Captain Janeway Captain s Slave
- 4 years ago
- 484
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The AI must have special programming because the door to my new home opened as soon as I reached it, and allowed me to enter before closing again. I looked around and the front room was empty so I headed to the movie room where I found a distressed looking Sophie trying to keep Alex calm. I was wondering what the problem might be when Amber noticed me and ran towards me with a cry.
"Daddy! You left us!" she told me as she wrapped her arms around me. Alex noticed the scream and followed, throwing his arms around me as well.
I looked over at Sophie and gave a nervous smile. "I did not leave you forever. They have rules here and one is that daddies have to have a private visit with the doctor. I'm back from that now."
Amber giggled. "Daddy, why are you naked? Mommy isn't here."
I growled when I realized that Amber must have peeked in my bedroom some night while Missy was still alive. However, I took a deep breath and spoke. "Another new rule for daddies. Don't worry; I'll have something on in the future. Meanwhile, you and your brother shouldn't bother Sophie so much. She's your older sister now."
Sophie's eyes widened, but Amber and Alex merely dashed over to give her a hug. I quickly got the children interested in a game and soon Sophie was giggling as she and Amber tried to defeat their brother.
We were still playing when Traci and Theresa wandered in. Both looked remarkably similar to how they had looked before entering the medical bay, although Traci was holding her glasses. Sophie looked up and smiled at her sister.
"Sis? What happened to your glasses?" Sophie asked.
Traci smiled. "My eyes have been fixed, so I don't need them, and wearing them gives me a headache now. I found that out while walking back here."
"Any other changes for you?" Sophie asked.
Traci looked over at Theresa who smiled. To my shock, Traci removed her clothing and slowly turned around, showing a tight form body with no scars or hair below her neck."
Sophie gasped. "But what about all the scars from dad's punishments?"
I looked over at Theresa who smiled. "I had all that removed. We have a new life here and Traci didn't need those reminders." She then turned over to Traci. "Lover, why don't you go and get a shift from the replicator, and get a loincloth for David. Seeing you naked is nice, but we don't need it all the time."
Traci vanished from the room for a moment, returning wearing a white shift that stopped just above her knees and handing me a loincloth. The cloth did not cover much, but I felt much happier knowing that some level of modesty would be preserved. I think Theresa was about to say more when Alex started complaining about being hungry, and everyone decided that it was time to eat.
After dinner, Theresa led us on a tour of the whole pod. The large bedroom on the lower floor she immediately claimed, and we found space upstairs for all three children. Alex and Amber proved to be tired, and happily settled into their new rooms for naps. Sophie said she wanted time to think, and returned to the movie room leaving Traci, Theresa and I standing together.
Theresa smiled. "I guess it's time," she said.
I looked at her. "The last room on this floor works for me. I'll just bed down there." I started to walk away when Theresa put a hand on my arm.
"No, come with us," she said softly. "I need ... I mean we need ... I mean..." Her voice was suddenly quiet and soft and I looked at her in shock when Traci came to her rescue.
"David, please come with us. We told you that we are both lesbians, but you belong. And we were told that the medical pods did something to make sure I'll get pregnant tonight. So I'm supposed to have sex with you tonight anyways," Traci said. She blushed and put her arms around Theresa who had tears in her eyes.
I nodded, and Theresa led us back to the large bedroom. Once inside I sat on the bed as Traci slowly removed Theresa's garments, giving her teasing kisses on each area of exposed flesh. Traci made the disrobing a slow seduction and I groaned as I watched Theresa relax.
As soon as Theresa stepped out of her panties, Traci pushed her onto the bed next to me and removed her own shift, displaying her naked body. I gasped and Traci smiled at me before putting her lips to Theresa's breasts.
I sat there quietly as the two ladies exchanged kisses and caresses. When Traci relaxed and stopped kissing Theresa's breasts, our mistress grabbed her long time lover and spun her onto the bed. Moments later Theresa's lips were drifting down Traci's body and eventually teasingly touching Traci's pussy.
The long moan that Traci emitted brought my cock to full hardness in seconds. I wanted to touch the ladies, but they seemed to be engrossed in each other and I sat quietly as Theresa put her tongue deep inside Traci. Traci was writhing around, as her lover attacked her clit.
Finally, Traci gave a long gasp and sank into the bed. Theresa giggled and knelt back, smiling up at me. "I love when Traci cums. Its so quiet and yet so intense."
I just nodded, but Theresa crawled over Traci and then lay down on the large bed. "David," she said to me. "I'm not quite ready for you to take me, but how about if Traci licks me and you take her. Be gentle, she's never done it before."
I sat there shocked as Traci slowly used her arms to sit back up and then turned to give me a kiss. She must have seen something in my eyes because she smiled. "It's okay. You know that Theresa and I used toys, so I'm not worried about you hurting me. Just be a little gentle. I'm still scared."
Traci positioned herself so that her tongue was at Theresa's clit. Her ass was in the air and I crawled up behind her as I removed the loincloth. I reached down to Traci's pussy and found that Theresa's ministrations had left it wet, so after encouraging Traci to spread her legs just a bit more I slid my cock into her surprisingly tight pussy for the first time.
Traci gasped as I entered her and then gave another moan. "Oh god! That feels so good."
Theresa whimpered as Traci stopped tonguing her clit. "It feels like Old Reliable right?"
I figured that she was naming their favorite strap-on, but Traci surprised me by giving a combination of giggle and moan. "No, it feels so much better. I never imagined how much better flesh would feel over rubber."
I started slowly pumping into Traci as she tried to concentrate on Theresa's pussy. At first my slow movements worked for Traci, and kept me from cumming too quickly, but Traci's long moans inspired me to slowly raise the speed. As my speed increased Traci started giving little squeaks of pleasure each time I thrust deep into her, and she raised her head, ignoring Theresa as I worked on making her cum.
Theresa looked a bit surprised, but noticed my motion and pulled her body back, openly fingering her pussy as I fucked Traci.
"Oh god! Please, harder. Plleeeaseee ... Oh fuck! I never imagined ... David, you are a master at this," Traci was now screaming. I could see the awe in Theresa's eyes as I finally let go and fucked Traci hard, until I came deep inside her. Traci's head had dropped back to the mattress and she was sighing quietly as I relaxed and allowed my cock to soften inside her.
Theresa just smiled. "Wow! I didn't enjoy the three times I was raped, but Traci, I do think you enjoyed that."
Traci opened an eye as my cock slipped from her pussy. "Yeah. It's different from our old toys. He can do me again anytime if it's always that good."
I huffed, pretending to be annoyed. "That's me, the local piece of meat."
Theresa giggled and reached out to put a hand on my cock. "And it's a rather handsome one." My cock twitched as Theresa ran a finger up its length.
"David," Theresa said quietly. "Look, I told you that I was raped, and claimed to be a lesbian, but I think you know that's partly a lie. I don't find men disgusting or anything, I just ... don't trust easily. After tonight, I know I'm going to want you, but not tonight, please."
I laughed. "Mistress, you just offered me a true compliment and you worry? I might be a man, and everyone thinks men aren't sentimental, but the look in your eyes is gift enough for now. Please, take all the time you and Traci need. Until then, friends?"
Traci managed to roll over; she had a glow about her and was smiling crookedly. "Friends? I think we've started something more than a friendship here," she said. "David, I think you have a hint about how I felt about men from Sophie's comments. My father was brutal, and it made it hard to relax around men. Especially with how aggressive a lot of boys are at school now. Tonight, you were just perfect. Thanks."
I was blushing as Theresa put her arms around Traci. "Now," Theresa said. "Think you can just try to get some sleep so that I can get my lover here to show me a bit more attention."
Traci giggled and turned around to kiss her lover. I smiled and climbed up in the bed to find a pillow and go to sleep.
The next morning, Theresa woke us up and we started organizing the pod a bit more. Theresa discovered that the plan was to train her in Naval Weapons and Tactics, with the idea of putting her to service on ships based at Borneo. There was a lot of simulation training and she asked us to sit in occasionally to watch and perhaps comment. Beyond that, we were warned that Foxfire was not going direct to Borneo, but would have another stop, where about half the pods would be dropped before continuing on to Borneo. This would extend the normal trip by three weeks.
Sophie was the biggest problem in the household at first. Traci had recovered from some of the hurt caused by her father during her one year at university, but Sophie had not only lived through the terror, but also the very nasty divorce. She tended to talk back to Theresa freely, and regularly ignored her sister. There were times I was tempted to smack her, but instead I patiently waited out any tantrums and then guided her into the movie room for long talks.
Traci struggled a bit with the inactivity. Since Sophie was still angry with her for abandoning her, and she was uncomfortable with the children, only Theresa and I were willing to talk to her much. Theresa was busy with her studies, so I ended up spending quite a bit of time with Traci.
I discovered that Traci was a rather lonely lady. During that first week, Sophie spent a good deal of time sulking in her room and with Theresa involved in training, Traci would wander into whatever room I was in with Amber and Alex to talk. She was a bit nervous around the children, but had an insatiable need for company.
"I'm sorry," she whispered once as I helped get some food ready for the children. "I seem to be trying to take up so much of your time."
I had Alex on my lap as he tried eating some cereal and just smiled. "Have you heard me complain?"
Traci blushed. "You should. Theresa and I have kind of ignored you in bed, and then I constantly need to talk to you. We're not being fair."
I shrugged and looked over at Amber who was eating some fruit from the replicators. "Traci, I had no illusions about the situation. You and Theresa have a very special connection. Frankly, I'm honored you have both allowed me in this close."
Traci smiled. "Well, we kind of had to let someone in close, but it's hard. I've never had a friend I could trust before Theresa. So I don't know how to act."
I just smiled and reached out to Traci. She leaned in to take my hand. As she looked into my eyes I spoke. "Traci, we have a family here. Yes, Sophie needs to relax a bit and forgive you, but we are a family."
Traci blushed. "But you are being 'Mister Mom'. I'm not helping there."
Amber looked up. "But you are just the aunt who spoils us rotten when we pass tests. Daddy said so."
I burst out laughing at the expression on Traci's face. She turned to glare at me, but then started laughing herself. "Oh, David, you'll get it for that someday."
The laughter helped bring Traci and I closer together, and that night she would coax Theresa into adding me to their sexual play for the first time since I got Traci pregnant. We also talked to Theresa that night and found ways that Traci could help in her studies and not feel quite as left out.
After that, the journey to Borneo was surprisingly quiet in the pod. Theresa met quite a few of the other volunteers who were traveling to Borneo, but overall our world remained the pod and the six people within. Fortunately my long talks with Sophie had finally helped her forgive Traci, and the young lady became a participant in many of the activities. This was a great help to Traci's morale.
Traci did prove to be pregnant; something that she confessed both distressed and thrilled her. Long ago she had given up on the idea of having children because she could not approach men, but she really was not looking forward to losing her figure. Theresa merely smiled and found a bit more time to cuddle with her lover.
Theresa had not forgotten me either. It was a slow process getting her to fully relax, but after thirty days in the pod, we found ourselves in each other's arms one morning. My sleepy kiss was returned with passion and two hours later Theresa finally rolled off me with a smile that would not leave for the rest of the day. It proved to be the last thing necessary to bring the six of us together, and by the time we arrived at Borneo, we knew that we were very lucky to be together.
Sadly, our arrival at Borneo opened up a new issue. The AI tested Theresa shortly before we emerged in the Borneo system, and as the Foxfire maneuvered into orbit to drop its pods, Theresa received orders to report to the corvette Park Avenue for a six-month tour as Weapons Officer. We ended up gathered in the movie room shortly after this announcement.
"Its rather simple," Theresa said. "Once the pod is dropped, I have one day before I have to report to my new station. The orders are a bit vague, but it appears that the Park Avenue is assigned to conduct a single ship scouting tour of a dozen systems along the current front between the Confederacy and the Sa'arm. I am allowed to take one concubine, but..."
Traci sighed. "I'm pregnant, so I can't go, and David is really the only one who can be trusted with Alex and Amber for six months."
Theresa nodded. "God, I'm going to miss both of you more than you know. And Patrician class ships don't have any way to communicate once they jump out of a system. I'm going to spend six months alone and out of contact."
I frowned. "But won't you have the other crew, and their concubines? I mean, I can't speak for Traci, but I'd understand if..."
Traci blushed and nodded as Theresa laughed. "From you I can understand that, David, but I doubt it will matter. I hope to be too busy to get that horny." Theresa blushed and then looked down. "Besides, Traci and I talked and we agreed. We might have other women lovers, but your cock is the only one which will ever enter her or my pussies," she whispered.
I sat there in shock. Our lovemaking had become quite tender as time went on, but I was still half convinced that Theresa was not truly happy with it. As I tried to reconcile her words, Traci giggled. "Oh, I know you'll get horny," she told Theresa. "Just come home to me."
Theresa smiled. "I hope to be back in time to see the baby born."
That idea brought a cheer to everyone in the room. We spent the rest of the day in a subdued celebration of the landing at our new home.
The landing was quick and quiet. The AI informed us that we were being dropped into a township that was populated only by female led households. Theresa had not requested it, but the AI stated that the military governor of Borneo had been spreading out the townships and that having all-female townships was something he felt helped overall discipline. Unfortunately, we did not have time to introduce ourselves to any of the neighboring pods before Theresa left, but she established some standing rules, which allowed Traci and I to wander outside the pod when we wanted to.
Theresa departed, and the rest of us tried to make the next six months pass quickly. Traci and Sophie finally had time to sit and cry together, remembering their shared childhood, and the terror their father engendered in both of them. I was able to make myself scarce for this, but afterwards Traci sought me out to cry on my shoulder.
I found myself acting as the head of the household without Theresa there. Traci clearly lacked any confidence in her own abilities, leaving me to organize meals and to teach the children. Her advancing pregnancy made her more than a little uncomfortable, and I spent a few hours every day giving her massages and just reminding her that Theresa loved and missed her.
Time passed and Traci grew closer to term. Finally, the AI announced that the Park Avenue had entered Borneo space and Theresa would be home in another day. Everyone was overjoyed and the next twenty-four hours were spent cleaning and decorating the pod for a huge homecoming party.
Of course, the party ended up cut short when Traci went into labor, but that only made the homecoming extra special as Theresa and I watched Traci bring forth our daughter Tanya into the world after a short, but exhausting labor.
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The cry brought Sophie dashing out of the movie room. I spun Theresa around so she did not see Sophie and then waved her back. Sophie nodded silently, and stepped back into the room as I pickup up Theresa and carried her into her bedroom. She was nearly choking me as she sobbed brokenly into my chest and I sat on the bed and just held her, saying nothing. Outside, I could hear Sophie taking charge of feeding the others, as I held my mistress and let her cry herself out. It seemed like an...
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It was as though Snoopy himself was typing. "It was a dark and stormy night." The van sped along the Interstate toward the Capitol. I stared through the windshield into the wet darkness, my thoughts deep inside me, deep in darkness. I knew not what the future held for me, but whatever it was, I didn't like it. The miles ticked off on the odometer, the speedometer a steady 75, the tachometer comfortably in the green, the two men in the front seat talking about football or women or something,...
Getting to know the new "family" This is a continuing saga of Anastasia and her adventures. To be sure you can follow the story you should probably read the other stories. It starts with Anastasia's Life and then goes from there. The first story is absolutely autobiographical after that it has some truth and some fiction. As the stories progress they will probably start to become more fantasies of mine or my wife's. Enjoy. As I watched my lovely wife walk into the study with this...
This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...
Hi lads. As normal, all my stories are true and I’ll only change names to protect identities. Don’t forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it Happy reading guys. ***************************** Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you’ve done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But...
Hi lads.As normal, all my stories are true and I'll only change names to protect identities. Don't forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it :)Happy reading guys.*****************************Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you've done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But there...
My name is Mike Hoer ... and this is the first day of the rest of my life! Be careful what you ask for... I was really looking forward to my Junior year in High School, some of my tormentors had graduated last year. We had a new Principal, Ms. Black, and a new Vice Principal, Mr. Stall, and they brought hope of a better place. My first two years at Stanton HS were clouded by fear... But that is OVER! It will be great this year. Last year was complex because my little sister started as a...
The plane touched down. I was home. The entire flight back I replayed the week again and again in my mind. Just over a week ago I had no idea that my dad's side of the family had an annual reunion in a secluded family-owned campground. I certainly had no idea that each night I would have sex with a different female relative. She could be a distant relative like Ashley or a near relative like Jessica who legally was my cousin but it turned out that biologically she was my half-sister. Either...
Hey I remembered when I was 15... Me and my sister 'Trish' had some fun together as well as me and me dad and me brother ! I remember coming home from school one day. I walked him chucked me bags on the floor and went up stairs and I heard a moaning type noise. My sisters door was open a little, I looked in and I saw her magical fingers inside of her! It was such a beautiful sight to watch! Anyway so I slowly sneaked in and crawled by the bed... Heart beating in case she catches...
Anyway one day I came home from seeing a movie and I was sad because I got a text saying something that I don't want to tell u And my father saw me crying and came upstairs, just wearing his boxers, and his abs where AMAZING! I love the way my dad looks. he sat next to me and I saw he bulge (Not erected) but I saw his bulge still and he likes tightish boxers too as me and my brother ;). And he hugged me witch sent a GREAT feeling through my body witch made my penis start to get...
he stuck his dick in a little bit, then put it in little by little. it hurt, but felt good at the same time. aqain I matched his pace and he touched my 34c boobs andburied his face in them. he used his thumb to play with my clit and soon I had a qreat orqasm. he went faster and deeper until I had another orqasm. after another ten minutes I felt his dick swell up inside me and I felt a weird sensation in my pussy. he qrunted And kept his dick in my pussy for a little bit. I knew he came in...
I was soaping my body in the shower, getting ready for school, when I heard a faint tinkling sound. I peeked out from behind the curtain, and there sat my 260 pound step sister on the toilet relieving herself. “Hey Bro. Sorry to intrude, but I couldn’t hold it back any longer.” I then saw her strain, and heard a plop plop plop. My God, she was pooping right in front of me. For some strange reason, my heart began to beat a little faster, and my 7 inch cock began to get hard. I continued to...
My life wasn't supposed to be the life of a Superhero. No, sure not. Just two years ago, in the year 2015, I was a very average teenage boy. Barely 18 years of age at that time, I lived in a small suburb with my parents. My family was no poor family, in fact, we were wealthy, thanks to the work of my father as an genetical engineer and entrepreneur. Although I always saw me as a "normal" boy, mainly interested in sports and girls, receiving good grades, the work of my father was, in contrast,...
Incest"MEYOW!" Ryo-chan lurched, all but whirling to glare directly down at Ayeka while rubbing her precious derrière. "Well, I'm sorry you keep fidgeting!" The princess snapped mildly, replacing the straight pin into her wrist mounted pincushion looking at Ryo-chan ruefully. "If you'd hold still, I wouldn't have stuck you!" She added tersely. Even angry as she was, standing atop the kitchens borrowed stepping stool, attired resplendently in a flowing white wedding gown, Ryo-Oki was the...
*Just a reminder that these ideas should obviously never be either supported or condoned in any fashion in real life. any of the themes in this story are exactly that, a STORY. this is fictional and it should stay that way. Please don’t actually go out and act on any of the things depicted here. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :) John Doe was like every rich, stereotypical white kid living in California, and although he grew up in an Asian family, his mom had always made sure to tell him he was the...
IncestFamily Porn HD? Ah, it’s an age-old story of taboo lust. Your single dad hooks up with a 20-year-old dimepiece with wide hips, thick thighs, and tits to die for who becomes your new stepmom, but you just can’t help getting hard every time she walks by in a tight tank top with no bra and a slim pair of black booty shorts. I can’t blame you, man. But some people take it even further. Ever dream of your hot older sister slipping into your room at night and letting you fuck her brains out? Or maybe...
Incest Porn SitesMy Family One hot summer day, many years ago, I had to go spend an afternoon at my grandma’s house. She was supposed to pass down the family pie recipe to me. I’ve never been one for baking unless you count the blunts I smoked when she wasn’t looking. The pie ended up full of my semen, but that wasn’t actually one of the ingredients. It fills me full of sticky joy to see that MyFamilyPies sticks to a sexier recipe.In case she couldn’t figure it out from the name and the fact that your old pal...
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Incest Porn Sites“Oh just relax Chuck it’s going to be fine. Just ask Phil to bring some more steaks and we can serve it with the chicken. Don’t worry. There will be plenty of food for everyone.” I watched my parents as they were trying to prep for their big barbeque party outside. I was really of no use anyway. I wasn’t much of a cook and getting in between my mom and dad would have been treacherous. They were like two whirling tornados bent on destruction. My father was busy burning things on his overly...
ReluctanceMy eyes were closed but I was awake. I sensed Anne look from me to my father, felt her disengage herself from the hands we had on her breasts and sit up. Suddenly a vision came into my mind and that could only mean one thing, my brother was back. It was just after six-o-clock on Saturday morning, she was resting against the soft backboard. 'She's considering what to do next little brother, and she's thinking about what happened. About how you changed your mind on Thursday night and...
“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...
Mark I knew I was opening myself up to accusations of cronyism or nepotism, and in this case and probably many others, I didn’t care. I was the big boss of a corporation that I owned controlling interest in, and rank did have its occasional privileges. Marcia stood in front of my desk. She had a beguiling smile on her face and was holding her skirt up so that I could see her bare shaved pussy, a beautiful sight in the middle of my otherwise hectic and overly numeric day. “Thank you,...
My name is Clyde. When I was growing up, we lived in a small college town in Kansas. My dad, at first, was an elementary school teacher, and later on, taught at the university level. In fact, the small town had one of the universities of Kansas. I was the only child in our family, and my mom was a stay at home mom. Although my dad taught courses in economics and business, we lived in a modest house and didn't spend much money.Our family did a lot of things with the Smith family. Their mom...
Spankingby po469 My name is Paul. I'm a couple months short of my 16th birthday. I live with my dad, Nick, but not my mom because she died in a car wreck when I was six. I remember dad being real sad for a long time but now it does not show so much. We live in a nice house near St. Augustine, Florida. Dad and I love to fish and go frequently. A couple of years ago Dad started dating again but he never brought any of his dates home. At first he would get me a baby sitter when he went out...
The Forgotten Island Caribbean Sea 1735 Aboard the SS Sharon Day 1 The main mast had shattered to pieces after the last wave washed over. Half the crew was washed overboard, the other half was in complete disarray. Captain Steven Blitzen took a moment to gather his thoughts.’ If I can get turned INTO the waves…’ After the last series of waves, mixed with the reef they were just now bouncing against, he doubted he had a rudder left to steer with. He ran to the empty spot once held by his...
"Pam any chance of a tea pal?" That's me Max; I'm lying in bed shouting down to the wife of 18 years. "Ok" That's Pam, blonde and petite with green- brown eyes, mother of two teenage sons who were at a school camp, when the boy's started going on holidays without us we learnt quickly to grab as much time with each other as possible, Pam works as an accountant in an office and has the week off, I work as a manager in retail also have the week off but I have promised to go in today to...
Newlywed Husband Learns the TruthLisa is a very large woman in her early twenties. She is about 5'6" and weighs about 380. She is definitely what you would call a SSBBW.John is a skinny, dorky white guy in his twenties.Pastor Lamont is in his late fifties, with gray hair and a gray goatee.John and Lisa had dated for almost two years before he proposed. They had a great relationship, but she told him she was going to wait until marriage to have sex with him. Lucky for John, she allowed him...