DreamWeaverChapter 16 free porn video

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“Hello?” May said when we called.

“Hi, May,” I said, feeling relaxed with a full stomach and Mel playing with my hair and looking at me the way she was. “How are we doing for Christmas?”

“Hi, Rand!” she said, sounding pleased. “Everything’s good here. I told Glen you were coming. He didn’t put up quite the fight that I expected. Beth said she’d invited you some time back but hadn’t been sure you were interested in coming. She seemed surprised when I told her I’d talked you into coming.”

“She gone out for the night?” I asked lightly.

“Not yet, but soon. She’s getting ready now. So, when will you be getting in?”

“We’re going to rent a car and drive down on the 22nd, so we’ve got a day to look around and check for any last-minute gifts,” I told her.

“Why are you renting a car?” she asked, confused.

“We’re going to fly out from Atlanta to meet her parents in DC,” I said. “Our flight is booked for the 27th in the afternoon. Then we’re going to fly back to Charlotte on the 3rd and relax for a day before I have to go back to work.”

“That’s a lot of travel in a short time,” she sympathized. “So, you decided not to take the transfer for sure?”

“Yeah. I think you and I both know that my life is here,” I told her.

“I take it that she’s back in town since you’re in such a good mood?” she asked quietly.

“I got back yesterday,” Mel said sweetly, adding to the conversation for the first time. “I would have spoken up sooner, but I wasn’t sure if the coast was clear or not.”

“Beth’s getting dressed and Glen’s watching some war movie in the den,” she told us, delighting in the surprise.

“I had a thought for something for Glen this Christmas that I think he’d like,” I said carefully. “Is the basement still unfinished?”

“Yes,” she said carefully. “What did you have in mind?”

“We’ll pick him up a sand table. One of the guys I work with uses one. War guys build dioramas of famous battles on them. He can build the geography of the battle and then set the troop placements.”

“You think he’d like that?” she asked, skeptically. “You know how he feels about you.”

“Well, you and Beth have both said that he’s softened since our talk. It’s a gift that appeals to war buffs and it’s a chance for us to bury the hatchet,” I said. “If he uses it, it also gets him out of the den long enough for you to watch something you’ll like, instead of sitting through a marathon of the best of John Wayne Goes to War.”

“That’s very thoughtful,” she agreed. “Are you shopping for Beth too?” she asked gently.

“Probably, but I’m at a loss as to what to buy her. She and I haven’t really talked about her interests since she got home, other than a word or two about Roger.”

“I think she may be moving out sometime soon,” she confided. “Her dates sometimes run over into the next day on the weekends, but you didn’t hear that from me.”

“My lips are sealed. You have any suggestions about gifts?” I asked.

I really didn’t know Beth anymore. I was okay with that. I really wanted to get on with my life and wanted her to get on with hers.

“I’ve got Beth handled,” Mel said smugly.

That worried me. When your girlfriend says that she has your ex-wife handled, that can’t be a good thing. It usually involves a shovel, a lot of bleach and a solid alibi. She saw the look on my face and laughed.

“You worry too much. When we get off the phone, I’ll tell you what we’re getting for Beth and for May. You’ll approve.”

I nodded, trusting her. We talked for a little while and then Mel fell silent when Beth came to the phone, choosing instead to busy herself with small kisses around my throat and down my neck to distract me. She delighted in making it hard for me to keep up the conversation, but I managed to say hi to Beth and told her I was looking forward to Christmas.

“You sound stressed, Rand,” she commented. “If this is too much, just say so. I’ll make sure Mom understands and you know how the Colonel will react. It’s okay if you’re not up to it,” she told me supportively. “This year is going to be a little awkward. If you’re not ready to meet Roger, I understand.”

“It’s not that, Beth,” I told her quickly as Mel’s fingers started fiddling with my belt. “I’m just ... I’m making some adjustments in my study and I’m trying not to topple anything over.”

I gave Mel a look that told her to behave herself and she just smirked and unbuckled my belt slowly. It was like she wanted Beth to catch on.

“Okay,” Beth said finally. “So long as you’re sure that it’s not going to be too hard on you.”

“Oh, trust me, if it gets too hard, I’m learning how to return things to normal,” I assured her.

At the same time, I had a hand sliding up Mel’s back and I unhooked her bra. Her breasts weren’t huge, so the clasp wasn’t the god-awful security vault that had kept Beth’s D-Cups in place. She had my zipper down, by that point and was starting to run her hand over my length, separated by nothing more than my underwear. I moved my other hand to her breast, pushing her shirt and bra up to give me access to palm it pleasantly. Her nipple was hard as a rock, different from the rubbery texture I was used to with Beth.

“Good,” Beth said at the same time Mel gave a breathless gasp at my attentions.

She straightened up and whipped her shirt and bra off, dropping them to the floor before she started tugging my shirt up, obviously wanting me as topless as she was. I lifted my hands and let her strip me as Beth kept talking.

“Look, I know this could be awkward and I really appreciate you making an effort. Mom’s got a real soft spot for you. It means a lot to her that you’re coming.”

“It’s been too long since I’ve cum,” I said, giving Mel a smirk that set her off into silent laughter.

She buried her face in my neck, shaking with silent mirth at the double meaning. I glanced at the phone again where Beth was listening and changed the subject.

“So, May says you’re on your way out. Things with Roger starting to get serious?” I asked, hoping that talking about herself would distract her for a minute.

“I think so,” she admitted. “That doesn’t bother you, does it?” she asked gently.

“Not at all,” I told her. “You and I are long gone, Beth. I can’t begrudge you looking to the future. You’ve had a lot more time to get used to the end of our marriage than I have. For you, it was a lingering illness that became worse over a couple of years. For me, it was a bullet to the temple. Once I got over the shock, I started moving towards the same place you were. You were right. There was no real passion between us. We were comfortable together, and the best that could be said was that we really didn’t have a reason not to stay together until Stan came along. In his own way, he did us a favor. We were just going through the motions and the affair was the shock that made us realize we were hurting ourselves by staying comfortable and not looking for what makes us happy. If Roger thrills you to your toes, then he’s who you should be with.”

“Thanks,” she said, sounding like she was grateful for the support. “You ... you know that I’m sorry things didn’t work out, right?” she said quietly.

“Yeah, I know,” I said. “You probably could have gotten a little better in the divorce if you’d fought, but you decided that I needed the money to rebuild more than you did.”

“I have Mom and Dad,” she pointed out. “You really didn’t have anyone to fall back on. I figured ... Oh, Hell. I didn’t deserve to walk away with half of everything. You did more than half the work in the marriage and you did all of it, that past year. I felt it was my chance to make things even with you.”

She was quiet for a moment.

“You know that when you find someone ... I’ll ... I’ll want to meet her. I’ll want to see you happy.”

“I’m counting on it,” I smiled.

“You should. I’ll give you my honest opinion,” she promised. “So ... did you hear any more about Stan?” she asked delicately.

“He died about a month ago,” I told her, “just before Thanksgiving.”

“What?!!?” she gasped. “You told me you’d call me!”

“There was no funeral,” I said simply. “I went to see him in the hospice. He ... sent word that he wanted to see me. He told me that he knew that any grave site would be used as a toilet by people with longer grudges than mine.”

“You went to see him?!!? Why?”

“I didn’t see the harm. I was complying with the last wish of a dying man. No matter what he’d done to me before, he asked me for the chance to repent in person. We talked for a while. He told me that he’d been compelled to seek out thrills for most of his life. He apologized and told me that he understood if I couldn’t forgive him, but that he wanted to say the words to me. Honestly, I haven’t talked about it except with the people in my group until now.”

“What did you tell him?” she asked in rapt attention, all thoughts of her date with Roger driven from her mind.

“On his death bed, seeing how much he was suffering, I didn’t feel like holding onto that hate anymore. He wasn’t in good shape. He passed away a few days after we met. He said he was donating his body to a teaching hospital. That way, there’s nowhere for the villagers to congregate with pitchforks and torches.”

“So, you ... forgave him? After everything he did?” she was shocked.

“Hell, Beth, it was you that pointed out that our marriage was dead before he came along. He just filled in the grave. Other people have much better reasons to hate him. If they can let go of that, then I can too. Besides, the guy was ... genuine. He knew he was dying. He didn’t ask for forgiveness as much as understanding. He regretted how much pain he’d spread all our lives.”

“Fair enough,” she sighed. “You were never mean to me over the whole thing, so I guess I can understand your being able to let it go.”

Mel had calmed down from her laughter as soon as Stan’s death had come up, clinging to me tightly. I held her just as closely. We both heard the doorbell on the other end of the phone and Beth swore softly.

“That’s Roger,” she said. “Look, I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you next week and we’ll talk about it more, okay?”

“Sounds good,” I told her lightly. “There’s more to tell, but I think we should do that in person.”

“I’ll pass you back to Mom to say goodbye. See you soon, Rand.”

Then she was gone on her date. We heard the door slam.

“You certainly brought her mood down,” May commented. “I take it you told her about her former boss from her end of the conversation. Did she figure out you were bringing Melody to Christmas?”

“Rand managed to avoid telling her that I’d be there,” Mel confirmed. “He did give her a couple of innuendos that I found funny, but she might not.”

She was a little more subdued, but not melancholy. I was glad of that. She ran her fingers over my chest affectionately and I kissed her neck lightly, just reminding her that I was here and loved her, more than trying to start something.

“Well, she’ll figure it out sooner or later,” May said. “Christmas morning, when she lays eyes on the two of you together, that might clue her in.”

We made plans for spending Christmas Eve baking with her and letting Glen meet Melody. She promised that she’d call as soon as the coast was clear. We were going to take a couple of days to look around the city and do some shopping.

When we hung up, I wrapped my arms around Mel.

“You were certainly eager to have Beth figure out you were here,” I commented with a smile.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she declared, hiding her face in my neck so I wouldn’t see her smile.


I asked and then started to tickle her, making her shriek in surprise and jump out of my lap. I grabbed her and pulled her back down into my lap and tickled her mercilessly.

“NO!” she squealed. “NONONO! Don’t tickle me! I’ll pee! Seriously, if you make me laugh too hard, I’ll pee myself,” she begged.

“Kinky,” I laughed and tickled her a little more, making her scream in protest, writhing and trying to get away from my fingers.

“RAAANNND!” she whined loudly until I stopped and just held her, while she calmed down.

I kissed her neck and whispered that I loved her, and she purred contentedly. I stroked her back fully, luxuriating in the feel of her skin under my fingers.

“You’re so beautiful,” I told her. “Sometimes I look at you. and I wonder how I got so lucky.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and started nibbling on my ear.

“You say the sweetest things to me,” she breathed between kisses as she explored my ear and neck with her lips.

She licked the curve of my ear and ran her hands through my hair lovingly.

“It’s starting to get late,” she observed. “Do we get dressed and go to the big house or stay here?” she asked.

“I think it’s too much effort to get dressed. We’re already halfway to naked and we still have to christen our new bed.”

She purred at that.

“Yesss!” she hissed happily.

I idly pulled her belt open and started toying with the button on her jeans. She quickly shifted so I could reach it more easily. A second later, I had her zipper open and was touching the soft skin of her stomach, teasing her as we necked like teenagers. She moaned against my neck as I moaned against hers, amazed at how turned on I was. I’d only been this crazed in my earliest days of puberty. I was on fire. and I could feel her moving against me with the same urgency.

She shifted and suddenly she was straddling my lap, facing me. The chair wasn’t meant to be comfortable for two and we were cramped, but it felt good to have her in my arms. My hands found their way into her jeans, cupping her ass easily now that they were unzipped.

“You seem to like my ass a lot,” she teased, grabbing my earlobe with her teeth and pulling slightly. “Are you gonna fuck me there? I’ve never done that. You’d be my first. Are you gonna take my last virginity, Mister?”

She was speaking in her little girl voice and it was the dirtiest thing imaginable. The beast inside me that hungered for her, roared its approval for this plan and demanded to plunder her body like a wild animal.

Fortunately, I also loved this girl with all my heart, and I knew that giving into those base urges would hurt like hell for her and the loss of her trust would pain me as well.

“Someday, Baby-girl, I’ll fuck your ass, but tonight, I want you too much to be the kind of gentle I need to be for that. Tonight, I need you too much.”

She growled pleasantly at that thought.

“I want that!” she whispered to me excitedly and bit my neck lightly. “I want to feel your need. We can be gentle and loving later, but I ... I’ve never had a man so turned on that he’s forceful with me. I’ve watched a lot of the stuff you sent me and liked it. I want it. I want you to take me. I want you so much, I’m creaming my panties for you right now. I need wild tonight. Make me your woman!”

Okay, that last part reeked of the kinds of trashy bodice ripper novels that Claire sometimes wrote under a separate pseudonym from her normal work, but Mel was young and had probably read a few through her teenage years. Instead of commenting on it, I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her close to me and stood up, lifting her with me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist once we were clear of the chair. For my part, I slid my hands back down into her pants and held her against me by a double handful of her ass. I pulled her tight and ground my cock against her, letting her feel how hard it was for her.

“Fuck!” she groaned as I moved against her like we were already fucking. “I want you so much, Rand! It still scares me, but I want it too much to run away again. I promise.”

“Stand for me, Baby,” I whispered to her and she put her feet down reluctantly.

I kissed her deeply, my tongue snaking out to flick against her lips before her own responded in kind. I pushed her jeans and panties down over her hips as we kissed, and she moaned into my mouth, releasing her arms from around my neck long enough to grab mine and shove them down hurriedly. We were clearly not going to last long this time. We were burning too hot to keep things running steady. This first time was going to be nuclear. We separated long enough to shed the rest of our clothing, panting as we did.

“Birth control?” I thought to ask. I hadn’t bought condoms in years.

“I’m on year two of an IUS,” she said. “I got one right after I lost the baby. I know we’re both clean, since we’ve both been without since we got the same thing. from the same source the last time either of us had sex. We’re clean, safe and so fucking ready.”

She yanked off her socks and was back in my arms again, both of us now completely naked. I lifted her back into my arms, and she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me against her pussy as I carried her out of the study and headed for the stairs. She was trying to angle it so that I impaled her right there, but I wanted to christen that room, and the best time was our first time.

I climbed the stairs carefully as our tongues fought for control even as she moved her hips insistently, seeking my cock with each thrust of her pelvis. I finally reached the top of the stairs with her pulling me off-balance every time she tried to mount me. It would have been funny if I hadn’t been worried, we’d end up falling down the stairs and breaking bones. I opened the door to the bedroom... our bedroom and carried her inside. I yanked the covers down off the bed one handed and laid her down on the mattress for the first time.

She looked up at me with love and lust and devotion and a little trepidation, but she pulled me down into bed with her as eagerly as I could have asked for. I lowered myself into her arms, aware of how much bigger than her I was. She was tiny and delicate, and I was very careful not to hurt her as I settled only a portion of my weight on her.

We kissed for what seemed like hours, with my cock nudging against her thigh and the edge of her pussy maddeningly. I moved to start kissing my way down her body and she stopped me, shaking her head.

“I told you, I’ve been creaming all day,” she said. “I don’t need foreplay. Just ... Love me. Fuck me. Make me so sore tomorrow that I can’t walk, and we have to stay in bed.”

I nodded and kissed her again.

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As Jamie busied herself preparing food for the annual family vacation, she reflected on where she was in her life. Specifically, with her sex life. In the two weeks since that fateful plane ride, she went from a woman with a satisfying sex life with her husband to a woman fucking two men. One of those men was her 18-year-old son. Incest! The stigma of the word caused her to pause. She stared out the kitchen window at their cab over RV sitting in the driveway. She felt butterflies in her...

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female domination growth

stories where women grow and overpower men. No giants (nothing over 7 feet tall). these are stories of wives working out and over powering their husband/partner or just some guy. There can be some height gain or height loss from the guy's side. The height gain or loss is maximum a foot or two. So nothing extreme. The is also muscle gain or loss, breast expansion. These stories follow aggressive, sexual women who over power smaller weaker males.

2 years ago
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Mathew Mats Rogers SeriesChapter 10

✧ ✧ ✧ Copyright© 2004, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Date of first publication Sunday PM, January 25, 2004 Since the last chapter was posted May 17, 2008, you may want to re-read the prior chapters... Jack ✧ ✧ ✧ ‎17‎/‎05‎/‎2008‎ Story intro: Mats managed to get an extra day for a long weekend during which he met more interesting people. Of course, it was just a coincidence they were all beautiful females. Kim and Jessica, a mother and her daughter, turned out to one of the major...

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DarkFyre Chapter Twelve

The next morning was mild, if not as clear and sunny as the day before. Clouds hung in a haze over the sky, drab and dreary and promising cold and snow to come, but all in all it was a favorable day for the middle of a Dale winter. Rael was sitting against a wall in an alley mouth, studying the grand building across the street. He was on the opposite end of Trelling’s Rest, right in the heart of the Palace District, watching the Hall of Valor, home and seat of power for the Knight Brotherhood...

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Dear John Part 2 of 15

CHAPTER 4He was staring at the beauty bending over the open back trunk of her car doing something domestic with her groceries. Maybe 5’5” weighing in at around 110 pounds; she was slender for sure. Bubble butt, maybe B-cups, brown hair and a face that could have launched a thousand ships. He smiled. It was ten to one she was married. But, resist her, not happening.“Hello Miss, need some help?” he said. He’d startled her.“Huh! Oh, no, I’m fine, thank you,” said Abigail Bradshaw.“Oh, well good. I...

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“Can we do it again soon Sarah? I would love to have your man and you could have mine,” Lara whispered as I escorted her and her man to the car park. “Would love to soon, very soon,” I whispered back as we kissed goodbye. “And perhaps just you and one of you girlfriends one day soon?” You can read all about that encounter in my story SARAH WATCHES ANOTHER MAN HAVE HER MAN. Three weeks later while my man is away, and by coincidence hers, Lara has invited me to her condo to meet Joyce at two...

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Rooftop Distraction

She was out again today. She was sunbathing on the roof across the street from my office window. From the 15th floor, I could look slightly down on her. The nearby buildings, also taller than hers, surely had more gawkers. My seat was just close enough to see her, yet I still remained seated at my desk. A quick look over my shoulder and voila, she was right there, but if my boss popped his head in past my cubicle partition, my face was already back on the computer again. When I first...

3 years ago
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Brother in Law 8211 Part II

I am Sadhna, now 23 and writing after 5 years. This is in continuation to the story submitted on 9.8.08. Main characters are my elder sister, Sandhya now 25, BIL-Sanjay now 28 and Mom now 37. Just for a brief, we all females are well endowed in our family at the right places (breasts to be precise) which are always the reason for the male gaze. My sister and BIL married at the right age as per my Mom at the ages of 18 & 21 respectively. Coming from a village background, Mom herself had married...

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Mrs Bigelow

I want to tell you my story about something wonderful that once happened to me before I came to live in this place; call it what it is, an old folks home. I will do my best to stay on course but if I skip around some just be patient with me. After the phone call I had to sit down. My legs trembled. I felt perspiration on my upper lip. My armpits became wet and I felt a drop slip down my side. Oh my, I thought, Kenneth, after all these years that I should react as I did. I felt myself flush as...

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jensen gets trained

Mrs Victoria Jensen was seemingly like any other middle aged woman living in the suburbs. She had a comfortable life, with a nice house in a safe neighborhood, with a good family, that included her husband and two c***dren, both who are off at college. At 46 she was still a very attractive woman, always a little curvier then her petite frame might suggest. She stood at only 5' 3" with dark hair, which like most woman her age, she dyed to maintain her warm auburn glow. She had begun to develop...

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Mere Pati Ka Yaar Meri Choot Ka Hakdaar

Mein kai dino se chudai ke liye tadap rahi thi. pati ka hona na hona to barabar hi tha. ek din raat ko apne pati ke dost Raji ke sath bajar gyi. Mera pati ghr par hi tha par usne bahut pee rakhi thi aur mein bajar khana lene gayi thi. pee to meine bhi rakhi thai aur Raji nei bhi. Meine ek t-shirt aur capari pahan rakhi thi. t-shirt mei mere bade bade mamme aur bhi ade lagte hai wahi panty to mein pahanti hi nhi hu. Upar se capari thodi dhilli thi ghar par daru peete peete meine apni capari mei...

2 years ago
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Interracial Lovin Ebony

Interracial Lovin: Ebony   Chandice couldn’t figure out what was wrong with herself.  The start of the lawnmowers engine just seemed to send chills through her body, right to the special spot between her legs.  No she didn’t have a lawnmower fetish, but she did seem to have a thing for the landscaper that was using it.  She just couldn’t understand it, she had never been attracted to a white guy before this. Chandice looked over herself in the mirror and she fluffed out her raven colored...

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Wife WebCam affair with Husbands black coworker 1

Sitting down on the bed I opened my laptop and clicked on the Internet button waiting for a signal from the hotel's wireless. Took only a moment before I was connected and right away contacted my wife Marisa through an instant messengers. She had been sitting at the desk waiting for me and replied almost instantly. I asked her if she was ready? Confirming she was I hit my web cam software. She did the same and I was soon staring at my wife's face as she sat in front of our computer in the...

4 years ago
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Brother Takes Control

Introduction: Sister finds love, brother finds a piece of ass It started when I was 7 years old. I loved my brother more than anyone in the world. He is 5 years older than me and his name is Alex. My name is Angela. We were at our grandfathers house for a family gathering and we were sitting in the upstairs bedroom alone. I crawled up to him and we started snuggling. Alex? I wish I could marry you. Like mom and dad He kissed my head and we laid like that for a bit. That night our parents...

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MySistersHotFriend Noemie Bliss 23145

Noemie Bliss goes over to her friend’s brother Sean’s house to take a piano lesson from him. But what Sean doesn’t know is that Noemie’s more interested in sucking Sean’s big ivory key than learning classical piano! Sean soon discovers that Noemie isn’t interested in music, she just wants his pianist penis! They slide off the bench to make their own music, filled with sounds of gloriously sloppy blowjobs and ass-smackingly good doggystyle sex! This is a D Major fucking that would make all the...

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One Bold NightPart One

I was at my gym late one night--one of those 24 hour card access places that are usually dead at that hour. When I finished working out the place was completely empty. I hit the shower and got a little carried away--I was horny, as usual, and decided a quick release would be nice before heading home to hit the sack. I was facing the wall, jerking my cock under the hot shower when I heard another shower turn on and someone clear their throat. Of course, I was startled...I stopped...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 7 MILF Teachers MindControlled Gangban

Chapter Seven: MILF Teacher's Mind-Controlled Gangbang By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Clara was having fun spreading rumors about the students. Those vicious assholes at her college were all so eager to run with them. All she had to do was tweet something, and all the people who bullied her were having rumors spread about them. “I can't believe people think those stuck up cunts are strippers,” Clara chortled to herself as she read some of the tweets. Like Georgia...

4 years ago
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jims wanking gets him in trouble part 7

a'so do i need to go and check the laundry basket or have you been behaving yourelf ?' amanda asks jim'please mom some of your knickers are covered in cum but its not mine mom''really so who's cum is it ?''uh its darryls cum mom''really and why would darryl feel the need to wank off onto my knickers ?''please mom i don't know mom but i'm telling you the truth mom its not my cum i didn't do it mom''well darrly was here to keep an eye on you and you were supposed to do as you were told so if its...

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The Lake HouseChapter 6

Meanwhile, back at the Boathouse... ... Jim picked up his shorts and followed, his cock leading the way like a compass pole. The twins had really excited him. They were gorgeous, of course, but they were also incredibly sexy (two things, he discovered later in life, that did not always coincide). But, they also reminded him of every girl in his high school who had snubbed him -- the popular girls and cheerleaders who wouldn’t give him the time of day and acted like he was something nasty...

2 years ago
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Best Kinky Sex In A Cottage With Aditi 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, this is Rave from Mumbai back with the second part of the story. After having mind-blowing sex, we smoked some good hash and decided to take it easy. However, before the trip, I asked Aditi that she should be stark naked whenever we were indoors. After smoking up, we were tripping and she wanted to lick my ass. I was sitting, she made me stand up and she just dived her face between my ass crack and started rimming me hard. At first, I was surprised and then later within a few seconds,...

3 years ago
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________________________________________ Pouring a can of pea soup into the toilet and pretending it was vomit? No, he'd done that the last time. Ketchup on the nose, pretending it was blood? No, that one was just stupid. Faking a headache? Nope, his mum would just turn that around on him and tell him it was his own fault for staying up too late the previous night. Kaden Dursley sighed and sat up on his bed. He gazed out the window at the overcast sky. It was impossible to tell the time...

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Good Little Cuckold Story

It was a wet rainy overcast day. I hate those days. It's cold and damp. I felt like I needed something to bring back the life in this boring dark day. I get home before my husband, Brad. I found out in addition to my being home alone, Brad was not going to be home until 8:00 this evening. I pondered my options. There was always food for a sensual experience. I wanted something more but decided to settle for a hot pizza. I needed something that was dripping hot melted cheese , a lot of extra...

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You click the mouse a few times your amber eyes catching something on the search engine screen. 'Have a deep dark desire you want fulfilled? Post here and find someone to match you.' It was an In Search Of ad, but not the typical one you'd find in the newspaper, this one was filled with the desires of men and women. You smirk a little at the listings of foot fetishes. You've always had a secret desire you've wanted to fulfill. You click the submit button and decide to fill one out. 'My name is'...

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Reddit Sextrophies, aka r/Sextrophies! Reddit is a website where you can create any kind of community about any theme or topic. Likewise, you can create a subreddit based on popular social media brands. For example, what if you want to have a place where you can more freely talk about some of the content being posted on other social media platforms such as Twitter. That’s the entire idea with /r/Sextrophies. It’s that, and the fact that you can actually have a really simple overview of all the...

Reddit NSFW List
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Not So Innocent Love

This story starts off with a girl as all good stories do. This girl though wasn’t like any of the others. It wasn’t her natural brown hair with perfect highlights that made her perfect, nor her impeccable sense of style. To this day I don’t even know what made her perfect; all I know is she changed my life. I was the normal girl in high school. I did my homework and passed with average b’s. I wasn’t gorgeous, but I was pretty. Sure, I had my issues: drugs, parties; boys, but...

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My Works Tribunal

Good afternoon Sir…please take a seat…how are you?Fine, thank you for asking.My name is Mr A; Chairman of this company.Hello.Hello my name is Mr B, Head of Human Resources.Hello.And my name is Mrs C, Head of ****** department. (This was the department I worked for)Hello. Okay please explain to the panel the reason you wish to see us and what or whom it is you wish to complain about regarding our company.Erm…well….it is a bit embarrassing really….It is okay, we have seen the brief description...

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MonstersOfCock Riley Reid Riley Reid Gets Caught

Riley Reid is one of the hottest chicks in the business today. She’s been blowing up for the past couple of years. This week we found her on set masturbating to one of her own videos. Once we discovered this, she kept playing with herself and allowed us to watch. Our boy, Isiah Maxwell, was the one uncharged of showing Riley a good time. His monstrous cock stretched her tiny little pussy in several different positions making her squirt several times before busting all over her pretty little...

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The Neighbor

John a fairly tall man standing at 6.1 and with an athletic build and Jane at 5 feet with around ass and B cups just moved into their new home off into the country near the woods with the closed town being a half hour drive. They wanted to get away from it all a live close to nature. Then after they finished unpacking they were invite by their "neighbor" Helen (who lives five minutes away) to have a few drinks. Helen a tall woman standing 6.4 with DD cups, round ass, and an athletic build. But...

4 years ago
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Hot Day Fishing

It was just another warm July day, so I figured I would go fishing. Little did I know that July day would be the beginning of a wonderful and crazy relationship… So like I said it was a warm and beautiful day to go fishing so I grabbed my gear and pole and jumped into my jeep. I then drove down to the river stopping only to get bait and vodka. Because what’s fishing without booze… As I neared the spot where I park I noticed there were already a few cars around and another just pulling in...

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MommysGirl Kendra James Coco Lovelock Audrey Madison Alicia Williams A Double Time Out

Alicia Williams is being lectured by her stepmother, Kendra James, while her best friend, Coco Lovelock, is being lectured by her own stepmother, Audrey Madison. As the girls get a good scolding, it’s revealed that they both decided to skip school that day.Both stepmoms are disappointed in the girls, since education is so important. That’s when Kendra decides to punish Alicia by withholding sex from her — she’s not allowed to taste Kendra’s pussy for a whole week!...

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Jamaican Rendezvous

I stood alone on a silvery dune, staring out to sea as I fidgeted with my finger. A cool breeze came in off the waves making the Palm fronds sigh and shudder and lifting strands of my wavy strawberry blond hair, which fluttered behind me like streamers. The sun was low on the horizon and sky was flecked with clouds, promising a magnificent sunset. I smiled in anticipation of my lover’s arrival and walked into the surf, letting the water cool my toes. Soon he would be here, and the perfect...

Love Stories
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Good Game

Being a Summoner wasn't all it was cracked up to be. In fact, a choice is rarely given to the Summoner in question. Usually one of great potential and ability to access the Summoner Secrets sets their fate in stone. They are to exist within the boundaries of the League's walls, secluded from the rest of existence. It normally results in empty shells of people, roaming idle until a battle arises for them to take control of one of the League's combatants. The reason an individual gives their will...

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MAU The SlayerVoices in the Darkness

MAU: The Slayer-Voices in the Darkness By Allen W. Previously on MAU: The Slayer After using a Morphic Adaptation Unit James Stevens becomes trapped in the form of Faith the rogue Vampire Slayer from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She reluctantly joins the 'Agency' to track down another device to restore her sister Linda, who was left transformed and paralyzed in the body of a boy named John. At the end of the last episode James/Faith manages to get her hands on an...

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JulesJordan Zoey Monroe My ASS Will Never Be The Same After Dredd Tears Into It

Blonde bombshell Zoey Monroe opens up her backdoor for IR Anal action with Dredd. Zoey’s got those ‘girl next door’ looks but don’t be deceived, this chick is one of the biggest sluts I’ve ever seen. She may act all quiet and cute, but behind closed doors Zoey is a hellfire whore that can handle the biggest cocks in her tiny asshole. She’s been warming up with her biggest butt plugs but she’s still blown away at the size of Dredd’s BBC....


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