Felicity Ch 57
- 2 years ago
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Two more weeks had passed, and they were nothing more than repeats of the first two. In every case except one, the customer company agreed to replace all its production machine tools with the latest models from Aerospace Technologies. The one exception was a company that wanted to consult with its directors and shareholders — it was closely held — with respect to financing its purchase. But they promised they would be replacing all their machine tools very soon.
In fact, it became quite funny. To the amazement and amusement of the new girls in the Leper Colony, the phone began to ring off the hook. It seemed that the word of AT’s remarkable new machine-tool line had started to spread. As a result, all the competing companies wanted the new higher-precision tooling as soon as possible to avoid being left behind. The problem was scheduling sales visits to determine their needs and write the orders.
Kim and Brad faced a conundrum: On the one hand, customers were jumping up and down wanting to see an AT salesperson. On the other hand, they were the only two people in the company who knew enough about the new machines to provide the customer with the right ones. And it was impossible both to make a sales call and train the sales staff and the new technical support people who were to be paired with them. The result was they spent the two weeks traveling, but the week following — at least — was reserved for home-office training.
There was one last call to make and it was the company Kim least wanted to visit: That was Precision Manufacturing, Inc., the home of Chester Klem, the erstwhile maintenance guru. To make matters worse, Precision had the full line of year-old AT machines, and the purpose of the call was warranty service. The company claimed that the AT machines were no longer producing to specification, and Kim was 99 percent certain she knew why.
It was 9:30 when they arrived at the company’s plant in East Los Angeles. As usual, Brad was to meet with the purchasing manager, while a man who introduced himself as Mark Hopkins was to escort Kim.
“What’s your position here, Mark?” Kim asked as he led the way out to the plant floor.
“Well, I was manager of plant operations until this morning,” he replied.
“Until this morning? What are you doing now?”
“I guess I’m unemployed.”
Kim did a startled double-take. “What on earth are you doing with me, then? Why aren’t you working on a résumé ... or something?”
Hopkins grinned, seeming to be not at all upset, and replied, “Because I’m the only one who knows what’s what on the plant floor ... besides Chester Klem, that is.”
Kimberly just shook her head. In a few moments they reached the machine that Precision Manufacturing wanted repaired or replaced on AT’s nickel. It was still in operation, so Kim asked Mark to give the operator a break so that she could inspect it. He did, and then watched as Kim expertly opened the inspection ports.
It took only a moment for her to confirm her earlier suspicion. Carefully she dipped her finger into the hot machine oil and then looked at it. “I’m sorry, Mark,” she said, “This machine has been abused in terms of the warranty. Good grief! I can see bits of metal in just this tiny bit of oil. This unit has been grinding itself to pieces because of improper lubrication.”
Amazingly, all Mark did was to roll his eyes and grin. Then he surprised her by saying, “That’s nice. That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to tell The Powers for months. But after all, Chester Klem is the ultimate maintenance guru in Southern California anyway, so what do I know? Just a kid out of school.”
Kim stood up straight, returned his grin and extended her hand. “As one kid just out of school to another, will you shake on that?”
Suddenly Hopkins’ eyes widened. Almost under his breath he murmured, “Kimberly Kane...” Then, sounding excited, he added in his normal voice, “You just received your Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Cal Tech, didn’t you?”
Then he laughed out loud. “Kim, this is really going to be funny. Are you aware of the fact that Cal Tech is selling your dissertation at a hundred bucks a copy? Because they are. No wonder the university-press people are falling all over themselves to get the book out on the streets. They’ll have the second printing going before the initial printing is even off the presses.”
Then with another laugh he added, “This is going to be fun. What’s next?”
“‘What’s next’ is I would like to get Chester Klem, the plant manager, and the vice president of manufacturing down here right away.”
Again Mark laughed. “Klem will be here in a few moments after he’s called. As for the other two, I’m not even sure they can even find the plant floor. But here goes...” With that he picked up a phone and made several calls.
A few moments later, there was a page for Chester Klem to call an extension number. After just a few more moments, the phone rang. Mark told Chester he was wanted. Klem appeared shortly after and was introduced to Kimberly, but only in her capacity as a tech service technician from Aerospace Technologies.
The three engaged in small talk for a few minutes and then two executive types came puffing up. It was all Kim could do to contain her grin as she saw one of them trying to adjust his hardhat to fit. Obviously, it had never been on his head before, and since hardhats were required on the plant floor, it spoke volumes in support of Hopkins’ quip that they might not be able to find the plant floor. Clearly, that hardhat had never previously been on its owner’s head, although it did have his name carefully printed on its front.
“What’s this all about?” the senior of the two executives asked.
“This is about machine abuse,” Kimberly replied “and it’s why Aerospace Technologies will not honor this machine’s warranty. The abuse on this machine has voided it.”
“What!” he squawked. “That’s impossible. All our machines are impeccably maintained.”
“Oh? Then why is the oil in this machine’s sump not the grade required to maintain warranty protection? And why are there metal particles throughout? I haven’t checked, but it appears the oil filter was clogged quite some time ago. And that’s another warranty breach.”
“Look, young lady, Chester Klem has forgotten more about industrial machine tools than you will ever know! And he says everything is just fine.”
“Okay,” Kim responded. Then turning to Klem she gave him a small stack of metal plates to run through the machine.
Klem looked puzzled, but did as she asked. First, though, he carefully repositioned and locked all the inspection plates and then started up the machine in the precisely correct manner. Carefully he positioned each sheet precisely on its marks and cycled the machine. He repeated the process until all of the steel had been run.
Kim had been collecting the finished units as they ejected from the machine. When the test was concluded, she looked at the ten and just shook her head. “I certainly don’t need a micrometer to check these out. No two are even close to being the same product.” Turning to the executives she asked, “Would you like to see for yourselves?”
The two executives merely glanced at the semi-finished product and shook their heads. Again it was the senior who spoke. “Of course you’re right,” he said, “but it’s a machine failure, not an operator failure. You could see that Chester operated it exactly by the book.”
“Both of those statements are true,” Kim agreed, “but the machine failure was caused by abuse. Specifically, failure to use the required grade of lubricating oil, aggravated by the failure to change filters in a timely manner.”
Then to the group she said, “This is a bit noisy. Can we go somewhere quieter to continue this discussion? And I think it’s probably time to get Mr. Canfield involved.” Kim was referring to John Canfield, the founder, chairman and CEO of Precision Manufacturing.
Before the others could do or say anything, Mark was on the phone. A moment later he rejoined the group and reported, “Mr. Canfield would like to meet with all of us right now in his private conference room.”
The two executives who obviously had been about to object to involving Canfield, merely reddened and said nothing. Off they trouped.
Again Kimberly felt somewhat embarrassed. She was again wearing Levi’s and a work shirt, and again it was sweat-soaked from the heat of the factory floor. But, she thought, I guess the sweat stains come with the job.
Once in the conference room, Kim stood at an easel pad and made a presentation on machine lubrication. She stressed the fact that newer precision machine tools required a synthetic oil because of its ability to make and hold extremely thin lubricating films, far thinner than conventional oils could. Because of this, using a conventional oil in such a machine would result in the film breaking down, permitting direct metal-to-metal contact. At that point, the machine began literally to grind itself to bits. And that’s exactly what had happened to the machine in question.
“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in my life!” Klem exploded. “It’s just a cheap stunt in cahoots with an oil company to force us to use its overpriced product. Why, Mr. Canfield,” he added proudly, “I’ve already saved nearly $1,000 this calendar year, and the year’s not half over yet. What this girl has just said is ridiculous! And what can she know anyway? She’s just a pretty face.”
At that point, Mark Hopkins spoke before Brad had a chance to. “Jack...” he grinned and interjected, “Since I’m no longer on the payroll, I guess I can call you Jack...” Then he continued, “Miss Kane most assuredly has a pretty face, although to be honest, she’s just plain outrageously beautiful. But she’s something else.”
Turning to Klem he said, “Chester, I really think you should address Miss Kane by her more appropriate title. She’s Dr. Kane. More specifically, Dr. Kimberly Ann Kane, BE, ME, Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. Her dissertation is now being published and is scheduled for use in graduate courses in machine-tool design and engineering at both Cal Tech and MIT, although I’m certain it will be used wherever such courses might be offered.
“You see, gentlemen, Dr. Kane is considered the world’s foremost authority in the field. And a new line of machine tools solely designed by her is sweeping the entire industry. Single-handedly, she has virtually obsoleted every machine tool around.”
Brad was sitting beside Kim and whispered in her ear, “But are you still a really great fuck?”
Kim’s eyes flared, but then she just vigorously nodded her head and grinned.
The manufacturing executives were in a state of shock, but Jack Canfield was thoughtful.
Before he could say anything, though, Brad spoke up. “Full disclosure compels me to inform you gentlemen that, in addition to being an outstanding machine-tool designer, Dr. Kane is now also vice president–manufacturing & design of Aerospace Technologies. So if you’re thinking about appealing her decision at AT, I have to tell you there’s no one to appeal to. On the technical side, she’s it.”
Suddenly, Chester Klem began to cry and his crying just increased in volume. Finally he murmured, “My God! What have I done?” and went off in another paroxysm of tears.
Kim jumped from her chair, went to Klem and knelt beside him to comfort him. What she had seen was one of the most tragic things in business: A man wakes up one day to find that due to some dramatic change in the market or in technology, 25 or more years of experience suddenly became obsolete. Joseph Schumpeter called it “creative destruction” and it’s vital for an economy but it doesn’t happen without causing substantial pain to affected individuals.
Moreover, in Klem’s case it was even worse. He had been so proud of the savings he had achieved for the company, but now he realized the savings came at the cost of millions of dollars in destroyed or damaged machine tools.
Jack Canfield turned to Mark and said, “Could you escort our guests into my office, please, Mark? I’ll join you in a few minutes, but I need to speak to these gentlemen first.”
They entered the chairman’s office through a side door that connected directly with his conference room. There they found a beautiful young woman seated in a chair reading a magazine while waiting. When she saw Mark Hopkins, she beamed and jumped to her feet. The instant she did, it was apparent to both Kim and Brad that she was very pregnant.
When the two merged in each other’s arms, it was clear to Kim and Brad that the two kissed in exactly the same way they did. Their bodies were molded together and they could hear the bells, too, and feel the electricity flowing between them. One thing they did differed from Kim and Brad, though. The woman was rubbing her distended belly against Mark’s cock. The difference in their heights allowed it to work.
Finally they eased apart and Mark said, “This is my wife, Pam.” To her he said, “Honey, this is Kimberly Kane and Brad Kramer. They’re visiting us from Aerospace Technologies.”
“Kimberly Kane?” Pam Hopkins said in a hushed tone. “Doctor Kimberly Kane?”
Kim frowned but nodded. “That’s me, but how did you know?”
“My God, woman!” Pam nearly exploded. “After that article in The Los Angeles Times, what are you doing here associating with mere mortals? Good grief! You’re famous!”
“Article?” Kim nearly screamed. “What article?”
The girl rummaged around in a tote she was carrying and produced a copy of The Los Angeles Times. After flipping through the paper, she found what she was looking for and announced proudly, “This article!”
Kim took the paper and rapidly scanned the story. It was remarkably comprehensive, reporting her degree, her dissertation, her new machine-tool line, and the tremendous acceptance it was enjoying.
Glancing at Brad, she saw that he was looking embarrassed. “Did you know about this?” she asked accusingly.
“Yeah, sweetie, I did,” he admitted. “But I only learned about it an hour ago. While you were on the plant floor, I was checking to see what was going on back at the ranch, and I learned about the story. It was Jane.”
“Jane?” Kim reacted, now even more puzzled. “Who’s Jane?”
“Jane Chalmers,” Brad replied. “She’s one of the girls in the Leper Colony. It seems she was a top PR woman before her court case. Anyway, she thought it might cut down on the calls if we could get a paper to run a story on our new line. I agreed, and she did.” He frowned and continued, “It seems she was very good and had lots of top press connections who were more than happy to welcome her back by helping her out.
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I release your nipple from its confines between my lips. They are so hard right. There is a definite flush to your upper chest, too. Another wonderful indicator. So nice of you to advertise your desire. I decide that I will leave the examination of your torso and legs until you are on the bed. I’m sure that your arms are getting tired right now, along with your legs getting a bit wobbly. You have been enduring this quite well. “Hands behind your head. Move your hair up and away...
Tams wiped her face and went to the door while I hurriedly found an old pair of shorts as I knew it would be her mother at the door and the last thing either of us wanted was for Trish to see me in my boxers with her daughter present, an assumption I possibly got wrong.“Hi mummy” I heard Tams say and Trish seemed in a happy mood as they walked into the lounge, I walked out quickly and Trish looked down, “Oh WOW!” she said laughing, “Proper shorts for once” she continued and I giggled while...
The trip from North Dakota to North Carolina was looking like four days of introspection. If that was what the universe had for me to do, then I wouldn't last very long in this body. I got on the phone with Tom back in Asheville and tightened up the terms of the trust, as far as how to identify the next inheritor. Ruth shocked me when she elected to stay in the hamlet, but life is full of inconsistency, betrayal, and heartbreak. Martha might have been angling to hook back together with...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Baby Sister's Sweet Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister's pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The eighteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy,...
My True Love Part 1 By: RAZIA Hello to all ISS readers, I am Razia 26 yrs old from Bangalore. This is my first time writing a story. I am going to write this in parts, If there are any mistakes, suggestions or advises, Please write to me at “ I am married to my husband ahmed one year back. He is 29 yrs old. We don’t have any kids yet. He works for a MNC and I am a housewife. I am 5feet 5 inches, about 55kgs weight, 36,28 38 figure with long black hair upto my butt, I am fair complexioned. My...
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you...
Elfi was gone and in her place was a goddess. She wore a shimmering gown of golden pleads hugging her body. Her helmet like black hair was now under a hood shaped head piece of stylized like golden wings. Over her shoulders a cape like mantle also golden and shaped in the pattern of feathered wings as well. Her face was hidden behind a translucent veil. It was like that I saw her standing surrounded by handmaidens in a court yard that with trimmed trees, fountains and flowerbeds. The Queen...
When Jeff, Shawna, and Shelly rejoined the group back at the theme park, Amy shot Jeff a head-shaking smile. Shelly danced around between Jeff and Shawna, swinging their joined hands as she skipped along. Shawna seemed equally happy with a beaming, satisfied smile that lit her up from the inside. “Seriously? Both of them?” Amy whispered as she leaned in, not quite letting go of Neal’s hand. “How does that even work?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jeff smirked in reply. “I was...
Neighbor's Night Out By Mellissa Lynn "Come on, honey, we'll be late!" my wife Jenny called down the stairs to me as I walked in the door. I grinned, knowing both that it was my birthday and that it was Neighbors' Night Out, a little get-together we had about once a month with four of our neighbors. We lived in a little cul-de- sac, just the five houses in a circle, with the next nearest house after that a good half-mile away. Neighbors' Night Out was originally just a...
had been a private cd for years and along with that secret I always wanted to give head .. but always to nervous . I used to be a long distance hgv driver and park up at night it what I call , naughty laybys . we all know the sort . did see quite a few things going on in them . especially single men turning up with hard cocks wanting some fun . most nights I would get dressed up and climb out and walk up and down and seeing if anyone saw me , then quickly run back to the lorry and hide . it was...
This is the last part of my true story. I had expected it only to need two parts, but it seems that I'm quite a wordy writer, so it now spans 3 parts.Where did I leave off last time? Oh yes; Toni, the gorgeous Brazilian TV was leaning forwards, dressed in her black lingerie, her firm arse towards me, ready for me to enter her. Read on...I wasn't expecting this to go well, as I'd only had a little anal sex before, with a woman, and this had been on a bed, where I could jockey around for best...
“I think I’ve had enough rest and ready for more fucking,” Dan mentioned taking a good swig of his drink. He cuddled Lisa to him, one hand fondling her bare breast, the other exciting her pussy and clit. “Are you going to fuck me here?” Lisa hoped. “No, back at your home on the couch or better yet, in your bed,” he said to her ear. “Shall we go then?” she asked and stood. She barely tied the bow that kept her dress closed and put the damp towel in her purse. The inner halves of her breasts...
Next morning, New Year’s Day 2009, the two families watched the Viennese concert and ate Christmas Cake and chocolate torte with whipped cream, along with Scottish Coffee (with whisky cream liqueur), after which David’s parents made their departure, followed in the evening by the Welsh contingent. Siân’s parents seemed very happy to leave her behind. As they cleared the debris and tidied up, David said “I think we need to talk about last night.” Siân stopped her tidying briefly. “OK,” she...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I am Anderson at the age of 18 a widow Mrs.chawla 34. My profession is painting. My mom loved my profession and I too loved her along with my interest in seeing her naked. I had interest in painting people with a good body shape. I have even drawn award winning paintings portraying the natural beauties of ladies and infact I am a specialist in this section. I could draw people’s body perfect and make them look like a photograph. For many years I have a...
IncestIt started as just a normal night out with some friend. Dinner, followed by a visit to a local club for drinks and dancing. Not long after arriving at the club I was approached by the guy who owned the place. This is the same guy I had an earlier “encounter” with on a couple of occasions in one of my earlier stories. I had told myself I was going to be a good girl and not mess around with him anymore and had not had any contact with him in several months. But nonetheless he approached me at the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! She knew she looked fucking hot and she didn’t care who knew it, but she knew that she wanted them all to see it. Her firm perfect nipples were covered barely by her tiny top, the thin strip looping around her neck, the deep wide spread V came off both her shoulders and strutted down across the aureoles, barely hiding them, and ended midway down her stomach, where a glittering bangle pierced her belly button and hung dangling down. From the edge of the...
IncestHow I chose a career in teaching is a mystery to me at times. I was never a very good student; I was too occupied with pot, pills and pricks to pay much attention to school work and my reputation for being promiscuous was well known around the school. Yet I was able to avoid getting pregnant or busted and graduated with my class. Though my grades and SAT scores weren’t the best they were good enough to get me into a state college where I immediately picked up where I had left off with the...
Little Fox went on the stump for Republican candidates for Congress. Her popularity brought out big crowds. She spoke at each stop for about fifteen minutes then worked the people causing pain to the Secret Service trying to keep her safe from any crazy person who wanted to have his name in history by assassinating a President. After all, there was one attempt on her life. She'd laugh at her protection saying she was too small to be hit by a bullet. All she had to is stand sideways, stick...
The three friends arrived at the show ground just before eleven in the morning; one of them had entered an array of photos for he was a keen photographer. "I just want to gauge how the exhibit went for this is the first time I have entered the show" Warren said. "We don't mine Warren", Harry replied. "Trevor and I haven't been to the local show in ages. I think we are a little passed the rides etc. that used to be the beckon when we were younger", he concluded. They parked in the...
No shit there I was,I was 16. My girlfriend Laura was 15. She had dark black hair, green eyes, size C breasts and beautiful white skin. She was a shy girl, but real cute. I was her first, we fucked for the first time in the back of my '64 Impala parked outside her house while her mom slept. Needless to say we had been dating for a year or two by now. She loved to fuck. We used to ditch class and hang out at her house all day while her mom was at work. We would eat, fuck. eat. fuck, watch TV,...
Why it had to happen this way? I had to confess my feelings for Tanuj some day or other. But as Thammi used to say, we realise the importance of people when they are taken away from us. Maybe to teach me a lesson, The Mother Goddess devised the turn of events. But because of me, Peaches is in danger. Oh Mother Goddess! I have already harmed my innocent brother. How many crimes will you make me do? I beg you my true love's life and well being. Please save him! I have worshiped you all my...