you stupid? Do you want him to walk out on you? If yes, just tell him you're done. Don't play with him. He doesn't deserve that. He'll give you his last dime, the shirt of his back, anything you ask but you have to leave him his dignity and some resemblance of male pride intact." "You pull another stunt like you did earlier with talking about outing his being a cuckold and he's gone and I for one...

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Confessions from Mac the Flasher A Serial Public Masturbator 1

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a boy of 12, the teenage years for a boy loom on the edge of the horizon, tantalisingly just out of touch of your grasping fingers and you’re wanting all that it potentially offers the young mind and body. But before the teenage years, you are 12 and your mind and body are given a serious kick in the teeth first. Now, If a boy of 12 was to utter the swear word “Cunt” to their...

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Eighteen-year-old Penny enthusiastically peddled her bicycle along the bumpy, winding path of the meadow. Her long blonde hair blew around in her wake, and her lemon dress lifted on the breeze, revealing her long shapely legs as they pumped up and down.It was a beautiful warm day and the sun shone dazzlingly into her blue eyes.Penny was a popular girl, she was bright, pretty with a sexy petite figure.She had fended off many approaches from the male fraternity. However, she wasn't sure about...

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The Coachs Chance Encounter

Eddy McCants rolled the rack of basketballs back into the athletic storage room at Liddell County High School. After coaching the varsity boys to the final four in the state tournament last season, he had a good feeling that his team would make it at least as far this time around because he had three returning starters. The six-foot-one-inch light-skinned man walked into his office and waited for his assistant coach. He propped his size twelve feet up on his desk. He and Coach Jones discussed...

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My Moms Best FriendChapter 3

Auntie Brenda (Lesson Three) The next day in work I checked my rest days for the next two or three weeks and was chuffed when I found that I was off a week the following Thursday. I knew this would give Brenda time to get over her period. I nipped round to their house on the way home and gave her the good news and she seemed genuinely pleased and I went home floating on cloud nine. The intervening ten days were torture, I had a permanent hard on and surprisingly I managed to leave it alone...

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At The Stables ndash Caught Napping

At The Stables – Caught NappingPreambleI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables and the...

4 years ago
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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 12

I stepped toward the man and he backed up a few paces. "What goes on here is the business of the wives of Hassan and none of yours," I said, my voice flat and menacing. His eyebrows jogged up and down and his face became redder. "I am al Hassan so it is my business, now get off my property," he screamed, spittle flying from his mouth. I regarded him coldly, resisting the urge to throttle him for all the evil he had perpetrated. "No you are not Hassan, you are Fayez bin Faisal, the...

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The Trail WestChapter 3

18 year old Josh Kelly was pushing the horse and mule remuda along the trail just to the side of where the wagons were traveling. It was the wagon train's fourth day headed west and Josh thought about the last three days as he drove the horses and mules just off the edge of the wagon train's path. Johnny Burrows, the old mountain man, had been right, the wagon train didn't make more than 10 miles that first day; in fact they made just over 7 miles stopping at Shady Grove, Oklahoma the...

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Evening the Score Chapter 4

Jess: “What do you mean, ‘What we’re going to do?’”Me: “Well, you said you don’t want a divorce, and you haven’t said anything about ending your whorish behavior. I’m not sure where I come down on this yet, so it may take me a while to decide. So, in the meantime, we’re going to do this.”Jess: “Don’t call me a whore. I’m not, and not a slut either. Such derogatory names. I won’t stand for it!”Me: “If it walks like a duck, Honey …. Don’t worry, those words are not in our normal vocabulary, but...

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sister never had it this way

           It was summer, school just got out.   I was the youngest in the family.   I was 18, my sister Monica 20, and then Evelyn 25.   Monica and I stayed home with mom, while Evelyn moved away for her career. We were brought up in a strict household.   Monica and I had just finished school and had the summer off.   We had been planning on going on a little trip with some friends.   We had told mom that we were going to visit some campuses for me to decide on where to...

3 years ago
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First Time Teenage Hookers

First Time Teenage Hookers My father owns the local No-Tell Motel. I get to cover the desk of Friday and Saturday from about six in the evening until midnight. My father says that it will make me a better person…earning my own money, instead of getting an allowance like all of my friends that not only get their allowance but they also have their Friday and Saturday evenings to go out and enjoy themselves. Some fat cop came in and rented three oh seven like he normally does about...

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Spring CarnivalChapter 17

The following morning found April and I sitting in the waiting room of Student Health. Ann's name had been called ten minutes ago or so, though that didn't really mean anything; she could be in there for an hour before anybody would think to check on her. Fortunately we were the only ones in the waiting room. I was a nervous wreck, though I was trying not to show it. April, as usual, looked perfectly calm. I stood to get a cup of water from the cooler. "How you doing?" asked...

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Star Ch 04

Chapter 4: Shooting Star Interviewer: With the surprise release of a third ‘Dirty Work’ film, called ‘Emily: Not So Dirty Work’, I’m once again at the home of Karen Carragher. I suppose the first question should be ‘where’s Dave’? Karen Carragher: (Smiles) I told him you’d ask that! Dave thought that as he only makes cameo appearances in the film I should be the one interviewed. He keeps telling me it’s my film this time. Interviewer: I seem to recall he said that last time too. KC:...

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Daddys Little Girl

I know you've heard of the old cliche, "She's a daddy's girl." Well, when I was really little, I wasn't all that close to my father, but now that I'm a bit older (fourteen next December), I really like to spend quality time with him. So, I guess being a daddy's girl isn't confined to any particular age bracket. Besides, as I've matured, my father has turned into one of the most handsome, sexy guys I know. Lately, my parents' marriage has not been going too well at all. I found out...

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Let it Snow

Let it Snow By Shawna Stimple The weather outside was frightful on December 24th, as Marshal Wagner drove north on I-89, towards his family's cabin, in northern Vermont. Freshly eighteen, he had somehow talked his parents into letting him come up a week early for a little skiing. He was strangely responsible, in that he didn't throw any crazy parties, or have a different girl over every night, however he was irresponsible in his grooming, and still hadn't...

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What a special night Going all in

This isn't actually my story, obviously. Ghost writing for a friend about her first such unique experience.It was another night in another European city, or so I've thought. I moved here for fun. I had a lucrative job I could do from anywhere in the world, and I've read about this particular city in a novel I really liked. The writer drew a mental picture in my mind which was almost too nice to be realistic. And then I came here. It was all true. This was genuinely a little piece of heaven. If...

4 years ago
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Kaise Ujjain Ke Ladke Ne Fasanya

Muje chudai ka shonk shuru se tha.Pehle bf fir ek cousine indore ka.Hi khood chudai kariiii.Mene.Tabbhi mera pet nai bhara.Chalooo koi na.Hota hai kisi2 ke sath or sabse jyada raaz ki baat sabhi ladkiyoo ke liye.Ke mei sabse jyada lesbooo bhi pasand karti.Huuuu.,to joo ladkii.Married unmarried aged ladies or especially widows hoo mujse contact kar sakti hai.Special lesbo lovers ke liye mere direct email id par . “” Ye story pechli story se thodi alag hai kyoki ye bhi couple sex se related hi...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 132

Rebecca, Trinity and Erin headed off to Las Vegas just after noon. But with them, they carried two additional passengers – Anya and Ekaterina. Anya would see Las Vegas again in a few days, she knew, but Ekaterina would be making the only visit she would make for awhile. She had determined after only a few minutes of talking to the group from Five Friends Casting that she would stay in the United States and work toward a resident visa. Ekaterina and Shelly had quickly become friends, partly...

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Shoplifting from a Witch

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Shoplifting from a Witch By Paul Jutras This morning Sam jumped out of bed and had a quick shower. He slipped into a padded bra that made him look like he had breasts that stuck out like two torpedoes, and then into a blouse and skirt. He didn't put on his normal taupe color nylon pantyhose because he planned to steal a pair. The shop was located at...

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The Pool GirlChapter 48

By the time we got back to the house, it was after 1 o’clock. I headed downstairs to work and Zahra went to the living room to watch television. It was after 4 when I finally finished work. Every day survey people were sending me new data that I had to update predictive models with. It seemed like they were trying to find out how many ways to ask me the same questions. Thinking dark thoughts I came upstairs to hear an angel screaming “WHY!!??!” I entered the living room to find Melissa...

2 years ago
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Sequel to deflowering of niece

4 & half months after the wedding of my niece Saeeda, I got my leave and both my wife and I went to Jaipur to Appa and Bhaijan. They are my wife’s elder sister and bro in law. Both our families are very close to each other. On reaching Jaipur we got a very pleasant surprise. Saeeda, their daughter had come home for the first time after her marriage. We exchanged pleasantries and hugged and kissed each other. Saeeda on hugging and kissing me whispered quietly in my ear that she was pregnant with...

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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 7 Virginia Mostly

Alice snuck back into the bed and next to her husband. She whispered, “Did you like that – watching me fuck Jim again?” Dave grinned and nodded. He whispered, “I did. A beautiful middle of the night fuck with your new lover; what’s not to enjoy watching.” “You’re not mad at me?” “Hell, no. Ever since we loosened up, I’ve enjoyed watching you fuck other men. I have these secret cuckold tendencies that I even admit to. Bill Lewis told me they were more Stag-Vixen kinks to put a finer spin on...

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