DanicaPart 4A free porn video

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Danica awoke that morning to Celes shaking her. She came to very slowly, the exhaustion, which had drained her completely, reluctant to release her.

Seeing Danica rousing, Celes asked, "Are ye alright dearie? I've been tryin' ta wake ye fer hours now. Ye've been sleepin' like the dead."

"I'm alright," Danica replied, moving to sit up. She made a face, feeling her panties and dress sticking to her skin.

"Let's get them off ye dearie," Celes urged, and helped Danica out of the soiled clothing. She then fetched a washbasin, which Danica used to clean up, and then waited while Danica got dressed again. Celes brought Danica something to eat, while the redhead dressed, and then started to question her again.

"What happened to ye, Dearie? Did ye complete yer task?"

Danica explained to the frustration of the first day to Celes. She detailed how she finally managed to gain entrance with the ladies of the night, and the subsequent night of fear she had experienced trying to get back out again.

Danica sighed deeply, and then finished with, "And I have to get back in there in a month. How will I find a way inside again?" She covered her face with her hands and groaned.

"There's a way," Celes said. "I'll have to be askin' the madman if'n I can teach ye the spell that'll let ye through their magic, without losin' yer own. If'n they've got them wards about all the doors, they suren' have ways o' preventin' teleportin', so that won't be workin'."

Danica knew of only one spell that would do what Celes was suggesting. "Armor of Dispelling?" she asked.

"Aye, ye know the spell?" Celes responded.

"My sister used it all the time to sneak up on me when I was in the storage room of my shop. How does Zoraster know it? It's one of Darkni's original spells, and he doesn't give it out to just anyone. Devan wouldn't even teach it to me," Danica said.

Celes frowned and said, "The bastard has his ways. If'n he'll let me teach ye the spell, that should make it a right lot easier ta get yerself back in there." Celes kicked at the dress and panties, lying on the floor next to the bed. "That don't explain this, Dearie. How'd ye get yerself in that mess?"

Danica shuddered, remembering the incredible scene that had played itself out before her eyes — the two men sucking each other only a few feet away from her. She lived out every moment in her words, in extensive detail — forgetting for whom she was reliving it.

"Turned ye on did it?" Celes asked with a wink and a laugh. "I reckon it did, from the sight yer clothes are. I never heared of such either 'cept in rare rumors, but suren' I of all people shoulda considered it."

"Have you ever been with a man?" Danica asked.

Celes scowled, "I had my fill of 'em right early."

"I'm sorry," Danica apologized, seeing pain and anger in the woman's eyes.

"Nay, it's alright, Dearie. It's a long time ago, an' suren' I've been through worse since. When I was a wee lass, I was playin' at bein' a woman — flirtin' with the boys around the fountain in me town in the evening. I went off into the woods with a young man to steal kisses and pretend — only he wasn't pretendin'. He pounded me but good, near ta tore me in half, an' blacked me eye, an' bloodied me lip, 'cause I was fightin' him so hard, an' wouldn't shut up. He stuffed me underskirt in me mouth ta keep me quiet while he had his way with me. I had me fill o' men right then and there."

After a deep breath and a hint of a smile, Celes continued, "I had a friend, who was the only one I felt safe fer tellin'. She let me cry on her shoulder an' get it outta my system. We got closer, an' one day it just sorta happened. She's t' one what taught me ta play with meself. Then we was in the bath t'gether, an' washin', an' we just started touchin' each other. Once it happened, I realized I had no need o' beasty men an' their poles, when 'nother woman could make me feel that good."

"Not all men are like that," Danica attested.

"They may as well be, fer all I care. Like I said — I've had me fill of the hairy brutes," Celes declared and blew a raspberry. The look on Celes face, combined with the sound, caused Danica to laugh, and Celes laughed with her.

"Alright, Dearie, let's get ourselves back. Yer task is done for now, an' I'm for thinkin' ye should get back about yer studies," Celes suggested when she stopped laughing.

Danica nodded, and they gathered up the things that they had purchased while in the city. A quick spell from Celes teleported both of them back to Zoraster's abode.

Danica spent the first day after her return in her lab, refreshing her memory of her notes and her purpose. Everything snapped into focus quickly. She was ready to craft — to make her gift for Celes.

She went that evening to Damian's chambers where she stayed and watched with careful attention as he finished the last of two days worth of spell casting — the enchantment of a Staff of Power. The spell casting, which filled the item with its considerable powers, exhausted Damian. Danica helped him to his bed, and told him to leave his next evening free. When asked, she would not tell him why. He stopped asking when Danica swallowed first his cock, and then his cream when he exploded in her mouth.

He was asleep shortly thereafter, and Danica returned to her chambers. She grabbed up her toy and drove herself to several orgasms thinking about the next night.

Celes came the next day and informed Danica that Zoraster had deemed it acceptable for her to learn the Armor of Dispelling. She helped Danica to copy down the words, instructions for the inflections, and descriptions of the hand movements required to cast the spell.

Danica was close — but not quite there — by the time evening drew near. Celes told her it was remarkable for anyone to pick up the difficult spell so quickly. She also said she would return in the morning to work on the spell more.

Once Celes left, Danica went to Andrea's chambers and bid the young woman to follow — telling the blonde she had a gift for her. Andrea guessed from Danica's earlier promise what the gift would be, and followed Danica to Damian's room with breathless anticipation.

Damian's eyes went wide for a moment when he opened the door and saw both of the beautiful women standing outside his room. Regaining his composure, he ushered them into the parlor with a beaming smile.

"Damian, this is Andrea," Danica said, and Damian bowed to the blonde. Danica continued, "She has never been with a man. For sharing her friendship and her body with me, I would give her the gift of having your gorgeous cock inside her."

Turning to the blonde at her side, Danica said, "Andrea, this is Damian. For sharing his knowledge, friendship, and body with me — and as thanks for the beautiful gown he gave me — I would gift him with the pleasure of being your first."

She kissed first Damian, then Andrea, and then led them both to Damian's bedchambers. She stood Andrea and Damian face to face, and then undressed them. They examined each other's bodies with anticipation as Danica revealed them to each other.

When they were both nude, Danica leaned forward, pulling Damian's head with her, and they both sucked one of Andrea's nipples into their mouth. Danica pulled Damian's hand down to Andrea's already glistening folds, and he gently probed her with his fingers as he and Danica continued to suckle Andrea's breasts. The blonde moaned and laid her hands on the back of both her lover's heads.

Danica released Andrea's nipple with a final hard suck and looked up into the blonde's eyes, smiling wantonly. She then tugged on Damian's arm, and he released Andrea's other nipple. Danica pulled him backwards to lay him down on the bed while towing Andrea along by the arm.

Danica got Andrea onto the bed, up on her hands and knees with her face inches from where his legs hung off the bed — and his cock throbbed in front of her face. Danica took his cock in her hand, stroking it once, and then said, "Now use your tongue and your mouth to make him feel good. Lick him, suck him, and make him come."

Andrea moved closer and slid out her tongue. She licked up and down his shaft, to the moaning encouragement of both Danica and Damian.

"Now suck the head between your lips," Danica instructed.

Andrea licked her lips and did as Danica suggested. Damian gasped as her lips closed around him, and sucked up and down over a quarter of his cock.

"Mmm, that's it, Darling. Try to get more — but don't choke yourself," Danica persuaded.

"Uh huh," Danica moaned, as Andrea followed the directions. "Now, just keep licking and sucking that gorgeous cock, Darling. Mmm — Damian, let her know when you're almost there. Andrea..." Danica paused, looking into the blonde girl's eyes and putting her hand on her cheek before continuing, "When he tells you, pull back to just the head and stroke him with your hand."

Andrea moaned her understanding around the hard organ in her mouth, and then closed her eyes — concentrating on what she was doing. Danica pulled on Andrea's hips, positioning the young woman with her knees on either side of Damian's head, and then lowered Andrea's sex to his lips. He slid his tongue inside her without prompting, causing the blonde girl to moan loudly around his manhood.

Danica slid off the bed and between Damian's legs. She parted them, bending his knees upward, and then washed her tongue over his balls — suckling them on every few strokes of her tongue. He moaned loudly into Andrea's wet folds.

Danica looked up and saw that Andrea needed no further instruction. She was sucking nearly all of Damian's manhood into her mouth — faster and faster. The blonde released him every so often to lick all over his shaft, as a means to rest her mouth and catch her breath.

Danica lifted Damian's knees a little higher. She leaned forward and flicked her tongue over his ass. Damian moaned and groaned into Andrea's folds as the two women licked and sucked him. Danica made her tongue hard and pressed it into his ass, causing him to gasp louder than ever.

Danica kept tantalizing him with her tongue. She could tell he was getting close from the rapidness of his breathing and the other signs of his body.

He gasped, "I'm close."

Danica looked up again to see Andrea wrap her hand around his shaft, pulling back to suck on the tip with quick strokes. She moaned excitedly around him as she feverishly sucked him.

Danica returned to tonguing his dangling orbs until she heard his breath explode from him. Andrea moaned loudly — in a combination of surprise and pleasure — as his cum flooded her mouth. Danica got up, using her finger to continue to probe Damian's ass. "Don't be stingy," Danica admonished playfully. "Save some for me."

Andrea let his cock pop free of her mouth and parted her lips, licking them to show his cream pooled in her mouth. Danica leaned forward, kissing Andrea deeply and sucking Damian's cum from the young woman's tongue.

They both leaned over him together — lapping up the last dribbles of his seed with the tips of their tongues, and then took turns sucking him until he started to go soft.

Danica twirled a lock of Andrea's blonde hair, while whispering, "Get on your hands and knees, lengthwise on the bed." When the young woman complied, her expression and rapid breathing attesting to her excitement, Danica turned to Damian. "Slide down under her, Damian."

He did so, looking up into Andrea's wet heat above him, and breathing as rapidly as Andrea. "Now make her come," Danica breathed, pressing down on Andrea's hips, bringing her sex against his lips.

Damian lapped and probed Andrea with hungry purpose while the young woman gasped and moaned in delight as his knowledgeable tongue tantalized her. Danica moved around behind Andrea, straddling Damian's body, and then parted Andrea's cheeks, adding her tongue to the stimulation.

Andrea screamed loudly in surprised pleasure as Damian and Danica lapped her from both ends. It didn't take her long to come to a trembling, squirting orgasm, covering Damian's face and chest with her streams of juices.

Damian wiped his brow as Andrea rolled away from him, covering her sex. "It seems quite warm in here," Damian remarked.

Danica laughed and gave Andrea a chance to recover her breath. When the young blonde appeared to be recovered, Danica said, "My turn," and assumed the position Andrea had been in. She guided Andrea to get beneath her, and Damian to get behind her. They needed no other instructions.

Damian's tongue in her ass and Andrea's lips wrapped around her clit soon sent Danica soaring. She flooded Andrea's face and breasts, as well as Damian's chin, with an eruption of spurting juices.

They moved about until they were all laying together on the bed, side by side — the two women on either side of Damian. They relaxed, caressed, and kissed each other for a short while. Then Danica sat up and bent over to lick Damian's flaccid member.

Andrea joined her without prompting, and the two women soon had him erect and throbbing once more. Danica guided Andrea down on her back, propping her bottom up on a pillow. Danica then cast a spell, one of the first her sister had ever taught her. The magic delved into a woman's body to reveal whether she was within a fertile part of her cycle. The spell showed that Andrea was not even close by its cool blue glow. Danica smiled and pulled Andrea's knees apart, gesturing for Damian to move into position in front of the blonde.

Danica stroked Damian's cock, only a scant few inches from Andrea's nether lips, and said, "Now take her. Be gentle, because you will be the first real man inside her. Make her a woman. Make her come. Mmm — fill her up. It's safe right now."

Turning to look into Andrea's eyes, Danica admonished, "Remember, I used my magic to make sure it is safe for him to come inside you right now. I hoped it would be, so you could feel that your first time too. You have to be careful though, because an unexpected pregnancy can turn your life upside down — forever."

Andrea nodded her understanding. She stared over her body with obvious anticipation and impatience at the throbbing cock — so close to where she wanted it.

Danica guided him to her, putting the flared tip against Andrea's folds. She then ran it up and down, coating Damian's glans in Andrea's wetness. Damian and Andrea both gasped when she did so. Danica then pulled forward on his cock slightly, and he slid inside her.

Andrea's eyes opened wide, and she let out a moan of mixed pleasure and surprise as a man's cock filled her for the first time. Damian was only about half way in, but could sense this was enough for now, and slowly stroked that length of his manhood in and out of Andrea.

Danica scooted up on the bed to flicker her tongue over the blonde's nipple, joining Andrea in watching Damian's cock stretching the blonde's nether lips.

"So... Big... So... Full..." Andrea gasped out between strokes of Damian's shaft into her depths.

Damian pushed just a little harder on his next thrust, and a little more of his cock penetrated her. Andrea's back arched high, and she let out a gasp that ended in a growl.

Bucked off Andrea's nipple when the girl contorted in pleasure, Danica moved lower and slid her head between the girl's legs, pulling the near one down flat against the bed. As soon as she could reach it, Danica rolled Andrea's clit with her tongue, sneaking little licks of Damian's glistening shaft as well.

Damian and Andrea started to breathe hard, Damian now gasping for air just as much as Andrea. Her tight young pussy squeezed him, milking his cock well. Damian took a few more strokes as Danica's tongue washed over them both, and then slowly pushed the entire length of his manhood into Andrea's depths.

Danica's body held Andrea's down, but the blonde's head lashed back, and she trembled as she felt her canal filled with Damian's full length. Damian paused, buried to the hilt inside her as Andrea's muscles contracted tight around him. He reveled in the feeling of her tight, wet warmth wrapped all around him, not wanting it to end. His needs took over, and he started stroking the whole length of his cock into her, just a little faster than he had been before.

Danica's flickering tongue and Damian's cock filling her so well, drove Andrea rapidly toward climax. "Faster! Oh, yes! Faster!" Andrea moaned.

Danica and Damian both responded. Danica's tongue darted all the quicker and harder over Andrea's clit, while Damian increased the speed and power of his thrusts. It took only a few seconds of this to set off Andrea's climax.

"Oh, yes! Yes, yes, yes, YES!" A loud, warbling scream of ecstasy burst from Andrea as her orgasm fully got hold of her. The scream turned into a moan, then a growl, and finally a series of yelps as Andrea's climax rocked her body.

"Take her. Fill her up," Danica encouraged Damian, and then returned to lapping Andrea's throbbing bud.

"Oh, yes — take me. Come for me," Andrea gasped.

Damian grunted from exertion and pleasure as he relaxed his self-control. It took only a few more thrusts to topple him over the edge. With a loud, inarticulate exclamation, he buried himself hard inside her, coating her walls in his semen.

"Oh mmm," Andrea moaned. "I can feel it, so deep inside me. So warm — mmm." She rubbed her tummy and mound as she said it.

Danica moved just in time, as Damian collapsed atop Andrea. He gasped for breath, his whole body glistening with sweat. "That... Was... Incredible," he managed to say between breaths.

"You could make a girl jealous," Danica teased. Damian turned toward her, a look of apology in his eyes, and she said, "No, silly — I was teasing. It turned me on just as much as you."

Danica knew that neither Damian nor Andrea was going to be doing anything any time soon. She reached down and retrieved her toy, which she had brought with her. She brought it to life with a word and slid it into her depths.

As they caught their breath, Andrea and Damian pulled apart, turning to watch Danica as they lay with their arms wrapped around each other. They both moaned with her as Danica reached her peak. She pulled her toy from her in a quick motion — just as she started coming — parting her lips at the same time. She pressed the humming shaft against her clitoris as her orgasm shook her body. Her streams shot all the way across the room, three times, to trickle down the wall, and then soak the bed with a pair of weaker squirts.

Danica and Andrea managed to get Damian hard one more time that night, much to his fascination and amazement, and Danica cast her spell on him so he could last long enough for them both to ride him to several sweet crescendos. Danica then encouraged Damian to take Andrea from behind and fill her up once more. They collapsed into a deep sleep, their naked bodies entwined on the bed.

Andrea awoke with the sun the next morning, cleaned up, and hurried off to her duties. Damian and Danica lingered longer, but it was still quite early in the morning when Danica arose and returned to her chambers.

Danica remembered the vials she had taken from the Princess' bedside table. She decided to take them to the apothecary, as well as check on how the seamstress was coming along with the crafting of her special corset.

The old woman showed Danica the partially completed corset, and Danica smiled wide, because she could see it was going to fulfill her vision perfectly. The woman had already completed the panties, and Danica tried them on.

She licked her lips when she looked in the mirror. The front just covered her private places, revealing her legs almost to the hip. She turned and looked at her bottom, the rounded cheeks well displayed by the skimpy cotton covering.

Danica thanked the seamstress, and discovered that the potion had worked — very well. Both women shared a laugh, and then Danica headed toward the apothecary. She presented the man there with the vials and waited patiently while he sniffed, tasted, and tested them all.

"They are all quite potent drugs, all from the jungle, and all forbidden in this country," the man explained. "The first — the red — stimulates the heart and breathing somewhat. Its main purpose is to send vastly increased blood flow to unmentionable areas. It also induces a state of euphoria and causes the scents the body releases naturally, which attract the opposite sex, to be much increased. It is dangerous, because it can damage the heart when used in excess, or on someone with an already weak heart. It also causes you to crave it, and you eventually need ever more to get the same strength of effect. The amount in this vial would be enough to drive a half a dozen people into this euphoric state, if they had never used it before — or not very often. I must caution against using this."

Same as Danica
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“We were created to make the impossible possible.” —Vista Townsend, Synthetic Genesis WE HEADED OUT of the theater building, trying to spot Remas. She wasn’t in the lobby and we went on outside into the bright sunlight of late afternoon. Cindy tugged on my hand and pointed. The despondent figure was sitting on the edge of a fountain staring down at her phone. I headed toward her. Cindy didn’t let go of my hand. “Remas, it seems something was inadvertently left out of our contract,” I...

4 years ago
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A weekend of guilty pleasure

That weekend I will always remember. Or should I say will haunt me forever? The first time I travelled alone to a foreign country. An unknown city where I was about to study the creations of a famous architect.At the airport I was told my luggage was loaded onto another plane. So there I was…stranded with just my purse. Small enough to fit my phone, wallet and make up. Laptop, clothes, phone charger, extra money…. everything else was in my luggage. I couldn’t think clear anymore. I decided to...

3 years ago
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cant help falling for hot sexy times with married

When i was younger i never got the pretty girls and never functioned down below well and soon became transgendered. I dont have the pressure to perform any more . I was still attracted to girls but one day saw a huge black man with 2 sexy girls and i began to wonder why so many females had black boyfriends. All of my female relationships ended with the girls going to black men so got intrigued. One day i was out one night in Manchester and was asked by a very tall black man if he would be...

4 years ago
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New Neighbours

Jimmy was still in shock over the new condo that he and Dana had just moved into. They had saved up the down payment over a period of about 3 years and now were realizing the dream of having their own place. It was a very nice area and the complex they were in had a pool, rec room and tennis courts. They were still in the stage of unpacking and hadn't had a chance to meet any neighbors yet. He and Dana had put off starting a family until they were settled into their own place. It was June and...

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Opps mistress and I got caught mmmm

Since the last Opps story, Jen and I sex has expanded from the bedroom. Jen the Asian Latin chick got turned on more as we pushed into new locations. It started with a boring movie that know one was watching. Slowly we met up more and more, and closer to my home. Never inside my place, wife wouldn't like it, but very close. Early morning, around 3am, Jen texted to see if I was up and moving. I texted back, ready and willing. I asked where to meet, and she responds with her being right outside....

1 year ago
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It was a typical British summer – which is to say: cold, dreary, windy and rain, rain, rain. There had been a short spell of bright days in early April, but since then the sun had hardly shown its face and every weekend had been miserably dull and wet. Everyone was getting depressed and irritable, and it was affecting the mood at work. We had just had the second of the May bank holiday weekends, which had done its best to surpass all previous records for rainfall. And then, of course,...

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Mrs Denver

Charlotte, 25 years old, is the secretary to the Principal and gasped as she watched in awe the cane strike the bottom of the unfortunate student. Her pussy also shuddered and her knickers became so wet at the regular sound of the whoosh of the cane. The caning was being given by her boss, the lady she so fancied, the Principal, Mrs. Denver. Stern faced Mrs. Denver is Principal of what is known locally as the Crammer’s Academy for 16 to 19 year old girls and boys who had never taken school...

3 years ago
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My First Crush With A Slut

When I attended high school, I was very innocent and ignorant about sex. Sure, I was interested in girls, but I had no clue. Being a short, skinny, nerd didn’t help. Not being able to hold my own in sports meant my interest never developed. Content to read science books kept me socially separated and alone. It really came as a reality check for me when even my nerd friends either had girl friends or would actively chase girls. When it became apparent to me that the world was passing me by, I...

1 year ago
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Selfbondage fun for Julia

Julia stares blankly at her tv. She's already watched the only good show for the day, and she has no other plans for the day. she suddenly thinks about a bondage video she saw last night. In the video, the gil was tied up with a vibrator in her pussy. the girl couldn't get out till she eventually found a knife,and ended up having multiple orgasms. "I should try something like that" Julia says to herself.

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My wife loves to show off her little ass

We had already been living together for two years, but it was now when I realized my girlfriend loves to show off her little ass  to all men.  To confirm this was true, she told me she used to draw the doorman’s attention in the building where we were living now, by shaking her ass before his eyes. I’ve already read many erotic stories, but the majority of them I found to be unreal, imaginary, and I still can’t tell whether they are true or just fake. But this story I’m about to tell you is...

4 years ago
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Me And My Gorgeous Aunty

Hi readers my name is Kevin and I hereby post the story of me fucking with aunt who is a distant relative. Let’s go to the story people. I am a 21 yr old fair looking guy who likes to appreciate all the women. This aunt Subha (name changed for privacy reason) is a distance relative. I used to go to her home once in a while. Her family consists of 4 members. Uncle Durai 48, aunt Subha 41, their two children a son Praveen 18 and a daughter Swathi 19. As I used to go to their home often her son...

1 year ago
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A day with my Uncle

This is a short story and everyone over 18.My name is Cat I'm 19 year old who going to tell the day I spent with my Uncle Dave. Last Christmas my Uncle Dave came to visit us and stayed for the holidays, my Uncle was never married and he is 6'5 has great body, green eyes and blonde hair, he is 36 years old.My dad every year put mistletoe up around the house so him and mom could make out, there was one above the kitchen, I was walling in the kitchen as my Uncle Dave was walking out, me "where my...

1 year ago
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AssParade Rose Monroe Peeking In On This Juicy Big Ass

In todays AssParade we got Peter Green getting creative to peak in on Rose Monroe and her great big ass. She slowly starts playing with herself and we see her glorious big ass as she rubs on her pussy. Peter Green gets a bright idea to drill a hole at the bathroom door to see her. Lucky for him she’s using her headphones so she doesn’t notices him until he puts his dick through the hole. Horny Rose smiles when she sees his dick and walks toward it to give it a great sucking. She opens the door...

3 years ago
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Heavy TrafficChapter 12

Amanda let Carol lead her and Wendy through the house, pointing out antiques and other items of obvious pride or sentimental stature among all the furnishings and decorations. Graciously acknowledging the presentations while limiting her questions and comments seemed to Amanda to be the best way to expedite the tour, and allow her to get back to Sean. When Carol led them into the basement of the house, Amanda was prepared to excuse herself in order to bring the tour to an end. However, when...

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The Song

My name is Kelly Robin O'Hare, and am proud of who and what I am. Daddy taught me to be myself and never stopped loving me when I told him who I really was. He hugged me and said, "When do I meet my Princess?" I cried, "Now, Daddy," and went to my room and donned Momma's old red sailor style cheerleader uniform, matching bloomer, socks and shoes with Peavy suntan pantyhose. "You look just like your mother, Kel," he sighed. "Thanks, Daddy, I wish that she'd not died giving birth...

2 years ago
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POW Prisoner Of The WidowsChapter 9

The hashish traders were undoubtedly as nasty as Basheera and the other women described. They were a mean looking lot, heavily armed and openly contemptuous. There were six of them, and they arrived in two vehicles. Four men exited a Land Rover, while two sat in a three-quarter ton truck. Two of the four from the Land Rover were heavily armed guards, who took up a position behind the Land Rover, facing the house. Fatima and Tahani bolted down to the basement and crawled through the tunnel to...

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Meeting Harry

My man is up-front and driving, I am sitting in the back, blouse, skirt, stockings and heels. I am also wearing a blindfold and my wrists are cuffed on my lap.A new adventure. I’m told we are going to meet someone.The car eventually stops, engine off and parked. My man gets out of the car, I can hear muffled voices. A little later the back door on the other side of the car opens, as does the driver’s door. Someone sits in the seat beside me and my man sits in the driver’s seat, doors...

3 years ago
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Truth or Dare The Family Reunion Part Four

We all sat in a circle as Missy explained the game to us, laying the cards on the floor in front of her crossed legs. My attention was on the material of her terry shorts stretched tightly crooked between her legs. I was getting a great view up the hem of her crotch. Her white cotton panties, stretched tightly over her young pussy, were playing peekaboo.“I will ask questions from this deck,” Missy explained, “You can choose to answer the question, truthfully, or take a dare. At which point I...

1 year ago
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Ginger and I

I was window shopping online for a playmate when I met her. I had been looking for a partner for a long time and her profile really caught my eye. I got started chatting with her and we had a lot in common, so we made the decision to finally meet.We met up at a local coffee shop and spent about an hour talking. We decided that we could get along well together as we both had very similar fantasies.Her name is Ginger, very fitting as she has beautiful long red hair, she is 5’2” tall and about 110...

2 years ago
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For Julia

You give me that look that says want, lust and love all in one. I've been drinking a little, just as you like. It keeps me from holding back and the animal hunger breaks the barrier of self-control. We close out our small talk with the friends present and head back to the house. You know what I want and you want it too, holding you around your waist as you walk down the steps and we holler goodbyes over our shoulders. I slide my hand down your pants as we do, brushing your wet warmth before...

Love Stories
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Those Eyes

"Thirty days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one, except February which has forty-four." "Grraammmpaa!" wailed my fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Shelly. "What?" I absently replied. "You asked me how many days there were in August. Don't you remember that old saying? "Why did you say there are forty-four days in February?" Shelly looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. She knew I had a story for her and began to settle in for what she already...

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Missing Heir

It was a typical July day in New York City,hot and noisy with not much on for a new private detective to do. Sitting in my office with my feet up on the desk i go through the stack of notes my girl Friday left me. Who kidding who,my girl Friday was my 18 year old sister who came in to keep tabs on me for my police captain dad Michael O'Brien. Me i'm Richard (Dick) O'Brien, a 24 year old former NYC police officer. Two years since i was thrown off of the force for allegedly accepting bribes from...

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A Turkish Delight in the making Sequel

A Turkish Delight in the making (Sequel)By Buck JonesAt an outside café in Izmit, not too far from the Marmara shore, Umut has just shared a glass of tea and some food with a friend who has now left. Umut is not ready to return home just yet, so he stares vacantly into the almost fantasy-like glow of the late fall afternoon. The setting sun on the Sea of Marmara radiates as a brilliant iridescent fog throughout the atmosphere. The sheer eeriness of the seemingly inexplicable beauty causes...

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the book store

FantasyI love sexual fantasies. What is it? I think I'm past addiction, when i say that i get so excited... I love to read about others and their fantasies, I am always having them, through out the day, and i mean all day... I was at the book store in the erotic section... took a little courage but curiosity and my intense arousal these days got the better of me, There I am reading when suddenly I notice that some one is standing very close to me. I look up he a very tall and thick. He is so...

1 year ago
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Hot Candy Land

Where can I start with this one? HotCandyLand.com, aka Sweet State, is a website that features a massive browser-based RPG-style game known as you guessed it – Hot Candy Land. Your mission in this game is to be the most dominant pimp and porn caster/actor in ‘Pornwood’, a fictional version of real-life Hollywood. You start off by moving into a shitty dorm with nothing but 200$ in your pocket and slowly rise through the ranks of pimps, Pornwood casters, and various people and organizations...

Best Porn Games
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The third guy I met online

A few days went by and finally the day came that he was coming to town (he lived about 40 minutes away). Dave had to drive to me because I didn't have my licence yet. We agreed to meet by a bus stop on the main strip. I didn't live far from the bus stop so Dave messaged me when he was close. I got the message and headed to the stop. I waited there for a few minutes before he got there. While I was waiting I couldn't stop thinking "what if I knew this guy" And "is he going to be a...

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The Grooms SonChapter 10

Millicent Place Susan helped Millicent into the clean bed. She had spent half an hour putting lotion on her as she stood by the bed.She still had a silly grin on her face from the mauling she had survived. Susan wasn't about to let her get a look at herself in the dressing mirror. The damage was minor but it was everywhere on her beautiful body. Better, she thought, if Millicent spent a couple of days in bed, then the blemishes would be gone. Finally she was done. She handed Millicent a...

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Did I Give You Permission

I sat at my desk, trying to get some work done but mostly just flipping through tabs and stifling yawns. I checked my email for what must have been the hundredth time in an hour when my phone lit up next to me. I smiled and tapped open my messages.Five minutes. Hands and knees.There was a pause, and then another text appeared on screen.Panties only.My pulse quickened as I immediately stood and started to undress. It was embarrassing how much my body reacted to him. Seven words on a screen and I...

4 years ago
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The Boy Who Lived Down The StreetPart Five

That first Monday, the last week of school, Jake and her held hands, everybody did a double take and the look on Elizabeth’s face was priceless. Things were the same with her mother so Henry spent everyday telling her how to cook her own food and she learned pretty quickly. Jake seemed ok most of the time, but as the day came closer to him leaving he seemed to sadden, he tried to hide it and make the best of there time but Riley noticed and despite her being sad she tried to cheer him...

3 years ago
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A Very Messy Birthday Present

"Are you sure you don't mind me fucking other people?" she said, wanting to confirm our pact of an open relationship. "Of course," I replied, "as long as I can too. And if I can watch, all the better. Why d'you ask, we agreed that months ago?" "Just checking," she replied, going quiet and thoughtful. However, she would say no more. My birthday arrived surprisingly quickly, even though I had been looking forward to it for a long time. All my housemates had gone home for...

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Lip and AnnieChapter 8

"You're awake! I thought I could move away from you before you realized what I was doing. I'm more than happy to be here the way we are, if it's okay by you." Robert tried to move forward a little bit to get them even closer than they already were. "I must have slipped my hand into your top during the night. I can't say that I'm entirely unhappy with that, though." He gave her breast a little squeeze before moving his fingers to tweak her nipple. Her sigh of contentment let him know...

1 year ago
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My Golden Chance To Fuck Sweet Preethy

Hai iss readers. I am Ajith 27 years old from Kerala my email id. com contact me…. this is my true incident. I am a computer service technician. This incident was before 5 months. On that day  i got a call from my friend her name was Gopika and she is my classmate; she told me that her friend’s computer is dead please help her this is very urgent and gave her number i agreed today i will go. After some time i called that number her name was Preethy and she told me it’s very urgent please  come...

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RebelChapter 76 Three Brave Girls

They made me watch, damn them, and there was nothing I could do about it. I was trussed up and tied to a supporting beam in a hillside barn, and the Hessians were raping three young women while I watched, rutting like animals they were, their muscular backsides flexing rigid pricks in and out of the poor girls' lean bodies, using all three orifices. I had been detailed to guard the girls, daughters of one of Washington's engineers, and to get them safely back on the stage to West Point....

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Mr BrightsideChapter 4

Jen and Mike were lingering over their wine. Mike knew something was bothering his wife, and he had a good idea what. "Jen, listen, I'm sorry about what happen last night." Jen rolled her eyes. "Don't lie to me. You loved it when I told you about it." Mike couldn't deny it. "I'm just saying I wasn't expecting anything to happen." "No, but you were hoping it would happen." "Come on, you get excited by playing around, don't deny it." "I'm not denying it. I've told you I...

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The Best Laid PlansChapter 4

Grace put Gladys on her back and started teasing her clit with a feather. Once she had the girl crying from frustrated need, Grace fastened up the harness of her strap-on and fucked Gladys until the black girl was begging my daughter to have mercy on her. Grace rolled Gladys over and tied a rope to the chain linking the cuffs. My daughter threw the rope over a beam and pulled it tight so that Gladys’ hands were pulled up so she couldn’t try to block a paddle. Grace went crazy on the tight...

3 years ago
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African Customs prt 1

African Customs prt 1I met Anne when she was 22 and I was a couple of years older. We quickly recognized each other as lifelong partners and married after only three months. Our plan was to delay starting a family for at least five years but, near the end of our first year of marriage, we went on holiday in the wilds of Scotland and, due to me forgetting to pack condoms decided to take a chance, with the consequence that our twins, a boy and a girl, were born nine months later.When I fell in...

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Woolly Wilds

“In from the woolly wilds,” Dad laughed as we all slid into the seats and waited for the waitress to come around and take our order. We all smiled but said little as it was his standard ‘joke’ each time we came into town. Living in the middle of the Black Mountains, the small mountain range that runs along the southern edge of Wales, part of which is famous as the Brecon Beacons, did occasionally feel like being out in the middle of nowhere. Even though it was only three miles away, we couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 19

“You think he’s still down here?” Jack asked.“I can feel him,” Bella explained. They were in the ship’s hold. It felt like a tomb. Everything was still, and quiet, and lifeless. Bella slowly wandered down the hallway and found herself in front of the Quartermaster’s hold. The bars blocked her way.“He’s in there?” Jack asked. Bella nodded. “I’m honestly surprised he didn’t run off into the jungle as soon as we got here.”“Maybe we can get Mister North to give us the key,” Jack said, looking at...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Sissy Journal

The Sissy JournalVol. 001by Lady Jayne HillsDetroit Sissy Society CEO and True Boss BitchDay : 03/13/2019Time : 1:30 PMHow : Gr****rWhere : His Place - HouseName : ? 001 ?He hit me up on gr****r. We chatted and swapped pics. Sent girly pics first, then boy pics. He wanted to meet up right away.I went over to his house in boy clothes. He lives only a few blocks away. I walk in...As tall as me. Olive / white skin. Chubby Hairy Daddy Bear. Glasses. Cute.We sit in the front room and I light a...

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