Dog Lover's DiaryChapter 9: Kong free porn video

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June 27, 1975

Dear Diary, America didn't let us down. After the first episode of 'Polly's Wild Safari' aired last fall, she embraced us with open arms, just like we knew in our hearts she would, just like all the research boys with their computer print-outs predicted. After the third installment, we were the undisputed ratings leader for all networks in all time slots. Philo Phoods dumped all the 'Polly' products on the market and sat back, chuckling, while our audience gobbled them up.

Even the prissy-ass bastards at TV GUIDE couldn't knock that kind of instant success. The tone of their articles shifted after the first Neilsen figures came out, from sneering contempt at "exploitation at the lowest level conceivable" to "phenomenal success, no doubt due to the complete integrity of everyone involved."

Wally and the staff felt that being on top of the heap, TV- wise, was just a start, that I should branch out into other areas of the entertainment business. So, yours truly is on her way to becoming a movie star. That's right!! I signed a ten year, ten picture contract with Sokolow Studios for more money than some countries take in, as gross national products. Right now, we're doing three re-makes of the old 'Sheena of the Jungle' series... only updated and sexed up so they're barely recognisable. The first picture, 'Sheena vs the Mafia', is due to be released in September.

That's all of the mediocre news. I'll hurry through the bad stuff and then go on to what I'm absolutely itching to write about... the really fantastic news.

First, about Harold. Last time I wrote about how he was always talking about doing something to get rid of the bowling alley's bad reputation around town. Well, the bozo's actually gone out and done it... in his own inimitable, ass-hole fashion, of course. Three days ago he held this press conference, at which he told the national media boys what kind of royal screwing he was taking at the hands of the Vice Squad.

Ho hum, right? Sour grapes from a well-known loser-about- town, right? Yeah, well, that's the way I had it figured, too. When he first told me about the conference--the night before it was to be given--I freaked out, hollered I'd divorce him if he didn't call it off. I shouldn't have put it like that. He started breaking the furniture into kindling with his bare hands, then said he'd do the same to me if I ever mentioned the word again. Hey, like I said, he scared me. And I don't mean the kind of scared like I get under the flipping ass of a Great Dane, or a snow leopard. I wouldn't mind dying in the grip of an oversexed orang-utan... but getting hit by a garbage truck would be preferable to having Harold strangle me. Anyway, I told him I was joking about the divorce and made him describe the hot scoop he was going to give the media. After he told me the lightweight, whining scam he was going to lay on them, I relaxed. He sounded like your garden variety L.A. kook with an axe to grind. I was sure the reporters would laugh him off. Sure they wouldn't bother doing the routine check on who his wife was... There was no connection between me and Harold outside the files in Sacramento... I'd used my maiden name exclusively ever since I came to Hollywood.

And they did laugh him off... up to a point. Up to the point when the big lummox stopped sniveling and started naming names and dates and large sums of money paid out the Vice Squad for "protection" by his clientele. He even had the bastards' badge numbers! The newsmen swarmed over him, then.

Was I ever mad?! Ooh-wee! I was on the phone to Wally instantly, trying to figure out an angle, a quickie way out of the marriage. There was no time for the legal way of cutting him loose, even though I had great grounds--the contract had never been consummated--because the reporters would be digging for 'background' information within the hour. The trip Wally laid on me was so obvious, so perfectly simple, that it had to work.

My agent and savior made a couple of long distance phone calls, withdrew a large sum of money from the corporation account, and took the next jet to Sacramento and, thirty minutes later, a private plane to Langousta. The genius got right to the root of the problem. There were only two copies of the certificate--I had the original in a safe deposit box--one was in Sacramento and the other was in the court house in Langousta. He bribed two very willing, very underpaid civil servants--one in each city--and with his own eyes saw the documents burn to ashes. To make absolutely sure, he visited the local paper and 'borrowed' the bound volume of back issues that contained the paper's only copy of the article they did on our wedding ceremony. After razor-blading out the entire 'Social Whirl' page, and burning it, he returned the book to the city editor, who in turn returned it to the dusty shelf.

Ooh, Harold-baby, what you don't know!!! We were never married, Monster Man. You don't have to worry about a divorce any more. Ha, ha, ha.

Discretion being what it is, I've decided to break the news to him gently and from afar. I fly to Tanzania next week for some location work on the second Sheena film, and while I am safe in the bosom of Mother Africa, I've made plans for Wally to sell the house, the cars, the furnishings right out from under Weird Harold. I thought about sending him a xerox copy of this book, but that would be too much... even Africa wouldn't be safe if I did that.

The other bad news is about Mom. She's real gone and done it this time. She's gone off the deep end. When the hot-shot network producers and the movie barons took to taking their bodyguards along with them wherever they went... for the sole purpose of driving her away... when the police began following her to the supermarket in a prowl car to make sure she didn't bother anybody... well, she just flipped. Somehow she got hold of some dynamite and wire and stuff and... yes, she made a goddamn bomb!! As if that wasn't enough, she then acquired an illegal and very definitely stolen U.S. Army ordinance automatic rifle. In broad daylight, on the corner of Hollywood and Vine, at gunpoint, she commandeered the limousine of Latham Bernooli, and kidnapped the made-for-TV-movie czar.

She forced the driver and bodyguards to get out of the car on the Hollywood Freeway and made Bernooli drive her away. Then she directed him to a hideaway she'd rented in Malibu Canyon. After tying him up and threatening him with the bomb and machine gun, trying to get him to offer me a twenty year contract... and succeeding, she called a local radio talk show and made her demands... Either I was to be made queen of the U.S.A. or she would blow up Latham Bernooli...

Luckily for everybody concerned, one of Wally's staff was listening to the show while driving to work and she alerted him to the probability that the mad bomber was my Mom. According to the radio reports, she wore a Frankenstein mask during the actual abduction so the driver and bodyguard were unable to give police a clue to her identity. There were some pretty tense minutes, trying to get to Mom before the police, but Wally came through again. The bomb was wired improperly so it would detonate when Mom pushed the plunger as our 'Safari' troops charged through the door. Mom calmed down after the doctor sedated her. And Bernooli was unhurt, if a bit ruffled. To smooth things out, I had to agree to appear in one of his incredibly dull pictures... with the stipulation, of course, that final script approval be left up to me.

The bomb lady was never found. Bernooli was unable to help police, insisting that he had been blindfolded the whole time, despite eye witnesses who swore they saw him drive the limousine away. The cops chalked it up to either a movie-land publicity stunt that went haywire, or the Mafia boys throwing a scare into one of their turkeys. Either way, it was none of their business.

Mom was very lucid after the episode. I mean if you didn't know what she'd done, you'd never suspect her of anything of the sort, not in a million years. Regardless, the whole damn thing came too close to wrecking my career and the careers of hundreds of tag-along idiots who depend on me. I am a big business now, a goddamn corporation in my own right, and no one, not even my own Mom can he allowed to hurt me.

I've made plans, through Wally and a doctor Major Scampi suggested, for Mom to be put out to pasture. I should've done it long ago, I guess, but I didn't have the stomach for it. Not that it's some shambles of an old folks home... no way. I've seen pictures of it and read the brochures. It's ultra modern, tucked away in a secluded mountain valley in the Sierra, and it has the tightest security system available outside a federal prison. I was assured... in writing... that my Mom would never again set foot on Hollywood Boulevard, not in this life.

Wow, it seems like everything's coming together at once, doesn't it? Real neat. The same day old Harold gets the bad news, the same day the house is to he sold and its contents auctioned, I have arranged for Mom to he whisked away. No big deal, no hubbub... the sanatorium orderlies, dressed in business suits will drive up to the house in an unmarked, late model sedan and inform her that I've been slightly hurt in an accident at the Studio and that I am asking for her.

Once they get her in the car, they will gas her senseless and she'll wake in padded cell. Like I said.

The only thing is, the nitwit has been doing a lot of heavy rummaging around down at the studio... just like the old days, looking for God knows what. I guess I'll have to keep this thing under lock and key until she's safely tucked away.

So! On to the good news I'm in love! No! I really mean it this time. All the other male animals in my life, the wild and wonderful affairs I've had with creatures in every possible ecological niche, pale beside the nova heat of my first true love. I'm serious. Never have I had the kind of rapport with another animal... and I don't just mean we come at the some instant, though we do... I mean, he can read my thoughts and I can read his. Whenever he lumbers into the room, my legs go to rubber, my cunt starts juicing and puckering, my tits ache at the nipples and my palms begin to itch. And I know I affect him in the same way. It's easier to tell with him because he doesn't wear pants. His gross pink cock shoots out of his furry black pouch and aches upward in a lewd salute.

His name is Kong and he's a hundred and ninety pound, coal black, Central African, mountain gorilla. We met during the shooting of 'Sheena vs the Mafia'. He was my animal co-star and what with all the times we were thrown together on the set, and in my dressing-room when it was too rainy to film, things sort of happened between us.

I think he knew I had the hots for him from the first moment he set his big brown eyes on me. I have to hand it to him, he played it pretty cool for those first few days... not letting on that I turned him on, too.

But when 'it' happened, there was absolutely no stopping us. We'd finished shooting for the day and I was back in my Winnebago dressing room, trying to shower the accumulated grit off my tits. I heard the door open and shouted over the roar of the hot spray: "Who's there?"

When no one answered, I figured that whoever it was had heard the shower and decided to come back later when I was finished. I went back to lathering my glistening body unaware that I was being observed.

Kong, the wily devil, had slipped away from the animal compound after bending the steel bars of his cage, and crept over to my Winnebago. He peeked through the crack in the bathroom door, watching with growing excitement while I made frothy suds slop all over my cunt.

I should say that it was not unheard of for the widow of a local tribesman to take in a baby male gorilla for companionship, especially if the couple had been childless. According to the native bearers, often as not. when little gorilla ceases to be a baby, he is taken into the cold marriage bed as a husband, and is trained in the arts of love, African Style. It is said, by the bearers, that such a gorilla, though he be returned to the wild to take a mate of his own species, will always prefer to mate with a human if given half the chance.

Well, standing there in the nude in my shower, I was giving the big brute more than half a chance. He took it, too.

I didn't see the door opening behind me, but the cool breeze on my back sent a shiver up my spine. At first I thought it was one of the gofer boys, stage-struck and deep in pubescent 'crush' going for broke. It wouldn't be the first time.

But when there was no nervous giggle betraying his presence, I got the distinct impression that the intruder was not only no boy, but no human as well. There was something ominous about the shape of the thing as I tried to make it out using the corners of my eyes. Ominous.

"Whoever you are, go away!" I said, my voice a shrill squeak.

Something moved behind me and I whirled around... coming face to face with almost two hundred pounds of gorilla. The scream I let out in that instant would've done Fay Wray proud.

Not that a gorilla's face doesn't have its nice points, once you get used to it, but I wasn't used to it, yet. I screamed right into his face, making him wince at the sharp sound.

His head with its giant sloping brow sat on the powerful shoulders with the barest hint of a neck beneath. It looked like an ebony, over-sized football balanced on a kick-off tee. His huge brown eyes, set too close together to appear really humanoid, were slightly bloodshot, but still bright and alert. His nose was the most startling thing about his face. It was shiny and black and sort of melted looking with great soft holes for nostrils that covered most of the lower half of his head. The fur was sparse around his eyes and nose, but the rest of his head was all shaggy like a fat man with a beard and long hair. His chin wasn't much to brag about, mostly hidden as it was by the bristly overhang of his immense upper lip. His ridiculously tiny and shell-like black ears were hidden very high up on the sides of the sloping dome, at a level well above his beetling brows.

He raised his massive, fur-coat arms and put a black skinned finger on my right nipple. A delicious shudder raced from my blushing nubbin straight to my clit.

"No!" I said, pointing to the open door. "Get out of here!"

The gorilla smirked at me, making his upper lip puff in and out.

"What do you want with me?!" I cried, trying to cover myself.

I squirmed aside as the big beast reached out for me. He put his right hand up and cupped some of the hot water from the shower nozzle. It seemed to fascinate him. He was so enraptured by the hot, steamy, tingling spritzing that he didn't even seem to notice that his arm was getting soaked.

Same as Dog Lover's Diary
Chapter 9: Kong Videos

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Dog Day Morning

She wakes up, rolls out of bed and heads down stairs to make some coffee. She lives alone now her son has been gone and her husband divorced her. This house is too big for just her and her three golden retrievers. She lets the three big dogs sleep in the bed with her every night, taking up most of the bed. She pours herself a cup of coffee and heads back up stairs to get ready for work. Undressing to take a shower. The water is good and hot and as she washes herself, she gets...

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Dog Day Weekend

Chapter I:It is safe to say that Alicia wasn’t expecting anything like this to happen over our three day weekend together. We had been planning the weekend away for months and finally it was here. It was mid-morning on Friday and I had just picked her up from her office. She is a VP of marketing for a bank and has a pretty fearsome reputation as a hard-driven woman in pursuit of success.As we drove to the house, ostensibly to pick up our things, she didn’t know that I had made alternate plans...

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Dog slave Show

(Dog Show)Goddess Samantha  is putting on an erotic filled Femdom party. At the beginning all six male slaves are placed in dog cages yet not considered to be worthy to be pets where about be participants in an event that was going taken place, "The Dog Show". It was an exciting event anticipated and enjoyed by the Ladies (except for the slaves who are the miserable dogs). It results in total degradation and humiliation of the poor participants and its particularly exciting when male slaves are...

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Dog Clinic

Hello, my name is Freya and I work in a Veterinary Clinic in a small village in Holland. My job is to assist the veterinary surgeons in their research work with animals. They deal mainly with dogs and I care for the animals when the clinic closes in the evening and at weekends. I love all the animals and would do anything for them, but my favourites are the dogs. The current research involves dosing the animals with human genes to try and help with human reproductive problems. What this means,...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 5 The Almost Great Bank Robbery

The next morning, as soon as breakfast was finished and the dishes were done, Greg's dad said, "I'm going into town and put our money in the bank," referring to the proceeds from the sale of the coins. "I want to find some kind of investment I can put it into so I don't have to declare it as income on our taxes next year. I bet the manager at the bank knows." He looked at Greg, "You and your furry friend want to come along?" "Furry friend my furry behind." Dog said to Greg. "You...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 6 How To Make Enemies

Henry drove with care as he followed the directions relayed by Greg's mom. The adults discovered, although they were from very different backgrounds, they had many things in common and enjoyed each other's company. "Too bad we had to come down here for medical reasons," Henry Storm told them. "You are some of the easiest to get along with people I have met in a long time. Ever since I got back from the Middle East I have had to stick close to the Veterans' hospital in St Cloud. Now...

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Dog Bikers Gang Bitch

“Hi Ray, be with you in a minute honey,” I say as my dreamboat of a lover comes into the diner. Finally I get the last table cleared and pocket the tip. Not too bad. Of course I do provide excellent service and my short shirt which shows off my pert ass plus my blouse showing the cleavage guys love to see certainly help. “Hey beautiful, how is my bitch tonight? Feeling frisky?” Ray asks with a smile that almost makes me wet. Being his bitch really turns me on. “Oh, darling, you know I’m...

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Dog Day Afternoon

Authors: xelliebabexThe Australian summer lingered long into March and with a final burst had turned the sun's full power into creating a hazy, humid heat wave that wilted every living thing in that part of the world. Kira was dripping with sweat, and her shirt clung to her as if she had just entered a wet T-shirt competition. She groaned setting the last of the boxes onto the floor in the kitchen. She could see movement through the window that looked out over the back yard, and she moved...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 8 That Purple Metal Stuff

Greg saw two young men in their late teens walk uncertainly up the driveway. They reminded Greg of a pair of stray dogs the way they seemed to expect trouble from someone or something. He went to greet them, "Which one of you is Mark and which one is Jason? Can I put a magic marker on one of you so I can tell you two apart?" They appeared to be identical in every way, except for their clothes. One, Mark it turned out, had on black Dockers and a gray polo shirt. The other, Jason, wore a...

3 years ago
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Dog Gone Good

Author's Note: First of all, this entire story is a work of fiction, and is the product of my warped and somewhat-perverted mind. Nevertheless, I have to confess that there are parts of this story that are based on things that I have seen and experienced in real life. This x-rated site features quite a few bestiality stories. And they seem to be very popular, judging from their ratings. The vast majority of those bestiality stories tend to involve our beloved canine companions. And they...

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Dog licked my clit

Some times it takes a little while for things to sink in, I’m no dumb blond but then again I’m no rocket scientist either, so I usually realize what’s going on reasonably quickly but when it came to the family naturist club it took me quite a few years to realize what was going on and by the time I realized it was too late! When Amanda was four and Clare six John’s parents offered to look after the girls so that John and I could have our first ‘proper’...

2 years ago
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Dog and His BoyChapter 2 A Real Bargain

Linda looked outside and said, "Honey, let's go back through Nevada and take the northern route home. I want to stop in Las Vegas and win some money. Wouldn't it be fun to gamble a little?" She had an expectant smile on her face. Charley said in a patient voice, "Honey, I know you know very well, people don't win all the time in Las Vegas. They don't even win much of the time. If they did, the casinos would all go broke." Brian's Dad was a practical man, not given to dreaming. He...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 12 Fast Preparations

Spring blended into a warm, bright summer. Henry and Ellen Storm settled into the motor home and made several business trips up to northern Minnesota. After Special Agent Somers caused so many problems it was decided Greg would not return to school when the new school year started. Arrangements were made to home school him. Vikki, not so surprising, turned out to be the perfect tutor for Greg. She had oceans of patience where he was concerned. Greg's fourteenth birthday was planned to be a...

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Dogging Chapter One

The walk through the woods was longer than expected and, by the time Mark and Sandy got back to the small car park, dusk was turning to darkness.As Sandy was about to get into the car she turned and looked across the car park to the only other car there. It was parked in the far corner, partially hidden by trees.“Mark, are those men... wanking?” she whispered.Mark turned to look and saw that, in fact, his wife was right. There were three of them, each with their cock in hand, and yes, they were...

Group Sex
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Dogging Orgy

This is a little story about my antics when I go Dogging (which I do not do that often, but when I do – I love it).My first experience of dogging (or cruising as it was then) was back in 1996. After having done all of the usual nonsense, in the bathroom. I picked up my bag of tranny bits, jumped in the car and made my way to a secluded spot to get changed and do my makeup. Needless to say, I ended up looking like a whore – little black mini dress, black/red matching lingerie, black seamed...

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Dogging TalesChapter 6

Angela then asked where King was, so we all looked outside and he was nowhere to be seen. Victor said, not to worry as he would not go far but he would go and find him while we both got dressed. Then we can drive to the shopping centre and grab a McDonald’s or KFC or whatever. Victor jumped out to find King and Angela was getting herself cleaned up. I did the same and pulled my jeans on etc. “I suppose we had better tie Den to the handle and you jump in the front.” As Angela opened the...

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Dog day afternoon1

“So where are we going Marco?” “It’s not far now.” I said as we drove along the leafy country lanes outside Worcester. Rose was excited and probably a little nervous as I had promised her ‘something you have never seen or done before’ which given the range of her experience was hard for her to believe. Eventually the satnav directed me to a long driveway with an old Victorian house, shaded by deferential pines, at the end. “C’mon, we are just in time.” I said as I parked my...

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Dog Sitter Comes to Visit

She walked through the various corridors before finding Buxter and Charlie. "So this is a 'drawing room'. Good to know," she thought to herself as she pet the two massive Great Danes. The immaculate leather couches, mini bar, and fireplace filled a room that seemed the size of her house. Every piece, from the millwork to the furniture, to the various awards and artifacts on the mantle, seemed unique, luxurious, and specific - like there was a story for each piece. Solarium, she'd deduced...

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Dog day afternoon0

by Styxx Her cunt was stretched beyond any limit it had been before. The dog's knot had at last been pushed into her, past her tight lips and beyond the muscle of her opening. The slightest movement of either her or the dog sent new waves of pleasurable thrill through her system and made sure she climaxed over and over. The dog heaved one last time and, if it was at all possible, shoved the huge purple weapon further into her and through the neck of her womb. A deep pain immediately told...

2 years ago
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Dog Sitting Boner

She said, oh I want to fly home this weekend for my dad's birthday but I can't afford a kennel for my dog and I can't afford to take him with me so I can't go. I hate to miss his birthday so bad. I've never missed one before! “Well I can keep him for you till you get back, why didn't you just ask”, I asked her? “ I hate to be a bother, I mean we just met and already I'd be asking things from you.” “That’s bull crap Mary, that’s what friends are for.” I wrote my phone...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 3 How To Cheat At Chess

Charley and Linda were comfortable in each other's company and it showed. Of course, there was never any doubt at all whether Brian was their son or not. He was a composite of both his parents. Although he wouldn't admit it in public, Brian knew they made a great family. He couldn't imagine another set of parents who even came close to equaling the ones he already had. When kids get love and respect, they return it in full measure. Dog looked out the window as they drove toward down town...

4 years ago
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dog on a dare part 2

This is a story about me catching my 12 year old little sister Samantha in a dog sex orgy and my second animal encounter. One day when Sam was about 12 I had to pick her up from school as I turn the corner at the bottom of the school grounds I could see movement behind the sports shed, I thought I may have been kids try to break in or vandalise the shed so I slow down to get a better look, AND A BETTER LOOK IS WHAT I GOT A BIRD EYE VIEW YOU MIGHT SAY, here was my little sister Sam on all...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 10 Money Money Everywhere

By the next morning Henry's condition had worsened. All of the plans Steve had made to use the Storms to dispose of the gold were forgotten. Ellen bathed his forehead with cloths dipped in ice water to help fight his fever. Steve borrowed the Storm's van to transport his family and Dog to St Paul. Linda had made a list of the jewelers in the phone book with the largest ads on the theory they would have the most money to buy gold. Greg decided to do his own search using other criteria. Greg...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 4 Dogs Cant Wrestle

The next morning the Ryan family rose early and Linda set out a quick breakfast of cold cereal. Greg did the dishes while his parents prepared the motor home for travel. Everything had to be put away and all doors and drawers checked to make sure nothing would come open on the road. Dog sat back under the dinette table out of the way. Finally they were on the freeway headed north. Greg sat in his usual seat and looked out the window. His mind wandered loose, flitting from one thought to...

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Dog and His BoyChapter 1 Mentally Yours

Two Weeks Before: Vickie Storm felt IT again, the fast sliding down from great heights feeling in the middle of her body. The sixteen year old was certain she knew what caused that feeling. "I'm too young!" she exclaimed aloud. "Of course you're too young, dear." Her mother looked up at her six feet tall daughter and smiled. Then she felt a chill run up and down her back. "Too young for what?" she asked in a concerned voice. "I just got that slithery feeling. I've heard older...

3 years ago
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Dog and His BoyChapter 9 Plan For Action

"Here you go," Steve told his neighbor, "All we agreed on and fifty more for a job well done." The Storms nodded their appreciation as a happy neighbor drove off. Linda looked at her supposed frugal husband and wondered what had happened to him. She decided she had better keep a close watch on him. "Come out into the barn. We got three more of those bad guys out there and more new stuff as well." Steve led the way while the dazed Storms followed behind. Linda told them, "You got...

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Dog Day Afternoon Chapters 15

Dog-Day Afternoon By Beverly Taff CHAPTER 1 I must confess that I'd always felt I was a woman locked up in a man's body. I know this usually sounds tedious to those who have made the transition. The expression has become a trite simplification used by the media to describe what is really a desperately difficult rite of passage. Every one of those brave individuals, who starts the journey and finally makes it through the dark days of transition, has their own story of despair...

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