Isabel s Slave Part One
- 3 years ago
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The next morning, I changed my routine. Instead of giving Bud his wake-up fuck, I stripped out of my jammies and pulled on a short terry robe before going downstairs to feed the dog.
It was a cool morning, and there was a light fog hanging over the neighborhood. After I had prepared Brute's food and water, I slipped off the robe and stood barefoot and naked on the grass. I shivered slightly in the wet, chilly air and my flesh broke out in goosebumps
I looked around the yard, but Brute was nowhere to be seen. I figured he was off hunting in the woods, keeping us safe from squirrels and mice. I ran down the slope to the edge of the woods. I was just about to pass beyond the tree-line when I heard Brute crash out of his hiding place and come running toward me.
In the dim light and mist, he looked like a creature out of legend — a giant hound, bent on mayhem and destruction, with fiery eyes and slavering jaws. I thought if there were ever a local production of Hound of the Baskervilles, Brute would be a cinch to get the title role.
The fiery eyes and slavering jaws part of the description was dead accurate, but it wasn't mayhem that Brute had on his mind when he spotted my naked form on the verge of the woods, it was play. When he was only a few yards away, I took off into the trees, weaving and dodging between the rough trunks.
The trees were mostly pine and the canopy of green needles was high overhead. The ground between the trees was covered with a thick layer of soft brown pine straw and there was no undergrowth to speak of. As I raced through the woods like a nymph being chased by a satyr, I felt wonderfully excited and free. I laughed happily as I leaped and ducked between the pines with Brute bounding along behind me, trying to keep up.
Brute and I played forest spirits for longer than I had planned. It was so primal, running through the woods with the cool morning air making goosebumps on my skin and the fresh smell of the pines in my nose. I just wanted it to go on and on, to somehow lose my human form and become a sprite or a fairy; to merge with nature and no longer have to deal with the responsibilities and obligations that were being heaped on me.
As much as I loved the fantasy of becoming a dryad and living in the woods, I felt myself being pulled back to the real world and the weight of it coming back on my shoulders. I stopped running and sat down to rest in a bed of soft pine needles, with Brute sitting beside me, my faithful protector keeping guard against some unknown danger while I recovered.
When I had my breath back, I braced myself on the dog, pulled myself to my feet and started walking back toward the house. Brute walked right alongside with my arm around his neck.
After a couple of minutes, I became concerned as I realized that I had no idea which way to go to get back to the house. The forest seemed endless in all directions and each direction looked the same as another. I was worried needlessly. I had to hand the finest expert on navigating these woods that could be found. I pulled myself onto Brute's back and sat astride his broad shoulders, holding onto his collar.
"Brute. Home." I said. He took off at a quick walk, threading expertly through the trees until we arrived in our own backyard again in just a few minutes.
He took me all the way back to the family room doors, where I put on my robe, hugged him goodbye and went inside to get ready for school. On my way, I passed the kitchen door and Bambi saw me.
"Good morning, Sam." She said. I stopped and leaned against the doorjamb.
"Good morning, Mom." I said with a smile that came very easily to my face. A little romp in the woods can do wonders for your state of mind.
She beamed back, happy to have me acknowledge that part of our relationship. She walked over to give me a hug, but stopped and reached up to pull a pine needle from my tousled hair.
"What on earth is this? Have you been in the woods?" She asked.
"Yeah." I answered, grinning happily. "Brute and I were pretending to be fairies. Well, I was a fairy, I don't know what he was pretending to be."
"Heavens! Are you all... nevermind. Silly question." She giggled. "I'm sure the two of you had a wonderful time." She sounded vaguely disappointed. "You better run get cleaned up, now. Breakfast is almost ready."
"OK," I said, and dashed upstairs to my room. A rich fantasy life is a wonderful thing.
My classes before lunch seemed to drag by. Nothing blew up in Physics and Dina and I competed as usual to see which of us could ask the smartest question in Miss Connor's Algebra class. After a satisfying detour to the Girls' room, I arrived in my third period class just as the bell rang.
As I put my bag away and got out my Social Studies textbook, I noticed that Mr. Locke had moved his lectern from the side of his desk to the front. This put him almost directly in front of me. I was very flattered at the attention and the risk he was taking by accepting my offer to let him look at me as much as he liked. I tried not to tease him too much, but whenever he came to the end of a section and he looked around to see if there were any questions, I leaned forward and dropped a shoulder to give him a good view down my top.
When the bell rang, I grabbed my bag and was about to bolt when Mr. Locke called me over to his desk.
"Miss Kramer, there is something I need to discuss with you. I don't want there to be any misunderstanding between us and I think it is important that certain things be clear."
"Yes, Mr. Locke?" I had been about to lean over the desk, but I sensed he was uneasy about something and I did not want to distract him.
"Miss Kramer... Sam. I wanted you to know that your work in this class lately has been exemplary. Your test scores over the last few weeks have climbed, even soared and your avid participation in the class discussions have been refreshing and at times even challenging for me. I just wanted to make it clear that none of your improved grades has anything to do with our, ah, understanding with regard to your, ah, endowments. Any grades you receive in this class are marks that you have earned."
"Mr. Locke, I want to assure you that it had never crossed my mind that I might influence you in any way at all other than through academic achievement. It was certainly never my intent to attempt any such thing. I know my grades have improved in this class, and I think if you discuss it with my other teachers, you will get similar reports from all of them. It is simply a matter of being motivated to take a greater interest in my studies and spending more time with the material. The more I understand, the more interesting things become and the more interested I am, the more I participate in classroom discussions." I looked around to be sure the room was empty before I continued.
"As for your admiration of my... assets..." I stepped between Mr. Locke and the door to prevent anyone from seeing what I was about to do. "I understand that there is no quid pro quo expected..." I put my hands under my breasts and squeezed until they bulged out of my halter and the areola were visible above the cups. I leaned over far enough for Mr. Locke to be able to see them crinkle up in response to my stimulation. "... or offered."
I picked up my bag and rushed off while Mr. Locke tried to get his eyes back in their sockets. I was pleased to be able to set his mind at ease. I was also pleased that I wasn't going to lose one of my biggest admirers over some foolish misunderstanding.
I gulped down one of the energy bars in my bag as I raced across campus to the gym. It was, ironically, one of the type sold to body builders as a means to pack on bulk quickly, and so had more nutrients and more calories than the typical dining hall lunch. The fact that is also tasted better than much of the dining hall fare was a definite bonus. I had expected to have to make sacrifices so I could spend time with Steve, but being malnourished didn't seem to be one of them.
At the gym, I ran down to the girls' locker room to change. I had put on my version of the wrestlers' outfit and was about to put my school clothes into my own gym locker for safekeeping when an idea occurred to me. Instead of using my locker, I put my clothes into my bag and carried it with me to the weight room.
As usual, there was no one in the hall and, to all appearances, no one in the gym. It wasn't until I got to the weight room that I realized that it was all a matter of acoustics. The floor in the weight room wasn't the gray concrete of the rest of the basement, it was a wood surface similar to butcher's block with cork floor-tiles on top of that. Obviously some thought had been given to what would happen if someone dropped a heavy weight on a flat concrete floor. The wood and cork kept everyone from having to wear eye-protection against the chance of flying concrete chips. A side benefit was that it absorbed much of the sound in the room that otherwise would have echoed down the hall.
I walked in like I belonged and dropped my bag on the floor inside the door with the rest. Steve was talking to his teammates over by the free weights, so I strolled over.
"Hey, Steve. How're they hangin'," I said, somewhat loudly, and slapped poor Steve on the ass hard enough to make him jump.
I expected my greeting to provoke laughter and defuse the tension that I was sure would be caused by my presence in this formerly male bastion. I was disappointed when no one laughed, giggled, tittered, or even chuckled. Instead, I was treated to exactly the kind of stares and stony silence I had expected as a worst-case scenario. This was going to be just as much an uphill fight as I had feared.
"Hi, Sam!" Steve managed to get the huge lump in his throat swallowed before the silence became too overpowering. "I see you decided to join us after all." A master of the obvious was my boy Steve.
"I don't want to be a bother, so if you'll let me know your routine, I'll be happy to work around you."
"Sure!" Steve said. And then belatedly decided that it would be a good idea to introduce me around. "Uh, this is Doug, Roger, Lamont, and Bruno. Guys, this is Sam. She's going to be working out with us."
I thought he might have mentioned something to his teammates before I appeared, but he must have been hoping that I would chicken-out and not show up, so his announcement was news to everyone. They took it well. By 'well' I mean no one barfed or ran for the door. The looks of astonishment on their faces would have made a great candid photo for the school yearbook.
None of them was prepared to make the first move, so I had to. I walked over to Bruno and stuck out my hand. Contrary to what you would expect from the name, Bruno was the smallest person in the room other than me. He still had 40 pounds on me, so it was a relative thing. After looking at it like it might have cooties on it, Bruno decided to be brave and shake my hand.
"Pleased to meet you, Bruno." I said cheerfully.
"Sure thing." Bruno replied and moved on smartly.
Having the procedure laid out for them, the rest also shook hands with me in a perfunctory manner. The sole standout was the only black guy on the wrestling squad, Lamont. I really wanted to ask where he got the name Lamont, but I was afraid the answer would be what I expected and I didn't want to embarrass him on our first meeting. Not that it did me any good. Instead of a quick shake, Lamont chose to try to intimidate me by squeezing my hand. He couldn't have known that pain and I were practically best buddies, or that I could have mashed his hand to a pulpy mess if I had chosen to. He stood there, squeezing tighter and tighter, trying to get a reaction out of me so that he could laugh and make some comment about girls not being able to 'take it' like boys. The temptation to break some bones was strong, but I kept smiling and returned his grip with only a mild pressure in return.
Pretty soon, the tendons on Lamont's forearm started popping out and I realized that he was bearing down at almost the limit of his strength. Still, I kept smiling and squeezed back only a fraction of what he was giving me. After a few awkward seconds, he quit trying to hurt me and tried to let go and take his hand back. Of course, things got even more awkward - for Lamont, anyway — when he found that I was holding on too tightly for him to get free easily. I kept smiling just the same as before and cocked my head to one side quizzically as he pulled and yanked without trying to let it be seen that I had him trapped. After a few more seconds or that, he stopped trying and I let go.
As Lamont stepped away, I saw a look in his eyes that told me I had achieved a partial victory already with at least one team member. The look in Lamont's eyes as he massaged his hand couldn't be anything but respect. Grudgingly given, but respect nonetheless.
As I expected, the team members had a rotation worked out so that everyone worked a different set of exercises to benefit a different muscle group. The quick research I had done had told me that you didn't stress the same muscles over and over, you spread it around as much as you could to get the broadest benefit. This meant that I would be working with whatever equipment was left over. As it happened, that turned out to be the dumbbells, the one piece of equipment I felt comfortable with and also needed to no setup or cooperation from the members of the wrestling team to use.
I saw them watching me at the weight rack. I was sure they either expected me to go for either the lightest weights or the heaviest I could lift. I surprised them by doing neither. I picked up the pair of 20 pound weights and turned to face the center of the room. I put my feet shoulder-width apart and squared my shoulders, then I started a warm-up and range-of-motion set that Jim had shown me. As I worked through the reps, I saw the eyes of the guys on me, gauging me. One by one, they went back to their own workouts.
I worked through a few sets with larger weights, resting and walking around between each set, as I saw them do to keep the lactic acid from building up. I was sitting on a bench doing bicep curls with a 35 pound dumbbell when Doug spoke up from the weight bench next to me.
"You want to do those as slow as you can," he said. "You get better results from going full-range and as slow as possible."
The truth is, I had gotten a little bored, just sitting and working by myself, and I had allowed myself to speed up on the curls to get through the last set. Doug didn't need to know that, and I wasn't about to toss the olive branch back in his face.
"Thanks!" I said, slowing down and counting out the last three reps. "Yeah, I can feel it makes a big difference."
"Anytime," Doug said as he lay back down under the barbell. I did a quick count and saw that he had it loaded with a good deal of weight for someone his size. Or actually for any size. He had 240 pounds on there.
I got up and walked over to Doug. "Need a spot?" I asked.
He looked around quickly to see if he was being setup or if someone was watching, but everyone had gotten into their own heads by now and I was no longer the focus of attention in the room.
"OK," he said, and I assumed the position at the head of the bench, behind the bar with my knees close to his head. He got settled on the bench and then reached up for the bar. "Jeez!" he said, suddenly and sat up.
"What's the matter?" I asked.
He looked around at me and I could see a red flush over his face and neck.
"I, ah." He began, and then changed his mind. "Nothing," he finished and lay back down.
As I looked down at his upside down face, it hit me what had Doug upset. From his point of view he could see right up under my cropped t-shirt. From that perspective, and the fact that I wasn't wearing a bra, he could see my breasts all the way from one end to the other.
As soon as I twigged to this, I smiled down at him and pulled my shoulders back to improve his view.
"Anytime you're ready," I said.
Doug put his hands on the bar and I put mine in between to provide support and balance if he had a problem getting the bar off the stand. Unless you are doing something stupid, if you are going to strain something, most of the time it's going to be when you first take the weight.
As he picked it up, I supported about half the weight for him, then slowly transferred it to him as he got comfortable. Before I took my hands away, I looked down to see how he was doing. He looked back up at me with a question in his eyes, unsure if he had just seen me in effect stiff-arm 120 pounds.
I watched Doug for signs of distress as he pumped the heavy bar through ten repetitions. He looked steady but tired as he tried to push the bar back onto the support bracket. For the last couple of inches, I took the bar from him and settled it on the support. After a few seconds, he took his hands off the bar and sat up, sweat pouring off him. 240 must have been close to his limit.
"Way to go," I said, as nonchalantly as I could. I reached out and clapped him on the back. He didn't flinch.
When I looked around, I saw Steve watching from the leg press machine. When our eyes locked, he got up and walked over, a towel around his neck.
"Time to hit the showers, guys!" He said, loudly enough for everyone to hear.
We all picked up our bags and walked out of the weight room and down the hall. Lamont and Roger were telling each other some mildly raunchy jokes and laughing. Doug was still breathing hard and pouring sweat and Steve and I walked along side by side until he turned in to the boys' locker room entrance. I hesitated. I had been prepared to invite myself in and have a shower with the team, maybe even a little towel-snapping, maybe a little orgy. On second thought, I turned and walked quickly around to the girls' room on the other side. I had made some headway today and I was not prepared to mess it up with an ill-conceived stunt. As long as I was exercising, it seemed appropriate to exercise restraint as well; as unusual as that was for me.
It was a lonely walk to the other side of the gym. I consoled myself with the memory of looks I had received that told me that a couple of the team now had doubts about their opinions on girls and their places in the world.
As I stood under the shower, I thought about what I had hoped to accomplish by going into the weight room and trying to be one of the guys. It became more important than ever for me to succeed. These were some of the most respected, popular, and well-known guys at school. If I could show them that girls were just guys with different equipment and different hormones, it would have an impact far beyond the gym.
Stepping out of the shower, I toweled off briskly, reapplied some antiperspirant, and ran a brush through my bushy blonde hair. I thought back to when I would spend a lot of time standing in front of a mirror, fussing with my makeup. Things were so much easier now that I could set it and forget it. I laughed sharply when I thought that if Max Factor or Revlon knew what I could do without their help, they would probably send an assassination team after me to keep me from teaching it to anyone else.
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Jay Smooth lends a compassionate ear to his sexy office mate Aaliyah Love when she tells him about her boring 12 year marriage. The American nympho then takes the opportunity to strip down to her lingerie and jump the stud in the office break room. Who knows how long it’s been since she’s had her trimmed pussy eaten out, but it drives the blonde milf crazy, and soon she’s bending over the kitchen counter to be banged doggy style and continuing the action over on the couch so...
xmoviesforyouSharon Klein had been brought up in a fairly strict household. She was also the child of her parents' old age, an afterthought as they put it; actually an accidental conception by a forty-five year old mother who thought she was past child-bearing age. Paradoxically, both mother and father welcomed the arrival of the new child. She had a happy childhood and did well at school. Automatically she went off to an Ivy League University, where she was to read Classical and Modern Arabic. In her...
We had met at a seminar the month before, and had been messaging and chatting since. She was 38, married with two teenage kids, starting to rebuild her career, having taken a break. I could see she was a go-getter, fiercely intelligent, and going to be successful. If I had vacancies in my company, I would have head hunted her. Instead, here we were on another course (long booked ahead), planning to meet at the hotel. She was about five-foot-eight, to my six-feet. She was half Scottish, half...
HumorCrossing The Line, by Sydney Black Introduction My relationship with my beautiful, feminine mother was unusual, to put it mildly. I was a gentle, slight, attractive boy, almost pretty in my own right, and I was completely in her thrall. I was in love with my mother, but she was also my idol. Kept hidden under my mattress, in a way that I naively thought went undetected, was my little treasure trove of trinkets related to her - a lipstick that she had discarded, a pair of...
The next afternoon, Kim slipped away from the drunk movie producer and hurried over to Leon's suite. After knocking on the door, she was surprised when it was opened by a handsome man in his early forties with a hard-on throbbing up in front of him. "Well," she giggled, staring at his stiff cock. "It looks like you need a hot cunt to empty that thing in." "I sure do," grinned the man, thinking how sexy the naked little redhead looked. "Now what can I do for you?" "I'm looking...
Hannah caught Jade’s eyes and held them, then turned her gaze out over the river, both their bodies facing the edge of the bridge while people passed by behind them. Without a word, Hannah’s hand brushed against Jade’s thigh. Jade sighed involuntarily, sinking against her soft touch. Hannah leaned over, whispering in Jade’s ear “I need to touch your pussy now”. Jade caught her breath as Hannah’s hand traced slowly, further up her inner thigh. She looked around, people continued to walk...
This story is about my pervert uncle Mark. He was 45 year old man, 6ft 5 tall. He had an extremely hairy body and a big belly. He has a thick veiny 9 inch cock. He was gay of course no one in the family knew about it. Mark was a single father to a son who just turned 18. He was the pervert of the family but only towards boys of the family. He used to made extremely perverse jokes with all us boys. Mark was black sheep of the family, my grandfather left us good money and a good income...
Alice was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, when she thought she heard her name. She tiptoed out and put an ear to her parents' door. 'Have you seen the state of her clothes?' her mom was saying. 'They're way too small for her, especially with her breasts, not to mention that bottom of hers. She looks like a slut.' 'Yeah, she really suits them,' her dad replied. 'She does seem to be behaving more and more like a slut,' her mom said. 'She's such a tease, especially to her brothers. ' 'I...
Dramatis Personae: Frank ___ - Lead character, inventor of Alpha Alpha - First A.I. in existence Kasumi Tendo - artificial woman based on character from Ranma 1/2 Daria Morgendorffer aka Daria Morgan - artificial woman based on character from Daria Jane Lane aka Jane Lannister - artificial woman based on character from Daria Kara Zor-L aka Power Girl aka Karen Starr - artificial woman based on character from DC Comics Rei Ayanami aka Rei Ayanami Ikari - artificial woman based on character...
Cock craving filly Alexa Grace is still in her school uniform when her stepdad Chad White discovers her texting her unapproved boyfriend. He brings her to the couch for a spanking that makes her ass cheeks jiggle around her thong until she agrees to block her boyfriend’s number. Then she offers to apologize for not listening to Chad. Soon Alexa is happily sucking away at Chad’s stiffie, laying across his lap as she blows him so that he can flip up her miniskirt and play with her...
xmoviesforyouFade in - Somewhere in the Northwestern United States Leo knew he was in trouble the moment he came out of the portal. The place where he was supposed to have gone looked nothing like where he was. Instead of being in the Arizona desert, he was in a canyon surrounded by high cliffs and tall pine trees. On one of the rocky bluffs he caught sight of a herd of wild mountain goats walking along a precarious ridge. "Oh crap," Leo shouted, mostly out of a reaction to the fear he...
Nina had been happy when she was told that Julie, Mrs Lawson to her, the forty-three-year-old HR Director, didn’t get back to the office on the day that she said she would, and in fact, it would be several days before she got back. Nina was dreading the meeting with Mrs Lawson because as well as discussing the clothes that she wore for work, Mrs Lawson was also going to undertake her six-month review. She said that she already had a report from Miss Millie, and there were, ‘things,’ to...
SpankingAb mai aapko apni aage ki story batane jaa rahi hoon jinhone iska pichla part nahi read kiya hai kripiya wo pejle usse read karein. Abhi mai so rahi thi ki vishal ne aa kar mujhe utha diya aur kehne laga agar ab ki baar kuch bhi boli to saza aur badha di jayegi isliye jo kehta hoon chup chap karti ja. Mai kuch bhi nahi bloi aur chup rahi. Ab dopehar ke takriban 1 baj chuke the aur abhi bhi mai nangi hi thi. Vishal ne mujhe kaha aaj tujhe aur bahut jano se chudna hai. Ab to mai besharam ban...
Es war einmal in einem weitentfernten Königreiche, da lebten ein armer Bauer mit seinem Weib und seiner Tochter. Es gab in diesem Königreiche eine merkwürdige Sitte, nur die Reichen und Wohlhabenden durften Rapunzel anpflanzen und besitzen, allen anderen war es streng untersagt. Des Bauern Weib war aber sehr töricht und ihr ganzes Verlangen ging nur nach dem Kraut, so dass sie sogar ihr Töchterlein danach benannt hatte. Rapunzel war ein zierliches Mägdlein von vierzehn Lenzen und sie hatte...
” Nee enna dee shonnaey ‘about baby’ “Shankar said. Ramya ” aammannaa Amma kooda chollindu irrundhaa, avaallukku oru paeraen venumnu, avaa irrukrathaeyaey paakanumnu”.So shall we adopt one dear”.(what did you say about the baby said shankar. Ramya chimed in,”yes mother was also saying that she wanted see a grandson before her time’) “Illaeydee nee ippo enna shonnaey kuzhandaiyaey pathi , adha dhaan yosinchindu irukkaen naan ,oru crazy idea nekku thonradhu, yenna theyriyummaa?”(What you said...
The advert on the university notice board seemed innocent enough. ‘female model REQUIRED FOR EROTIC DISPLAY. VERY WELL PAID.’ Her modelling credentials were in no doubt. At 5’ 10”, slim, tanned, with striking blonde hair, she had attracted plenty of male attention. She’d even had a couple of offers from men’s magazines to pose in their ‘Student of the Month’ sections. At the time she had turned them down, but a year latter times were hard and the student debt was mounting, making the prospect...
EroticThings are rationalised. Later in bed Pete decided to approach Jan about the things that had occurred; both at the doctor's surgery and later at home. "Darling, how did it feel for you at the Surgery?" he politely enquired. "Ooh! It was OK;" she shakily responded, "Although it was strange to perform such an intimate act in front of a complete stranger!" she added. Pete could not believe that she had not been aware of what the Dr had done to him as he pleasured his wife's arse; but...
I was so numb as I left Vanessa’s room that I didn’t notice Imogen standing in her doorway waiting for me. I walked right past her without a second glance and barely registered her calling to me. “Paul? What did she say? You asked her out again, right? What did she say? Paul? Paul? Paul Robertson don’t you walk away from me.” As I reached the door to the stairs, I heard a door open and Imogen ask, “Ness, what the fuck did you say to him? It’s like he’s one of the walking dead or...
When I walked into the club for Gina's bachelorette party, I was too frazzled from work to wonder who else might be there. I'd left the office closer to seven than six, ran home to change into my one appropriate dress, and now I was late. A broken chunk of sidewalk almost made me later, but I managed not to fall. I was sure I looked ridiculous as I stumbled towards the door, but I got in without further trouble. Once inside I took a minute to orient myself amid the pulsing music and whirling...
Chapter 2: Jeannie meets Vanessa. The next morning, I awoke in my own bed to my mother calling me for breakfast. I had dreamed the craziest shit...then I shifted in the bed and became immediately aware of the welts on my bum and the itching of my shaved pussy and realized that it had been no dream! I hit the toilet then quickly pulled on some shorts and a top and slipped into house slippers and went down to eat. Dad had headed out early to go fishing, so my mother was in the kitchen by...
BDSMSpicing up the act. Part one; The lingerie. After five years of being together, sex is beginning to turn stale between Annie and Jason. What can they do to spice it up? I'll be honest with you. After five years of being together, the last two years of them married, sex was beginning to turn stale between Annie and I. Don't get me wrong it was still good, but it was becoming more of a routine than the sensual act of carnal pleasure that it should be. It was just something we...
I visit an adult novelty shop occasionally that has video preview booths. The booths are small, about 3' by 4', and dark (until you insert a quarter to turn the TV on). When going into some of the booths there are usually 2 or 3 men standing outside of them, probably waiting for someone, like me, to go into one. Each side wall of the booth has a hole in it that's about 4" diameter. After shutting the door and throwing the bolt to lock it (which never works), and inserting a few quarters, I...
Gaypoker game It was Saturday night and Mike ask (if I was going to go with him to Stan's poker game and be the waitress?) I told him I felt uneasy about going there knowing I was going to be paid money to have sex. He said look just go to be the waitress and have fun flirting and if you don't want to fuck anyone then don't. So when I got up Sunday I got my shower and thought hell with it I will go so I got dressed in my leather corset with 1/4 cups in it so my tits really stood out and my...
The pool tableThis is a tale of a hot evening between two couples. We came to meet this couple on a site years ago called Connections on line. The couple we will call Walt n mary they lived in a small town outside of Clearfield Pa. we talked a bit online and decided to meet.Walt and Mary were very nice they seemed open to anything and were eager to meet. Marie and I felt the same. The address was given on a Sat evening and we drove over to them. We got there. We were greeted at the basement/...
Chapter 01: Using the opportunity to blackmail my best friend's motherI woke up early in the morning with a yawn and rolled onto my back. As my mind came to life I remembered it was only Tuesday, so the weekend was still far far away. Waking up and knowing there was another boring day of school ahead didn't improve my state of mind. I sat up slowly and pulled back the covers. I swung my long legs over the edge of the bed and rested my feet on the floor, then I slowly got out of bed and walked...
Nice: enjoyable, pleasant, agreeable, good, satisfying, gratifying, delightful, marvelous, entertaining, amusing, diverting, lovely, great, likable, personable, congenial, amiable, affable, genial, friendly, charming, engaging, sympathetic, compassionate, good, polite, courteous, civil, refined, polished, genteel, elegant, subtle, fine, delicate, minute, precise, strict, close, careful, meticulous, scrupulous, dry, sunny, warm and mild. Grace has lovely down pat ... the rest of the things we...
Mera ye submission padhne se pehle aap sab mere pichle submission padhein. Ab aage. Asha apne sasural se apne ghar aakar bohut khush thi. Usne andar jaakar apne dress ko change kiya. Thodi der baad woh bahar aayi to usne ek baby pink colour ki body fitted short sleeve short tank top pehni thi aur neeche white tight body fitted legging pehni thi. Top ke andar usne padded bra pehni thi jisse uske boobs uske body curves ko aur mast bana rahe the. Asha ne mujhe uske face par colour lagane aur...
It was around ten at night and I was walking to my car after finishing an afternoon shift. I was set upon by a number of guys who jabbed me with a syringe after I was dragged into their van. I thought I was dreaming as I regained consciousness and became aware of my predicament. I was in a strange room with a naked guy wearing nothing but a black leather hood and up to his balls in my arse.A sudden rush of adrenalin surged through me. I tried to extricate myself but was prevented by the...