my early years part 1
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
I was starting a new episode in life, unpaid intern in an architect's office. Mrs. B. was going to drive me to work every day, and I'd stay there until Mr. B. could pick me up. Officially, I was only going to have to work 20 hours. Unofficially, I was going to be there more like 25-30 hours, 'cause Mr. B. couldn't pick me up until he was done at the U.
On the rest of the weekdays, I decided to try and learn as much as possible about my finances. I called my dad's mentor, Alex Merriweather – now that he was my trustee – and see about getting my house paid off. I didn't see any reason why I should pay a mortgage company on the balance of my parents' old mortgage when I was rich. Well, not Bill Gates rich, but plenty rich enough. He called me back after his meeting. He congratulated me on getting my GED about four and a half years before I was due. I was ahead of other kids my age, that was a change. That gave me a nice feeling.
Imagine my surprise when I found out that dad and mom had something called mortgage insurance. The house was paid off. He pointed me at some websites, and said the U. had courses, so I could learn more about personal finances.
Two days later I called him and said I wanted to get a credit card. I wanted one that would pay me the highest cash back allowed, no fee, but the interest rate didn't matter. He asked me why not the air miles ones? I told him I could always use cash to pay for air miles but I couldn't use air miles to buy a car, and besides the air miles you could get were worth only about 0.8% instead of the 1%-3% you could get from cash back. Air miles, I thought were a rip off.
What was I going to use the card for? He didn't want me to spend a lot. I told him I'd need about a three grand limit. I was going to put utility bills on autopay with the credit card, and have the credit card autopaid from my checking account at the brokerage company. That way, not only would I get the cash rebate, I'd get to have the money that would go to the utilities for an extra month (getting more interest on my money), and I'd be building up my credit history.
He laughed. Then he said that he never thought of that, but it made sense. He also said he didn't think I needed any financial advisors. None of his financial advisors had ever thought of that.
I asked the B.'s for a meeting that night. I told them that I was going to pay their electric, water, and cable TV bills from then on. They said no, of course – I expected that. But I said that I had more than enough money, and I wanted to thank them for taking me in, and to put the money they'd save into Lu's college fund. I was also going to set things up to pay the utilities on my original house, of course.
Slowly, I started to spend more time at my old house. It was just across Fox Avenue, so getting there wasn't a problem. I started with the hardest: their bedroom. I eventually gave my parents' clothes to the local homeless shelters. Somewhere, there are people living on the streets wearing $2000 three-piece suits and fancy evening gowns. Or maybe the shelter sold 'em at their thrift stores and used the money instead. Whatever.
When the bedroom was cleared out, I made the bed with clean sheets, and then I laid down and cried. I was there for a long time. I woke up and found Mrs. B. stroking my hair.
I blinked at her and said, "Hi."
"Feeling a little better now?" she asked.
"Some. It just hit me when I was cleaning out the closets ... I found lots of old pictures. My grandparents, baby pictures of mom, dad's graduation from high school and college. I was sad. I found some love letters that dad wrote to mom when they were in college. They were all mushy, and I laughed."
"I'll bet," she said. "Those pictures are your connection to your family. You should start saving pictures that you think your grandkids will want to see." And she just held me for a long time.
Then we went back across the street to the B.'s house where we made chocolate chip cookies for after dinner. Tonight's dinner, meatloaf and salad, needed a little attention, so we did that. I took some pictures with my cell phone of us making cookies, of the dinner table, of all the B. family. I'd have to get them out of the phone and into the computer somehow.
Over the course of several weeks, Lu continued her little touches on me. It was strange, because that was the limit of what she did. I didn't expect that she'd do more, you know – like the girls who I'd had almost-sex with – although that sure would have been nice. I felt even more sure that I loved her in every way there was to love somebody, just from being around her. Maybe she loved me back and didn't know it yet. She still went out on Saturdays, and some Fridays, too. It wasn't with Anson, I think – which was good from my point of view – but some other guy. She came home pretty early from dates too, usually by 11 or 11:30. Best of all, her clothes weren't messed up.
Then one Saturday, when Mr. and Mrs. B. were out shopping together – they almost always went food shopping together on Saturdays together – Lu came into my room and had a strange look on her face. Like she had something to say and didn't know how to say it.
"Yeah. Hi Lu."
"Uhm ... got a minute ... I want to ... I mean I have something to say to you." Well that was an interesting start.
I took off my headset and pushed a button so the website reader would stop. "Wassup?" She was wearing, what do you call it, like, a body suit. Tight pink leotards with no feet on her lower half, and a leotard top that almost met in the middle – same color – and it left a little strip of her belly exposed. And a droopy sweater with an extra wide neck, that hung off one shoulder. She was awful sexy, in a casual way.
"You know I stopped seeing Anson, right?"
"And I've been going out with James ... James Wilbarton ... right?"
"No, I didn't know that. But okay. Is he an athlete or somethin'?" She always did the cheerleader thing and dated jocks – or rocks. LOL.
"Not really. Well, kinda. He's on the debate team ... But anyway, Anson and I were going at it pretty hot and heavy. You know?"
"No, I don't know." I didn't want to hear about my Lu doing anything with anybody. "I don't think I want to know."
"God. This is hard," she said almost to herself. "Okay. Well ... Anson was feeling me up almost every date. You know, on my boobs and stuff. And, well, on Valentines Day, he went down on me. You know, licked my pussy and stuff." She sat down on the end of my bed and looked at me. I was looking in her direction, but I couldn't meet her gaze. I didn't want to hear this.
"Why are you telling me this Lu?" I asked.
"After a couple of times where he ate me out ... God this is so embarrassing ... which I really liked. He forced me – well he didn't really force me, but he put his hands on my head and pushed. I could have fought him off, but I ... well fair is fair, right? So I took him in my mouth. I didn't really like it, but I did it 'cause ... well he did it for me."
I just sat in my desk chair and closed my eyes. WHY WAS SHE TELLING ME ALL THIS?
"And then after a few weeks, where we did it several times a week – in his car. He'd have me do him when he dropped me off at home. Or even when he picked me up in the morning. I'd have to give him a bj before school. It was okay, I guess, but I didn't like the taste I had in my mouth in school. I had to use breath mints, and still...
"Well," she interrupted herself but went on, "anyway, after a couple of weeks after that, we did it. I fucked him in the backseat of his car. I promised myself I wouldn't, but I caved in to the pressure ... Well after that he wanted to do it every day in his car, on the way home. I told him no, and I didn't really like it that much."
"Lu! Why are you telling me all this. I don't want to know. Especially if you fucked that asshole," I complained.
"He was an asshole, too. He said I wasn't that great, and that if I couldn't get to like it, he'd drop me. Like he was the hottest thing since, like, forever. ... That was it for me. I got out of his car and walked two miles to get home. That was three weeks ago. But the thing is ... I mean..."
We're finally getting to the point?
"I don't do anything with James. He's a really nice guy, right? ... Well the thing is, I miss it. The oral sex, I mean. Like when Anson was eating me out, it was the greatest thing ever. And then when we were doing the other stuff, he'd still do oral once in a while. Once I started having sex ... well, fucking ... the oral sex tapered off almost to nothing. At least from him. I was still expected to blow him whenever ... Uh. Anyway, I was wondering ... if you'd ... you know..." She stopped talking and started peeling off the bottom half of her outfit.
I was dumbfounded. She wanted me to lick her pussy, 'cause she missed it? Then I looked at her half-naked. She had a really lovely pussy, it was all smooth except for a strip of hair on the mound. It was beautiful. I looked at her, pants pulled almost off, naked from the waist down, with a skin tight top – her sweater was on the bed now. The landing strip on her pussy caught my attention. It looked soft and curly. It was half an inch at the top and Veed down so it was pointing straight at her pussy. Or her clit. I wasn't really sure about which, 'cause I wasn't sure if every girl was the same.
On the porn videos they were mostly the same – except for the she-males, they had a cock and breasts – that was strange. But the other girls, some had a big clit and some had a clit you could hardly see. But the clit was always at the top of the pussy. So I guess Lu's Vee was pointing at her clit.
All that went through my mind in about a second. Then I started to think. 'Use the big brain, instead of the little one in my dick' is the way it was usually described on the internet stories.
"Wait a minute, Lu," I said, stopping her from taking the leotard pants completely off. "Did you have a date with ... uh ... James last night?"
"Yeah. We didn't do hardly anything. I'm frustrated. Don't you want to do this, Chris?" she replied.
"Of course I do. But ... don't you have a date with James tonight, too?"
"Well, yeah, but it's just a movie."
"So you want me to give you a nice, frustration easing pussy licking and then you'll be set to go out with James? Right?"
"Well ... if you put it that way ... I guess ... yes. That's exactly what I want."
"Then 'no' is my answer. Come back and see me when the date is done. I'll take care of your frustrations afterwards ... if you haven't done anything during the date." I was kinda pissed off at her. Like, I should be the Chris-cream in her James-oreo cookie? I didn't think so.
She was surprised. Shocked even. She pulled up her tight, pink leotards, sniffed a little – okay, she was crying softly – and left. I had a boner that I had to take care of. Twice.
I didn't see her the rest of the day, until she came back from her movie date at about 10:30. She was wearing her pink leotard underneath skin-tight jean pedal pushers. You could see the pink second-skin under the bottom of the jeans going down to her ankles. And the second-skin pink top under the same oversized black sweater. HOT!
She went straight up to her room and closed the door. About half an hour later, the rest of the family went to bed. And thirty minutes after that, there was a small knock at my door. She stuck her head in around the door, without me saying anything.
"Chris? You promised. I didn't do anything. I was a good girl." She smiled sexily, and started stripping her pants off.
I looked over from my bed. I'm sure there was a good sized tent in my boxers. Lu was squirming out of her pink leotards. She had to put one foot up on my bed to get them over her foot, and I could see everything there was to see. Then she put her other foot up, and I got to see it all over again. She was still wearing her skin tight top and I could tell how many little bumps each breast had, beside the nipple.
I scooted over on the bed and threw back the covers. She climbed in and said, "Chris, we can't ... you know ... do it. Just some oral sex, okay? Promise?"
I was going to get my mouth on her sex. I'd have promised anything. And I hoped I'd be able to keep my promise.
I kissed her first. She was taken aback, a little, I think. She was expecting me to just eat her pussy. I wanted to finish there, but I'd make love to her on the way. I mean really... 'just eat me out?' Are you nuts?
She may have been a little put off at first, but she got the idea fast. I had never really kissed any girl before, but I'd seen it on the internet, lots. I even read on some site about 'How to kiss a woman.' I tried to remember, but then I was spending more effort trying to remember how, than actually doing it. I gave up on the article, and just did what she was doing to me. Tongue gliding across my teeth. Tongue stroking the soft part of my mouth and then dancing with her tongue. Teeth grabbing softly on her lower lip.
I rolled over her and wrapped my legs around her left leg. My cock staying in my PJ-boxers (with the tiniest of fly openings – what were the manufacturers thinking when they decided to put that size opening in there?) rubbing against her thigh. I rubbed her mound with my thigh, and I lowered my hand to her breast.
"Oohhh," she sighed softly. "You've done this before. That feels so nice."
"Nope," I said, the words coming when I had to take a breath, "I'm really a kissing virgin."
One of her hands coiled around my back and the other was on the back of my neck. She arched a little, pulling her pussy away, but her breast went into my palm.
"Well, you're doin' just fine." She laughed a bit.
"I like this leotard." My hand slid across her chest to her other boob, and my other was behind her back. It went to her far shoulder and twisted her a little so I could get to her other breast.
"It's a body suit, Chris," she said as she began to kiss me again. This time she was trying to see if I still had my tonsils.
Slowly, I separated from her and began to slither under the covers. I'm a big guy and I must have made a big hump down there. It was dark, but I navigated by sense of smell. She smelled good. A lot different from what I had thought. The internet movies never tell what a girl smells or tastes like.
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I'd just got back from a Spanish lesson and I realised that I forgot the key to the building and to my apartment at the apartment. And my neighbor, who is actually also my friend, was at school and the owner of the apartment wasn't in town for the next 2 days. So I just had to wait at the door until someone from the building comes in so I can ask them to let me in. It was so hot outside and I was sitting on the steps to the building's entrance. After 10-20 minutes, my friend's hot mom comes...
Chapter 1 "What the hell am I doing here?" Joe said out loud as he negotiated his way past the groups of teens and mothers with strollers cruising the mall. Joe hated malls, not just the actual buildings and stores, but the whole concept of mall consumerism that seemed to inspire people to spend whole days shopping. He had read somewhere about the largest mall in the world. Somewhere up north, he thought, somewhere people didn't have anything else to do but buy things they didn't need in...
Well how to start my names olivia and im 19 years old and go to college with my best friend amanda, shes the same age as me and we grow up together, going to the same school and living close to each other, we met in a ballet class and have been close ever since.So now were at college and are sharing a room and still studying ballet, and im not sure if it because were getting older or just being away at college but I keep getting really turned on evertime im with here.Now being dancers...
The next day Mike took Summer to a seedy sex shop where she was humiliated by being forced to pick and choose her new sex toys. Mike picked a few out as well. The man behind the desk was a burly old man, grungy looking with a large beer gut. He was grinning and staring the entire time Summer picked out her toys. He made sure to look her over carefully, her tight shorts showing an outline of her pussy. He figured it looked a little strange, he couldn't quite place it. When they approached...
It was June 30th, eleven days before Diane and I were to be married in Salem. Except for me buying my own wedding suit and getting airline tickets for Tiny and Terri, Diane and Florence were handling the rest of the preparations for the wedding. Diane had flown up to Portland the day before, and was planning to be in Salem right up until our wedding day. She had phoned me twice already since she left. I had made reservations for us to have a ten day honeymoon on a small island off the coast...
Hello friends, mera naam Dipak hai, aur main Gujarat ka rehne wala hu. Ye story aaj se 3 months pehle ki hai. Garmi ka mausam tha, aur main ghar pe akela tha. Main movies dekh ke time pass kar raha tha. Aur tabhi movie mein hot scenes dekh kar mujhe porn dekhne ka mann hua. Kuch der porn dekhne ke baad mera mann lund choosne ko karne laga. Haa mujhe lund choosna bahut pasand hai, aur maine college time mein bahut baar lund suck kiya hai. Meri age abhi 28 saal ki hai. Haa to story pe wapas aate...
July 22, 1983, McKinley, Ohio It took me a minute before I could think straight, and another minute to formulate a semi-coherent response. “Angie, I can’t make the commitment necessary to do that,” I replied gently. “I know, and I’m not asking for one. I just think it’s the only way forward.” It was obvious that she felt, based on everything that had happened, she had to prove to me that she COULD have sex. But I wondered if it was more than that. As I quickly thought about it, I was SURE...
While Sharon was with Andy and Mac that afternoon, she told the men that her mother loved to fuck as much as she did. They immediately suggested that she bring her mom over tonight for some fun and games. When Sharon told her mother about the invitation, the horny woman was more than eager to accept. Both men were overwhelmed by the woman's beauty when she arrived with her daughter. The moment they were introduced, Mac led the sexy redhead over to a sofa where he sat down beside...
"Ellen will be your very special assistant. She'll be your script girl, check your makeup, help you go over your lines, and keep you on schedule." Crystal smiled at me to be sure I thought I'd be taken care of, "And, of course, she'll keep you warm in bed, and she's promised to remind you that I love you even though I'm six thousand miles away." She laughed at her innuendo abd then whispered, "And I've left instructions that she's supposed to fuck you senseless at least once a...
Early the next morning….and early is relative in this case….I woke up a little startled and I felt a blanket being put on me. Nadine had come down stairs and saw Robert and I sleeping on the couch and was kind enough to get us a blanket. I looked up and was cuddling with a man other than my husband for the first time in my life, had a neighbor friend looking down upon this situation and had no idea what time it was. I blearily asked Nadine what time it was and she said it was half past 9am....
I was thinking as I flew and knew I could not just fly into the port. It took thirty minute to reach the edge of the colony and I slowed and made a turn to the north. There was a cliff not to far from the port and that was where I was headed. I slowed more when they came into sight. I settled carefully to the ground and shut the glider down. The power reading showed I had barely used any. I stood and pulled the rifle out. I went to the edge of the cliff and slipped down to a narrow ledge I...
In the morning, Zoe's expression was shadowed. I'd thought I'd managed to dispel her concerns. "Morning, sweetheart," I kissed her forehead and she snuggled against me. "Okay?" "Oh, yes," she sighed, "just ... having to wait until next Friday to do this again." "We'd better get on," I said, "if we don't turn up for church, your parents might not let us do this again. I don't want to wait until you're eighteen..." That got a giggle. "I don't really think they'd be so...
Hi All, I am Jack (changed), a regular reader of ISS. I would like to present my true and odd experience with my own bhabi. I don’t know why and when things happened like that but I enjoyed that. With more horny I would like to present the story. I am jack from Vijayawada. I am 30 married. I am staying alone now as my wife gone for her delivery to her home in hyd. The story happened just 2 months back when my bhabi came to my home here. My bhabi was just stunning with figure approx. By...
IncestI was beginning to feel very uncomfortable. How could nuns and monks whip and spank people the way I had seen and the way Mother Superior was describing? I thoughts kept flashing back to the naked bodies of that boy and girl I saw getting whipped with the strap by that smiling nun. As I was lost in my thoughts and trying to think of more questions to ask Mother Superior stood up and went to a bookshelf. She chose a book and returned to her seat.NUN- This a record of those punished at this...
This is a story I wrote that has been posted previously on another site on my blog, I hope you enjoy. It was a warm balmy night, summer solstice was only a few days away, even so I'm shivering part in anticipation and part in fear. I feel a warm masculine hand stroke me on my neck, leaning into the touch that I love so much and your quiet reassuring voice soothes me."it's OK Babe" I hear you say"we don't have to do this if your not ready." "but your safe with me, you know that don't you?"We are...
Hi folks. This one was suggested by a reader. I hope he likes what came out of his idea. Thanks as usual to sircharles 5150 for his editing skills. SS06 I felt his eyes on me like waves of unwanted heat. I was leaning over a little too far and he was getting an eyeful of my cleavage. Normally my blouse would have been a button down type. And I'd have buttoned it nearly to the top. But I'd worn a v-neck today under a blazer and when the air conditioning failed in the July heat, I was...
Annual Doctor Exam: Version TwoWhen I started the Annual Doctor Exam story yesterday I entered it with a very different idea. I like how that turned out yesterday, but here is the way I had planned it originally.I drove the 50 miles to my doctor's office for the annual exam that would include, of course, checking for hernia and checking of my prostate. This doctor knows that I am open to having student doctors examine me because I believe that education of future doctors requires having some...
I put my stash of booze and pot away and pulled out my new black teddy. I thought about using my new one hitter. Then I remembered I had the blunt from dinner. I took it out of my bag and smoked it. It made me cough again. I finished it up and it got a really good buzz going. I quickly undressed and slipped into my black teddy. I slipped on my pink flipflops. I grabbed a bottle of poppers and walked through the main room to the bathroom. Jerry and Bubba didn’t even look up. I brushed my teeth...
Hello readers, hope you all are keeping well. I would like to narrate the continuation of the story with Sudha – my lovely maid. Each passing day was special as my attention, love and affection towards Sudha were increasing. She used to spend more time than usual at home doing her household chores – looking after the house and me as well. We were engrossed immensely and she was there for every need of mine. It was a weekend time. I had come late from the office and to my surprise, she was there...
I was getting ready for bed when I heard a light knock on my door. I was naked, looking for a tee shirt to wear to bed. It didn't dawn on me that it might be someone other than my brother and I said, "Come in." Frank opened the door and gasped. I turned around, giggled and pulled my tee shirt on. "It seems like we keep meeting like this, Frank." "I'm sorry, Jen, you said come in." "I know, don't worry about it. What do you need?" "Can I talk to you for a few...
I showered and dressed in my new Majors Uniform. I looked in my mirror and I thought I looked rather dashing. I walked out to meet the waiting Cpl. I got in to the jeep. Unlike most of my drivers of late this one never shut up. We pulled up to a building … 98th Field Artillery Battalion Are you sure this is the right place he nodded and I got out. I entered the building and walked up to the Duty Sergeant and handed him my orders. He glanced at my orders, Jumped up, Saluted and...
It was a regular Sunday afternoon at Ashok Patel’s house. He was off on one of his regular business trips leaving his beautiful wife, Savita, at home alone as usual. Savita had taken this opportunity and invited her friend Shobha and the neighbor boy Varun for a special study session that afternoon. “Fuck me like that…Ahh…Ummm…” moaned Savita as she lay on her back on the bed while Varun fucked her pussy like a jackhammer. Beside her Shobha was fingering herself and eagerly waiting for her turn...
Rebecca watched Michael sleep in the predawn glow. Only his head and chest were visible above the blankets, a soft buzz accompanied every breath. It had been a month since she completed the Vigil, and still there was more to learn even though she’d come to the fullness of her magical powers. They had returned to the Tower hand-in-hand, and he had gently taken her virginity in the morning light. Her sense of heightened awareness not only gave her sure knowledge when her monthly period began, but...
Chapter 4 I woke the next morning feeling drained, well mentally and emotionally at least. I was physically rested, and other than my muscles being slightly tender from my exertion the day before, I physically felt good. It didn't take me too long until I met my parent's downstairs at the breakfast table, both eyed me carefully when I sat down with my bowl of cereal. It was almost as if they thought I was going to break or something. "How are you doing this morning sport?" Dad...