The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students free porn video

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Author: Powerone and SarahBell

Title: The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students

Summary: A student needs an 'A' in his class and he needsthe student.

Keywords: M/F, reluc, nc, anal, oral,

The Professor's Rape Of His Teenage Students

Copyright 2004. Powerone can be contacted at [email protected] andSarahBell can be contacted at [email protected]

Michael was settled into his life as a Professor over thepast ten years. He had married one of his graduate students, a girl, ten yearsyounger, enjoying young flesh much more than women his own age. At first lifewas good, then marriage became more of a chore than an adventure. They divorcedover five years ago leaving Michael a single Professor, not a bad predicamentto be in on a campus that had twice as many female students as males. Michael,a football player in college, was over six feet two inches tall and about 225pounds. While the years had taken away some of the muscle, he managed to workout in the college gym enough to keep from getting fat. His natural boyishgood looks, his large frame and his professor status were enough to keep thegirls looking in his direction.

He often flirted with his students, but the school frownedon fraternization of professors with students, immediate dismissal the result.He tried dating outside the university campus but the rural location limitedhis choices. Then he had come up with a plan. He noticed many young girls,just graduated from high school, away from home for the first time, eighteen,nineteen, even twenty years old, with young, nubile bodies that made his cockhard every time he saw them. He loved the way their tits would stand up, howtheir nipples would harden at the slightest provocation and their lovely legshiding secrets below short skirts. Many were very submissive in nature, theuniversity life with the power the professors had over them fueling it. Hehad tested his theory that he could get away with what he wanted, the fearof being exposed, flunked, humiliated or subject to ridicule forcing theseyoung beauties to accept almost anything.

At first he started off simple, failing an attractive studenton a test or paper. She would come to him in tears, this being the first timeshe had ever failed anything. He would comfort her; tell her it was just probablya fluke and that she would likely do better next time. His hands linger onher shoulders, brush a tear from her face or hold onto her slim, often nakedwaist while he spoke gently to her. She would begin to get comfortable withhim. The next opportunity, he would do the same, maybe not flunk the student,but give her a "D". Again, there would be the tears, the explanations,the pleading with what would happen if she should fail his course. He wouldexplain that he could not devote the time now to talk about her problems, havingto go to a dinner with the Dean. It would be very inconvenient for him to doit, but if she would return at 7:00 tonight, after his dinner with the Dean,he would be able to help her solve her problem. She might give him some excusefor not being able to come, knowing that the building would be empty exceptfor them, afraid of being alone with him. He would brush aside her excuses. "Ifyou think you are more important than the Dean, go to him and explain to himwhy you are flunking." This usually did it, some muttered an apology andthen consented.

He would wait for her in his office, sitting on the leathercouch, more of a love seat, only able to seat two. He would have her sit nextto him while he would start off strong, blaming her for not working hard enough,spending too much time on other classes, doing it deliberately because shethought she could talk him into a good grade. This stance was meant to provokethe tears and usually did.

His hand would go across the student's shoulders, bringingthe sweet girl's body against his own. He would smell her hair, the faint hintof perfume on her body, his other hand lightly stroking up and down her armas he soothed in a gentle voice. He could feel her body slightly tremble withfear, making his cock bulge against his pants. He would tell her that he couldhelp her but she must also help him.

He would lift her head up by her chin, her face only inchesfrom his, their eyes staring at each other. This was the moment he loved. Hisother hand would move down to hers, lifting it from her lap and placing iton his hard cock. The look in her eyes would be priceless. The surprise, thenthe fear as he pushed her hand down on his cock, wrapping her fingers aroundthe huge member, her tiny hand barely able to go around it. The shocked lookas she felt a man's cock for the first time, not a boy's tiny cock. He wouldmove her hand up and down, masturbating his hard cock. Then he would removehis hand, still looking in her eyes. "Take it out of my pants," he'dorder her. He could see the look of helplessness in her eyes, as he'd hearthe sound of his zipper being pulled down. Then the sudden excitement he'dfeel when her soft hand slipped inside his shorts, her skin touching his nakedcock for the first time, feeling the heat of the hard cock jerking in her hand.

He'd feel the cool air of the room on his naked cock, seeher eyes looking down then back up in embarrassment. "Yes, it's big isn'tit," he would tell her. "Rub it a little, then I want you on yourknees in front of the couch and you're going to put it into your hot littlemouth and suck it until I cum."

"No," she would mouth, words unable to come fromher throat. But her hand would continue to masturbate him, knowing that hehad won.

"I'm sure you will get an A next time," he wouldwatch as she slowly got up from the couch and kneeled before him, resignedto her fate. He would touch her face again, his fingers running across herlips. "So sweet, such lovely lips," his finger would push into hermouth, simulating what his cock would soon be doing. He would lean back inhis seat, watching as she waited. "In your mouth," his hand wouldhold his hard cock up for her.

The big eyes would look back at him pleading, but she wouldeventually lean forward, her mouth open until it encircled his hard cock. Hewould make his cock jerk as soon as it touched her lips, watching her startledlook on her face as she felt the hard shaft against her mouth. "Use yourtongue on it, taste my cum." He would relax, enjoying her oral ministrationson his cock, fighting to hold back his orgasm, wanting to enjoy her hot breathon his cock, her lips wrapped tightly around it. "Move your head up anddown, keep your lips tight and tongue the end of my cock," he would orderher. Her head would move up and down, her hair swinging back and forth as shesucked his cock.

He wouldn't last much longer, grabbing her head with hishands, one hand gripping her hair tightly, the other used to keep her headstill. "Breathe through your nose," he would order her, "I'mgoing to put my cock in your throat." His cock would jerk as it slowlypassed into the tight confines of her throat, her choking and gagging as itpassed increasing his pleasure. He would always pull out of her throat whenhe was ready to cum, wanting her to taste his cum, making sure he shot on hertongue, shooting some into the back of her mouth, choking her with the heavy,salty fluid.

He would always let his cock linger in her mouth, makingher swallow his fluids, loving the look on her face, tears in her eyes as hislimp cock sat heavily in her mouth, telling her how good she were at suckingcock and how she would now receive an "A".

He would do this only once to a student. They were usuallyso embarrassed, it being worse when they received their "A" and realizedwhat they had performed for the high grade. He had done that for almost fiveyears, with sometimes up to four students a year.

But the game had become boring, almost too easy. Last yearhe tried something new. He used the same scam, flunking them a few times, thencalling them into his office late at night. But he wanted more excitement.Now he raped them. Usually starting in his office, raping their mouths, pussiesor assholes. Then he would take them to a small house not far away from thecampus and very private, where a gag would not be required. He enjoyed thepleading and screaming the rapes usually provoked. He would keep them therefor the weekend, subjecting them to multiple rapes in all of their holes. Hewould talk to them before he returned them to the campus, forcing them to realizethat he controlled their destiny and that few would believe he was capableof such unspeakable acts. He had cleverly arranged an alibi, having found aperson that was so similar in looks to him, only someone that knew him wellwould recognize it wasn't him. That person would take a plane on Friday nightto some destination and stay the weekend, making his presence known to manypeople. The person who did this got a first class vacation for nothing andMichael got his foolproof alibi.

For a final trump card, he also taped part of their sexualencounters, often on the final day when they resigned themselves to his takingof their bodies, seeming to be a willing participant instead of a rape victim.He would show the tape and threaten to post it on the Internet and let theirfellow students know where it could be found. This is what usually did thetrick, resigned to the fact that the rape had already happened and they couldnot do anything to turn back the clock.

He was very particular about his victims. He didn't justgrab anyone; he was always looking for a specific type or nationality. Thefirst time he had raped a black girl, never having had one before sexually,he enjoyed it immensely, her black face looking at him and her pink lips wrappedaround his cock allowed him to shoot off in her mouth three times in a rowwithout even withdrawing. Her jaw was almost busted from the long period shewas forced to service his cock. She must have sucked it for over an hour.

This year he craved an Asian girl. He would enjoy the small,tight body. He had already picked his victim. Her name was Mita, a small girlof Japanese heritage in one of his classes.

Mita stood at 5"4" tall, 115 pounds with straightblack hair that fell below her shoulders. She had penetrating Asian eyes andfull lips that could make a boy's cock harden whenever she sensuously lickedher lips. She worked out in college gym three times a week and was proud ofher firm ass and her best asset, her breasts. This is what turned the boys'heads. She would often not wear a bra, her 32Bs would stand up proudly. Sheloved to wear tight, thin-strapped tank tops, especially as classrooms wereoften chilly, her nipples poking out like hard erasers, a slight jiggle inher breasts as she wrote.

She wanted to go to law school so she had to have excellentgrades, but she had to work hard to achieve them. She was not like some thatit would come easy to, each "A" required hard work. That was thereason she took Michael's class. He was known to be a good lecturer and aneasy grader, especially to the female students. Mita desperately needs an "A" inhis class to boost her GPA, so she planned to go braless often to class, sittingin the front room, hoping to help her chances for an "A".

Mita did not date much. She would often accept lunch datesafter class, knowing that the boy would pay for lunch but was not into developinga serious relationship. She could see the way they looked at her, eyes peeringdown her flimsy top, hoping to catch a glimpse of the quarter-sized dark areolasthat surrounded her eraser-end like nipples. She could feel their stares asshe walked away, watching her ass sway seductively as she walked. They alldesired to get her into her hot, teenage pussy.

Mita wasn't a virgin, but she wasn't promiscuous. She hadsex with only boys she was in love with and the count, thus far, was two soher experience was limited. Mita really wasn't really into sex, she liked it,but she never craved it. She couldn't even cum when she masturbated so shehardly ever touched herself. She couldn't get past the notion that she wasself-servicing herself and that turned her off.

Sex to her was what was required to please her boyfriendat that time. She would often be asked to suck their cock. She still had ahard gag reflex, but that seemed to delight them even more, the sound of herchoking and gagging as they pushed their cock deep into her tight throat makingthem even harder. She would swallow their cum to please them but did not likethe feeling or the taste of their cum on her tongue, the salty, pasty fluidsoften making her choke as it ran down her throat.

Her ass was firm and round and still virginal. She neverallowed her boyfriends to stick their finger up there, let alone their cocks.She thought that type of sex wasn't romantic and drew the line on it.

Her boyfriends would often make her do some kinky thingsfor them. One boyfriend would make her lick her fingers and then rub her nipples.Then he would tell her to massage her breasts as he fucked her pussy . Whileher nipples would become very hard, Mita was humiliated displaying herselfin that way.

The other boyfriend would make her finger herself as shesucked his cock. She did that too but never enjoyed it. He would watch hermasturbate, her fingers gripped tightly by her pussy as he pulled her nipples,her mouth sucking his cock, hoping to make him cum so her embarrassment wouldend. She did not want to be thought of as a sex toy.

Her breasts turned both her lovers on. They would make herride them, forcing her to sit on their big cocks, her arms behind her neck,her elbows pointed to the side, her breasts thrust out. Then they would makeher fuck them, loving to see her breasts bounce as she did, their hard cockpushing deep into her tight pussy. She would have to shut her eyes, not wantingto see the lust in their eyes as she performed for them, glad when she finallyfelt their hot cum gushing in her pussy.

Mita sat in the front section of Michael's class, wantingto impress him, always taking good notes. She hoped that he would notice herattentiveness as this class was the only one that concerned her. Some daysshe would wear a skirt or dress, always rather short, highlighting her lovelylegs. She would often notice Michael looking at her. While she did not attemptto gather his attention toward her, she didn't want to stop it either. Sheneeded all the help she could get; if her naked legs made him look to see howwell she was taking notes, then so be it. Her tops would get even more of hisattention. The classrooms were usually cold, the air conditioning always blowing.She often would wear a thin top without a bra, her pointed nipples poking outthe front like a pair of small headlights. She was uncomfortable with his staring,often distracting her from what he was saying.

Trouble began a month ago. It was the first essay test andMita spent a lot of time preparing for it. She thought she knew it forwardand backward. A few days later she received her grade. It was an "F".Mita had never received an "F" on any college exam before.

She went to talk to Michael during his office hours andnearly broke down in tears. "I don't know what happened," sobbingas she sat there, "I'm always in class taking notes, I don't understandit. I really need a good grade in this class."

Michael stood up and went behind her, putting his handson her shoulders. He could smell her perfume, the smell of her hair, his cockjumping in his pants. "It's only the first exam, you still had time tomake up your grade." He rubbed her shoulders, feeling how tense she was.She just needs a good fuck and that would make it all better, he thought andsilently chuckled. "Just study harder and take better notes. If you arestill having problems after the next exam, come back and talk to me. I'm surethere is some way that we can help each other out."

Mita felt a little relieved, though not really understandinghis last remark of helping each other out. Maybe she could do some extra creditwork. "Thank you." Mita stood up quickly, a little uncomfortablewith his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them.

Mita noticed that Michael paid even more attention to herin class. She would be taking notes, feeling his eyes on her. Maybe he won'tbe such a hard grader since he sees how hard I'm trying in his class, Mitathought.

What she didn't know, however, was that Michael wasn't lookingto see how good of a student she was. He was looking at her breasts, the slightbounce in them as she furiously scribbled her notes. He imagined how thosebreasts would feel in his hands. He looked down at her legs, the short skirtbarely covering anything, thinking of how tight her body would be. How herpussy would milk his hard cock. His fantasy would only last a few seconds,his cock already stirring in his pants, the podium could only conceal so much.

Mita felt confident after the next essay test, expectingno lower then a "B". She even smiled to Michael as she turned itin. Her happiness over the test lasted only for a week when the exams werereturned. She had done better then an "F", but not quite an "A".In fact it was a "D". Tears welled up in her eyes. She answered everything!She even added details that most students probably failed to write. What couldshe have done wrong?

Mita approached Michael after class, "I don't understandmy grade. I was sure I got an "A", at least a "B".

"I have another class to go to right now, but let'stalk about your grade later," Michael said.

Can I see you during your office hours?" Mita asked.

"Actually, you just reminded me. I'm canceling my officehours this week. I have conferences with the Dean all week, with a dinner onFriday," Michael said. "I'm trying to convince him why my departmentneeds more money."

"I'd really like to talk to you as soon as possible," Mitasaid. "I can make time for you. Just let me know when you would be available." Hervoice sound urgent, she needed to resolve this, she couldn't wait.

"Why don't you stop by my office Friday night around9? I know that's late, but I plan to stop by my office after the dinner topick up some things," Michael said. He paused and added, "that mightactually be better because you won't have to compete with other students whoalso want to talk about their grades. I know you're trying hard, Mita, that'swhy I'm letting you see me at so late on a Friday."

Mita hesitated. She didn't want to be meet with him thatlate. She knew that most professors and students leave the campus early onFridays to get a quick start on the weekend. However, she also knew how muchthis grade could hurt her. If she failed this class, she might as well kissany chance of entering a good law school goodbye. "If that is the onlytime, fine. I will see you Friday night," at least partially relieved.She would to do whatever was necessary to fix this. It was too important.

It was a nice and clear Friday night, Mita arriving withher class notebook and old tests. Before she left her apartment, she practicedwhat she was going to say. "I'll just mention all the good points thatI made in my essays," she thought to herself. She planned to show Michaelall the notes she took and argue why she deserved a higher grade.

As she walked down the halls of the building, she felt uneasy.She wasn't used to the building so empty and quiet, the only thing she couldhear was the sound of her feet shuffling down the hall.

As she walked up the stairs to the second level and turnedthe corner, she knew her professor was in his office. His door was the onlyone open and the light was on. She walked in the office. It looked different.Usually, the office was cluttered with books. Books would be all over his desk,on some chairs, stacked alongside the walls and bookshelf, piled on the floor.This time, most of the books on the desk, chairs, and floors were gone.  Theoffice looked bigger and more spacious.

"Hi, Mita, good to see you. Have a seat," saidMichael when she came in. He was sitting behind his desk putting documentsinto his briefcase. His desk looked awfully bare without any books on it. Theonly things on it were pens and a few papers.

Mita took a seat in front of the desk and waited until Michaelfinished packing his briefcase. The air was warm in the office. The Universityalways turned off the air conditioner on the weekend to conserve electricity.She took off her cardigan revealing her tight red spaghetti strap tank top.She wished she had not worn it now, thinking that the cardigan would coverher.

Michael inconspicuously glanced up from his briefcase tonotice that she was not wearing a bra. Her nipples were soft but still couldbe faintly seen. He felt his cock start to harden. "So, you're here totalk about the exam?" Michael said.

"Yes sir," Mita began. She couldn't finish. Shecould feel the pent up frustration well up as tears. She told herself to bestrong, but she couldn't stop from crying. "Oh, professor, I tried sohard on both of these exams. I don't think I deserve the grades I got," Mitacried.

He looked concerned, got up and walked from behind the desk,standing behind her. He put his hand on her shoulders, feeling her silky skin.He looked down the front of her top, able to see the generous cleavage thetop highlighted. "It's ok, Mita, grades aren't everything. There's onemore test left for the semester. You probably won't get an "A" but there'sstill a possibility that you could pass," he said.

"No," she gasped between sobs. "You don'tunderstand. If I don't do well, I don't get into a good law school."

Michael kept his hand on her shoulders, rubbing them asbefore. "You're an excellent student in his class." He let one hand runthrough her black hair, his other hand rubbing her shoulder. His cock was hard.

"There is something you can do to greatly improve yourgrade," Michael said, his hands continuing to run over her body.

"What is it? I'll do anything right now," shesobbed.

Michael let his fingers run up the back of her neck, overto the side of her face, pausing before saying, "Mita, you're a beautifulgirl. You're young and you're just absolutely gorgeous." He took a deepbreath and continued, "Can you think of anything that I might want fromyou Mita?"

Michael stood to the side of her, his hand lifting her faceup to him.  She was staring at his crotch, noticing the bulge inhis pants only inches from her face. She tried to turn her head away, Michael'shand holding her tightly. She felt his other hand reach down and grab her wrist,pulling her limp arm up and pressing it against his bulge. Mita could feelthe hard cock in his pants. Her eyes widened and a shiver ran through her.She tried to take her hand away, but Michael caught it and held it there. Hebent down to kiss her cheek.

"No, professor, no," Mita protested, trying tostand up.

Michael caught her and pushed her back down in the chair.He kissed her cheek again, pinning her hand against his jerking cock, whisperingin her ear, "Listen, Mita, I'm very well respected at this University.I've brought in a lot of money for this school and haven't had an ounce oftrouble. I could fail you if I wanted to, it would be as easy as snapping myfingers. It wouldn't matter if you write the best essay in the class, you wouldget an "F". The University knows that many students lie and makeup reasons for getting a better grade. If I fail you, the University will supportme no matter how much you protest."

Mita sat in the chair and cried. Michael bent down nextto her, his face near hers. He continued, "Now, if you do everything Itell you to do, you will get an "A". You won't even have to take the test." Hishand moved down to her thighs, one hand slipping between her legs, rubbingup and down her jeans.

Mita felt his hand running up and down the inside of herlegs, the big hand pushing out on her legs, making her spread them. She felthis lips on her cheek again, his hand becoming more urgent, moving up higherand higher. It would only be a matter of time and he would be running his handover her sex. What could she do? She was powerless, trapped in the room, thebuilding empty. Even if she screamed, would anyone be around to help her? Sheknew that no one would believe her if she accused one of the most respectedprofessors of sexual harassment.

Michael let his hand continue the exploration of her thigh,seeing her fists clenched tightly, but her arms unwilling to stop his unwantedfondling of her body. That was all he needed to continue. "Do you havea boyfriend Mita?"

She looked at him, getting angry now. "That's personal," sheshot back.

"I said, do you have a boyfriend? I expect an answer," hislarge hand able to grip her thigh and squeeze it tightly.

"OOOOWWW, that hurts!" she cried out, his handfeeling like a vise on her thigh, trapping the tender flesh.

"We can do this the hard way or the easy way, Mita.It's up to you, but we will do it. You're not going anywhere until I'm finishedwith you." He released her thigh, but then tightened again, feeling hersquirm in pain. "Now, do you have a boyfriend?"

Silence lay thickly between them, her eyes glaring at him.She felt the pain of his hand again. "Not now," she replied hesitatingly,feeling the hand relax and begin to caress her thighs again.

"Have anyone ever fucked your tight pussy?" Hecontinued to rub her thighs.

"Yes," her head hanging in shame.

"Did your old boyfriends make you suck their cocks,Mita?"

She really felt uncomfortable, making her tell of her intimaterelations. She felt his hand squeeze her thigh again, "OOOW, yes."

Michael's cock jumped at the thought of her lips wrappedaround his cock, her hot breath on his cockhead. "Has anyone ever fuckedyou in the ass, Mita?"

"No," she quickly exclaimed, "never!"

He had found her weakness, her asshole. He always exploitedwhat they feared the most. In Mita's case, it was her sweet asshole. That wouldbe his first conquest. He leaned over and began to kiss her, feeling her lipstighten as he did. "Kiss back," he demanded, his hand squeezing again,her legs spreading apart in pain. He pressed his lips on hers again, this timeher soft lips parted, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth, rub over herteeth. His hand moved to her breasts, rubbing the youthful globes, no bra protectingthem from his hands. She squirmed more in the chair, his other hand now upto her crotch, her thick jeans her only protection.

"I'll have you kicked out of school if you resist.Now let me have my way with you. Relax; you will enjoy it and I will make youcum for me," he taunted her.

Mita began to cry, her sobs blocked by his lips, her handsstill clutching the chair arms, his hands having unfettered access to her nubilebody.

"Stand up," he suddenly ordered her, pulling herup from the chair. He moved behind her, his face nuzzling her neck, "youare a sexy little bitch," he taunted her more.

She could feel his hard cock pressed up against her ass.She knew that he was going to rape her and she could do nothing to stop him.His hands moved over her body. He squeezed her nearly naked breasts, fingertipsfinding her nipples, squeezing them to erection as she squirmed in pain. Hishand slid down her taut stomach, stopping at the top of her jeans, nervouslyfumbling with her belt. She felt the material relax, her belt hanging uselesslyopen. Mita closed her eyes when she felt the button open, the zipper soundinglike an airplane in the quiet room as it was slipped down.

Michael's cock jerked against her tight ass as he loweredthe zipper. He heard her sobbing. "Don't resist, Mita. I'm stronger thenyou are. I'm going to fuck you, so you might as well relax and enjoy it. Ihave a nice big cock that is going to stuff your little body and make you cum." Helaughed at her obvious discomfort.

Michael's large body easily overpowered Mita. Her 115-poundbody stood no chance against his 225 pounds. His large hand, barely able tofit, pushed into her jeans and her panty-covered abdomen, feeling her nakedsex.

"You shave your pussy, you little whore," he mockedher, feeling her naked pussy. "Just like a little girl, Mita."

Mita didn't know what to say. Her professor was going torape her. She just continued to cry.

She felt him pushing her over to the desk, her hips bangingpainfully against the side of it.

"Lean over, Mita, put your hands on the desk and I willfuck your hot, tight ass," Michael said. His hand on her back pushed her downon the desk, her almost naked breasts hitting the cold surface. She felt ahand slap her ass, the jean material taking the brunt of the pain


"Hold that position for me Mita. Be a good girl andI will feed you some cock," Michael said, his voice filled with lust. He finishedtaking off her jeans and her panties slid partly down with them. Mita criedlouder as she felt herself slowly being stripped from the waist down. She couldfeel him kneeling behind her, and she was ashamed at how she must have looked.

Michael ran his hands over her ass and noticed that herpanties were barely able to conceal her flesh. "You're so beautiful Mita,what a lovely body you have." His hand slapped her ass cheek and causedher head to pull up from the desk. Michael's pushed down on her back. "Staydown, I like you this way. Such a nice ass, pushed out for me."

Mita felt him behind her, his hand on top of her panties.Her held her breath, knowing that she was about to have her naked sex exposed. "Nooo…" Mitablubbered, her head turning towards Michael, seeing the lust in his eyes. Shefelt the panties slowly being pulled down her ass cheeks, exposing her nakedflesh. Farther and farther it slid until it was at her feet.

"Keep your hands on the desk, your head turned this way.   Iwant to see your face as I play with your lovely body," the professor commanded.Mita obeyed, her tear-filled eyes pleading with him.

She saw his face only inches from her ass, his hands rubbingher naked flesh.  She was so embarrassed, her Professor molestingher young flesh, unable to stop him, bent submissively over the desk.  "No,please!" she cried out when she felt his hands on her ass cheeks, hisfat fingers digging into her flesh, slowly peeling them back, her anus beingexposed to him.  "Not! There!" her hands reached back tostop him.

"Hands on the desk or I'll use a belt on this cuteass." His hands slapped hers away, watching as she returned to grip theedge of the desk tightly, sobbing as his fingers continued to spread her open.  Heblew on her anus, seeing tiny goose bumps appear on the dark circle, her bodyshivering in fear.  He let one of his fingers slip lower, runningup her pussy slit, feeling her juices.  "You might act likeyou hate this, but your pussy is putting out crème for me." Helaughed as his fingertip scooped up some of the juices.

She saw him open a drawer and shuddered when he pulled outa jar of Vaseline.  The sound of the lid turning was so loud, orat least she thought it was, knowing what the purpose of the lubricant was.  Hewas going to lubricate her asshole.  She had never allowed any ofher boyfriends to touch her there, she was sure he would not be so persuaded.  "Fuckmy pussy, please, not my butt."  She would do anything to avoidthis assault.

Michael was not being deterred.  He let his handsgently stroke her ass cheeks like a lover would do, "it's OK Mita, settledown, I'll be gentle," he lied, his finger dipping into the lubricantand gleamed with the Vaseline.  "Relax now, it will be a littlecold," his finger pushed against her asshole, having to hold her downwith his other hand as she jerked in surprise from his touch.

She shivered, the slippery finger gently rubbing the lubricantover her anus, feeling the pressure as he pushed harder and harder as he circledthe tiny opening, then feeling the small hole being pushed in.  "AAAGGGGHH!" shecried out her tiny asshole pierced for the first time.  "GGGGGODDDD!" shecried again, "I thought you said you would be gentle? AAAAGGHH!" Hisfinger slowly slid up and down her anal tract, lubricating it.    Hersphincter grabbed onto the fat finger, gripping it like a lover would do, butin an attempt expel the foreign object.  She had never felt so humiliatedas she did now, bent over the desk, her legs spread, his finger noisily slippingin and out her asshole, gliding along on the Vaseline.  She knewhe was just preparing her for when he would sodomize her, crying at her ownplight.

"What a hot, tight asshole you have Mita.  I'mglad you saved it for me," he laughed.  He slapped her ass hard,feeling her sphincter clench in pain on his invading finger.  "Ilike that, Mita, grip my finger again," slapping her ass cheek again,watching it turn red, her sphincter clenching on his finger in pain.

She felt him pull his finger from her asshole, a small fartof air escaping as he did.  "No! No more!'' she begged, unableto control her own body.  She could hear him fumbling with his beltand removing his pants.  "Please don't do this," Mita begged as shesobbed. "I won't tell anyone what happened."

"You don't want me to fuck you?" Michael asked in a patronizingtone. His eight-inch cock was fully erect and thrusting out of his pants.  Hestepped behind her, his feet nudging her legs farther apart.  "You'regoing to have to spread open for me, Mita.  I want your ass openfor me."  He rubbed some Vaseline on his cock and moved so shecould see it.  "This is all for you, Mita.  It's goingup your teenage asshole." He walked over to her and pressed it againsther ass.  He could feel her clenching and unclenching at the rudeintrusion.  She cried as she felt the hot flesh against her. "It'llbe ok, Mita, just relax," he said as he rubbed his cock in between her asscheeks, sliding on the slippery lubricant.

The next thing Mita realized, there was something warm andhard pressing against her asshole. "NNNNNOOO!" she screamed, butMichael quickly covered her mouth.

"You don't like the fact that you're professor is goingto fuck your asshole, huh?" Michael said. He positioned his cock right againsther tiny anus, still slick with the Vaseline. "Well, I'm going to fuck you,Mita, I'm going to fuck you now!"

"MMMMmmmmmph!" Mita's muffled scream came from behind herprofessor's hand as he pushed harder and harder into her ass. Michael neverfelt anything so tight and hot in his life. It took him a few thrusts to getall the way in.

Mita could not believe the pain.  Even when shelost her virginity, the pain was quick.  This was a slow, gradualfucking; feeling like it was tearing her flesh as he slowly pushed inside herasshole.  She felt the large head pushing and shoving, her anus stretchingwide to take the girth of the huge cock.  She felt her anus gripthe cockhead as it was finally engulfed in her rectum.  She pushedout, her rectum burning from the brutal rape of her asshole.

Michael let her get used to it before he began to push inagain.  He heard her muffled screams as he slowly sank his cock deeperand deeper into her asshole.  Her insides would clench and unclenchon it, her sphincter gripping the hard cock as it slid in and out, just likea hand masturbating his cock.  He would thrust in, then out, eachtime going deeper and deeper, rabbit fucking her, making her feel his steelymember.

Mita could not believe how much it hurt!  Hiscock felt like a steel bar, unyielding, in her asshole.  She couldfeel the big vein running up the length of it, every bump and ridge on it rubbedharshly on her untouched anal tract.  He finally sank deep into hercolon, her stomach cramping on the eight inches of hot, throbbing flesh twitchinginside her asshole.  She felt his balls slapping hard against herpussy lips.

"I'm going to uncover your mouth now. If you scream, I'llbeat you with my belt," Michael said. He put both of his hands on her hipsas he started to thrust in and out of her.  He saw her tiny anusgripping his cock, stretched and pulled wide open around his meat.

Mita looked back and sobbed. She couldn't believe her professorwas violating her in this horrible manner. She couldn't believe the pain shefelt, thinking she was being ripped in two.  Her whole body was inpain, her anal tract burning as the lubricant began to wear thin, his dry cockrubbing painfully along her anal tract like sandpaper.  Her stomachturned in pain, his cockhead would bang painfully against the side, ignitingsharp pains in her body.  She could feel him begin to make deep,hard strokes, each time burying his cock inside her as it banged painfullyin her colon.

"Can you hear me slapping against you?" Michael lustfullyasked as he continued to bang her. He gave her a few hard thrusts to make herfeel even more pain. Mita just moaned in response. For a while, the only soundsthat could be heard were the heavy breathing of the professor, the random criesfrom Mita and the sounds of their bodies slapping against each other.

Michael's hands traveled underneath Mita's tank top andplayed with her perfect tits. Mita moaned again, feeling ashamed. Michael'shands wrapped around her breasts and squeezed them, his fingers pinching andtwisting her nipples.

"God, your jugs are soft," Michael said. "Let's see them." Hepulled her upper body off the desk by her hair, arching her back, without pullinghis cock out of her. He carried her over to the chair, making her bend overit, her hands on the seat, her breasts hanging down, her ass thrust out ashe continued to fuck her tight asshole.  He lifted up her shirt,exposing her tits to the air.

"Take off your shirt," he ordered. He stopped fucking herto let her take her tank top off, but left his cock buried deep in her colon,twitching in excitement as she involuntarily clenched on the invading flesh.  Onceall her clothes were off, Michael began to fuck her with punishing strokesof his hard cock.

"You're so tight, Mita," Michael murmured as he continuedhis rhythmic thrusts. "Hot little asshole," his large body bent overher small frame, completely covering her.  He began to enter herat angles so that he could make her anal rape more painful.

"Please! Not so hard!" Mita cried and begged himto stop.

"I'm not going to stop, I'm enjoying the ride," he laughed,throwing his hips forward with the force of all of his 225 pounds, sinkinghis eight inch cock into the once virgin asshole of the tiny Asian girl bentover the chair.

He cupped her breasts with his hands, feeling the lusciousflesh fill his palms and started fucking her harder. "I love it when yourtits jiggle," he said while pumping her with his cock, his stomach bangingagainst her ass, her body shaking, her tits jiggling just as he loved.

Mita felt helpless. There was nothing she could do to stophim, sobbing as she suffered the brutal rape of her asshole.  Sheonly hoped that he would not do any permanent damage to her body.

"Reach behind and feel my cock," the professor said.  Heslapped her ass when she hesitated.

Mita obeyed and cried, but moved her hand between her legs,feeling the hard, slippery cock sliding between her fingers as it plunderedher ass.

"It feels good doesn't it? It's so big, Mita and you'reasshole is so small."  It felt even better, her hand masturbatinghis cock as he fucked her asshole.

Michael's strokes began to get harder and faster. "Ahh,I'm going to cum in your ass," he said.

Mita cried and shook her head, "No! No, not in there!"  Sheshuddered in revulsion, felt his breathing become quicker and the weight ofhis body slumped over hers, his sweat dripping on her ass and back as he fuckedher.  She screamed in pain as the cock swelled then shot her withhis load of cum, the hot juices dumping deep into her colon.  Itwas terrible, the salty fluid burning her anal tract, already torn by the batteringof his dry cock. She moaned as he continued to pump within her.

"Milk my cock with your asshole, squeeze it like youwere pushing out a turd," he demanded, wanting her to make her anal rapeeven more pleasurable for him.

Mita tightened on the hard cock, the pain increasing, butwilling to do anything to end the rape of her asshole.  She feltanother load of cum filling her stomach, which gurgled as a third and finallya fourth load of cum was shot inside her.  She cried when he finallyfinished, her body slowly sinking to the floor.

Michael let his cock slowly pull out of her, feeling hersphincter grab it like it did not want it to leave. "That was a great ass fuck,Mita.  Did you like it?  Are you ready for more now?"

Mita lay crumpled to the floor sobbing. She never felt sohumiliated and so much pain in her life. "Please, can I go now?" she beggedMichael.

"Sit up for me, Mita," Michael said. "Timeto get me hard again." Mita shook her head. Michael slapped her face.He watched her as she slowly sat up on her knees. This was the first time hehad actually seen her breasts and they looked great. They jiggled as she triedto stand up, her nipples pointed and hard.

Mita complied, Michael standing in front of her. He pattedher head and ran his fingers through her hair, Mita continuing to weep. "You'regoing to get me hard again," Michael said. He ran his fingers over herhair, gripping her head between his big hands, pushing her up towards his cock. "Openyour mouth and suck me, Mita," he said.

Mita stared at his limp cock, still glistening with Vaselinefrom her anal rape.  She didn't want to do it.  She didn'twant the dirty cock in her mouth, still covered with cum, Vaseline and Godknows what else.  She felt him slap her again, her head shaking inpain.  She knew what he wanted her to do. She felt so helpless. Shedid what she was told, opening her mouth, Michael inserting his limp cock.  Ittasted terrible, mixing with her saliva, filling her mouth with the foul fluids.  Mitadecided to get it over with as soon as she could. Once he cums, he will letme go. Surely he will be satisfied by then, she thought. She began to suckon his cock furiously, her tongue flicking against Michael's cockhead,bathing the bulbous head.  She let her hands lightly squeeze andpull his balls, feeling them begin to tighten again, knowing she was makingmore cum to fill her body. Every once in a while, she would reach up andlightly rake her fingers down Michael's abdomen.

"Oh, god, that feels so good," Michael gasped, "yousure know how to suck cock." His cock was starting to harden again.

Mita felt his cock grow inside her mouth. It was gettingharder to fit it all inside her. She paused, trying to move back so the cockcould grow, but Michael kept her head pressed against his balls.

"You're going to take it all in, bitch" he said.

Mita groaned and started to gag as the cock hit the backof her throat. Her throat muscles began to grip Michael's cock and makeit grow even more. Michael held Mita's head still as he started thrusting hiscock down her throat.  "Yeah, that's a good girl, choke on mycock, make it hard again." Mita closed her eyes as she felt his ballsslap noisily against her chin. She hoped it would be over soon, her tonguelapping up and down the flesh filling her mouth. She heard him moan in pleasure.Tears fell from her eyes as she serviced his cock like a whore, his hands holdingher head as she lapped at it, hoping to make him cum.  Afraid hewould make her swallow it when he did.

Michael suddenly pulled out. His hard cock stood straightout and glistened with her saliva. "Lay on your back on my desk so I canfuck your shaven pussy," he said.

Mita whimpered, "Please don't fuck me," but shesaw in his eyes that he would not be deterred.  She sat on the deskand lay back on it. "Spread your legs apart. You're going to want themwide," he said.  With pleasure, he watched her obey, her littlebody slowing lying back on the hard

desk.  He watched as she spread her legs spreadopen, her teen pussy, tight and pink, being exposed.  His cock jerkedas he watched her.  "Mmmm, you're such a slut, aren't you, Mita?Only sluts shave their pussy."

Mita cried and shook her head. She shaved her pussy becauseher last lover liked it naked like a schoolgirl. She kept it shaved becauseshe got used to the look of it and because it itched when the hair grew back.

Michael pulled off his pants and boxers so that he was onlywearing his socks and dress shirt. He stood between her spread legs, his largehands gripping her ankles.  He pulled them apart, opening her uplike she was a wishbone, then released one ankle to fist his cock and positionit between her spread lips, rubbing the saliva-coated head up and down herdry slit.  He pushed at her tiny hole, watching it open as he thrusthis hips forward, the bulbous head entering her vagina with a mighty force,spreading her wider still.

Mita cried out as his big cock stretched her, closing hereyes as he painfully sank into her tight pussy. She was so ashamed. She laidthere, legs spread, pussy speared by his cock, her hands covering her breastsand her eyes closed.

Michael grabbed her hands, pinning them over her head, hiships jerking forward, punching his cock into her splayed pussy.  "Openyour eyes and look at me. I want to see you watch me as I fuck you," Michaelsaid, his cock sawing painfully in and out of her.

Mita saw his face. He was smiling and she could tell thathis eyes were looking at every part of her body. She could feel his pubic hairtouch her pussy every time he thrust inside her.

"Your titties are so beautiful. I want to see themdance," Michael said. His thrusts became harder and faster. Mita moaned.Her insides felt like they were being torn apart by his raping cock.  Itwas almost as bad as when he raped her asshole. Her breasts started to jigglemore violently.

Her breasts turned Michael on even more. Her nipples mesmerizedhim as they bounced up and down on her white skin. He reached out with onehand and grabbed her left breast. He squeezed it then bent down to suck it.

"No, please, no," Mita begged him to stop. Michael'stongue furiously rubbed her nipple and occasionally nipped at it causing Mitato loudly gasp. She was afraid he would bite too hard in his state of excitement.

Michael then grabbed both of her breasts and started massagingthem as he fucked her. Her breasts felt like small pillows.

Mita's mind went blank as her body continued to be violated.How could she have gotten herself in this situation, she wondered? She justhoped Michael would cum soon, her body bumping painfully, his hips drivinghis rigid cock into her tiny body, the wooden desk unyielding, forcing herto take his brutal fucks.

But he didn't. He continued to fuck her for another 20 minutes,enjoying her cries of pain when he would feed her a particularly cruel fuck.  "Grabmy dick, feel it sliding inside your bald pussy," he grabbed her tinyhand and wrapped it around his big cock, masturbating it like he made her dowhen he fucked her ass. He stuck one of his fingers in her mouth and made hersuck it. His other hand continued to play with her breasts.

"I'm going to cum," Michael said. His shirt clungto him with sweat.

"Don't cum in me, I don't want to get pregnant," forgettingit while he was raping her but now clearly aware of the fact as he readiedto unload his semen inside her fertile vagina.

"Don't worry, I have a pill you can take that willprevent you from getting pregnant," Michael said. "I'm going to cuminside you, Mita. Get ready bitch. Here I come." He arched his back, buryinghis cock inside her, bruising her cervix as he bottomed out painfully insideher small body.

Mita struggled, trying to sit up and push her professoroff of her but it was too late. His large body smothered her and she couldfeel his sperm hit her vaginal walls. Michael pushed her back against the deskand collapsed on top of her. She could feel his cock jerk and heard Michaelgroan. She had no choice but to wait until he was finished with her, his cockjerking inside her, bathing her inside with his hot cum.

Michael lay on top of her for a while, slowly getting up,his limp cock pulling out of her red and swollen vagina. He looked at her body.She was crying. Her arms were still above her head and her legs were stillspread open. He could see his cum dribbling from her ass and pussy. Her smoothlegs hung limply over the desk. Her breasts shook as she sobbed. If he hadn'tfucked her twice already, he probably would have been hard again from the sightof her. But he needed to rest for a while.

He threw her jeans and shirt to her, "put these on,you don't need your panties," watching as she scrambled to get dressed,eager to leave the scene of her multiple rapes. He quickly put on his pantsas she dressed. When she finished, he spun her around, slapping a set of metalhandcuffs on her slim wrists, her body shuddering as she felt the cold steelgrip her wrists tightly.

"What-- What are you doing?" she stuttered.

He shoved her towards the door. "We're going for aride.  And then I'm going to ride you some more.  You'rea great fuck, nice tight body.  I'm going to keep you around fora while and rape you some more."  He leaned over her body, hislips on her neck, biting it.  "You want some more cock, don'tyou Mita?  In your tight pussy or maybe up your asshole again." Hepushed her out of the empty building into his car, the only one left in thelot, pushing her into the front seat beside him.  He sat her down,unbuckled her belt and pulled the zipper down on her jeans before getting readyto leave.  "I want to enjoy that little pussy while we drive," hersobs filled the car as she realized her rape was only just beginning.

Michael walked around the car and got in the driver's seat.He looked over at his young student. She sat with tears pouring down her face.He reached over to her, pulling her towards him. "Tears will getyou no where," his hand sliding over her smooth stomach, his fingers slowlypushing into her opened jeans. He kissed her cheek as his hand slid overher naked pubs, feeling her trying to jerk away from him. He gripped hersex with his hand, squeezing it tightly. She squealed and pressed herlegs harder together. "Love that pussy," he exclaimed, "spreadyour legs open, I want to see if you're wet."

It was too late to stop him, her legs reluctantly parting,letting him have his way with her teenage body. She felt his finger runningup and down her slit, thankful that she was not wet, but the dry finger hurtingas it dragged painfully up her tender flesh. She felt his finger rub herclit. Mita was in no state to get aroused, sobbing even louder.

Michael smiled and gave a short laugh. He removed his handfrom her pussy and brought it to her tits, moving under her tank top, raisingit up and exposing her perky tits. His hands reached back to lightly graband fondle each tit. He wanted her to know that he owned her and could do anythinghe wanted. His head moved down to one of her nipples, the rubbery flesh hardlike an eraser. "Want me to suck your nipples?" His lips wrappedaround the tender flesh, his tongue lashing back and forth over the swellingbud.

Michael decided to stop his abuse, just for the moment andget to the hideout. He'd bought a small house close to campus where many ofthe college students lived. Michael's house was the last house on the streetbordered on one side by a wooded area so it was also very secluded. The otherside of him was neighbors who were rarely home during the weekends. He didn'treally have to worry about keeping his victims quiet because so many peoplethrew parties during the weekend. Any screaming coming from his house wouldbe confused with the loud college student parties.

As he drove to the house, he periodically reached over,making her arch her ass up from the seat, his hand free to slide inside herjeans and touch Mita's pussy. She whimpered and whined each timehe did.

"Does it still hurt from my dick being stuck up you?" Michaelasked.

"Yes," she cried, "please stop hurting me.I won't tell anyone. Just let me go," Mita begged.

"That's right you won't tell anyone," Michaelsaid. "I'm going to rape you over and over again until you beg meto fuck you." 

Michael loved to torment his victims, loved the fear intheir eyes when they realized that they would be raped repeatedly. "Never!I'll never ask you to fuck me," Mita's eyes showing her fear.

"You'll beg me to fuck you, all right. You'llbeg to suck my cock and fuck your asshole, even if I have to whip youwith a belt until you do," his cock getting harder at the thought of whipping herwhite, tender skin or even her pussy.

As Michael drove to his house, he got an idea. There wasa small dirt path off the road that led to the woods next to his house. Notmany people knew about it because the path was around a sharp curve in theroad and trees and shrubs did a good job of hiding it. Michael only discoveredthe path when he almost hit two young boys who shot out on the street in frontof his car. He stopped in time and then looked to see where the boys came from.He decided to explore the area and found that it was isolated from everything.He always meant to bring one of his students there, but he wanted to bringa special one, one with whom he could really have fun.

Michael tapped on his brakes when he knew that the pathwas near. It was so easy to miss, especially in the dark. He saw it and turnedsharply, Mita thrown to one side of the seat. The path was bumpy and Michaelwas worried that a branch would block his path. He should've inspected thearea before to make sure it was clear, he thought.

Mita was terrified. She had no idea where they were headed.Fortunately, Michael's car made it through. He drove far enough so that thecar could not be seen from the road. He left his headlights on so he couldsee what he was about to do. After he got out of the car, he opened the doorfor Mita.

"Ever been fucked in the woods?" he asked.

"Not here, please no," not wanting to be boundon the hard ground, bugs and animals able to run over her body, her cuffedhands unable to protect her. He pulled her out of the car, reachingaround to uncuff her. 

"Strip off your clothes," he ordered, his handreaching down to his crotch, unzipping his fly, reaching in and pulling outhis big cock.

Mita hesitated, but she didn't know what else she coulddo so she slowly removed her clothes. First she pulled her tank top over herhead, her breasts rising up, her nipples almost an inch long in the cool nightair. She slid the jeans down her legs, Michael watching her every secondof the time, her breasts hanging down, jiggling as she struggled with the tightpants.

Once she was completely naked, Michael began to stripthe rest of his clothes off, heavy balls dangling beneath the ominous cockthat stood out. This was the first time Mita had seen him completely nudeand she looked away in embarrassment.

"Look at me, Mita," Michael said, his fist grasping his cock, stroking the large member back and forth.

Mita looked up and saw his massive body and hard cock.

Michael approached her and started touching her breasts.Chills ran down Mita from his touch. "I'm going to fuck you in the assagain. This time, it's going to hurt. I hope you're still lubricated," hesaid. His hand rubbed her ass cheeks, letting his fingers trace along the crease. Heslapped her ass when he felt her tighten her cheeks. "No use tighteningon me now, Mita. I've already had that snug asshole." Her cheeksrelaxed, his fingers again searched out her crease, straying over her abusedanus. 

Mita cried as Michael pushed her to the hood of the carand forced her to lean on it. Her breasts immediately absorbing the heat ofthe engine. 

"Scream all you want," Michael said. "We'reout in the middle of no where."

Mita felt him behind her, his legs kicking hers open, makingher fall face forward onto the hard metal as she slid down. He kept spreadingher open; her crotch feeling like it would tear as she was so exposed. "No,not there again, you hurt me so bad back there," she cried, her assholestill burning from the previous anal rape. 

"I can't resist that hot, tight asshole," fistinghis cock and placing it against her anus.  The tiny hole was nowred and swollen, having been forced to service his cock once already.

Mita tried to move away, feeling Michael grab herhips, gripping them tightly, keeping her prepared for his anal rape. Shefelt him pull up on her hips, arching her ass up, her anus now positioned tobe sodomized.  

Michael pressed his cock against the tiny hole again, hearing Mitascream as she felt him enter her again, reopening the fresh wounds of the previousrape. Michael thrust in her, sliding along with the little lubricationleft from her first rape.

Mita pressed her hands against the hood of the caras Michael began his series of thrusts that drove his hard cock deeper anddeeper into her tiny body, his large frame looming over her. The familiarsound of their bodies slapping was back as he began to fuck her hard, makingher abused asshole take his mighty weapon.

Michael grunted as he worked his cock in and out of her. She was still tight,her hot asshole clenching on his cock.

Mita thought she was being torn in two. She mustered allher strength and pushed herself from the car. For a moment, she thought shebroke free, but all she managed to do was fall on the ground with Michaelstill inside her, his cock bending painfully inside her as she struggled.

Michael laughed. "Where do you think you're going?" heasked as he slammed his body on her. Mita bawled. Michael began to punish herfor trying to run away by taking his dick all the way out before forcing himselfback in as he brutally fucked her. Her tiny hole stood open, his cock poisedat the entrance. He waited until the clenching bud began to close beforedriving it painfully inside her again, the flesh forced to spread wide to acceptthe raping cock. Mita clutched the ground and screamed in pain.

"Try to run away, Mita. Just try," Michael laughedas he thrust his cock deep in her ass. He began to pump into her, drivingher body to drag painfully on the ground, his cock inside her assholelike a pole as it pushed her painfully on her knees. Mita lay limp as he usedher body for his pleasure. She felt his hands dig underneath her body and grabher breasts. His hands clenched on her youthful tits as he continued to fuckher ass. She felt his heavy cum-laden balls slap her ass cheeks.

Michael thrust more quickly. Mita knew he was going to cumagain, filling her colon with his vile semen. Michael dragged his hands fromunder her and pulled her hair back like he was riding a horse.

"Tighten your asshole on my cock. I'm going to cum," hecommanded. "Give me a good ride," he gasped, yanking her hair,forcing her ass to arch up, her battered asshole taking his cruel thrusts.

Mita's body shuddered as she felt his hot sperm coather insides again. She cried as he pumped her full of his semen, batteringher tender insides. She felt his cock pull out with a loud noise, Michaelsitting next to her and talking to her as she cried.

"You're a very beautiful girl. I'm having a lot offun with you," Michael said as he petted her hair, pushing tiny strandsfrom her tear-stained face. "Turn this way," urging her overto face him, her breasts now available to his hands, her nipples still swollen.He pulled on those nipples, pleased when she cringed in pain.

Mita looked at him. Her face was red from crying. Leaveswere tangled in her hair. She looked at him, "please, let me go," shebegged in a whisper.

"Not yet, Mita." His hands ran down her flanksto touch her ass cheeks again, feeling her body cringe as he slowly caressedher flesh. "Such a lovely ass, Mita. Did you like your ass fucking?" Heslapped her ass before letting his hand continue to caress her smooth skin.

"No, you hurt me so much. It still burns. Please,let me go," she pleaded with him, but she already knew his answer. Shecould already see his cock harden again. She knew that he would be rapingher once more and soon.

He let his finger play over her abused asshole,her body jerking in pain at the mere touch of the swollen hole. Michael ignoredher pleas. He pulled her up to her feet and watched his cum run downher legs. "Sit on the car."

"Now what are you going to do to me? I'm alreadytoo sore. You fucked my ass and my pussy, please leave me alone," Mitasobbed into her hands. 

"Get up there, I won't tell you again," his voiceraised.

She sat on the hood, the metal now cool from the night air,goose bumps appearing on her naked flesh as she shivered in the cold.

"Lay your back on the car and grab your knees. I wantto give you a present," Michael said.

Mita did what she was told, her back resting on the hard,cold metal. She put her hands behind her knees and slowly pulled themback, her legs spreading as she did. She was embarrassed that she was so exposedto Michael's penetrating eyes that never left her open sex.  Sheclosed her own eyes to prepare for another rape. She kept her eyes closed untilshe felt Michael's hot breathe on her pussy and saw Michael staring ather, his lips only inches from her pussy. "No, don't lick me!" shescreamed. She had always loved oral sex performed on her, making her cumwithin minutes.  She did not want him to do that to her, to forceher to have an orgasm against her will.  

Michael let his mouth touch her pussy, tasting her sweetjuices, his tongue running up and down her slit. He could taste his owncum mixed with her juices as he bathed her sex.  

She felt his tongue tease her clit and circle her tightentrance. Then, she felt him penetrate her with his tongue. "Please don'tdo that," Mita pleaded. She was embarrassed that the professor's facewas buried in her most intimate part.

Michael ignored her. He kissed and nipped her inner thighsand blew on her pussy.

Mita flushed. She felt so exposed. Her body reacted to thestimulation, growing warm. Her hips rose, fucking at the wet tongue that lashedat her pussy.

Michael continued to kiss and lick her pussy. Mita couldhear him sucking and slurping her juices. Her muscles quivered as his handsran lightly over her abdomen. Mita's body was betraying her.

Michael could tell that she was being aroused and it amusedhim as it always did with his students. "My hot little vixen, you're sowet and horny aren't you?" He loved to make women enjoy their rapeat some point. It broke them. It made them feel guilty. "Is Mita goingto cum for me? Is she going to cum from her oral rape?" He teasedher, continuing to insert his tongue and then rub her clit with it.

Finally, Michael heard a moan. It wasn't a moan of painbut of pleasure. He tasted her juice as it flowed out of her. Her body shuddered,tiny moans coming from her lips, so embarrassed at her arousal, trying to keepquiet as she came.  He stuck his finger inside her and could feelher muscles tighten around it.

"You liked that didn't you, you little whore," Michaelsaid.

Mita cried. She was humiliated. She couldn't help that sheenjoyed it. She tried to explain to herself that it was only a physical reactionand she had no control over it. She was not very successful, only shaming herselfmore.

Michael smiled. "Let's get you back in these cuffs.You'll be cumming a lot more later on," he promised.

Michael decided to just put on his clothes and threw Mita'sin his trunk. Once he handcuffed her, he made her lay down in the backseatso no one would see her.

It was ten minutes before they arrived at the house. Naturally,the next-door neighbors' cars were gone and a party could be heard on the otherside of the block. Michael's section was, as usual empty.

As soon as he parked the car and closed the garage door,Michael opened the car door for Mita. He helped her get out and walked herinside the house. She had stopped crying for now, but he knew she would beginagain in a short while. He marched her straight into the bedroom. The bed wasfull size with large wooden posts jutting out at each corner of the bed. Itwas perfect for tying and cuffing.

Mita could see faint bloodstains on the sheets that apparentlydid not wash out. She wondered how many other students had suffered her fate.She saw the wooden posts, knowing he would soon secure her spread eagle tothem.

Michael made her get on the bed and uncuffed her. Mita'sfirst reaction was to try to run away but she quickly glanced around the roomand realized that Michael blocked the only exit.

"Lay on your back, you know the position," hetaunted her. He sat on the bed next to her and immediately started to molesther. His fingers ran over her breasts again, feeling the youthful flesh, sosoft and springy. He let his hand slowly run down her abdomenuntil he reached her pussy. She shivered as her body was violated again.

Mita watched Michael's hands as they groped her breasts.Michael bent over and sucked first one then the other tit into his mouth, clampingon each hard tip. He loved the feel of her nipples in his mouth, letting histeeth rub painfully over each bud. He loved the fact that she did notlike it, jumping in pain when he bit too hard.

"Lie on your back and spread your legs," Michaelordered. Mita complied, her legs parting reluctantly, his dried cum visibleon the insides of her thighs. What was he going to do to her now? Was he goingto rape her pussy again or would he rape her ass?  She didn't thinkshe could stand the pain of the hard cock anywhere inside her little body.

Michael opened a closet next to the bedroom door. He quicklypulled out a camcorder then turned on the bedroom light.

"You're going to masturbate for me, Mita," Michaelsaid as he turned on the camera and started to record. "You're going totouch yourself and as extra insurance, if you tell anyone about us, this littletape will go on the Internet. Think of all the dirty old menthat would love to see a nice, tiny Asian girl cumming for them. Got it?"

Mita cried as she nodded her head. She could imaginethe men stroking their cocks as they watched her, thinking that she was enjoyingit.

"Good. Now, you're going to have to stop crying becauseI want you to look like you're enjoying it," Michael said.

Mita nodded, choking back her sobs.

"Good girl. You're really such a good student. Now,I want you to touch yourself," he said. "Start with your breasts. Youplay with your nipples don't you? Just show me how you do it."

Mita began to rub her breasts. She held her tits in herhands and used her thumbs to rub her nipples.

Michael approached closer, aiming the camera lensat her breasts. "See how hard your nipples are getting, Mita? You'reliking this, aren't you? That's hot, Mita. Yeah, keep touching them. Yourtits are so beautiful," Michael said.

Mita was humiliated, but she had to please him, anything to stop him from rapingher again. She stuck her fingers in her mouth and then rubbed her nipples withthem. She continued to massage them, feeling the nipples get harder.

"Now, finger yourself," Michael ordered. "Puta finger in that tight little pussy."

Mita inserted a finger in her pussy and started pullingit in and out.

"I want you to stick two fingers up there," Michaelsaid. "You can take it, it's had my cock."

Mita wanted to cry but instead submitted, touching herselfwith two fingers. Her other hand continued to fondle her breasts.

Michael's cock was hard again, the thick member bulgingin his pants. "Pull your fingers out," Michael said. "Look atall the juices on your fingers. You love this Mita, you love masturbatingfor the camera," he taunted her. He zoomed in on her juice-coveredfingers then moved so that the camera was pointing directly between her legs. "Spreadyour pussy lips with your fingers," he commanded.

Mita obeyed and burned with humiliation when she realizedshe had to clutch her juice-slippery lips tightly in order to keep herselfopen for him. The most intimate part of her was now being recorded and couldbe distributed anywhere.

Michael moved the camera from her pussy, to her abdomen,to her breasts and finally ended at her face. With one hand he unbuttoned hispants and pulled them off. His dick was now standing straight out.

"Let's see those pretty lips around my dick," hesaid.

Mita hesitated, his cock rubbing over her lips leaving atrail of cum. "I won't tell you again." He aimed the cameraat her face then made her humiliation complete when he added, "and smileas you do."

Mita opened her mouth, his cock sliding over her slick lips. Shefelt it jump as her hot breath blew on it.  

Michael aimed the camera at her head and began to feed hiscock into her mouth. "Wrap your lips real tight around it Mita. Showeveryone how good you suck cock." He watched it disappear into hermouth. "Lick it with your tongue while I fuck your face." 

Mita felt her mouth full of his cock, tasting the cum fromher rape. She bobbed up and down on his cock, hoping to make him cum quickly. Anythingto stop the humiliation, anything. He forced her to look up when he jammedit in her throat, causing her to gag.

"Yeah, that feels so good." Her muscle spasmsfelt incredible around his cock. Michael let Mita suck him for ten solidminutes, though he was nowhere close to cumming. He'd fucked her three timesalready. This would be the most he'd ever fucked a girl in one night.

He decided to turn the camera off for a while. Why wastefilm if he wasn't going to cum for a while? He set the camera down on the dresserclosest to him, then grabbed Mita's head tightly, fucking her face like itwas a pussy. His cock was slick with her saliva. He still wanted to fuckher pussy so he pulled his cock out leaving Mita surprised that he had notfinished in her mouth. He fully undressed and stood naked before Mita.

She knew that she was going to have to relieve hiserection soon and that scared her. Each time he had taken her violently,raping her simply for his own satisfaction.

Michael violently pushed her down on the bed. She criedout in surprise and in a matter of seconds, Michael was between her legs, histhick hips spreading her legs painfully apart,

"No!" she cried as his massive body pressed heavilyagainst her, pinning her to the bed. She felt his legs spread painfullyapart, unable to breathe as his 220 pounds crushed her little 115 pound body. "Noo!" shecried again as his hands reached between her legs, his hard cock fisted andrubbing up and down her pussy, spreading her lips open until it reached hervagina. 

"I'm gonna rape that pussy again. It's all yourfault Mita. You make me want to rape you. That hot, tight teenagepussy is just begging to be raped." He thrust his cock into her pussy,burying it half the way in with brutal force.

Mita wailed in pain. It felt like he had shoved a baseballbat up her pussy, the hard cock brutally tearing as he raped her. He pinned herarms over her head as she fought helplessly to stop him.

"You make me want to cum all the time," he toldher.

Mita cried as her body was again raped, her head movingback and forth, the pain between her legs so bad.  

Michael's thrusts were quick and hard. He was really roughwith her. He wanted her to feel all his weight and strength. Mita's body hadno choice but to stretch for him. His balls beat against her as he nailed hiscock inside. He pressed his body against hers and felt her tits as small cushionsbeneath him.

"Wrap your arms and legs around me," he ordered. "Fuckme back like I'm your lover."

Mita obeyed, forced to wrap her legs around his waist, barelyable to hook them on his ass. She hugged him, feeling him fuck her hard.He was now completely in control of her.

Mita could feel Michael's hips raise and fall against her.

"Do you like riding me?" he gasped between thrusts.Mita continued to cry during the rape. That was one thing that Michael reallyliked about her. The other students he raped would get used to it and stopshowing emotions as he raped them. Mita continued to cry, beautifully.

"Move your hips with me. I want you to fuck me back," hesaid.

Mita was horrified. She was forced to participate in herown rape! The pain was so much deeper now.

Tears streamed down her face as she forced her hips to movewith her professor's. Her hips met the thrusts of his cock, burying himeven deeper inside her.

"Good, now kiss me, Mita. I want you to make love toyour professor," he sniggered.

Mita kissed her professor's chest and neck. Michael kissedthe top of her head. If it hadn't been for Mita's tears, the couple would actuallylook like real lovers. Michael stopped fucking her so that he could bend downand kiss her face and mouth. Mita hated kissing him. She didn't love him! Shehated feeling his tongue mingle with hers. She hated how she had to move herhips along with his.

Michael continued to rape her. He gasped and moaned andtold her how beautiful she was. "I love your body Mita. A nice tight,little Asian body made for fucking."

Mita hoped it would be over soon. She felt sweat beadingup on his back.

"How does it feel to be raped by your professor?" heasked as he continued to fuck her. He pumped hard, their flesh slapping together.

"Stop, stop raping me, you're tearing me up! I'llnever be the same," Mita whined, but knew that it was hopeless.

It was 45 minutes later before Michael felt that he wasgoing to cum. Mita lay slumped beneath him, exhausted from the long rape.

He pulled out of her, grabbing her body from the bed. "Kneelon the floor."

Mita complied, staring up at his cock, slick with her juices,an angry red from her rape.  Michael grabbed the camcorder and turnedit back on. He started to record again, "start sucking my cock." Hewatched her head bobbing up and down on his cock, anything to keep itfrom her abused pussy. He could feel his balls tighten and knew that he wasgoing to shoot his load soon.

"Keep your mouth open," he said as he withdrewhis cock. "Now, milk my cock with your hands. I want you to catch my cumwith your mouth."

Mita put her hands as far around his big cock as she could.She stroked it fast and hard and kept her mouth open. Suddenly, a white ropeyglob of cum shot out and hit her lower lip. Mita put her mouth closer as morecum blasted out and landed in her mouth. Michael recorded his cum landing onher face, watching as he made her lick it off her lips. He recorded the sourface she made when she had to swallow the thick, salty semen. He hadn't hadthis much fun in his entire life.  And he had so much more to do to Mita. 

Once she was done swallowinghis cum, Michael turned off the camera. Mita coughed and gagged. She hatedthe taste of cum and the thought of swallowing it made her nauseous. Michaellaughed as he watched his student cry and gag. He wiped his cock on her tits,rubbing it on her hard nipples before tracing it under her breasts.

"I hope you enjoyed that," Michaelsaid, "because that was your dinner for tonight."

Mita didn't care. She wasn'thungry. The only thing she wanted was to go home. She had been violated inevery way possible. What more could he want with her?

"Into the bathroom," pushingher towards a door in the hallway. He carried his camcorder with him.

"It's time for us toget cleaned up," he said. "There's soap and shampoo in the shower."

He walked Mita to the shower,pulled the curtains and made her stand inside the bathtub. He placed thecamcorder on the bathroom sink, a perfect place for it, capturing the entireshower area. Michael turned the camera on and pressed the record button beforewalking over to Mita.

The first thing he did wasturn on the shower. Mita cried out as cold water poured over her naked body,her nipples hardening in response.

"Don't worry, it'll getwarmer soon," Michael said.

Once the water became lukewarm,Michael stepped inside. He didn't pull the curtain closed, wanting the camerato catch everything.

"You and I are goingto wash each other," Michael said as he began rubbing her wet breasts.Water ran down her shoulders and trickled down her chest before sliding offher nipples. Michael bent and captured one of her nipples with his mouth,Mita gasping as he sucked on it.

"Please stop," shebegged him, his teeth biting her nipple hard.

Michael ignored her and continuedsucking and biting her nipple. He massaged the other breast, his fingerspinching her hard nipple painfully. Michael then moved down her body, kissingher flat stomach. He played with her naval and stuck his tongue inside, Mitagasping again as Michael continued to play with her breasts. She could feelhis teeth nip her stomach and his tongue licking her skin. Michael then moveddown, his hands leaving her breasts to grab her teenage ass. He grabbed hercheeks and pulled her closer to him. His face was right above her pussy.Michael lightly bit the skin, looking up at her, knowing she was turned onby his touch. He started to kiss her pussy, Mita tried to move away but hishands harshly squeezed her cheeks stopping her. He wriggled his tongue betweenher pussy lips and started to play with the clit.

Mita grew hot. She didn'twant to show him that she enjoyed his oral rape, but his rhythmic tonguewouldn't stop.

"Spread your legs forme, Mita," Michael ordered her.

Mita obeyed and Michael wasable to insert his tongue deep inside her. He tasted her sweet juice andknew that she was enjoying this. He felt her body shudder as his mouth furiouslyworked on her clit before moving inside her tight vagina.

"Play with your breasts," heordered. Mita rubbed her breasts as he continued to violate her with histongue. She unknowingly started to move her hips and moan. She closed hereyes. She wanted to picture herself somewhere else, a boyfriend's tongueinside her.

Michael's cock was hard again,but he didn't want to cum now. He knew it would take a while anyway and therewere so many other things he wanted to do to her tight body. He continuedto rape her with his tongue until he felt that she was about to have an orgasm.He stopped, holding onto her ass and stood up. Mita opened her eyes to seewhat he was going to do to her now.

"Open your legs for mesome more," he said. Mita did what she was told and Michael began torub her clit with one of his fingers, staring into her eyes.

"You like that don'tyou?" he said.

"Please don't," Mitabegged in a whisper as she continued to play with her tits and hard nipples.

"You're going to cumsoon aren't you?" he asked her. His finger stopped rubbing her clitand entered her pussy; two thick fingers beginning to finger fuck her.

He heard her gasp and moanand knew she was about to cum. He stopped finger fucking her, lifted herup and pressed her against the shower wall.

Mita was scared that if shestruggled he would slip and fall with her in the shower so she wrapped herarms and legs around him. She could feel him position her over his cock,the bulbous head pushed tightly against her vagina. Michael thrust in butwas gentle this time. He began to fuck her slowly, making her take his hardcock inches at a time. Michael knew that she was going to orgasm.

"Cum for me," heordered her. His big cock went in and out of her as she tried to hold backher orgasm, her pussy clenching on it as it withdrew each time. Finally Michaelfelt her shudder and her pussy clench his cock. He held it there as he feltthe muscles spasm around it.

"Good girl," hesaid once her body started to relax. He slowly let her down and pulled outhis cock, covered with her juices. Mita began to cry again. She didn't wanthim to think she enjoyed having him inside her.

"Now clean me with yourmouth," he said as he picked up a shampoo bottle. "While you'redoing that, I'll wash your hair."

Mita knew that nothing wouldstop him so she obeyed, knelt down and started to lick her cum off his cock.Michael squeezed some shampoo into his hand and worked it into her hair.Her hair felt great between his fingers. He guided her mouth over his cock.Mita knew what he wanted and opened her mouth so his big cock could be inserted.Michael began to pull her hair and push her head on his cock, making hergag. He let her suck him for about five minutes, enjoying forcing it downher throat and making her choke on it before letting her stop.

"Good, now you can stopsucking and bathe the rest of me," he said. He let Mita rinse her hairbefore handing her the bar of soap. Mita ran it all over his body. Michaeljust stood there and watched as his sex slave bathed him. He enjoyed feelingher hands rub against his skin as she worked the soap into lather. He especiallyliked feeling her hands on his inner thighs and ass.

After rinsing off, Michaeltook the soap and did the same thing with Mita. He took extra care in rubbingher breasts and ass, joking that those were the most active parts for theday. The entire time he washed her, Mita looked down in shame. He let herrinse off and watched as the soap ran off her breasts and exposed her nipples.He knew he was going to fuck her again that night.

Once the shower was over,Michael walked Mita out of the bathtub and turned off the camera. He handedher a towel so she could dry off while he dried himself as well. Then hewalked her back to the bed.

"It's getting prettylate and I'm tired," he said. "This is where you'll be sleepingtonight," he laughed before adding, "I'll be a gentleman and sleepon the couch." The main reason Michael didn't sleep with his studentswas because he usually ate and watched TV while they slept. He liked to trulyenjoy his weekend and do other things as well. Plus, he liked knowing thathis victims felt scared and alone.

He made Mita lie face downon the bed. Then he told her to put her legs and arms into a spread eagleposition. He took pieces of nylon rope from under the bed and secured herarms and legs to the bedposts. He allowed her some room to bend so that shewouldn't be too stiff in the morning.

He stood back and looked ather. His cock still hard from the shower.

"Before I let you sleep,there is one more thing I want to do," Michael said as he climbed ontop of her. Mita knew what he was going to do and tried to move away butthe restraints kept her in place. Michael positioned his cock over her assholeand slowly started to push in.

"Mmmmmmmph!" Mitagrunted as she pressed her head against the pillow. His heavy weight pinnedher to the mattress and huge cock leisurely started to move inside her, aslow gradual ass rape.

Michael pushed her down inthe bed with all his weight. He wanted her to feel helpless. He pulled onher wet hair and held onto her shoulders. The bed squeaked while Michaelthrust inside her, her asshole having to take the full power of his steelycock.

"Take it all in likea good girl," he said as Mita cried. She could barely breathe becauseof his weight on top of her.

Michael thought it would takehim forever to cum but it only took fifteen minutes. He slumped on top ofher while he ejaculated, filling her stomach again with his hot cum. Mitacontinued to cry. How could he violate her so many times?

"Get some rest. You'llneed some energy for tomorrow," Michael said.

He slipped out of her, walkedout of the bedroom and closed the door. Finally alone, Mita tried to thinkof ways to escape, but it was hopeless. He'd bound her too well. Her entirebody was sore from the brutal rapes. She cried and cried until she was exhaustedand had no choice but to fall asleep.

Michael prepared his dinnerand ate it on the couch while watching TV. Since the house wasn't his primaryresidence, he didn't bother subscribing to cable. Nothing good was ever onat night, but Michael didn't care. He was busy thinking of all the thingshe wanted to do to his student. She was definitely his favorite so far. Heloved hearing her scream and cry as he fucked her tight body.

He decided to play the tape of her rapeto see how well it recorded. He saw Mita touching herself and sucking his cock.She actually looked like she was willing to do it throughout her whole ordeal.The scene of her servicing him cut off and the next image showed her swallowinghis cum. The final scene was when they were in the shower. Michael could hearhimself groan as he fucked her. He could also hear Mita's cries of pleasure.As he watched this, perverted ideas filled his mind. He turned off the videoand watched whatever infomercial was on. He set an alarm for 7 a.m.; he wantedthe whole day with his lovely student. He was fully satisfied and slowly driftedinto a deep, calm sleep.

Mita didn't sleep as soundly. She hadnightmares of her attack dreaming that she was running from a large man buther legs moved like cement bricks. He was catching up to her and she couldn'trun any faster. Finally, he caught her and Mita felt his body slam on top ofhers, his weight on her, a thick cock entering her and raping her. She wassweating when she woke up. She couldn't remember where she was, but she continuedto feel something raping her. Then she realized what was happening. Michaelwas on top of her. He was raping her in her ass.

"Noooooooo!" Mita cried. Shetried to move her arms and legs but realized they were still restrained.

"Good morning, Mita," Michaelgrunted as he continued to fuck her. He had been inside her for a good minutebefore she woke up. "There's nothing better than a good ass fuck to startthe day off right," he joked.

Mita started to cry again. She rememberedeverything that happened the night before. She knew that she was his untilhe decided to let her go. She moaned as he violated her ass again and again.

Michael quickly came inside her. He hada good night sleep and was ready to spend the entire day playing with his toy.Unknown to Mita, Michael's doctor prescribed Viagra for him. He was able tohave fun with a woman for the entire day. As he came, he pulled Mita's hair,causing her to cry out.

"Ready for some fun today?" heasked with a smile. Mita continued to cry.

Once he was finished, Michael got offher and untied her arms and legs. Mita's joints were sore and stiff from notbeing able to move around.

Michael turned Mita over on her back andrubbed his hands over her joints to help the circulation flow. Then his handstraveled to her breasts and he looked into her eyes as his hands caressed hermounds making the nipples stand up. He wanted to fuck her pussy but decidedto wait even though his cock was hard again. He had all day to gratify himself.

After waiting a few minutesfor Mita to regain the feelings in her arms and legs, Michael walked herto the kitchen.

"I already ate breakfast but nowI want to feed you," he said. He took out a jar of honey from a cabinetand opened it. Then he poured some honey into his hands and rubbed them onhis cock.

"Start licking up your breakfast," hesaid.

Mita got down on her knees and began tolick his cock. The honey tasted good, but Mita was humiliated that she wasforced to eat this way. Michael moaned as he felt her soft tongue move up anddown his large member. Honey was still on his hands so Michael wiped them onhis balls.

"Suck my balls, Mita" Michaelwhispered. Mita started to lick his balls and hated it. Hair was mixed withhoney and sometimes she got a strand of it in her mouth. She dragged her tonguefrom the bottom of his balls to his top of his cock. Once all the honey waslicked away, Michael grabbed her head and positioned her mouth over his cock.

"You know what to do," he said.

Mita started to suck his cock, but Michaelpressed her head against him and fucked her mouth. Mita slapped his thighsand abdomen, trying to get away, but Michael didn't stop. He loved feelingher gag and cry. He loved it when she tried to scream. Her muscles tickledhis cock and made it grow even larger. His sticky balls slapped her chin. Mitathought she would pass out. She couldn't breathe and was choking on his cock.Finally, she felt his cum shoot against the back of her throat. Michael pulledout enough so the cum would land on her tongue.

"Swallow it like a good girl," hesaid. Mita complied. She swallowed his nasty salty semen. She wanted to throwup afterwards but somehow managed to keep everything down.

Spent for the moment, Michael washed hishands in the sink, got a towel and wiped his cock. He certainly didn't wantto be sticky all day. Mita was still kneeling on the kitchen floor. He lookedat her. Her long hair was tangled and hanging just above her nipples. He knewthat he had broken her. She would do anything that he wanted.

Mita performed all day forhim like a good little sex slave. She wrapped her arms and legs around himas he fucked her hard, her hips pumping up and down, squeezing on his cockas he dragged it from her tight pussy.

She kneeled on the floor,her head resting on the carpet, her ass raised, offering herself to him.She spread her legs, exposed her anus, still red and swollen from the previousanal rapes. She pushed back as he fucked her asshole, driving his cock painfullyinto her back passage, cramping her stomach as he ass raped her. She clenchedon his raping cock as it dragged painfully from her rectum, her sphinctergiving him such pleasure.

When his cock got soft, hermouth wrapped around it, her tongue rubbing up and down until he would gethard again, even though she knew she was getting his cock hard only to rapeher again. She no longer cared.

He must have dumped five moreloads of cum inside her body before he dropped her off on the campus, butnot before showing her pictures that showed her looking like she was enjoyingthe sex. He threatened her with public exposure if she told anyone.

Michael never saw Mita inhis class again. He promised her that she would receive her "A" even if shedidn't take any of the tests. A month after her rape, he was in the librarylooking for a text that would help him write his next book when he saw heralone in the library. She was wearing a blouse and casual skirt. It was aFriday night again so no one was there except the two of them. She was busylooking through the aisles for a book so it was easy for him to creep upand surprise her.

"Don't you ever take a break?" heasked.

Mita eyes grew wide, terrorcreeping into her expression. "I have a big research paper to finish foranother class. It's due on Monday and the library isn't open on the weekends," shewhispered, hoping that he would leave her alone.

Michael looked around. Theywere on the 5 th floorof the library. No one else seemed to be on the floor. Even if there hadbeen others, the aisles of books easily hid Michael and Mita and buffetedmuch of the sound.

He normally left the studentshe raped alone after he let them go. But Mita was different. Michael missedraping her. When he saw her again all his sexual urges overwhelmed him. Hegrabbed Mita and pushed her to a dark corner of the library. Mita tried toscream but Michael quickly covered her mouth with a hand.

Once they were in the corner,Michael slammed her back against the wall and felt her breasts through herblouse. He told her that if she screamed he would break her neck. The threatof physical violence terrified Mita and so she complied. Michael helped himselfto her breasts. She was wearing a bra this time. Michael slipped his handsunder her blouse and unhooked her bra. Then he lifted her blouse and braup so that her breasts were revealed.

"Please let me go," Mita sobbedas he toyed with her nipples. Michael grabbed her breasts and squeezed hard,causing her to gasp. He knew she wanted to scream but was too afraid to makehim angry. He enjoyed the power.

"Don't worry, no one willsee us," he said. "Turn around, Mita."

Mita began to cry as she didwhat she was told. Michael's cock was hard. He lifted up her skirt, revealingher panties. He touched her pussy and ran his fingers along her ass as shequietly whimpered. He pulled her panties down to the floor.

"Spread your legs," he commanded.He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He pressed it against Mita'swarm ass. She began to whimper again, knowing what he was about to do.

"Please don't," Mita saidhelplessly. She hoped someone would see them but the entire floor was empty.

She gasped as Michael pressedhis cock against her asshole. He slowly inserted his tool inside her. Eventhough he'd ravaged it a month earlier, her asshole happily seemed to havegone back to its virginal tightness.

Mita's hands were on the wall,holding her up for Michael's attack. Her breasts bounced as he violated heragain. Michael held onto Mita's hips. He wanted her to know that he coulddo anything that he wanted with her. His hands traveled across her back andto her breasts. He pulled her nipples as he continued to fuck her. Neitherof them said a word.

Michael's breathing becameerratic. He could feel his cum building in his balls. He started bangingMita harder. Despite the pain, Mita didn't scream. She was so scared thatMichael would hurt her. Finally, Mita felt Michael cum inside her. He heldhis cock in her ass until it became soft. Mita could feel the vein move beforethe cum shot inside her. She started to quietly cry. Tears ran down her cheeks.

Michael gave her breasts afinal squeeze before he pulled out of her and stuck his soft cock back inhis pants. He watched Mita as she pulled up her panties and re-hooked herbra. Her skirt fell neatly back in place.

"Don't worry, I won't messwith you again," he said as he wiped away tears from her eyes.

He looked at her. No longerthe teenage, innocent Asian girl, she looked more like a well-fucked whore. "Youwere my best one Mita. Such a nice tight body to rape." Mita looked at himone last time before running out of the library. She didn't need to be remindedof what he would do to her if she told someone.

Michael watched his youngstudent run, his mind already wandering to who his next victim would be.How about that nice Latina girl in his first period class? He heard thatLatino girls were hot lovers. Wonder how she would react to a large cockraping all her holes? His cock already getting hard again.

The End

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College Professors Desires

Never in a million years could she believe she was going to do it. However, she decided she was seeing all the wrong men as of this point in her life. She was still lonely and so she decided she had to make a decision but in the very end she wanted someone’s help in making the decision. So that’s what Mindy did. Knowing just the picture she wanted to send out, it was amongst a lot of other ones but the one she was to send out was the “safe” one. The one where she had on all her clothes unlike...

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College Professors Desires

Never in a million years could she believe she was going to do it. However, she decided she was seeing all the wrong men as of this point in her life. She was still lonely and so she decided she had to make a decision but in the very end she wanted someone’s help in making the decision. So that’s what Mindy did. Knowing just the picture she wanted to send out, it was amongst a lot of other ones but the one she was to send out was the “safe” one. The one where she had on all her clothes unlike...

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Rape Me Please

King Pharaoh Rape Me Please! I want you to rape me please #1 If you would’ve told me when I was 18, I’d not just rape over a 100 females, but make a livin’ doing it, I would’ve laughed dead in your face. Then I would have pulled my gun out, put it to your head and tell you to either buy some heroin or get the fuck off my block. That was my life then. I was heavy into the street life. Let me tell it, I was next up and coming Scarface. But after you read this, you’ll see fate had different plans...

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Heathers Rape

Heather was good looking; she always had been. She was twenty-two and life hadn’t etched itself on her face yet. Her hair was a grimy bird’s nest, but a shower would prove her to have long, blonde hair and a pretty face. Her body was still taut and shapely, except for a small portion on her belly under a C-section scar. She had given up the baby, and her one relief in life was that it would have better circumstances than she. She made her way through streets lit like a noir film and...

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Brothers Teenage SexSlave

BROTHER'S TEENAGE SEX-SLAVE – Part Four This story contains graphic images of torture, humiliation and sexual perversion.Readers who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality should readno further. If you would like to contact the author, you may do so at [email protected] ----------- Cerberus Naked, young Molly Grant bends over the heavy workbench; the tender tipsof her small breasts trapped in the hard steel jaws of a large vise; her handsnailed to the table's rough wooden...

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Best Rape Porn fake

The Best Rape Porn in the world might be something of an acquired taste. In the days of #MeToo, it’s arguably even more taboo than those “taboo” porn sites. Porn is about fantasy, though, and people eroticize power imbalances in all kinds of kinky ways. In other words, I’m saying it’s not really all that abnormal for both men and women to enjoy the thrills of simulated forced sex, so don’t feel bad about your kink. Then again, perhaps it’ll put you at ease to know this next site gets well over...

Extreme Porn Websites
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A Year of Rape

Monday January 4, 2003. The crossroads on the path of life is about to crossbetween Tara Lyman and myself for the last time. Ever since I located whereshe lived and worked, I had made plans on how to kidnap her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her house has a German Shepard that is also part of the same police forceas her husband. No wonder she just got a slap on her wrist after killing myfamily! After realizing...

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Washington, D.C. was in the throes of a rape epidemic. Perhaps 50 women had been kidnapped and mercilessly raped by a gang of ruthless hoodlums. From the post-rape interviews of the victims, the police had been able to establish that the rapists were a pack of young boys, who were apparently in their mid-teens. There was a large, but undetermined number of them, and it wasn’t known whether they were school boys or degenerate juvenile delinquent drop...

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When is rape not rape When she says yes fiction

I did nothing wrong. What I did was not illegal, and I won’t go to jail. Was it ethical? Moral, religiously, politically correct… probably not. But it wasn’t really illegal. Obviously I don’t want my name associated with the events though. Have you ever had a secret? Have you ever done something so deliciously, saucy, so utterly wicked that it makes you giggle just a bit? To plan it, to execute it, to get away with it–and then be unable to tell...

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Professor Jay gets hard for his students

Jay is a professor at a college. He is a very handsome man. Some would say he had devilish good looks. Jay makes a good salary at the college and he has a beautiful wife and daughter at home. Jay loves his job. He is really good at it and pushes himself everyday to be the best teacher he possibly can be. However there is one thing Jay gets embarrassed about when teaching his classes. The problem is Jays cock gets really hard during lecture. The reason for this of course is all the sweet...

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RapeBetrayal 8 A Mother Betrayed

I did something bad tonight. I mean really wrong. I want to make something very clear though: this is not my fault. I was scouring the net minding my own business, checking out nice, decent, respectable erotic story sites like SOL. I'm not talking about the sicko perv sites. Wham out of nowhere I ran across some stories by this guy named Jaz, and they freaked me out. He has over 30 hardcore, nasty Rape/Incest stories. No way he should be allowed on a normal site. I mean shame on them for...

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Rape Bait Part 2

Rape Bait 2 Chapter Two Cuckolded By The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot & Grunt The Dwarf DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroine’s as they look incredibly voluptuous, gorgeous...

4 years ago
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Rape Bait Part 2

Introduction: Superheroine Trophy Wile Lets The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot And Grunt The Dwarf Cuckold Her Husband M & M Rape Bait 2 Chapter Two Cuckolded By The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot & Grunt The Dwarf DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should...

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The Right To Rape

Rational and reasonable people down through history have always believed that men and women should have equal rights, privileges, obligations, and responsibilities under the law. It started with the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. In the late 20th century, legal precedent established the obligation of men to pay alimony and child support to their ex-wives; everybody, with the exception of a few curmudgeons, accepted this as fair and just. Alimony grew from a small temporary...

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rape in afghan4

Before the other men could react, Kehalis was up and at the door, brushing aside the blanket to stare at the scene within. The sight of the dark man mounting the naked American woman froze him in place. He could not move; he could not even raise the AK he held clenched in his right hand. He could only stare at the nude body on the sleeping platform, her arms and legs held underneath her body, reducing the captive woman to an agony filled face and an apparently limbless female torso, Cathy’s...

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Inappropriate Familial GangRape of Daughter Story

Inappropriate Familial Gang-Rape of Daughter Story Description: In this story, Sandra?s family conspires to rape and enslave her, for no particular reason other than that she is beautiful and they are horny psychopaths.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. If you have any hesitation about this distinction...

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RapeBetrayal 11 My Daughter my Cunt

I guess I've always had a thing for rape. Not the violent sick kind. I just like nice, normal rape stories. You know what I mean? I always thought it was cruel to pierce a woman's nipples, or cut them off, or punch her in the face and slap her around--I mean c'mon, why? I don't want to make her fuck a dog, lick a cat, or drink cum from a horse. I certainly have no desire to see her 3 yr old abused. The things I read on the internet can be quite disgusting. Beastiality, torture,...

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Subgirl The Rape Mistress

The Hydreaus Plague SubgirlTheRape Mistress      ??????????? Her codename was Subgirl.? However she was not a sub even though what a girl she was at five foot nine with long blond hair, blue eyes set in a lovely face and a long legged, shapely build.? When naked, which was how Subgirl always worked her body was quite something to look at with her long silky legs, smooth shaved pussy, round hips and ass, a small waist and full breasts with pink nipples and her soft skin tanned from head to...

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Abduction and rape of June

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...

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Terminator rape machine

Terminator, rape machine This is my first attempt at writing anything remotely science fiction/fan fiction related so I hope it works. For those who are unfamiliar, some of it is based on the Terminator movies. The story is set before Kyle Rees is sent back to protect Sarah Conner, the mother of John Connor, the savior of mankind some 20+ years later story is a work of fiction inspired by the films. No one was hurt during the writing of this story....

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Inappropriate FatherBoyfriend TeamRape Story

Inappropriate Father+Boyfriend Team-Rape StoryDescription: In this story, a father encourages his daughter?s ex-boyfriend to mercilessly abuse and rape her, and throws in the use of her cheerfully willing sister as well. It should be noted that though this story is categorized as involving snuff, the event is ambiguous, and occurs off-stage.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The...

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Fold Spindle and Mommyrape Part 3 mF inc nc rape

by DiscipleN - all characters herein are 18 or older by the time they act sexually. - I managed a full night's sleep after a long shower, until Race woke me the next morning by pulling my jaw open. "Huh? Race? Hey! NO!" I shrunk back. His hands grabbed my head and pulled my face back to his outthrust prick. "Remember what you promised." He cautioned. "You even said you needed my cum several times a day." His cock pressed my lips. All I could remember was how sick I had...

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The Rape Run

Written by Olga Anastasia The Runners: Melena de Santo – The Colonel Ja-alixxe – The Bounty Hunter Aireela – The Amazon Elionara – The Dancer Palonae – The Princess (Princess Palonae Noonian Aurora Tonova) Tasha Castelaine – The Career Woman Jasmeena – Daughter of the Sands Cara Haston – The Model Leesha – The Born Slave Oorla – The Actress The Hunters: Salarin – The Sadist Leshan – The Runt Cronorgan – The Master Lotho-etsarra –The Libido Jackran-ad-aktar – The Alien 1 -...

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Rape and The Highland Fling

Introduction: A young married couple whos husband wants to show his wife off attend a wild dance and his wife Tessa experiences all of the indignities of forceful rape! Rape and The Highland Fling! Tessa and her husband attended a special Dance Night event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable area south of London. She...

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Rape Bait

Introduction: Superheroine Volunteers To Get Raped To Catch Rapists M & M Rape Bait Chapter One The Mayors Rape Plan & Negotiating A Cuckolding DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroines as they look incredibly voluptuous,...

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Rape Bait

Rape Bait Chapter One The Mayor’s Rape Plan & Negotiating A Cuckolding DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further. Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroine’s as they look incredibly voluptuous, gorgeous and scantily clad, while they strive to make...

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R R R Recreational Rape and Rapture

       R. R. & R. - Recreational Rape and Rupture.Page 1.        I'd known about it being there, since it opened a year earlier.        My sex radar went up right away and my cock went on high alert and chomped at the possibilities.        A high end, la-di-da woman's spa and get away, way off in the boonies named something like 'The Pampered Ego' or some similar too-cutsie-by-half name aimed at separating well-healed, spoiled women, and the power bitches, from their cash and inducing them...

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God is a Slut Chapter 4 The Gang Rape Movie1

I sat in my office with famous psychologist Sigmund Freud and sexologist Alfred Kinsey. We poured over the dossier I had on Rachel, trying to figure what made this pure girl tick. Smoke filled the air as we inhaled pack after pack of cigarettes. “…I think you’re overestimating the controlling nature of Rachel’s sexuality.” Freud said, “All humans desire control, but Rachel seeks to put that control in the hands of an idealistic interpretation of God.” “That’s where I think you’re...

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Abduction and rape of Megan

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF MEGAN. I was watching the young bitches as they walked to school in groups or in pairs. I needed to get a bitch on her own so that I could force her into my car. Then I saw her, a bitch walking on her own, her high heels clicking on the pavement. She was young and pretty a gorgeous little redhead. She was wearing a short skirt and high heels that showed her sexy toes. She was just the sort of bitch I wanted to rape and torture. My cock went hard as I thought of all the...

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Bosnian Rape Farm

BOSNIAN RAPE FARM By Shabbadew2002 and JoeTex Contact us: [email protected]  or [email protected]  In 1992, Bosnia erupted into a cauldron of ethnic hatred, violence, rape and civil war. Tens of thousands of women were raped in Bosnia and the other parts of the former Yugoslavia between 1992 and 1994 during the rule of Radovan Karadzic.? Two Serbian teenagers join the local militia and discover the opportunity of a lifetime to abuse a neighboring Muslim family. Velimir and Tatjana While in...

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Reversed Rape

I was innocently perving my way around my favourite chat site when I chanced upon her ad. 'Lady, 30, would like to be raped.' Oh yea? Still, I zinged off a reply: 'Seriously?' She must have sent the same response to hundreds of people. 'Thank you for answering my ad. I want to be stalked, spied on, attacked and raped. You can hurt me but not injure me. I do not want to know anything about you or meet you beforehand, but there must be some way of identifying you: figure this...

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Reversed Rape

Introduction: hey guys! just another quickie ,) email me if ya want! [email protected] She started it. She asked for it. It was all her fault. I was innocently perving my way around my favourite chat site when I chanced upon her ad. Lady, 30, would like to be raped. Oh yea? Still, I zinged off a reply: Seriously? She must have sent the same response to hundreds of people. Thank you for answering my ad. I want to be stalked, spied on, attacked and raped. You can hurt me but not injure me. I...

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The Art of Rape

As I shut the door behind me, I saw with pleasure that the faint glow of moonlight was plenty to see by. It was an ordinary girl's bedroom. There was a dresser, a bed, and a desk. A few items of clothing were scattered about on the floor, and the desk had a few books and papers on it. The walls had posters of horses and cute baby animals. In the bed was Caitlin. It was a warm night, so she had only a sheet over her. Lying on her side facing me, her long blond hair was mussed over the pillow...

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The Enemys DaughterChapter 6 Rope Rape and Torture

For two days, Courtney was locked in a cell. She did not know what had happened to her father, but she expected the worse. She had heard what they planned to do to him, ass raped and knew that is what probably happened. Every four hours, she was woken up, made to stand, arms behind her neck, thrusting her breasts out, her legs spread as she was inspected. This was really just another chance to humiliate her and also to abuse her body. One guard would play with her breasts, squeezing them...

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Rape and The Highland Fling

Tessa and her husband attended a special ‘Dance Night’ event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable area south of London. She looks incredible when they arrive, dressed in a blue velvet dress that has a wild flared hemline that ends at mid thigh, a scooped neck that shows a lot of cleavage and requires no bra something...

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The young school-teacher fled desperately down the corridor, the flat slapping of her shoes echoing sharply in the silence. Panting for breath, she ran past deserted classrooms, none of which offered any hope of refuge or escape – she was on the third floor of a long block, and even if a window would open far enough, it was too high to jump. Tearful and gasping, she looked back over her shoulder at the sounds of closing pursuit, the raucous whoops of her hunters. Three black teenage girls...

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The Fantasy Of Rape

This, is a rather interesting subject, and can be very different depending on ones point of view. That is, male or female. I have a friend that works at a Adult Video Arcade, and has also worked at a large adult theater. He has told me on numerous occasions, and even he was quite surprised by the number of women who have expressed to him, their fantasy about being raped, most of the women he talked with were young women however their were several that were not so young! Any woman that has...

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Fantasy Files Megan Likes Rape

Every woman has fantasies. Many ladies would love in real life for a burly bare-chested Highlander to grab them into his strong arms and rip away their bodice, just like in the romance novels. Other women have darker desires or needs and it wasn't entirely a complete surprise to discover one evening that Megan, a rather casual acquaintance of mine that I had been hoping to get to know better someday, admitted to us rather frankly that she had rape fantasies ... and insisted that most other...

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The Professors DaughterPart III

THE PROFESSOR’S DAUGHTER–Part III My old professors daughter Stephanie is a 17-year-old knockout who will turn 18 in one more day. She has cutest face you have ever seen and a slim Korean-Caucasian-mix body with a tight, petite Asian frame. She’s slim, quite tall and athletic (toned by ballet and gymnastics) with a nicely rounded firm ass with small but very firm tits. In my opinion Stephanie’s body is flawless. While her breasts are on the smallish side larger ones might look unnatural on...

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The Professors DaughterPart VBedtime Story

THE PROFESSOR’S DAUGHTER–Part V Bedtime Stories My old professors daughter Stephanie is a just turned 18-year-old knockout. She has cutest face you have ever seen and a slim Korean-Caucasian-mix body with a tight, petite Asian frame. She’s slim, quite tall and athletic (toned by ballet and gymnastics) with a nicely rounded firm ass and small but very firm tits. In my opinion Stephanie’s body is flawless. While her breasts are on the smallish side larger ones might look unnatural on her very...

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Jessicas Dangerous Obsession Addicted to Rape

by Millie Dynamite Jessica applied her make up carefully. As she administered the final touches, she looked in the mirror studying. Jessica saw her curly platinum blonde hair around a face that was beginning to show her age. She could not believe she was 35 years old. Her blue eyes were no longer as bright as they once were, looking mostly sad. She scanned her body standing up she saw her ass still looking good the slight role around her tummy was a constant reminder she had a weight...

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I don’t understand what has happened to me. Oh, I know the actual events – I’ve replayed them in my mind, over and over, during these last few weeks. It is how and why they have changed me so profoundly that I don’t understand – but they have, and forever. There are four things that you need to know about me. The first is that I am black – and I mean really black, with dark ebony skin. My ancestors were taken in the eighteenth century from somewhere in tropical Africa to the West...

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Rape ConfessionsChapter 3

(Um here is the intro from the last archivist -- "An exceptionally violent and angry story about rejection and revenge, self-destructive behavior and hurting others. Very sacrilegious." Heh, I couldn't have said it better myself, Jaz) "I did it, I raped a Nun." God it sounds weird saying that, even to me. I raped her quite a few times actually. She was a sweet girl, I kind of liked her. I mean as a person, she was ok. I didn't rape her out of lust, or greed. I did it to prove a...

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The Gang Rape of Farrah Fawcett

Secret Tales of the '70's: The Gang Rape of Farrah Fawcett- Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction and has nothing to do with existing persons. The story features one celebrity, several fictional characters, kidnapping, and rape. In 1976, Downtown Corpus Christi, Texas was a very... interesting... place to be. Downtown was divided into three sections: 'The Bayfront' extend up 2 blocks from the carefully maintained marinas for the rich on Shoreline Drive. Another half mile inland, a steep...

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Inappropriate FatherDaughter TeamRape Story

Inappr opriate Father+Sister Team-Rape StoryDescription: In this story, a girl seduces her father into a heavy kinky relationship, then convinces him to rape and torture his other daughter with her.An important disclaimer: Everything in this story is purely fantasy, and should never happen in real life. Each character and event is purely fictional. The plot involves actions which are immensely, inexcusably morally wrong. If you have any hesitation about this distinction between fantasy and real...

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rape in afghan3

" What is your name, girl?" Despite her surprise at his use of English, Cathy responded as she had been trained- with name , rank, and serial number. " Harper, Cathy C. ,Captain , United States Army, 409-67-0221" " No. You are wrong. That is not who you are. You are no longer Harper, Captain, United States Army. You are now the slave Cathy. I am your Master. A merciful master, once you have learned to obey. A merciless one if you do not. I know Western women like you , Cathy. I...

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Rape ConfessionsChapter 2

(Sister gets fucked, Nun gets raped, priest gets fucked with mentally. Jaz goes to hell, where he will probably be fucked. Warning: Strong religious themes. This story will stand alone, but it is definitely a sequel.) "No, No, Please God NO!" My sister whimpered as I played with her breasts. She did not fight or struggle really. I think a small part of her tactile memory recalled how much pleasure these hands had given her. You see my little sister Susan had recently been held hostage...

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Rape Bait Part 3

Introduction: The Blonde Avenger Gets Raped To Get Evidence On Film Before The Pervert is arrested Rape Bait Chapter Three The Bondage Rapist / Extremely Foul Play Mona strutted into her husbands study, in full sexpot mode, and asked coyly, Think my date or dates are going to like me tonight, honey? When Saul looked up, she made a 360 degree models sexy twirl with her body. He looked over her abundantly exposed, curvaceous flesh, and whistled, Where in the hell did you get that hookers...

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Drivein Rape Chapter 1

This is a story I had previously written for another site, but I have rewritten it a bit for this submission. This is a distinct story arc from my other ones and will only have two chapters. I am still working on the other arc ( and will finish up the next chapter of that in the next few days. [Introduction] Rape was a part of my psyche from the very beginning. At an early age, I found a bunch of BDSM...

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Come On Please Rape Me

Come On Please Rape Me When I turned fourteen my sister Ashley was already fifteen years old. She thought that her shit didn’t stink. Ever since her tits got bigger dad had given her everything that she ever wanted and he paid very little attention to me. Mom was in the same boat because dad paid very little attention to her too. Then one day when we were alone in the house mom said, “Please rape me.” I had heard what she said but I just couldn’t believe it so I said,...

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Rape at Sea

RAPE AT SEA I have been in the US Navy for 24 years and am considered a crusty old sailor.At 43 years old, I am twice the age of a lot of the men as the military ismade up of mostly 18 to 24 year olds. I am a Master Chief Petty Officer whichis the highest rank an enlisted person can achieve. When the Navy announcedthey were going to allow women on combat ships, I was mad as hell. Being ?oldschool? I felt a war ship was no place for females. Having just returned froma 6 month deployment which...

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License To Rape

When rape becomes one of the highest committed crimes, the USA decides to make some changes to their laws. With so many rapes and sexual assaults being committed, overwhelming the police, allowing most to get away with it. And so the USA opened the License To Rape Institute. If any citizen of the country wanted to rape a person, they simply had to apply for a license. A $300 fee was all it took to get a license allowing the person to be able to rape three people a month. Every rape was required...

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My Sisters Gang Rape FantasyChapter 2

Codes: fmmmm+m (Underage) Characters: Jason: Age 14, first-person, me Hannah: Age 15, my sister 4 Boys: Ages 16 & 17 Aaron, Jordan, Nathan, and Ryan Hannah, my fifteen-year-old sister, one year older than me, is a cock tease. She loves to lounge around in skimpy suggestive clothes with loose-fitting tops and no bra and she knows I will try to see her titties. And, she sits so I can see her panties like in this photo with her legs apart pretending to be asleep so I can almost see her...

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