Campaign Of Poltergeist's MaraudersChapter 6 free porn video

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Travel and nothing for work

Well we didn’t find any contracts available for us on Detroit so we had to look for one with a bit of travelling involved. The closest one was on Alloway which was 22 days away so there was good and bad parts to it. Bad was that it took time and time was money which we didn’t have too much spare but the good parts was that we could complete the repairs we needed to do.

Anyway we set off and no sooner had we started travelling out to the Jump ship but I got called down to a storage room where Hammer appears to have set up a still in an unused corner. Now I know that everyone has to have something to make the time go by and for relaxing after work but I expect to know about it so I can monitor things.

So I ordered it to be moved to the kitchen so quality could be ensured and nothing underhanded would happen. The crew was very happy to be able to have a drink with their meal but it didn’t work out too well. Some people got into the drinking a little bit too much and started to turn up for their shift hungover or late and their quality of work dropped.

One morning shift the still had mysteriously vanished and Yang and Darius had enigmatic smiles when people complained but I put my foot down and told everyone that it was too much of a good thing and they had to make do with their normal drinks instead. Morale was up but we lost too much time in downtime from hangovers.

Mission 18
Planet: Alloway
Mission: Insurrection Interception (assassination)

Poltergeist – Centurion
Hammer – Blackjack
Dekker – Shadow Hawk
Medusa – Vindicator

I took the maximum amount of money for this mission because we were running low on operating funds and needed a good boost of funds. We will get a minor bit of salvage but it’s the money we need this time.

We were dropped into the Jungle close by the target’s last known location. As we started moving forward we detected three unknown signals and they looked like mechs. We kept moving up and got set into firing positions inside a forest looking down a valley.

I settled into my position and got target locks on a Panther and a Commando. The Panther was more dangerous so it was my target and a salvo savaged it and did good damage. Hammer, Dekker and Medusa all added to the damage of the Panther and it was starting to smoke and rattle from all the damage it suffered but it was still standing. Battlemechs really are tough cookies.

The Panther took a shot at Medusa but the pilot was rattled and all shots missed. The Commando and a Javelin fired at Medusa as well and did some damage to his Vindicator. Quite a bit of armour was removed but that’s what it was there for. Medusa fired on the Panther dealing more damage and then an unknown mech fired a missile strike at him and damaged his mech.

Hammer, Dekker and I aimed at the Commando and did quite a bit of damage and it had it’s left arm and torso blown off and tumbling through the air. The pilot felt that one. The Commando damaged Medusa again and Medusa fired back and killed the Commando by destroying it’s engine.

The Panther and Javelin fired on Medusa again and did serious damage. The Vindicator is not looking good at the moment with smoke rolling off it and sparks from damaged wiring exposed by the rents in the armour plates.

I fired on the Javelin to try and take it’s attention away from Medusa and as I did that, the unknown mech fired again and blew the Vindicator’s left leg off sending it crashing to the ground stunning Medusa. Hammer fired on and damaged the Javelin while Dekker damaged the Panther. But they focused on Medusa and fired on him doing severe damage as he was immobile on the ground stunned.

I fired on the Panther dealing more damage but it was still combat effective. The unknown mech turned out to be an Enforcer armed with an AC/10 and a large laser. A nasty customer and it fired on Hammer dealing damage. Hammer focused on the Panther and blew off it’s left arm and disabled it’s left torso as well. Dekker got a good lock on the Enforcer and damaged it.

Medusa stood his mech up and I could see that he couldn’t keep up in the battle with the damage to his mech so I yelled at him to eject. With a flash of explosive bolts blowing away the top of the head and then a plume of smoke, the rockets on his pilot seat fired and took him out of combat and to safety. The mech can be repaired and at least we won’t lose someone to enemy fire again.

The Panther and Javelin were ganging up on Hammer and trying to knock him out with their combined fire but I got a good lock and was able to kill the Panther with a couple precision shots to it’s centre torso. Dekker kept up the damage to the Enforcer while Hammer tried to kick the Javelin into next week but he missed. He blamed the rocky ground but I think he was just rattled from the incoming fire.

I moved into the rear arc of the Enforcer and opened up into it’s back with all my weapons dealing good damage and including some critical internal damage. The Enforcer pilot, our main target, decided that they had to get out of here and started to run away. Smart of them but it won’t be enough.

Hammer split fired on the Javelin and Enforcer dealing damage to both but the Javelin took the worst of it and lost it’s left torso and arm. Dekker got a lock on the Enforcer and ripped it’s left arm and torso off in a series of explosions. The Javelin pilot was not happy and they ran up and headbutt my mech dealing some minor damage.

I focused on the Enforcer and sent my weapons slashing into it’s back and they stabbed into the engine shielding and destroying the engine. The mech dropped to the ground and wouldn’t be getting up again. Hammer took notice of how effective that is and attacked the Javelin’s rear and did good damage to it. Dekker added his fire too and ripped it’s right leg off sending it crashing t the ground.

The Javelin pilot just would not give up and wanted to take one of us with them so they stood up and kicked my mech. Minor damage but I was sick on them so I punched them back and my left arm went right through their right torso and ripped it and the arm right off. The damage feedback was so bad that the pilot was incapacitated and knocked out.

Success. It turned out that the Enforcer pilot was from the Magistracy of Canopus and was trying to raise an insurrection against the planetary government. Well they won’t be doing that now. With the success of the mission as well as taking out all guards, we got a 45% bonus to the monetary reward and that was great work by Darius to negotiate for that.

Add in a good bit of salvage of a piece each of the following mechs: Panther, Commando, Javelin. We now have enough pieces to rebuild a Panther. Yang will be happy. But then again, with having to repair the Vindicator which will take about 9 days, we have to keep Yang in a good mood. He has to replace a jump jet and a med-laser as well as the cockpit assemble and all the missing armour.

Medusa was banged up a bit from the damage as well as ejecting so he will spend about 20 days in the med-bays recovering.

Travelling and Fun.

The new contract we picked up was a simple battle against some Capellan battlemechs causing trouble on Cluff’s Stand. It’s a 22 day trip so we will have a lot of time to finish repairs and train. This should be a simple battle and not too much for us.

Just after we left orbit we had an encounter with some pirate fighters who came in and told us that we either pay them or we start losing atmosphere. We started running to combat positions and I ordered the dropship to be readied for a sortie to get rid of the pirates but it will take a bit of time.

We kept trying to talk the pirates around to leaving but they weren’t going for it and left a couple of craters in our armour from warning shots. I ordered the dropship to release and attack them from the backside of the Argo. It wasn’t a real fight as the fighters were so fast that we couldn’t get good locks but after a couple final shots they decided we weren’t worth the risk and they left. I don’t know where they are based but I sent a message to the planetary government anyway.

The damage was minor but our techs were a bit rattled and they were forced to spend time repairing the Argo as well as repairing our mechs. What a waste of time.

But we had a different problem pop up with the Argo. Every 2.4 hours, we would feel a vibration throughout the Argo. It doesn’t last long but it is disconcerting all the same. Dr Murad is investigating and she believes she knows what is causing the problem and it’s not a fault. The designers missed a problem with the rotating habitat modules when they are folded back for travelling.

Dr Murad has spent a lot of time tracking down the vibration and unfortunately is can’t be fixed and we will just have to live with it. It’s annoying but she is watching for stress and damage and nothing is showing. Hopefully the Star League engineers built the Argo to deal with it.

Finally we arrived in orbit around Cluff’s Stand.

Mission 19
Planet: Cluff’s Stand

Mission: Last Mech Standing

Poltergeist – Centurion
Hammer – Blackjack
Dekker – Shadow Hawk
Medusa – Vindicator

Now this should be a straight battle and we have been dropped into the desert at night. It’s cool but we will still have to watch our heat. As we moved towards the reported position of the enemy lance, we got four mechs showing on our scanners.

An enemy Javelin and Panther came around a small rocky outcropping and opened fire on my Centurion doing some damage. I returned fire on the Panther and a stray shot clipped the Javelin for bonus damage. Hammer, Dekker and Medusa followed suit and poured damage into the Panther, rattling the pilot who tried to hit Hammer and missed with everything.

The Javelin fired on me and damaged my mech some more. Four medium lasers is nothing to laugh about. An enemy Commando came into view and fired on Medusa doing some damage. I fired back at the Javelin and got a lucky head hit, rattling the pilot and possibly injuring them.

Hammer set his mech and aiming carefully, he opened up on the Panther and almost ripped it into pieces. He damaged both side torsos and added to the previous damage and disabled them and sending both arms flying. With one salvo the Panther was almost totally disarmed. Well it was disarmed but it still has it’s SRM4 launcher. I’m sorry for the pun.

Dekker split fire on the Panther and Commando and doing damage to both. Medusa followed up by splitting his fire at the Javelin and missing and then coring out the Panther and removing it from combat. A second Javelin popped up and damaged Medusa.

The Commando fired on my Centurion and I decided to run up to the second Javelin JVN-10F and try to punch it to death. I removed it’s right arm but that didn’t do much. The first Javelin fired on me in revenge. Hammer started picking on the Commando while Dekker split fire on the first Javelin and commando and damaging them.

Medusa stumbled in his mech and then the two Javelins and the Commando opened fire on him as they saw he was unstable. I locked onto the Commando and ripped it’s left torso and arm off. Hammer saw it was unstable so hit it with a full salvo and ripped it’s right leg, arm and torso off in a flash of flame and sending it crashing to the ground with so much damage to it’s gyro that it would never fight again without serious repairs.

Dekker ran to the second Javelin and punched it so hard that he ripped through it’s right torso and removed it right arm. The Javelin pilot felt that one. Medusa split fire on the Javelins and damaged the first one but killed the second with engine damage. The remaining Javelin fired on Hammer but missed.

With a single enemy mech remaining, we all locked on and fired at it. Hammer, Dekker and myself and did damage and we saw it’s right torso disabled and left arm sent flying. But Medusa got the kill when he sent his salvo into it’s gyro and shattering it.

Success and we called in the dropship and salvage teams to clean up. Medusa will have to spend 17 days in the med-bays because his mech took a shot to the head and some damage got through to him.

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Sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these situations. Most normal people don't find themselves in such awkward situations as the one I am in right now - frantically trying to get rid of this suitcase bomb sitting on my hotel bedroom. I can hear two women screaming around me, freaking out - Lucy Liu and Zhang Ziyi. I'm trying to ignore them and concentrate on cutting the right wire, or at least figuring out a way to stop the timer, but it's hard to focus. My mind keeps wandering back...

1 year ago
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Dani and Danny Part 4

Her mom said, “Oh, I forgot to mention that your father is going out of town this weekend for a business conference and asked me to join him. We haven't been away for ages and I'd really like to go. I was hoping you'd be home so Danny wouldn't have to stay by himself. Couldn't you ask Brie to come over here? We'll leave Friday and be home Sunday.” “Well, I'll ask her if she’d be able to come over here,” Dani replied. When Dani called, Brie asked, “Is your cute brother going to...

2 years ago
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Kiran Ki Choot Fadi Apne Ghar Me

By : Arnab009 Hello Friends, Aunties and Sweet Chut ki Malkino, app sab ko Arnab ke Khade lund ki taraf se most welcome!! Mai Arnab Uttar Pradesh ke Gorakhpur se hun. Mai jab class 8th me padhta tha tabhi se mere andar sex ki feeling aa gayi thi. Mai aap logo ka faltu samay aur paisa waste na kar ke sidhe story par aata hun. Ye ek sachhi ghatna hai. Lekin esme naam, place badla hua hai aur es ghatna ko Hot aur erotic story ka roop den eke liye kuch baate Jodi gayi hain. Lets now we come to the...

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Family CampOutChapter 5

Our laughter subsided, leaving a nagging dull ache in our sides. With our little exhibit finished, we mutually decided it would be best to return to our campsite. We gathered our things and slowly made our way back toward the site, back toward the comfort of no audiences. After changing and starting a fire, we all sat and talked. Each of us exploring our own feelings as well as hearing everyone else's. We were all in agreeance that today's uncanny happenings were amusing. I was flushed as...

3 years ago
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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 6

"So, when are you going to tell me the rest of the story, Pap?" I asked. I looked over at Mom and she was smiling. "Well, Jase, me and your Mom ain't able to take on four kids at our age. We don't have enough food to feed them for the winter, and we don't have enough room in our wickiup for them to sleep. We were wondering if you all could take them in." I looked over at Millie and she was nodding just as Tess said, "Of course we'll take them in, Pap." It was almost time for...

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One for the BooksThe Share Holders Meetingp

It was just your average day at the bookstore, the girls were all buzzing about the latest Twilight movie, I was sorting books in the back because truthfully ..I wasnt in the mood, I had been kinda bummed every since Joey had quit, he got a chance at a better job, great news,right? except he had to move to his grandparents , hours away.I was into my fourth box of novels when Nick walked in,“ There you are! I was wanting to see if you were up for a little ride, you seem a bit....down, bored,sad,...

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Satans BrideChapter 32

As Darius and Mioki entered the spacious living room where the party was in progress, conversations died and heads turned. Over forty sets of eyes looked with erotic delight as Darius led his slave wife to the center of the room. Around her neck was a collar similar to that her masters had used to train her. Attached to that was a long leash, Darius holding the other end. But what commanded the attention of everyone present was the fact that Mioki wore nothing else. The attractive woman stood...

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Cynthia MartinChapter 27

On the Friday night before the Dolphins game John Smith was in the pantry studying. He had come to love the Jeffersons deeply in the months he had been working for them. Knowing how bright and well-informed Mary and April were, he had vowed to complete his college degree. Tonight was a very different night at the apartment: For the first time he was alone with Mary. April had gone to Miami and even Ronnie was away for the weekend. The little boy had been invited to spend the weekend with...

4 years ago
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Sex With Two Guys In Mumbai

Main aap ko apni last story main jitna bataya us se aage. Ab mera nasha utar raha tha aur cousin turant sex cahata tha. maine mana kiya par wo nahi maana ab wo meri choot ke paas aa kar baith gaya aur pussy point suck karne laga. main thora exit ho rahi thi magar sex karne ki halat main nahi thi. Ab wo apna land meri choot main laga kar dhakka marne laga par uska land andar nahi ja raha tha bahoot hi jyada mota tha uska . Asad (gigolo) ne use rooka aur kaha tum neeche late jaao aur mujhe riding...

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a side order

Fictional fantasy........ The wife and I could never have c***dren something to do with something with the wife's pussy but enough about that, we had always had a real healthy sex life and when I mean healthy 2 or 3 times a night every night but all of a sudden it went to 2 or 3 times every 2 or 3 months and the rest I had to really jack off, we decided to try couple swapping to spice things up but it did for me and some of the women were so dam horny real nymph's but the wife just went with it...

2 years ago
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Me and My Brothers Chapter VI

I went to sleep with his fingers inside me and I slept soundly and only awakened after it had grown light outside. I could tell that it had cleared and the sun was shining. We were in the same position but his peter had shrunk and his fingers had slipped out. He was sleeping soundly, breathing deeply. I reached back and found his soft peter nearly touching me. I pulled on it and it began to grow. Visions of him licking my pussy flashed in my mind and I felt a tingle down there. I...

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Pamela's Transformation Just saw a great short 14-second clip. A thin woman is seen bent over under a large horse. She is nude but you can only see her outer thighs, arms and small breasts with protruding nipples. She has a couple of bangles on her arms that are kind of funky. I like this woman very much because of what she is doing. This raven-haired beauty is holding a horse's very large penis in her hands as she inserts the head of the animal's cock into her mouth....

3 years ago
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A Weekend in the Mountains

My wife and I decided to get away for a weekend in the mountains not long ago. We were only going for a long weekend, not an extended vacation. Kerrie is generally fairly conservative in both dress and actions, since she is a school teacher and believes that there will always be a student of hers lurking around the next corner. On this particular trip, we were far enough removed from our home that she felt a little less reserved. The first indication of this was the fact that she didn't wear a...

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Two Cowboys and One Dancehall Girl Part One

I live in a town where the national rodeo cowboys come to town every year. And each time they come the testosterone level in town goes up, immensely. All of the big handsome, strong men in spurs and chaps and jeans and western-cut shirts and cowboy boots and cowboy hats get my clitty dick stirring down in my little panties when I see them around town in their pickup trucks or sitting tall in the saddle on horseback. They look rough and rugged and ready. And I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you...

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The Cuckold Journal of Jane and Mark Part I

Jane: I suppose my starting point was when I googled the word ‘Cuckold’ that fateful morning. I don’t know why I did it and I wasn’t sure what it really meant, all I knew was that it was a term used for husbands whose wives were unfaithful to them. I had never been unfaithful to Mark and had never really considered it seriously. Sure, like most women my age who are married and have young children, it is nice to flirt occasionally. It is good to know that men still find you are attractive...

2 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 6 Paying for a New Religion

Walking into La Folie, Alex was glad they'd taken the time to get spruced up. The girls kept asking Alex just how formal this dinner was. While he didn't know, he asked Patricia, who'd set it up. 'It's VERY formal, ' she warned him. 'You'll need to buy a very nice suit. Try the hotel, if they can't get you situated, they'll at least know who to contact. The girls will likely need new dresses as well.' 'This is starting to sound like a very expensive dinner, especially...

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Wifersquos First BBC

My wife is a very sexual woman and we have never had a problem in our sexual needs nor or satisfaction of those needs. One night while fucking in our bed my wife said to me about buying a big black dildo. It was not an odd comment as we always talk about stuff like that during or after sex. I once told her I wanted to fuck her sister and she told me to give it a try but I never did. So lets get to the point here. Well after that comment I decided to look online for a big black dildo and wow did...

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Watching Sue Story 3

I welcome any comments and hope that you get as much pleasure and enjoyment from it as I do. Thank you in advance. “Its not like what I expected it to be,” Quite a statement from Sue who is my wife and I am her cuckold having agreed that she could 'make love' to one of our friends. That’s how it started and I think that I naïvely thought it would be a one off . One evening making love to a friend while I was present would be a thrill for us both, but then we were about to move house...

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wifes bad day

Earlier today I was sitting at my computer playing a game and then my phone goes off and my wife was calling me she said "babe is it home time yet I am tired and I hurt" I told her only a couple more hours to go then she can come home when she hung up I phoned my mum and asked her to take the k**s out for the day so I can look after my wife and she agreed.I knew what time the wife finished and how long it would take her to come home so I ran her a bath and lit some candles for her and as she...

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My trips to the nature

This guy enjoys jerking his cock while watching other people having sex somewhere on the beach, in the woods or in other places where they think no one will see themMaybe it sounds corny but I used to be extremely shy and never had any relationship with girls until I was 22. I was a thin but rather handsome guy. Women over 30 told me I was cute.As I was getting older I wanted sex more and more but I still couldn’t find someone to date. So, when I was 18 I began masturbating.I’ll never forget my...

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Adult Room Chapter 1 Darklord

Part 1 I come from an extended family that has a tradition where the young men and women get married in their mid-teens and start their families early. My twin brother Mike and our sister Julie are among the first to not observe that tradition. Mike and I are 20 and Julie will be 19 in a month. By the way, Im Mark. Our parents are in their mid to late thirties and both sets of Grandparents are in their mid-fifties. Our Grandparents and parents are hard working people. One of the things that...

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Daphne Ice CreamChapter 4

I walked around behind Daphne to examine the ropes. It occurred to me again that she must have had someone tie her up, but I didn't really want to get into that now. I just wanted to get my cock into that pussy, now that I knew that's what she wanted - no, that's what she begged for. Running my fingers along the ropes and pulling at the knots, I began to figure out exactly how to untie them. Apparently I wasn't figuring it out fast enough. "Please, Sir, just cut the ropes!" Daphne...

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Lydias DreamChapter 7

I was the first to wake. After bathroom duties and starting the coffee pot, I returned to bed and crawled under the warm covers to lie next to her. She was sleeping soundly as I studied her face and wondered what the future held for us. In less than a week, I had gone from not even knowing her to being crazy about her. In that same week, I'd been able to set aside the consuming grief of losing Lydia and begin focusing on the future. Lydia had not appeared in my dreams since last Saturday...

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