This Is the Modern WorldChapter 5
- 3 years ago
- 27
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As the day grew to an end, Ashley felt tired and frustrated in trying to take care of Justin and do her job. She actually looked forward to going home and left about a half-hour early. Justin was fussy when she took him inside her home.
"What's wrong little brother? We'll get you something to eat." She went in to fix something and thought, "He's always been so nice. Maybe he misses his mother?"
She put him in the playpen and went to her computer to look up some baby care information. "Let's see. Uhm, well, teething makes them fussy. Check for a fever. Already changed his diaper. OK. Check teeth and fever." When she came back, she found that he had climbed out of the playpen. She tracked him down sitting in the corner playing with her ropes and cuffs. She laughed out loud. "Oh, you're into that bondage at your age? Will you ever be hard to live with!"
She sat down beside him and he seemed to be in a better mood. She felt his head, to find it pleasantly cool. "OK, no fever." He moved the ropes and cuffs around and made soft play sounds as he did. "Well, you seem to be better."
She said, "Justin, can you say "Ashley? I'm Ashley. I'm your sister. Can you say Ashley?" Then, she thought, "Well, he's not interested in that. Should he just call me Sis?" She looked down at him again, "Maybe just 'Ash?' One syllable should be easier."
She went about preparing his food and he crawled around the kitchen floor, quickly discovering Benny's dish. In a second, he had the water on the floor, sitting in the middle of it. "Well, you're just full of surprises." She got some used towels and mopped up the mess, putting the dish out of reach.
She then found some of his toys in his baby bag and set them out to distract him while she fixed the food. It was ready for him in a few minutes and she put him in his feeding chair. Within a few minutes, he was happily eating his finger food and taking bites of the other from Ashley. When she put food in his mouth, he looked up and smiled at her, making her laugh in return. She kept saying, "I'm Ashley," and pointed to herself. "Can you say, Ashley?"
When she finally finished feeding and bathing him and getting him ready for bed, she realized that she had not eaten. "How will I learn to fix my own dinner and keep you out of trouble?" Within half an hour, she had him in bed with his monitor and went about getting her own food ready. She thought, "I'll keep this monitor with me. It would be just like me to go off and forget it somewhere and not be able to find it." She checked on him again before eating and found him to be fast asleep looking angelic.
After eating, she went to her office and began work on her email. Somehow, she hadn't time to do it during the day. After an hour, she let herself open the one from Bill. One of his questions was about Justin. Since it was before midnight in Georgia, she decided to call him and chat for a while.
Just as she reached for the phone, it rang. Natalie asked, "How's our favorite child?"
It took ten minutes of almost solid talking to reveal her total day. Natalie laughed at the story about Benny's dish. "Yeah, it took me a while to get used to his crawling all around. I've had to do some childproofing."
"I will have to get my house in order, too. I forgot how quickly they can get into things!" She changed the subject, "How did your day go?"
"They picked me up at the airport and took me to dinner. We had a good conversation and I felt good about them. If the others are as nice, it would be a great place to work. I know that you don't know this, but not all faculty members are nice."
"Where did you ever hear a nasty rumor like that? Sounds like an urban legend to me." She laughed, and then said, "Tomorrow is the big day! How you feelin'?"
"Just the usual overwhelming anxiety, but other than that, I'm OK."
"Call me tomorrow or I'll call you after you get through."
"We're going to dinner again, so I'll try to fill you in between the end of the interview and when we go out."
When she finished with Natalie, she punched Bill's number.
He asked, "How did you get on with your brother today?"
She related all the antics, including her inability to keep up with him and do her job at the same time.
He asked, "Do you remember when we studied multi-tasking?"
"Vaguely. Walking and chewing gum and the like?"
"You've got it. Mental workload is finite. You have to use up all your working memory on the task at hand. Walking and chewing gum are both automatic motor skills and can easily be accomplished. Thinking about the baby and doing email is much more difficult, since both require mental processing."
"I get your point. Maybe that's why I felt so fatigued."
"Happens all the time. Causes lots of errors, too. People believe that they can talk on their cell phones and drive. They don't understand the mental workload involved in a phone call arguing with their spouse."
"I'll tell you that when he was sitting in that puddle of water from Benny's bowl, I had to laugh at myself. This house is not child-safe. The only thing I would have said into a phone would not be nice."
"You get it! How'd Benny take to him?"
"OK, so far. I left Benny at the House tonight. Lot's of people needed him to distract them."
"Fortunately for you, the wages and hours law doesn't apply to dogs. I'll just bet the Humane Society has rules, though."
"Don't you dare rat me out to those people. My wicked stepmother would love to have something on me."
"My God, I forgot about that. Now, you'll be in more trouble for making Wu work overtime, too."
"She's doing very well. They love her almost as much as Benny."
"You sound good, even after a hectic day."
"Once I got him to bed, I could concentrate on you and other important things. A little peace is a necessity. I know how lucky I am compared to those people I try to help."
"Yes, you are fortunate, but you do a lot of good for the community and help get people's lives back together. I admire you for it."
"Thank you. I didn't know how much I cared about them until I saw this woman come in today in a police car. She looked awful. The nurse had to give her something for the pain. I'm glad we could take her. We're almost full again."
"I love you, Ashley and I'm anxious to see you."
"I almost cry when you say that. I love you, too and I'm glad you're coming."
Ashley sniffled for a minute after hanging up. "What is it about him that goes right to my heart? I sometimes think I'm obsessed."
She took her shower and washed her hair. As she did, she remembered when he did it and how good he felt wet and slippery he felt when he moved against her. "I have to quit thinking about him all the time."
She had been asleep about three hours when she heard Justin crying. She went over to his bed to find that he had vomited and was sitting up with it all over him. She took him to the bathroom and undressed him before cleaning him up. He obviously had a fever. She bathed him quickly as he continued to cry, but he did not throw up any more. After dressing him in clean clothes, she carried Justin while she took the soiled sheets to the washer and put them in with his pajamas.
Then, she went to the Internet and tried to look up what to do about a fever. She could have called Natalie, but it was in the middle of the night. He fussed on her lap as she tried to do her search. She finally found a site in the U.K. that had instructions, but she'd need a thermometer. The nurse had one of the ear-type, but Ashley had only an old mercury type for under the tongue, which the site cautioned against. So, now, she had to hold the thermometer under his arm for five minutes and add .5 degree Celsius.
"Well, Justin, we'll see if your sister can get your temperature." Some twenty minutes later, she had managed to get an adequate reading, to discover that she had to convert to Fahrenheit to Celsius, or find a new site that dealt in Fahrenheit. Well, he is 100.2. Maybe I don't have to take him to the emergency room. She remade his bed and put him down in it. He went back to sleep almost immediately.
She remembered that the Internet site said she should check again in two hours. If it increased, she would have to take him in. If not, she could let him sleep. She set her alarm for two hours and went immediately back to sleep. Not more than two eye blinks later, she heard the alarm and managed to drag herself up to find the thermometer. She inserted it under his arm and tried to hold it there. He rolled around and the thermometer came out. In about fifteen minutes, she managed to get another reading of 100.1.
As she stared at the thermometer, she asked, "Is that a reduction in the true temperature, or is it an error of measurement?" She then convinced herself that either way, he wasn't getting worse and went back to bed. She ordinarily set her clock to 7 AM to be at the office by nine. However, Justin cried at six and she had to take care of his diaper. After she changed him, he rolled over to go back to sleep. Ashley tried to sleep, but her mind was racing and she decided that she was awake for the day.
She put on her sweats, turned the coffee on, and went out to get the paper. She sat waiting for the coffee, not really reading. She felt really tired. "OK, I have to get myself dressed, eat, feed Justin, and get him to the daycare. Just maybe I can do that before I die."
She got his breakfast together and then went upstairs to get him ready. When she was packing his bag, she anticipated a relief. Someone else would be responsible for a while. How did Natalie do this every day?
She left Justin at the daycare and as she started out the door, he cried, "Sash! Sash!"
She said to the teacher, "That may be me! He had a fever last night, but I checked him this morning and he was normal."
"That happens all the time. He's fine now. I'll call you if there's a problem."
She felt terrible guilt for leaving him. The teacher came over to her and said, "Every morning, we have that scene. However, as soon as you're gone, he will be OK. Where's his mom?"
"She's in Texas interviewing for a job."
The woman looked at Ashley with a distant stare. "What will she do there?"
"If they choose her, she will be on the faculty of the University of Texas."
"Natalie will be on the faculty? A teacher?"
"Well, yes, she will teach, but they want her because her research is quite good."
The woman looked back. "What does that mean? I thought professors-she will be a real professor?-taught."
"Yes, she will teach. She also has to do research to discover new knowledge."
"Too complicated for me. If she gets the job, we'll miss Justin. He's a good guy."
As Ashley drove to her office, she recalled a conversation she had with Bill earlier. He said, "You know, when I go out in public away from the university, people ask me what I do. I tell them that I work at the university. Then he said, in all my years, the only thing town people ever ask is 'What do you teach." I guess they think that's all we do."
The stoplight turned green. As she drove across the intersection toward her office, she had a small feeling of relief. Justin was in his regular setting and she could devote her mind to those distressed women. She would have almost eight hours of work before having to pick him up.
Her day went well. She was able to place three women in recovery situations with court orders protecting them from abusive husbands. "If only it worked. Those guys find them and beat them up again and the judge will have to send them to jail. They can't work in jail and make money."
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Promises and Secrets: A Teenage Transsexual By Maria Ski Things changed for me after I was discovered trying on my sisters clothes. My mother had caught me. But there was no anger, no disgust, just a warm understanding smile and the love of a mother. From that day of being discovered, and after telling my sisters things seemed to change. Every weekend I became Maria. With a wardrobe of girls clothes of my own which I either bought myself or had bought for me. One thing led to...
When we got there and were unloading our gear I realized that we had not eaten our lunch yet so we three headed to the kitchen to refuel our tired bodies. After we sat down, I found it a little difficult to eat my sandwich since there was Kim sitting on my lap. With all the stress we had experienced, Grace decided to not say anything to Kim and let her stay on my lap. I, of course, would never object in a million years. Eating lunch with two of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen, with...
Diana opened the buttons of her blouse. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Her small, well formed breasts stood straight out. Topped with lovely pink nipples. My mouth dropped open as I stared at my daughter’s tits. “Diana,” I said, “button your blouse.” But she just smiled as she slowly removed it! Then she walked over to me and placed her slender hand on my lap, gently squeezing my erection. “Dad,” she said. “You want me as much as I want...
Sister Angelica shuddered as once again the perverts hands began to gently explore her naked body. She was young, in her mid-twenties, and had only recently taken her final vows. Her order was one of the few that still required them to wear a full habit, although hers hadn't received much wear lately. It remained neatly folded with her plain white underclothes on the dresser across the room, right where she'd left it two days before. Without her religious garb, the only thing unusual about...
Iliafray looked up and the drow and replied “Orc Cunt confirms her mistress’s explanation and begs for her Mercy” as she said this both she and Xanaphia assumed the present position kneeling in front of their mistress. The drow smiled down at the two “Well if I can’t arrange the first time for Elf Bitch to have sex at least I can be the first to experience her talents and you Orc Cunt can help to motivate her” She pulled the pain wand from her belt and pushed Iliafray backwards with her foot...
Chapter One Leigh Grayson was in her bedroom looking at her own face reflected in the body length mirror. Her beauty was oblivious to her. She could make her presence known anywhere she entered. Her long black hair complemented a perfectly heart-shaped face. But her dark chocolate eyes reflected all the sadness she felt inside. She missed her parents terribly. Her parents would have been proud of her, she thought. Her mother, Maria, was always supportive of her passion for art. Maria, a...
When we walk into the main room Dad looks surprised to see three meals being laid out by the Room Service people, until he spots Sharon walking from my room. He smiles at me while the staff do a double-take on spotting Sharon. They’re quick to hide their surprise, and they smile at us while they set the food out for our breakfast. While we eat the eggs and toast Dad says, “I’ve already got a reply from Jackie about the question last night. Care to take a guess about the name of the guy your...
I got off the plane and made my way to the baggage claim. It took forever for my bag to show up. I grabbed it and went outside where Elsa was waiting for me. I threw my bag on the back seat and slid into the front seat of the new Cadillac. The soft leather felt good on my tired body. Elsa gunned it and off we went. I could not help but notice her legs as she drove thru traffic. Her skirt was hiked up to show the just a hint of the top of her stockings, black lace. That was Elsa, always...
?Schoolgirl Sisters Part 1 The two naked female bodies swung gently in chains hanging from the ceiling of the darkened chamber. The slim bodies were of two teenage sisters who were bound tightly together, hanging by cuffs around their wrists to the ceiling above. Both girls were crying ?please help me? but their cries were the sole sounds heard in the half-lit chamber. No one was going to help them in their ordeal. The two girls faced each other, their beautiful young bodies crushed...
You im me and tell me to meet you at a hotel. You then tell me to bring my toys and come prepared for a night of fun. I start asking you for details but you will not tell me any. All you will tell me is "be ready for me.". I become wet at the thought of what we might do together. I reach down and rub my pussy under my shorts then my panties feeling how truly wet I am. I can tell I'm already soaked. I rub my pussy some more telling you on the im. Reading that makes your cock get hard quickly and...
With the destruction of the economy, a number of things had changed in the world. One, which almost no one would even think about, was the disappearance of certain specialty shops, of which bridal stores were a good example. There just wasn’t a place to buy what had become a traditional wedding gown. What few dresses had remained on the shelves of stores at the time of the collapse had long since disappeared. Young couples getting married now tended to wear nice dresses and suits. The new...
"What is it this time, General?" Tom asked as he stepped out of his police car, postioned his gun in its sheath and then met up to walk with his boss. "Same as usual, just a person who thinks they can steal some stuff from a local grocery store." General Patterson sighed, scratched his eyebrow and then turned to Tom. Tom is a young Police Officer who has been working with the department for a couple years now and he has dark brown hair almost black, fair skin, and a lean body. Tom nodded and...
This will be Part IV of the series. Hope everyone is enjoying the stories of my wife's and my experiences. Sue is helping me write these, we are both enjoying sharing our personal experiences with everyone. Being anonymous allows us to really open up and reveal what is going on across this country in many more bedrooms than you think. Your neighbor could be having an orgy right now. Just think what you could be missing! Naturally the names here have been changed to protect the "guilty."...
I was texting Phil working on a day that we could meet up. Both my parents had full time jobs in the city, and if my brother was not going to be home I knew he could come over. Luckily, my brother went to work with my father sometimes, and this week he was going. Phil's parents also worked, so I told Phil I would pick him up at his house at 10am since we would have to leave my house by 5. He agreed, then shocked me with some great news. He asked if his friend Artie could join us. He said...
Today is Halloween. You, John Doe, are to be at a Halloween party tonight. However, you have forgotten to buy a costume. Upon realizing this, you rush to the nearest costume store. The limited selection is rather slim, considering it's the day of Halloween. In the men's aisle there is only one costumes to pick: a vampire. However, feeling that perhaps you can find something in the women's aisle, you go over there as well. There are only three picks there: a vampiress, a devil, or an angel.
GayJason and Andy, or Andrea as she was now called by all but her close friends, were both doing well, as was the young son she carried in her womb. She wasn’t overly excited about moving, even temporarily, to Washington, DC, but she was determined to be the best senator’s wife she could be. Yes, though his leg was still mending, Jason Longbow Magill now stormed the halls of Congress as the junior Senator from Arizona. Of course, Senator McCray had supported the appointment, but it was Deke...