Pissed Off With Jeff free porn video

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Thinking back on it now, I guess it was because I was pissed off with Jeff that I let it happen. We'd argued that morning. I can't even remember what about. He wasn't my favourite person right then.

"Bedrooms upstairs," the assistant estate agent said – the older of the two, clearly the junior of the team. Dick Glover, of Glover and Glover Real Estate Agents, looked the part: sharp creases, white teeth, lot of bowing, sparkling eyes. His assistant, Ted Frith, was older and heavier ... and duller ... and a little less trim around the waist. His shave in the morning showed less zeal the Dick Glover's.

"Up there?" I asked, my eyes on Jeff and Glover, heading off towards 'the conservator', somewhere round the back.

"Yeh, ' said Glover, taking an interest in my hips.

Let him.

I made my way up the stairs. I was wearing a short pleated shirt, white blouse, black heals. My legs would catch his interest when I mounted the stairs, I knew. But that was Okay. My legs were okay. So was by butt. He wasn't far behind me. Just far enough to have a good look. White Sluggies underneath – had he caught a glimpse of these? But really, feeling the way I was about Jeff, I couldn't care less. Let the sluggish Ted have his eyeful. I reached the top of the stairs: small hall. I poked my nose into the first room I came to: big bed, big window. 'Master bedroom, ' said a voice at my ear. He was close behind. His hip against my butt. I stayed where I was. He started telling me about the appointments in the room, all the while easing closer still. I listened to his spiel but heard not a word. Within five or six hesitant sentences his body was moulded to the back of mine. I think he liked it. His hand brushed my hip. I let it. It wandered round the back. I let it do that too, and then it cupped my buttocks. Enough ... I shrugged him off and walked into the room.

The bed was an ancient four poster. I stroked the old stained wood. It was lightly carved and smelled of ... mahogany. Is that what that was? (What did mahogany smell like?)

I could kill Jeff. When he was like he'd been this morning, I could happily kill the klutz.

'Bed of a famous courtesan, ' said Ted Frith, surprising me a little. Surprising me, because he was back against me again. Surprising me too, that he knew what a courtesan was. He didn't look the type who read past the racing results, certainly not all the way back to the days of courtesans. His left hand covered mine on the bedpost. 'Where she had her conquests, ' he added, showing he knew what a courtesan was while at the same time he cupped my buttocks. A second time this afternoon. I let it be. He was feeling the shape of my butt ... and being felt there, like that, even if only to establish the shape, was not an unpleasant experience. My way of getting back at Jeff! Especially a stranger. Even if a stout one. Not really knowing each other from Adam, or Eve, added an element I liked. There was an urge to move.

Not away, just move.

But I didn't.

'Great lover, she was, ' he said, as the hand on my hand gently stoked me.

'What was her name?' I asked, for something to say.

'Gwendeline, ' he retorted, quickly, gruffly, moving his fingers gently around the lower curve of my buttocks. I am young, and work out. I have a good butt. He seemed to approve. His fingers softly squeezed. I didn't react. 'Because she was so tight, ' said Sid. I hadn't a clue what he meant. 'And her tits were so full and round, ' he added, in little more than a whisper. This was absurd! One of his hands was stroking my hand, the other my bottom, and I was standing here talking allowing him to prattle on about Gwendeline's 'tits'. Absurd!

But I didn't move away.

The hand at my bottom was wandering down the back of my leg. It returned with the hem of my skirt, but still I didn't respond. 'Liked to he felt, ' he whispered, ill-kempt moustache tickling the lobe of my ear. My hair is cut short, like a boy's, so access is easily made. The hand slipped beneath my skirt and started to feel the back of my legs. I didn't object. I thought of Jeff, and what an asshole he could be. We'd only been married eight months but he could be such an asshole at times. 'Do you like to be touched?' the voice in my ear asked. Such impertinence! 'Do you?' he persisted. Then he kissed my ear. My head angled left as if to make it easier. Then his hand left mine around the bedpost, went to my legs, gripped the hem of my short suit skirt, and lifted it up to my waist.

It was skilfully done.

His hands were feeling my white cotton sluggies.

'Mr Frith, ' I started, about to put him down. Me with my hem around my waist, was about to put him down? I don't do very well. Teach Jeff right, of course, I think – though why I am none too sure.

I have a thick tongue in my ear. 'What is it, pet, ' he asks. Meaning me I suppose, his pet. His hands are between my legs. Fondling my sluggies. Making me hot. Moist? I try to turn. He stops me. 'Like to be touched?' It didn't sound much like a question. His fingertips have met between my legs – which, I note, I've parted. Ten digits hard at work. Me, bearing down. 'Mr Frith, ' I try again, but my eyes have closed. God, but these fingers are invasive! The fingers of a stranger, where only my husbands should be. Perhaps this isn't an awfully good idea, I decide, eyes closed, both hands around the bedpost.

'I think, ' I start. He was opening the buttons of my blouse. 'Mr Frith, ' I sought to catch his attention but it seemed, as a broad hand ducked inside my blouse and closed none too gently round my breast, that he had other things on his mind. I have my head angled backwards and his thick lips are over mine. This has gone too far. His tongue, deep in my mouth, tastes of a tobacco I don't know at all. My arms stretch over my head and encircle a thick male neck. By bra is pushed out the way and a thick man's hand has one of my breasts in its hot sweaty grasp. My mouth wide open my neck stretched back.

'I think... ' I said, my hands going for his, one on my boob and the other between my legs. Busy hands they were too! ' ... that we'd better leave it there, I think, ' I gasped, and managed to pull off his hands. I twisted myself round the bed post. Left him watching. Stretched. Looked at my blouse.

Damn it, he'd ripped off a button.

'I think you like it, sweetheart, ' he said, hand at his crotch.

Vulgar fellow.

I ignored him, went to the window. Looked out.

'You know you like it, ' I heard him say, shuffling after me, and then I could feel him behind me again. But I'd had enough of the guy. I turned around and faced him. He was starting to piss me off.

'I said enough, cowboy, ' I said, as I caught his broad hands and turned them away. But his open mouth hit my neck just below my chin, and he started slavering over my neck.

Jesus. This was a pain.

'Enough, ' I hissed at the slug. His hands were back around my butt, then pulling up my skirt, in amongst my stocking tops, trying to pry my legs apart. 'Enough!' I said, more loudly this time, just as I heard Jeff's voice from downstairs.

'How are you doing up there?' called Jeff.

'Just fine, ' I called back, trying to sound up-beat. Trying to push this great bear offa me. His hands were clutching my buttocks, his knee being forced between mine.

'Is it big enough for us?' called Jeff.

'Yeh, ' I called back, as the big guy's thigh parted my knees and headed north, and my pelvis spread to receive it. I closed my eyes as my thighs eased apart and I found myself bearing down hard. There is something about pressure, there, between my legs. Broad unasked for pressure. Hard and fat between my legs. It was the reason I once rode a horse. Later a motor bike. I just love the ... pressure.


'I'm coming up, ' called Jeff.

Which opened my eyes in a hurry. Lover boy had moved his lips to my breasts and I was pushing a nipple in his mouth. 'Give us a second, sweetie pie, ' I shouted, growing alarmed. This lug head was making me hot!

'On our way down, ' the lug head called out, lifting his mouth off my nipple, then taking it back in his mouth and forcing me wantonly to push the whole breast in his face. This wasn't going well.

Worse still, it was becoming arousing.

I thought I heard my husband on the stairs, then he called, 'We're going to take a look in the garden.'

'Fine, ' I called, as fingers found entry to a leg band of my knickers.

"Look out the window, you'll see us round the back," called Glover, the boss, as his underling's fingers found what I'd been hoping they might not, a rather aroused little pussy in the sluggies he'd so cavalierly entered.

'Enough, ' I tried to say. He merely laughed, rolled my nipple round his tongue, then licked me from there, over my breast, upper chest, neck and over chin ... to find my mouth, open and gasping, awaiting his pleasure. French kissing is something my husband doesn't do much. Ted Frith, however, did. And rather well, I found, as I squirmed against his heavy frame, one leg coiled around his thick calf, his tongue well into my mouth, my own slithering hotly up and down it. Then, disconcertingly, I noticed a peripheral view of my husband coming round the corner of the house into our field of view – and we, I suppose, into his, out the window that my shoulder was against. The dapper Dick Glover came after him, pointing to a hedge along the back. Which is when it struck me, here I was not twenty feet above them, with the least attractive of the three currently causing me problems of a sort I didn't usually get myself into. And if they care to glance up at us, they will see what I mean.

I wrenched away from the window with such a powerful surge of panic it had the two of us tottering over the carpet. I told him to unhand me but he ignored me, got a better grip of me, put his tongue back in my mouth, stuck his fingers further into my pants, squeezed my left breast (excitingly) hard, and started to goose-step me towards the four poster bed.

The last thing I saw, as I was goose-stepped away from the window, was Jeff, looking up. His eyes were about to swing along to the part of the house where our window was, which caused me to hurry things along! The back of the bed caught my legs just above the knee. Next thing I know I have a large male bearing down on me, and my legs are spread apart, my arms are round his neck, my pubis and a breast in his control. His hands are working hungrily, causing me to squirm and think of things to do to him in return. Retaliation, if you like. Like find out how big the guy is. And whether or not it would be fun to have that bigness inside me. To help me forget just how pissed I am at Jeff.

"Come and see this," I hear from outside the window.

But the big guy on top of me isn't paying attention.

"Hey!" I hiss at him. "Let me go, you oaf." But he doesn't do a thing, other than fondle my breast, and caress my pussy in a hot sort of way. "I gotta go to the window," I hiss at him, pushing with all my might, just as the voice comes again from outside,

"Laura. Come, look at this."

I was starting to get worried. "You have to let me go."

"I keep my hand in your knickers."


"Then you can't go."

"Laura!" Shouted now, from the garden outside. "Laura, are you all right."

"See," I hiss at my attacker. "I have to go. NOW!"

"My hand stays in your knickers."


"Then you don't..."

"OKAY!" I shout at the huge ox, giving him his way.

I am sidling towards the window like a crab, the big ox's fingers in my knickers, his other hand still around my boob. I'm not sure what was negotiated about my boob, but would rather get my head out the window first. I can start negotiations on my mammary glands later.

"Hi Honey!" I call out the window, keeping the rest of me hidden from sight. My attacker sits on the carpet, back against the wall, me leaning over him, talking out the window to my husband, as he caresses the bits of me he wants. It is difficult to remain still. When I make eye contact with Jeff I am smiling and angling my head to the right, which soon becomes a nodding head, and then swings to the left. "What?" I ask him, I hope with less impatience than I feel, for I find I'm still pissed at the guy.

"There's a cute little pool down here," shouts Jeff. So what? I think, as the fingers at my pussy gently encourage more juices to pump. Damn, the guy is good. I feel my pelvis pulse. "See it? Just back here," shouts Jeff, as a fat-lipped mouth closed over my nipple and teeth take the tip. Sure, I see it, nodding, though in truth I don't see a thing. The garden's a haze. My chest bucks hard as the teeth start annoying my nipple. Then a tweak, and Whump! another buck, and roll. I am drawing my breath through clenched teeth. My focus is here, all here, around what he's doing to my nipple and puss, not there in the garden with Jeff. I try to push him away. Jeff starts to talk about the pool. How 'cute' it is. How 'great' we can make it. How 'worth-while- it will all be ... as I squirm and uneasily pulse at the ministrations of the estate agent's hands and lips and mouth and tongue. How do such slugs get so good at this?

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Missy and Jeffery

Missy stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror. She turned slightly from side to side admiring the shape of her naked ass. Her tight shirt hugged her slender waist and accented the curve of her smooth booty. Half way across the small cheeks of her ass the color changed from coffee brown to creamy light latte. She couldn’t decide if she liked the tan lines left from her bikini but when would she ever be able to lay out naked with her father and brother watching her constantly? Steam lifted in...

3 years ago
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Geoff And Melanie Married Siblings

SOUTH BEACH 2006 I'd met Geoff and Melanie Snider some seven or eight years ago. The fall of 1998 I think. They'd come into my photography studio with their two young daughters wanting some family pictures on a sunny, humid Miami Beach October day. They looked like a nice family. The parents had looked about twenty-eight to thirty, around my age, although I remember thinking at the time that the wife might have been a year or two older. The little girls, just nine and eight, were adorable;...

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Military DelightsChapter 12 The Officers Mess

One of the buildings that had been sacked in the downfall of Tradagha was the Grand Vizier's harem. The younger women in it had been herded into a lorry and taken to serve the Officers' Mess as general bed companions. Most of them were completely resigned to this and were quite co-operative with their new Masters. A few had to be persuaded, but by the time the sacking of Tradagha was completed all the women in the Officers' Mess were most co-operative. The headquarters staff decided to...

2 years ago
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The Dark Side Of Jeff

I feed our family dog, Duke, who is a two year old male Pyrenean Mastiff. After I’m done I walk down the hall toward the main bathroom, hearing Liz in the shower. I smile to myself and continue down the hall to get everything ready. I enter her bedroom and secure two ropes to her bed frame, one on each of the end posts by the foot of her bed. I tie secure knots leaving a loop on each rope end just big enough to fit around her ankles. Then I tie loop ends on a shorter piece of rope and leave...

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The Tenant Part Ten Jeff

 I couldn't concentrate on my work the next day, thoughts of Laura and Jenny bent over the chaise (or my lap?) waiting for a spanking from me, pushing all other thoughts from my mind. At lunch time I gave up and took a half day, ostensibly to get the place looking clean and tidy for my guests. I had bundled the bedclothes into the wash and was tidying the gym when I heard car wheels on the gravel driveway. From the garage door I saw someone I knew well make their way to the front door of the...

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The Tenant Part Eight Jeff

I woke alone, again, to a noise from the garage. A screech, it sounded like. Should I go over? I decided, instead, to see if there was any activity in the gym. I opened the laptop. Nothing. But while I'm here...Some time later, I was having a late breakfast, and saw Jenny skip out to her car and spray gravel on her way out. Time for a work out in the gym, and perhaps work something out with Laura. It was my gym after all. As well as all the .. equipment.I'd been working hard for about half an...

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The Tenant Part Four Jeff

I saw the cane lying on the table as soon as I opened the door to the gym. Yesterday's session with the tawse must have just whetted her appetite. I felt a thrill of anticipation as I flexed the cane in my hands. If she wanted a good caning she was going to have one.I heard the door to Laura's flat opening, and when I saw what she was wearing I reassessed her punishment. A short, flared skirt that showed off her smoothly muscled legs to advantage, and a tight t-shirt that emphasised the slim...

4 years ago
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Mutt and Jeff

This happened when I was twenty three years old.. I got a phone call from a friend who helped me find paying clients with big money. He said he had a couple who wanted someone to role play as a 16 year old babysitter. It paid very well and I was perfect for the part because I looked so young.I was told to go to this high rise apartment building that I knew was full of rich people. When I got there a doorman stopped me, asked my name and who I was there to see. When I told him my name he said "...

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The FavorChapter 16 The Aftermath Jeff

I walked home slowly and went upstairs into my bedroom. I was mentally exhausted and confused. I felt like I had just taken a really important test; I had passed, but it drained me completely. My mind was swirling around the events that had just occurred, and I started revising some plans for the future. I quickly fell asleep and took a nice long nap. I woke up in the afternoon and went downstairs. Michelle was sitting in the family room, but she jumped up when I walked in. "Welcome to the...

2 years ago
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pissed off professor

Jackie couldn’t help but smile a little as she sat in her History class looking up at her professor. She had been watching him closely for the last two weeks and was about to spring her trap. She knew where he lived, where he ate breakfast before coming to the campus, and she knew his weak spot. The professor loved his coffee in the morning, but he also had to run to the bathroom several times shortly after drinking it. Jackie watched him every morning at the little café’ just around the...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Lends a Hand at a Group Jackoff Party

I was separated from my wife when this occurred. We got divorced about a year later. This experience has a backstory to it so I will relate the whole thing. I didn’t have anything going as far as a relationship and I needed some female companionship. I found a site on the internet that listed a number of ladies available for outcall massages. I read over the various listings and picked one who sounded appealing. She was Japanese (so was my wife) and I was partial to Asian ladies so maybe I...

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This is a short story about how fast things can go in the shitter and the unplanned retribution when it does. I don’t really know where this story came from, but with my weird mind I’m not surprised. Even if there are no wives or sex in this story I decided to put it in the Loving Wives category, which seems to be the place to put retaliation type stories. Like always I like the constructive criticism comments I get back from readers because I learn from them. The slash and burn comments will...

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Heathyr Hoffman ghost hunters lesbian love story

After being chosen as the winner of the SyFy channel reality show "ghost hunters academy" in 2009 and given a permanent role as a co-host on ghost hunters and then later ghost hunters international, Heathyr Hoffman couldn't possibly be happier with her life as a reality television celebrity.Being on “Ghost Hunters International” was a blast. Heathyr Hoffman couldn’t imagine a better career than globe-trotting while looking for paranormal activity wherever it might occur. This enhanced a...

3 years ago
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Pissed Off Wife

"This is rather nice of you, Shyla. Especially, during office hours." She handed me a wine glass with red wine. "Well, I guess I'm just proving that I'm not such a tart as I'm sure you tell your wife here, Tony." "I don't talk about you like that," I corrected her, leaning my head back. She grabbed another glass. "I gotta call bullshit there. Let's go to the source, Jenna, does he talk shit about me?" Shyla pondered, looking at Jenna. "I'm sorry, but I gotta support my husband here," Jenna made...

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Pissed off by two hot women 5

When Sarah had now finished pissing, now both sat alternately in the 69 position in front of me, so I could lick her greedy Pissvotzen clean. It was awesome. It tasted like urine so hot that now I could not help it. I tore down the penis ring that held my tail, so he stood up, and pissed in a high arc. Inject it so out of the small opening, and my two pissgierigen women kept their mouths over the beam. They drank a lot, but could also inject much on their big breasts. They were very pleased...

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Showoff All Day

(One of a series of stories sequel to the original Showoff) It was easy to find additional yard tasks for Eric to keep him close to my windows two or three days each week. Today he was over cleaning the pool for example, right outside my bedroom window where last week he watched me getting dressed. I watched the handsome young man, wearing a low-slung pair of swim trunks as he used a long-handled skimmer whisking away leaves and other debris. He is lean and sleek in appearance, much like the...

3 years ago
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Coffin Duty

COFFIN DUTY(A Sequel Of Sorts For A New Haunt)T.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to...

3 years ago
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PissedOff Neighbors

I had been staying in the beach house for a few weeks without meeting any of my neighbors. So when the mailman mistakenly left me a package for Donna and Sarah, the girls next door, I decided to do them a favor and take it over. I heard giggling from the other side of the gate, so I pushed it open a little to say hello. What I saw made me forget all about the little introduction I had prepared.Sarah and Donna were sitting on lounge chairs, totally engrossed in each other under the blazing sun....

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

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GeoffreyI loved to look through porn magazines like Mayfair and razzle and often set out to buy a new one, I'd chosen a quiet corner shop I knew had lots adult magazine's on its top shelf, I hung around browsing till the shop was empty and quickly started to look through the magazines on offer.I was quite exited when I saw a magazine call stiletto heel, it was a contact mag with lots of adverts with pictures, I had to have it. I was only 16 but the shop owner only ever asked if I was sure i...

4 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 26 The Playoffs

We entered the conference playoffs as the team favored to win. Our local paper was helping to fuel the interest by featuring pictures and biographies of each of the starters in the week prior to the first game of the playoffs. I got a lot of razzing at school the day after my picture and bio appeared. I was pretty uncomfortable with all this attention, but I was in the minority from my teammates. Most of the rest of the guys on the team were really enjoying their moment in the spotlight. We...

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Seduced by sex offender and enjoyed becoming her

When I was about 23 years of age, I moved into a different location across town for cheaper rent. As I moved in I had new neighbor introduced herself to me, as 45 year old Patricia and she welcomed me in the neighborhood. The best way I could describe Patricia was just plain Jane with sandy-blonde hair with an average body for her age, but of all honesty she seemed like a really nice person as I got to know her.As time went on, some of my other neighbors, told me that Patricia was actually a...

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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 10 The First Offspring Says NO

“Vert, we have been training for almost a week. We’ve improved and now we’re fairly good, but these Assault Troops are immeasurably better. If we have to make planet fall, I want one of our boy toys on each side of me. What about you?” “Yeah, I guess so, Relpt.” “What’s wrong, Vert?” “I’m not sure, Relpt. I’ve got this premonition that things aren’t going to go the way everyone is expecting them to go.” “What do you mean?” “Well everyone seems to be split between two camps. One camp...

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Lost in Space Kapitel 2 Planet der Hoffnung

Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autoren 'Janoko' und 'Ironhide' Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen/Orten sind nicht beabsichtigt und rein zuf?llig. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seite ver?ffendlicht werden. Die Geschichte ist mit freundlicher Unterst?tzung der world-of-hentai.to-Community entstanden ©2010 Janoko und Ironhide ---------------- Lost in Sp...

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Die Hoffnung ist eine Fata Morgana German

Wir fuhren gen Norden. Wie ?blich zu dieser herbstlichen Jahreszeit Ende September am Nachmittag, die Sonne ging bereits unter, war es ungem?tlich und windig. Seit zwei Stunden, wir passierten gerade die D?nische Grenze bei Flensburg, sa?en wir nun schon im Auto und seit knapp einer halben Stunde ohne Unterhaltung. Davor tauschten wir Oberfl?chlichkeiten und Belangloses aus. Nur ich kannte das Ziel der Reise und den Zweck. Es war f?r uns beide eine Reise ins Ungewisse.Geplant war ein langes Woch...

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Trapped in the Coffin

"This'll be fun!" My raven-haired young Mistress announces as she shows off her new special piece of apparatus in her bedroom.I eye it up, it's a jet-black leather coated stocks, dangling from her ceiling by 2 sets of tough grey steel chains. I smile, looking forward to her trying it out on me.Because of my height, I realise I'll have to bend down in an awkward position to be in it but regardless, I was eager to try it out."Does my slave like?" She asks innocently."Yes, Mistress." I reply,...

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Coffin Duty

(A Sequel Of Sorts For A New Haunt) "I'm here," Brandy bubbled as she came through the old farmhouse door. God, she had waiting for this all year. Halloween had always been a magical time of year for her, with goblins and graveyards and haunted houses transforming neighborhoods into ghastly haunts. But last Halloween transformed it into something more wondrous than she had possibly dreamed of. Last Halloween, within the very walls where she was now standing, Brandy was introduced into...

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