DreamweaverChapter 36: Adjustments free porn video

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I moved myself to the elevator, switched into my working clothes and then opened the doors for Rod to get on. He was a little taken back to see me in the elevator when the doors opened.

"Wow, didn't expect you here. If everybody else is getting on we're going to need a bigger elevator."

"No, everybody else is already there, I had some last minute things I needed to take care of, so I thought I'd just pick you up on the way."

"Weird way to travel," he said. "Listen. While I've got you here I wanted to thank you for bringing back my memories of my father."

"It was my pleasure, Mr. Rodriquez, and I'd like to thank you for being willing to help with everything the last couple days. If it had been necessary to run, that would have meant that they got Rebecca to talk, and then she would have exposed you as well. I'm glad it didn't come to that, but it could have. You knew that was a risk when we asked and you did it anyway. That means a lot to us, to me. If there is something else I can do for you, please let me know."

The doors opened and we crossed the hall into the office. Everyone else was there and waiting for us. Allison was in her bitch suit laying on the couch but she jumped down as soon as we entered, then lay between Ninety-Nine and me as I sat down and Rebecca started telling us about everything that had really happened in Washington.

"Oh, great," Rod said. "Just what I need is you pulling rank on me."

"Rod, the kind of shit we would have to be in for me to ever actually try that with you, pulling rank would be the least your worries. Nothing is changing, except that you now have an extra weapon in your personal arsenal, I have no idea what kind of doors my new position can actually open but as I find out, I'll let you know. Meanwhile, we pick up an off the books account for emergencies like hiding Roxanne, thanks for the quick work on that by the way. I know you didn't use department resources so let me know what we owe you and I'll figure out a way to pay you back."

"I've got that one," I said. "I'll reimburse him. I can afford it and no one has to worry about ever needing to justify the money. If you tried to do it using your new contacts they would wonder how you got it done in the first place. Let's not give them any more to wonder about than necessary for a while."

"But that's your money, Jimmy. You shouldn't have to spend it on official projects."

"I'm not. Officially, Roxy doesn't exist. It's not like I have other uses for that money, and it's money that was generated by bad things happening to people, so spending it to see those things don't happen to others seems like a pretty good cause to me. If all goes well, I'll be able to replace it solving other problems long before I would ever miss it."

I had a sudden tingling sensation all over and Jamie's voice sounded in my head, "Hi, miss me? What did I miss?"

"Just follow along and I'll fill you in later on anything you don't understand." I returned my attention to the current discussion. "So don't worry about the money, I'm not worried about it."

"Not going to work," Allison said.

Everybody looked at her and she rolled her eyes before going on, "Hello! A teenage girl is going to put a hell of a kink in Susan's budget. If you let Rebecca handle it through channels then she can get her a little help. I'm sure witness protection just doesn't drop a kid in someone's lap and expect them to fend for themselves and make do, but if you don't go through proper channels then they won't budget her. Just tell them you were already started on an ID for her and give them what we already have. Sure, they'll be re-doing some of what we've already done, but they won't know that. When they send theirs out, just pick the copies you like best and feed the rest to a shredder somewhere."

"And if they want to place her with a regular WitSec family?" Rod asked.

Bob was all over that, "Then your resident child psychologist stresses how traumatic the continued emotional upheaval has already been for her and that now that she is settled into something resembling normal life it would be better to let her stay where she is. Also, that based on the cover that is already in place it would draw unnecessary attention to the girl if she were moved again."

"Hampton, where the hell did you find these people? You know the Bureau is always looking for people, and they pay bonuses if you bring them a qualified candidate."

I raised my hand, "Sixteen."

Allison followed with a paw, "Fourteen."

Lizzy just smiled and said, "I'm legal but I don't think you want to know the rest." Rebecca just rolled her eyes and nodded her agreement.

Bob just looked at him and said, "Don't look at me, I'm a tenured teacher. You can't afford me."

"Probably true," Rod said, "but at least if you're with us and someone shoots at you, you can shoot back."

"Hmmm ... hadn't thought of that. I'll let you know if I change my mind."

"You do that. I could hook you up with this hot little agent I know in..."

Rebecca glared as she interrupted him "Go ahead, push your luck. I dare you."

He looked like he was thinking about it until Allison suddenly jumped up and hid behind the desk. Then he just shook his head and let it go.

"Must be why they pay him the big bucks." Lizzy said.

"Certainly not for his looks," Rebecca said. "Rod, did anything I need to know about happen while I was gone?"

"Have to check with your partner on that one. Speaking of which, I'm about a week overdue for an update on that situation."

"Unless something turned up while I was gone we're sitting dead in the water. Even Henslith is out of ideas. I wish we could find a way to flush him into doing something, but he seems to have his situation well in hand. He doesn't need money; he sets his own schedule ... What we need is a way to disrupt his life and push him into doing something. But I have no idea what that would be or how to make it happen."

"Can I help" Jamie asked.

"We'll talk later." Then to the group, "Well if we're done here, I was right in the middle of some serious goofing off, it's been a tough couple of days and I'd like to get back to the beach before the sun comes up."

"Now there's a weird statement if I ever heard one," Rod said.

Rebecca just laughed, "Oh boss, that's nothing. You hang around this group and you'll find out what weird really is."

She and Bob were just turning to leave when Lizzy spoke up, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"What?" Rebecca asked.

"Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but personally, I'd like to hear about that rock on your finger you've been trying all night to hide."

Bob grew a grin that was so big I thought the top of his face was going to fall off. Rebecca blushed about twenty-seven shades of red and said, "Damn! Rod you can't say anything. If Selena finds out I told you first it'll be a funeral instead of a wedding."

As she was speaking Lizzy was already moving towards her, Allison had the advantage of four legs so she got there first, and suddenly Alice was bouncing up and down hugging Rebecca, ogling the ring and oohing and ahing appropriately. Then she punched Bob in the arm and said, "About time!" Bob rubbed his arm and I'm pretty sure he wasn't faking it, she'd hit me before, and that looked pretty solid.

Allison wasn't even paying attention by now. She was already flooding Rebecca with the usual questions: "Where did he propose? Did he get down on one knee? Have you set a date?" I gave them a break and dropped her in the lagoon.

"Sorry about that, guys. We'll let you get back to whatever you were doing before this came up."

"She's going to make you pay for that," Rebecca said.

"Yeah, I know, but she'll get over it, and we would have been here all night if I hadn't. Congratulations to you both. Bob, are you telling Susan and Mel tomorrow or should I avoid the subject?"

"Not yet. According to Rebecca, Rod's wife has sources the FBI doesn't even know about."

"That's for damn sure," Rod said. "But you wear that rock to work tomorrow and all bets are off and you can face the dragon lady all by yourself. Good night everyone, considering what brought this all up in the first place I hope I don't see you all again soon."

For some reason, Rod's reference to the dragon lady reminded me of something, it was tickling at my brain, but I couldn't pin it down so I let it go. There were a lot unanswered questions about this whole adventure. For now though, I had to go and ingratiate myself with my favorite sister.

"Does that mean it's time for me to come out of the closet?"

My alarm clock chose that particular moment to remind me what a long night it had actually been.

"I guess not."

I was surprised to find her still in my head. I had assumed that it was strictly a dream manifestation. "Well it's nice to know you're still there. I was afraid I'd lose you when I woke up." All I got was silence, and then somehow I knew she was crying. "Jamie?"

"You really meant it last night, didn't you? When I was taking care of Amber, before the meeting, when you told me you loved me. You really meant it? And you really were worried what would happen to me when you woke up."

"Jamie, I don't throw that word around casually. Yes, I meant it, and yes, I was worried about you, I told you I would never shut you out again, never stick you away in the dark alone. I realized later that I might have bitten off more than I could chew with that promise. Now I know I didn't. Just do me a favor and don't talk to me a lot right away. It's going to take me a while to adjust to all this. People are going to think I'm not paying attention to them. Including the one next to us that's wondering if I'm all right because I haven't gotten up yet and she probably felt you crying. It's probably confusing the crap out of her."

I started to sit up but Allison grabbed my arm. "Are you okay? I thought you were doing better but now I'm not so sure."

"I'm great, really. It's just going to take a really long time to explain, maybe after school. I need to go run."

"Okay, but don't forget, Roxy will be here after school."

"Speaking of which, did you tell mom about that?"

"No, I guess I better let her know what's going on. I'll talk to her while you run."

I couldn't remember the last time I felt this good, but I wasn't stupid enough to push it. I knocked out a quick five miles and hit the shower. Mom was waiting for me in the kitchen when I came out for my morning toast and juice.

"Your sister says you had an interesting night, and that you're better now. I'm glad; you really scared me last night. When we got home..." I could hear her voice starting to break and I put my hand on hers.

"I know mom, and I'm sorry. I just couldn't seem to think. I was sort of operating in a fog. I barely remember any of what happened after we got home and I realized what I had to do. Did Allison tell you what was happening?"

"She tried to, I still don't understand any of it, but after last night, the thing at the hospital, after that I'd believe almost anything. That was the most incredible thing I think I will ever experience. And you're sure you're better now?"

"Mom, it would be hard to explain just how much better I am, or even to begin to describe what I went through along the way. I'm still trying to sort it all out."

"You really shouldn't lie to her you know."

I ignored her and moved on, "I still haven't even discussed it with Allison. She told you about Roxy?"

"Another in a long series of unbelievable events that just seem to swirl around your life lately."

"I know, but she's the biggest stroke of luck to fall our way since we first discovered this whole disaster in Vegas. A lot has happened since we found her, things that will make it immeasurably easier for us to work on this. When we first found Roxy, we had to do everything under the radar, no support -- we couldn't even tell anyone what we were doing. Rebecca had to sneak around and try to get us help. If we found her tomorrow all of that would be different now. It boggles my mind to even consider the string of coincidences that led to this. If we hadn't been in the church on Sunday, I never would have met her; if Tom hadn't gotten cancer we wouldn't have prayed for his recovery and needed to be in that church on that day when I would meet a girl that desperately needed my help. All the things that have happened over the last year to shape me into the right person to be there for her and to recognize what I was seeing. And it had to be me, mom, it had to be. Her story would have made no sense to anyone else that she told it to. My brain just runs in circles when I start to think about all the little things that, if any of them had happened differently, we would not be in this position now. If I think about it too much it scares me. Rebecca met a girl a while back, back before Angela was kidnapped, that claimed to be a chosen child of God, claiming that He had given her a special gift. Rebecca blew it off but the girl demonstrated her gift, and let me tell you, she's very convincing. Anyway, she told Rebecca that I was another of God's chosen but that along with my gift God had laid a special burden on me as well. When Rebecca told us all of this we had the same reaction she'd had. But since then I've met this girl. She certainly has a gift, and just like with mine, it would be very dangerous for her if anyone knew about it. Lately I find myself questioning whether she may be right, and it scares me...

Same as Dreamweaver
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Wife now in control

Linda had always been the one to be the submissive type, wanting to please me whenever she could, that didn't hold true when it came to sexual activity, she still had her boudries which were non negotiable. Some time ago Linda had agreed to breast implants, this had been bourne outof her insecurity that they were sagging and were losing volume. She had a few sizes/shapes to choose from and we had finally opted for ones which she had thought would be too big for her frame, but which to my eyes...

1 year ago
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BabymakerChapter 7

"Hi Trent!" Stacy grinned at me, or she could have been Angie. "Hey boyfriend!" Angie said with a delicious smile, except she might have been Stacy. "Uhhh..." I blinked between the two of them, twin thirteen-year-old girls. Tall, slender, beautiful with golden hair and bright blue eyes. They looked like angels to me, but with horns instead of halos! "We were just in the neighborhood..." Stacy sighed, sort of holding one lonely textbook against her tummy as she thrust her hips...

2 years ago
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Omert The Broken Vow

Omertà, the Mafia's Code of Silence, is the core of our Philosophy, anyone who breaks it is declared A Dead Man. But after years of Peace it all came crumbling down, my Father, was the head of the Pappalardo Crime Family, until he broke a promised marriage to the Daughter of another Don, and married my Mother, now I, despite my young age have been ruling this Family for Years, since age seven. But peace was only Restored when The Bosses on the Commission negotiated a truce that on the Condition...

4 years ago
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Civil War Slut

The War Between the States had just begun and I was married on the day my new husband was to be shipped out to fight. I was only 17 but considered a woman at the time. My husband owned a small plantation in South Carolina. Though we were southerners and Jim, my husband, went to fight for the south we both believed in the northern cause. His platoon was in such a hurry we never had a proper wedding night. In fact, we didn’t get to properly consummate the marriage. I did, however, get to give him...

2 years ago
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Chatting and masturbating a black mans cock

lilbigal I am the only one watching you lay and bed and stroke that dick of yours. Do you like a woman to watch you jack off ? quantex7811 yes love girls lilbigal You like to rub that dick up and down until it gets so hard you cant stop the cum flow? quantex7811 i do edge till it burst out of my shaft lilbigal You like me talking like a little slut for you? lilbigal Tell me how big is your fat dick? quantex7811 sluttier the better kinky as u can get quantex7811 big enough to fit ur pussy...

3 years ago
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Tom Stands Naked In The Queue

Tom's bare ass is right in front of me. I'm trying to stare at it without looking like I'm staring at it. The sound of the showers muffles the jovial conversation of the more confident guys up ahead, already getting clean while we are still queueing. We're all stood totally naked, flecked with mud, in an orderly line; as our coach ordered. As we're stood there, silent and covering up our crotches from our classmates, I have to concentrate on stopping my boner from popping out from between...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Hardware shop

Friday afternoon need Ironmongers before they shut !!! On way there in the van a notice one very tidy woman going in size 14 who knows size 5 shoe with 5" heels fu**ing super sexy fashion tights and fluffy jacket long dark hair nice , hanging about couple mins let her go first. On entering a find her trying to explain what she needed, young Sean behind the desk ( head less chicken ) trying to figure out what she means looks as confused as she explains, making way round the shelf's so I get...

1 year ago
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Sleeping Monica

In this story I'm telling it directly to her. As I wake up, I can feel the fabric of your shirt against my back and around my stomach… looking down at your hand, just laying there on my breast. I reach over, setting the babies aside; then place my hand on top of yours, very gently manipulating your hand with mine, acting like our hands are attached… cupping my hand around yours, causing you to squeeze my breast, then letting go. Cupping your hand again, but this time raising my hand off...

1 year ago
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Me and my Aunt

Note : This story is completely fictional! Let me start by describing my aunt Sharon to you. She has blonde, curly hair with an incredible, hot, sexy body that drives me crazy. She has good sized breasts and is married to my uncle Dan. It was Christmas and I was on my way to her house with my mom. We arrived there at 11:00a.m and walked on in. I removed my shoes and walked into the living room. I said hello to everyone and then I saw my aunt Sharon. She was standing there by the stove talking...

3 years ago
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Gettin By But Lookin Up

I sat at my small dinette table within a shabby apartment watching my almost one year old, Karen, toddle from one object to the next and my almost three year old son, Tom, playing with some toy cars. This wasn't the bottom, but pretty damn close. I had enough money for food and milk for the kids. I seemed to find money just in time for books. There just wasn't enough for new clothes, car repairs or even a hair cut. The car had deteriorated so badly, I sold it to a local mechanic for parts....

2 years ago
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How I Started Turning Girls into Lesbians

At the time of this story, I was eighteen and had never been with a woman. Sure, I'd made out with a few, it's the in thing in high school, but I'd only been with boys.I was also a perfect specimen at the time. 5'5", 128 lbs. and the perfect dimensions of 34C-24-34. I had brownish-red hair midway down my back and, of course, I was and still am completely shaved.I learned from my very first seduction and the ones that followed, that I love women. Don't misunderstand me: I'm bi and enjoy the...

3 years ago
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spying on my virgin sister

Some backround info Im 20 and my sister is 18 My dad is in the navy so he is not home that often and my mum works for an events Place so she is always at these work events late into the night my sister has brown blond hair blue eyes and avage size tits Ok lets start so i just fineshed my second year at uni and i was runing out of money so i decided to come home over the summer And live with my perants. for the first couple of days i was really bored just moped around the house watching tv and...

3 years ago
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my first time

I was a young teenager and my s****r had a friend come over to spend the night. She was 5’3′ 110lbs, dark blonde hair, and a flat but extremely tight body. I knew she was a slut because all my friends had told stories of being with her. I didn’t think I had any chance because I was a virgin, she was there with my s****r, and my parents were at home. My s****r was on the computer and me and her were standing behind my s****r looking at the screen. She had a pair of boxers and a gray tshirt on....

2 years ago
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Soul to Soul

‘Oh, how nice to see you here,’ said a female voice. I looked round in surprise to see a woman apparently pinned against the wall by a leering young guy dressed like a derelict gypsy. I was at an art preview and had I been wandering around somewhat apathetically with a glass of lousy champagne in my hand. I was only there because a friend of mine, Ted, was exhibiting, and the works on display were of about the same quality as the champagne. I was wondering what I could say to him that...

1 year ago
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Tea Cake or Something

“Way I see it,” he offered, “we have three options. We can either go to the coffee shop and see if any of their 1000 attempts have managed to produce a palatable cup of coffee. Go to Maccy D's and get a paper cup of tea but be unable to hear ourselves think or....” his voice trailed off. “Or?” I asked. Tea, cake or something? Hello, my name's Betty. I'm a housewife and I'll admit to being of a 'certain age'. The highlight of my day was a trip to the shops. If the weather was clement I'd walk...

2 years ago
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Jungle Love With My Servant And Driver

Hi, I am Neha. I live in Noida. Some part of this story is true. My husband is from a small town who runs a large business in Noida. I will not mention the exact location. I got married in 2014. Every year we visit my husband’s home two times. I don’t wear Indian saree, blouse in Noida. But in his home, I have to adjust to traditional Indian housewife dress. His family is the richest family in the area. The incident happened this year when we visited his home. I was getting bored. I told the...

2 years ago
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Tortured Love

Him: “I’ll be there at 10, babe. Be ready for me ” It’s the same story I’ve heard too many times before, and being the hopeless romantic that I am I want to believe that maybe this time will be different. I like to think that my feelings for him are being returned because when we are together it just feels right. Hence the “hopeless” to my romantic. I glance at the clock for the hundredth time and sigh. 11:26 pm. An hour and twenty-six minutes isn’t that long right? There is that chance that...

Love Stories
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Party Wife

With the 4th of July holiday approaching, Jill and I closed the office to drive to my long-time friend's house in Oro Valley near Tucson to spend the remainder of the week and weekend at Bob's. We left early and arrived at Bob's home for a small barbeque-pool party on Tuesday night. We had worked the previous weekend and Monday and most of Tuesday, and Jill and I were exhausted after the long drive but attempted to make the most of Bob's hospitality and socializing with his other guests. After...

4 years ago
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A Change for the Better

A Change for the Better By Amanda More Kieran and Alex were two 20 year old students in Manchester. They were both science undergrads and geeks. Neither had much of a social life and both were poorly developed specimens of the male gender. Kieran was weedy only 5'6" tall and although very slim he was soft bodied as, never having been sporty, there was no muscle development. With long dirty blonde hair and a sparse beard he looked a typical billy-no-mates computer nerd. Alex...

3 years ago
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I am From Hyderabad presently working in Pune. This is the story which happened 3 months back I am an Engineer 26years old 5″6′ Tall normal body,Once i was on the way to Hyderabad my home town from Pune on 5 days leave. I reached bus stop at 9:30 pm . I got a last second left side Window seat. Before Bus starting a Lady Came and sat beside of Me. Bus started moving… After 10mins she asked me for the window side seat. Its was first time that i was traveling in bus so i thought once not to give...

3 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 12 Getting It Together

“The world is fucked up,” Dexter declared. Al, the social worker Dexter had started seeing, fidgeted in his seat, in anticipation of another long session of venting. During the first two sessions with him, Dexter had talked non-stop about the indignities heaped upon him by an unfeeling corporation, and the disrespectful way in which his wife had dumped him. Al had not been able to get a word in edge-wise. Al asked, “Why do you say that?” “All of the old rules are gone, and there aren’t any...

1 year ago
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If GameLink was a newer brand, I might assume from the name they were selling video games or maybe the face-to-face kind you play on a board with your family. Of course, they’ve been around since 1997, which is more than enough time to establish themselves as a world-class emporium of smut. Only a handful of porn sites from the era still exist, so you can guess a lot about their quality just from their longevity.I’d argue their mature age is hinted at in their business model. These days, most...

Adult VOD Sites
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chennai sexy black aunty

Dear friends, this is Yuva Raj, living in Chennai city. I am aged 25 now and average looking with slim athletic body of 6’2 in height and weighing 70kg. I am basically a software engineer and working in Chennai itself. I don’t know why, but I have great passion about sex. Right from the moment I became a big boy, I took interested in sex and explored the ways of intimacy between a man and woman. This is one of my successful attempts in seducing a mature house wife and fucked her.I was staying...

1 year ago
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EuroTeenErotica Kinuski Naughty Nurse Fucks Patient

Yanick Shaft is layed up in the DDF Clinic in this Euro Teen Erotica 4K premium porn masterpiece with a huge hard-on that simply won’t simmer down. Luckily for him, hot teen Nurse, Kinuski, is interning in the office today and she’s always got the right touch. The blonde bombshell diagnoses Mr. Shaft as needing a good shagging, ASAP, and she’s going to be the one to facilitate her recommended triple-X treatment. The Finish babe first crams his cock deep in her throat and then...

4 years ago
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Love Is Strange

Hi guys. It’s been a while. But I’ve been busy. I got a chance to stretch out and try some different things. I helped a friend write the script for a play that one of our local theater companies are doing, I started on the plot for the second book even though the first one isn’t out yet and I worked on a couple of new stories. I’m stuck on two of them, so I figured I’d write something short (for me) and fun as a break. There is a kernel of truth to this story although the actual situation is...

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