Brighton Rock!Chapter 3 free porn video

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Harriet quickly made her way back to Chuck, conscious that his ice cream was getting smaller and smaller by the moment.

When she arrived back at his car he was sitting up and drinking thirstily from a bottle of water.

"Awww ... Poor Chucky. You look like you really needed that," Harriet smirked as she opened the car door and sat beside him for a moment. "I wonder why?"

"I lost a lot of fluids!" Chuck gave her an accusing look. "I think I was attacked by some sort of vampire," he replied.

"Hmmm ... A balloon-breasted, lust-filled, cum-starved vampire, eh?" she appeared to mull the idea over. "You could be right ... Seriously though, I sucked an awful lot out of you. You probably should drink some more of that before we go out onto the beach."

Chuck Dicker took another long swig of water as Harriet held out the ice cream.

"And I bought you an ice cream, your favourite, vanilla with a raspberry twist," Harriet waited while Chuck lowered the water bottle & took a hold of it. "Sorry it's a bit melted, but I er ... had to pay for it before I left."

Chuck tried to make sense of that for a moment, giving Harriet a slightly bewildered look, and then gave up and turned his attention to the ice cream.

"Mmmm..." Chuck began lapping away at the ice, eager to eat it all up before it melted away.

"Mmmm..." Harriet echoed. "Nice tongue action. Just you remember that for later."

"Anything ... If it'll keep you away from my cock," Chuck joked back. "I think you broke it. I doubt it'll ever work again."

"Awww ... You forget..." Harriet ran her finger up the front of Chuck's shorts, causing an immediate jolt of pleasure with her touch. "I'm an expert wee wee handler. I have a feeling I can get it working again when I'm ready." She suddenly removed her hand and climbed out of the car. "But right now I want to get to work on my tan and the beach looks soooo good."

Leaning over to pick up her bag from the front seat, Harriet treated Chuck to a spectacular view of just how huge her tits were, as they hung low, very low, from her chest.

Chuck gawped open-mouthed at the sight until Harriet retrieved her bag, stood up and shut the door. Then he quickly found his own things and followed her down onto the beach.

Harriet stepped onto the sand and looked around the beach for a suitable spot to lie in the sun and get her tan.

Her attention was drawn to a roped off area a short way to the north, toward which a number of beach-goers were already being drawn. Her curiosity aroused, Harriet grabbed Chuck by the hand and pulled him toward the ropes to see what all the fuss was about.

"Come on, Chucky," she continued to drag him up to the gathering crowd. "It might be something fun."

Not content with the poor view of events from the back of the expanding crowd, Harriet began to gently push her way through the collecting people toward the rope barrier - Chuck in tow, silently behind her.

Occasionally people turned to protest at being jostled by Harriet but one glance at her monumentally-stacked T-shirt and they fell silent in awe.

As she neared the front of the crowd Harriet could finally make out more of the strange goings-on behind the ropes. The first thing she noticed was the presence of a film crew - two cameramen and a soundman.

It was a film set!

And parked at the edge of the waves was a sparkling white limousine with darkened windows. Beside the limo were two elegant white chairs and a matching table. On the table were two glasses, champagne on ice, and a vase containing a single red rose.

"Awwww..." Harriet smiled and clasped her hands together. "How romantic. It must be a love film."

"Ohhh no..." Chuck cried in horror. "A chic flick." He quickly resigned himself that this was going to ruin his afternoon. Harriet was bound to insist on watching. Determined to make the best of it, Chuck looked around the roped off set in greater detail at the way the film was being made.

In addition to the camera and sound crew, several other guys were milling around the set - moving things, keeping the onlookers quiet, handing out flyers - while one particularly tall dark and handsome type, dressed in a tuxedo, stood leaning up against the side of the car looking increasingly impatient.

Hmmm... thought Chuck. The leading man. Looks vaguely familiar. Nothing interesting...

A short, fat, balding guy in his fifties stood just inside the rope holding a megaphone. From the way he blasted out orders it was obvious that he was in charge. In his other hand he held a well-worn and tatty book - not much more than a bundle of loose papers.

The director, Chuck surmised. He might be quite entertaining if he has plenty to shout about.

"Where the hell is Sandy?" the director cried out. You didn't need to see the expression on his face to tell he was angry. "Where the freakin' hell is my fluffer!"

Fluffer? Chuck's attention was caught on that one single word. This must be a porn film! Yes! I'm saved!

"What's a fluffer, Chuck?" a puzzled Harriet turned to ask her boyfriend.

"It's what they call girls who er ... keep the guys' dicks up between scenes when they're shooting porn films," Chuck smiled. "I'm surprised you don't know." He thought for a moment. "In fact I'm surprised you haven't applied for a job."

Harriet elbowed him gently in the ribs and then thought about it a bit.

"What do they do?" she asked, growing more interested. "Handjobs?"

"Blowjobs usually. Just enough to keep the guys hard and ready before they go into action," Chuck explained.

"And then?"

"Then the guy goes back into action with the female stars and the fluffer takes a break."

"So the poor fluffers don't get any of the wee wee juice?" Harriet was appalled. "That's just not fair. It's ... it's ... appalling. Those poor girls ... What an awful job. It sounds so very unfilling ... I mean unfulfilling."

While they were talking one of the crew had gone up and spoken to the director. He looked nervous to the point of sickness.

"Ill!" the guy was screaming even louder now. "Ill! Well now she's fired. You're all fired. This production is over!"

"Shame," Harriet sighed. It might have been interesting to watch. "Why is the fluffer so important, Chucky. Surely his co-star can keep his wee wee up?"

"Not always," Chuck explained. "It's much harder than you think to keep a hard-on in front of an audience. There's a lot of pressure."

"I've never known guys to have a problem keeping their wee wees up," Harriet observed. "They almost always seem to be up."

"Er..." Chuck tried to explain. "Yes ... you and your mother are very good at helping people overcome that particular problem. You have a gift." His eyes strayed down to Harriet's humungous breasts for a moment. "Er ... gifts ... Anyway ... the stud might not fancy his co-star, or she might just not be that good a lay."

"Oh..." Harriet sighed and turned and made a step away from the rope. "Never mind. It might have been fun to watch."

"Hey!" Chuck grabbed at Harriet's arm for a moment to stop her leaving. "Why don't you do it?" he suggested.

"What? Do all the work and let some lazy bimbo get all the lovely juice?" Harriet was outraged. "No way!"

"Do you know who that is?" Chuck indicated the guy leaning on the car. It had come back to him now where he had seen him before. "That's Frank 'Foot-Long' Robinson." He had starred in a porn film Chuck had watched with Missy Cummings a couple of days ago.

"'Foot-Long, ' eh?" Chuck watched Harriet mull the idea over in her mind. He could see she was tempted. "No ... Sucking on a guy's wee wee and giving away all the yummy juice. It's just not right. It's ... it's practically immoral. Come on, Chucky, nothing much is happening here." And they turned to leave once more.

"For heaven's sake, Max!" a female voice shrieked out from behind them - a very familiar female voice. "Can't we get started yet?"

"Not yet, Diana, my dear," the director's voice called back, as meek as a lamb.

"Diana?" Harriet and Chuck stopped, turned to face one another, and spoke precisely together. "Diana Crawford?"

They looked back and, sure enough, there was Diana Crawford leaning out of the limo's open door. Her long brunette hair shone in the sunlight and her light make-up was done perfectly. She looked gorgeous! One of her very very long legs was poking out of her dressing gown and resting on the ground.

The only thing that marred her looks was the look of total frustration on Diana's face. "I'm having my hair done in two hours," she shot the director a stinging look. "Get a move on!"

"I'm sorry, Diana, baby," the director remained subdued. "Sandy, the er ... fluffer, hasn't arrived and we need to get Frank er ... fired up. I ... er ... don't suppose you'd consider..."

"I told you before," Diana scowled. "I'm not putting that thing in my mouth. It's far too big and he keeps trying to push it down my throat. The answer is no!"

"But Diana, sweetie," the director pleaded.

"I said no!" Diana pulled her long, shapely leg back into the limo and slammed the door.

The director turned and sat down on a canvas chair just inside the rope near where Harriet and Chuck were standing. He slumped forward, letting his head fall into his hands for a moment, before leaning back and looking up into the sky - possibly looking for divine help.

"That was Diana Crawford," Chuck mumbled, trying to convince himself of the truth of what he had just seen.

"She's a porn star?" Harriet couldn't believe it. Although Diana enjoyed sex, she had always been a bit squeamish about boys cumming over her, and had never been keen on giving blowjobs. "Now this does change the situation," she smiled mischievously.

Harriet and Diana had once been friends at school. That was until Harriet started sucking off Diana's boyfriend, Wayne Martin, during morning breaks. Harriet tried to explain to Diana that it was nothing personal. She'd sucked off the whole football team that lunchtime. But Diana had been totally unreasonable about it and slapped her in the face, calling her a whore right in front of Missy Cummings and some of the other girls.

From then onwards they were bitter enemies and were always looking for ways to humiliate and belittle each other. Harriet was the usual winner of these contests. Even Diana's super-long legs were no match for her basketball-sized breasts and her insatiable sexual appetite.

Diana did have one memorable success - she once seduced Chuck Dicker causing Harriet to temporarily break up with him, but the victory was short-lived. Chuck soon learned that Diana was no substitute for Harriet and he set about winning her over once more.

Harriet now saw a perfect opportunity to humiliate her old rival one more time. It took only moments for her to run the plan through in her head and she smiled broadly as it all fitted neatly together.

"You're quite right, Chucky," she said in a slightly absent voice, still working out the last of her plan.

"What about?" Chuck wondered.

"I will suck off ... ahem ... I mean act as fluffer for Mr Robinson," she tried to compose herself and bring her own eagerness under control.

"You will?" Chuck looked excited. Watching Harriet blow other guys was almost as exciting as being on the receiving end yourself. She had developed fellatio into an art form.

"Well, it wouldn't be fair on all these nice people to just up and leave," Harriet grinned still wider then pulled her T-shirt up over her head and let it fall to the sand beside her. "They deserve a show." She took a deep breath, stretching her bikini top to the point of breaking. And I'm going to give them a show they'll remember for the rest of their lives!

Chuck watched with curiosity as Harriet walked silently up to the director. She had that look on her face that said she was up to something, but even he was surprised when Harriet walked straight into the back of the director. Her spectacular basketball-sized mammaries slapped straight into the back of his head, knocking him half out of his seat.

"Hey!" the director called out as he turned to view the clod who had just bumped into him. "Watch where you ... ooo..." His voice trailed off as the full enormity of Harriet's breasts sunk into his brain. It took some time... "With tho ... ose..."

"Oh, I'm soooo sorry, sir," Harriet put on her best expression of innocence. "I didn't mean to bump into you with my boobies, but they are sooooo large I just can't keep them under control." She looked down at them with a meek smile.

"That ... that..." the director was lost for words and resigned himself to a simple "OK."

My God! He thought to himself. She's incredible!

"Anyway," Harriet continued, cheerfully. "I heard about your little problem, and wondered if I might be able to help."

"You? Help?" the director replied, still somewhat stunned. Wanabee actresses often turned up at shoots hoping for a part, but no one before had ever turned up with ... with... those...

By now the whole crowd was focussed on Harriet's discussions with the director - even those on the furthest side of the enclosure could see the immense balls of flesh on her chest. Those who were nearer and could hear the conversation were silently willing the director to take the blonde supervixen up on her offer quickly before she changed her mind.

"Well, I thought once Mr Foot-Long saw my titties, he'd grow hard for you," Harriet jiggled up and down excitedly, causing a movement of her breasts that caused the whole crowd to gasp in awe. "All the other guys do." She glanced down at the director's shorts for a moment. "You're getting hard, too. Oh please, Mr Director. I'd so hoped to see Mr Foot-Long in action. And it would be such a shame if all these nice people were disappointed. Can I help? Pleeeeeease... " She reached out and ran a finger down the director's arm.

"Well ... er..." the director rooted around in his addled brain for the words. "We do have a problem ... and er ... I'm sure Mr Foo ... er ... Frank would greatly appreciate your help."

"Great!" Harriet jiggled and the crowd gasped once again. "What would you like me to do?"

"Well, er ... As you know..." the director gazed at Harriet's angelically smiling face and suddenly felt quite embarrassed. "The er ... problem is that we need someone to er ... help Frank keep his er ... thing ... up during the shoot." Without looking away he waved Frank over to join them.

"His thing?" Harriet feigned naiveté as Frank walked up beside them. "You mean his wee wee?"

"Frank, this is Miss ... er ... Miss..." the director felt a sigh of relief as the porn actor arrived. Perhaps he'd explain.

"Humper," Harriet introduced herself. "Harriet Humper."

"Frank Robinson," Frank reciprocated. "Although you can call me Foot-Long."

Harriet acted coy and tried desperately to stop herself from smiling. "That's such an interesting nickname."

Frank smiled, unzipped his tuxedo trousers and began to pull out his cock. It was like watching someone unreel a fire-hose. Even in its currently semi-relaxed state it was a good seven or eight inches long, and at the sight of Harriet and her monumental tits it was beginning to expand further. "Of course I need a little encouragement to show you why..."

"Mmmm..." Harriet licked her lips and clapped her hands delightedly at the sight of such a wonderful piece of man-meat.

"Which brings us to what our director, here, was trying to explain," Frank held out his thick cock toward Harriet. "To er ... be seen at my best I need a little ... how shall we say ... encouragement?"

"Ohhh ... I'd be happy to help if you'd let me..." and she waved generally toward Frank's cock. "May I?"

"Please..." Frank waved her on. "Be my guest. As an amateur I can't expect you to manage a cast iron, rock-solid trouser snake like mine, but you can have a try."

Harriet didn't need to be told twice. Her mother had once told her to "Never look a gift wee wee in the mouth. Suck it and see."

It was with mixed feelings that Harriet knelt down on the sand and took a hold of Frank's monster cock in both hands.

On the one hand she was very impressed by Frank - and not only with his slowly-expanding supercock. Few men retained such composure (Or indeed any composure) at the sight of her immense 44 inch tits as they threatened to bust straight through the tightly-straining fabric of one of her tiny bikini tops.

But on the other she definitely did not like being called an amateur. She'd handled more wee wees than she could remember, including whole football teams at one go, and she'd swallowed literally gallons of wee wee juice.

OK, Frank's cock may be the biggest she'd ever encountered, but she wasn't going to let that faze her. Firstly, he was only supposed to be two inches longer than Kenny Long, and she'd had no trouble handling him at all. And secondly, her favourite toy for as long as she could remember had been a twelve inch long, thick-as-her-wrist black dildo, with an enormous bulb-like head.

When she was younger and had been naughty, her mother used to send her to her room. There she would play with the huge rubber monster for hours - pumping it faster and deeper into her pussy, her ass, or her throat - right to the hilt! Harriet smiled wistfully for a moment as she remembered those long happy hours.

Harriet quickly returned to the present. Why reminisce about cold rubber when there was warm wee wee in front of her? Her old toy was a lot of fun, but it couldn't produce yummy wee wee juice. For that she needed the real thing.

"This looks like a two-handed job," Harriet smiled up at Frank as her ministrations took his cock passed the nine inch mark. "Or maybe one mouth ... Tee ... hee..."

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Who hasn't heard of Cam 4 yet? Do you often find yourself searching for that perfect amateur video when beating your dick because it reminds you of the time you were happy and horny with your bitch-of-an-ex girlfriend? Do you lust for something real and unfiltered that doesn’t look like two mounds of surgically-enhanced flesh going at it in front of a high-tech HD camera? Are you yearning for something rugged and raw, that doesn’t look like it’s been filmed in front of a live audience? Then...

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2 years ago
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Udaas Naziya Ki Chudai

Hi indian sex stories dot net  readers ye mere life ka teesra incident hai jo mai iss par share kar raha hoon. Jaise ki aap log jaante hain mera naam Faiz hai aur meri do behene hain Naziya aur Shaziya. Apne pehle do stories me maine aap ko bataya kaise maine Shaziya ki chudai ki aur maze loote. New readers can check out my previous stories. Jaisa ki aap logon ko pata hai Naziya ki shaadi ho chuki hai. Uska husband yaani mere jijaji Dubai me ek construction company me kaam karte hain. Shadi ke...

2 years ago
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Family SagaChapter 10

Charity had gathered up her panties and other clothing and fled to the bathroom where she locked herself in to dress and put herself in order again. In spite of the fact that she had, indeed, had a tremendous orgasm with the two boys, she had regained her straight-thinking processes, again, soon after the orgiastic, three-way, sexual debauchment... and she knew that she was right in refusing to continue. She was glad that her brother, Don, had agreed to take her away. In truth, she really...

3 years ago
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The Halloween story Part two The day it continued

The Halloween story. Part two, The day it continued. I was woken by Helen stumbling into the house at about half past three on Sunday morning. I did think at first that it was a burglar as I heard her sneaking around, trying to be quiet, but shuffling and stumbling into things. Then I head her giggling. I also hear something rattle to the floor and she squealed in shock. But she made it to her bedroom before walking up the twins. I don't know what time Mum came home, she was...

3 years ago
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UK shared wife Hayley ndash shared for the first

I’d been married to Hayley for about 6 months. My cute little wife is 5’2” very pretty and a slim size 10 with dark blonde hair and slightly pinkish milky white flesh. She has a good pair of firm tits with raspberry red nipples, which when played with really turns her on. She has a nice toffee coloured snatch which she shaves into a neat landing strip with plump pussy lips the same colour as her nipples and quite a big clit, with the peachiest little bum, something I’m sure none of my mates...

3 years ago
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The Matting Bug

The phone rang just as Matt was emptying the lawn cuttings into the compost bin; it rang and rang. Finally with a gasp 'why can't the silly cunt answer it' the ringing stopped; either she had answered it or the caller had hung up; it wasn't till he came in that he was told that the call was from one of her friends, inviting them down to her and her brother's beach house for the weekend. "Cathy feels that as we were very nice to her and let her bunk here for a couple of weeks, when her...

4 years ago
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In the Darkness take2

The platform that he shows me is not made of a pillowed mattress and nice springs. It is a metal topped with a thin mattress barely an inch thick. It is special made. There are straps hanging from the wall above where my head is to be placed and shackles laying on the floor at the foot of the bed where they are anchored to the floor. He comes from behind me and spreads his hands across my bare round ass as he whispered into my ear. "Come, pet, I believe you will love what I have in store for...

3 years ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 9

They lay in bed naked, holding each other; a hand on each others buttocks pulling them close. “I love you so much Kathy” “I love you too.” “I never realised you were so open about sex.” “I think I’ve got a few things to learn about you too Jeff” “Oh Kathy, I am so sorry; I hope you will forgive me; I feel so guilty for cheating on you.” Kathy opened her mouth and kissed him, pushing her tongue between his lips to find his. They could both still taste the sperm in each others...

4 years ago
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Tapesby Deirdre (address defunct)***Four people who enjoy one-upmanship end up playing and bondage and voyeurism, sometimes even a little blackmail to get their way with each other. (MF-cpls, reluc, bi, anal, bd, voy, blkmail)***I was a bit drunk at that party. That is really my only excuse. As if I really had an excuse when my wife, Sara, caught me outside with Judy, a woman with one thing on her mind that night. And I admit that if Sara hadn't caught us, I can't say how far things would have...

2 years ago
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Lost in the woods0

She walked for a little longer then heard someone yelling, “Help me Help me ” Misty ran towards the voice and found a large hole in the ground with someone inside it. She looked into it and saw Jesse from team rocket stuck at the bottom. “Oh Misty is that you? Please help I’m stuck ” Misty, having been prepared for traps like these, took a rope out of her backpack and lowered it down to Jesse who climbed out. “Thanks so much for helping me out. James and Meowth went to get help hours ago and...

4 years ago
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Lebensraum Depraved behaviour of young Nazis sent to eastern Europe

Even before he was forced to join the Hitler Youth (HJ), Albert Schmidt had been aware that their Wehrsport or military athletics was intended to prepare them to be soldiers when they were older, with the best selected to join the SS.  However it was a shock when at short notice he was told to pack and that they were off to Reichsgau Warthegau, so recently liberated from Poland by the heroic Werhmacht.  It was a cold and bleak landscape compared with home but most of the boys felt honoured that...

3 years ago
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The Wanderer and His First SlaveChapter 6

The street outside was, like most others in Braghia, drab and dreary; the gray unadorned walls had begun to grate on my nerves by now. From a window high up on the other side came the scream of a young man. A servant failing some task or a slave being made to play his master's cruel game. The sunlight only reached a few stories down, and where we were the mid-morning was nothing more than a feeble dawn. Only the typical tall, black carts pulled by sweating, running slaves were narrow enough...

3 years ago
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I was an old woman

I was an old woman It seemed to be another boring party. People chatting and drinking. And then I noticed her. She was looking wild. Her sexy, soft clothes followed her perfect body. Her hair was flaming red. I took up my courage and walked towards her. 'Hi, what's your name?' I asked. 'Jennifer.' she told me, while she was playing with her hair. That evening I got to know her. She was going trough a lot of problems in her life, and decided to just do her own thing. She didn't...

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By the age of seventeen I had mastered dozens of spells, I had kept my power a secret from everyone; except my older brother. He caught me using an arcane attack spell. He didn’t ask too much mostly about when I started and what I could do, then he gave me a warning to be more careful where I practiced. If anyone else found out about my magic I would be sent away from home to train with the master mages at their remote fortress. I promised him I’d be more careful in the future. Word of advice:...

3 years ago
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Journeys Endpart 7

In this case, however, the pain inflicted on me was for the purpose of producing unique chemicals in my semen greatly valued by the owners of Journey's End. I had flashbacks of my ordeal of the day before while trying to sleep...and I was very stressed and terrorized by the thought of more such treatments. I was secured to my bed now, and had to ring for the guards to release me to go to the bathroom. They always watched me as I relieved myself, and cuffed me to the bed again after I...

2 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers 8

Aimee's Makeovers Part Eight By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Tony went into the ladies room with Marcy and stood there watching her as she freshened up her makeup. He opened his purse and glossed up his lips, not knowing what else to do, as he was mentally exhausted. "This will be fun, girl!" Marcy said as she closed her purse and grabbed his arm. "Come on, lets get blitzed." Tony walked out into happy hour and was greeted by Jose and Adrianna. They began by buying...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Kendall Woods Thieving Child Care Consultant

JB has been noticing small odds and ends around the house disappearing lately. There was no way it was his wife, it probably wasnt his child, and there can only be one other person — Kendall, the babysitter. He decided to catch this little thief in the act by placing nanny cams around the house. He called over for Kendall, she showed up on time as usual, but little did she know she was secretly going to be watched. When JB returns, Kendall is in a rush to leave, but JB knows whats really...

1 year ago
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First time and more Part 2

From the previous story, "first time and more," my friend, Sean, and I grew up together. After Sean's cousin got him to suck his dick but didn't suck Sean in return, the next day Sean asked me. We ended up sucking each other just about every weekday for the next three years after school at my house since my parents worked late. The following is more detail about those years. That first year Sean and I couldn't get enough of sucking each other. Although we were not mature enough to cum, we...

2 years ago
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My slut sister

"Yes Chelsea it tastes just like chicken." Spencer laughs hard making her 32DD breasts nearly flap out of her small tank top. "Well then why would you ask me how his cock tastes?" She chuckles more flipping the channel and leaning back against the couch pushing her mini skirt up slightly. "Justin was big, but not as big as Mike, luckily I had both last night." She began to run her short manicured finger up and down the out line of her pussy. Just talking about sex was enough to get her heart...

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I love the transvestite lifestyle. Since I was sixteen, I have been boldly going out dressed to the nines as Cari in public. Now finally of legal drinking age, I go out to one of Boston’s gender friendly nightclub establishments on the weekend. I am lucky to be considered one of the prettiest and the most believable of the girls at these clubs. At five foot five inches tall and one hundred and thirty five pounds I have a body that looks good in almost any kind of dress!I have naturally blonde...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 3 Commissioning Thunder

Filo was a self-starter, a man who would decide on his own what should be done, and then either go do it himself or get someone else to do it. Jono wasn’t. Jono was a fine officer if someone else was in charge, but he wasn’t executive material. Not that I should talk, I wasn’t either when I was back on Earth. It took coming here and realizing that no one else COULD take charge to get me to step up to the plate. Still, with me backing him up as owner and Captain, Jono got a crew together...

2 years ago
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Dogging With the Van Man

This is a story about a guy I met while I was dogging in Clophill on the old A6 the main road from Barton to Bedford. The area is a well known dogging spot and is in a long off road lay-by next to some woods. During the daytime it is a rest area from the busy main road and trucks and cars can pull in for a while. There’s even a catering van and picnic area but after dark it is a great dogging spot. Cars are parked up in a long line and sometimes big trucks and vans are there as well, with...

4 years ago
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Taking Another Step

It had been nearly a week since the scintillating Saturday when my fiancée and I had the most incredible meeting of the minds about our sexual desires. Unfortunately, as the days crept forward from that fateful afternoon, I began to worry that those moments were an aberration rather than a sign of things to come. In the throes of passion, we had done a bit of internet browsing for the toys that would send our sex life to the next level. Much to my dismay, these items simply made it to the...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS01E11 Frances 59

Series 1, Episode 11: Frances She’s a tall, slim and elegant mature lady of 59. The oldest we’ve had on our show so far. Short light brown hair (with perhaps just a hint of red) frames a narrow featured face with high cheek-bones, a pointed noise, and thin lips. She’s well dressed, well spoken, highly educated. “Hello, my name is Dr Frances Hardwich, I’m a psychologist, specialising in behavioural disorders, and I’m from Twickenham in London.” The interview takes place in her office. Her...

3 years ago
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TVMovie interactive

Welcome to Fanfair Labs and you have been selected to be one of the first people to try out our new VR software, that lets you either be a part or take over your fav char in your Fav TV show or movies or have an one on one with any celebtriy. There are more to choose from and any that isn't there please just try to think of it and the software will try to more it so you have the best time. Please choose on of the following TV Drama TV Sci Fi TV Comedy Next page TV Action Reality...

3 years ago
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There are moments in one’s life when time seems to stand still. The air around you prickles with intensity, electric shocks course through your stock still body and you literally feel your breath catch in your throat, unable to release your pant up emotion. That is exactly what happened to me a few days ago, and I can’t help but continue to dwell on it. Somehow, it may seem absurd, but I have never felt like that before and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get the privilege of experiencing it again. ...

2 years ago
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Mr Archer Chapter 3

In the morning Michael woke early as he always did. He was instantly aware of Juliette, still sleeping deeply beside him. He was tempted to wake her but then thought better of it. As a student she probably didn’t have to get up this early and might not appreciate his early morning enthusiasm. Instead he rose, showered and shaved and went through to the kitchen to put on coffee, leaving Juliette to sleep. A few minutes later she appeared, dressed in one of his T-shirts to give him a sleepy...

2 years ago
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All Over Red Rover

Having said that however, a chance conversation with a young lady this morning…and I stress, she is a teenage girl of impeccable pedigree and diligence, fully catalysed my thoughts on this arguably sordid topic. Her experience, recounted with neither regret nor embarrassment fully shocked me, but at the same time opened my eyes to the possibility that such an eventuality, whilst hardly a domestic ritual may perhaps occur with a greater frequency than we are led to believe. ...

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Wife Cheated On Me Revenge Blacken

I thought we loved each other.But, she cheated on me. I found out about it through a friend who saw her at a hotel bar in our neighboring town. I started paying closer attention to her comings and goings and times she was out of the house. I actually followed her one time and saw first hand for myself.It shook me to the core. I initially just wanted to divorce her and be done with it all but I thought about my anger. I had to have retribution to feel whole again.I never confronted her about it...

4 years ago
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Bimbo Kisses Lollipop Dreams A Platinum ChefDelacroix Side Story Part V

Chapter 83 The ball flew through the air cleanly from way out there in three point land. "Holy shit," Faye said. "Damn. Big Daddy Kane in the house or what?" A nameless skin player gave Faye a hi five. "That's like what. Twelve points... somethin' ridiculous? What is it, Brickhaus?" Brickhaus, a large barrel-chested dude with shiny hair and an Ed Hardy shirt looked at the game as a whole. "Yeah. He's at twelve. Score's 68-61 skins. That's game. Dude, where the fuck did you...

1 year ago
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Nikkis special someone part 2

"this way sweetie, were nearly at the car...the nights not over just yet" my heart was pounding a mile a minute and i couldnt stop thinking back to the moment when his cock first slipped inside me and i became a sissy forever, his sissy. it brought a smile to my face and i walked just a little bit taller and more confidently. when we reached the car he spun me round and kissed me deeply non the lips, his tongue drawing mine out and intermingling with his. his manliness was practically...

2 years ago
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Caught by a neighbour

I've secretly been crossdressing from a young age. In my late teens, around 17, I became moreadventurous. maybe because I was enjoying it more. At that age I was very slender, had long darkhair as well has having a naturally smooth and hairless body. My brother and sister were both at uniand my parents would work a lot of the time meaning I was left home alone quite a lot. I would"borrow" my sister's clothes and had actually found in the loft a bag of things she didn't wear anymore. As you can...

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