SamChapter 19B free porn video

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He examined my big boobs and my bulging nipples as though he were judging livestock at the fair and said, "From the size of these tits, you'll make a fine momma. Hell, looks like you'll be able to feed a whole litter! That's good, 'cause after we get done with you, you're gonna be about as pregnant as you can be! I bet your little belly swells up bigger than a watermelon."

"Damn right, Skeeter!" Hairy said. "When those big jugs fill up with milk, she'll be too top-heavy to walk. She'll have to carry 'em around in a wheelbarrow!"

"Hell! I'd like to see that." Another man added. "I think it's sexy as hell when girls get all swelled-up, waddling around holding their big bellies with their fat tits flopping and leaking all over! It does my pecker real proud."

My suggestion that they impregnate me looked to be going over well. It seemed that I wasn't the only one who was turned on by the idea. Everyone but George had at least one hand on or in their pants. I tried to appear terrified as several flies were undone, darting my eyes from one crotch to another in case someone had something interesting to show me.

Skeeter shoved me to my knees before pulling his own zipper down. He pulled his cock out, waved it under my nose, wrapped his fist around it and started stroking. It wasn't real long, but it had a big fat head on it the size and shape of a ripe peach and a straight shaft as thick as a can of shaving gel. I cringed back against the post at the sight of it, where I sat open-mouthed and petrified at the prospect of it going inside me.

"Noooo!" I cried, grabbing my nipples and squeezing them in my fists as if imagining them bursting with milk. I felt my areolas swell hugely in my hands and my nipples throb and grow fat. I squeezed my boobs just behind my nipples to force even more blood into them and make them even bigger. This made them swell so much that my rings flipped completely over and lay on top of my breasts, as if freeing my bulging nipples for use.

I stared at Skeeter's stiffening cock as though mesmerized by the sight of it. I licked my lips, leaving my mouth open to hint at the sexual hunger welling up inside me. I slid my hands down below my breasts, revealing how engorged my nipples had become at the suggestion that they would be suckled; managing just in time to shut down the production of milk that started simultaneously with the thought. I stroked my flat tummy and sucked it in tight as I imagined it immensely swollen with squirming and kicking babies. I cupped my mound again and then forced my hands down to the insides of my thighs as I spread my knees apart in the coarse, brown sand. I rocked my hips forward so everyone could see my quivering labia and how rosy and damp my pussy was getting.

"But look how tiny my pussy is! See? It's way too small for your big cock. Please don't put that big thing in my little pussy! You'll ruin me! I'm... I'm saving myself for my wedding night. Not even my brother there has had me yet!" I moved my hands back up to either side of my pussy and held it open as if trying to show them my maidenhead. When I did, I felt a contraction that meant my wet hole was opening and closing like a tiny mouth, begging to be fed.

OK, so I was taking a lot of creative license with my improvised performance. Maybe I was even getting a little carried away. But the only one who knew that was George. The look on his face was priceless. I had managed to tip him off that things were not what they appeared to be and that I was calling the tune at this dance. He slumped back into the sand on his elbows with his jaw hanging loose, no longer sure what it was he was supposed to be doing.

Skeeter slapped his fat cockhead against my face, drawing a slick streak across my cheek and said, "Take a good look at the dick that's gonna bust your cherry, girl. I'm gonna fuck you until you cream all over it. I'm gonna make you cum so hard, you'll be begging me to knock you up. Then I'm gonna fill you so full of spunk that it'll be coming out your ears. After that, everyone gets to pump your sweet puss full of baby-juice. And don't worry about your precious little pussy, girl; by the time we've all had a few turns plowing that tight snatch of yours, you'll be as slack as a two-dollar whore!"

He laughed and slapped me again with his big cock, harder the second time since he enjoyed seeing me flinch from the meaty weight of it. It seemed to be firming up nicely. The head was already glossy red and looked even more like a ripe fruit, ready to have the juice sucked from it. The shaft was impressive, too. It was thickly veined, but instead of being smooth under the veins, it was lumpy. It looked like his cock was all braided muscle. My imagination shot me a quick image of him with the head of it stuck through the hole in a barbell weight, flexing and grunting as he raised the iron weight by flexing the muscles in his cock. I could hardly wait to find out what those bumps would feel like with it inside me. It was very difficult for me to stick to my script outline.

"Please don't rape me! Please don't take my cherry! Please! I'll do anything. Put it in my mouth," I begged, planting a series of kisses on the underside of his cock where I knew it was the most sensitive. "Let me suck you off, instead. I know how. I promise I'll do it real good!" I forced my lips over the plump head and started to suck before he could stop me.

"Suck it then, girl!" he said, putting his fists on his hips and widening his stance to put more of his cock within my reach. "If you suck me really good, then maybe I won't fuck you. But you better do your best! I mean you swallow the whole thing and lick my balls, too."

I worked on Skeeter's cock like a fiend, kissing and licking it all over, tonguing his balls and then sucking them into my mouth, one at a time. I took a deep breath, shoved my mouth over his fat cockhead and forced my lips all the way down to the base, until my nose was buried in his curly hair and his thick cock was down my throat.

I cupped my pussy with one hand like I wanted to protect it, but I kept dipping a finger inside while I slowly rubbed my clit with my palm. With the other hand I stroked my body, my breasts and rolled my stiff nipples between my fingers. I tried my best to be the horny, virgin country-girl, who desperately needed to be fucked and who might just make herself so hot that she would break down and beg for it. I thought I was succeeding very well, indeed. I was already past the point where I would be able to walk out of there without somebody fucking me.

My audience couldn't applaud because they all had their hands full. Even George's khaki shorts were tented out by a nice hard one that he hadn't taken out yet. Most of the rest were stroking and pumping away, completely caught up in my performance.

Skeeter was clearly the most appreciative. His cock was so hard I thought it would explode. He was leaking precum steadily. I could taste it. I sucked it hard and licked it like I couldn't get enough of the flavor.

When I thought he was as hard as he could get, I pulled my mouth off of Skeeter's cock and kissed it up and down.

"Oh!" I moaned, in between licks. "Your cock feels so good in my mouth. It's so big and hot and hard."

I licked it all over to get it nice and slick, then I dove right back onto Skeeter's cock like I wanted to suck it dry. This time, when I swallowed the hard knob down my throat, Skeeter grabbed my head and fucked my face, grinding my nose into his pubic hair and slapping his balls under my chin. My mouth was forced open as wide as it would go and still he pulled my face tighter against his groin. His fat cockhead bulged out my neck. It completely blocked my throat and shut off my windpipe. I gagged and winced, but I didn't resist.

When he pulled out to let me have some air I gulped as much as I could. Then I coughed and wheezed, "Oh, what am I doing? What's happening to me? I'm so hot! I can't be doing this! But I'm so hot I can't hardly stand it! Am I making you feel good? Am I doing it the way you like it?"

Without waiting for an answer, I latched onto Skeeter's big cock again, putting just the head in my mouth and bobbing up and down quickly while swirling my tongue all over it, as though I were desperate to taste his cum.

I put both hands on my boobs, pulling on both nipples, roughly twisting them around my fingers; stretching them out and then rubbing them raw so they would be super-sensitive. When I let go, they felt like they were as big as my thumbs and so burning hot I couldn't touch them any more without making myself cum right then.

I plunged a finger into my pussy, arched my back and whimpered my need as loudly as I could. With my other hand, I reached around behind me cupping my ass and reaching between my legs to hook another finger into my hole, as if trying to get it large enough to handle my first cock.

"Hell, Skeeter! She's gettin' into it," Hairy observed, watching me cram my fingers into my pussy. "Lookit her diddling herself! See how she's warming her slit up for you? She's trying to get it limbered-up, so it won't split when you put the meat in her. Go to it, girl! Give that pretty snatch a real work-out. Get it nice and hot for your first fuck."

The guy who wanted to see me waddling-pregnant said, "Shit! Looks like she's turning into a real wildcat just from the taste of it. Once she gets a dick in her puss, she's gonna be hooked on it!"

"You getting your pussy ready for me, girl?" Skeeter asked. "You change your mind about saving that cherry? Hah! When I'm done fucking you, that won't be the only thing to change. This dick's gonna turn you into a prime slut. When I'm done you'll be addicted to dick. You'll be thinking about gettin some pipe laid in you all the time. You won't be able to live without it. You'll be a cock-junkie, looking for a fix. You'll need it so bad; you'll drop your drawers and spread that pussy for any guy that looks at you hard."

"Hell, yes!" Hairy said. "She'll be so hot she'll put out for anything with a dick! Her folks will have to start locking her up at night or she'll be out parading her little tail down to the work farm every chance she gets. The bosses let girls like her into the barracks every so often to keep the cons from turning queer, 'cause after they've been locked up a while, them boys ain't too particular about where they stick their peckers, so long as they get their rocks off. With those big tits, she'll probably be real popular over there. They'll appreciate some fresh quim, even if the snap's already been fucked out of it. That won't bother them much. Those boys are used to sloppy-seconds. Hell, she'll probably take them on two to a hole and be crying for more!"

"Is that what you want, girl?" Skeeter demanded. "C'mon, tell me you want my dick. Tell me to fuck-up that sweet little pussy of yours. I know you're hot for it. Tell me to do it to you. Tell me to make you a cock-slut!"

Their graphic predictions of the consequences of being gang-raped both scared me and vigorously fanned the flames of lust that were already burning hotly between my legs. They scared me because I realized that the part about me becoming addicted to cock was mostly true already. After being freed from years of enforced virginity, I had come to need sex very badly and to want it as often as I could get it. That lent credence to the nastier bits that made me seriously hot just hearing about them. Hairy's story really got to me because I suspected that it was first-hand information, not something he concocted on the spot for my benefit. Having already met a couple of work farm graduates, I knew just what kind of inmate Hairy was talking about as not being 'too particular' about what they fucked and I had a crystal-clear idea of how I could expect to be treated if I let them get their hands on me.

This jolt of reality being tossed into the middle of my fantasy caught me by surprise. Suddenly, I wasn't sure if I was acting or not. I was so turned-on by their promises of degradation that I really felt so hot I might burst into flame any second. The intense sensation in my pussy spawned another feeling, too. It was an itchy ache that seemed to reach right past my conscious mind and into something primal and basic. I wanted to be fucked because I had made myself incredibly horny and I planned to enjoy the heck out of it. But, something else was happening too. Now, my body was demanding that I follow the story through to the end, that I allow myself to be raped and despoiled in the most brutal, humiliating way possible. I had convinced it that it needed this and it believed me, completely.

I must have been convincing to someone else, too. I heard a loud groan, followed by the sight of a stream of white flying past my left shoulder to spatter on the wooden pier. Someone hadn't been able to wait for his turn in line. I thought I had better get this show on the road before any more of that was wasted.

"Please! I can't stand it!" I cried, pulling my mouth off of Skeeter's cock with a slurping sound. "I've never felt this way before! I'm burning up! My pussy is on fire!" I put my mouth back on Skeeter's cock and sucked and licked it like it was a popsicle about to melt.

I pried my pussy open to show everyone where the fire was. I fucked my long clit between my fingers and threw my head back, arching my back violently as I jerked my hips up and down, making myself crazier with lust every second.

"Ohhhhhhh! I can't take any more! Nooooo! I can't! I mustn't! Oh! I'm so hot! I want... I want... I want a cock! I want a hard cock in my pussy!"

Skeeter pushed my head back so my mouth hung open and started fisting his cock hard, showering me with drops of the slimy stuff oozing steadily from his little hole.

"What about your precious cherry?" he asked, teasing me.

"I don't care! Rape me! Fuck me! Take my cherry! Ruin my pussy! Stretch it! Spoil it! Wreck it! I've just got to have a cock in there real bad! I can't take it anymore! I'll do anything you want! I'll fuck you all! I'll be a dirty cock-slut! Just put it in me, please! Please fuck me with your big cock." I whined as pitifully as I could between gasps.

I tried to catch the drops on my tongue. I kissed his cock whenever it came close enough to my mouth. Skeeter saw my desperation mounting and pulled his hard cock away whenever I tried to get it back in my mouth.

"Don't worry, girl," he snarled. "I'm gonna fuck you good and hard. I'm gonna break you in rough so you'll be a good little slut and spread your horny slit wide open for any prick that can give it a hot load. You can look forward to spending the rest of your days with your puss itching and dripping and never being happy unless you have a dick filling it full of jizz. There's just one more little thing you have to do. Beg me, slut. Beg me to knock you up!"

I took a deep, ragged breath and looked up at Skeeter while I pleaded, "Please make me pregnant."

"I don't believe you," Skeeter growled. He was really getting off on humiliating me in front of his buddies. I guess it's not too often that you have a girl beg you to rape her.

"Please! Knock me up! Fill up my pussy with cum! Give me a bellyful of babies. Make me swell up like a sow. Make my big titties fill up with milk 'til they pop. Just put that cock in me! Oh, please! I need it bad!"

Skeeter hauled me to my feet and slammed my back into the post as he shoved his hips between my thighs. I reached down, grabbed his cock, and eagerly pushed the big head of it against my impatient hole, slipping the loop of one of my plastic handcuffs over it as I did.

Skeeter roughly grabbed my breasts and pinched my nipples. He jerked his hips to plug his cockhead into me just far enough to give me an idea of what was to come.

My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped open as I felt his cock stretch my hole. It felt much bigger than it looked.

"Here it comes, slut!" He snarled. "Say goodbye to your cherry!"

Then he slammed his cock into me all the way to the root with one powerful shove, forcing my legs apart and pinning me to the post like a butterfly in a bug collection.

I threw my head back and screamed as loud as I could when I felt that fat cock drive into me. As Skeeter ground his hips against me, I screamed longer than I thought possible on one breath. At the peak of my scream, I yanked the free end of the plastic restraint, cinching it tightly around the base of his cock, making it impossible for him to cum in me. I pulled so hard that the loose end of the strap snapped off and fell onto the sand. I thought he would catch on instantly, but he was too wrapped up in savoring the moment of my ruination to take notice of what I had done to him.

My piercing scream slowly trailed off into a wail and then a low moan as I began my transformation from horny virgin to wanton slut. I sobbed once as I drew my next breath, mourning the destruction of my maidenhead.

When Skeeter saw my eyes focus on him again, he smiled cruelly as he pulled back for his second stroke into my now-conquered body. He began to drive his cock into me hard again and again, each time riding me up the post and grinding his pelvis on my clit while trying to force his way even deeper into my body.

I suppose I should have tried to stop him, but I couldn't make myself do it, even if I wanted to. I was even more a victim of my performance than he was and I was committed to let it play out, whatever happened.

"OOOOooooooo!" I moaned, huskily. "That feels so good! I've never felt anything like this before. Shove your big thing all the way in me! That's it! All the way. Aaaaiiiii! Damn, you busted me open all the way. Now come on! Fuck me! Fuck me good! Give it to me! Wreck my slut pussy!"

Skeeter's cock felt like a rod of steel. Despite being clamped off, it felt like it was still growing larger with every stroke. I could feel that big cockhead of his ramming deep into my pussy and it was rubbing right up against that itchy, achy spot where I needed it most.

I reached up and grabbed the top of the post behind my head so Skeeter wouldn't be supporting me. I arched my back and thrust my boobs out so he could keep on squeezing them. I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my ankles, pulling him to me so he couldn't get away.

Skeeter did a real good job of raping me. He bucked up into me over and over as deep as his cock would reach, sending me higher and higher until I knew would only be a few more seconds before I peaked.

"Harder!" I demanded, letting the slut completely out of her cage. "Dammit, fuck me harder! Give me all of that hard cock. I want all of it! Yes! Like that. I want to feel you cum in me. I want your hot stuff all up inside me. I want you to give me every drop you've got in those big balls."

Skeeter rose to the challenge. He dug in his feet in the sand and started violently fucking my pussy with full, deep, pounding strokes. In almost no time after that, I was ready to pop.

"Yes!" I screamed as loudly as I could. "That's it! I'm cumming! God, I'm wide open. I'm ready. I'm ripe. Now! I want it! Give it to me! Make me pregnant! Knock me up! Do it! Breed me!"

I was cumming really, really hard. It was amazing how hot I could make myself when I really put my mind to it. I was so flaming hot I was incandescent. I babbled continuously, begging him to cum in me every nasty way I could imagine. My body was taut and writhing as he fucked me relentlessly. Every inch of my pussy was squirming uncontrollably over Skeeter's massive bloated cock, making sweet love to the brutal invader as it viciously ravished me. I uncrossed my ankles from behind Skeeter's violently jerking butt and put the soles of my feet against the pole, spreading my knees as far apart as I could, while shoving my pussy at him in time with his thrusts.

Skeeter suddenly slammed his cock into me as hard and deep as he could and froze with it buried there. He watched my face as he prepared to cum so he could see my reaction at the exact moment that I knew I had been bred. He looked triumphant as he felt the pressure build inside him. His muscles tensed and his hands clenched on my butt, trying to rip me apart so he could drive his cock even deeper into my body and plant his potent seed as far up into me as possible. He wanted to leave no doubt in my mind that I had been impregnated.

He grimaced. His lips skinned back over his teeth. His face hardened and turned deep red as he approached his climax. He gave one last jerk with his hips and we stared straight into each other's eyes in the instant that his little sacks of cum went into spasm, trying to shoot their full-to-bursting load into my womb, only to find that there was nowhere for it to go.

Skeeter's eyes bulged. His face turned dark purple and he screamed so loudly and so high that his voice failed halfway through it. Something inside him was exploding and there was nothing he could do to stop it. His second scream was soundless, and his third was a mere gasp. He dropped to the ground, grabbed his cock, found the tourniquet around its base and picked at it helplessly while waves of agony pounded him senseless.

When he dropped, I held myself up on the pole, hanging from my hands. I swiveled my hips invitingly, proudly showing off my 'newly opened for business' hole.

"Please," I whined, "I need some more cock. Won't someone please fuck my pussy?"

It was anticlimactic. I had lost my audience and blown any chance for a real gang-rape. Everyone was staring at Skeeter as he rolled on the sand, clutching his groin and crying in pain. His cock was a color that those things should never be.

"What the hell did you do to him?" Hairy asked.


"Look at his dick, man! It's blue!"

"Oh Christ! That's awful!"

"OK, guys," I said, disappointedly letting my voice go from hot to stone cold. "Which of you wants to rape me next? Come on, get 'em up and line 'em up. I'm waiting."

What happened next would be entirely up to them.

The six of them stared at me with expressions of lust dissolving into horror and disgust and then to rage. One stepped forward with his fist raised, not even bothering to put his stiff cock away first. I waited until he was almost to me and I dropped to the ground just as he went for my head. His fist made a loud thud as it hit the post and when I punched him in the stomach he doubled over and joined his buddy on the dirty sand.

Same as Sam
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Ryan's phone beeped as she and Brody walked to the club. She checked the screen and touched the icon to see Evan's text message. I had to promise to come to dinner with Mom and Dad next week. You owe me. "Smart ass." Ryan shook her head with a smile and put her phone back in her pocket. "Who is?" Brody asked. "Evan. Oh, hey, I guess we're officially official, since you'll be meeting a family member." He opened the door for her. "Yeah, but it's only your brother. You're starting me off easy."...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 17 Shopping

The next day was Sunday, and, unfortunately, the Mall was open. I had spent the night trying my best to sleep with a rubber penis pressed against my face, eventually falling asleep around 2 am. In the morning I woke up with a start. The balls were in my mouth. Had I been sucking on them in my sleep? Yikes. Anyway, that morning, after putting on a pair of panties and a bra - surprisingly simple considering what I had worn the night before - I dressed in normal clothes and we went...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Piper Perri Slutty School Girl

Piper Perri wants to wear a thong and short shorts to school, as well as a t-shirt with no bra but her boyfriend Chad White has other ideas. He tells Piper to put on some lingerie for his pleasure so that she can see how slutty she appears. Soon Piper is changing into one outfit after another so Chad can enjoy her petite charms. Urging Piper down onto the bed, he stuffs her little mouth full of his big dick. Piper loves every second of it, especially after Chad flips her onto her hands and...

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The Elven Prisoner

In the 2nd age a vile and wicked plague ripped throughout the land of your ancestors killing them in droves. A militious miasma which has left a tiny population of elves clinging onto their ancestral lands as the Empires of man decimate nearby countries. The balance of power on Mundo is violated. ... "Quickly skirmishers, ready your arrows and steady your hearts. Keep your wits steadfast, and we shall emerge victorious," your captain says in a hushed tone as she passes through the line of...

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Whos a Fairy 34 Charming

Who's a Fairy? 3-4: Charming By Ron Dow75 Chapter Three: Princess Charming The made-up Alfred was dressed in his sister's clothes, brown wedge sandals, black tights, a short black-and-white plaid skirt, a green blouse, costume bracelets and necklaces, and gold earrings, and night makeup. There was even a brunet extension attached to his hair. At 12, he knew he made a fairly convincing girl. He looked at Clover, the green haired fairy who looked his age. The way she was...

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WHC Maggie Fights Back

Maggie Fights Back by Jennifer Allison "I sorry, Maggie. There is nothing I can do." "What do you mean. My husband is forcing to me to divorce him. And there is nothing you can do." "Yes! Nothing I can do. You see a very unscrupulous lawyer wrote a book on how to screw your wife on a divorce settlement. And you husband is following it to a T. With the terms of your pre-nuptial agreement stating that if you divorce John. You would get only a thousand dollars a month for two...

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Twisted and Torn Part 5

Chris, the married guy had his nipples licked, the massive hard cock sucked and his tight asshole rimmed by another guy a few minutes after he walked into the gay sauna for the first time. Another guy watched the action and hoped to join them as Chris was led into the dark shadows by his blonde cocksucker. Looking ahead, he felt exposed and self conscious as guys looked down at the hard cock outlined under the towel. His new friend seemed to be going somewhere specific as he followed slowly. By...

Gay Male
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Amys Indecent Proposal Part II

John retrieved Amy's coat from the coat check and wrapped it around her shoulders as they exited the club and waited curbside for John's driver to pull up.  No more than thirty seconds later, a black Escalade arrived and the driver quickly jumped out to open the door for Amy to slide in. John closed her door and then strolled around to the driver's side before getting in next to her. Where to?" Amy asked. "The Bellagio," John replied "I think we've had enough public entertainment for...

2 years ago
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TimepieceChapter 6

Timepiece: 6. During the 18th and 19th century, the Mediterranean Sea was rife with Moorish pirates. They had a traditional hate for christians ... I suppose because of the Crusades ... and the muslim teaching that infidels be converted or put to death. One of the tortures had its roots in christianity. The Prefect of Rome, a greedy pagan, thought the Church had a great fortune hidden away. So he ordered Lawrence to bring the Church's treasure to him. The Saint said he would, in three...

3 years ago
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Dulcie and All Hallows EveChapter 4

Despite the late and eventful night, Malcolm woke before dawn, immediately conscious of having company in the bed. Cautiously rolling over, he saw in the dim light of street lighting filtering through the curtains, Sasha ... looking at him. "Do you mind?" Her voice was very quiet. "I just ... wanted to be close to you." "I don't mind," he said, "but I don't understand." "Do you want me to go away?" "Why ... why would I want you to go away? I can't understand why you want to...

1 year ago
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Angel Slut Chapter One

ANGEL SLUT Chapter One Sisyphus I knew what I wanted and I was going to get it. That’s why I moved to Boston. I had to get away from my small red-neck hometown in Maine where everyone knew me as the good girl who always did what was expected. Now I was going to let loose, dress the way I fantasized and let the sex-starved woman I was hiding inside of me out. There was no turning back. In school I hated my shyness and wished I had the courage to be like the girls who wore tight jeans or short...

2 years ago
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our 2nd experience in Jamaica was a good one PART

So here we go, this is the follow on story to my now fiancee's second and far more in depth (excuse the pun) encounter with big black cock. i mentioned at the end of my first installment that we were considering a holiday to Jamaica and that's exactly where we headed for 8 days last November and as it turns out it was quite the trip, bearing in mind that this holiday wasn't intended for BBC tourism and our little session with Simon hadn't been mentioned in a long forward the 13hour...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Cali Carter Pervy Boss Blackmails Slutty Secretary

Super-stacked secretary Cali Carter has been busting her ass for boss Bill Bailey, and she thinks she’s due for a raise. The athletic, blonde bombshell loves strutting around the office in tight clothes, and she’s noticed Bill checking her out. Several times he’s touched her inappropriately, and it seems that she’s unwittingly encouraged his lewd behavior. Fearful that complaining might diminish her chances for a salary increase, Cali has maintained discretion and kept...

1 year ago
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Chrissie Part 35

"Chrissie" Part XXXV by c.w. cobblestone Karl winked at me and squeezed his cock. "Mornin' Princess." I served him coffee in bed. "Um, good morning, sir. Good morning, Mrs. Martin." Rebecca blew on her steaming mug. "Good morning, Chrissie. How's your butt?" "Uh, it ... it hurts real bad, Mrs. Martin." Karl scoffed. "Oh, quit your bitching. We seen how much you loved it last night -- fuckin' little sissy." "You squirted everywhere, Chrissie!" my angel snickered. "It...

3 years ago
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Two for Tennis

Two for Tennis - Episode One – Discovering the unexpected On Wednesday afternoon, I usually take off to play some tennis with friends at the local sports club. It’s a nice group, we usually have lots of fun and its great to get the body in shape and fit again. One of the girls I play tennis with often is Elin. Elin is a beautiful young blonde girl, unfortunately straight. She lives together with a hunk of a boyfriend and they are having plans to get married and have some kids. One Wednesday...

4 years ago
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My Young Wife Tutors My Young Brother on Sex

My wife Dee Dee and I married in 1975. We had known each other for about 3 years and dated regularly and I finally popped the question. During this period, Dee Dee had met my brother Alex many times. We had all gone camping together, eaten many Thanksgiving meals together, and generally hung out together both at our house and his apartment. Dee Dee and Alex had always gotten along very well. They were both the same age and had attended high school together. They had sat in the same classrooms...

3 years ago
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Two

Chapter TwoI woke up the next morning after finally getting some sleep. Looking over it was gone nine am. I laid there, too frightened to even get up and go down and look at her. Time flowed by, as I kept checking the clock. 9.15... 9.30... 9.45 am.I heard movement outside, and downstairs. I knew she was up, and she probably had a faint idea I was awake. It was just gone ten am when a slight knock came at my bedroom door. My head snapped around.I looked as she spoke through the door. “Steve,...

First Time
1 year ago
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The RestaurantChapter 6

There was no one in the short hallway that led to the bathrooms when Paula stepped out, but as soon as she turned to go back to the table, she heard the door of the men's room open and the voice of her Master. "What a nasty slut you have become, Paula," he said as he stepped up behind her, his hands sliding around her waist and pulling her back. They slid up her sides and fondled her ass as Kevin continued to step back, guiding her through the men's room door. "Yes, Master, I am a slut...

2 years ago
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Shalini ISS Se Friend

Hi dosto my sweet bhabhi and sexy auntys.And chudakd ladkiyan.Mera or mere lun ki taraf se aap sabko hello…Apko meri rimpy ki chudai.And rimpy ke baad sweety bhabhi ki baari…Dono stories bahut pasand aayi usko response dene ke liye thanku..Ab baari hai shalini ki name orignal nahi hai bt milta hai..Shalini iss ki reader hai usne mujhe meri story padke response kiya and ussi se meri chat start hui agge ki and fir hamne sex kiya… Story ajj se ek mahine pehle ki hai jab meri sweety bhabhi ki story...

1 year ago
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Familar But Unfamilar

Familar But Unfamilar Lisa got off the train and looked around the bustling train station. She looked for the face she had seen so many times on the web cam, and finally located it about 40 feet in front of her. She quickly walked toward the person and asked. “Are you Karen” “Are you Lisa” Lisa smiled and hugged Lisa with a warm embrace. Karen picked up one of the bags and said. “Well let’s show you to your new humble abode.” As Karen turned to show Lisa the way, Lisa took a moment to check out...

2 years ago
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I was lying in bed Tuesday evening trying to fall asleep. I was replaying in my mind all the wonderful things you did for me. Everything went so fast that afternoon, I was playing it back in slow motion and savoring each experiment that took place. I was lying on your chest, being peaceful, content and serene. And BAM, I went from a beautiful sexual high to an all time ‘CRASH’. Like coming down from a horrible drug high or a sugar rush high. I started weeping. I’m lying on your chest with my...

3 years ago
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Fathers and Sons Suck at the Hunting Camp

My name is Jason, and at twenty-six years old I’m married and living in Savannah, Georgia, the town where I was born and raised. I still socialize with my childhood friends, Larry and Paul, who are also married, and I’ve recently been thinking about the experiences I had in my teens that influenced my hunger for sucking cocks and swallowing cum, that is still a source of enjoyment for me.My father, Colton, is an electrical contractor, and for as long as I can remember he’s gone deer hunting...

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Rennen! Das war momentan Noras einziger Gedanke. Möglichst schnell, möglichst weit weg. Die Rufe hinter ihr nahm sie genauso wenig wahr, wie die Leute, welche ihr auf dem Bürgersteig erschrocken auswichen. Die Ampel vor ihr war auf rot, doch sie achtete gar nicht darauf. Sie rannte über die Strasse, sprang über die Motorhaube eines Volvos, welcher erschrocken abbremste. Sie warf einen Blick über die Schulter. Entsetzt merkte sie, dass der Mann, von dem sie seit dem Einkaufszentrum verfolgt...

2 years ago
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Married Preachers Daughter Seduction Ch 3

If you are following the series, I have a limited time during my stay to fuck my friends wife Laura. A very conservative proper church going wife and mom -- the daughter of a Preacher.Saturday after Ray and I went back to his house we all went to some shows and places and I went with his family. I kept looking over his wifes tits and ass and beautiful face and could not help thinking how good she looked in her nighty gown and how good her soft cheeks felt when I pressed against them. I was...

1 year ago
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Camp Boring Pt2

Story is in FP PoV and follows the life of a little Femboy named Sammie. This one contains Oral, Anal, and a bit of Fetish for sniffing. I was more than a little surprised when Isaac never made a move on me the night before. I had really been hoping that he would, because I was more than willing to let him do whatever he wanted with me. Turns out that he didn’t do anything at all. It was a letdown, for sure, but not much of one. It was still only the first day of Camp after all. I was bound...

3 years ago
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Community Involvement Ch 11

A continuation of my return visit to meet Clare: “I’m still rather intrigued to know who this person named Abby is,” Clare reiterated. She was still bent forward with her left knee and upper torso sprawled upon her desk, her right foot on the floor, supporting the rest of her body. Her psychedelic print dress was bunched up around her hips exposing her gorgeous rounded arse and her slick, blood engorged and puffy labia from which a steady stream of our combined fluids seeped, pooling on her...

4 years ago
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Black Wifes First Gentlemens Club Experience Part 1

My new co-worker Rick, whom I'd just recently shared my voluptuous wife with, and I were reminiscing about fulfilling her long held fantasy of being taken by a white guy with a huge cock. Rick and I were shooting-the-shit one afternoon, generating some possible ideas for a second round of action with Evelyn. My lovely wife had enjoyed her huge white dick experience so much the first go-round, that I knew she'd be anxious for another opportunity to mount Rick's eleven inch pussy pleaser. The...

1 year ago
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Pouring sperm pt 3 Veronica and her mother

She seemed to play innocent, but she was attracted to my cock very quickly. After just a couple of meetings, she pulled down her panties and spread her legs without any problem. I didn’t want to be perceived as a horny man, who can fuck every available hole, so I asked what she was doing and she said simply: use it as you like. I didn’t even have to lick for long, she was so horny that she was slippery and wet already during the first seconds of caresses. One finger, after a while another in...

Cheating Wife
2 years ago
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The Lost Tribe Part 2

--- The Lost Tribe, Part 2 (mf, mF, 1st, cons, interr, impreg?, reluc, sad) by Krosis of the Collective --- Jason was awakened in the morning by the sun shining through the open door of the cage. Why was it open? And where was Makayla? He was alone. He got up and shuffled to the door, tentatively poking his head out. No guards. He quietly exited the cage, keeping low. The girls' camp seemed to be empty. What was going on? Jason kept to the edge of the camp, which was framed on two sides...

4 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 01Chapter 9

[Virginia] Not really awake, I groggily reached over and accepted the call. "Hello?" A youngish voice said, "Are you real?" I woke up quickly. I said, "Yes, I'm real. This is no recording. I'm George. Who are you?" "My name is Dan. I'm by myself. I was out searching for food and saw your flyer. I had to call. I woke you up. I'm sorry." I got in, "It's okay." Then, the rush of words started again. "I've been so alone. My parents died of the virus. I'm an only child so I...

1 year ago
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Yet more Female sexual perversions

1.) My fantasy became realityWe drove almost 30 miles to a new restaurant that had opened in a nature reserve. It was a beautiful drive out there and we parked in an open area, where we had to walk across a rope bridge and walk a mile to get there. We ate outside and everything was something very special, you felt as if you were reconnecting to nature, with birds and small a****ls all around you, I think I managed a bottle of wine on my own and I felt fruity enough to admit to my husband, that...

3 years ago
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Disabled Man Gets An Erection And Cums For The Carer

I am a fifty-six-year-old man that had a very bad stroke and I am now, virtually paralysed and in a wheelchair. I had a very severe stroke when I was in my early forties. Now, I can 'just' talk, and I can 'just' use my left hand and arm. I suppose it's about 10% on a good day. The rest of my muscles are fucked!I live on my own. I am very slim (with a flat stomach) and very healthy. I have a full head of shoulder-length grey and dark blonde hair and stubble. My penis, just under...

4 years ago
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SistersChapter 12 To Die For

Nikki and Zoë waved good-bye to Pete. Nikki found it amazing how different Pete could be when he was away from the rest of the gang. He was more patient, and instead of behaving like an asshole trying to impress them with smooth moves on the surfboard - far too difficult for beginners - he made sure you knew the basics before attempting something more daring. Nikki and Zoë were discussing this when they got home. "Hi, Nikki," Linda greeted them as they came in. "Hi,...

2 years ago
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Just West of Happy Part 6

Warning: This story contains MATURE THEMES including nudity, sex, sexualization, and vulgar language. Do not read if you are under 18 or if it is otherwise restricted for you to do so. If you wish to share this story, contact me at [email protected]. I will likely agree, I just want to know in advance. I decided to split up the nightclub a bit as one of the pieces of advice I got was to split up the story into some shorter parts so I could post them more frequently. So here's...

2 years ago
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A good night

I drive over this this girls house who was staying with het aunt in killeen tx. She was new and didn't know anybody yet so I decided to keep her company and chill with her. She was a 5'4 white chic with double D's and a nice thick ass. We didn't really have anything planned but chill at her aunts house and just get to know each other since there really wasn't anything to do that day. I get there and we Exchange greetings, gave a hug and went into the house. Her aunt was there as well just...

4 years ago
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Hot Bus Journey Along From Goa To Hyderabad

Hi all, I am 26 male from Mumbai working in a one of the private company. I am 5 feet 7″ height with black hairs and eyes good looking and fair enough to attract a female. If you like my story please mail me at “”. Lets start with our sex story. Few months back I got transferred from Mumbai to Goa for a period of time. Meanwhile I need to travel to my home town so I booked a Volvo bus which will departure from PANAJI at around 5:30 pm. It was a heavy rain outside somehow I got the bus on time...

3 years ago
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Sex with EX Boyfriend

Daylen came over, he's a good friend of mine, and my ex-boyfriend. He told me he's really been missing out on sex. Its been so long since a girls wanted to fuck him. I could barely believe him, because I knew what he was packing, so I told him that any girl I knew would die to have a cock like his, it being a monstrous 10+ inches in length and as thick as a redbull can.As I started thinking about it, I even wanted it again. It had been so long since he and I had fooled around, maybe it is time...

2 years ago
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Ugly Sister

The Ugly Sister "Hold still," Stella said to me as she glued on massive lashes to my upper lids. She followed up with smaller lashes on the lower lash line. There was a thick black line drawn around my upper and lower lids extended at the corners. I was wriggling in my seat. Earlier, Stella had used lots of bright blue eyeshadow over my lower lid with a lighter grey on the top lid; then darkened my brows and outlined my lips into a smaller exaggerated bow in black pencil. My whole...

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Asian Whore in Live Sex Show with Animals0

I’m standing in the middle of the room with the light directly above me. There’s a room full of men sitting on chairs watching me undress. I wear my long sleek black hair down and it contrasts against my milky white skin. I have red lipstick on and nothing else. As I sit on top of the mattress laid out at the front of the room, I caress my naked body looking at the group of men in front of me, the anticipation increases my arousal. The heat rises between my legs. I start to pinch at...

3 years ago
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Military DelightsChapter 30 The Army Brothel

For four days she stayed there in solitude, broken only by regular meals brought in by a eunuch, and various visits at random intervals by the Colonel during which he used her mouth, vagina and rectum, and whipped her if she made the slightest mistake in the Arabic commands he gave her. As he was leaving her on the fourth day, her cunt leaking the sticky deposit he had left there, he spoke again to her in English for the first time, "Get clean. Very clean. Now customers come for you. Each...

2 years ago
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10 Book OneChapter 9

Sam and Tiffany spent the next day together. The threat to separate them had lost its effect. I was happy for them but still sad about what was happening and going to happen. It did precipitate a portion of our own plans. Knox was very concerned about the drugs the lab next to her home produced. There were three computers linked together and then to the 'net. Since Stethbridge was the real owner of the drug I wanted them to know but I had to be subtle. Colins, her principle antagonist would...

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