Home For Summer free porn video

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Travelling back from uni for the summer Jasmin thought about her breakup with Chris, he was headed back to Manchester whereas she was on her way to good old boring Norfolk. It had been three weeks since they broke up and she couldn't help wonder if he was still single, or if he'd found someone else, not that it ever took him long the bastard!

Still put out by thinking about Chris Jasmin was even more dismayed when she was greeted by her stepfather Mike. She'd forgotten how much he bugged her, but hadn't forgotten how good he looked in a tight t-shirt and jeans. They'd never particularly gotten on together and Jasmin could now admit to herself that may have been due to the crush she'd always had on him and the resentment she felt towards mum for having him, the one that she felt now stirring in her as she saw him again after almost a year away.

"Hi Jasmin, you look terrific" he greeted her "How was uni, and how're you." Jasmin felt her heart skip a beat, this was not their usual conversation, she mumbled incoherently in return but Mike just glossed over it. "I was wondering" he said "do you want to go and watch a film tomorrow, or whatever you want. We should spend a bit of time together to catch up."

"I'd love to" Jasmin replied "but I already have plans with friends tomorrow." This was a lie, she'd spoken to no one but she couldn't imagine the night with Mike, sure she could imagine a night under Mike, but just out together catching up, what would they talk about, what if she had a slip of the tongue. Oh god it didn't bear thinking about, yet inside she was thrilled he'd noticed her

Returning to her room Jasmin's heart was pounding, her thoughts of Mike spinning through her mind arousing her, lust rising she stripped and headed for a shower, to either cool off, or rub one out. It turned out that cooling off was not on the agenda!

Back on her bed wearing a towel barely satisfied with her orgasm in the shower her thoughts kept straying to Mike. How good he looked, how tanned he was already this year, how good he looked, how... She knew that her mnd going round ib circles like this could only lead her to trouble. She had to do something, anything, just to get her mind off Mike and what was probably a very innocent offer of company that she was just blowing out of proportion more and more with each passing moment.

Making a decision, one she thought she'd regret later, she grabbed her phone and sent Chris a text. Fancy taking me for coffee she sent.

The reply was almost immediate. "Not today, but I can come over tomorrow."

"OK" Jasmin replied "but make sure you come through my window, I don't want Mike to know you're here."
Mike had always had a no boys alone in her room policy, one she had always resented but understood. It was one she'd never allowed to stop her from having fun either!

"Jasmin" Mikes voice called up the stairs "I've cooked us some dinner, come and get it while it's hot." Scrambling into jeggings and an oversized jumper she almost ran down the stairs, stopping herself at the last moment so as not to appear to be anxious. "It's just a spag bol" MIke said "but I know it's one of your favourites" Placing a plateful in front of her Mike turned to the fridge where he grabbed a couple of beers. "Seeing as you have plans tomorrow I thought we could spend a couple of hours tonight watching a film and chatting."

A few beers later Jasmin was sat on the settee with Mike watching some film, she hadn't a clue which, buzzing with the beer and the closeness of Mike. As the film ended Mike looked into her eyes and said "Have you done something different with your hair" as his finger played with a stray piece laying across her face. His finger gently brushed against her skin causing a shock to run through her. "I think it looks beautiful" he continued. Unable to contain herself Jasmin leant forward and kissed Mike, his lips soft and inviting. Kissing her back his tongue touched her and she melted, moaning into his mouth.

Realising what she had done Jasmin leaped back out of his embrace, face red she stumbled an apology "i have to go" she almost sobbed as she ran from the room, Mikes voice trailing behind calling "It's allright Jasmin, it's allright."
Ignoring him Jasmin fled to her room locking the door. She flung herself onto the bed and sobbed uncontrollably for hours until sleep took her pain away.

The morning came and Jasmin lay there, head throbbing from the beer, and the need between her legs throbbing from the thought of Mike. "Why was that kiss so good" she thought, "why did I do that, what was I thinking! Just what the fuck is wrong with me?" OK, she decided, if I pretend it didn't happen, and don't mention it perhaps Mike will do the same. Besides she thought with Chris coming over tonight I can get over this and satisfy my needs. One good fuck, just one and I'll be OK for a long while, maybe even be able to get over Mike without embarrassing myself further.

But what to do now, the urge between her thighs was growing, her thoughts veering back to Mike. Slipping her hand below the covers and down to her panties Jasmin gently began to rub. Her fingers slipped under the elastic and caressed down, finding her clit. It had never seemed this sensitive before and a wave of pleasure washed over her entire body. She imagined Chris tonight pumping slowly in and out of her kissing her as Mike had kissed her. Then too late without her even realising she was thinking of MIke making love to her, Chris forgotten as she built her climax around visions of Mike, his body and that KISS!

Having avoided Mike all day Jasmin was now in her room getting ready for Chris. She knew Chris knew what she'd invited him over for so she was determined to make sure she looked as fuckable as possible. She chose a sheer black top and a lacy black bra to show through underneath and the shortest skirt she owned with nothing under it giving Chris immediate access, or so she hoped.

At last there was the knock on the window that she'd anticipated all day. Opening the window she let him in. He looked very fuckable, not as good as Mike. Wait what was she thinking!

Voraciously she lept on him, her lips found his and she forced him back onto the bed. His kiss was as good as she remembered and his hands under her top running down her back sent chills through her body. Jumping off him Jasmin barked "Get your clothes off now" then rembering Mike was downstairs added in a lower voice "Mike is downstairs so we have to be quiet"

Chris doing as he was commanded stripped quickly for her and she felt dissapointment set in as she compared his body to that of Mike. Dropping his boxers to the floor Chris finally showed her what she'd been waiting for. His cock standing straight up, not the biggest she'd had, not as big as mikes, she'd seen it once and never forgotten it, but there for her now. Taking off her top she reached behind and undid her bra. Chris took a loud breath as she released her breasts and as he did so Jasmin fel herself getting wetter and wetter with anticipation. Standing there looking at Chris, she knew he was in her power, a plaything for her to do whatever she wanted to. His hard cock stiffened even more as she ran her hand over her breasts cupping them and holding them towards him. She couldn't wait to straddle him and ride him hard and fast, but for now as her excitment grew she stood staring into his eyes knowing that there was nothing but her in his world at that moment.

Leaning into kiss him jasmin was horrified by a knock at the door. Frozen in their places they did nothing as the door handle turned slowly and the door opened and Mike walked in. His eyes ran over Jasmin's body, even in her complete embarassment she'd noticed his look, and then turned to Chris. Mike's face turned from shock to anger in an instant and the only thing Jasmin could think to do was to cover her breasts with her hands and stand there.
"What the fuck is he doing in your room" Mike bellowed, and without waiting for an answer screamed at Chris "Get your fucking things now and get the fuck out of my house."

Chris scrambled on the floor for his clothes, his cock now droopy and almost comical to Jasmin, and grabbing them he turned and fled down the stairs with Mike close behind him.Jasmin sat on her bed, a mixture of anger and relief coursing through her. She felt a smile as she thought of Chris, or droopy as she now mentally called him, looking like a terrified c***d running from Mike, then anger at Mike interupting them just as she was at last about to...
MIke stormed back through teh door at that precise moment and Jasmin couldn't stop herself from screaming "Who the fuck do you think you are?" as she pointed an angry finger in his face, not caring or totally forgetting that she was topless.

MIke didn't cower back from this onslaught but came straight back at her "You know my rules about boys in here with you, just because you've turned 20 doesn't mean I am going to let that slip. You young lady are in the biggest heap of trouble that you have ever landed yourself in before."
Jasmin didn't know how to respond, she was stood half naked, and for all that she was wearing it may as well have been completely naked, trying to argue with someone she didn't want to argue with, someone she just wanted to fuck there and now, but feeling that if she didn't hold her ground now she never would.

Making a snap decision Jasmin thought there's only one way out of this. Dropping her other arm from her breasts she stared at Mike and stepped towards him. "I know what you want" she sighed walking slowly towards him. Her short skirt exposing her thighs with each small step.

MIke, taken aback, began to retreat. He took a couple of steps backwards until his bum pressed up against her chest of drawers. "We can't do this" he said "it's wrong,

Jasmin was within inches of him, her breasts just touching his chest. "we've already made the first move" she said "or have you forgotten last night already?"

She lent forwards and brushed Mike's lips with her own then lent in further and began to kiss him properly. His hand were instantly around her back and he pulled her closer. His tongue met hers and she moaned in his embrace. She ran her hand down his body, feeling him through his jeans. Her memory wasn't mistaken, he was big, and from the feel of it very ready.

Mike cupped her breast teasing the nipple, "Oh god, you have no idea how long I've dreamt of this" he breathed into her ear.

"I've wanted it too" she replied.

MIkes thumb carressed her nipple making it harder then bent over and took her into his mouth. Lifting her into the air Mike brought her lips to his kissing her again and again before setting her down to sit on the bed. Unbuckling his jeans Jasmin slowly pulled them down revealing his solid cock to her gaze. She'd seen nothing like it before, It was huge, she took a sharp intake of breath as she realised just how stretched she was about to become.

"Take me in your mouth" Mike commanded "I want to feel those lips around my cock". Jasmin gulped and reluctantly did as she was told' Her fingers barely touched as she held him at the base and she lent in to kiss the tip of his cock. A string of pre-cum glistened at the top and she licked it gently savouring the taste of him for the first time. Delaying the inevitable she ran her tongue up and down the underside alternating between soft licks and gentle bites.

"Stop teasing me" Mike said gruffly "You don't want to see me get angry."

"Maybe I do" she replied licking his cock once more for good measure.

Taking control Mike took his cock in hand and brought it to her mouth, one hand behind her head he held her there as his cock found its way into her lips. Jasmin opened as wide as she was able taking the head inside, her lips expanded as far as they could as the shaft forced it's way deeper inside her mouth. She started to stroke him but Mike quickly stopped her. "Keep your hands down" he commanded "I want to fuck your face."

Jasmin felt herself getting more and more aroused by this strange turn around of events and her pussy oozed with her need. She locked her hands behind her back as Mike began to thrust. He gripped the sides of her head forcing himself deeper and deeper into her mouth. He closed his eyes and leant back as he developed his rythm letting out a deep moan as he felt how tight her mouth was against him. Jasmin had never felt this turned on before, she was desperate to taste him, wanting his warm cum to pour into her mouth so she could swallow evey drop.

MIke suddenly groaned and pulled out leaving Jasmin thinking he was going to cum all over her face and breasts. She closed her eyes shivering in anticipatipion for the torrent, but it never came.

She opened her eyes to see Mike straining for control, his hard cock twitching. She could see he was close to the edge and that it would only take the slightest touch to finish him off but she stopped herself from reaching for him as she realised that now she was about to get the fucking she desperately craved.

"Lay on the bed" he ordered, but she decided it was still time to tease. Slowly she stood and turned around, slipping her fingers into her miniskirt she pulled it down slowly teasing him with the top of her backside. Crawling onto the bed she asked "Do you want me to take this off" as she lifted the skirt to reveal her naked pussy underneath. Mike grunted a no and moved forwards as she remained on all fours. She looked over her shoulder at him as he took position behind her and ran his hand under her skirt. Teasing her ass his fingers almost grazing her wet vagina he stared at her making eye contact and making her wait.

"Please" she said "Please Mike Please" she begged.

Mike slid a finger against her, feeling how wet she was. Sliding first one, then two gently up and down her slit and opening her slowly to his touch. His thumb slowly caressing her clit sending shivers of delight through her. "Be gentle she pleaded "It's been a long time since I've been with a man" She was lying, the real reason she wanted him to be careful was the gigantic cock that was going to stretch her further than she thought possible, she wanted it to last, to fill her and to complete her!

Mike grinned and pushed the tip inside her, Jasmin's pussy opening to accept him. "You're so tight" she heard him say as he pushed deeper into her. When Jasmin thought he was all the way in and began to relax ready to build a rythm with him she was suprised to feel him push once more and fill her up more and more. Each inch pushing it's way in until she thought she would die from the plesure of feeling so full of him. Mike's hands dug into her hips and he began to pull out slowly then slammed back into her willing body. "Fuck me" she demanded and Mike obliged. Taking Jasmin's blonde hair into his hand and wrapping it twice around he pulled her head back and used it as leverage to fuck her. Pounding against her ass over and over again picking up speed her entire body turned to jelly under his control. "I'm going to come" he howled.

"Don't pull out" Jasmin ordered as Mike grabbed her hips and took those final thrusts shooting his seed deep into her willing body. As he came Jasmin couldn't hold her own orgasm back and all that pent up frustration combined with her lust for Mike took her on an overload of pleasure. Eyes rolling back her body rocked with her orgasm and she spasmed under his touch.

Mike continued to fuck her throughout her orgasm as his seed spilled into her until she thought she would die from the sheer pleasue of each stroke.

Sated at last with Mike's arms around her exhaustion took them both and they fell into a deep sleep. Only one thing troubled her and just before she slept she asked "Where's mum dad?" but Mike's snores were her only reply.

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The CollectorChapter 2 Welcome to Chelmsford Hall

Mary Pilson knew that her ‘uncle’ Walter was grooming her. ‘Uncle’ was a silly term that Mary’s mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary’s mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she was well tipped by the male customers but she also attracted the sharks. Mary mostly...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e18 Sylvia Distin 55 from Chelmsford

We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...

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Baywatch Lost Summer

Someone once said "Never leave home angry". Summer couldn't remember who had said it, but the line kept on bouncing around her brain. She was angry and she had just left the Trailer, she and her Mom were sharing, to go to the Baywatch Headquarters to start her shift. She was angry and she was disappointed. Only a few hours ago she had a fight with her boyfriend Matt. They kept on having fights about the one theme only. But why wouldn't he just let go of it? She had made it clear to him...

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Rob Summer

Part 1.Rob had nothing but admiration for this girl. The fact she was his daughter made little difference. He gazed upon her with love in his eyes.She had suffered many tragedies in her short life, many were shared with Rob, yet, she still smiled everyday. She'd grown up happy, in good health, with loving parents. Rob and Claire had been married since they were sixteen. They bore two c***dren, two years apart. Eddie was the elder, Summer the younger.The first tragedy struck when Eddie was...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 9 A Trip to Milford Part I

September 1981, Milford, Ohio Friday was routine until lunchtime. Afternoon classes had been canceled for both Elyse and me because of the Labor Day weekend, so I drove back to the apartment instead of having lunch on campus. Elyse and I packed our overnight bags and waited for Kathy and Bethany, who arrived as planned, and we left Chicago just before 4:00pm. It was my goal to make the trip to Milford in just under five and a half hours, which I could do if we grabbed fast food on the way...

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My affair with Summer

The project I was working on was going to take two months. I'd spend month there, go home for two weeks, and then go back for another month. We had to make appointments at each facility before we could go, so scheduling was big issue. The site was about 50 miles from the nearest town. So we'd have to get up early and drive for an hour before we can start working and it was the same going home in the evening. We end up spending a lot of time together talking on the drive to and from site....

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B7 Chapter 5 Jordan Sucks Summer

Chapter 5: Jordan Sucks Summer Kneeling on the bed, Jordan reached out and stroked Summer's tummy; rubbing her head and hands against her impressive shaft lying down between her legs. "What are you waiting for, silly?" teased Summer. Now Jordan was facing the impressive member. Summer's limp cock hung from her crotch, and went halfway down her thigh to her knee. Jordan slowly moved her hands to cup the lower half of its soft, warm and heavy expanse. With her fingertips, she gradually ran...

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Brittanys Strapon Hell Week 4 Submission with Skye and Summer

Brittany's Strapon Hell Week 4: "Submission with Skye and Summer" By humbleslave I am attempting to make these stories stand-alone as well as make sense in a series. If you like this, make sure to read my other stories. Think of your votes and comments as your contribution to my stories! Thanks! After the week I'd had so far, including my most recent ordeal at the softball fields, I didn't figure it could get much worse. Today I had been promised to Mistresses Skye Blue and Summer...

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Oh Brother Jesses Fantasy Summer

Oh Brother! Jesse's Fantasy Summer Author's Note: A reader commented on Oh Brother! Those are My Things with an idea for this continuation. I go back and look for comments often, and sometimes reread them. This idea suddenly started to become a story. Allie, Jesse, and their mom were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Dad to join them. He assured them he was going to be just a minute more and they would all have dinner together for the first time in months. Allie had just...

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The Boys of Summer

Hi folks ... there’s a slight chill in the air. It’s still sunny out but not as warm. The kids go back to school in less than two weeks. Summer is ending. I heard my favorite end of summer song the other day and it started me on this. This one is all one piece. Thanks for all of the e-mails and messages from those of you who got the answer to my blog question. And to the guy who thought the lyrics were from a Beethoven piece ... uhhhm ... Any way. Thanks to Barney-R for editing it. And Thanks...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 13

It was the electronic chirp of a cellphone text message that first stirred Peggy Sanford from a state of excessive alcohol and strenuous sexual activity induced sleep to a state of semi-conscious awareness. The first thing she recognized was that she was not the only one lying in the bed. She felt the warm embrace of a delicate arm draped across her chest, a set of soft full breasts pressing up against her back, a smooth hairless pelvis nuzzled up against her buttocks and a tone fit leg...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 01

Author’s Note: These stories are a continuation of member/author Walterio’s excellent 12 part series, Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman and his extra story Peggy Sanford and the Secret Society. After I read his stories all I could think was ‘That was hot! I wish I was her.’ Walterio wrote these in response to member/author Peggy46’s invitation to anyone to continue or add to the stories that she wrote about herself and her wild sex life. I tried to fill in enough background information to make this...

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Dannys Favourite Summer

Danny`s Favorite Summer Originally based on My favourite summer by Tiffany B. further developed and rewritten by Florentine. This story is fiction. Danny McCallum lived the life of a normal eleven-year-old boy until the summer before entering Junior High. He was small (just about 4`8") for his age, with a frail appearance and quite shy. He basically kept to himself, wasn't very athletic and did not really enjoy sports. He was more into movies and video games. His mommy was a big...

4 years ago
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Liam to Lina II The Summer

Liam to Lina II, The Summer It was the second last day of school before the summer break. Liam said hello to his sister Emily as he arrived home. Today it was her turn to cook. He knew their mother would not be home for about another hour so he went into his room and closed the door. Just a week before, 15 year old Liam had competed at his school's womanless pageant and finished a very close runner up. Liam and the winner, Kurt, had wowed the crowd and the judges with convincingly...

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Earths CoreChapter 36 Formations

“Thank you ... Zax”. A middle aged woman with a combed black hair and a bit of weight around her waist walked toward him with hands down and holding one another. “You shouldn’t, Mrs. Inoki “. Zax shook his head. The woman was the mother of his childhood friends, Weysey Inoki. Mrs. Inoki came to stand beside him, but her view was on the large group of children having the time of their life fighting the living snowmen. “Our home is at the periphery of us, newcomers’ huts. The hut next to us...

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The Bradford Family Saga Part 1

Through her wide open legs she watched the last drops of her morning piss cling to her silky blonde pussy-hair, then drop into the bowl. She stretched and yawned, willing her reluctant body awake. "Mike?" she called. "Yeah?" her husband answered, pushing the bathroom door open. "Well, aren't you a pretty sight?" he said. "Look, who's talking. You look as bad as I feel," she said with a smile. Her husband was naked except for a towel around his mid-section, his flaccid...

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CynthiaChapter 15 Bradford

Sarah and I communicated well when she had time for conversation, often after her shift was over. She made it clear that she liked me as more than just a patient, and in addition to liking her, I found myself lusting for her constantly. It wasn't so bad in the mountains when there were no distractions, but to see it around me every day flamed my desire. She caught up with me while I was in physical therapy. After a couple of cheers, she said, "I got her cell phone. I'll see you...

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Paint it Summer

Her name was Lucy and she took a shine to me right away, which was kind of nice. By the second day I figured out that she was into girls because of the way she kept checking out my ass. I mean several times a day if I was bending over a paint tray there was Lucy checking out my tight teen ass. So by the second week I decided to push the issue, I started wearing shorter and tighter shorts, and made a no underwear pact which meant that when Lucy checked me out she might have just as well have...

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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 27 Forbidden Forrest

Lamax system was only 61 lightyears distant to Faysummit system. Meaning the superfast Colt reached Faysummit only 136 minutes. Roy was getting more anxious by the moment. The closer he got the more he felt convinced that his mother was close and that she was in great peril. The Colt was brand-new and by law, it was his ship. The Phantasian who piloted the ride was an employee or more precise a contractor. Tanya was right, this passenger cabin was not big enough for Partner, but then this...

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A Different Kind of Summer

"Stop it!" Karl said as he slapped my phone out of my hand. "She's not going to text you back anytime soon." I stared back at his cold brown eyes. "Fine," I said sitting back in my chair. I looked back over my right shoulder. Kristin was sitting with her friends all of them laughing and conversating with each other. "Give it a break," Karl said shaking his head. Karl was my best friend. "She's not your friend, not anymore." "What's the conversation?" Lucie asked as she sat down at our table in...

First Time
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Last Summer

This is a long one, in which the characters think things through more carefully than in most of mine, to decisions not much different from those in most of my stories. Rightly or wrongly. But each in his own way. Or hers. As usual, those who shouldn't be reading these kinds of fictions shouldn't read this kind of fiction. You know who you are. If in doubt, ask around. I'm always curious what people like and dislike about anything I write, and I always appreciate knowing. ...

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Summer By: Mahohokus Summer vacation had just started, I was now a senior in high school and was enjoying the first few days of days of summer. I was sitting with Jack in his car at a drive-in hamburger stand eating lunch Jack had just graduated from high school and would be going into the Marines the next day. The Marines was sending him back east to Parris Island for basic training. Jack would finish basic training and...

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Boys and Summer

100% fiction story! Hi my name is boyd, and this is the story me and my sister Summer. Me and my sister both went to the same collage a frw miles away from our house. My sister was one year below me and I was in my final year. Oh by the way I'm 19 almost 20 with light blond hair and blue eyes and my sister Summer is 18 almost 19 and has long, light brown hair and eyes. Anyway back to my story, one Friday afternoon when we got home I was going into my bedroom to get changed to go out for a run...

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A Night With Summer

This is a short story about one great night with one horny woman. I was working a fund raiser to fight cancer at a dinner-dance being held at a downtown hotel. I lived about a 30 minute drive from the hotel so had a room to sleep and whatever else in. I was hoping I would find a gal or a guy that was interested in a little after fund raiser fun. My job was to sell tickets to a 50/50 drawing where the winner won half the pot. Sales were going really well so at times I had a lot of money in my...

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Being a slut Thetford forest

This is a true story and happened recently. I am bi and enjoy sucking and being sucked by guys occasionally. But on the odd occasion I het so horny that I need fucking. A couple of weeks ago it was early evening and I found myself heading to a cruising spot where I have met guys before. I parked up in a layby. it was stil light, and it was quiet. Eventually a white van came slowly driving by, as he passed I flashed my indicators a few times. He pessed his break lights a few times and we had an...

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The Origin of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer

[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Origins of Agent Suzzanne MidsummerCHAPTER 1 Dave the Fixer carefully he poured the powder mix from the fold of crisp white paper into the neck of the champagne bottle, the powder fizzing as it made contact with the charged contents. He held the bottle up to the light to ensure it was...

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A white rich bitch falls for a well endowed black forklift operator who works at one of her husband8217s warehouses

Hello, my name is Charlotte. I know you won’t believe this and normally I wouldn’t admit to it, but I am Otis’ cock slave. There really isn’t any other way to put it. And the really strange part, the really, really strange part, is that I come from a straight-laced New England family and Otis is barely educated and was just a worker in one of my husband’s warehouses. This is a strange tale, one that I find hard to believe even though I am living it. I first met...

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Ginnies summer

It was the best summer in years, for the world, and for me. The weather was fantastic, the fish were biting, i had a good paper route that paid well, all the growing things were thriving, as if to make up for some disappointing years. And Ginnie moved in for the summer. I rode my bike down the street, past the scattered houses in our rural town, to a trim little Cape Cod with a picket fence and a yard full of flowers. I parked my bike and ran throught the gate and up on the...

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