An anal story
- 3 years ago
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Christmas morning, we snuggled in and were ridiculously cute for a few extra minutes before we decided we needed to be up. We showered and dressed quickly and set out right away. May had promised us breakfast, so we passed on the hotel restaurant and drove straight out to the house.
When we arrived, May was already bustling around the kitchen. No one else was up yet. Glen would be helping by staying out of the way and Beth would end up being put to work doing minor chores around the edges of the action closer to meal time. As soon as we appeared, May pulled breakfast out of the oven and served us. She took enough of a break to sit and chat with us quietly while we ate. As always on the holidays, she’d made a big breakfast and there was still more waiting.
“You two made quite an impression on Beth last night,” she told us. “When you left, she asked how she hadn’t seen this coming. I told her that she hadn’t been looking, but that she should be happy for you.”
I nodded. “That’s really why I wanted to do it in person, rather than convince her over the phone. It’s one thing to hear that I’m doing better. It’s another to see it in person. How did she take things once the shock wore off?”
“I don’t know that the shock really has worn off,” she said with a shrug. “She was still a little spacey when she turned in last night.”
“I hope time to think doesn’t make Beth decide to disapprove,” I said, expressing the worst-case scenario.
“I wouldn’t worry,” Beth said from the doorway to the hall. “She’s not quite that much of a bitch. Don’t let it get around though. She has a reputation to protect.”
Beth came in and kissed me on the cheek before doing the same for her mother and giving Mel a small hug, exchanging exclamations of “Merry Christmas” with each of us. She poured herself a cup of coffee while May served her breakfast. She was still dressed in her robe and a nightgown that I knew all too well from her months of covering up for Stan.
“You two gave me a pretty good shock last night, but I can honestly say I was a little more worried about getting shot, than casting judgment on you.”
“Rand hasn’t taken me to the range yet,” Mel confided. “I don’t think he was worried about me shooting you, but I never really asked.”
I chuckled and shook my head. “We just haven’t had time since you’ve been back,” I assured her. “We’ll get there eventually.”
The four of us sat and had a pleasant enough conversation over breakfast. I was interested in seconds, so Mel and Beth were assigned to cleaning up. Glen’s habit was to sleep in and save his appetite for dinner. Once my plate was whisked away into the dishwasher, Beth poured herself another cup of coffee and leaned back against the counter.
“So, what do you and Melody have planned for the morning while Mom performs her usual Christmas miracle?” she asked.
May had always banned us from the kitchen while she worked before. Beth was never interested in cooking, so they’d never developed baking and cooking as their way of bonding.
“They’re helping me,” May said, patting her daughter on the cheek. “I have a much larger meal to plan for today. What time will Roger be here?” she asked.
“What?!!?” she gaped at her mother. “You’ve never let anyone watch you make Christmas dinner before, let alone help! When did this get decided?”
“Well, they were such a help yesterday that I decided I could use the help today, too,” May told her with a smile.
“Wait, you had them help with the baking yesterday?!!? You never let anyone help! What’s going on?” Beth demanded, unnerved more by this than by seeing Mel here last night.
Her mother looked at her tartly, in response to the demanding tone.
“Well, dear,” she said softly. “I’ve been worried about Rand lately. When the two of you split up, it left him without any family to anchor his life. I wanted him to feel welcome here, but since none of us were sure how you’d react to Melody, I decided to make sure that he could at least put out a meal like this if things went badly this week and he didn’t feel comfortable coming back. That way, at least I’d know that he wasn’t resorting to a restaurant or one of those awful TV dinners for the holidays. Fortunately, you’ve been very supportive. That leaves me a great deal of hope that they’ll be back.”
Beth shrugged. “It’s no big deal,” she said awkwardly. “I mean, at first, I was thinking, ‘I’m about to get shot’ when I first saw her. Then when she reached into her purse, I thought she was going to pull out a gun, but I’m starting to relax some.”
Mel scoffed. “If I didn’t shoot Stan, I think you’re safe,” she told her. “We definitely didn’t come all this way for an argument, much less a gunfight.”
Beth chuckled and nodded. “No, I suppose not. I wasn’t exactly thinking straight when I recognized you. So, the three of you are cooking dinner together? I’m going to stay out of the way, but I may look in from time to time to see how it looks to have Mom share her recipes.”
She nursed her coffee and shook her head at the thought.
“You’re not mad that she hasn’t trusted them to you yet?” I asked gently.
She shook her head again.
“Rand, I barely set foot in the kitchen back in Charlotte. I’m sure I’ll learn to be more than a helper in the kitchen someday, but I still don’t know where all the gadgets are here, much less how to use all of them.”
With that, she handed out hugs and retreated to the TV in the den while we started preparing the turkey and the other dishes. The next several hours were a blur of activity. We made a savory stuffing for the turkey, sweet potatoes, regular mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce from scratch. May also had pans of fresh bread rolls, buttermilk biscuits and cornbread. We had ears of corn, carrots, string-beans and May’s vegetable casserole which baked along with the turkey. The house slowly filled up with delicious smells as we worked, making everything perfect and producing an abominable amount of heat.
Glen appeared, dressed and looking eager to eat. He wished us a Merry Christmas and then retreated to watch whatever Beth had on the TV or fight her for the remote. Shortly after that, the doorbell announced Roger’s arrival. She brought him into the kitchen to meet us. Roger was taller than me, but not by a lot. He had a powerful build that spoke well of his commitment to staying in shape, probably because of his job. His hair was lighter than mine, blonde where mine is brown. He had an easy smile and didn’t seem uncomfortable with the situation. He and May greeted each other warmly before he turned toward me.
“I know who you are,” he said heartily with a smile that would serve him well when his career reached the level of political maneuvering. “Merry Christmas,” he said, shaking my hand. “I’m Roger. Beth’s told me a lot about you, but she forgot to mention you were bringing a friend.”
I was pleased that he hadn’t tried to crush my fingers with his grip. It was firm, but not dominating.
“Merry Christmas, Roger,” I grinned back at him before turning to Mel. “This is Melody. She’s my girlfriend. It was kind of a surprise to Beth that she was coming ... or that she existed. I didn’t want to tell her we were dating over a phone call.”
He greeted Melody and then Beth pulled him out of the kitchen so that we could get to work. Dinner was going to be in May’s treasured dining room that was off-limits except for special occasions. May hollered to Beth to start getting the table ready since dinner was almost ready. Twenty minutes later, the three of us started carrying dishes in to fill the center of the table. Glen carved the turkey and we all sat down. I’d learned a lot, not only about the dishes themselves, but about how May managed her time in the kitchen, planning when to start each dish in the right order so they were all ready at the same time.
Mel and I sat together across from Beth and Roger, while May and Glen took the ends of the table. We joined hands and said Grace, not because Beth, Mel or I were particularly religious, but because May insisted, and I rightly feared her skillet. We bowed our heads and she led us with words of gratitude for our blessings and for the blessing of our company today. With that, we dug in and conversation was limited for the first few minutes as we concentrated on our stomachs. Eventually, we were sated enough for conversation and it was Roger that started.
“So, Rand,” he said tentatively. “Beth said that your job is moving out of state. Do you have another job lined up at this point?”
I smiled and shrugged.
“I’m in a pretty good position financially. The company’s offering a generous severance package and I’ve decided to take it. I’ll stick around to oversee the final shutdown of the plant while the other engineers go on ahead to help set up the new operations in Mobile. Then I think we’re going to travel.”
“Not looking for work right away?” he asked, surprised.
“I haven’t taken a lot of vacation time in the past few years,” I admitted. “Mel and I would like to spend some time away from schedules and life’s daily problems. Besides, it’s really not like either of us need the money at this point. We’d rather take some time to be together and explore. She promised to show me around Miami for starters. Maybe we’ll drive down instead of flying and spend some time at Disney World since it’s along the way.”
He chuckled at that.
“A little old for Disney, aren’t we?” he asked, including himself in the assessment since he was the same age.
“There’s something for everyone at Disney,” I said lightly. “After that though, we talked about seeing all fifty states at some point.”
“That’s a lot of travel,” he commented. “I suppose you could do a lot of it in a summer by driving.”
Beth broke in and giggled.
“So, at thirty, you’re going to retire, buy an RV and travel around the South in winter and the North in the summer?” she asked, amused at the thought of the two of us packing up that way.
“That actually sounds like fun,” Mel said, delighted. “We could see a lot of the country that way. We should look into how much they cost.”
“Really?” Beth said, surprised. “I was just kidding. I figured that you’d be more interested in traveling first class.”
“I’m not quite so much of a spoiled trophy wife as people seem to think. I’ve never been camping or anything. It sounds like a good time. Maybe Glen could help us look for the best camping gear.”
She turned to Glen and gave him that Care Bear Stare that she called her smile.
“Would you? I’m sure that being in the army, you know the best of everything that we might need for something like that.”
Poor Glen. He was helpless before the power of her smile. It could melt rock and boil ice.
“Of course, I’ll help,” he assured her. “There’s all kinds of things that you can use for a trip like that. There’s a lot of it that I can get for you better and cheaper through the base PX than you’d pay commercially, like cases of MREs or boots or other tools you can use for camping.”
I smiled at him, knowing that he’d just been held-up at gunpoint. I had yet to meet anyone who couldn’t be won over by Melody’s winning smile and sparkling eyes. She was a force of nature all on her own.
“That’s the fastest I’ve ever seen someone carve a bird,”
May commented with a smirk on her face as she made fun of Glen for how effectively Mel had reduced him from a stern colonel to a doting father figure. That made Beth choke on her wine as she tried to gasp, drink and laugh all at the same time. Roger patted her back while she coughed, and we all laughed a little. Even Glen had a chuckle at his own expense.
We finished dinner and cleaned up the leftovers to be packed into the fridge. With six people to help, dishes were cleaned up and the kitchen tidied up much quicker than normal. Dessert was put off until after presents were opened since none of us had room for it just yet.
We adjourned to the den where the tree occupied the entire corner of the room and started handing out gifts. May and Beth were thrilled with their presents. Beth had been to the place once and took turns with Mel, telling May about all the different treatments she could get there from massages to pedicures to hair and make-up treatments.
Glen was intrigued with the sand table and thumbed through the book of battle layouts thoughtfully.
“I thought that this might be a hobby you’d like,” I told him. “It gives you a chance to examine and analyze a famous battle from geography, through troop placement. I work with a guy that does it. He spends hours tweaking little details from the historical account to see what might have changed the course of the battle. His favorite is the Alamo. He has a permanent setup in his basement where he plays with how to deploy troops and defend key points. I don’t think he ever turned the tide, but he said that he thought it was possible to have made the siege so painful that it would have changed other events.”
“That sounds very entertaining,” Glen admitted. “I’ve heard of these, but I’ve never given them a second thought.”
“I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it,” I told him sincerely. “I asked May if the basement was still unfinished and when she told me that it was, I knew that you had the space and the patience to pore over the details of a battle to get every detail right. I’m told there’s whole societies for people that put these together. You can display your work and see what other people are doing too, pick up pointers and trade tips of your own.”
“Thank you both,” he said with a surprised smile.
I’d usually just gotten him a war movie or a book. Mel went and hugged him, telling him that he was welcome. That only left Roger’s gift and one other.
“We didn’t know you very well, but my dad was a cop, so I figured this was something you could use,” I told him as I passed him the gift we’d picked out.
He unwrapped it curiously, surprised that we’d gotten him anything at all. We’d gotten him a good quality gun cleaning kit.
“Thanks,” he said sincerely.
“You’re welcome,” I told him. “I remember my father cleaning his gun at the kitchen table after dinner each night. It’s your most important piece of equipment.”
Then it was everyone else’s turn. Roger and Beth had gotten Glen a book on military history that he was very happy with, they got May a basket of bath soaps to pamper herself with. Beth got Roger a new pool cue in a very nice case, telling me one of his hobbies. Roger had gotten Beth a very nice necklace in diamonds.
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After cuming I fixed my clothes and made my way to the front of the club. I made the excuse of needing to change my shirt and said my goodbyes. I thanked Mike for inviting me, and told him I'd see him tomorrow. I was just stepping out of the shower when there was a knock at the door. I put on a robe and opened it, there was Mike Jr standing. I let him in and offered him a drink, and told him to take a seat. While I was mixing the drinks he came up behind me and hugged me. He laid his head on my...
Skiing obviously wasn’t my thing. Having just spent the last four hours being poked and prodded by the Mont Blanc medical team to assess for life threatening damage, breaks and fractures only to be told that my injuries consisted of what turned out to be a number of painful but not ‘important enough to bother and waste the valuable time of the busy medics with’ bruises we eventually get discharged and told to be more careful in our ski slope run selection next time. I only crashed because you...
“Sir, there’s movement to our front,” Lochias Gindo announced to us as Jerhz and Mergna led the newly surrendered Nephilim away. “Finally figured we know they’re there and are trying to roll over us before the bulk of our forces can be arrayed,” Arch posited. “We could take and occupy the positions those Nephilim were holding,” I said. “Better than what we have now and it looks like we can reach them before they’ll notice us,” Arch replied. “OK, let’s go.” All of us, including Seer...
Dear Readers, I apologize for the delay of this chapter, however, please take into consideration that writing it, editing it, going over it again and finally submitting it takes time, sometimes longer than expected or wanted. That’s life. We can’t change that. So please be patient for the next chapters to submit. My editor is currently ill. This chapter was kindly edited by Mike. Great job. Thank you. ***** Wednesday at 3 pm the hired van picked Amanda, Kate and Todd up at the apartment...
Thinking back on it now, I guess it was because I was pissed off with Jeff that I let it happen. We'd argued that morning. I can't even remember what about. He wasn't my favourite person right then. "Bedrooms upstairs," the assistant estate agent said – the older of the two, clearly the junior of the team. Dick Glover, of Glover and Glover Real Estate Agents, looked the part: sharp creases, white teeth, lot of bowing, sparkling eyes. His assistant, Ted Frith, was older and heavier ... and...
My long-term boyfriend, all through school, was attracted to me because, like most young guys, you experimented with sex. It helped that I was willing, eager and easy – kind of cute too. It helped that many of my features were more feminine. I always had a nice backside, not a bubble-butt but fuller, rounder. I never had an Adams apple and I always had a slight overbite with fuller lips. Even before he suggested that I dress in some girls clothes, I had tried. It was out of curiosity. My sister...
THE CAVE There was nothing I could do but watch as the five pairs of hands m*****ed Fay’s beautiful naked body. She too was unable to offer any resistance. They stroked, squeezed, prodded, touched and roamed all over her body without remorse, without fear of being stopped, without fear of reprisal. Fay’s hands were fastened at the wrists over her head, leather wrist cuffs clipped onto chains suspended from a ceiling beam, her feet just touching the floor, her legs forced apart by a wooden...
Elaine trotted to the bathroom, her anxiety mounting. Quickly she used the toilet, cleaned thoroughly and washed her hands and her new plug. Her excitement was evident in the reflection above the sink. Her nipples were so hard. She couldn't believe she was going to do this now. Looking at her watch, Elaine noted she was down to twenty-five minutes. She had second thoughts.Maybe I shouldn't do this... What if someone comes home?She sighed and dried everything off. In two minds, she trudged from...
My flight that I was to take on a business trip was canceled after being delayed for two hours. There wasn't another one till the next day so I decided to return home for the night. It was about ten pm when I entered the house, everything seemed normal but no-one appeared to be home. I sat in the living room for about fifteen minutes waiting for Judy, my wife. Finally I decided to go to bed as I had to be back at the airport pretty early the next day. I climbed the stairs and headed...
This is for my horny friends Emma and Mark, they are Emmajxxx on here.She is a dirty slut who loves to do pics and vids for all you xhamsters.I'm sure if you ask nicely she'll do one for you too.Anyway here's the story.Emma’s Takes one from the TeamChapter OneEmma’s business was booming, she’d made enough in the last few months to pay for half of Christmas. Not her regular job you understand. Emma was a highly qualified Corporate Accountant, by day she was kept busy from 9 to 5 in the corridors...
John was in deep. Slinging one of her legs over his shoulder, he plunged his cock even deeper and watched her face intently as her eyes bulged with each thrust. ‘Oh my god, you feel huge like this,’ she moaned loudly, ‘You’re gonna make me cum!’ Her tits bounced with each rapid plunge and he watched as her French-manicured fingertips rubbed a circle around her clit. Her precious dirty little mouth formed a perfect ‘O’ as her eyes rolled back in her head. Her body trembled visibly while her...
Back when I was a young teen I had a exotic mature black neighbor lady who lived next door to us. Her name was Maggie but everyone in the neighborhood called her ‘Aunt Mag’. She was a widowed lady of about 57 but looked at least 15 years younger than that due to her slim body frame and youthful alluring face. She was petite with graying short hair standing around 5’2 and couldnt weigh more than 115 lbs. She had a nice set of tits that had to be at least 32 D. All the men and even us younger...
When I was about halfway there, I heard stampeding footsteps behind me. I turned to check who it was when Shawn suddenly tackled me to the ground. “Are you insane!” he shouted in my ear, strangling me in the process. “Do you have any idea what you just did!?” “Shawn relax,” Jason wrenched him off me. “Relax? Did you not hear what he said?” “Yeah, I heard him. So what?” “So what? He just said no to Heartbreak Hailey! He’s got to be insane!” “He’s probably got a good reason...
Kitty was seething. She and Bran had an argument but an hour ago--albeit about stupid things, but she couldn’t let her dignity go, now could she! So Kitty had banished her lover, her husband, to the sofa for the night. It was so difficult to stay angry with Bran for very long, and while she was still cross with him, she missed the comforting cuddle of their bodies together. The fire of anger was still burning bright when Kitty heard the door open. Her back was to the wall, but it was...
Math class, 6th hour high school. Ms. Chapman was a teachers assistant and she was so sexy. She would ask me for gum everyday, then sit at her desk and twirl it on her finger. I didn’t think she would ever go for sex with a 16 year old high school student until I watched her drop a pensil on purpose bend over in front of me, her thong showing then when she stood up looked back at me. I knew after that I’m in the green to at least try. I was walking to 4th hour one day, very late and...
Chapter 1 — Shelia and Thomas Meet It was late at night and Shelia was lonely. After dumping her boyfriend two months ago, for cheating, she had finally gotten over the ‘all men are dogs’ theory and wanted to simply have someone appreciate her for her. Not wanting to just meet someone at a bar she had started complaining to her girlfriends about there not being any good men left. With their agreement she sank deeper into her loneliness. Work was always the same. There was Mark in Marketing,...
Mom left early next morning. I was alone at home for the remaining week. I knew that I would miss her; still I had Suzy and Mike to fill my brief period of loneliness. I met Mike and Suzy at the school. Suzy appeared normal. She looked fresh and beautiful. When she saw me, her eyes were sudden wide with a mock surprise and her lips skewed in a failed attempt to hide her grin. There was nothing to guess. I was sure that by now Mike would have told her about my incestuous relationship with my...
(Note: this is Part III of the Second Coming series. Part I was released last December, Part II a few days ago, confusingly titled Second Comings – Sex Type Thing. This current posting is Part III, and they should be read in order for the tale to make much sense. Thanks to ‘rightbank’ for pointing this out!) Second Comings III: The Mask of Anarchy May Justin Lake sat behind Sharon Hastings as she drove towards Boston on the Mass Pike, Jordan Secord sat beside Hastings, looking out the...
HOW I STARTED TO CROSS DRESS AND MASTURBATE WITH MY SISTER MELISSA PART 2As Melissa entered her bedroom, i got beside of the wardrobe," Fuck Melissa gonna me,now still wearing her sexy thong, witch was soaking wet with my cum. And now i had her red silky thong in my hand!!!," Melissa went right to her beside cabinet. She turned around and was smiling she took of her clothes, Melissa got onto her bed and raised her legs high in the air, and then she spread them wide open, fuck i had a amazing...
young Penny Tucker. It seemed obvious that the interlude with Melanie, far from sating their desires, had merely had the effect of heightening them, driving them onward and upward to new and unheard-of plateaus of sexual need. They set upon her like wild animals, swiftly shredding her thin blouse and tight, clinging skirt, tossing the scraps of those ruined garments aside and pouncing upon her naked, luscious torso. Penny felt herself thrust down and onto the floor, borne there by...
Ki Jung wakes up refreshed after two hours of actual sleep. She heads outside to the outhouse to take care of business, with the help of TP she brought with her. Then she returns and finds both mother and son up. Auntie is getting ready to go out and do business while Min Joon makes breakfast. He attends a school that teaches reading and writing, math, spellwork, and martial arts. This is his final year. Next, he will have to decide on whether he will continue to learn spellwork, martial...
I’ve been fascinated with pee all my life. Ever since I can remember that stuff which issues from the end of my little hose has held my interest. It took me a long time to learn not to piss my pants. It felt good and warm so why not? Making like a whale spout in the bathtub made my little sister laugh and my momma mad. I had momma aim my pee into the toilet as long as I could get away with it and when our parents weren’t around I had my sister do it. She felt bad because she didn’t have a hose...