SamChapter 10E free porn video

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The building was so gutted that I couldn't tell what it used to be. I looked around and then dragged the three menaces to society into a small windowless room to wait for them to regain their senses - what few they possessed.

I stood in the doorway and looked at the haul from my first fishing expedition. It wasn't very impressive. They all looked to be in their late teens or early twenties. Their shabby clothes looked to be that way deliberately, rather than from actual wear, so I assumed that they weren't orphaned street children who had fallen into crime as a means of survival. These looked to be your common, garden-variety thugs who preyed on old women because they were too lazy to have higher goals or even to go after bigger prey.

I intended to see that this time they got far more than they bargained for. My problem was that I hadn't expected such quick success from my ruse and I didn't have a plan for dealing with them. While their eyes stopped rolling around in their heads, I thought over what I could do to them that would make them reevaluate their choice of profession without causing them any serious physical damage.

I was fresh out of creative ideas so I went with the first thing that came into my head.

"Well, lookee here," I cackled. "Three fine, strapping young men. We're going to have some fun tonight, yessirree!"

One of them sat up and stammered, "Wha... what do you want?"

"Why, I want you, young man! It's been a long time since I had a nice young fella like you. You're going to make old granny mighty happy." I feigned undoing my belt. "Now you boys hurry up and get out of those clothes. I've got an itch and you've got just what I need to scratch it!"

All three of them looked like I'd told them they were going to be executed at dawn. They started crawling away from me. I reached down and snatched a hold on the ankle of the slowest. He tried to squirm away from me, but I dragged him slowly closer while reaching for the crotch of his jeans. When I put my hand on the bulge in his groin, he made a noise halfway between a squeek and a whimper.

"Yes, it's been a loooong time," I said, squeezing his balls like they were ripe fruit in a produce bin. "Now you boys get those clothes off, you hear!"

When nobody moved, I unfastened the belt of the one I was holding and before he could move, I took hold of the waistband and ripped his pants open halfway to his knee. He looked like he was about to cry. I couldn't tell if it was from shock or because I had ruined his favorite pair of jeans.

Still nobody moved, so I used the same technique I had used on Dave. I grabbed the thug on the floor by the thigh muscle and started to squeeze. His friends watched him thrash about for a while, but when the light dawned on them that they were next for this treatment, they started shedding clothes.

I had to yank off one pair of boxers, but eventually I had them mother-naked in front of me.

I looked at them and shook my head, "You boys sure are a disappointment. I thought I had some serious cocks here, but instead, I got little pricks." I picked up a pair of pants and stripped the belt out of them. I had been thinking about playing with them some, messing with their heads, but they looked so wretched and so scared that I just wanted to get it over with and get out of there.

"I thought we could have some fun, but it looks like the only fun I'm going to have is whipping your butts. C'mere you!" I reached for the thug furthest from the door. In doing so, I stepped out of the doorway and gave them a way to escape. The first one dashed through quickly, but the second bent down for his clothes. I snapped the belt across his ass and he reordered his priorities and ran after the first.

The last one I chased around the room, flailing the belt at him. It wasn't until the second time around that he thought to make a break for it as well. I ran after him as far as the door of the building and watched him run down the street after his friends. Then I went back inside and collected their clothes into a bundle. Carrying it with me, I resumed shuffling down the street at my own slow pace.

No one else bothered me and I reached the store without further incident. There was a small crowd out front and I could hear people laughing and snickering. I walked up to the front of the store and held out the bundle of clothes for everyone to see.

"Anyone see three boys run past here with their peepees flapping in the breeze?" I asked of the crowd. This produced more laughter.

One woman flipped the ash off her cigarette and said, "Sure did! They just ran past here like the Devil himself was after them."

I dropped the bundle on the oil-stained parking apron in front of the store and said, "Well, if any of y'all know those boys, you might give them their clothes back. Or not. It makes no nevermind to me. Oh, and if you see them, tell them I'll be back to visit again real soon."

I trundled into the store to check it out. It looked really nasty from the outside and no better inside. The walls and ceiling had either been painted the ugliest shade of brownish-yellow that could be found, or the paint had just faded to that shade over the years. The place had an atmosphere of age and decay that made me feel dirty just being in it. It looked like the only thing that had changed in the last eighty years was the stock, the flickering fluorescent tubes hanging from the ceiling, and the heavy wire mesh over the front door and windows. Certainly there had been little effort to keep the place clean. The floor was so grimy that it was hard to tell if it was wood or linoleum.

Most of the place was devoted to stacks of cases of beer and overpriced snack food. There was a wooden magazine rack near the single register that held pawed-over copies of garish porn magazines. On the wall behind the counter was a large display of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, along with some things that I figured must be drug paraphernalia. Who buys plumbing supplies in a convenience store?

The man behind the counter looked to be in his late forties or early fifties. He had short gray hair above a deeply creased face. He wore a stained, wife-beater undershirt and had in a holster on the front of his belt a very large, very shiny revolver. The wooden grip looked worn, as though the man had the habit of rubbing it with his hand. He was looking at me with curious and habitually suspicious eyes.

I shuffled up to the counter and gave him the once-over. "You the owner?" I asked.

He nodded. "Name's Winslow," he said. "What can I do for you?"

"Good evening, Mr. Winslow. I came to give you some news. There is something out there." I waved my hand toward the door and cackled, "It's mean. It's ugly. It's horrifying. It's coming, Mr. Winslow. The Dragon is coming. And it's hungry."

I shuffled toward the door. When I reached it, I put my hand on the bar and looked back. "You tell them, Mr. Winslow. You tell them The Dragon is coming. Ask them if it's coming for them. And while you're at it, ask yourself. Is it coming for you, too?"

When I went back outside, the bundle of clothes had vanished. Somehow I doubted that some Good Samaritan had hurried off to return them to their owners.

As I walked away from the store, I could feel the eyes following me. I tried to look weak and defenseless, but after I had gone another two blocks, there were still no more takers.

I reached the spot where Neeka was waiting for me without so much as seeing another person.

"Everything all right," I asked her.

"Fine and dandy," she said. "A couple of guys tried to pick me up. They were about to insist on my company when there was a call on the radio. They suddenly remembered that they had a pressing engagement elsewhere."

"Bad guys?"

"Just pushy. I've met jocks that were worse about not taking a hint. I could have handled them even if the radio hadn't scared them off. It's odd; I think that in this neighborhood, running from the cops is a reflex. How bad does the place have to be for you to grow up doing that?" She shrugged. "Now, what was all that 'The Dragon is coming' business? I thought you were going to tell him help was on the way."

"I was. But when I got in there, something didn't smell right. The place is really run down. It can't be worth anything. Why does he stay? Loyalty to the neighborhood? Give me a break. Business too good? If so, why not use the profits to keep the place up better. Business bad? Then where did he get the money to buy the stock he has? All those cases of beer stacked to the ceiling. Something's not right. I want to know more about Mr. Winslow before we assume he's on the right side. It's possible that he's not the victim we assumed he was."

I resumed my normal face and pulled off the disguise. Neeka stowed it in one of the storage compartments on the bike. I might be able to use it again. The fishing trip idea had worked out better than I had hoped. Old ladies on this street would be safe for a while.

During the ride back home, I thought about how well the disguise had worked. In the dark of the street, I had passed. The crowd outside the store hadn't had a much better look at me, so I passed there too. Winslow had the best look, under the harsh fluorescents in the store, but even if he hadn't bought the 'old lady', even if he saw straight through it, what had he seen? My height? Maybe. I had tried to hunch over, but you can only fudge your size so far. My hair? Hidden under the cowl and the scarf. Skin tone? The suit covered my skin except for my face. The suit was colorless. It would be the average of the color in the room. In dim light, it was impossible to see. In the store it had looked brown — halfway between the filthy floor and the walls. My shape? Distinctive in normal clothes, my outline and contours were hard to make out under the suit. Just as the dazzle-art on the walls of the workshop made it hard to judge the size of the room, the suit made it hard to see my body under it. If I was moving, it would be impossible to say much more than I was small and possibly female.

My face? That was my ace. I could make my face look like anything at all. My ability to do the moving dragon so effectively was the best demonstration of that. The uneven gray, seamed complexion I adopted along with the clothes completely obscured my true appearance.

I decided that I didn't have to have Oscar-caliber acting skills or an elaborate collection of makeup appliances. I didn't need to be a credible old woman, or whatever disguise I wanted to use. I just needed to be unrecognizable as me. I was sure I could handle that.

Thinking of handling things reminded me of the way I had handled the three young thugs who tried to steal my purse. I was disappointed that I couldn't think of something better than taking their clothes and sending them home naked. It seemed kind of juvenile. Still, until I had much better control over my strength, I wanted to avoid thumping people unless there was a real good reason for it.

Maybe taking their clothes wasn't too bad a lesson anyway. It was embarrassing, it was memorable, and it made them feel as defenseless and vulnerable as their victims felt.

When we got home, Bambi was waiting for us in the workshop.

"You were gone longer than I expected," she said. "I decided to listen to the radio to see if anything was going on."

"We went fishing," Neeka said.

"Unhunh. Why do I get the feeling that no worms were harmed on this fishing trip?"

"Hey," I said, "speaking on behalf of bait in general, I object to that sarcastic tone! Us woims have a tuff life, OK?"

"So, did you catch anything?" Bambi was trying hard to hide how concerned she was that I had been out putting myself deliberately in harm's way. She really wanted to know how close I had come to being in actual danger, but she couldn't just ask right out.

"We caught three little fishes, but I skinned them and threw them back," I said.

"You what?" She got lost in my metaphor, but she still laughed.

"I caught three hoods who tried to steal my purse. I let them go, but I kept their clothes. It must be hard to pass yourself off as a tough guy when you've been stripped and run through the streets with your shortcomings on full display."

"That's funny!" Bambi giggled. "But why not just have them arrested?"

"I thought about that," I said. "But since I was the victim, it would mean pressing charges, testifying, the whole legal scene. I can't do that, obviously. Also, in their peer group, being busted just gives you status and credibility. Crooks are a stupid bunch, generally. You'd think that a crook that didn't get caught would have a higher status than one that did, but apparently it works the other way around. Failure is success. Bad is good. Getting caught just means more people know what you did. Their whole psychology is upside down."

"Yes," Neeka agreed, "someone who preys on defenseless old women is going to have some very messed-up values. We're not going to be able to persuade these people to trade their life of crime for being productive members of society unless we can first convince them that they are miserable failures as criminals."

I said, "And one way to do that is to show them that they can be made into victims, too. Another would be to show them that they are up against something so much tougher and stronger than they are that going straight is the easy way out.

"All of this is fine in theory, but hard to do in practice. As Deputies Murphy and Rosario pointed out to us tonight, crooks can be as hard to find as cops, when you want one. We got lucky tonight. Finding predators is possible when you know whom they prey on and where their prey is going to be found. For crooks that choose their victims randomly, or have a large territory that they work in, it's going to be much harder to track them down. We can't open a bank and wait for it to be robbed. We can't buy a house and wait for it to be burgled. We can't..." An idea came to me and I stopped to think it over.

"Uh, oh," Bambi said. "I hear the wheels turning."

"Well, the gears are grinding, anyway," Neeka said.

"I was about to say what we can't do, but it occurs to me that we haven't tapped all our resources."

Neeka sat down at the desk and started going through the manuals that had been sent over from the Sheriff's Department. While she logged into the databases we needed, I explained to Bambi.

"I was about to say that we can't pin down specific crimes to specific locations, but maybe we can. The local law enforcement agencies will certainly have records of the crimes reported in their jurisdictions. If we can narrow down the area, we might be able to pull our fishing stunt on someone other than purse snatchers."

Neeka was already well into the maze of menus and options. Bambi and I watched over her shoulder. She seemed to be very much at home on a keyboard.

After a few minutes, she said, "There is a general database of all crimes committed locally. It has a crappy Access-based front end, but I can get the information we want. It seems to be pretty current. The problem is that it isn't connected to the GIS."

"GIS?" Bambi asked. I was glad she saved me from asking.

"Geographic Information System," Neeka said. "Basically, a map of the city that will show statistics that you give it. But it doesn't look like they linked the two systems together in any useful way. I think the underlying database is SQL, so maybe I can export the query results and then import it into the GIS."

"Oh," Bambi said. Then she mouthed at me, "sequel?"

I shrugged. "Neeka, are you a nerd?" I asked, half jokingly.

"I think the term you want is Geek," she said. "As in Computer Geek. And I am planning on majoring in Computer Science when I go to college.

"OK, here we go. I've imported my query result into the GIS. The key field is the case number. The mapped value is where the crime was committed. The different types of crimes will show as different colored dots and each type is on a different layer so we can turn them off or on, individually or in any combination. What do you want to see first?"

"Well, let's see it all to start," I said.

Neeka clicked the mouse and the screen came up with a map so covered with colored dots that it was hard to see the streets.

"That's a lot of crime!" Bambi said. "I'm going to stop complaining about paying my taxes."

"Darn!" I said. "That is a lot. How far back does this go?"

"Um, let's see," Neeka said, scrolling through a second window on the screen. "Oh, I see. This is ten years of cumulative data. I guess we need to filter it down. Filter... filter... here it is. Now, what can we leave out?"

"Closed cases, for one," I said. "If the crime has been solved, then presumably the criminal is off the street. No sense looking for them if they're already locked up."

"And misdemeanors," Bambi suggested. "No speeding, littering, public drunkenness, or spitting on the sidewalk."

"And I'll limit it to just the last two years," Neeka said. "We want to be sure we aren't looking for someone who moved on to other things years ago. Now, 'apply' and 'redraw' and here we are."

The new map was much less cluttered than the first one. The dots started to show as groups. Different colors were showing different patterns. The riot of color still made it hard to distinguish a pattern.

"What do the colors mean?" I asked.

"Red is murders. Blue is residential burglaries. Green is robberies. Yellow is auto theft. Magenta is sexual assault. Cyan is arson. Orange is assault with a deadly weapon. Purple is commercial burglaries. I guess burglars specialize in one type or another."

"Lets look at them one at a time, then."

Neeka unchecked all the boxes on the bottom of the screen except for the red one and clicked on redraw. Now that she had done the hard part, I could see how easy the GIS system was to use. When the map came up again, there was a scattering of red dots all over the place, with small clumps in a few places. I studied the map carefully, but I could not see anything useful.

"I'm not getting anything," I said. "Are either of you?"

Bambi and Neeka both shook their heads. Neeka went on to the next category — residential burglaries. This map was more understandable. The dots appeared in residential neighborhoods and tended to cluster in relatively small areas. Bambi traced her finger down the screen, following a street.

"There have been eight burglaries in this neighborhood in the last two years?" she said in an astonished tone. "I'm going to have the alarm service come out and check the system."

"Makes you want to let Brute back in the house, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Almost," Bambi said.

"Let's not forget the dot that's not on this map," Neeka said. "I feel perfectly safe here, even without the dog in the house."

"You're right, honey," Bambi said. She put her arm around my shoulders. "If we do have a burglar to break in here, that will be one less criminal we'll have to worry about!"

"Damn right," I agreed. "But I'd rather not wait for them to come to us. This gives us too big an area. Robberies and auto theft are going to be very spread out, too. Let's look at magenta."

The map of sexual assault was much more interesting. The locations tended to cluster around smaller areas. Certain neighborhoods had some; certain parts of the city; some were very tightly grouped.

"Now that's interesting," I said. "Let's look at some of these small clumps. What's this one?" I pointed to the smallest group of dots I could see and Neeka clicked on it to zoom in.

"Ponce de Leon Park," Neeka said. "Six dots, all together. I had no idea!"

"I remember something on the news about a jogger being abducted in the park," Bambi said. "I never heard how that came out. I didn't know there had been six in the last couple of years!"

Same as Sam
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(Me and Jazmin are always fighting I don’t know why, but hey it’s not my fault she always starts it and she makes me angry causing me to end up in a shouting competition with her sibling huh) “No I got here fist you can wait until I’m done watching the flash!!” I replied calmly trying so hard to keep my cool but she now stands up in front of me blocking the view of the t.v which I didn’t completely mind Jazmin was a very fit girl from running track, and playing volleyball, she had on a pair...

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This is a fictional story, a personal fantasy of mine----------"Cum to my place, I need you ;) xxx" Was the message I recieved from her. Needless to say you do not pass up on an invitation like that so I had a quick shave and a shower, got dressed and headed out to find my 'girl'.When I arrived in her apartment it was pitch black except from the candels lit down te corridor, guiding me to the bedroom. Feeling the blood start to rush away from my head and into my cock I proceeded hastily down to...

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Sucking Nipples At The Licking Sip Coffee Shop

Lana peered around the corner from the back room, her leggings pooled at her ankles like cuffs. Many tables full of patrons already. Is he here yet?The droning of machines filled the air as they spilled brown drink delights into cups. The freshly ground coffee aroma rich and thick plugged her nostrils full. Full enough to block out the shock wave of aftershave that usually hung in the coffee shop like a near-toxic fog. Her brain now associated the smell of coffee with her swollen erotic...

2 years ago
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Rendezvous IIChapter 9

Karen I can’t believe he’s doing it. “Okay, the house rent is paid, this card is for expenses; coal, gas for the lawn tractor, new tires for the Mazda and the Jeep ... and insurance.” He hands me a MasterCard in my name. “This is for food, gas, and clothing and a night out every now and again.” That got a Visa. “And this is for emergencies.” He passed me the combination to the under bed gun box. He gave me the directions how to set the box for palm print. “And this is for fun,” the key to...

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Carmens Birthday pt2

Joe and Jerry were sitting in the living room as I recovered from my episode, Jerry on the lounge chair and Joe on the sofa. I came in and sat next to Joe and he looked at me. "Did you like my little surprise?" he asked me "Oh yes dear" I replied "It was fantastic" I added. Leaning over Joe kissed me gently then looked at me and then over at Jerry "You want to be with him don't you baby?" he asked me. I looked at Jerry then at Joe, "Yes" was all I could answer. With that Joe got up and went...

1 year ago
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Fuads HareemChapter 6 The Warm Up Event

This time it was a group of only four women who followed Charlotte down the hallway between their guards. Again they all wore the chador, but Charlotte had been most specific about the costumes under the concealing wraps. Beth and Kristin were in lingerie. Beth had been helped into a green waist cincher. Her already trim waistline was compressed even further. Garter stockings and heels in matching colors completed the outfit. The green served to accentuate her flame red hair. Kristin had been...

3 years ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 22

~Five Days Later~ "You've been very bad slave." Sarah nodded. Her position was truly a work of art. She was eagle spread on my bed. Her arms and legs were tied to the bed posts with scarves. Her pale breast's rose rapidly. She murmured something behind her bright red ball gag. I grinned. "Oh no. No speaking slave. Only good little girls may speak ... and you've been bad. Haven't you? Sarah nodded. Her face was flush with arousal. I dragged my little leather flogger across her...

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Granite GiantChapter 12 Indecision

When I finally returned home just before four that fateful Saturday afternoon, I was greeted with an empty house. I shouldn't have been surprised. It was Saturday, after all. Mike would be working at the truss plant, while Dionne would undoubtedly be somewhere in the vicinity of Rick Goshulak. It gave me some time to decide what to say and how to say it. Dionne was the first to appear. "What are you doing home, Dad? Where's Rita?" Well, that didn't take long. "Rita and I are going to...

3 years ago
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2 Boy 2 Girl Cousins Volume 3

We left off in Volume 2 where the four of us had some special 1st Cousin Incest time. I was still so surprised that the older cousin Kim turned out to be so active. As I remembered her she was always the sweet quiet proper young lady. Well that sure as fuck was not her anymore, I think she is perverted more than I was. Well we got up this morning to a gray and cloudy day, if things did not change there would be no swimming today. Tony and I got dressed and brushed our teeth and combed...

2 years ago
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The Wynford Wives

IThe young housewife, somewhere in her mid-thirties but still radiating with youth and vitality, twinkled her eyes at Abbey and said, “Welcome to Wynford! You’re really going to love it here! It’s a lovely town with lovely neighbours! You couldn’t have made a better choice!”Abbey couldn’t help but feel charmed by her effervescence.“That’s wonderful to hear, Caity. Can I make you a coffee?”“I would love some!” She beamed.Abbey welcomed her new neighbour into her home. She led her guest through...

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To Retire or NotChapter 6

By any stretch of the imagination it wasn’t a good night and next day for Craig. In fact, most of the following days weren’t that good because of what he had witnessed at Monica’s townhome. He was in a constant stupor because of her involvement and being intimate with another man. In analyzing what had happened, Craig knew that all the arguments were against him. Since he slept and fooled around with other lovers why couldn’t she? There was no agreement between them as to fidelity and he...

1 year ago
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DetentionGirls Chanel Shortcake Kenzie Reeves Mackenzie Moss Girl Power

Kenzie Reeves, Mackenzie Moss, and Chanel Shortake are the three newest intakes for the detention girls facility run by Damon Dice. The girls don’t want to be there. They miss their promiscuous lives and getting it on with as many guys and girls as they can handle. Once Damon has given them their orientation, the girls dish about how they’d like to make him theirs. In the meantime, they realize they can meet their needs together in a lesbian threesome. Retreating to the bathroom,...

2 years ago
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the day the babysitter became a slave

Luna:. -walks up to the front door and ring the doorbell- Mikayla: *i walk up and open the door* oh good, your here, come on in Luna: -walks in- Thanks for hiring me ma'am I really needed the money. And Tyler is such a sweet boy, I love babysitting him. Mikayla: *smiles* well thank you Luna, and youre welcome, youve got a great record. ill be back before 12, there is money for pizza on the counter. and Tyler needs to be in bed by 9:30 Luna: Okay, where is Tyler? Mikayla: hes...

4 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 31 Enough money to buy Estonia

The following morning at the office I at last managed to clear some paperwork despite having to make time to receive confession from Fran and Connie. Fran had asked to see me about something "very important"; but when she arrived, with Connie in tow, she seemed extremely loth to get to the point. Not having much time to spend on this, I was about to order her to come out with it when Connie intervened. "Jeez, Fran, we'll be here all day at this rate! James, what Fran's trying to tell...

1 year ago
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Surf Shark sounds like the name of the gargantuan beast that attacked me off the coast of Hawaii, but nah, this shark is here to protect you as you surf, not bite your dick off. Unlike most of the websites I review here at ThePornDude, this one ain’t even dick-oriented. Of course, one of their main functions is helping you surf the web anonymously and privately, and we all know exactly what you’re going to do with all that extra anonymity and privacy. (In case you’re a little dense, that’s a...

Best VPN Sites
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JJ and Her AdventureChapter 6

For the remainder of the time spent on Crossroads, Mike serviced all three women several times a day. It followed a common pattern with him starting with JJ, and then having sex with Cat. It always ended with him atop Donna. Afterwards, Donna would lie there positioned so that she wouldn’t lose a single drop of his sperm. To a certain extent, the sessions in bed had stopped being an act of love. They had become a stud service. With each day that passed, Donna became ever more frantic about...

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Amar bondhur 2

Amio boudeer guude amar laura ta dhokate aar bar korte korte bolte laglam, “hi amar Sapna rani amio tomar guud chude chude khuub aram pachhee. Nao, aaroo nao amar laura thap gulo tomar guuder bhetor obdee nao amar. Aamar aajker bhaggoo ta khuub bhalo kenona aaj ami tomar moton sundoreer guude amar bara ta dhukiye tomake chudchee. Amar chodon tomar bhalo lagche to? Theek theek bolo to, ke tomar ei ras bhortee guud ta ke beshi bhalo bhabe chode, Ami na Subhash? Amar thap khete khete Sapna boudee...

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I banged my first BBW

It all happened last summer, I was hired to clean a couples pool. I get in my truck and head to the address of the house. In the town were the couple lived at, there was a ton of hot girls outside.I knock at the door, the lady that opened up the door was a very pretty bbw. She had sky blue eyes, blond hair and a perfect bbw body with massive tits. I caught my composure and said: "Hi, I'm Randy from Carson's pool cleaning. " She said: "Hi, I'm Ms. James."Ms James took me to the pool to clean...

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Bernies Back Room 6 Bunny

I had died and gone to Heaven. No, that's not right, I must have been dreaming. But no, I was wide awake in my own room — I recognized it — but it seemed like Heaven right here on Earth. And then I knew. I felt Linda's soft mouth wrapped around Peter The Great, awakening both of us and transporting us to Heaven. My Ebony Angel's fingers caressed the second and third jewels of my three-piece set, the feathery non-threatening touch that she had perfected long before she came into my store —...

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Hot Bottoms at Middlesex High The Science Teacher Sees the Stars Part B

Bonnie Anderson, the very lovely, but stern principal of Middlesex High, had just prepared her young science teacher, Dave Smith, for his very first spanking in her office. If she did a nice job, he might be back for more! Smith really needed this spanking for a variety of reasons. The official one was his students’ poor grades on the state exams. It was hoped her mahogany hairbrush would induce him to try other teaching methods. If not, there was always her secretary Julie’s hairbrush, or...

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The Gamer Protaganist Preorder Deluxe Special Edition

(???'s POV) Ohhh....fuuuck me, my head! Goddamnit, I feel like a semi just smashed me the face then backed up over it, waited until I tried to get up then ran me over again. What the hell happened to me? Wait...WHO THE FUCK AM I?! Ok ok, calm down dumbass, if you have learned anything from midnight horror movie marathons it is that panicking solves nothing. I'll start slow and qork my way through this. Let's get one thing straight I male or female? {Author's Note: The next few...

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The Jizz Show

I saw this when I was 24. Actually I saw it a couple of times. It is one of the most fucked up things I’d ever witnessed and it still weirds me out to this day.I’ve known Carl since high school. He’s a great guy, (married now, in fact), but right after his 19th birthday, he began participating in a sexual act with his girlfriend, Billie, that I found rather strange. That being said, I know I’m writing this story for a porn site, but at the time, this practice was uncommon-at least if you lived...

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One Hundred Knots

  Prologue The drill at my house is that in order to cum, I must first suffer by the cock and balls—no exceptions. Intense application of electroshock is the punishment of choice. You see, I'ma slut, a lifelong CBT slut. I have a sincere passion for watching an attractive woman strip and display her body for me—while I endure intense, nearly unbearable torment of the genitals for the pleasure of masturbating to her. I’m now divorced but when I was married, my ex played with me—harshly—on a...

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The Great Shift Summers End Part 5

The Great Shift - Summer's End (Part 5) by Limbo's Mistress It took me a few moments to get over my initial surprise. Then I turned around and went back to the bed while Kara stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. I sat down on the edge, pulling the comforter over my lower body. The urge to retreat back under the blankets was still present, thought I knew I wouldn't, couldn't, do that to Kara. Not when it was so obvious that she intended to talk to me. Even though we...

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SeducedByACougar India Summer 22429

India Summer loves college basketball so much that when two players from the local university’s team come knocking for a fundraiser donation, she can’t help but be excited — and horny! The sexy cougar is fine with giving Alex and Isiah’s team money, but she has another idea that she thinks will help them relax and actually win some games this year … her pussy! India seduces the athletes into tag-teaming her with both of their big black cocks to give everyone the release they needed. Threesome...

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Second meeting with construction worker cont Stor

After the cocksucking session, Henry had reinserted the inflatable buttplug. He was fascinated with gape. Having rested for a few hours, Henry reinspected my pussy and told me that my gape was improving. He stuck the plug back in and inflated. The pressure was intense, just beyond pleasurable until my hole adapted. He bound my hands again and tightened the nutsack rope. He then took the leather belt and cracked my cheeks a few times and waves of pain and pleasure rushed through my body. My...

4 years ago
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Being with Kevin again

I want to be with Kevin again and again. It was he who brought me out in the most dramatic and thrilling way, when I felt that first taste of pure unadulterated cock enter my being like a fast piston engine, breaking my virginity right away and consoling my inhibitions. And he’d prepared me in the most delightful way, making me realise I was gay. All those awful inhibitions were set free, and Kevin inspired in me all the confidence I needed. No more feeling guilty about the way I am, no more...

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Seducing my Stepdaughter

My Stepdaughter Sara is just gorgeous and I started watching her naked at 14 through a bathroom door crack..She used to sit on the bathroom floor and shave her pussy smooth, but I could barely see it. Once and awhile I'd see your tiny slitted pussy right next to the door crack and even watched her sitting on the stool sucking her own nipples a little at a time. She always left her dirty stained and sometimes wet panties on her floor which I jacked off into all the time laying in her own bed....

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Kyles Porch Ch 04

These are not ‘Stand alone’ Chapters. I suggest reading from the beginning. This story is the product of a diseased and febrile mind. As such, it is fiction. Having said that, All my stories are true, even the ones I make up. Copyright 2007 L_D_Darrow I wish to thank Wolv_Project for taking the time to edit my offering. All mistakes are mine solely, whether planed or not. Part four of eight: Two beauties apply this time * I got a long letter from a UoA student wishing to pursue the study...

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Big Black Cock and Balls Part 2

The Captains jaw went slack and hung open, staring wide-eyed at the blonde slut that he was once proud to have called his wife.Leasa bobbed and sucked, and bobbed and sucked. Sambo’s precum and her own spittle covered her cock shucking hand as she choked away on the fat, juicy, slab of black meat.Finally, the inevitable happened.“Augghhhh...!!!” Sambo grunted loudly as he sprayed a thick volley of jism down Leasa’s slender throat. She gagged and choked, then maintained her control and swallowed...

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Its My PartyChapter 3

Jada and Emily were somewhat amazed to see a normal-looking party before them. People were chatting spread out over a very comfortable and well appointed lounge area. The area was pleasantly heated and very spacious, and the two women gladly took off their coats. Jada guessed the lounge to be about 240 square meters in area. It had very square proportions except for two slightly beveled corners on the wall containing the elevator. Jada turned around and studied the elevator as its door...

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Ich lebe im Jahr 2035 im "The Campus" einer geheimen, multinationelen Forschungseinrichtung, die im Jahr 2020 errichtet wurde, um die dringenden Zukunftsthemen der Menschheit zu lösen. Hier forschen und arbeiten die CURL (Civilian Urban Ressource and Life), Forscherteams jeweils aus drei Männern und Frauen, die im Alter von 25 nach einem Excellenzstudium ausgewählt wurden, besondere Forschungsergebnisse innerhalb von 5 Jahren zu produzieren. Nach der Anwerbung und der Vertragsgestaltung werden...

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Danny Part 1

DANNY Part One by Roberta J. Cabot This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And about how he and his buds handle his problems with the school bully when he dresses up as a girl in the annual Halloween costume contest, how he and his family deal with his having breasts, and how he deals with getting turned on by his...

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The Glade

In the glade, the headstones stood in concentric circles. Around the edges, where the floor of the glade met the steep, surrounding hillside were the entrances to tombs, which had been cut into the sides of the slope. In the center of the glade, stone benches formed an amphitheater before an altar carved from a single massive slab of polished black stone. Behind the altar stood a cross carved from the same black stone as the altar. The most recent dates on the graves were nearly 100 years...

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Julian Part 4

Every step that I took in my new outfit was a painful reminder of my predicament, from the way the gingham dress rubbed against my bare thighs to the straps of the pink vest which snugly sat on my shoulders. Not to mention my new long blonde hair, and the childish plaits which bounced against my chest acting as a metronomic memento of my new station. There was no escaping it now, not for a second. It wasn't helped by the amount of mirrors that were positioned around the house. I was...

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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 21 Healing and Mechs

Lisa slowly woke up and opened her eyes. As she moved her eyes, they settled on her sister's face. In a scratchy voice, she said, "Hi, Sis. Can I have a drink of water? I'm really thirsty." Tammy brushed the hair out of Lisa's eyes. "Hey, Sis! Yes, you may have a drink. How are you feeling?" Reaching over to the bedside table, she lifted a glass of water with a straw in it to her sister's lips. "Take your time drinking. Well, we now know what was wrong with you, and it will...

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