DreamweaverChapter 18: Moving On free porn video

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Allison was already awake beside me, she kissed my shoulder and whispered, "Go run, then take me somewhere we can talk."

I ran a quick two miles just to wake up. Mom and Dad were both up when I got back so we invited them to come with us to IHOP for breakfast. Allison and I went to the park on the way back so we could talk. I was hoping Rebecca could get us that information so we could go over the house for bugs soon. We'd already checked all the spots Rebecca had suggested for video, but until we had the right equipment, we really couldn't check for anything that was audio only. Not only did it suck to have to leave every time we wanted to have a serious conversation but it was probably a little suspicious if anyone was really paying attention.

Once we got there, Allison didn't waste any time, "It's no wonder you've been struggling so much, I know you don't like where this is going."

"No, I don't, but it's the only way," I answered. "I'm the only one that can do it. I keep finding more and more things in my life that fall into that category and I'm starting to feel like I'm drowning in responsibility."

"I know, but you love her too much to let her keep suffering the way she has been," she said. "I wish there was some way I could help you with it, but..."

"Well at least now I can talk to you about it. You do understand why I couldn't before, right?"

"Oh absolutely! This was so not your secret to tell. I'm kind of surprised she wanted me to come with her rather than just having you talk to me about it."

"That was my idea. She told me I could tell you, but I thought it might be better this way. Telling you would have been a start, but you still would have needed to go through the same stuff she was to really get a grip on it anyway. She knows how much I rely on you and, I don't know, she was confused, and you wanted to know so you could help ... I thought it would save time."

"I don't know how much help I was; mostly we just sat quietly watching the DVDs and then we sat on opposite ends of the couch reading the same book. I want to read the rest of it by the way, I'm hooked now so either flip through the rest of it and fill in my copy or give me the book so I can read it while you're at school. It was very interesting in a variety of ways. I still haven't figured out what all thirteen houses could possibly be. I can only come up with around eight, but some of those are pretty fascinating. I don't think any of them truly express what's happening with Amber but then it's fiction and this is reality so you can only expect so much. I'm not sure what to expect once she has time to really absorb what's happening. I don't know how well she'll accept this about herself. It's so very different from her life before."

"We talked about it, Lizzy and Bob and me. After what happened Saturday, Lizzy was so excited about what I'd done with Amber, when she told Bob he was really excited too and..."

She cut me off, "Whoa, back up, what happened Saturday night?"

"Did you notice a difference in Amber the other night when we were playing basketball?"

"I'll say I did. It was like she was suddenly a different person."

"She was."

"What do you mean?"

"That's what Lizzy was so excited about, and when she told Bob about it he was even more excited, but then it's his field so..."

"What? You're talking in circles and you still haven't told me what happened?"

"I ordered Amber to be Angela."

"You did what?"

"Before we went out to play with you and Shannon, I told her I needed her to be Angela or we were going to get our butts kicked. It took some prompting and I had to push a little hard, not push-push, you know, no dream tricks or anything, but I kept badgering her like a drill sergeant until she started responding as Angela. Then afterward, when I asked her to tell me whether or not she wanted me to tell you, she started to slip back, saying she would 'try, ' but I demanded that she have an answer next time I saw her. She finally told me to go fuck myself but that she would have a decision."

"Amazing. You did all that with no tricks? No wonder Bob was so excited, this means ... actually I'm not really sure what it means, but it just seems like it's a good thing."

"It is a good thing. The world she's going into is a very dark and private place. If people in the outside world knew what the players were really into it could destroy their lives. So they are all, or at least most, very much like Angela and Amber. One is a real person living in the real world; the other is in hiding and can only come out in the most controlled and safest of circumstances, surrounded by people they know they can trust to keep their secret. Only in Angela's case, the personalities are reversed. Angela is the one in hiding but Amber is the one who wants to be there. If she were a normal person then 'Amber' would only come out when she was in that world. So it's still a little confused."

"I'll say. Maybe if she switched the names..."

"No, I think that would be very bad at this point. She's struggling to keep her identity, to not lose who she is in all of this. Hopefully this will show her that what she is feeling, the desire to be dominated is not just a sick and twisted response to her kidnapping but an aspect of herself that she hadn't discovered. Anyway, Lizzy and Bob think that this will make it a lot easier to handle her life in hiding. Lizzy says that no one will even bat an eye at this sort of thing in a college environment. We haven't really talked about it yet but I think I know what they have in mind."

Have I pointed out how smart Allison is?

"They want Amber to be open about her submissive nature. Totally out of the closet and exposed, but won't that be dangerous for her? If she's out like that people will try to take advantage. She's not going to be in a safe environment surrounded by people she can trust. How are you going to ... Oh, that's it isn't it?"


"You're going to be her master. That's why she's been acting the way she has around you. Even before she knew what was going on she was looking to you for guidance, permission even. She's going to be, wants to be, your slave."

"Yeah," I sighed. "Angela doesn't, at least I don't think so, I'm not really sure what she wants, but Amber ... Amber wants that very much. I think Amber wants a master and I'm the only one Angela will consider."

"But how can you do that when she's going to be god knows where going to school."

"I have to find a surrogate, someone I can give her to..."

"Good God, that's so..."

"Yeah, that's what I keep saying, but then I think about it and I know they're right. She is my responsibility until she grows enough to take care of herself, until then she won't feel safe unless I am there to protect her, or I find someone to act in my place and then tell her to trust them. And I have to make damn sure they don't betray that trust or..."

"That will be easy, a few nightmares about what happens if they betray that trust should be enough."

"But I can't do that, because then they would know about me."

"No, not if they never see you. What you need to do is find someone, before they meet her, this is so weird to even think about, and you need to give them a ... vision ... a premonition if you will, about her. Place them in the role of protector and then show them what will happen if they betray that trust."

"How in the world am I supposed to do all that?"

"I have no idea, but we can worry about that later. We have a more immediate problem, two actually."

"Allison, more problems I do not need right now."

"Don't worry; they're not really new problems, just steps you need to be prepared for. First of all, you need to be ready when you see her again. If she's really going to accept and acknowledge you as her master, then she may, I don't know, but she may do something ... submissive, like wolves in the wild, some sign of acknowledging you as her master. You have to be ready to respond to her. Then there is the part you're really not going to like, you have to find someone to train her."

"We already talked about both of those. Bob and Lizzy both made it clear that when she acknowledges me I have to take it for granted, like I've known all along. As for the other part; I've thought about that too and you're right, I don't like it. She is new to this whole thing, she doesn't have the luxury of learning about this world slowly, she has to be able to step into it and be completely convincing. I thought maybe Samantha could help, but..."

"No," she interrupted again. "God no. I mean yeah, she could do it, no question, she has been trained to it, but her situation..."

"Is completely different, I know. I've been over that too, Samantha is not a voluntary player in a fantasy world; she's the reality. I could never ask her to do that to someone else; it would be so very wrong. It would be validating her reality and there is nothing right about what she is going through. I have to find someone else. I'm not sure how but I have to."

"You need Lady Heather."

"Allison she's a fictional character in a television show."

"Jimmy, they got the character from somewhere. They didn't just make her up. Bob already told you that this is a very real world. There have to be places where these people go to play. I wonder if that actress, whoever she is..."

"Melinda Clarke."

"You didn't include the credits in our copy. Anyway, I wonder if she didn't model her character after a real person somewhere. I mean, the character may be more of a caricature because she needed it for a dramatic role, but still, she did such a good job, I have to wonder if she had a coach?"

"But how do I find someone like that? I doubt if they are in the yellow pages."

"Probably not, not around here anyway, but I'll bet they're on the internet, and they don't need to be around here. The hardest part will be convincing them to help you. Even in dreams, you're talking about getting a professional to help you for free. Hardly something they would be motivated to do."

"I'd be willing to pay if there was a way to do it without having it traced back to me. Of course I have no idea what something like that costs."

"We'll worry about that later. You have to find them first. I think you need to make it a priority though. If possible, before Amber comes to you. If you could be ready to take the next step it would go a long way to reaffirming her confidence in you, show her that you're serious about helping her."

"Of course I'm serious about helping her, I wouldn't be doing any of this if..."

"If you didn't love her, I understand that, Jimmy, but she's hurt, and scared, she needs to see it, she wants to see it every time she looks at you, hear it in every word you speak to her, she needs to know that you are there for her, but at the same time you can't make it too easy for her. You have to make her work for it, earn it, or it won't mean anything. She won't be confident enough to pull it off if it's too easy."

"Oh, gee thanks, Sis, no pressure there."

Mom and Dad had apparently decided to go shopping or something because they weren't there when we got home. We spent a large part of the afternoon searching the darker corners of the internet and finding far more than we wanted to know about the world we were exploring, granted we needed to know it, but none of it really put us any closer to finding the person we needed. I flipped through the rest of Kushiel's Dart before time for bed so that I could read it later, and so Allison could read it if she wanted to, but I really didn't have much else to go on. I was more than a little worried about the next step.

Usually I wake up at the beach, or in the glade and meet the girls, tonight I woke in the elevator that we sometimes use to move around between buildings. It was somewhere I hadn't been in quite some time. Taped to the inside of the doors was an envelope. I had seen this particular envelope twice before. Both times they had contained notes to help me with a particular problem. I opened this one and found another note written in the same flowing script as the first two;

Jasmine; The House of Seven Willows, Las Vegas

I stared at the note for some time, wondering again where they all came from. I had assumed before that it was something in my subconscious sending me reassurance but considering what had been going on lately I was no longer willing to trust my assumptions. I sat at my desk and stared at the note for some time before deciding to act. Closing my eyes I changed my appearance to the character I use when working in dreams with strangers, and concentrated on the name.

When I opened my eyes I was sitting in an ornately decorated waiting room. The dècor was tasteful, simple, and very striking. Everything in the room was black, white, or red. Not any red, but the bright, pure crimson of fresh blood. The carpet was a pristine expanse of white pile, deep and luxurious. The walls were alternating panels of white and black cloth; each decorated with a backdrop of willows in black or white depending on the panel, and each was set as an individual display. I was seated on one of two low couches in a red silk-like material. Immediately across from me was a stand holding an exquisitely decorated pair of Katana swords surrounded by smaller weapons, some of which I had never seen before. The stand and sheaths were black; the cord wound hilts in a pattern of black and red.

There were displays of fans, kimonos, and other things I didn't recognize. The most striking design was of two entwined dragons, one black, and the other red, covering the end wall. Instead of my usual shorts and t-shirt, I found myself wearing a short silk robe and sandals, both dyed red to match the room. I was inspecting the two dragons when a panel to one side opened and a young woman entered. She was very beautiful and appeared to be somewhere in her early twenties, her black hair was cut short and framed her face perfectly, and her skin was pale perfection, smooth and unblemished with just a hint of dark color around her eyes. She wore a long dress of white silk with matching slippers. Small fans carved from some black stone dangled from either ear. Her only other adornment was a wide collar of the same deep red around her throat, and I don't mean the collar of her dress. I couldn't tell what it was made of and it would have been rude to stare but while it went very well with the rest of her outfit there was that tell-tale ring of metal where a leash would attach.

She approached with eyes averted, gave one of those half bow-half curtsies you see in the old martial arts films and said, "My Mistress bids you welcome and asks that I attend you until she arrives. How may I serve you?"

"I'm fine thank you."

With a quick movement the dress fell in a pool of white silk at her feet. The color of the dress so closely matched the carpet that only the shadows told the eye where it lay. Had I not seen it fall I may not have noticed it from ten feet away. Almost as quickly she knelt beside me, the dress pooled beneath her, besides the red collar, the pink rosettes of her small nipples were now the only color breaking the monochrome expanse of her pale flesh.

"Is there nothing you desire?" she asked, her eyes now sliding up to meet mine. Staring down into her eyes I saw at last with perfect clarity the difference between this world and the one Samantha lived in. Naked before my gaze, her pose almost identical to the one Sam adopted automatically whenever I visited her, and held until she was certain that it was really me; yet in this girl's eyes there shown a burning desire for me to use her. Samantha's eyes were beautiful but held only emptiness. Staring into this girl's eyes, I knew without question that she would do anything I asked of her. As I watched I saw a small desperation born in the depths as she realized that I would not avail myself of her offer. "Please," she whispered.

My first thought was to reach down and lift her up as I did with Samantha when she assumed this position, but instead I placed my hand upon her head and slid it over the softness of her hair to cup her face. Bending down I lightly brushed her lips with mine, feeling a tremor run through her and as I stood back up I noticed that her nipples were now tight and hard. As I stroked her hair once more her eyes closed and she leaned into the motion like a cat wanting its head scratched. I stood for a moment gently petting her until a second panel opened and another woman entered.

She was taller, about my height, with emerald eyes and a waterfall of black hair cascading to her waist. Her dress was a pale green that matched her eyes with leaves of darker green and small yellow and white flowers patterned here and there around it. If the flowers had not already told me who she was the girl's response made it clear as she went still beneath my hand, eyes once more downcast. But again there was a difference, as her body seemed to vibrate with anticipation and want. This was Jasmine, her Mistress.

"You are James?" she asked in a strong yet pleasant voice. There was no hint of the accent I had expected.

I wasn't sure I liked her knowing my name. When I reached for her hand, her eyebrow rose with it and a hint of a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as I bowed and brought it to my lips. "Yes ma'am, and you can only be Jasmine. Or should that be Lady Jasmine? Forgive me, but I did not know who I was meeting or what to expect," I replied, releasing her hand as I stood back up.

"Lady is correct, but you need not be so formal. In truth I didn't know what to expect either," she replied. "I was told only to expect you; that we had a mutual interest and that if I helped you, you would fulfill a desire that has burned within me for some time." Then she turned from me to look at the girl kneeling at my feet.

"You do not find my May pleasing?"

"On the contrary, I find her quite lovely."

"And yet you deny her, and yourself." She stepped back and struck the small gong that stood before the entwined dragons. A gentle sound echoed softly through the room. Before it faded four panels slid open and four more women entered the room, all dressed as May had been in dresses of white silk, black fans dangling from their ears and wide red collars encircling their throats. "Perhaps I may offer you someone more to your taste?"

She stepped to the girl on her immediate left: a slender blonde with her hair pulled back and tied in a simple pony tail at her neck. "This is June," she said and caught the girl's chin with a finger. At the merest touch, the girl turned in place, one hand coming up to release the catch of her dress. By the time she completed the turn the garment had settled into a silken pool at her feet. Her breasts were much fuller than May's with a small silver ring dangling from the left nipple. A narrow stripe of silky hair drew a line to the otherwise cleanly shaved V between her legs. She turned once more, displaying her naked back and a very shapely ass. As she completed the second turn she knelt in the pool of her dress, eyes averted.

"Tanya," she said, pointing to the woman with short red hair next in line. Immediately Tanya released her dress, hesitated for a moment so that I may take in the expanse of her pale flesh, then held my eyes as she began her turn. Her back was a mosaic of color, displaying a scene out of the dark ages: Across her shoulders a woman was held naked over a bench by two naked men, while a third in a dark mask lashed her backside with a short rod tipped with several narrow strips of what must have been leather. The scene was dark except for the red weals that cut lines of fire across her flesh. A thin line divided the scene diagonally from the scene below where the same man was now taking her from behind. The other two stood by watching and obviously waiting their turn as the woman, who now lay across the bench without restraint, awaiting their pleasure with a look of purest ecstasy on her face. Glancing down I noticed a tracery of fine lines marking the expanse of Tanya's backside and I realized that while the woman's body had been rendered in the rounder curves of Renaissance art the face was in fact hers. There was no doubt in my mind that she had modeled the work herself. As she completed her turn I noticed that she sported a full bush of crimson fire that matched the hair on her head. As she knelt she held my eye defiantly.

Same as Dreamweaver
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I arrived at my aunt's Friday evening. I had been sent here by my mother to help my aunt move into her new house. My aunt is the mother of three girls and she is no longer married. So I wasn't surprised when she asked my mother if she could borrow me for the weekend. I being 18 and pretty strong was perfect for the task. She wanted me to help her move some of her heavier items. I was looking forward to the visit, given the fact that my aunt has always been like a second mother to me. My aunt...

3 years ago
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Assassin No MoreChapter 15 The Sidhe Host on the move

The tavern was half full of evening diners. Flower moved through the crowd easily to remove dishes or mugs as she sang. I was singing a counterpoint to her song as little Sky held her fist to her mouth and kept yawning as she fought to keep from going to sleep. I glanced at the door as three sidhe entered. They looked around and stared at me before moving to a table. One of the serving girls went to take their order as Henry slipped out the kitchen door. Her crossed to me and I leaned over...

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The Last Move

Cold bit Arianna’s face as she squinted against the sun.  Gloved hands shoved into the front pockets of her puffy coat, she looked for a form in the mountains.  A dot on the snow skirts, something moving in the shadowy tree stems.  Ari exhaled, steaming the crushing silence.For three days, she’d watched the horizon.  The snowmobile she’d parked next to the cabin seemed to beckon louder every sunrise.  She balled her hands into fists in her pockets.  If he doesn’t come today, I move...

Straight Sex
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Amy 24 She Can Really Move

Amy 24: She Can Really Move Copyright 2014 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2014 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: We'll Trampoline I felt kind of nervous after my two day self-imposed vacation. Yeah, I'd meant to just ditch one day but I didn't feel much more like dealing with things the next day so I had my mom call in...

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The night that changed my life Ch two the move

The night that changed my life chapter two, “The move”.I was still dumbfounded at the fact I was being promoted, yes I worked hard but I was almost in exile in my city. I was left to my own devices and really under the radar. Here I am now getting the offer to move across the country, get a huge raise and a high ranking position. With all of my thoughts running through my head they snapped back to that night, oh god that night! Yes it was only one night of sex; however there is eight years of...

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Sample Snuff Chess Moves

Sample Snuff Chess MovesThese are derived from an old fantasy. When I was a teenager, I would lie in bed and consider all the possible combinations, from PxP to QxR, QxQ, and KxQ. Or as many as I could get through before I came...Anyway, these are some sample moves that I've expanded into mini-stories. I don't think you need to know the detailed rules to enjoy it, but I've included a summary of The Rules at the end, for those who care.Pawn Takes Bishop, E5Elda watched as William walked across...

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The Play Room Chapter 3 Counter Moves

Now that he was alone, Kirk was suddenly very conscious of the fact that he was lying on her basement couch totally naked. He felt as weak as a kitten after his earth-shattering climax, but rolled off the couch, grabbed his backpack, and pulled his beach towel out. It was still a bit wet, but cool, which felt good as he wiped the sweat from his face and body. He heard a noise like a door closing from the other room and sat down with the towel covering his groin.Karen reentered the room, still...

First Time
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Loving Moms Night Moves

As I watched my wife Sam and son Kevin horsing around in our pool, it made me smile, and I couldn't help but reminisce back to a time when I was a younger man.Unlike the loving relationship I can see Sam and Kevin sharing, mine was a bit different with my mother. To try to explain how it came to be that way is kind of hard to do. However, I'll try my best and then maybe you'll understand.It all started almost before I was to turn 19. I lived with my father, Chris, and my mother Jenny in a small...

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A New PastChapter 62 New Moves

“You can see the engine’s flame in the sky now,” the announcer said in the background as the long-range cameras picked out the actinic flare of the fusion engines high in the sky. We were in Kenya, awaiting the return of Mars-One. Kelly had tried to insist on a U.S. landing, but I had firmly vetoed that. The large Orion spacecraft was coming down where we needed it to be for a complete check-out and re-fit, not playing a part in some political posturing. She had been similarly disappointed...

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Two Moms Two Sons 2 Sandra Overhears London And Makes Her Move

I walked out of the kitchen and saw them. "Hey, boys, do you two have anything going on tonight?" I pondered, walking back to my chair and sitting down."No, Mom, I think we might just hang out in Joe's room tonight," Pete replied."Are you going to talk about girls, Joe?" I pondered, stopping my eyes on him. 'Your mom doesn't want it, but I want your dick inside me. I surely hope she allows me to get my hands on you because I want you. I'll get you one way or another, but maybe, just...

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Cheap Move

Pai tried to sit as still as possible. She was sitting on Kastor's lap, Moore was driving and Hunter, evil bloodsucking Hunter, was sitting so close to him she was almost wearing his t-shirt. Hunter was just that, a hunter. Her prey was any man she set her sights on whether for sex or money. She was dressed and ready for her sport, her long blonde hair pulled back into the perfect messy ponytail . She had big blue eyes and spotless fair skin. She wore just the right amount of make up to look...

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Try Not to Move

Bernard called for Skyla to enter the bedroom. Yesterday, she had her first orgasm in 44 days. Today, Bernard would determine when her next one would be. It was always a tough test for her. He designed it that way, and she knew it. But it changed each time, something she would never expect and was not prepared for. She hesitantly entered, unsure what he had planned for her this time. She was already stripped naked, as was expected in the house, revealing her perfect pale skin, devoid of hair...

3 years ago
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My First Time Pt 1 The Boss makes his move

I was stocking boxes in the warehouse at plastics company. This was my after school job, at 18, not bad at $10 and hour.My boss, Bob walked in behind me. I could hear him fumbling around, moving boxes. He was always in and out, so I didn't really care.I didn't look back b/c i just wanted to get my work done and go home.I knocked down a couple boxes which spilled some of the box filler, I was so fucking embarrassed. But hey shit happens even when it's bad timing.I instantly dropped to my knees...

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Career Moves

Career Moves By Trisha Robert could barely stand to take his hand off of Samantha's ass for the two seconds it took to press the elevator button for the thirtieth floor. She had to have been one the most gorgeous women he had ever laid eyes on. Every feature to her was perfect: curly platinum hair, doe eyes, a fuck-me mouth, gigantic tits, and a round, firm ass that Robert's hands seemed to have an attraction for all of their own. What's more, her enthusiasm for him was no less than...

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My Story part four the move

Jon and I had been going out for a few weeks and I was falling hard. He was gone for the weekend so I was going to spend the weekend with the guys. “So you gonna survive without your boo?” Brent joked. “Whatever, he’s just gone the weekend. It’s not the end of the world.” I replied. “Yeah but he’s been around almost everyday for the past month. I’m not saying I mind, Jon’s cool, but you haven’t gone one day without seeing him.” Chris said. “Yeah, you’re not gonna like call out...

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Making the First Move

Andrew first saw her when she moved to his school to do her “A”-levels, and almost immediately she became his secret obsession. Her name was Emily, and he thought she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen in his life. He used to watch her during break while she chatted with her friends. But he was far too shy to speak to her and, as far as he knew, she never even knew he existed. He’d go home and masturbate in his bedroom, his mind full of imaginary images of Emily without any clothes on,...

College Sex
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University Challenge Part 2 Mike Makes His Move

Naive, eighteen year-old Nicky has just been rescued by her older brother Mike from being forced into sex by one of his rugby-playing friends, in an alleyway down by the waterfront. I don’t know how long I clung to Mike in the darkness, trembling, crying with confusion, relief at my escape, shame at having put myself in that position and a disturbing feeling of unfinished business deep within me. Eventually I became aware that my jumper was under my armpits, my leggings were still around my...

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Didi8217s Bold Move

Hi my name is Rahul I am 21 years old 6 feet Tall well built I am a MBA student and my Didi is 4 years elder to me her name is Smitha she is 25 years old and is working in a Play school as a teacher. Today I am going to narrate a story of my first time sexual experience with my Didi. It started 3 years ago when I was 19 years old and my Didi was 22 years old. Before I actually start narrating the incident I want to tell you that I belong to a middle class family where both our parents are...

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Jackie Makes a Move

It was 3 weeks before Jackie's plan began to move forward. She had been checking the nursing schedule every week and was acutely aware that she had become obsessed. She didn't care. She was going to make damned sure that she didn't miss her opportunity. Since Jackie had started at Banner Hospital, her name regularly appeared on the list of nurses who were willing to pick up extra shifts around the hospital. Graduating from the from the nursing program at Boise State University the previous...

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Bold Move

The history of my sex life is generally uneventful and boring. There is one stark exception, though, which I will tell you about now, the only really wild and spontaneous encounter I've ever had. It is also a cautionary tale, one that I hope others may learn from. This is how it really happened: My college dorm had an unusual arrangement for its bathrooms. The dorm was divided vertically into "entries," small units with 6 rooms per floor. Each floor had a single co-ed bathroom with two...

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I Was a Modern CavemanChapter 17 The Great Move

(Spring of Year Five) Maybe I should have paid more attention to Julie's concerns. Whatever the case may be, it turned out the way it went. I felt at the time that her 'divine' origins should have been plenty of authority to secure the northern camp. We held a departure ceremony at the great platform. I used all the tricks including the amplified voice, shining magical lights, tiki torches, all of it. At the end of the ceremony, I brought Julie up on the stage as I held the LED...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 26 Stick Gets Some Consolation and Inez Moves

Inez delivered Jason his dinner in his office in the living area of his rooms. Jason looked up, waved for the tray to be placed at one side of his desktop, and directed, "You will be sleeping here, tonight." "Master?" Inez asked, confused. "Sleeping with you in the bed you shared with your soon-to-be ex- husband should probably be giving me a kick," Jason related, "but it is not. Your new life is with me, not vice-versa. You will be moving here. I have asked Armand to approve...

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Babysitter Makes Her Move

Ashley chose her outfit carefully. She wore a simple white blouse with buttons. It was tight, but Mr. Brenner couldn't tell since she kept her sweater on till after he left. Her skirt was loose and short--well above the knees. She decided against a plaid, thinking it was cliché and, instead, went for bright blue. She completed the outfit with a pair of pink ankle socks. She was going for a look that was both innocent and sexy--just short of slutty.And she succeeded beautifully.At the same time,...

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Win Win Move

Win, Win MoveBy: Londebaaz ChohanKevin was such a good friend that he convinced his father to give me the job in his office after graduation. He also convinced his mother to speak with his father for the say-so of my short stay at their house until I found a reasonable place for rent to shift there. Kevin had his room on the first floor. His parents had the master bedroom on the ground floor. They had a guest room on the ground floor next to his parent’s bedroom and another larger bedroom...

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The move

Jan 2 Hello all, It was not long after she returned from Ohio and moved to Georgetown that I recieved a call form my slut saying she needed me to help her move back to Myrtle Beach. She wanted me to come up right away, but that was not possible. I was able to make it up there over the weekend and were I met her daughter's new boyfriend. My slut was at work, so her daughter, the daughters boyfriend and I loaded up my beat up truck and made the first trip to Myrtle Beach to get them moved...

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How I Learned My Moves

I received emails from a few readers asking me how did I learn my moves.Well, this long story is the answer (please bear with me on its length, I have tried cutting it short where I can without affecting details). I am Aarav Dixit, a resident of Mumbai city, aged 25 years & this story is set back when I was 19. I had a skinny athletic body then, standing at a height of 5 ft 10 inches, an average non-circumcised cock at 5-6 inches length & 2-3 inches thick (haven’t measured), thoroughly...

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The most effective move

If there is one thing I love to do, is eat pussy. I've orgasmed from the very act alone. That said, here's one of my hotter encounters.It started out as any other Saturday. I was on my way to, at the time, my girlfriend's apartment. When I told her I was on my way, she insisted I get there quickly. When I got there, I found out why. Her roomie was out of town and she was extremely horny! When I walked in the door, our lips met immediately! She lightly pushed me into her bedroom and in one fluid...

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Passion of Erika Christensen 1 Opening Moves

Fall 2003. London, England. The room's door opened and four beautiful girls walked out. All looked breathless and somewhat disheveled, even though their bodies showed evidence of recent showers. One was a tall elegant redhead dressed in a gown that matched her curls. The second was a tanned brunette in a green dress of similar cut. Then there was a young blonde in purple, her creamy skin shining in the hallway lights. Finally there came another lush young woman dressed in blue, her hair...

3 years ago
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Silver ArrowChapter 20 The Big Move

When I returned to Louisville that evening, I told Christie and the children of my decision. Debbie, Bill, and Sandy were pleased and excited with this new adventure. I hadn't shown them the aerial view of the ranch yet because it featured a large swimming pool and what I thought might be a corral for horses. I didn't want them too excited if I decided not to take the job. Now, I could show them and, as I expected, it raised their excitement level quite a bit. "Well, Christie, where do we...

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Bethanys Big Move

Late, we were to leave an hour ago. Thankfully I have lived with my girlfriend For 4 years so I knew what to expect. My name is Kyle I am 24 years old, not a geek but I am able to hold my own in most intellectual conversations, gear head shop, or sports bar . My girlfriend Danielle is also 24, and is quite intelligent, and quite beautiful, we had just graduated from college and got job offer across the country in small adjoining communities. After the intense spring schedule we...

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The Way She Moves

but you have to see her. 'Her' is the rumored new girl that's lighting up the usually dim and boring strip club you frequent. Long brunette hair, lit with red streaks, deep chocolate eyes that burn holes into the usually stingy customers' wallets. Most importantly, she had long legs, tight abs, and an ass that no man could rightfully not talk about. You take your seat towards the front of the stage. A blonde bartender walks up and hands you your usual- a straight vodka...

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Dangerous Moves

I’m back! For everyone who read the first parts of my Seduced by Sin line, thanks for all your wonderful feedback and requests for more! I promise I will work on getting another installment of that story in here soon. The holiday season is always crazy for me and I just haven’t found the time to write. I wanted to move in a different direction for a bit, so here is a little something new. Be forewarned, the first chapter or two have no sex, character must be built… I promise once I have the...

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Thankkam Making The First Move

Whenever I had any minor aches and pains, it was my mother-in-law, Thankkam to whom I and the whole family turned to, she was an ex-nurse after all. We all lived in the one house me, my wife, Thankkam and Father in Law. My wife had a brother who is married and settled in Gujarath. My wife and Father in Law worked every day. Thankkam was retired 5years back from her hospital, and I had been running a Consultancy, comfortable enough to live well and support the family. One morning a few months...

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Veena8217s Stunning Moves

Hi, Amit here again. Thanks for all the appreciation and all your mails for my previous story. Here’s another incident that happened a few years back with an ex-colleague, Veena, which was totally unexpected. She used to work in another dept. as an admin incharge. I remember her welcome me with a sweet smile when I had newly joined. She was one of the warmer colleagues and it was always a pleasure to talk to her. She was good looking, 5’2”, complexion towards the darker side, average built,...

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Sali Makes her move

My wife Sana is the second hottest woman on earth. Ours was an arranged marriage and I knew I had the luckiest dick on earth and the most sensuous pussy and luscious mouth to fuck any man had ever had. Unfortunately the hottest woman on earth was Sana’s sister Lubna. If the greatest sculptor on earth had tried to frame this beauty, he would have wept with grief at his failure. Smoothest marble could not have come close to replicating her features or her figure. Sana would have fulfilled the...


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