Fuad's HareemChapter 12: Progress Take Place free porn video

The week passed quickly. Beth's morning shaving sessions with Patty's "help", grew longer and longer. After a particularly degrading session with one of the older officers Beth came back to the women's dorm crying her heart out. Kristin took her in her arms and hugged her until she stopped crying. Beth started crying again after supper and seemed inconsolable. Kristin stayed with her and did her best to comfort her. The other women left them as much space as possible, when it became obvious that no one else was having any better luck at calming her.
That night Beth pushed her cot together with Kristin's and Kristin held her until she fell asleep. They slept in each other's arms that night (and the rest of the nights they spent in the bunker, they slept cuddled together). The next day Beth amazed everyone by volunteering for an 'unofficial' threeway with Patty to earn some bottles of Gin. She told everyone her portion was to go to Kristin.
The big news was that Charlotte's 'report' to the General was very well received. A "special" was scheduled for the next Friday night and the women had to try to explain to a group of Iraqi carpenters what a woman size, American style, birthday cake looked like. I thought the thing was way too huge, the way they drew it up, but as long as it fit through the doors, I wasn't going to complain. It turned out to be a good thing it was as big as it was. Lucinda accompanied Su Li on her last trip to Chinatown. That enabled us to sneak out two of the nuclear devices in the women's huge 'makeup cases'. Those things were intended to be a carry all for costumes and bondage gear, as well as makeup, and so were quite fortunately oversize. We sent them over empty, except for some bricks. The guards never thought to search them on the way in or out of Chinatown. I was worried that someone would wonder why those two cases weren't being kept in the women's dorm area when they came back, but the guards never thought to question it, if they even noticed.
I spent a lot of time doing some late night programming and paying a lot of attention to duty schedules and trying to plan and re-plan the escape route. My calls to the women's room came to be a nightly event as the 'special' night got closer. Charlotte became more and more frenzied and irritable as the week wore on. Since she wasn't one of the people we were counting on being able to save, I figured she had a good excuse.
With a lot of help from the group, Beth and Kristin worked up a truly believable lesbian act and delivered it as part of an 'unofficial' threeway. The General would surely have shot the soldier who gave them a captured American 9mm pistol, had he found out about it. No surprise, it was Beth's enamored lieutenant. I suppose he thought he was a master of negotiation when he held out for a chance to sodomize them both in exchange for the ammo clip and bullets. He probably set a personal record in Kristin's rump. However, as soon as he had fully impaled Beth, Kristin introduced him to prostate massages. He actually screamed when he came. Beth should have won an Oscar as she smiled for him and kissed him on his way out of the disco room. Both women were positively giddy on their return to the dorm that night.

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