Too MuchTeasing
- 1 year ago
- 28
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Diane established the new rule that she wouldn’t read a story to Valerie if she made a great fuss about going to bed. Valerie, who clearly enjoyed her power of choice, decided to cooperate this time. Diane read her a story, and then Eric kissed her good night. Even so, Eric had enough fewer things to do before bed that he was lying in bed when Diane came in wearing her robe over her new nightie. When she took the robe off, Eric was visibly excited.
“Like it?” she asked.
“And how!”
“Want to help me take it off?” Without answering, he was out of bed and around the foot to help her lift a few ounces of silk in seconds.
When he turned from hanging it up, Eric began kissing her. He put his hands on either side of her head and pulled it forward and down to kiss her forehead. As he did so, the tip of his erection touched her abdomen. When he tipped her face up a bit to kiss the tip of her nose, her nipples felt his chest hair. When he tilted her face up and kissed her mouth, both his erection and her breasts were pressed between their bodies.
His mouth plundered hers, and his hands roamed down her back to grip her glutes. She gripped his, too, and they both pulled to make their connection tighter. Heat poured from his tongue in her mouth and pooled where her abdomen was feeling the length of his penis pressed into it.
Eric was going wild. God knew, Diane was arousing in hospital whites or even a parka. Dressed in that skimpy nightie that covered her secrets but teased him to uncover them, she’d made his blood boil. He suspected that steam was coming off the top of his head, but he was too busy to check. He turned her around and kissed her ear and her neck. There was so much to touch, and he only had two hands. He cupped her breasts and played with the firm nipples. He stroked both hands down over her stomach to the hair on her mound, pulling her firm butt against his leg and her back against his erection.
Then he parted her folds to strike oil. He stroked her there with the middle finger of his right hand while his left hand returned to her lovely, soft breast and its responsive, hard nipple.
Diane felt the sensations his fingers and mouth gave her as only an addition to what she felt on her own. His firm muscles pressed against her shoulders and against her glutes. Something else firm -- and hot -- pressed against her back in between. Then his tongue was teasing the sensitive spot on the side of her neck, and his fingers were stroking her labia and teasing her clitoris.
Heat poured into her from all these contact points. It pooled in her pelvis and threatened to overflow. She had intended to arouse him, and she had succeeded. Now, however, her own arousal was threatening to peak before his did. Her legs were too weak to support all this feeling.
“We do have a bed, you know,” she said.
He let go and pulled back the sheet immediately. He held her arm while she dropped down. He kissed her breast while climbing in himself. The touch was lovely. It was even necessary, but it did slow his progress. When he kissed lower, she pulled him up by his underarms. She didn’t need any more stimulation. She needed...
“You,” she said. She pulled up her feet in the bed and let her knees drop outward. He parted her labia with his fingers, and then he drove inward. She felt him all the way up to her throat.
“Yes,” she said. She let go of his chest to clasp his glutes.
“Yes,” he answered. He was driving in and out of her rapidly and forcefully. She was driven down so hard each time that the mattress bounced her back. Just maybe, it was her own thrusts up against him. His glutes were flexing in her hands, and his chest was scraping across her breasts. The heat was delightful, and the heat was unbearable.
She cried out as the flame burst within her entire body. He drove through her contractions twice. Then he pounded her down into the mattress.
“Gah!” he gasped. Then he was still with all his weight on her pelvis, and he throbbed deep inside her.
He was lying on her and gasping into her ear. He was heavy, but he was her darling. And she was gasping, too. She was grateful when he finally moved aside and grateful that he was still touching her.
“I’m sorry,” Eric said. “I sort of lost control there.”
“I’m glad you lost control there.” It was perverse, to say nothing of hypocritical, to so enjoy having him in her power when she so resisted being in his power. So, she contained contradictions. What else was new? She loved him, and she feared him. Was what she feared most about him was his love for her? Or was it her love for him?
“Life would be so simple,” she said, “if only our genitals were involved. They get along fine.”
“‘Life would be so simple,’ says the woman who begins thirty-six hours of indenture at six tomorrow morning. Resumes rather.”
“Well, it would be simpler.”
“That it would. Pangloss was wrong. It’s the most complex of all possible worlds. Seems a pretty good one right now, though.” Well, it seemed a pretty good one to her, too. It must be even better for him; he didn’t have semen dripping out of him and pooling under his seat. It was his semen, too. Well, most of it was out by now.
“Move back a bit, will you?” she asked.
“You going to follow?” But he did move back a generous distance. Rather than answer, she moved off the wet spot and into his lap. He wrapped her in his arms.
“It’s much more complex than is possible,” she said. “Get the light.” He did, and she fell asleep to the feeling of his silent chuckle against her back.
The alarm that morning, if unwelcome, wasn’t torture. She decided in the shower that she was actually happy. At breakfast, Mrs. Grant served her two pancakes but only one slice of bacon.
“If she can have two pancakes,” Eric asked, “why can’t I? I weigh much more than she does.”
“She isn’t going to have a second breakfast,” Mrs. Grant answered. “You’ll eat with Val, too. What do you say, Doctor?” Apparently, she was the deciding vote.
“Have another pancake with your daughter,” she said. “You should only have one, though.”
“Is a second glass of orange juice okay?” Mrs. Grant asked.
“You can have too much orange juice. Hell! You can have too much water. I don’t think two glasses is too much, though,” she said to Mrs. Grant. “You don’t have an ulcer, do you?” she asked Eric. She thought of all the executive decisions he made and all the worrying he did about Valerie -- some of it legitimate, some of it needless.
“Why not?” He was the classic Type-A personality.
“Give it time. I’ve only known you seven weeks,” he said. She laughed at his dourness, and after a minute, he laughed, too.
“God, woman, you’re good for me.” Was she good for him or was she giving him an ulcer? She and Whitman weren’t the only ones containing contradictions.
Later in the car, he complained, “Really, you know, it isn’t fair. If you won’t marry me, you shouldn’t put me on a diet.”
“Doctors do it all the time, not just to their spouses. You have a doctor. Hasn’t he told you to watch what you eat?”
“Yeah, but that’s different.”
“Why?” she asked. Was it because she was a mere resident? Because she was a ped? That last was a legitimate distinction. A year from now, if an adult came into her office with a non-emergency complaint, she would send him to another doctor.
Eric said “Because I can ignore his advice.” She laughed at his answer, and he joined in her laughter. “I love you,” he said.
“And I love you, too.” He really did. He was so much more than she had experienced before. Why wasn’t he enough? Well, he was. It was just that he was too much.
Eric got his kiss at parting. At DSI they caught up on regular business that had been ignored in preparing for the merger. Sparky was still home, and bored enough with Madeleine to be pleased to see him. Diane called at seven.
“Hospital six-fifteen,” she said, “but there will be complications.”
The next night, the complications turned out to be minor. She wanted him to drive her to the gas station where she had left her car to be repaired. He called Madeleine and warned her. Then he followed Diane home until she parked her car and climbed in his.
“You are capable of learning,” she said.
“Well, I may not be an MD, but I got a BS from a damned good school. I hope I haven’t lost all that.”
“I half expected you to try to pay for the repairs.” Well, he had suspected that she wouldn’t like that.
“And, if I had?” he asked.
“You’d be going home alone.”
“Well, I didn’t pay your bill,” he pointed out.
“Yeah. And you get points for that. As I said, you can learn.”
“Well,” he said, “I love the teacher if not the lessons.”
Diane, again, stopped Valerie from greeting her until she had changed. She came down to find that dinner was waiting for her. It was spaghetti with tofu-based sauce. Mrs. Grant was using the new cook book and keeping things as tasty as ever. Valerie had to show Diane all the new toys. Luckily, she mentioned when they were from Diane
After the exhibition, the story, and kisses, she changed in the dressing room. She wore her new nightie under the robe Eric had given her. He had his glasses on, and he was watching her, but he did stay in bed. When she was bare, not that this took long, she raised the sheet and slipped into bed.
“Show’s over for tonight,” she said. “You can take your glasses off.” He did so, and she could hear them click on his night stand. He turned back and leaned over her.
“You didn’t use up all your good-night kisses did you?”
“Not if you didn’t.” His kiss was hot. Her tongue chased his when it withdrew, and he sucked hers. When his hand stroked down her abdomen, she spread her legs. He fingered her labia, and the heat spread. Finally, he raised his head and stilled his finger, though it was still between her labia.
“You want me to guess your rules,” Eric said.
“Not guess them. I want you to follow common sense.”
“Well, at one time, you said that I was in charge of what happened in this bed.”
“That was a great mistake,” she said.
“Not a mistake, but you haven’t withdrawn that statement.”
“Can I?”
“I want you to change one thing you said,” Eric said. He still thought she would accept her proposal. “It would be senseless for me to say that you shouldn’t change anything you say. Besides, if I box you in on how you behave in my bed, then you might simply not come here.”
“Lord Voldemort,” she said. He laughed. “Well, let’s limit it to one orgasm.”
“Compromise? At most two of your orgasms. I presume you weren’t counting mine.”
“Why do you have to push back all the time?”
“Well, if we start right in with me entering you, I might come too soon,” he said. “If, on the other hand, you’ve had yours, you’re not only more likely to have another, you’re also less messed up if you don’t.” Eric could be romantic, and he could also be cold-bloodedly pragmatic. Well, who had brought up limiting the number of her orgasms, anyway? He would enjoy a wild, romantic affair with bouquets of roses and days confined to bed. She had to have sleep before the alarm rang much too early.
“Why don’t we try that rule, then?” she asked.
“And you can make exceptions either way. You just have to remember my warning if you set it to one.” And, with that agreement, he went back to kissing her. The kisses moved down to her breasts, and the finger stroked more and more slowly. When he first sucked her nipple, he drew entire length of his finger across her clitoris slowly. She shuddered, and the heat spread. She felt herself grow tense.
He kissed down her breast and across her abdomen. His finger only stilled when he clambered between her legs. Then his tongue was on her vulva, and her arousal began to spiral upward. The heat spread, but greater heat pooled in her pelvis. Her muscles tightened in anticipation of her orgasm. Her spirit relaxed, knowing that it would come.
Then the flame leaped up and shook within her. She shook, too. He waited above her on hands and knees as she relaxed from her orgasm.
Eric watched her face relax into bliss and the red flush spread down from her face to her shoulders and her breasts. ‘Mine,’ he thought but was very careful not to say. This was his woman, and he had brought her this pleasure. He couldn’t put a pendant around her neck, but he could put a sex flush there. He licked one nipple and then the other.
“When you’re ready,” he said, “any time you’re ready.” He bent to kiss her nipples again.
Diane heard his permission to wait. She thought she heard in the same statement that he was restraining himself by great effort in giving that permission. Well, she was grateful for that effort, and she did want him. She reached out her arms, and he kissed her mouth while he spread her labia with his hand.
“Love,” he said. Then he was widening her, filling her, stretching her. He kissed her nose tip, and then he was moving in and out while staring into her eyes. The heat hadn’t really gone down, and it built again. She couldn’t bear his eyes piercing hers, but she couldn’t look away. She was more possessed by the stare than she was by the penis filling her vagina.
His motion continued in the same deliberate rhythm. The friction continued to fill her with heat. His unrelenting stare continued to pin her to the bed. The heat finally became too much, and she blinked.
Then the flame flashed through her. She spasmed.
“Diane,” Eric said. He drove into her so hard that he shifted her upward in the bed. Then she felt him pulse deep within her. Moments later, he collapsed onto her. She felt his upper arms on both sides of her chest, and knew that his elbows were dug into the mattress. Nonetheless, there was some weight on her breasts and a great deal of weight on her pelvis.
“Love you,” he said when he finally moved off. He left one arm draped over her and breathed raggedly close to her ear.
“Love you, too,” she said when she was recovered. “Move over and get the light.” When he did, she moved into his arms. He covered her carefully with the sheet. Then he wrapped his arm around her so that her right breast was in his hand. It might be impossible to sleep that way, she thought, but then she fell asleep.
The clock radio was saying something about foul weather when she woke up. She needed to get to the bathroom, bad, and she didn’t listen. She used the bidet before her shower and toweled off afterward. When she got to the closet which held her hospital whites, there were a marvelous number of clean ones. She packed some into her case, and carried it downstairs to breakfast. She asked Eric to play the news on their drive to the hospital, and the weather finally came on. There was a cold front moving in, and the next several days were predicted to be gloomy.
“It will fit my mood without you,” Eric said when the report was over.
“I’m going to set you the same rules as your daughter. No good-bye kisses if you sulk.”
“She gets to sulk. You only deprive her if she throws a tantrum.”
“She is only six,” Diane pointed out. Eric laughed. Which certainly earned him a long kiss when he pulled up to the entrance.
She left the case loaded with clothes in her room until after supper. By then, she had heard other weather forecasts, and they were dismal. Generally, she didn’t mind taking the bus to her apartment, but taking it in rain or sleet was something else. She called Eric.
Eric heard the Diane ring tone Saturday, and picked up immediately. Sparky was back in her room alone. “Look,” Diane asked, “would you mind dreadfully giving me a ride to the apartment tomorrow? I’m getting terribly spoiled, and the weather forecast looks dismal.”
“Mind? I would be delighted! If the weather looks dismal, why don’t you go to the main entrance and call me. I’ll be close, and I can drive up so you don’t have to get wet.” Sunday evening, he wore his parka, but took an umbrella for her. Usually, he considered them alternatives. He pushed the furled umbrella between the front seat and the drivers-side doors. The handle was to his left. He was at his usual stopping space by six. When he heard her ring tone, he drove around to the entrance. She came out, and he opened her door.
“Stay there,” he said when he got to her apartment house. He opened his door, grabbed the umbrella, and got out. He unfurled the umbrella and took it around to escort Diane to her apartment door.
“Come in,” she said, “but only half way.” Obediently, he stopped half way to the inner door. “Silly,” she said from that door, “this is half way.” If so, it was half way to heaven. The kiss she gave him was so sweet. When he explored her mouth, she sucked on his tongue. He broke the mouth kiss to spread kisses all over her face. When she kissed his neck, he almost came in his pants.
Finally, he had to let her go. She turned quickly, opened the door with her keys, and headed up the stairs. She stopped when she was almost out of sight, and turned to blow him a kiss. He blew one back, but she had turned and gone on. When she went around the landing and not even her feet were visible, he went back out. A cop car was behind his, and the cop was writing a ticket.
“I’ve already started writing it,” the cop said. “I waited a minute because the passenger door was open, but you didn’t come out.”
“Well, double parking is definitely illegal. Give me the ticket.”
“You shouldn’t have stayed in there so long.”
“No, officer, I definitely should have. It was worth the cost.”
At DSI, it was the start of the first full week. The guys who actually did work were back to doing work. New orders were beginning to pick up, as potential clients looked past their Christmas parties and New Year hangovers towards their needs for the new year. He was in reasonable temper by the time he got home. Sparky, who had spent the day with people other than Madeleine and himself, was happier with them and related her adventures at dinner. She was cheerful in her bath, and they exchanged kisses before the story as well as afterward.
Diane didn’t call, however. That soured his mind as he went to sleep. The next morning, that was more than balanced by the thought that she was due tonight. When he picked up Diane, she was carrying the suitcase.
“I missed the wash, didn’t I?” she asked when he had put the case in the trunk.
“Yeah. Are those dirty? Madeleine can do an extra wash.”
“I hate to make her do extra work.”
“Except,” he said, “revising her whole cooking routine to cut my eating pleasure. That falls within what your remarkably elastic conscience allows.” While he liked to tease her about this, he saw compensating advantages. Maybe she was reducing his eating pleasure, but she was doing it in the way a wife would.
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Introduction: Please read the chapters in order. it would be redic to have to explain everything over and over. Thanks for all the encouragement. i am thankful so many of you like the story. for those of you who keep asking if this story is real, i will tell you that some parts are real. Youll just have to wonder at which ,o MY SISTER & THE EXCHANGE STUDENT PART 9 TEASING I woke slowly from my cum induced nap. As my brain hazily reconstructed reality around me, I realized Rach had already...
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She wouldn’t turn around. I knew she knew I was there. But she wouldn’t turn around. I leaned my shoulder against the door frame and watched her move around the kitchen. She wore the shortest skirt she had, the tightest tank top that was in her drawer. Her movements were fluid. I had turned on the music she liked to make love to. She wore the outfit she was sure would tempt me. I pushed off the frame, silently stepping behind her. Her breath caught, the pulse in her neck fluttering wildly. My...
You need a random element to kind of simulate having an external teaser there. Maybe you can work out something with turning on the TV and only allowing yourself to stroke when a woman is onscreen or something. If not, I'll lay out the way to do it with the computer. Download a whole bunch of sexy images.Run a program that will display them in a random order.Set the program to display each random picture for 10 seconds.Before you start, make up a rule about what you get to do for each type of...
After a night of heavy teasing, I slipped out of bed and picked up the shirt that was lying on the floor beside the bed. I figured I would be nice and make him his favorite breakfast before he woke up. I was setting the table for two when I felt a hand move my hair away from the back of my neck and shoulder. “You were being evil last night,” he said kissing my shoulder wrapping his strong arms around my waist. “We haven’t been dating that long. I don’t give it up that easy.” I smiled looking...
Straight SexShe wouldn't turn around. I knew she knew I was there. But she wouldn't turn around. I leaned my shoulder against the door frame and watched her move around the kitchen. She wore the shortest skirt she had, the tightest tank top that was in her drawer. Her movements were fluid. I had turned on the music she liked to make love to. She wore the outfit she was sure would tempt me. I pushed off the frame, silently stepping behind her. Her breath caught, the pulse in her neck fluttering wildly. My...
Straight SexIt was cold and frosty outside that night, frost lay a blanket on the roads, on the trees, on the cars. I pulled up into the driveway and shivered as I stepped out of the toasty warm car. The wind slipped through the gap in my coat and brushed my nipples, teasing and taunting them. I was etching to get into that nice double shower. I got through the door, dropped my bags in relief and made my way upstairs to the bathroom. I took off my coat and lay it on the bed. Then I stopped. I heard...
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“How about coming over to our place for a few beers and a dip in the hot tub?” Cole asked her. She acted like she had to think about it a minute, then said ok. Mia was surprised when a limo pulled up in front of them, and Leo told her to jump in. She hadn’t thought of them being that well off. It only took a few minutes and they pulled up in front of a large house. “This is your place?” She asked. It’s mine, Mark told her. They went inside and she was in complete awe over the...
After a night of heavy teasing, I slipped out of bed and picked up the shirt that was lying on the floor beside the bed. I figured I would be nice and make him his favorite breakfast before he woke up. I was setting the table for two when I felt a hand move my hair away from the back of my neck and shoulder. “You were being evil last night,” he said kissing my shoulder wrapping his strong arms around my waist. “We haven’t been dating that long. I don’t give it up that easy.” I smiled looking...
It was cold and frosty outside that night, frost lay a blanket on the roads, on the trees, on the cars. I pulled up into the driveway and shivered as I stepped out of the toasty warm car. The wind slipped through the gap in my coat and brushed my nipples, teasing and taunting them. I was etching to get into that nice double shower. I got through the door, dropped my bags in relief and made my way upstairs to the bathroom. I took off my coat and lay it on the bed. Then I stopped. I heard...
Katherine has lost her job and her apartment. She becomes desperate and turns to me for help. I’ve become her friend and confidante, her only male companion in whom she can trust. She is afraid to admit how badly off she is to her female friends.I tell her everything will be OK. She can have a life of ease. She is grateful but curious. How will this be possible when she has tried everything she can to get a job? I say it is simple. She is wise. She is beautiful in a mature way. All she need do...
This is my third story! I really hope you guys like it. Please keep in mind though, this is a fantasy of mine. Not fact in the least. I had fallen asleep in bed with my boyfriend the day before, and when I woke up my hands were tied to the bedposts, and my feet were the same spread apart. At first though, I hadn’t noticed that I was naked, as there was a blanket over me. I had always thought of myself as a light sleeper, but apparently that conception was wrong. I had to have been a very...
so this is my first post so i thought i should talk about my little adventure out all done up :)i have such deep cravings to be humiliated and used for someones pleasurewhen i have these cravings on lonely nights i get all dressed up in any outfit so long as i feel the sexiness that only comes with wearing lingerie. So, i am all dressed up in some sort of slutty attire and i go online and watch hypno videos or generally anything that gets me so hot and horny i make myself do depraved things...
We decided to take a bath after our brief action in the toilet. X decided to use her parents jacuzzi. I carried her into her parents' room and walked into the bathroom before letting her down. She prepared the jacuzzi, setting its jet massaging intensity to the highest. She jumped in and started playing with herself as the jets of water shoot into her pussy. Extremely turned on, I went in to massage her boobs and pinch her nipples. It was interesting to feel tge water shooting against my hard...
It was 7 P.M when Neelu entered her bedroom with a tray of Snacks. Her hubby Aditya always had a couple of drinks in the evening. He was certainly a man of taste who believed that Romance and Sensuality always keeps a man young and that is why at the age of 42 he was young enough to make love with his 36 year old wife at least thrice in a week. As she entered the room her smelling sense felt a sensual fragrance of their favorite room freshener. The room was lighted dim with light music and as...
This is my third story! I really hope you guys like it. Please keep in mind though, this is a fantasy of mine. Not fact in the least. I had fallen asleep in bed with my boyfriend the day before, and when I woke up my hands were tied to the bedposts, and my feet were the same spread apart. At first though, I hadn't noticed that I was naked, as there was a blanket over me. I had always thought of myself as a light sleeper, but apparently that conception was wrong. I had to have been a very...
ToysThe pandemic lockdown has been disastrous for many things, but it has been a boon for our sex lives. Well, mine at any rate. I'll explain.I still have to go to work out of the house each day, but my wife is pretty much stranded at home. That means she is free to tease and torture me while I'm at work. I won't lie - it's been rough. But I finally found some measure of revenge.Last week, on my way out the door, I requested she spend the day going commando. I also requested she wear a dress, or at...
SeductionThere was an elder woman I had been seeing, and although we were no longer together in any way, we remained good friends. When visiting, it wasn't unusual for her to end the visit by seducing me.At the time of this story, she was in her mid to late sixties, and I was in my late forties, or early fifties; we had been friends for two or three years. Although we knew, shared, and had delighted each other's body many times before, we were always learning. There always seemed to be something 'new'...
TrueTracy stood in the shower thinking about her son Robert and how fast things were moving. She wanted it to last, she was enjoying the tease, but her body couldn't wait to have her son fuck her. Not make love, not to touch her or hold her, but hard pounding fucking. Robert was in his shower, he knew he could not hold back any longer, he was going to just grab his mother and fuck her. No questions, no asking, just take her and fuck her. They left their bathrooms and met in the hall. Robert...
Angela got ready for her first day of work at the LE GIRLS agency in downtown Manhattan. She felt anxious but mostly disgusted with having to get the job. It was only because of her husband that she got it to begin with. He had lost another job and now hung around the house in his underwear looking shabby and mostly pathetic. Life had been very difficult most times with him but now they were near impossible. Even their sex life suffered. Where once they had sex every night, now they barely had...
Erotic HAIKU POEMS - I ------------ SUCKING 1. First a drop, others follow- I tremble Eager to swallow 2. I licked and swallowed all, He moaned out loud, Thrusting his finger up my hole. 3. He wanted to talk, But all I wanted Was a taste of his stalk 4. He said: "How about fudge?" I licked my lips and said:, "Better a taste of your bulge!" 5. Up and down the shaft My tongue goes slowly, An expert in its craft. 6. I smeared the head with saliva, My mouth tight around the brim, Erupting his hot...
GayA few years back I spent time on and off with severalshall we say more dominating types of gentlemen. One ofthem, who for this I shall call Leroy, just lovedwhen we got together to make me totally helpless.It was our 6th or 7th meeting. Leroy and i had been chatting on Yahooand when he found out i was free that weekend he insistedon coming over later that afternoon.We talked about when and what he wanted me to bewearing when he arrived. We settled on 4:00 and I wasto be wearing a red waspie,...
Story #: Ani-Can 4 Copyright ©2006 Written: October 4 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) **************************************** Note: Since my first story in this series a lot of people ask me what is an Okonomiyaki use this link below to see a full description. **************************************** The school day ended at the sound of the final...
Hi there, I am Priyanka (24) and my husband’s name is Amit (28). We both belong to Mumbai and live in a posh waterfront apartment provided by the FMCG Company in which Amit works. He is in Sales and marketing and therefore has to stay out of home quite a lot of time. I am 5’ 2” and quite an expensive doll when it comes to my looks; green eyes, well curled lashes and luscious red lips, fair complexion, free falling brown hair, 36-25-26 figure and a nice pair of tits people could kill for. My...
Erotic FictionThe following story contains characters owned by DC Comics, a division of AOL Time Warner. It is written solely as a fan fiction and the characters are used without their permission. It is not intended to alter the established continuity of any story line in any book published by DC Comics. The story that follows was written purely for fun, with no thought of profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided that the author is given...
When Rusty and Alison entered their room they were greeted by Sarah, Sally, Terry, Joyce, Tara, Erin and Claudette. Both sighed as they slipped off their uniforms and Alison said, "These are comfortable but it is surprising how much they restrain your movement." "Well it has been quite a while since we wore anything, so we are likely more aware of the change," said Rusty. "I agree that they are comfortable." Sarah said, "Judy, Janet and Jill will be back from the ship...
Hi, this is my second story following my sexy friend. This incident happened when I was in the 12 standard. I was already aware of sex, and also my own interest in older women. I had no particular fascination for my own girl classmates, but when it came to aunties and teachers. All my lust was directed towards them. And on top of that list was my hindi teacher, Mrs. Suman Gupta. Mrs. Gupta had been my teacher for over four years now, and she was around 48, with two teenage daughters. She was...
IncestBy : 89mahi.2011 Hi friend’s thiz is Mahi, my age is 24. I love reading ISS stories, so maine yeh socha ki kyu na mai bhi ap logo se apna ek real experience share karti ho, mai aap logose aaj mere boyfriend ke sath ak hot sex expirince share kar na chahati hu mera boyfriend ek mahine ke lia bahar gaya tha ek mahine tak usse nahi mili thi usdin o bapes aaya mai use mile ke lia wait nahi kar parahi thi issilia next din subhe subhe uske ghar chaligai o apne ghar mai akele rahta tha isislia...
Mr. And Mrs. Claus at the Children's Ward By Lorraine B. I had just moved back to the Windy City Chicago from New York City. I was previously the Assistant Director of Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital. Now I am the Director of Nursing at a Class I Trauma Center linked to a Major Teaching Hospital. I departed New York primarily due to a disastrous relationship breakup with my live-in boyfriend. He is an attending physician at Beth I. We have been together ever since I started at...
Having my clitty dick sucked by Dan really did make me feel pretty and sexy. He was really good and was able to swallow all seven inches. While he sucked me, I played with my titties while he looked up at me. I was looking down at his big 11 inch cock sticking out of my white cotton panties he was wearing. It was all so kinky, it thrillled me to be having so much fun at my all-weekend panty party.I couldn't wait until next time when Dan would get to bend me over his desk and put it in me like a...
CrossdressingI'll Make it a Date, Part Seven Chapter 1 After I fell in love with Tabitha, the day I dreaded most was the one in which I'd have to tell my mom and dad about my feelings for her. I had no idea of how they would take it, but I guessed that mom would be a bit more understanding. I really feared dad's reaction. I was his pal as well as his son, and he had watched with pride as I grew and matured and turned into a sober, responsible young man. Dad had no clue that his son was in love...
It all began in August, a couple of weeks before school started. I was going to be a senior, and while I understood the importance of that fact, I was unimpressed. First, I was not going to go off to college. My grades were good, but certainly not stellar, which they would have had to be for me to get a scholarship. Failing that, my parents could not afford anything more than community college. I was also seriously considering the military as a way of making enough money to go. Second, I was...
The trial Me and Al had nothing better to do so we went down Weatherfield Assizes where they had the trial of the Weatherfield eight going on. The Judge looked a right twat with a grey wig looking like it were full of dust and robes like something out of King Dick three by Will Shakespeare what we done for the end of term play at Weatherfield comp years ago. Angie one of the local tarts was giving evidence. She usually worked viaduct street from the Wethy Arms to Timothy Whites. Peroxide...
To see Tom together with my mother seemed as natural as if my father were still alive and their explosive separation had never happened. But it had happened and that thought was still in the back of my mind. I didn't think for a moment that my mother would ever repeat the mistake she made so many years ago. I had begun to understand that I might be prepared to forgive my mother, something I didn't believe I would ever be able to do. I hadn't expressed these feelings to Ardele, at least...
I put a listing on CL today for a Alpha top that was verbal and wanted a tight boi hole. I had a few men send me messages.I picked one with a nice 7" cock photo. I started by cleaning myself out then Lubbing up and using a toy on my hole to help loosen me up.After a good ten minutes of stuffing my boi pussy with the toy and my fingers it was time for a shower to relax, I couldn't believe how excited I was.I got all cleaned up took a shower, then lobbed my hole again with anticipation. I then...
This story is alittle long but i'm sure u'll enjoy every delicious cum, lick ass, and pussy with mouth screwing as i did. This one's for the Linkin Park girl, you know who you are! Thanks for the inspiration!Kim called me to see if we could get together, because her husband, Ken was out of town for the week."Of course," I told her, "come right on over!""I will be there in about an hour, so I hope you are ready!" she said, with a teasing tone to her voice.I jumped in the shower and got cleaned...
Every day for the past six months, I walk my dog on a quiet bay beach. While the ocean beaches here in the Hamptons are among the most beautiful beaches in the world, the bay beaches ain’t chopped liver. Plus the facts that I can walk him anytime I want as long as I pick up after him (the town has plastic doggie-bag dispensers in the parking area), that it’s close to where I live and that during the week, it is usually empty, makes this beach ideal. Except for the holiday weekends when families...
Namskar mitrano aani mast panavalelya rasrashit pucchi choot walino mi yogu age 25 ahe desayla sexy handsome ahe. Mi atach maze engineeringche shikshan purn kelay. Ani job karat ahe. Jar kon aunty bhabhi vahini ladies na mazya 6.2+ inch lavadyach sukh boghaych asel tyani bindast mala mail kara. Maza email ahe ani ani mala google hangout var pan msg karu shakta aapn mazyasobat sex chat pan karun enjoy karu shakata. Tar chala aata mi mazya storyla suruvat karto. Tar mitrano hi stori ahe mazi...
It’s “TV night” for Gabriella Paltrova and Hubby…but where’s “Gabi”? Hubby is yelling for her, because their show’s ready about to start, but still no Gabi. Soon she emerges from the bedroom, but instead of being dressing in sweats and her over-sized t-shirt, Gabi is decked-out in beautiful, black lingerie! Hubby thinks he’s about to get laid, but no! Turns out Gabi’s favorite Bull, Jax, just got off the phone. Jax wants a “booty...
xmoviesforyouNate loved his job at Ariana’s. OK, it wasn’t really the job it was Ariana and the “perks” she provided. Ever since he walked into the wrong place two months ago, Nate had lost his virginity to Ariana, and happily submitted to her teaching him about sex. Ariana was a sex fiend and was ready to go at any time. She quit wearing panties to work, leaving her pussy available at any time. During slow times she’d take Nate into one of the dressing rooms to give him an amazing blow job. Frequently...
One night I was dragged to a party in an area I had never been. My friend Moe told me it would be fun but almost immediately left me when we got there. I had on a pair of black slacks and a button down on my 6 foot frame. The music was loud and everyone seem to be having a good time. There were many good looking people around. From a hot red head in tight jeans to a short blonde in a small dress. I walked to the drinks and got a beer. I started drinking until I noticed this one girl checking me...
My God! Sixteen dollars for taxes, and in gold or silver! Those bastards were counting from the day of Lee's surrender. Sure, we could get up $16 if we had to, but the whole idea was raw property theft. Most of the people I knew of could not put together $2 in hard cash, much less $16. The ones hit the worst were the widows, but none of those bastards in office seemed to care. All they wanted was the property, and the easiest way to get it was to buy up the tax liens. I was so pissed off...
It has been months since the last time Mandie had seen him. Mandie knew the last time she met him wasn’t going to be enough, but she was going to have to be patient. An opportunity at work presented itself and Mandie knew it was only ten minutes away from where Daddy lived. She made sure to pack some of his favorites: a black lace bra and garter set, handcuffs, a ball gag, an oversized anal plug and of course, red lipstick. She made sure to discreetly send all her information to him via email:...
BDSMMy name is Lara. I knew Ellen since we were little. We lived in the same apartment building, our parents were friends and it seemed natural that we hang out together, too. I am 3 years older but we never really bothered, and we became really good friends. Now I'm 19 and Ellen is 16. I live in my own flat now and Ellen still lives with her parents. She comes to visit me sometimes, or I come to visit her. Here is what happened not long ago... It was a nice autumn day. I woke up early in the...
The Butterfly Woman rose from out of the sea. Her breasts, which had been carefully chiseled by the Great Magician, were now slime-coated and glistening in the moonlight. Her nipples were hard, as is to be expected, damp as they were, and cooling in the wind. The furious seeker was bound to catch her scent soon, but she could no longer spend her time beneath the water, where butterflies dare not seek. Had she accepted her fate? Well, if not, she had certainly attempted to prepare herself for...
FantasyI had them stand up and walked them into a row by the showers. I separated Karla and Leathers then paired the gang up. I turned each girl so they were standing face to face but only a foot apart. "You are looking at your partner. If you or your partner fails to obey any rule or instruction, violates any rule or order you both will be severely disciplined. If the infraction merits death you both will die very slowly and painfully." "By surrendering to remain among the living you gave up...