A aunt in goa
- 4 years ago
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The WSS Mermaid, an Owl-Class, stealth attack ship, cruised silently and unseen in an elongated polar orbit around Ganymede. Her twin fusion engines were both at idle, allowing the ship to drift along without emitting any heat. Her extensive array of passive sensors kept watch on the space around them for any sign of intruders, particularly EastHem stealth attack ships trying to gather intelligence. Mermaid was ninety meters in length with a beam of ten meters. She crewed sixty. Though she was not particularly impressive to look at and though she was downright uncomfortable to serve in, she and her sister ships were among the most sophisticated and expensive machines ever built by mankind. They and their EastHem counterparts, the Henry's, possessed an ability that no other spacecraft could; the ability to move and work in space undetected by the sensors of other spacecraft.
Large spacecraft such as the California Class super dreadnoughts, or the tankers that moved hydrogen from the Jupiter system about the solar system, or even the smaller naval support vessels that carried extra supplies and fuel, were impossible to conceal from an enemy. The problem was not the radar signatures of such monsters. Radar absorbent alloys were commonplace and easily manufactured and were in fact used to build most of the planetary military craft of WestHem, EastHem, and the MPG. But in large interplanetary spacecraft there was little point in using radar absorbent alloys since the ships in question could be detected at much greater range without the use of radar at all. Passive infrared sensors could pick up and identify a California class in its acceleration cycle from more than half a million kilometers away simply by reading the heat signature from the fusion engines. And when the California was not in its acceleration cycle, when it was simply barreling through empty space between planets awaiting turn-around and orbital deceleration, there were radio signals and forward looking radar beams (used to probe ahead for potentially lethal meteors or other space debris in their path) being constantly emitted, things that were quite easy to home in on with passive electromagnetic sensors. And even if a California were to shut all of its radar, navigation, and radio equipment off — something that never happened, but which theoretically could — they would still emit enough heat and radiation to be detected from one hundred thousand kilometers distance. A California crewed more than four thousand people, employed full inertial damping and artificial gravity, and required tremendous amounts of electrical power just to maintain basic functions. All of this added up to heat and electromagnetic radiation being produced. Large ships simply could not move stealthily through space, no matter what measures they took.
A stealth attack ship, on the other hand, was not a very large vessel and could move about without being noticed. This class of ships was constructed of radar absorbent material that was angled in various places to insure that even the miniscule amount of radar energy that did get reflected back was reflected in the wrong direction. On top of the layer of radar absorbent alloy was another specially made alloy, several inches thick, which inhibited the absorption of heat, both from inside of the ship itself and from external sources, such as solar radiation. The engine and waste heat generated by the people and the electronics inside of the vessel was radiated into a pressurized space between the inner and outer hulls and was then carefully dumped off in controlled bursts through a series of exhaust ports. When underway, a stealth ship used the minimum power possible for acceleration and deceleration and did not vent their plasma directly out of the exhaust ports as regular ships did, instead, sending it through a cooling cycle first. Since artificial gravity generators and the inertial dampers that were a byproduct of them created significant heat, they were not used or in fact even installed, forcing the crews to endure long voyages in minimal gravity (when under acceleration or deceleration) or no gravity at all. Active sensors, including meteor detecting radar sweeps, were not utilized on typical missions, making the possibility of running into an errant piece of space junk while at suicidal velocity a very real possibility. All of these measures, while making for cramped, uncomfortable, and often dangerous duty, made Owls and Henry's nearly invisible out in space. An Owl class, which was touted as being the best of the two superpowers' (of course the EastHem navy said that the Henry was really the best), could drift to within a few dozen kilometers of a London class super dreadnought or one of its fighters without being detected by either passive or active systems.
Mermaid had been on her patrol station for a month and was only awaiting the arrival of relief before setting course for her home base: Triad Naval Base in orbit around Mars. It had been an uneventful cruise, with only routine contacts of EastHem military and civilian vessels logged. The crew was getting quite antsy after two months away from their families (and in fact, any women at all) and the comforting standard gravity of Triad. Their hair was long and unkempt since there was no one onboard who knew how to cut it. Their faces were pale and slightly sunken from the lack of sunlight and gravity. Their clothing — shorts and T-shirts with their rank and last name printed upon them, were horribly faded and in most cases much looser in fit than they had been at the start of the voyage. Tempers had been rather heated lately with fights breaking out between enlisted men over such things as whose turn it was to use the bathing room or who had arrived at the relief tube first.
Because of the lack of gravity generators aboard, the Mermaid, like all Owls and Henry's, was oriented inside to up and down instead of to fore and aft like gravitated spacecraft. It was as if the entire ship was a small building, standing upright, with the torpedo storage and launching rooms making up the top deck and the engine rooms making up the bottom. Access between the decks was accomplished through small hatches. During periods of drifting, personnel simply floated from one level to the other, as if swimming underwater. During acceleration and deceleration however, up to a quarter of a G of gravity was imported to the ship, allowing people to stand solidly on the floor and forcing them to use small ladders to move between decks. The bridge was located just below the torpedo access rooms. It was a small, cramped area, only four meters by six, with five main stations in addition to the captain's and executive officer's chairs. Computer terminals were mounted into a semi-circular console with ergonomically designed seats before each. The captain and the executive officer sat just behind this console, just in front of the security hatch that led down to the next level. There were no windows on the bridge, or anywhere else on the ship for that matter. Cameras and sensors gave all of the input that was needed to run and navigate the ship.
Spacer first class Brett Ingram sat at the tracking and acquisition station on the bridge. Since the vessel was currently at drift and in zero G, he was strapped securely into his chair with a Velcro lap restraint. His coffee cup, which was sealed shut and imparted with a small amount of air pressure, had a magnet on the bottom to keep it in place. The display station before him was holographic, allowing a three dimensional map of the surrounding space to be generated, with the Mermaid's position as the exact center. The map showed dozens of small dots of varying color and size, most of them moving slowly in one direction or another. These dots represented the contacts that he was tracking with the passive sensors and the ship's computer system. All of the known contacts had a small designator superimposed next to them, identifying their status. One labeled S-7 for instance, was a Standard Fuel hydrogen tanker making its way from Standard City to Triad. It was coded dark green, as were all WestHem civilian contacts. About six thousand kilometers above and two thousand kilometers to the right of S-7 — about two centimeters on the map — was S-9, a California Class warship in a high equatorial orbit of Ganymede. It was coded blue, as were all WestHem military contacts. Light green meant EastHem civilian ships and there were four of those — all hydrogen tankers making their way to Earth from Callisto — near the far edge of the map. Red was the color that symbolized EastHem military contacts. There were two of those in Mermaid's field of detection, one, a London Class warship escorting the tankers and the other an anti-stealth ship escorting the London. Yellow represented contacts that had not been identified as of yet. There were none of those on his display at the moment but Ingram thought that maybe that would change in a moment. A flickering on his computer screen next to the display was starting to alert his senses.
"Con, detection," he said to Lieutenant Commander Braxton, the executive officer of the Mermaid. Braxton was sitting in the captain's chair at the moment since Commander Hoffman, the captain, was currently asleep in his quarters. "I'm picking up some errant readings on a bearing of 148 mark 70."
Braxton looked at the detection tech with an unmasked measure of annoyance. "Errant readings?" he asked. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Do you have a contact or don't you?"
"Unsure, sir," Ingram replied, his voice neutral. As a ten-year enlisted man with Martian ancestry, he knew not to allow emotion into his tone when addressing Earthling officers, especially pricks like Braxton, who thought Martians were good for cooking meals and scrubbing dishes but not much else. "I'm getting some flickers in the high infrared spectrum. They've been coming and going for about two minutes now. I can't seem to get a lock on it."
"Flickers?" Braxton said, using his hand to call up a duplicate of Ingram's screen on his own terminal. He stared at it for a moment. "I don't see anything."
"Wait for a minute, sir," Ingram said, staring intently at the spot. Finally the slight flare of white, less than a pinpoint, flashed for half of a second or so and then disappeared. "There," he said to Braxton. "Did you see it?"
"That?" Braxton scoffed. "That's what you're calling an errant reading? That was probably nothing but a vapor formation from a urine dump that some ship performed twenty years ago." The other members of the bridge crew, every last one of them Earthlings, snickered at his comment.
"Maybe, sir," Ingram agreed dutifully, ignoring the snickers, "but it is in the same spectrum as a Henry's maneuvering thruster. I recommend that we swing around and try to get a fix on it, just to be sure."
"And risk being detected from our own thrusters?" Braxton asked sarcastically. "I don't think so."
Ingram looked at the XO, a man who was three years younger than him and had two years less time in Owl's, but who, because of institutional prejudice against those of extraterrestrial birth, had been able to attend the WestHem Naval Academy at Triad and would one day soon command one while Brett was stuck forever at spacer first. "Sir," he said, "I really think that this might be a legitimate contact."
"Do you now?" he asked, smiling the smile of condescension. "And what makes you think that?"
"I don't know exactly, sir," he said. "Mostly instinct I guess. And..."
"Instinct?" Braxton said, barking out a laugh, as if the thought that a Martian developing instinct was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard of. "You look at a floating pile of old piss vapor from the Jupiter War and you see a Henry in it? That's what you call instinct? Tell me something, Ingram. Do you see Henry's when you use the relief tube too? What do you see when you take a shit? London classes?"
"Sir," he tried again, "this flickering is right in the orbital plain that a Henry captain would use to observe our operations on Ganymede. It's basically the same inclination that we use when we spy on Callisto. When you couple that with the spectrum being the same as that of a Henry's maneuvering thrusters, the index of suspicion raises up. If I could get my array more focused in that direction I might be able to..."
"Your opinion has been noted, Ingram," he interrupted coldly. "And it's been filed for what its worth. Carry on."
"Yes sir," Ingram said, his voice still neutral. He went back to watching his screen.
"And why don't you pay more attention to the 0 mark 180 area?" Braxton suggested. "That's where the Dolphin is going to be coming from. If they detect us before we get them the captain's gonna have your ass." It was an age-old competition between Owl crews relieving each other on station to see who could detect whom first. The losing crew owed beers and bong hits to the winners the first time they found themselves in port together.
"I'm watching it, sir," Ingram told him. "No sign yet."
"If I have to buy that asshole Stinson on Dolphin a bong hit, I'm gonna take it out of your ass, greenie, you hear me?"
"I hear you, sir," he said, suppressing a sigh.
Dolphin did not show up over the next two hours, but several more times Ingram saw the flickering in the low infrared spectrum, each time from a slightly different bearing. He continued to watch that area closely, looking for anything else that might give a hint towards what was out there. Eventually, just as the captain came floating in from his quarters to take the con, he got it. The tiniest flash of blue, indicating a lower level in the spectrum, appeared just beside the white for a moment. It quickly faded away and did not reappear, but it had been there, he was sure of it. "Con, detection," he said again. "I'm getting more flickers in the lower spectrums from 151 mark 70."
"Another puddle of piss, Ingram?" Braxton said with a sigh. "I thought I told you to give that a rest. You're supposed to be looking for Dolphin."
"What's this?" said the captain, who was still hovering in the air next to the command chair. "Flickers in the lower spectrum?"
"Ingram is getting heat shine off of a damn urine dump or something and trying to convince us that he sees a Henry out there," Braxton explained.
"That bearing places it in the high orbital plain," the captain said. "Are you sure..."
"Stan, I looked at it when he first reported it," Braxton said. "It's nothing."
"Sir," Ingram said, looking directly at the captain, who, though he was as prejudiced against those of Martian birth as any other Earthling, could at least admit that they were occasionally useful for something, "I just got a reading in the lower spectrum. That's the same spectrum as a Henry venting waste heat. I really think we should maneuver to bring the sensors to bear."
The captain looked from his XO to his greenie detection tech for a moment. Finally he pushed off of the chair and floated gracefully across the bridge to hover just over Ingram's shoulder. "Show me what you got," he told him.
"Stan," Braxton said, rolling his eyes upward, "there aren't any Henry's out there. I told you, I looked at his contact when he first reported it. It's nothing. Dolphin is going to be here any minute now and I for one don't want to pay for any buds back at Triad."
"Let me just take a look," the captain told him soothingly. "You're probably right but I'd like to just see what we're dealing with here. Ingram's not too bad at this technician shit." He considered for a moment. "For a greenie anyway."
Ingram let the insult slide off his back. It was something that he had a lot of experience with. He pointed to the screen where the tiny flicks of white were still occasionally showing themselves. He then had the computer replay the brief episode of blue. The captain watched all of this carefully, scowling as he absorbed it.
"Hmm," the captain said. "My green friend, it's probably nothing more than a few scraps of metal from an ancient booster or something, but it's definitely worth a closer look." He looked up at the other stations on the bridge. "Helm, roll us to 331 mark 70. Keep those thrusters at absolute minimum. Assume there's a Henry out there until we prove otherwise."
"Aye sir," the young helmsman responded, his fingers going to the controls.
While Braxton shook his head in disgust at the lack of attention being paid to the approach lane of the Dolphin, the maneuvering thrusters on the outside of the ship fired with minute blasts of burned hydrogen gas, slowly rolling the ship around on its axis so that the sensor arrays could point towards the contact.
"331mark 70, sir," the helmsman reported a minute later. "Holding steady."
"Thank you, helm," the captain said, still looking over Ingram's shoulder at the display. "Well, Ingram?" he asked. "Where's your contact now?"
"Focusing, sir," he replied, adjusting the gain on his terminal. After a moment, his efforts paid off. A few light blue lines appeared.
"Well look at that," the captain said wonderingly.
"What is it?" Braxton asked.
"Solid contact in the low infrared spectrum," Ingram reported. "Just a hint, but there."
Braxton switched his display over to get a duplicate view. He frowned at what he was seeing. "That's not very much of a hit," he said. "It could just be a sensor anomaly."
"It's the same spectrum as a Henry's hot spot near the plasma outlets," Ingram said.
"And it's definitely enough of a hit to investigate. Helm, get ready to move us a little. Let's see if we can get a range on this thing."
"Yes sir," the helmsman said.
"Ingram, designate a contact for that thing and put it on the big screen."
"Yes sir," he said, his fingers moving over his terminal. "We'll call it Sierra 21. It's now on the screen as an unknown, bearing only contact."
The captain pushed off of Ingram's chair and drifted back over to his own. "I've got the con," he told Braxton, hovering above him as the XO unstrapped himself and floated over to his own chair. Once he seated himself and strapped in he turned on the ship's intercom system. "All personnel," he said, his voice being amplified throughout the ship. "General quarters, prepare for acceleration and contact prosecution."
The general quarters alarm blared and on all decks men dropped what they were doing and stowed any loose items that were in their vicinity. Kitchen crews put away their knives and forks and pressure cookers. Cleaning crews (all of whom were Martians) stowed their rags and spray bottles. Everyone on board reached into small fanny packs that they wore around their waists and pulled out emergency decompression suits, which they unfolded and slipped on. In the event of a hull breach, these suits would automatically inflate and allow the person to survive for a short time in the vacuum that would result. Once in their suits, everyone propelled themselves as quickly as possible to their GQ station. The engine crewmen all assumed their stations in the reactor room. The torpedo room crews passed through a security access hatch and into the room where Mermaid's twelve thermonuclear torpedoes were stored. Two additional crewmen floated up to the bridge and assumed secondary terminals where they could control the four eighty millimeter anti-ship lasers and the two ten millimeter anti-torpedo/fighter lasers.
"All stations report manned and ready, captain," Braxton said three minutes after general quarters had been called.
"Very good," he replied, obviously a little perturbed about the slow response but keeping it to himself. "Helm," he said, "sound acceleration alarm and initiate a point one zero G burn. Heading 100 mark 50.
"Aye aye sir," the helmsman said, activated his maneuvering thrusters and sounding the acceleration alarm. Once the ship was pointed in the proper direction — a task that the computer oversaw rather than the human instructing it — the main engines began their burn. It was of course, not actually a burn since the method of propulsion was a fusion reaction acting against a propellant of liquid hydrogen, but the term, which was as old as space flight itself, remained in use.
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TRANSFORMATION By Bea CHAPTER 1 Enid uncoiled from her chair and sauntered over towards me. She still held the half finished drink in her hand. Concentrating on my embroidery I didn't look up right away, but could hear the tinkle of the ice cubes as she neared me. "Like another drink dear?" I asked, suddenly afraid that she would think I was ignoring her and raising my eyes. "No thank you pet," she replied. "Just thought I'd see how your needlework is doing. Let's see,...
204 Amber 4Best having read 187, 194, 203, T seemed to enjoy the stories, which over the weekend Amber read to him from the laptop mostly while he was balls deep in her body, a receptacle for his joy! Monday passed and on Tuesday morning she did her usual pre-engagement ritual, breakfast then a long bath followed by coffee, and then dressing ready for her master whoever he might be usually to his instruction. T realising from the stories that Mike liked undressing his subject, “suggested” she...
Mera naam shabana haan meri umar ab17saal ki haan won dino ki baat haan jab main 14 saali ki thi jab mere papa mom ka intekhal hogaya tha mera ek bhai haan jo wos ki shadi hogahi thi ab mera bhai aur babhi hi mere maatapita the mere bhai ka naam farhan haan aur babhi ka naam shaheen haan won dino ki baat haan main school me parti thi sham ko main school se wapic agahi thi main room me dress nikal rahi thi jabi bhabi mere room me agahi jab main bra aur panty hi pehni thi bhabi muj ko dhek ke...
Chapter Three Saturday most of the day was spent shopping on the Mexican side of the border until around six p.m. when we returned to the hotel and had a lite meal at a nearby outside cafe. At 8 I had Paula dressed in a skin tight black dress that barely covered her ass cheeks. We then took a cab back across the border to a place known as Boy’s Town. It looks like an old fort except the gate is guarded by Mexican police and once inside there is nothing but bedrooms and bars. This is what is...
Thunder in the distance and a steady rain lulled us to sleep the night before. We’d opted to sleep in the king bed on the screened back porch where the cool, crisp night air assured peaceful sleep.Morning broke with blue skies and the promise of another pristine day in the mountains. Cloudless skies allowed the sun to bathe the mountain top with bright warmth. Yes, it would be a day to whatever we wished, or nothing at all.With my eyes still closed and my mind debating whether to wake or drift...
SeductionEarth time: 6:57 AM Tuesday, April 26, 2033 EDT (10 hours, 31 minutes to Path closing) - at the Junction of Route 32 and the public access road "Well," whispered Kara, "It's taken us almost an hour just to reach Route 32, and it looks even more messy than the public access road. This is really going to slow us down..." The away teams had been walking their bikes over loose branches in the gray twilight for the last hour. Overhead swift dark waves of clouds were rolling. The air felt...
XXI. Full Xanax moments. Her heart skipped a beat before her brain was fully conscious of the reason. There'd been a total communications blackout between them of several years running but Marcia recognized Claire's old email address immediately. She remembered, too, clicking open the message, the standard post-divorce tone of Claire's emails: terse, authoritative, and demanding. Then, as now, Claire communicated with Marcia as she would with a subordinate whose compliance was taken...
The Interloper, Conclusion.Jessica was rudely awakened a second time by the damn phone. This second caller, Larry, was just as persistent as the first one, husband Greg.What had ensued was the husband's ritual of reclaiming his wife from the interloper Larry. Greg did well. He always enjoyed eating his wife’s pussy. If Larry’s long pole had stretched her out, Jess's pussy was back to normal by the time Greg fucked his wife. She’d soaked a while in the tub, was squeaky clean and Greg was...
CuckoldThis friend of mine named Rocky was always first in line to look at my private photo album. My wife is a knockout and on occasions I have managed to gather some very hot pictures of her in surprising situations. Rocky would sit there with a hard on bulging in his pants gawking at her pictures. He would shake his head and comment how he wished he could get his wife Leesa to get kinky or do some of these things, but he was certain she was just too true to him and would never allow herself to do...
P arty Girl Journal’s # 5 All of the events in the Party Girl Journals are real..just the names have been changed to protect the Naughty. At my place of pleasure I helped fulfill a long held fantasy for a new friend. It had been his desire,(and half the men in America’s desire) to be blindfolded, and ravaged by several women at once. But…he had another burning desire as well that no one knew of; even his Prudish wife. He secretly wanted to have a Bisexual experience, but was terrified to...
Group SexSharla and Sam lived just a few blocks from me. They were good friends, as far as friends go. Then Sam got a job in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I hated to see Sam move, because I had spent many a day sitting on Sam and Sharla’s patio, which had a pool that overlooked the 17th fairway of a local golf course.Sharla messaged me and said that she was going to ask a friend she knew in the real estate business to sell their house, but that the friend was more of an acquaintance than a real friend. Sharla...
OccupationsAfter naughty housewife, Zlata Shine is caught red-handed in a lesbian affair with her gorgeous girlfriend, Sasha Rose, both hotties look extremely shocked to see Zlata’s husband and his colleague stood at the doorway! Instead of getting angry, Vince gets seriously turned on seeing his wife enjoying pleasure from another woman and both businessmen join in their fun! Zlata happily shares her husband, as both babes suck cock and get their holes slammed with dick! Every hole gets destroyed...
xmoviesforyouA Different Kind of Vampire By Krysta Sit down. We need to talk. By now you know what I am, or at least, you suspect. You have a choice to make... but not quite yet. First, allow me to tell you my story, and then we'll see about your decision. Years ago, I was like you. Don't ask me how many years. I couldn't tell you. Years aren't important to one such as myself. As I said, I was like you. My name, then, was Jim. I was quite unhappy, though I tried to hide it. I...
I started jerking off to ejaculation when I was around 18. Once I started doing it, it was all I thought about, 27/7 it seemed like. I collected fuck mags and porno tapes wherever I could find them, to use as visual aids. Just looking at those sexy nude women being loved up by their hot men made my dick so fuckin' HARD! Because of that I was able to convince myself that I was normal, of course, in retrospect it is obvious that I was identifying with the women.One day when my mom was at work, I...
Smiling, his mind in a whirl Tenchi was yet again, wondering ... He was still uncertain exactly what had made that moment any different from countless others, but having no real regrets. What was more, it had all come so natural, instinctively. like he had done it before ... Had he? It was after all just a kiss. Mechanically it wasn't 'brain science' or even 'rocket surgery', but at the end of any day, is a kiss just as kiss? He'd always wondered also ... Well, what Ryoko would taste...
WHEN RENE CALLS Chapter One I first met Rene at an Art Museum Benefit. I aware of it at the time but Rene was the guest of honor as a result of his impendinglarge donation to the museum's endowment fund. The reception and cocktail party was to be the event at which he was expectedto announce his considerable gift. I had been invited to attend the gathering in appreciation for my...
“Well, Mr. Phillips, it seems your luck is holding. I’d say we can have you out of those casts in another week or so.” John chuckled, while glancing at the casts on his arms and legs that had left him bedridden since the accident weeks before. “If you want to call it luck.” Doctor Davis smiled, enhancing her already attractive features, and shook her head, causing her curly brunette locks to bounce. “When you meet the business end of a forklift, getting away with only broken arms and legs...
Michael Warner was the first person to greet his daughter when she entered the room. He saw the look of trepidation beneath her façade of excitement and hugged her tightly. “You look lovely,” he whispered. “I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of you.” The stories of Hailey’s prep school escapades had caught her father off guard. He had seen the photos of her traipsing around in a bikini that resembled a handkerchief and had seen story after story on the television and in the newspaper...
Bua ek bar northeast ki taraf gayi thi.Phupa aur bua dono milke wahan kii hilly area mein ghume.Wo akele nahi the.Unke sath ek trip wahan aayi thi.Sab unke sath the.Wo sab ghume maza lii.Trip 10 days ka tha.Issiliye sab aaram se ghume ur moze kiye. Us trip me bua ka ek kand hua tha.Jise me jan kar he ran tha.Ye baat tab hui.Job boh meghalaya ke ek hilly area me ghum rahe the.Toh bua ur kuch auraat mil ke ghum rehe the. Us din ke trip me phupa nahi gaye the.Toh bua ur tin auraat mil ke ghum rahi...
I looked into her beautiful green eyes. She was mine, and I loved her. The spark of life was leaving those gorgeous emerald orbs. I gripped my hands tighter around her throat until I knew she was gone, then collapsed on top of her unmoving body, sobbing. How had it come to this? I thought she loved me! Six months ago: Picture a tall brown-haired woman with tanned skin and brown eyes (me), feeling lost at a friend's party because I didn't know many people there. What was I thinking? I...
Tara’s turn: So nobody actually TOLD me about the status of Terri and Jerry. I didn’t pay attention to any of the relationships involving the Munchkins because they’re all pre-teens and they’re not supposed to be HAVING relationships, right? Wrong. How could I be so wrong? I mean, first I have the evidence in my own household. Derek’s enamored of Rachel. I saw that, but silly me, I wrote it off as one of those cute things that happen with kids. I can hide behind the fact that I was new to...
The Inheritance By Xyzzy A young man inherits a very powerful mystical object. With a little help from his girlfriend, they experience a few trials and tribulations as they discover its uses and limits. But then again, they didn't do anything that you wouldn't do... wouldn't you? ..... "... to my nephew, Bradley, I leave my matching white gold Celtic rings." Referring to a rather substantial ledger, the estate executor added, "That will be box...
My driver uses a sexy Flemish girl. Every day. Let´s call him Harald.We chose her together because of her sexy voice. Everytime we hear her we get hot and want to drive to her.She only talks so hot to us when we are in his car.We ask her to show the way. She usually answers: "Take the second at the right at the next roundabout.She is so boring. She almost always tells the same. She never listens to us. No hope for any answeres to our questions.She is polite, as she is silent when we talk to...
1. ?A toast, to John and Marsha. May they have the best of luck in their new adventure together.? The heavyset, balding man raised the champagne glass in the air and subsequently the entire marble-floored ballroom was filled the tinkling of glass against glass. Everyone in the firm had come out, the men in fancy black tuxedos, the women in sexy evening dress. The speaker was Mr. Dulaney, the senior partner, and to his right were the guests of honor. After almost 20 years at...
My name is Sherry. I am a pretty girl and shy. I have a confession. I was also embarrassed by my cunt. I knew from my parents that it was somehow a “dirty” thing to have and very private. They even called it “my privates.” My girlfriends wouldn’t even say the word out loud…only mentioning it in whispers. So I was very shy about it all what with walking around knowing that I had a cunt! At least it was hidden under my dress and panties. It may seem strange but as soon as I started to grow...
Cast: Calista: Lead character Master: Master and owner Sir Jon: Master's longtime friend Lady Martha: Master's first wife Lucinda: a very ambitious slave who takes an interest in Calista Jacinta: Paired off with Calista, she too is a house slave Mildred: Mother hen to the slaves, she is the eldest house slave Jasmine: Arab slave girl who took over for Calista as greeter Clara: den-mother to the harem slaves Petra and Paulina, Roxanne, Quan-Yi, Gretchen and Barbie: harem...
We had to bring in my other friend Tim to help because with my job I was not always free to take bets and pay up money or to help collect. Me and TIm go back to 1st grade knowing each other. Mr. Franklin owned a few of the hardware stores in town he had some money and wanted everyone to know it. He married Sarah one of the daughters of the town mayor. I think she did it to piss off her Mom and Dad. She was about 35. Five years older that me, Tim, and Jeff. She had light brown hair was about 6...
[Sandy writes] We went to the Methodist church where Mack had been going in recent years after attending Sunday school at our church. It was very similar to our Presbyterian church. Looking at the program, I felt that I would be comfortable with the message, the people, and the music. Mack introduced us as Gretchen's parents and then said that we were here as their special guests while he made a special announcement. He said, "I have asked and the lovely Gretchen Carlsen has agreed to...
Hi, this is Murthy from Chennai, i am 26, well built, studying bsc, i am stying with my uncle and aunty house in chennai, my aunty name is thulasi, she is 45 of age, and a perfect milf, heavy boobs, super thoppal, super kundi (ass), she is black in colour, her ass and boobs are most precious asset of her body, she is damn sex bomb, whenever she walks her boobs and ass swing like heaven, wow wow wow i just love her, she speaks Tamil very clearly sexy way, one day i was getting to college she...
Orlie's kisses were as sweet as I had known they would be, and before she threw me out for the night, I'd not only gotten to first base, I'd stolen second! I went back to my ugly apartment a happy minor league manager. Not long after that, we went on the road for nine games in nine days -- a swing through half of the six-team Western Division of the league. We stayed in bottom-of-the-barrel motels, two men to a room, $38 a pop -- special group rate. When we weren't on the ball field,...
Hi, I’m Sanjay. I’m a regular reader of ISS and this site helps me lot in enjoy and satisfy my wives in a different style. I’m 24 years old. My height is 5’9″ with wide strong hairy chest and strong solder. I have two beautiful cute wife. They are very sexy and faithful to me. My 1st wife is Sonia my Sona Dearling 39 years, but no one can guess her age, she looks like 23/24 yrs babe.She is very sexy looks with the figure of 36-28-34. Her breast are huge with respect to body which attracks all...