THE SIBLINGS chapter 2 Opening moves
- 3 years ago
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We found the girls on the basketball court playing one on one. Lizzy felt me arrive as usual and stopped. Allison stopped and followed her gaze.
"Hello pretty ladies," I said. "I have to go do some work so you need to decide whose dream you want to be in until I get back."
Lizzy looked surprised but didn't ask what was going on, "Doesn't matter to me, I trust all of you guys." she said, glancing at Allison. "You wouldn't take advantage and try to cheat so you could win, would you?"
"Cheat to win!" Allison said in an outraged voice. "Her dream; I am going to kick her ass on her home turf."
"Ooh, so confident," Lizzy said with a grin. "Let's make it interesting. First one to fifteen; shirts, shoes and shorts only; you lose something every five points, winner gets to fuck the loser any way she wants."
"You're on," Allison said. "Your ass is mine, girlie, and I'll even spot you the ball."
"God, I wish we could stay and watch!" Jamie said when we woke up. "That's going to be some game."
"No kidding. You can watch while I make the calls if you want."
"Tempting, but I think I'd rather keep up on what you're doing. Besides, I don't think they would have made that bet if they were going to have an audience. Where are we going to make the call from, we don't want to wake the 'rents up."
We ended up in the garage, we could have gone out to the driveway and sat in my truck but that might have been a tad suspicious in the middle of the night. There is a nine hour time difference between California and Switzerland and I wasn't sure what time Mr. Gray actually came to work so we called my bank first. My bank was in Zurich. Based on the dialing codes I think they were in the same country but I couldn't be sure. Once I gave them my account information it didn't take long to set up the second account. The only hitch was they wanted a deposit of some kind to open the account and I didn't want there to be a trail between the two accounts. I informed them that a minimum of ten thousand US dollars would be deposited within twenty four hours and offered them a one thousand dollar security deposit if I didn't make the deposit by close of business the next day. They decided they could make an exception. Then it was time to take the plunge.
The phone number I had put me in contact with a machine asking for my choice of languages. It was a different type of system than we have here in the States; it actually offered the choices in the different languages. The first two I didn't recognize but then it finally said, "For English press three." I pressed the appropriate number, expecting to be transferred to another recording but then a very pleasant woman's voice came on and asked how she could assist me. There was a noticeable accent but she was not hard to understand at all.
"Yes, good morning. I need to speak to someone about opening an account. An acquaintance of mine referred me and told me to speak to the gentleman in the gray suit. He said you would know who I meant."
"Certainly, Sir, could you hold for one moment while I see if he is available?"
The sound of a piano playing softly replaced her and I waited.
"Mr. Osterman is on another call, do you wish to hold or perhaps I can help you."
"Thank you, I don't wish to sound rude, but I was told to speak to him personally. Perhaps you can help me in the future. Whom should I ask for?"
"I understand completely, sir. My name is Holly and I would be happy to assist you in any way."
"Thank you, Holly."
"You're welcome, sir; Mr. Osterman's line is now clear, let me connect you."
The piano music came on again for about five seconds.
"Good morning, this is Heinrich Osterman, how may I be of service?"
"Good morning, Mr. Osterman. Please don't take offense but I need to be sure I am speaking to the right person. I was directed to ask for the gentleman in the gray suit, but many people wear gray suits, could you describe yourself please?"
"I am not offended, sir. In fact I applaud your discretion. You are correct, many people wear gray suits, but not if they are employed by this bank. It is the reason Holly knew immediately who to refer your call too. Here, only I wear gray, as my father before me, and his father before him. How may I help you?"
"I wish to establish an account. Initial deposit will be fifty thousand US dollars to be wired before the close of business today."
"I see, and this is your first account with us?"
"Yes, sir."
"Very good, sir. Will you be registering a name with the account?"
"I see, traditionally accounts of this nature are opened in person for security reasons."
"I'm calling from the United States, I may one day visit you, but for now this is the best I can do. I didn't ask before, and my acquaintance didn't say, where are you located? Judging from the prefix code I'm guessing you are in Switzerland but then I'm not that familiar with European prefixes."
"You are correct; we are located in Geneva, so that would be a significant trip. We will look forward to meeting you if you should ever choose to visit. You have access to the internet I presume?"
"Then please write down the following numbers. To access our secure server do not use the usual www prefix, simply type the following address." He gave me a numerical address. "A prompt will appear on your screen, at this prompt, please enter the following sequence, 00162674395#93665 and press enter. You will be directed to a disclosure page listing our fee schedules. Once you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to our terms, you will go to a page where you will set up your password sequences. You may use a combination of numbers, letters, words, however you wish. Once that is finished you will receive a new account number. From then on you may use our automated services to access the account at any time via the web, or telephone the bank and speak to one of our associates. The last password sequence is an eight digit number which you will need to key in manually to complete any transaction when speaking to one or our associates. The first two password sequences may be changed at any time using the last to confirm the changes. The final sequence is permanently attached to the account and cannot be changed unless you close the account and open a new one. You understand that password security is your sole responsibility and that the bank will not be responsible in any way if someone should use your password without your consent?"
"Yes, I understand. Thank you, Mr. Osterman? Tell me, how long has Holly been with you, and may I request her as my personal liaison when dealing with the bank?"
He chuckled, "Holly has been with us for two years and you may request the services of any of our staff at your discretion. You may dial her extension at the first prompt using the code two-four-one-seven, and if you will then press pound three she will know that English is your preferred language. Is there anything further I may assist you with?"
"Not at this time. Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Osterman."
I hung up and went back into the house to get started. It only took about fifteen minutes to get the new account set up. I called back in and spoke to Holly again to make sure everything was working with the account then called up my bank and had them transfer all but one thousand dollars to the new account. If everything went well I would transfer the last thousand later in the day. If something went wrong they would take it for holding the other account open. Either way, the account Rod had set up would cease to exist within thirty-six hours. I decided to wait until morning to take the next step. That would put it after noon at the bank and enough time would have passed that no one would think the calls were related in any way.
I checked the clock and it was just after two. I stretched and went to the bathroom before climbing carefully back into bed so as not to wake Allison up. I found her and Lizzy snuggled up together looking very satisfied.
"Who won?" I asked.
"I did." Allison said, looking very pleased with herself. I was a little surprised, Allison was good, but I really had expected Lizzy to beat her. I glanced at Lizzy and she was smiling at me.
"Of course I let her win," she said.
"You are such a liar!" Allison said, reaching to tickle her.
Lizzy grabbed her hands to fend her off, then pulled her in close and kissed her nose, "No, you earned it fair and square. But I want a rematch and next time I'm not going so easy on you."
"Any time you feel lucky, Chickie," Allison answered, kissing her back. Then she turned to me. "I guess this means you're done with whatever you were up to?"
"For now. I've got one more thing to do, but I'm waiting until morning for that. If all goes well, things could get real interesting real fast. I'll tell you about it if it works."
"So what now?"
"I don't know. I hadn't really planned beyond this point, yet."
"I have an idea," Jamie said.
"Is it something you want to come out and share?"
"It's about what we were talking about before, that asshole Andrews and taking big steps. Do you want to talk about that in front of Lizzy?"
"Actually, yes." I addressed the girls on the bed again. "Jamie has an idea she wants to talk about. Lizzy, you weren't there but I'd like you to be in on it. I also want Bob there, so if you don't mind breaking up this little party, I'm thinking the office would be a better setting. Well, maybe not better, but I think Bob would be more comfortable there."
"Rats," Lizzy said. "I was hoping between the two of us we'd be able to lure you into bed."
I don't know what it is about her, but the thought made me blush. Allison started to say something but apparently thought better of it. I moved us all to the office, the girls managed to get dressed on the way. I called Bob as soon as we got there and he arrived a few moments later.
"What's up?" he asked. "You sounded kind of concerned on the phone."
"I am. The cops from Vegas showed up tonight asking questions about Roxy. One of them we recognized. You remember we told you about the girl that went to the cops about her dad and they wiped out the family?"
His face went white, "It was him?" A quick glance at Allison answered the question for him. "That must have been hard."
"Very. We learned something else while he was there. Jamie wanted me to touch him. She said that the only reason she had been able to get to Henderson at the bank was because he had touched me. I managed to shake the cop's hand without throwing up or killing him and she was then able to monitor the little daydream fantasies he was concocting while the detective he was with asked questions. They weren't pretty. I'm not sure, but I'm betting he's the one that torched her uncle's place when Roxy ran away. Bob, I've never wanted to hurt someone so bad in my life. The problem is I know what he did. I have seen his memory, experienced the thrill he got cutting those girls' throats while they slept..." I closed my eyes against the remembered sensation as he thrust the knife into their mother's heart. I felt a touch on my arm and when I opened my eyes, Lizzy was just pulling her hand away, I could see in her eyes that she knew what I was feeling, if not the source.
"Bob, there is virtually no way he will ever be convicted for what he has done. There's no physical evidence to link him to the crime. As far as anyone else is concerned the case is closed. No matter what else happens, even if we eventually find a way to stop these assholes, no one will ever know the truth. I ... we ... wanted to punish him. Not just get the information we need from him, but make him pay for what he's done."
"Why didn't you?" he asked. "There was no one to stop you; no one would know what you did."
"That's why I didn't. There is another reason but I didn't think of it until later. Bob, I was afraid of taking that step. I don't trust myself making a decision like that. I..." He held up his hand to stop me.
"I understand, and that's why I asked the question. You are right to feel this way, right to be afraid of what could happen, where it could go if you ever let yourself start making those kinds of decisions. Tell me, if you had someone you could go to; someone qualified to make those decisions, and they told you it was okay to do it, could you? Could you intentionally send him into the kind of recurring hell that Mikkelson and Parry were in?" I started to answer but he stopped me again. "Don't bother, it was a rhetorical question. The answer is no. You might think it's not, but trust me, I know you, and the answer is no. Jamie on the other hand, would do it in heartbeat. Wouldn't you?" We all turned to look at her and even though she looked embarrassed by the question, she nodded.
"Don't feel bad about that Jamie; it's who and what you are. You can do what Jimmy won't or can't, not without an immediate threat anyway. And it's not that you can't, Jimmy, it would just take a lot more to get you to do it. If you were there and someone was in danger, I think you could do whatever needed to be done, kill if necessary, to protect them. If it was someone close to you -- Allison or Amber for instance, I don't think you would even hesitate. Actually, I know you wouldn't because Jamie wouldn't let you. Even awake, she would seize control and do it. And that's the difference; Jamie doesn't need the extra motivation. It's part of her nature; she was born out of the darker parts of you, the things you couldn't face, the parts of yourself that you denied. I think you both know that at heart she's a very bad girl."
"Bah-ob," Jamie whined. "You're embarrassing me." While I knew what he was saying was true, I also knew that Jamie went to great lengths to not be what she was before.
Bob chuckled. "Don't worry, we still love you. I think you do a remarkable job of handling these kinds of emotional situations given who you are. Or am I wrong in thinking you struggle with this?"
I looked at Jamie but she wouldn't meet my eyes. I took her hand and squeezed it. "It's alright Jamie, we already talked about this."
Finally she nodded, "No, you're right, it's hard. Sometimes, like with this asshole, it's really hard. I want to hurt this guy so bad, Bob. I want him to suffer for what he did." Her voice got stronger as she spoke. "And then I want him to die." She glanced at Allison and Lizzy and blushed. "I'm sorry, but I do."
Allison scoffed, "Don't apologize to me, not for this guy. As far as I'm concerned, you can't hurt him enough."
Lizzy just shook her head, "It's not my place to judge, either you or him. I am just glad that God doesn't give me these decisions. Jimmy, you said there was another reason?"
"It would attract attention," Allison said. "I thought of it too. If these people start mysteriously having nightmares it's likely to tip Hightower off. Bob, do you think, if he's really that good at the hypnosis thing, do you think he could stop the nightmares?"
Bob thought for a few seconds before shaking his head, "I don't know. I know what Jimmy can do because I've seen it. We're only speculating on what Bastion can do. It would be interesting to find out though."
"Bastion? Who's Bastion?" I asked.
"Elliott Bastion, the guy you call Lord Hightower. Didn't Rebecca tell you? That's what got her called to Washington, digging into his past."
"What!?" Allison demanded. "You mean..."
"Allison," I interrupted, "no, she never got around to telling us the details. Since she got back we've been busy with other things. Jamie," I said, pulling her close and kissing her cheek, "time to go back in the closet." I raised my voice, "Rebecca."
She was gone before the door opened and Rebecca walked in.
"What?" Rebecca asked. "You couldn't just call on the phone?"
"Elliott Bastion," I said.
"What about him, did you ... oh shit!" She smacked her palm against her forehead. "I never told you about him, did I? I am so sorry. Here you've been running around trying to get to these assholes and I forgot to give you what I found on him. God I feel stupid"
She sat down. "Elliott Bastion, founder and high priest of the Church of the Inner Circle is a very, very, bad boy. Or at least he used to be back when his name was Christian Wallace. Twice indicted for murder, one case was strong, the other looked like a slam dunk, but somehow he walked on both of them. They still don't know how it happened, but it did and now he's actually filed a harassment suit against the Bureau and we can't touch him unless we catch him standing over a body with blood dripping off his hands. Changed his name after the last case, moved to Vegas and founded the church. Both he and the church have been audited several times, twice by firms that work for the DOJ on organized crime. Not only couldn't they find anything, but one of them actually told him that we sent him and the judge slapped us again. The people that I met with are well aware of what is going on, they even know about the girl that was sold into slavery. If it's ever safe to do so, they will get her back. Unfortunately, as you know, right now that would probably just get more people killed. So they're nipping around the edges, looking for a way to take them down but so far, they aren't having any more luck than anyone else has."
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I’m back! For everyone who read the first parts of my Seduced by Sin line, thanks for all your wonderful feedback and requests for more! I promise I will work on getting another installment of that story in here soon. The holiday season is always crazy for me and I just haven’t found the time to write. I wanted to move in a different direction for a bit, so here is a little something new. Be forewarned, the first chapter or two have no sex, character must be built… I promise once I have the...
First, before I tell this story, let me say that it will sound highly improbable. Having said that, I will leave it to you to decide if it really happened or if it is just the daydream of an older man who would like to believe such things are possible. I met M (I’ll call her that to protect her identity) in the normal course of the work we both do. She is much younger than I, but after running into her at several different work-related events, we came to think of each other...
By the time she was awake, I had her immobilized. It was dark in the bedroom, enough that I was working by feel as much as by sight. That was fine, for now - I'd seen her in the light before; that was why I was here in her bedroom tonight. I'd taken the usual precautions, of course. I knew that nobody else was going to arrive, and that any sounds in the bedroom wouldn't even make it down the hall, much less next door; still, I had quietly locked the bedroom door before undressing. She was...
June 1977 Sunday started in the usual way, but took an odd turn. I was scheduled to be an altar boy, as was Larry. We met in the sacristy to put on our robes. “Sorry about yesterday. I hope the day wasn’t ruined.” I saw a slight smirk develop. “You know very well it wasn’t!” He laughed, “Yeah, I got a call from Birgit last night and she thanked me profusely. Did it go really well?” “Yeah, it did. And that’s all I’ll say about it.” He nodded. The communication was clear and I didn’t...
"You fucking whore!" Brian's face reddened with rage as the blue carrier bag fell from his right hand, the condition of its contents causing him no concern whatsoever, transfixed, as he was, by the scarring scene before him. His entire being emptied of reason, understanding and, with a painful jerk, love, the vacuum they left being immediately occupied with searing anger and deeply entrenched hurt. In a flurry of flailing limbs and flung bedclothes, Kathy came towards him, dressed in nothing...
Straight SexI awaken, it is still night, and shadows dance across the room as the breeze rustles the branches. Her warm face lies upon my chest, her soft breath tickles my chest hairs. My fingers are still wrapped in her hair, her hand cradles my manhood. Still asleep, she moans, then her fingers close around my shaft as her dream reveals itself. Her touch awakens a hunger within me as my pulse reacts to to her grasp. I softly growl as my fingers slide into her luxurious brown mane, pulling she ever...
Straight SexCopyright (c) 2001, All rights reserved. Alice Pierpoint gazed up at the jet trails in the air. The air-show had dazzled her, and the sun had baked her skin. Even the flush of excitement in her face was masked by her now bright red skin. Her noticeable cleavage had suffered the same fate because of her low cut tank top. A couple men in the bleacher's behind her tried unsuccessfully to determine just how deep the burn reached. "Why did I have to forget my sun screen?" She regretted aloud...
At morning meal a few hours later in Scudara, we spread the story of our vows having been spoken to the by now captivated staff. We said that after a couple of days of 'practice', we were now indeed on our honeymoon, and planned to turn the practice into perfection. That got the laugh I had been expecting, but it also signaled a new level of cooperation from most of the staff. It didn't hurt that we had been paying as we went and tipping generously. Sid wanted us to make our foray into...
THREE WEEKS BEFORE VICTORIA’S OPENING A few weeks before I took my little sister-in-law Victoria’s virginity, I was in bed beside Alice, my wife of 18 months. Alice is a strikingly attractive 23 year old with a great body. Men were always eyeing her up. She is about 5 foot 6 with long dark hair that is down to her lower back. Like her younger sister Victoria, she has fine feature with large vivid blue eyes and lips just meant for kissing. As you would expect for a girl 7 years older, her...
THREE WEEKS BEFORE VICTORIA’S OPENING A few weeks before I took my little sister-in-law Victoria’s virginity, I was in bed beside Alice, my wife of 18 months. Alice is a strikingly attractive 23 year old with a great body. Men were always eyeing her up. She is about 5 foot 6 with long dark hair that is down to her lower back. Like her younger sister Victoria, she has fine feature with large vivid blue eyes and lips just meant for kissing. As you would expect for a girl 7 years older, her...
Group SexAfter a leisurely breakfast the next morning, Betty, Misty, and their helpers set up an area to work on the translation. While they were busy doing that, Cindy, Kendrick, I, and our bodyguards left to go to the Guild Office. We only had a short trip to get to our destination, and when we arrived, we went directly to the reception area of Guild Master Kevin Moore’s office. My bodyguards insisted on checking the area before I entered, which alerted Ann Tinny, Kevin’s secretary, to my arrival....
I was expecting Bill to arrive early the next morning, so I left the door ajar. When I heard a knock on my hotel room door, I called out, “Come on in, Bill.” Bill walked into my room with an attractive woman by his side, and she seemed a little uneasy. Bill said, “Doug, this is my wife Susan. Sue, this is Doug.” Sue offered her hand to me and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Doug. Yesterday, Matt and Bill told me about you and since you are going house hunting today, Matt thought that a...
After leaving Guild Master Moore’s office and returning to the hotel, Matt and I learned that our ladies weren’t back yet. We left them a note, so they would know we had gone to the hotel’s swimming pool and the note suggested that they join us. The pool was nice. The only problem was the large number of kids made it difficult to swim laps. Matt and I decided to just relax and enjoy the water. We also participated in that male bonding activity commonly known as girl watching, until our...
Saturday, August 29, 2015 FADE IN, ARENA, SEATTLE, WA A capacity crowd is gathered to enjoy a concert by Michiko Takahashi and also her opening act, Paul & Paula 21. A month ago these two nine-year-olds had performed three songs between the opening act, The Krelkins, and Michiko Takahashi. This time, they are themselves the opening act and will perform six songs, maybe more. The stage goes instantly from completely dark to brightly lit, and standing front and center are Paula Claire...
I awaken, it is still night, and shadows dance across the room as the breeze rustles the branches. Her warm face lies upon my chest, her soft breath tickles my chest hairs. My fingers are still wrapped in her hair, her hand cradles my manhood. Still asleep, she moans, then her fingers close around my shaft as her dream reveals itself. Her touch awakens a hunger within me as my pulse reacts to to her grasp. I softly growl as my fingers slide into her luxurious brown mane, pulling she ever...
I was excited and nervous about Lana coming over. Only less than 24 hours ago my relationship with my gorgeous mother had completely changed for the better, and now I was going to fuck her sexy friend. This was beyond my wildest dreams and fantasies and a bit too much to digest for my young mind, but hey, I was not complaining! I was laying on my mom's bed and watching her getting ready for the night. Just watching her, carefully putting her make up on and brushing her beautiful golden hair...
IncestI was excited and nervous about Lana coming over. Only less than 24 hours ago my relationship with my gorgeous mother had completely changed for the better, and now I was going to fuck her sexy friend. This was beyond my wildest dreams and fantasies and a bit too much to digest for my young mind, but hey, I was not complaining! I was laying on my mom's bed and watching her getting ready for the night. Just watching her, carefully putting her make up on and brushing her beautiful golden hair...
I would have bet chalk, money, or marbles that I wouldn't be here, in this place, in this situation, today. The situation is me sitting at the lounge in a big time hotel waiting for my wife. Today is our first wedding anniversary. As I said I didn't think I would ever be here. Taking my first sip of a really good bourbon I thought back over the preceding years. It all started while I was in college. I'm Jason Morgan and Stephanie Daniels is or was or hell I don't know my fiancée. Steph...
Rat-a-tat. Tap tap. Knock knock. Mary roused, something was different in the house. Again – taptap. Knockknock, softly. She looked over at John, snoring on his stomach. Somebody’s at the door downstairs. The clock at bedside read 3:40 a.m. What’s going on? Robed in the red silky Chinese gown, she made her way downstairs in the darkness, went to the door and looked through the peephole. Kelly! She opened the door. “Oh my gosh, Kelly, what’s wrong! Come in!” The girl wore a...
At home it had only been two weeks since I left, but some hard decisions had been made. Father bought the Toyota SUV he rented, his words indicated that he took advantage of the inexperienced and intimidated assistant manager who rented it to him. It seemed the Toyota failed him at a critical time when he was off-road. Father claimed a defect. The manager had to hike a distance in the bush and did a calculation of the cost to have the vehicle towed and fixed. Then Father made an offer. The...
The biggest problem I faced with any plan to introduce the Taluatan Fusion Reactor to Earth was my desire to leave the bright ideas to others, and let them publish their research and announce their discoveries. I had learned how to set little bundles of my own consciousness in the minds of people I was keeping tabs on, either to monitor their safety or alert me to a specific action or activity on their part. In truth I had little triggers like that set in every person I had ever revealed my...
Susie: Opening Up Linda and I had agreed that we would go out shopping on Friday night. It would be a special trip, because we were going shoe shopping. I was looking forward to it all week. Linda wanted me to find some open-toe styles that I liked. She said it was time I "diversified my portfolio." She said that if she liked to shoes I picked out, she would get matching pairs for herself. When we were first dating, I did not like open toes at all. Linda has been working on me,...
Lily had the usual school girl crushes. She fell head over heels for her Algebra I teacher. He was handsome, and tall, and made everything fun. She didn't understand what was happening at first till she realized there was sometimes a feeling between her legs when she thought about Mr. Collins in a certain way. She wasn't the only one who felt that way. Her friends agreed, they would let him have sex with them if he ever wanted to, even though they were all virgins and he would get in trouble...
Tea lights floated on one end of the pool while the other was lit with lights underwater. A net separated the two halves and the reflection of the candles on the other half shimmered like sun rays dancing on the ocean. Small lanterns festooned the entire mansion's property. The marble foyer and other rooms were all decorated with masked faces, which was the theme of the party. As I stood back to take in the scene, I hoped Hrithik would be happy with what I had done to decorate the mansion and...
GayJock Tales---Jr Year—Opening DayOpening day had finally arrived. Thought it would never get here. First up, of course, were the Tigers. For the first time, we were actually favored for the win. Couple of the guys in my inner circle, the Diamond Dawgs, were already teasing me saying stuff like 'I get to play with my boyfriend'. I kept telling them he wasn't my boyfriend—just a piece of ass. They would just laugh, or snicker, and say something like 'ya right'. Kelso had held true on his promise...
Jack Brewster was not in a good mood. He came home from work in a good mood. He was in a good mood through most of his dinner. That all changed when his wife reminded him of their after-dinner engagement. ‘Don’t forget, honey,’ Paige Brewster’s voice rang out. ‘We have that gallery opening to go to tonight.’ A sodden lump grew in Jack’s stomach as he finished his dinner mechanically. He had begun to dread this evening when Paige first told him of it. It wasn’t that he didn’t like art, he did....