DreamWeaverChapter 19 free porn video

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Christmas morning, we snuggled in and were ridiculously cute for a few extra minutes before we decided we needed to be up. We showered and dressed quickly and set out right away. May had promised us breakfast, so we passed on the hotel restaurant and drove straight out to the house.

When we arrived, May was already bustling around the kitchen. No one else was up yet. Glen would be helping by staying out of the way and Beth would end up being put to work doing minor chores around the edges of the action closer to meal time. As soon as we appeared, May pulled breakfast out of the oven and served us. She took enough of a break to sit and chat with us quietly while we ate. As always on the holidays, she’d made a big breakfast and there was still more waiting.

“You two made quite an impression on Beth last night,” she told us. “When you left, she asked how she hadn’t seen this coming. I told her that she hadn’t been looking, but that she should be happy for you.”

I nodded. “That’s really why I wanted to do it in person, rather than convince her over the phone. It’s one thing to hear that I’m doing better. It’s another to see it in person. How did she take things once the shock wore off?”

“I don’t know that the shock really has worn off,” she said with a shrug. “She was still a little spacey when she turned in last night.”

“I hope time to think doesn’t make Beth decide to disapprove,” I said, expressing the worst-case scenario.

“I wouldn’t worry,” Beth said from the doorway to the hall. “She’s not quite that much of a bitch. Don’t let it get around though. She has a reputation to protect.”

Beth came in and kissed me on the cheek before doing the same for her mother and giving Mel a small hug, exchanging exclamations of “Merry Christmas” with each of us. She poured herself a cup of coffee while May served her breakfast. She was still dressed in her robe and a nightgown that I knew all too well from her months of covering up for Stan.

“You two gave me a pretty good shock last night, but I can honestly say I was a little more worried about getting shot, than casting judgment on you.”

“Rand hasn’t taken me to the range yet,” Mel confided. “I don’t think he was worried about me shooting you, but I never really asked.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “We just haven’t had time since you’ve been back,” I assured her. “We’ll get there eventually.”

The four of us sat and had a pleasant enough conversation over breakfast. I was interested in seconds, so Mel and Beth were assigned to cleaning up. Glen’s habit was to sleep in and save his appetite for dinner. Once my plate was whisked away into the dishwasher, Beth poured herself another cup of coffee and leaned back against the counter.

“So, what do you and Melody have planned for the morning while Mom performs her usual Christmas miracle?” she asked.

May had always banned us from the kitchen while she worked before. Beth was never interested in cooking, so they’d never developed baking and cooking as their way of bonding.

“They’re helping me,” May said, patting her daughter on the cheek. “I have a much larger meal to plan for today. What time will Roger be here?” she asked.

“What?!!?” she gaped at her mother. “You’ve never let anyone watch you make Christmas dinner before, let alone help! When did this get decided?”

“Well, they were such a help yesterday that I decided I could use the help today, too,” May told her with a smile.

“Wait, you had them help with the baking yesterday?!!? You never let anyone help! What’s going on?” Beth demanded, unnerved more by this than by seeing Mel here last night.

Her mother looked at her tartly, in response to the demanding tone.

“Well, dear,” she said softly. “I’ve been worried about Rand lately. When the two of you split up, it left him without any family to anchor his life. I wanted him to feel welcome here, but since none of us were sure how you’d react to Melody, I decided to make sure that he could at least put out a meal like this if things went badly this week and he didn’t feel comfortable coming back. That way, at least I’d know that he wasn’t resorting to a restaurant or one of those awful TV dinners for the holidays. Fortunately, you’ve been very supportive. That leaves me a great deal of hope that they’ll be back.”

Beth shrugged. “It’s no big deal,” she said awkwardly. “I mean, at first, I was thinking, ‘I’m about to get shot’ when I first saw her. Then when she reached into her purse, I thought she was going to pull out a gun, but I’m starting to relax some.”

Mel scoffed. “If I didn’t shoot Stan, I think you’re safe,” she told her. “We definitely didn’t come all this way for an argument, much less a gunfight.”

Beth chuckled and nodded. “No, I suppose not. I wasn’t exactly thinking straight when I recognized you. So, the three of you are cooking dinner together? I’m going to stay out of the way, but I may look in from time to time to see how it looks to have Mom share her recipes.”

She nursed her coffee and shook her head at the thought.

“You’re not mad that she hasn’t trusted them to you yet?” I asked gently.

She shook her head again.

“Rand, I barely set foot in the kitchen back in Charlotte. I’m sure I’ll learn to be more than a helper in the kitchen someday, but I still don’t know where all the gadgets are here, much less how to use all of them.”

With that, she handed out hugs and retreated to the TV in the den while we started preparing the turkey and the other dishes. The next several hours were a blur of activity. We made a savory stuffing for the turkey, sweet potatoes, regular mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce from scratch. May also had pans of fresh bread rolls, buttermilk biscuits and cornbread. We had ears of corn, carrots, string-beans and May’s vegetable casserole which baked along with the turkey. The house slowly filled up with delicious smells as we worked, making everything perfect and producing an abominable amount of heat.

Glen appeared, dressed and looking eager to eat. He wished us a Merry Christmas and then retreated to watch whatever Beth had on the TV or fight her for the remote. Shortly after that, the doorbell announced Roger’s arrival. She brought him into the kitchen to meet us. Roger was taller than me, but not by a lot. He had a powerful build that spoke well of his commitment to staying in shape, probably because of his job. His hair was lighter than mine, blonde where mine is brown. He had an easy smile and didn’t seem uncomfortable with the situation. He and May greeted each other warmly before he turned toward me.

“I know who you are,” he said heartily with a smile that would serve him well when his career reached the level of political maneuvering. “Merry Christmas,” he said, shaking my hand. “I’m Roger. Beth’s told me a lot about you, but she forgot to mention you were bringing a friend.”

I was pleased that he hadn’t tried to crush my fingers with his grip. It was firm, but not dominating.

“Merry Christmas, Roger,” I grinned back at him before turning to Mel. “This is Melody. She’s my girlfriend. It was kind of a surprise to Beth that she was coming ... or that she existed. I didn’t want to tell her we were dating over a phone call.”

He greeted Melody and then Beth pulled him out of the kitchen so that we could get to work. Dinner was going to be in May’s treasured dining room that was off-limits except for special occasions. May hollered to Beth to start getting the table ready since dinner was almost ready. Twenty minutes later, the three of us started carrying dishes in to fill the center of the table. Glen carved the turkey and we all sat down. I’d learned a lot, not only about the dishes themselves, but about how May managed her time in the kitchen, planning when to start each dish in the right order so they were all ready at the same time.

Mel and I sat together across from Beth and Roger, while May and Glen took the ends of the table. We joined hands and said Grace, not because Beth, Mel or I were particularly religious, but because May insisted, and I rightly feared her skillet. We bowed our heads and she led us with words of gratitude for our blessings and for the blessing of our company today. With that, we dug in and conversation was limited for the first few minutes as we concentrated on our stomachs. Eventually, we were sated enough for conversation and it was Roger that started.

“So, Rand,” he said tentatively. “Beth said that your job is moving out of state. Do you have another job lined up at this point?”

I smiled and shrugged.

“I’m in a pretty good position financially. The company’s offering a generous severance package and I’ve decided to take it. I’ll stick around to oversee the final shutdown of the plant while the other engineers go on ahead to help set up the new operations in Mobile. Then I think we’re going to travel.”

“Not looking for work right away?” he asked, surprised.

“I haven’t taken a lot of vacation time in the past few years,” I admitted. “Mel and I would like to spend some time away from schedules and life’s daily problems. Besides, it’s really not like either of us need the money at this point. We’d rather take some time to be together and explore. She promised to show me around Miami for starters. Maybe we’ll drive down instead of flying and spend some time at Disney World since it’s along the way.”

He chuckled at that.

“A little old for Disney, aren’t we?” he asked, including himself in the assessment since he was the same age.

“There’s something for everyone at Disney,” I said lightly. “After that though, we talked about seeing all fifty states at some point.”

“That’s a lot of travel,” he commented. “I suppose you could do a lot of it in a summer by driving.”

Beth broke in and giggled.

“So, at thirty, you’re going to retire, buy an RV and travel around the South in winter and the North in the summer?” she asked, amused at the thought of the two of us packing up that way.

“That actually sounds like fun,” Mel said, delighted. “We could see a lot of the country that way. We should look into how much they cost.”

“Really?” Beth said, surprised. “I was just kidding. I figured that you’d be more interested in traveling first class.”

“I’m not quite so much of a spoiled trophy wife as people seem to think. I’ve never been camping or anything. It sounds like a good time. Maybe Glen could help us look for the best camping gear.”

She turned to Glen and gave him that Care Bear Stare that she called her smile.

“Would you? I’m sure that being in the army, you know the best of everything that we might need for something like that.”

Poor Glen. He was helpless before the power of her smile. It could melt rock and boil ice.

“Of course, I’ll help,” he assured her. “There’s all kinds of things that you can use for a trip like that. There’s a lot of it that I can get for you better and cheaper through the base PX than you’d pay commercially, like cases of MREs or boots or other tools you can use for camping.”

I smiled at him, knowing that he’d just been held-up at gunpoint. I had yet to meet anyone who couldn’t be won over by Melody’s winning smile and sparkling eyes. She was a force of nature all on her own.

“That’s the fastest I’ve ever seen someone carve a bird,”

May commented with a smirk on her face as she made fun of Glen for how effectively Mel had reduced him from a stern colonel to a doting father figure. That made Beth choke on her wine as she tried to gasp, drink and laugh all at the same time. Roger patted her back while she coughed, and we all laughed a little. Even Glen had a chuckle at his own expense.

We finished dinner and cleaned up the leftovers to be packed into the fridge. With six people to help, dishes were cleaned up and the kitchen tidied up much quicker than normal. Dessert was put off until after presents were opened since none of us had room for it just yet.

We adjourned to the den where the tree occupied the entire corner of the room and started handing out gifts. May and Beth were thrilled with their presents. Beth had been to the place once and took turns with Mel, telling May about all the different treatments she could get there from massages to pedicures to hair and make-up treatments.

Glen was intrigued with the sand table and thumbed through the book of battle layouts thoughtfully.

“I thought that this might be a hobby you’d like,” I told him. “It gives you a chance to examine and analyze a famous battle from geography, through troop placement. I work with a guy that does it. He spends hours tweaking little details from the historical account to see what might have changed the course of the battle. His favorite is the Alamo. He has a permanent setup in his basement where he plays with how to deploy troops and defend key points. I don’t think he ever turned the tide, but he said that he thought it was possible to have made the siege so painful that it would have changed other events.”

“That sounds very entertaining,” Glen admitted. “I’ve heard of these, but I’ve never given them a second thought.”

“I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it,” I told him sincerely. “I asked May if the basement was still unfinished and when she told me that it was, I knew that you had the space and the patience to pore over the details of a battle to get every detail right. I’m told there’s whole societies for people that put these together. You can display your work and see what other people are doing too, pick up pointers and trade tips of your own.”

“Thank you both,” he said with a surprised smile.

I’d usually just gotten him a war movie or a book. Mel went and hugged him, telling him that he was welcome. That only left Roger’s gift and one other.

“We didn’t know you very well, but my dad was a cop, so I figured this was something you could use,” I told him as I passed him the gift we’d picked out.

He unwrapped it curiously, surprised that we’d gotten him anything at all. We’d gotten him a good quality gun cleaning kit.

“Thanks,” he said sincerely.

“You’re welcome,” I told him. “I remember my father cleaning his gun at the kitchen table after dinner each night. It’s your most important piece of equipment.”

Then it was everyone else’s turn. Roger and Beth had gotten Glen a book on military history that he was very happy with, they got May a basket of bath soaps to pamper herself with. Beth got Roger a new pool cue in a very nice case, telling me one of his hobbies. Roger had gotten Beth a very nice necklace in diamonds.

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I tried to close my eyes against the sunlight glaring through my bedroom window, but it was no use. It cut through my eyelids like a laser beam, making me pull the blankets further over my head. Normally, I don’t have a problem with mornings. But then again, normally, I don’t go out and get plastered the night before either. A once every few months thing, I did it to blow off all the stress I managed to pick up. There were two small, tiny items going for that morning though. One, I could...

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How I met Gilbert

I had never had sex before I was assaulted by Daniel, Bruce and Charlie. These three teenage ruffians lured me to their home and made me satisfy them sexually for hours before releasing me. But that was not the end of their torments, for months and years after they would use me for their sexual gratification. The worst part was when they told their friends of their conquest and their friends came calling. It was during the same year that they caught me on the third floor of the school maybe...

2 years ago
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Paying the LandLord

Maggie sighed. It was almost midnight when she began to approach the building where she'd now been living for almost three months. At 25, this wasn't exactly how she's imagined herself to be, but given the circumstances, the small apartment in this worn-out building would have to do. As Maggie put the keys into the building's front door and turned the lock, the usually feisty and upbeat redhead wondered how she'd managed to lose her job, her boyfriend and her house --- after the bastard threw...

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Jace Not Jazzy

“I see you’ve cut off your beautiful long hair, Jazzy,” Lorna said during this morning’s FaceTime call.“It’s Jace, mom, and I donated it to Locks of Love, so I would think you’d be pleased,” Jace replied.“Honey, I know you like being a boy, but you’re so pretty. You know, a lot of young men wear ponytails or man buns these days,” Lorna pointed out.Jace was annoyed. “Mom, let it go, okay? My hair will be making wigs for kids who’ve lost their hair to chemo. I would think you’d be proud of me.”“I...

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EvilAngel April Olsen April Olsen Knows Best Sc 2 DP 4Way

Beautiful, butt-blessed April Olsen is dolled up to the nines, looking like an oversexed cheerleader with an obsession for big cock. The evil angel’s tiny skirt shows her luscious booty; her tight top barely covers her natural tits; and her necklace reads, ‘Whore.’ Playing with pom-poms, April teases and strips, looking ripe for intense anal reaming. Before long, players Mick Blue, Alex Jones and Rob Piper approach, all three of them hard and ready for some post-game pounding....

2 years ago
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Overdue to Get Caught

Overdue to get Caught By Margaret Jeanette Sheila Compton had everything going for her. She owned a real estate company with five offices in three cities. She was active in the community and was a volunteer for different charities. It was the middle of the morning and she was headed home to grab the copy of the budget for one of the charities she was on the board for. She thought she would slip in quietly so as not to disturb her husband of seven years. She knew he would be on his...

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My first time was different from others I guess. My best buddy lived next door to me and we hung out all the time. From the time we were little till we went off to college. It was his mom. She was a Hispanic woman, petite-not over a hundred pounds, olive color skin. Pert pointy tits and dark long hair with beautiful dark eyes and that amazing Spanish accent. She would flirt big time with me. Al the time, even in front of her husband. He would laugh and say "watch out, Marge will turn you into...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Kinsley Kane Quinn Wilde A New Whore

Kinsley Kane and her stepbrother Apollo Banks are having an argument about who gets to wear the costume for a popular villain. Apollo wants to have a movie marathon with his friends, while Kinsley wants to have her own party where she and her friends look cute for their online presences. Just as the costume snaps and breaks, Kinsley’s friend Quinn Wilde walks in. The girls leave to go change into other costumes that Kinsley has as a Plan B. As they change, Quinn admits that she finds...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact Sidestory The DD Group

Note: This takes place between Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 when Mark hosts his D&D Game. Takes place at the same time as Mary and Diane Go Clubbing Side-Story. I left Quatch making out with Willow and headed to answer the door. Tonight, I was going to play D&D with the same group of guys I had been playing with since I was fifteen. We had all met in the WOTC store in the South Hill Mall, back when there were still Wizard of the Coast stores. The store had been running a game and we all...

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Gift From A God Ch 01

You’ve never heard of me. You don’t know my name, and you have no idea what I look like. Despite all of those things, I am perhaps the most powerful human in the world. That was part of the deal. I get all the power, but I can’t have the fame. And honestly, I was fine with that. Who needs fame when you can do what I can. Fame is a small price to pay. If you were offered practical godhood as long as you didn’t tell anyone your secret would you reject it? How then can I write this story?....

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Walking through the dense forest, Finn found himself at home. The pine needles beneath his bare toes and the scent of nature sent him into a place of wild peace. As he walked he could feel the moon slowly rising like a heavy weight against his shoulders, and it was pleasant. He rejoiced in the freedom that his half-human form would feel that night. He also knew that pleasure to be a sexual one as well. As a wolf he'd find himself rampaging and raping freely, enjoying all the victims and their...

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GangbangCreampie Skylar Snow G142

Christmas came early this year, but only by a couple days! Welcome back friends, and get ready for the fuckin’, fillin’, and feedin’. We have this sexy mama on the bench, and she’s ready to get some cock. The guys are pretty excited that those are tits out, and talk is cheap so they get down to business. They start munching on her pussy, everyone going around getting a taste. Chris goes first, thrusting his BBC into her making her moan. He pumps her with his cock until...

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Three Days in the MoonChapter 3

Wednesday 11 August, Morning Hal woke them all before breakfast. "Liz and John, you are both required to wear uniforms today. They are hanging in your closet. Keren and Ken, you must be in shifts and collars. Breakfast will be in the main hall followed by a briefing. Attendance is mandatory for all." There were a lot of very embarrassed naked people at breakfast. The two Civil Service assistants, Sonia and Anne, were setting up a play area at the back of the hall to keep the children...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Natasha Nice London River Happy Household

Anne (Natasha Nice) is at the cafe with her friend, Claudia (London River). It’s been awhile since they’ve had a chance to catch up and they both easily chat, including lamenting about how much they both hate messy houses. But when they get on the topic of a favorite television show and come to a disagreement, they make a bet with each other. To make things more interesting, whoever loses has to clean the other’s house for a week. Unfortunately for Anne, she’s the loser,...

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Boy am I glad I dont golfPart 2

I took my shower, my cock standing at attention the entire time, considering what the night, and the rest of the weekend, had in store. I was standing at the sink naked, shaving my face, when I hear the door slip quietly open. I turned to see my wife, Jen, slip into the room. I turned to see her, smiling. I guess at this point it's important to introduce the other spouses. My wife is the most wonderful friend, lover and wife a man could possibly imagine. Together we have explored more...

3 years ago
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Waking Up Horny

Sun was streaming through the thin curtains that were rustling from the ocean breeze as she slowly woke from a deep sleep. She was naked, covered only by the bedcover and she felt her nipples harden as the chill of morning washed over her. Rolling onto her side facing the still slumbering body next to her, she relished in the sight of him. Lightly she traced the tips of her fingers along the curve of his strong thighs and gently stroked his balls. Even in sleep his cock twitched. As she moved...

Straight Sex
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Billys Mum teaches Sex Ed 2

You are about to read a story that will contain graphic sexual activity between boys and a woman and man. You need to be over 18 years old to continue reading this story. A fictional story. Bb bb Mb Mb Wb WM young first virgin Written by EnglishBoy Thank you for your comments and stories. Contact me by email [email protected] Billy’s Mum teaches Sex Ed 2 Chapter Two John got home and went straight to his room thinking about what he had just experienced. His...

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Daddy gives up his daughter to the beast

The merchant set off for the village and took care of business with only half his attention on work. Was it any wonder that he couldn't get Beauty out of his thoughts? She was every man's dirty dream, wicked fantasy! And he was very possessive of her, especially now. Maybe he'd always meant to make her his; after all, hadn't he ridden off all potential suitors for her? He didn't want his little girl getting married to some bum and moving away from home where he could keep a watchful eye on...

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My Best Friends Wife

(His wife was ready, and willing; I was able)Shot down again.Things were definitely not going my way. Since the last Christmas Party, I'd dated four different girls, two from work, two setup by friends, and with the latest brush-off I was 0-4. I was beginning to forget what real sex was like.I'd never had that much trouble, but my new job with its clearances and classified projects had me working under situations anything BUT conducive to romantic efforts. Endless overtime hours, long, sudden...

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DevilsFilm Madi Collins Swapped For A Younger Lover

John Strong has his eyes on a stunning younger woman, Madi Collins. The problem is, they’re both married! That’s when he gets in contact with Madi’s husband, suggesting that they swap wives. Although the husband is unsure at first, he’s soon convinced since he wants a piece of John’s wife for himself. When the husband brings Madi over, he soon leaves her with John. Madi is unsuspecting at first, although John soon makes it very clear what’s going on…...

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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 25

“Hello, Kate,” I announced myself, just as she turned around in the kitchen. “Wait, aren’t you ... Satan?” Kate asked me now, a bit stunned, but not as much from having watched the news. “Incorrect. I’m Lord Asmodeus, the new and current King of Hell and Prince of Darkness. I’m here for your soul, of course. What do you make of that? I fully intend to claim it by hook or by crook. Once I own you, life will be much better, trust me on that. Just imagine what you can achieve as a demon that...

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Keep the cameras rolling

As I have written in my previous episode, I am a 48 year old guy with just the one fantasy. I was lucky enough to have that fulfilled and made a reality one evening during a skype conversation with my wife who was living in Florida. The guy in question was my soon to boss, also married, and both of us enjoyed the taking of my virginity under the watchful eye of my beautiful wife, 3000 miles away accross the pond, who managed to bring herself to a series of mind blowing orgasms while Clive and I...

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Thozhiyin Amma Oru Oozhu

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar ashok vayathu 19 aagugirathu. Naan coimbatoreil vasikiren, ippozhthu kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugiren. Enaku athigam kama kathai padikum pazhakam irukirathu. Enaku aunty kathaigal endraal migavum pidikum, ilamaiyaana aangaluku auntygalai thaan athigam pidikum. En veethiyil en udan padikum oru thozhi irukiraal avaluku appa kidaiyathu, avaluku amma matum thaan irukiraal. Oru naal en veetil veliyil varum pozhuthu aval veetirku oru aan sendraan. Avan sendrathum...

2 years ago
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Opportunist Pervert Landlord

This is Vikas David, age 24, I’m married to a beautiful girl named Aradhana Singh David, she’s 20 of age, bit tan of complexion, average height, beautiful face with sharp feature, pointed nose, puffy lips, bright skin tone, 32 sized firm and pointed boobs, 28 waist, with 34 sized bums, thick thighs, thick calves. She has pity bit long hairs, usually covers her bums when left open. Over all she’s a beauty queen and everyone desires to sleep with her. I was in MA final when I first saw her. She...

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Play BallChapter 03

The players gather for the first after-school baseball training session and the head coach tells them, “I’ve got three rules you all need to know up front. If one of these applies to you don’t bother me with asking for a change. First, no one gets on the Varsity team until I’ve seen them play a season on either the Junior Varsity or Freshman teams. The second flows from that, no Freshmen on the Varsity team. Only the best players will be on the Varsity team. So those who come under the first...

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beth and mom 1

house in a good neighborhood. I'm an only child and mother and I have always been close. I guess our loss brought us closer. I am big for my age (18 years old) and a good student. About a year ago, mom's sister Beth moved in with us after she left her abusive husband. At first I didn't like having her there, but I soon learned to like Beth and enjoyed her company. She helped mom around the house and frequently helped me with my homework. Beth is very bright and has a masters...

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I Watched My Young Niece Masturbate

I Watched My Young Niece MasturbateBy billy69boyAs usual, our two teenage nieces came to stay with us for a few weeks during their summer vacation. It was so hot and humid during their visit, that even the skimpiest clothes were deemed appropriate to wear.For several days, Rachel and Hailey pranced around and displayed their charms to the delight of their appreciative uncle. Whether they were lounging around on our pool deck in their string bikinis, or hanging out in the air conditioning in...

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Twelve Days a Slave 10 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

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