SamChapter 10E free porn video

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The building was so gutted that I couldn't tell what it used to be. I looked around and then dragged the three menaces to society into a small windowless room to wait for them to regain their senses - what few they possessed.

I stood in the doorway and looked at the haul from my first fishing expedition. It wasn't very impressive. They all looked to be in their late teens or early twenties. Their shabby clothes looked to be that way deliberately, rather than from actual wear, so I assumed that they weren't orphaned street children who had fallen into crime as a means of survival. These looked to be your common, garden-variety thugs who preyed on old women because they were too lazy to have higher goals or even to go after bigger prey.

I intended to see that this time they got far more than they bargained for. My problem was that I hadn't expected such quick success from my ruse and I didn't have a plan for dealing with them. While their eyes stopped rolling around in their heads, I thought over what I could do to them that would make them reevaluate their choice of profession without causing them any serious physical damage.

I was fresh out of creative ideas so I went with the first thing that came into my head.

"Well, lookee here," I cackled. "Three fine, strapping young men. We're going to have some fun tonight, yessirree!"

One of them sat up and stammered, "Wha... what do you want?"

"Why, I want you, young man! It's been a long time since I had a nice young fella like you. You're going to make old granny mighty happy." I feigned undoing my belt. "Now you boys hurry up and get out of those clothes. I've got an itch and you've got just what I need to scratch it!"

All three of them looked like I'd told them they were going to be executed at dawn. They started crawling away from me. I reached down and snatched a hold on the ankle of the slowest. He tried to squirm away from me, but I dragged him slowly closer while reaching for the crotch of his jeans. When I put my hand on the bulge in his groin, he made a noise halfway between a squeek and a whimper.

"Yes, it's been a loooong time," I said, squeezing his balls like they were ripe fruit in a produce bin. "Now you boys get those clothes off, you hear!"

When nobody moved, I unfastened the belt of the one I was holding and before he could move, I took hold of the waistband and ripped his pants open halfway to his knee. He looked like he was about to cry. I couldn't tell if it was from shock or because I had ruined his favorite pair of jeans.

Still nobody moved, so I used the same technique I had used on Dave. I grabbed the thug on the floor by the thigh muscle and started to squeeze. His friends watched him thrash about for a while, but when the light dawned on them that they were next for this treatment, they started shedding clothes.

I had to yank off one pair of boxers, but eventually I had them mother-naked in front of me.

I looked at them and shook my head, "You boys sure are a disappointment. I thought I had some serious cocks here, but instead, I got little pricks." I picked up a pair of pants and stripped the belt out of them. I had been thinking about playing with them some, messing with their heads, but they looked so wretched and so scared that I just wanted to get it over with and get out of there.

"I thought we could have some fun, but it looks like the only fun I'm going to have is whipping your butts. C'mere you!" I reached for the thug furthest from the door. In doing so, I stepped out of the doorway and gave them a way to escape. The first one dashed through quickly, but the second bent down for his clothes. I snapped the belt across his ass and he reordered his priorities and ran after the first.

The last one I chased around the room, flailing the belt at him. It wasn't until the second time around that he thought to make a break for it as well. I ran after him as far as the door of the building and watched him run down the street after his friends. Then I went back inside and collected their clothes into a bundle. Carrying it with me, I resumed shuffling down the street at my own slow pace.

No one else bothered me and I reached the store without further incident. There was a small crowd out front and I could hear people laughing and snickering. I walked up to the front of the store and held out the bundle of clothes for everyone to see.

"Anyone see three boys run past here with their peepees flapping in the breeze?" I asked of the crowd. This produced more laughter.

One woman flipped the ash off her cigarette and said, "Sure did! They just ran past here like the Devil himself was after them."

I dropped the bundle on the oil-stained parking apron in front of the store and said, "Well, if any of y'all know those boys, you might give them their clothes back. Or not. It makes no nevermind to me. Oh, and if you see them, tell them I'll be back to visit again real soon."

I trundled into the store to check it out. It looked really nasty from the outside and no better inside. The walls and ceiling had either been painted the ugliest shade of brownish-yellow that could be found, or the paint had just faded to that shade over the years. The place had an atmosphere of age and decay that made me feel dirty just being in it. It looked like the only thing that had changed in the last eighty years was the stock, the flickering fluorescent tubes hanging from the ceiling, and the heavy wire mesh over the front door and windows. Certainly there had been little effort to keep the place clean. The floor was so grimy that it was hard to tell if it was wood or linoleum.

Most of the place was devoted to stacks of cases of beer and overpriced snack food. There was a wooden magazine rack near the single register that held pawed-over copies of garish porn magazines. On the wall behind the counter was a large display of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, along with some things that I figured must be drug paraphernalia. Who buys plumbing supplies in a convenience store?

The man behind the counter looked to be in his late forties or early fifties. He had short gray hair above a deeply creased face. He wore a stained, wife-beater undershirt and had in a holster on the front of his belt a very large, very shiny revolver. The wooden grip looked worn, as though the man had the habit of rubbing it with his hand. He was looking at me with curious and habitually suspicious eyes.

I shuffled up to the counter and gave him the once-over. "You the owner?" I asked.

He nodded. "Name's Winslow," he said. "What can I do for you?"

"Good evening, Mr. Winslow. I came to give you some news. There is something out there." I waved my hand toward the door and cackled, "It's mean. It's ugly. It's horrifying. It's coming, Mr. Winslow. The Dragon is coming. And it's hungry."

I shuffled toward the door. When I reached it, I put my hand on the bar and looked back. "You tell them, Mr. Winslow. You tell them The Dragon is coming. Ask them if it's coming for them. And while you're at it, ask yourself. Is it coming for you, too?"

When I went back outside, the bundle of clothes had vanished. Somehow I doubted that some Good Samaritan had hurried off to return them to their owners.

As I walked away from the store, I could feel the eyes following me. I tried to look weak and defenseless, but after I had gone another two blocks, there were still no more takers.

I reached the spot where Neeka was waiting for me without so much as seeing another person.

"Everything all right," I asked her.

"Fine and dandy," she said. "A couple of guys tried to pick me up. They were about to insist on my company when there was a call on the radio. They suddenly remembered that they had a pressing engagement elsewhere."

"Bad guys?"

"Just pushy. I've met jocks that were worse about not taking a hint. I could have handled them even if the radio hadn't scared them off. It's odd; I think that in this neighborhood, running from the cops is a reflex. How bad does the place have to be for you to grow up doing that?" She shrugged. "Now, what was all that 'The Dragon is coming' business? I thought you were going to tell him help was on the way."

"I was. But when I got in there, something didn't smell right. The place is really run down. It can't be worth anything. Why does he stay? Loyalty to the neighborhood? Give me a break. Business too good? If so, why not use the profits to keep the place up better. Business bad? Then where did he get the money to buy the stock he has? All those cases of beer stacked to the ceiling. Something's not right. I want to know more about Mr. Winslow before we assume he's on the right side. It's possible that he's not the victim we assumed he was."

I resumed my normal face and pulled off the disguise. Neeka stowed it in one of the storage compartments on the bike. I might be able to use it again. The fishing trip idea had worked out better than I had hoped. Old ladies on this street would be safe for a while.

During the ride back home, I thought about how well the disguise had worked. In the dark of the street, I had passed. The crowd outside the store hadn't had a much better look at me, so I passed there too. Winslow had the best look, under the harsh fluorescents in the store, but even if he hadn't bought the 'old lady', even if he saw straight through it, what had he seen? My height? Maybe. I had tried to hunch over, but you can only fudge your size so far. My hair? Hidden under the cowl and the scarf. Skin tone? The suit covered my skin except for my face. The suit was colorless. It would be the average of the color in the room. In dim light, it was impossible to see. In the store it had looked brown — halfway between the filthy floor and the walls. My shape? Distinctive in normal clothes, my outline and contours were hard to make out under the suit. Just as the dazzle-art on the walls of the workshop made it hard to judge the size of the room, the suit made it hard to see my body under it. If I was moving, it would be impossible to say much more than I was small and possibly female.

My face? That was my ace. I could make my face look like anything at all. My ability to do the moving dragon so effectively was the best demonstration of that. The uneven gray, seamed complexion I adopted along with the clothes completely obscured my true appearance.

I decided that I didn't have to have Oscar-caliber acting skills or an elaborate collection of makeup appliances. I didn't need to be a credible old woman, or whatever disguise I wanted to use. I just needed to be unrecognizable as me. I was sure I could handle that.

Thinking of handling things reminded me of the way I had handled the three young thugs who tried to steal my purse. I was disappointed that I couldn't think of something better than taking their clothes and sending them home naked. It seemed kind of juvenile. Still, until I had much better control over my strength, I wanted to avoid thumping people unless there was a real good reason for it.

Maybe taking their clothes wasn't too bad a lesson anyway. It was embarrassing, it was memorable, and it made them feel as defenseless and vulnerable as their victims felt.

When we got home, Bambi was waiting for us in the workshop.

"You were gone longer than I expected," she said. "I decided to listen to the radio to see if anything was going on."

"We went fishing," Neeka said.

"Unhunh. Why do I get the feeling that no worms were harmed on this fishing trip?"

"Hey," I said, "speaking on behalf of bait in general, I object to that sarcastic tone! Us woims have a tuff life, OK?"

"So, did you catch anything?" Bambi was trying hard to hide how concerned she was that I had been out putting myself deliberately in harm's way. She really wanted to know how close I had come to being in actual danger, but she couldn't just ask right out.

"We caught three little fishes, but I skinned them and threw them back," I said.

"You what?" She got lost in my metaphor, but she still laughed.

"I caught three hoods who tried to steal my purse. I let them go, but I kept their clothes. It must be hard to pass yourself off as a tough guy when you've been stripped and run through the streets with your shortcomings on full display."

"That's funny!" Bambi giggled. "But why not just have them arrested?"

"I thought about that," I said. "But since I was the victim, it would mean pressing charges, testifying, the whole legal scene. I can't do that, obviously. Also, in their peer group, being busted just gives you status and credibility. Crooks are a stupid bunch, generally. You'd think that a crook that didn't get caught would have a higher status than one that did, but apparently it works the other way around. Failure is success. Bad is good. Getting caught just means more people know what you did. Their whole psychology is upside down."

"Yes," Neeka agreed, "someone who preys on defenseless old women is going to have some very messed-up values. We're not going to be able to persuade these people to trade their life of crime for being productive members of society unless we can first convince them that they are miserable failures as criminals."

I said, "And one way to do that is to show them that they can be made into victims, too. Another would be to show them that they are up against something so much tougher and stronger than they are that going straight is the easy way out.

"All of this is fine in theory, but hard to do in practice. As Deputies Murphy and Rosario pointed out to us tonight, crooks can be as hard to find as cops, when you want one. We got lucky tonight. Finding predators is possible when you know whom they prey on and where their prey is going to be found. For crooks that choose their victims randomly, or have a large territory that they work in, it's going to be much harder to track them down. We can't open a bank and wait for it to be robbed. We can't buy a house and wait for it to be burgled. We can't..." An idea came to me and I stopped to think it over.

"Uh, oh," Bambi said. "I hear the wheels turning."

"Well, the gears are grinding, anyway," Neeka said.

"I was about to say what we can't do, but it occurs to me that we haven't tapped all our resources."

Neeka sat down at the desk and started going through the manuals that had been sent over from the Sheriff's Department. While she logged into the databases we needed, I explained to Bambi.

"I was about to say that we can't pin down specific crimes to specific locations, but maybe we can. The local law enforcement agencies will certainly have records of the crimes reported in their jurisdictions. If we can narrow down the area, we might be able to pull our fishing stunt on someone other than purse snatchers."

Neeka was already well into the maze of menus and options. Bambi and I watched over her shoulder. She seemed to be very much at home on a keyboard.

After a few minutes, she said, "There is a general database of all crimes committed locally. It has a crappy Access-based front end, but I can get the information we want. It seems to be pretty current. The problem is that it isn't connected to the GIS."

"GIS?" Bambi asked. I was glad she saved me from asking.

"Geographic Information System," Neeka said. "Basically, a map of the city that will show statistics that you give it. But it doesn't look like they linked the two systems together in any useful way. I think the underlying database is SQL, so maybe I can export the query results and then import it into the GIS."

"Oh," Bambi said. Then she mouthed at me, "sequel?"

I shrugged. "Neeka, are you a nerd?" I asked, half jokingly.

"I think the term you want is Geek," she said. "As in Computer Geek. And I am planning on majoring in Computer Science when I go to college.

"OK, here we go. I've imported my query result into the GIS. The key field is the case number. The mapped value is where the crime was committed. The different types of crimes will show as different colored dots and each type is on a different layer so we can turn them off or on, individually or in any combination. What do you want to see first?"

"Well, let's see it all to start," I said.

Neeka clicked the mouse and the screen came up with a map so covered with colored dots that it was hard to see the streets.

"That's a lot of crime!" Bambi said. "I'm going to stop complaining about paying my taxes."

"Darn!" I said. "That is a lot. How far back does this go?"

"Um, let's see," Neeka said, scrolling through a second window on the screen. "Oh, I see. This is ten years of cumulative data. I guess we need to filter it down. Filter... filter... here it is. Now, what can we leave out?"

"Closed cases, for one," I said. "If the crime has been solved, then presumably the criminal is off the street. No sense looking for them if they're already locked up."

"And misdemeanors," Bambi suggested. "No speeding, littering, public drunkenness, or spitting on the sidewalk."

"And I'll limit it to just the last two years," Neeka said. "We want to be sure we aren't looking for someone who moved on to other things years ago. Now, 'apply' and 'redraw' and here we are."

The new map was much less cluttered than the first one. The dots started to show as groups. Different colors were showing different patterns. The riot of color still made it hard to distinguish a pattern.

"What do the colors mean?" I asked.

"Red is murders. Blue is residential burglaries. Green is robberies. Yellow is auto theft. Magenta is sexual assault. Cyan is arson. Orange is assault with a deadly weapon. Purple is commercial burglaries. I guess burglars specialize in one type or another."

"Lets look at them one at a time, then."

Neeka unchecked all the boxes on the bottom of the screen except for the red one and clicked on redraw. Now that she had done the hard part, I could see how easy the GIS system was to use. When the map came up again, there was a scattering of red dots all over the place, with small clumps in a few places. I studied the map carefully, but I could not see anything useful.

"I'm not getting anything," I said. "Are either of you?"

Bambi and Neeka both shook their heads. Neeka went on to the next category — residential burglaries. This map was more understandable. The dots appeared in residential neighborhoods and tended to cluster in relatively small areas. Bambi traced her finger down the screen, following a street.

"There have been eight burglaries in this neighborhood in the last two years?" she said in an astonished tone. "I'm going to have the alarm service come out and check the system."

"Makes you want to let Brute back in the house, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Almost," Bambi said.

"Let's not forget the dot that's not on this map," Neeka said. "I feel perfectly safe here, even without the dog in the house."

"You're right, honey," Bambi said. She put her arm around my shoulders. "If we do have a burglar to break in here, that will be one less criminal we'll have to worry about!"

"Damn right," I agreed. "But I'd rather not wait for them to come to us. This gives us too big an area. Robberies and auto theft are going to be very spread out, too. Let's look at magenta."

The map of sexual assault was much more interesting. The locations tended to cluster around smaller areas. Certain neighborhoods had some; certain parts of the city; some were very tightly grouped.

"Now that's interesting," I said. "Let's look at some of these small clumps. What's this one?" I pointed to the smallest group of dots I could see and Neeka clicked on it to zoom in.

"Ponce de Leon Park," Neeka said. "Six dots, all together. I had no idea!"

"I remember something on the news about a jogger being abducted in the park," Bambi said. "I never heard how that came out. I didn't know there had been six in the last couple of years!"

Same as Sam
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The postman cums twice 1

I went by to pick up my buddy, Fred, to go fishing. We liked to get out once in a while and sit in the boat, telling lies and drinking beer. Fred was a nice enough guy and we had good times together, but the best part of fishing with Fred was the time spent around his sexy wife and equally sexy daughter. Just to watch them from the corner of my eye for the few minutes before we left and the usual cup of coffee after we got back was worth the whole day.Fred's wife, Connie, was just my size. I...

5 years ago
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Milf For BBC

This sex story was written after I got inspired by the stories of Cuckoldson on Literotica Brad was excited for the first day at his new college he always dreamed of going to college when he was in high school and today was like his dream coming true he loved to study and always was busy reading books or looking up for some educational stuff on the internet. Brad was an average 19-year-old nerd he was really good in studies and very intelligent mentally but physically really weak and really...

4 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 61

I left the new office and returned to the dining area. Catla told me the meal for my two cuties was read do I fetched them from the play furs area, got them situated in their dual high chair and got to my main job. Once Chiqa had her bottle I started filling up Kita with bites of food off the plate Catla had provided. As usual the girls had tried to keep the two small ones playing before the evening meal and by the time they were fed they were on their way to sleepy time. After giving them a...

2 years ago
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Emily and DanielChapter 4 Amlies Journal

"You can read it if you want to, Daniel. This last part, I mean." "Sure?" I knew Emily spent a lot of time on this. She called it her journal, but it was more a collection of fiction writing and her thoughts, some run-on, some bits and pieces, from whatever was floating through her mind. I'd learned over the years—well, from the get-go really—Emily had a very active imagination. Honestly speaking, a salacious one. It was one of the many things I loved about her. She kept this thing...

2 years ago
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Pegging First Timer

She grabbed me by the ear and directed me to the bed. She has done this many a time before, however, she has been quite tired lately so I figured it would be some heavy petting the just a quickie before sleep. Oh how I was wrong. I was not ready for what happened next. On our way to the bed she took my shirt off, NO, she ripped my shirt off. Lay me on my back on the bed and started to suck and chew at my neck and chest. Before I knew what was happening I was blind folded and she was preparing...

4 years ago
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Love Trust and Communication Ch 03

It took us 41 hours in total to drive the 2,000 miles from Iowa to Mary’s parent’s house in Oregon. We only stopped for gas, driver change, washroom breaks, sometimes food and two construction traffic backups. We had left at 4 AM on a Wednesday and arrived Thursday at 9 PM. Mary gave her parents a call about an hour away and George and Jan were waiting at the door. They rustled us into the house, plied us with a drink and some food and got us to sit down for an hour. We needed that time to...

5 years ago
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Owner8217s Wife And Hot Daughter Got Laid With Me

Hello friends, this is my first story in ISS. I have read lots of stories in this site. I have been reading stories from 17 years of my age. I am 18 years and I am currently staying in Bangalore City. We are living in a rented house. My building owner owns a Bar and is a very rich guy. Sorry friends I forgot to tell you about me – I am a fair guy with a nice figure. My dick is 9.5 inch long and 3 inch thick and I cum more than 100ml of sperms at a time, my sperms are a bit thick also. I have...

2 years ago
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The Scholarship

The Scholarship A Short Story By Maryanne Peters My sister Hannah was a bad girl. She was smart but devious. She had all the abilities a young person dreamed about but she only knew how to cause trouble. When she ran off with Ivan Jenkins straight after Christmas, my mother was heartbroken, but maybe a bit relieved. She always thought that whatever was behind her problems, she needed to sort things out. Then maybe, she would come home. Or at least settle down. One of the...

1 year ago
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The Service Assignment II

NOTE: THIS IS A PIECE OF FICTION AND MEANT FOR EROTIC READING. ANY RESEMBLANCES IN REAL LIFE PURELY COINCIDENTAL, UNINTENDED AND REGRETTED Hi! I am back. Remember my last sexual exploit with a customer who had called me to service her equipment? I back with some more of my experience to share. Yesterday, my last customer Priya called me up and told me to expect a call from one of her friends, Shama. Today morning, as good as her word, Shama called up and logged in a complaint for her washing...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Cheryl 3some P2

I got a text at 11pm from Cheryl “hi its me Cheryl” I ignored the text in case it was her boyfriend playing games. 2 minutes later a second text “You probably think this is him, but its me. You fucked my ass while I sucked him, you scraped his cum off my tummy into my sloppy seconds cunt, its really me” I texted back “prove it” Seconds later a pic of her open wet cunt with a vibe appears on my phone. The pic date time was seconds ago. I believed it was her. I...

4 years ago
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It all Began

Introduction: This is the true events that happened in my childhood and teenage years. Names have been changed for privacy reasons. ENJOY! It was Summer 2003. My family and my cousins family were (still are) neighbors. That Summer was the Summer where I discovered a new me. I discovered that I liked boys. I had just gotten out of the 4th grade. I was 9 years old and I was more happy than ever to have Summer here. That Summer my brother, my sister and I spent most of our time playing outside...

2 years ago
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My Birthday

TODAY was my birthday. As usual I get anything I want from or to my wife. I put on a wide cockring and waited. She then sucked and whipped my cock and it grew to long and big proportions. I asked if she was ready (no foreplay) and she said ‘does it matter’. So then I drove it into her surpriseingly wet slit to the bottom and she yelled how much it hurt and felt good. This turned me on and I gave her the jackhammer treatment to make it hurt worse. Then she climaxed and said I needed a dildo...

3 years ago
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His wife the jock and the King Kong cock Part II

Introduction: A man stands by and watches his wife fuck a muscled-up young jock on vacation. PART II The next day, Trish put on her smallest bikini and headed out to the beach for the day. She asked Mike if he wanted to join her, but Mike declined. He knew full well that she was hoping to run in to Jason on the beach. He had no desire to see that smug son of bitchs face again any time too soon, but he felt a pang of jealousy as he watched his beautiful wife leave the house in her tiny bathing...

3 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 17 One Day in Bangkok

The past week had been a busy one for Optio Samantha Redburn. Two of the sponsors from last weekend's draft had managed to pick up so many defaults for their violent behaviour that at their courts-martial they were ordered to get an immediate CAP rescoring. The results on both of them came back with psychotic levels, and the men had to be recycled – she'd had to sign off on the death of both men and take in their four traumatized concubines, all females. She'd so far killed more Chosen...

4 years ago
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(Hello and thank you for selecting this story. I will have to warn you as this is the first erotica I will be writing and constructive criticism is welcome. It will not be all smut and I hope to build a real story with smut in it. Anyway I have wasted enough time. Have fun.) Name: Zander DiAngelo Equipment: clothes from the 21st century. Status: Awake. You open your eyes to a bright light shining overhead. Getting up you take in your surroundings. You see an airborne car and holographic...

3 years ago
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Fixing The Garage Door

I was late for work. The garage door didn’t open fast enough and I had hit the stupid door with the car. Crap! I pulled back into the garage and hit the “Down” button. The garage door creaked and then it stopped half closed. I got out and surveyed the damage. The door hung off the roller on one side. I didn’t know what to do. I was pissed. I had been divorced about six months and had just managed to get relocated into a rental house in a nice suburban upscale community north of Dallas. I...

4 years ago
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Maria is initiated Part 4

I could hear music playing in the background and also men’s voices, I asked her if they were still at the club, she laughed. and said that they were at Donni's place. I said that they must have left the club early, she replied that they hadn't been to the club, I asked her why, she said because when they were in the car Vasko had asked her if she really wanted to go to the club or go to Donni's and start the party straight away, she had said that she wanted to start the party straight...

3 years ago
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Dawns AwakeningSixth Awakening

I was led, stumbling and not surprisingly, a little weak, through a hidden door to a luxurious en suite bathroom. I was newly drugged, bathed, douched, enema'ed, showered pampered and finally oiled. I felt and smelled wonderful when I was led back to the Playroom about an hour later. Mistress Lucy had the Japanese girl squirming on her fist, her tight tummy muscles rippling from the strong penetrations. I wanted to be on that fist... Lucy had hardly touched me in all the hours I had been...

2 years ago
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Rapes ProgressChapter 21

The invitation to the new bishop's inaugural garden party had been endorsed, "Be there, Sebastian, or else... " in red ink. I had phoned the bishop's palace to confirm that there had been no mistake and was told that, "someone in authority had gone to considerable pains to acquire your address." So I accepted but I had no success when I tried to find out who had issued the invitation with its veiled threat. After our reunion, Phoebe Howard was pleased to meet my two live-in lovers....

2 years ago
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The Bet Chapter 18

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 18 (Tuesday - week 3) Numb! Depressed! Alone! His dreams echoed his real life. Driving home, over and over again, one point - that nobody cared about him. He was a thing. An object. Nothing more. Something to be used and thrown away. A thing without feelings. But he did feel. He had wants and needs. Powerful ones! But there was nobody who cared. Nobody to see him as anything other than what they believed him to be - a thing. His...

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My secretcontinue

Here's wat happen later that night.... i saw them naked in front of with their semi errect cock hanging, i just had a look on roy's little monster,. Wow, it was still semi errect and it's already 7", and my bf cock is about 7"1/2 rock hard.. Then i asked "when did you get naked guys??" and they said "when you were lying n enjoying ur orgasm baby".. And they approached me holding their cocks on both side of me.. I first took my bf's cock and start sucking, but my mind was on roy's monster.. Then...

2 years ago
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Living With a Demon

The world before him was strange. A place of pitch-black darkness where the only source of light appeared miles away. Random walked for what felt like hours. The glow his lighthouse pushing him forwards. The young man finally made it to his light only to be greeted by a sight that he could've never imagined. A large red serpent slithered towards him, its entire body radiated with light, it's crimson eyes peering from the shadows at him. Despite its appearance, it was the only source of light in...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 24

Vetted A husband takes his wife to play her first round of golf. The wife promptly whacked her first shot right through the window of the biggest house adjacent to the course. The husband cringed, “I warned you to be careful! Now we’ll have to go up there, find the owner, apologize and see how much your lousy drive is going to cost us.” So the couple walked up to the house and knocked on the door. A man’s voice said, “Come on in.” When they opened the door they saw the damage that was...

4 years ago
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Valentines Sex

Our night started off with a short 45 minute drive to the restaurant of our choice. We enjoyed a great meal and had some cocktails. After the meal we started our decent for home after some talking about the rest of our evening I could tell she was not in the mood for driving s I pulled over. She was in full agreement as I pulled the truck onto a side road and shut it off. Immediately after I shut the truck off she started kissing me and touching me. Her lips were moist and I could feel her...

4 years ago
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Blondies Christmas Tale

The lullaby of 24th street haunted my steps. A far off siren heralding yet another robbery gone bad. Laughter fueled by too much liquor and swearing fed by frustration. Voices raised in anger, seething with barely contained violence. The sound of a bottle shattering into a billion pieces on the side walk across the street. Hip hop or RnB exploding from a bar every time the door opened. And always, the frightened pitter patter of my heart every time I heard footsteps behind me. Eastside, baby....

2 years ago
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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 04 Ch 04

The evening was much like those that had gone before – dinner, attending a comedy revue, a snack and a drink in the buffet and, finally, heading to their rooms for the night. As the got to the suite, however, things changed. Instead of saying good night and heading down the corridor to their stateroom, Jeff and Millie heard Katie’s usual inductive word, ‘jasmine’ and submissively entered the suite, something they frequently had done before. This time was different, however, as Millie moved to...

2 years ago
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Anja does the policemen

This story happened to my friend Anja like a three years ago when she was on a students' exchange in Portugal. Anja comes from a Polish city which name you would have no chance to pronounce, so let's skip it. I should be jealous of her, because she's usually getting even more attention than I do. She has a wonderful, athletic body with breasts I estimate as 34C, slim waist, sporty thighs -- Anja used to play tennis for her university. She's a natural platinum blonde with hair below her...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Squirted Aiden Ashley Aiden Can8217t Get Enough

As slender blonde Aiden Ashley brushes her hair and does her makeup, Toni Ribas starts trying to distract her by rubbing his hard cock against her pert ass and fingering her pussy. Aiden gets dressed in her lacy red lingerie, then sucks her man’s cock and teases her clit with her hands before Toni pulls her panties to the side and fucks her mish, then slaps her pussy through her panties. After Aiden rides Toni’s dick and gives him a foot job, she plays with herself till she squirts...

5 years ago
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Boxing Day fun Chapter 2

After I finished swallowing all his cum I sat back in the front seat and lifted my little pink dress letting him see me rubbing my hard cock. He ran his fingers over the tops of my stockings and called me a dirty little cunt boy as he moved his hand onto my cock. It felt so good being exposed and touched by an almost complete stranger. I took my phone from my bag as he rubbed me and flicked it to camera handing it to him. Opening the car door I stepped out into the rain and stood in the corner...

Gay Male
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Bill was late. He was supposed to meet Anna at the Museum half an hour ago but lost track of time. Taking a short cut, he cuts through a deserted section of the city which has been long abandoned. The section looked derelict and mainly houses the city's addicts. It didn't help that it was a foggy night. After 20 minutes of aimless wandering, he conceded defeat and started to look around for some directions. He spots an old man sitting in an alleyway. "Excuse me, how do I get...

4 years ago
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A Hollywood Career

I looked out the window from my seat on the plane, boy would I miss them, but it's time to shoot for the stars. Ever since I was a kid I love movies and plays. The performance of the actors that comes together to weave life into a script. From Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Jackie Chan and the like, to Adam Sandler (in the old days), Eddie Murphy, and Will Smith to Leonardo DiCarpio, Anthony Hopkins, Patrick Stewart, and Ian McKellen. to many others such as voice actors. There...

4 years ago
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Released Desire

It was late in the afternoon. All the students had left the school and the teachers left half an hour after them. Only Ms. Palmer and her student Allen were still in the building, in her classroom....alone. Last week he openly admitted his feelings for his teacher. He fell in love with his fourth year English teacher, a well educated, beautiful, and sexy specimen of a woman. Auburn hair that bobbed to her shoulders, 34C breasts that were cupped by a lacy black bra that he could see through her...

4 years ago
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The Angel Next DoorChapter 4

“Do you, Robert Sebastian, take these women, Zoe and Victoria, as your lawfully wedded wives, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or worse, in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth, for as long as you three shall live?” Zoe’s son Indra officiated the wedding for his mother and sister to this man, despite its lack of any official standing under Canadian law. “I do,” Robert said, wholeheartedly, as he looked upon his two lovely brides,...

3 years ago
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Steel for Christmas Again

A story for those girls who dream of being kept in chains .. permanentlyHe groaned as he felt her tongue working its magic on the underside of his cock. She was pressuring her sweet puffy lips, around his ready to explode shaft, with the earnestness he so enjoyed. Her sad yet somehow hopeful eyes peered up at him through some wisps of hair, falling adorably off her slightly scrunched up forehead.“Oh my sweet fucking slave…You look so fuckin hot princess, with your mouth wrapped around your...

4 years ago
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Hurt Sexual Experience Design

This is one of my very old sexual experience design writings that was supposed to be for a proffesional team of sexual experience engineers / designers but I've since decided to be an independent : Written by Dominic Dale Hughes : RosaBurning in your sensationVigorous strain amongst your limbsCaptivity bonded to your emotionThis will corrupt you. Welcome to hurt an experience which is designed to create painful pleasure. You will be asked to lay down on the torture table naked as your...

4 years ago
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Bob sent to upend Elsie and give her seein to

Albert Grimshaw looked on wi pride. “Eee Lad, afore long thee’ll not see nowt for smoke from Grimshaws in’t valley.” he said jokily. Young Bob Fairlie looked out on’t scene and all. “So what you want wi me gaffer?” Bob asked. “It’s me eldest, Elsie,” Albert said warily, “ ‘Tween thee an me her needs a good seein to.” “See in to?” Bob enquired. “Bit of how’s yer father,” Albert explained, “Her’s nigh on twenty three and never been fucked, head in a book all’t bloody time, what good’s...

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