Cattleman's LamentChapter 3 free porn video

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Jonas, Buckshot and Peter arrived in Ute Canyon and located Sarah’s trail. Had they followed Molly’s tracks, they’d have arrived at the scene of Sarah’s kidnapping much sooner, but Jonas had gone with his gut instinct. As a result, they were four hours behind Molly when they arrived at the place where she had met Bobby Rocklin. Unfortunately, the signs that Bobby had read were gone.

Two or three hundred sheep had walked over them.

“Been sheep here,” said Buckshot needlessly.

“Do tell?” commented Jonas sarcastically.

By then it was getting dark, and the sheep following Bobby and Molly had wiped out all trace of their tracks. Buckshot rode wide, to the East, toward the Collins ranch, and located Molly’s tracks coming into the disturbed area. Those tracks were lost where the sheep had wiped them out. He rode back up to Jonas.

“Found tracks coming in. I figure it’s Molly. She’s riding Vixen, and leading Tulip,” he said. “Nothing going back to the ranch, though.”

“What the hell is she doing here?” Jonas’ voice was heavy with worry.

“Same thing you are, I imagine,” said Buckshot.

They ranged through the mess of tracks, finding prints of three other horses, all strange to them. Two were hard to read because the shoes were worn down and left little detail. The third had the distinctive bumps on it that indicated they were winter shoes, made to grip ice better. Most stockmen took them off in the summer because they were expensive and it was no use to wear them down in routine conditions. That horse was also a big, heavy animal too, with large hooves. All that told them was that there had been strangers in this place, along with Sarah and Molly.

Had there been a little more daylight, and had they ranged wider, they might have picked up some of Molly’s tracks heading toward the mountains, or the small cairn of stones, with two large ones piled on top of each other, and a smaller one set to the side. Bobby had left that sign for anyone who might be following them. The smaller rock pointed in the direction he thought he’d be headed for a while. But, while Charley would have known instantly what that meant, the cattlemen weren’t used to following that kind of trail, and it wouldn’t have made sense to them. In any case, darkness caught them, and they had no idea where to go next.

“What do you want to do, Boss?” asked Buckshot.

“Damned if I know,” said Jonas. “I thought to ride out here, find her and then get home. We didn’t bring supplies to camp overnight.”

“Maybe they went over to that sheep farmer’s spread.” suggested Peter.

“That sheep farmer doesn’t have a spread,” said Jonas angrily. “He’s a squatter.”

“Now Jonas, the way I heard it, old man Johansen said he sold his ranch to the man,” said Buckshot. He immediately wished he hadn’t said anything.

“Johansen didn’t know they were bringing sheep here,” said Jonas.

“If he’d a known that he wouldn’t have sold.”

Buckshot didn’t want to argue. His arthritis was acting up. He idly thought that it must be going to rain soon. “Boy could be right Jonas” he said, ignoring the outburst. “Mebbe they did go over to ... Johansen’s old place.”

“Let’s ride.” barked Jonas. Jonas never apologized, but if he recognized a proper course of action, he took it.

The three men headed for the ranch now owned by a man named Rocklin. It would be the first formal meeting of men who, as the world saw it, were neighbors. Jonas Collins didn’t think of it that way at all. He loosened the rifle in its scabbard by his right knee.

In the house now owned by Brad and Amanda Rocklin, there was a serious conversation going on. It was almost dark, and supper was on the table, though no one seemed interested in eating it except Enid. She was fourteen years old and had a healthy appetite to go with the stocky body she’d inherited from her father, much to her mother’s dismay. The only thing Enid had inherited from her mother were a pair of proud, thrusting breasts that, according to her, were a bother because they always “got in the way”, whatever that meant. Amanda often looked at Enid, and then her other daughter, Elizabeth, and wondered how they had both come out of the same womb.

Beth was tiny, like her mother, almost delicate, with thin wrists, and a narrow waist to match. Like her year-younger sister, she had the same large, lush breasts that Amanda had, but Beth’s figure was more proportioned to that of a woman, with swelling hips to match. Enid’s hips were slim and boyish. Beth worked hard too, but it didn’t show on her like it did on Enid. Beth’s skin was milky white, while Enid had freckles and darker skin that was darkly tanned by the sun.

Enid was already taller than Amanda, and had the sturdy look of a young pioneer woman, with callused hands and short, usually dirty fingernails. Not that she didn’t appear to be a female. Her long strawberry blond hair, not quite so red as Amanda’s, was tied back with a ribbon. Her young, but already large breasts pushed at the soft buckskin shirt she was wearing, above pants made of the same material. Beth had on a proper dress. Amanda would rather have had both girls wearing dresses, but the only ones Enid owned were two or three years old and had been made for a much smaller girl. Amanda hated sewing, and, come to think of it, Enid had inherited that from her too. Beth, on the other hand, had probed to find what sewing skills Amanda possessed, and had pulled them from her on cold winter nights beside the fire. Beth made her own clothes. Amanda could spin wool into thread that made the finest cloth, like most women of that day, and Beth was fast on her way to becoming just as good with a spinning wheel. But the weaving and cutting and sewing of that fine wool cloth was something Amanda had no patience for. She’d just as soon buy ready-made dresses.

That happened infrequently, though. It was rare to get to town, and even more rare to have the money to spend on things like that. The only proper dresses Amanda still owned were the one’s she’d brought with her from Oregon, and one that Beth had made for her.

On the other hand, the Rocklins had good relations with the local wandering tribe of the Batcinena, or Red Willow Men of the Arapaho Indian tribe. In the uneasy peace between former enemies, enforced by the infrequent appearance of soldiers, the tribe traded with other tribes who wove wool into beautiful blankets, and the Rocklins were able to trade good wool thread for both good will, and fantastically well-made clothing of animal skins. Elk skin made the best clothing, thick and almost indestructible, and as long as you didn’t wear the same outfit too long without airing it, the leather maintained its sharp, pleasant smell.

As a result, Amanda’s children often dressed in clothes that were more suited for a wild Indian than a civilized sheep farmer. For that matter Amanda herself owned two sets of sturdy Indian garb.

Her husband refused to wear leather clothing, preferring jeans and cotton or wool shirts, depending on the weather. His chaps, though, were Indian made. They were a gift to him by an Indian woman who had showed up on foot at the ranch, handing them over and saying her son’s name. Brad had found the boy with a broken leg and had splinted it and carried him to where the tribe was located at the time. At that time, that had been thirty miles away, and the woman had made the chaps and walked the whole distance ... round trip ... to thank him.

The other nice thing about leather, Amanda had to admit, was that it stretched as the body grew into it. She glanced at Enid’s swollen breasts, pushing the leather away from her chest, and sighed. Her worried mind was drawn back to the issue at hand as her husband spoke.

“I shouldn’t have sent him out there,” he said.

“Nonsense,” said Amanda. “He’s a grown man. Well, almost. And he should be back by now. I’ll tan his hide good for making us worry like this!”

“He’s probably dead,” said Enid. She had argued with her brother that morning about whose job it was to clean the chicken coop. Being two years older he had simply informed her that he had other things to do, and it was her job, and if she didn’t do it he’d tell their father. She realized it had gotten very quiet at the table, and looked up. Her mother and father, along with Buckshot and Xian Bai, their other lead shepherd, were all staring at her.

“Why would you say that?” asked her mother, her face darkening.

“Why in the world would you say that, Enid Rocklin?”

Enid knew that tone of voice, and knew she’d made a tactical mistake. But the odor of chicken manure on her hands ... the odor she couldn’t get off no matter how much she washed them ... made her compound the mistake.

“Well? He’s just so stupid!“ she said forcefully.

Oddly enough, Amanda relaxed and sat back in her chair. She recognized that tone of voice. Sibling rivalry. She glanced at Beth, who had her eyes on her food, like she was trying not to get involved in the conversation.

Charley tried to defuse a situation that really didn’t need to be diffused any more. Of course he didn’t know that. He was a man, and didn’t recognize those tones of voice.

“Your brother is not a stupid man,” he said patiently. “He should be back by now and your mother is worried.”

Xian Bai spoke from the other side of the table. “Your Brother is very smart, Missy,” he said, grinning. Xian Bai had somehow attached himself to the party as they moved from Oregon to Wyoming, herding five hundred sheep along the old Oregon Trail. He had been walking alone, with only a sack hanging from a six foot long pole as he was surrounded by sheep. He had just kept walking until the Rocklins caught up to him. Queen, their lead dog, had ambled up to him, sniffed him and then ambled off.

That, in itself, was an endorsement. Amanda had been exposed to Chinese immigrants, and invited him to eat with them when they camped. He’d been with them ever since. He picked up sheep ranching as if born to it, and he had an almost magical way with the dogs, as if he could speak to them somehow. He took his pay, when they had money to give him, but often Amanda found it back in the big clay jar she kept loose cash in. He was also a wizard with the weaving of rope, and made all the rope they used on the ranch.

Enid, knowing that she had gotten off easily, started eating again.

Buster, who had been lying in a corner of the room, suddenly lifted his head, his ears up. A soft growl issued from his throat. The three puppies who had been sitting patiently under the table, hoping for scraps, began yapping loudly. Brad kicked one and Amanda shushed at them, picking two of them up and holding their muzzles closed. Xian Bai grabbed the third and did the same thing.

Buster was standing now, rigid and facing the door. His growl continued, but he did not bark.

Brad and Charley stood. Charley went to the wall and took down the double barreled Damascus twist black powder shotgun. He knew it was loaded. Brad went to the desk and opened a drawer, pulling out a Navy Colt .36 caliber pistol. Charley headed for the back door of the house while Enid, all business now, turned the kerosene lamp down until it gave off just a dull glow. Xian Bai had disappeared without a sound.

“Halloooo the house,” came a faint yell from outside.

Brad opened the door, but stood to one side.

“Who’s there?” he yelled out into the almost dark. He could see the dark forms of three men sitting horses, out away from the house.

“It’s Jonas Collins,” came back the reply. “I’m lookin’ for my wife and daughter. They’ve gone missing!”

Brad frowned. He hadn’t met the cattle rancher. That had been intentional. When he’d moved onto an old cattle ranch with sheep he’d known that he would not be welcome. Cattlemen he saw in town wouldn’t even speak to him, shooting him hostile looks instead. He’d decided on his own to try to lie low and keep the flock away from his closest neighbor’s range, to avoid conflict. While surveying his new ranch he’d found grass that cattlemen wouldn’t want to use, and had capitalized on that.

He had four or five times as many sheep now as he had when he’d first arrived, and the operation was just beginning to make some money.

He intentionally left a broad piece of free range untouched between him and the Circle C ranch. Brad was trying hard not to get caught up in the general trouble between cattlemen and sheep men. The last thing he needed right now was trouble with Collins. He was uneasy about this “visit”, but when kinfolk were missing, it was a serious thing.

“Come on in,” yelled Brad, and he stepped out onto the porch. He put the pistol in his pocket, but did not let go of the grip. He knew Charley was at one corner of the house, covering the three riders.

The three horses stepped slowly toward the house. It was too dark to see the men’s hands, and that made Brad more nervous. As the men got closer he spoke to them.

“We haven’t seen any strangers,” he said, suddenly wishing he’d said

“people” instead of “strangers”.

Jonas sat his horse. He hadn’t been invited to step down. “Found sign of your sheep where her trail disappeared,” he said. “Over by that dry creek bed that comes out of Ute Canyon.”

“That’s impossible,” said Brad firmly. “We don’t graze the flock over there.

“Well, somebody does,” said a gravelly voice of one of the other men. The grass had been eaten to the roots, and there’s sheep tracks all over the place.”

“I don’t graze my sheep that way,” insisted Brad.

“Where is your flock, then?” asked Jonas.

“They should be on their way to the high meadows,” said Brad. I sent my son out to tell the men to start them that way this afternoon. He’s not back yet. We were just talking about that at supper.”

Brad suddenly remembered his manners. “You men eaten yet?”

“No sir!“ came a young man’s voice from the three.

“Shut up Peter,” growled Jonas, turning his head.

Brad had heard that tone of voice before. He’d never talked to Jonas Collins, but others had shown their contempt for him and his sheep.

“Well, we’ve got plenty. You may as well come on in and have a bite. If nothing else tell me what you’ve found. Maybe we can figure out what’s going on. My son should have been back by now and we’re a little worried about him too.”

Jonas sat there silent, thinking. He didn’t want to act friendly in any way toward this man, but his daughter and wife were missing. At least he should get a look inside the house. He didn’t think the man would just lie outright, but he’d like to look around a little ... just in case. His saddle creaked as he put his weight on his left leg and he swung down. The two other men followed suit.

When his booted feet hit the boards of the porch, Jonas smelled the food and his stomach growled. He hadn’t had anything except jerky since morning. He thought a curse to himself, but kept quiet. He didn’t want to take the hospitality of a sheep farmer.

Sarah came to and, through the fuzziness in her head, she realized she must have passed out again. The terrible pain in her middle was gone and she realized she was lying on the ground. Her wrists still hurt and as she tried to flex shoulders in fiery pain, she realized she was still bound. The first odor to get past the burlap bag still covering her head was smoke. She heard voices.

“Keep it small you idiot. We don’t need no smoke and flame giving us away.”

“Damn it Buford, I want hot vittles!” complained Chaps’ voice.

“You won’t get any vittles at all if’n they find us ‘afore we’re ready,” snarled Buford’s voice.

“An’ that’s another thing,” went on Chaps’ whiny voice. “Why’d you take her like that? They’s gonna be mad Buford. Real mad.”

“I already told you Chaps! That there pretty little slice of pussy’s gonna get us the stake we need to light out to better parts you fool. They’ll pay gold to get her back,” said Buford, trying to be patient. He couldn’t pull this off without Chaps’ help. He couldn’t manage the girl by himself. She was too damn heavy.

“What if she’s dead?” whined Chaps. “She ain’t moved in a long time Buford.”

“She ain’t dead,” grunted Buford. “Least wise she’d better not be. She ain’t worth nuthin’ dead. Plus I aim to get me a piece of that pussy. I’m tired of fucking sheep.”

“That ain’t right Buford,” said Chaps, his dim mind settling on sheep ... and what Buford sometimes did to sheep ... and forgetting the girl. “You shouldn’t ought to be doin’ that anyways.”

“You shut up. If you want to live with blue balls, fine.

But I’m a real man and I need some real pussy once in a while.

That there little filly’s gonna feel real fine wrapped around my dick.”

“I don’t like this Buford.” insisted Chaps. He was simple minded, but he was no fool. He knew the code of the West just like every man in that part of the country. He knew what was likely to happen just for carrying the girl off, if they got caught.

If she was raped they’d swing from a tree for sure.

But Chaps was scared of Buford. He’d seen Buford do terrible things to a sheep, things that hurt it ... sometimes even killed it. And the way he was unnatural with them. It scared Chaps a lot. So Chaps subsided into unhappy silence as he stirred the beans over the tiny fire Buford had allowed him to build using only squaw wood - small dead sticks pulled from the lower trunks of trees, or found lying on the ground. While Buford wasn’t looking he added a few sticks to the flames. Beans needed to be hot to choke down, in his opinion.

Sarah heard all this as though it came through cotton stuffed in her ears. Her head hurt horribly, and her face felt hot.

She knew she should be frightened, listening to Buford’s plans to rape her, but she couldn’t concentrate. Her eyes closed as her bruised brain cut off her consciousness once again.

Molly sat her horse in the dark, next to the boy. They hadn’t talked much. The boy’s attention was all on tracks and bent twigs and flattened tufts of grass, or scrape marks on rock. Molly knew a little of tracking, though she wasn’t much good if the trail was faint. But it was obvious this boy knew what he was doing. Whenever he lost the trail, he found it again within minutes. He seemed to have an instinct for it, or knew his men well enough that he knew what they’d do. The trail had not gone straight, like she thought it would. It often turned, for no clear reason at all.

She realized that each time they came to rock that the trail would turn and go in a different direction. She wasn’t stupid, and it didn’t take her long to understand that the people they were following didn’t want to be found. That made the pit of her stomach lurch, and a sour taste come to her mouth. Her baby girl was with men who didn’t want to be found.

“It’s too dark to go on,” said the Rocklin boy softly.

“I didn’t come prepared to camp out,” she said irritably.

“Neither did I,” he said. “Still, that’s what we’re going to have to do. We’ll pick up the trail in the morning. I know those men and they won’t ride through the night.”

“We can’t camp out here!” said Molly firmly. “It gets cold at night up this high.”

They had left the plains after a three hour ride, and had been climbing ever since.

“Yes, Ma’am it does.” he agreed. “We’ll just have to build a fire and live through it, I guess.”

“That’s insane.” complained Molly.

“You can’t go back in the dark, ma’am,” said the boy. “And if you did you’d lose hours on the trail. I thought you cow people were supposed to be tough,” he said mildly.

Molly bristled. “You watch your mouth, boy,” she grumped.

But there was no heat in her voice. She realized she sounded soft and pampered to be complaining about a single night out in the open. She’d done that when she was younger lots of times. She’d show him tough!

Three hours later she wasn’t so sure she was tough at all.

He had some food in his saddlebags, which he shared with her.

Then, finding a rock face, he built a fire right up against it. He dragged in two respectably sized logs and lay them next to the rock face, forming a V, and then built a fire filling the void between them. He added wood until the blaze was uncomfortably hot and she complained.

“The heat will soak into the rock and then reflect back out when the fire dies down.” he explained. “Whichever one of us wakes up in the night will need to add wood to keep it going all night, but the fire will eat down into those logs, and it will be easy to get it going again.”

“Aren’t you going to stand watch?” asked Molly. It had been a long time since she’d slept out in the open. She’d been a girl the last time she’d camped.

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I’m maddy age 24 just reached 24 fair good looking smart every second girl I met wants me to be her boyfriend actually I m very good guy I got a lots of chances to broke my virginity but I wants to fuck my aunt first I requested all the readers to help me by giving their advices to me send the advices by e-mail at Hi friends this a your friend maddy my name is not true actually I does not wants to disclose my identity and as well as my aunts identity my mother’s sister she is 4 years younger...

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The Red Shoe

It had been a bad day full of bad behaviour.  He'd finally had enough of her terrible attitude and now she finds herself cold, blindfolded with each wrist handcuffed to a wire fence in the deserted downtown core. He half dragged her by the hair, unmindful of her pleading and yowling and threw her up against the fence.  His body pinned to hers he kissed her so sweetly it sucked out all her breath.  Dark eyes staring into hers he whispers softly as he strokes her cheek  "Baby, you want to make it...

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PornWorld Mary Alfie Hung Stud Fakes It Rich To Ass Fuck Slutty Gold Digger

Bitchy brunette Mary Alfie isn’t interested in Vince Karter until his best friend appears in a sports car and Vince climbs into the driving seat. Suddenly, this absolute slut walks over to the window and bends over, showing off her ass in barely there denim hotpants! Vince gets her to jump in and takes her back to his place where Mary strips naked and gets oiled up by her new found beau. She strokes his slippery cock with her hands before Mary gets every hole drilled by Vince’s...

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Giving the young guys a jump

Let me tell you about myself. I'm in my late forties and twice divorced. I used to be what the guys called a real piece with a nice rack but time had taken a toll on me. I'm about five foot six and somewhere between plump and fat at a hundred eighty pounds. That rack is a bit on the saggy side now but I still crave the attention that I used to get. I don't really have any interest in a steady man in my life, I like being on my own but sometimes I just wanna fuck, plain and simple but the...

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shoplifter fucking girl

shoplifter fucking girl,Hardcore is the broadest of porn categories as it includes anything where the penis enters the vagina for thrusting. Scenes include every position imaginable, a great deal of foreplay to arouse both parties, and penetration that lasts for a shockingly long time or can be a quick homemade fling to capture a couple's passion.BBW pornography stars chubby women of exceptional size demonstrating their fuck hungry pussies. These free sex scenes are full of obese girls with fat...

1 year ago
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Threesome Me and Two Hot Men

I’m Tessa. I’m 19 years old. I have long legs, long blond hair and size B titties. ‘Hey, I’m bringing a friend tonight, just so you know,’ Jack said into the phone.  ‘Yeah that’s fine. Does your friend know that it’s just going to be me and you?’ I asked.  ‘Yeah, he’s cool with whatever. I can’t wait to see you. I know tonight will be amazing,’ Jack said. I hung up. three hours later, at around 9 PM, Jack knocked on my door. Not only was Jack gorgeous, as always, but his friend, Kyle, was...

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Meet The Maddisons 7

Two days the phone rang. I picked it up. It was John. "Hi Jim. Thanks again for a great night. Your family is incredible and it did wonders for Chris's confidence."I wasn't surprised. Having one beautiful woman lick your ass and caress your balls while you're fucking another beautiful woman will tend to do that."That's good," I said, wondering where this was going."Jim, I've talked with Joanne about helping Chris build his confidence further and learn how to be with women. She feels he still...

1 year ago
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Hot Smita Bhabhi

This is the story about my neighbor bhabhi Smita, we have been neighbors for a long time & I had seen her entering the house as a bride when I was in my teens. During those days I used to play with her a lot and was always there for any help she wanted, like assisting her in her shopping and all. We were very close. It is 15 years now, I am also married and settled and she is the owner of a beauty parlor and doing very well. Last month when I was at my home town I visited her after the diwali...

2 years ago
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RumnienZyklus German

Rum?nien-Zyklus I - Der Unfall1 Der alte Laster traf sie v?llig unvermittelt. Eben noch waren sie dabei, Witze ?ber die verfallene H?userstruktur von Chiajna, einem Vorort von Bukarest, zu rei?en, als der Wagen in sie hineinkrachte. Die drei Teenager wurden in dem alten Taxi herumgeschleudert, das Fahrzeug drehte sich zu Dreiviertel um die eigene Achse und kippte auf die Seite, bis es endlich liegenblieb.Peter, Tim und Mark waren drei 15j?hrige Sch?ler aus xxx, die einen Urlaub in Osteuropa gebucht hat...

3 years ago
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Fucked A Married Woman In Hyderabad

Hello to the wonderful world of iss! My greetings to the indian sex story readers, especially the female one’s, as their emotions and matter a lot to me ;) Let me introduce myself first before beginning to show my wild side :d I am addy, I hail from Hyderabad, the city of great food, and the nawabs, who loved luxury and had luxurious wives! ;) (just think what kind of stamina they would’ve had) I am a civil engineer, pursuing masters in construction management, now in Dubai, from heriot watt!...

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Elizabeth and I love playing games together. We explore fantasies and so long as we both enjoy them, anything goes. One of the games we play is for her to dance and flirt with other men while I watch. We have a favourite bar we go to. The layout is perfect. There’s a long bar with mirrors behind it, plenty of space for sitting or standing and talking. It’s easy to see everyone, to see who’s hot. The bar dog-legs into another room with a dance floor with tables and chairs along one of the...

3 years ago
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Boots for C Part 3

From Aldo we walked over to Nordstrom. It was now impossible to conceal my erection as visions of the salesgirl helping a rather properly dressed lady (at least on the surface) try on some otk fuck boots danced in my brain, and I made little or no attempt to conceal it. On the way through the mall I caught her glancing down once or twice, perhaps admiring her work. She was a little nervous about Nordstrom as a friend of hers worked in cosmetics, and of course that was the dept at the entrance...

3 years ago
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Ohh Mom Pt 1

Alright this is my first story ever. I just wanted to say that some of these parts are true and some are just fantasies that Ive had. Im open to all criticism and comments. If you have an idea that you would like to share for one of my next stories sent me a message. ————————————————————————————————– I was your typical horny 17 year old teenager. I went to school, had fun with friends, and completed treacherous homework. I didnt have that many friends and I had never had a girlfriend. Hell, I...

2 years ago
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My b/f is French. His name is Jacques Longue. But everyone calls him Zak. I call him Zak Long. And that is no accident. He has a thick, blunt cock with beautiful, angry veins and loose foreskin that pulls easily back revealing a thick, purple helmet with a big eye and a pronounced curvature. Best of all, it is long. Over 8-inches when fully erect. And I like nothing better than riding him. Don’t get me wrong; when he grabs me roughly from behind, folds me in half and hammers 7 bells out me, it...

1 year ago
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My Oral Cherry

It early Saturday afternoon and I was going to the school pool for a training session with the school swim team. We were in training for a competition against another school from another city. We had never beaten them before and were really trying hard this time.I got there early as I wanted to laze around in the pool before we got in to it.When I got there the door was open but nobody seemed to be around. I got changed and lay in the sun.I had been there for maybe 10 minutes when the swimming...

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JulesJordan Jessa Rhodes Interracial Creampie She Has Come Back For More Big Black Cock

Jessa Rhodes got a taste of the BBC and is back for more! Let’s face it, Jessa is porn royalty and it’s going to be hard to take that crown away from her, especially after this display of filth. She shows off her sexy body in a sheer white bodysuit looking hot as hell with her pouty lips, flowing blonde hair, juicy tits, and that tight ass. Jessa gets right to work and wraps those perfect lips around Prince’s BBC, gagging as she jams it deeper and deeper down her throat....

4 years ago
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Reassembling the night

Ryan fluttered his eyes open but couldn't see, momentarily panicking the drink had finally sent him blind. He squeezed them shut, drew thumb and forefinger across his aching lids and off the bridge of his nose, clumps of sleep rolling with them. Counting to three, he tried again, relieved this time that his focus began to swim into view. Gooey shapes gradually gave way to harder lines and edges across the bed. He recoiled and tipped over the side into a tangled heap atop his discarded jeans....

Straight Sex
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Couple shops in North African bazaar

Daniel and Alice Frost had been happily married for five years. Both in their mid thirties, they worked for the same company as auditors. They had led sheltered lives, and all their friends and colleagues thought that they were a friendly couple, but a little naive. It came as much of a surprise then, when the couple booked a holiday experience to North Africa. Danny felt that two weeks under the African, sun combined with the colour, hustle and bustle of the Tunisian markets would be an...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 41

With just days before the Labor Day weekend, the date that was set to bring Megan and Jason into their circle of sex, Kathy knew the time was right. The effects of the pill she had been taking were now out of her system and her body quite regulated, and keeping close tabs on Megan's period, she also was primed. Kathy and Jim sat the twins down and explained the new relationship they had with Derrick and Karen, and inquired if they too would like to be a part of it. Megan was thrilled that...

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Educational Sex in Retirement

When I was a student, a professor and I had a brief sexual affair. You can read about it in “Professor Insect” on this site. I really enjoyed the sex, and got a good boost to my grades and career in consequence. But times changed; when I was a professor, seducing students was not on, whether or not grades were involved.So I behaved myself, not quite flawlessly but mostly. What extraordinary temptations there were!But my career was successful, I sold books and lectures and retired early, not...

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Ch...Ch...Ch...Changes (Part 1) Hey everyone, the Island man is back! At the request (encouragement they would tell you) of my employer I went back to school to complete an additional degree so I had to take a little hiatus from writing - but I'm done (at least for now). It's been quite a while since I have contributed to the community and felt it was time to give back again. It's been a very busy time - I'm sure you all understand how it goes ... family, career and life happens....

3 years ago
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The DonaldsonsChapter 5

“Cousin Lily!” “Cousin Mike!” “Cousin Lily!” “Cousin Tripp!” “Cousin Lily?” Melinda said feeling faint. She had a feeling that she knew what the next subject of conversation was going to be. “Did I mention that it is a very large family,” Jim said feeling sick to his stomach. Smiling at Mike, Lily said, “When your girlfriend was trying to make a reservation here, I had to cancel a reservation to fit you in.” “Who did you cancel?” Mike asked out of general curiosity. “The Governor,”...

1 year ago
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Tales of My Depraved Life Part 2 Being Used

Everyone should experience having a sweet, young, warm, hairless cock in their mouth at least once in life. A few months before turning 12, I spent the summer in the Adirondack Mountains at a place called Connor’s Lake. It was shaped like a cashew nut and our rental was at the bottom tip of the 200 yard long 50 yard wide, deep, cold lake. I began exploring the first day. Going to the right around the outside curve of the cashew, I found a small beach area where a strip of imported...

3 years ago
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Teen Fantasies Become Reality

Introduction: When a shy teen meets a sexy girl This is my first story so if you guys like it Ill make more. It seemed like the loneliness and horniness would never end, sure I was a teenage boy but seriously it was beginning to cause issues. Ever since I was a kid I had been extremely shy, and that had been my downfall it seemed when it came to relationships. I had just turned 15 and it seemed like I was never going to have a girlfriend or anything. I had tried working out and even going out...

4 years ago
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Special Delivery of Big Black Cock Blacken

My husband Neil is at work and I am home alone, I have just stepped out of the shower and I'm feeling horny. I lie on the bed and start to tease myself with my finger, mmm my pussy juices are flowing and I am already so moist. I lean across the bed and reach for the drawer that holds all my big black dildos. I reach in and take several out and stand them at the side of the bed, then my hand grasps the biggest big black dildo I own, yes this will do nicely!! My husband Neil loves to watch me...

2 years ago
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Cuckhold by my wife

Since my wife found me all dressed up in femme, my life has changed...i beleive to the better and the kinkiest!!!!She was supposed to be at work, so I was home alone and every time I am home alone I dress up...with stockings, g string, high heeled boots, sexy mini dresses, and if I know that she is coming late, I put make up and my wig. Most of the clothes that I wear belong to my wife, thank god we have the same shape and body, even her shoew fit me, lucky me... that is why every now and then,...

3 years ago
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My hunk 3

I was in Bangalore for some office work . I was put up in a plush hotel in uptown bangalore. After finishing my meeting by 6 I came back to my room and got freshened up. As usual my thoughts were graviating towards having sex with some semi literate muscled hunk. I decided to go to the pub downstairs for a couple of drinks.I chose my dress carefully and dressed myself in a loose fitting shalwar golden colored and a tight sleeveless kurta without dupatta. I was turning heads in my sexy 3 inch...

2 years ago
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my first fictitious nudist story

The sun was beating down and flashing through the trees as I drove the last few dirt miles to the bushland retreat. I had worried that my little Hyundai, laden with camping gear, and an abundance of food, drinks and ice, might not make it through the rough country roads, but she had handled it all with hardly a complaint. I wondered now if I would be as resilient as she once I reached the end of the bumpy, sandy road that led - in less than 5 minutes - to my destination. The retreat, hidden...

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The Photographer V

“Mikhail called, Dillon,” Masha said. Dillon closed the office door behind him, and approached his desk where Masha was sitting at his computer. It was nearly eight a.m. and she had a full day planned for them. “Apparently, he has convinced Reina to come to do a photo shoot today. I am going to call the girls we have schedule today and postpone their appointments until next week.” Dillon looked at his young assistant. She looked cute as a little ladybug, as she always did. She managed...

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Dr Strangelust

The cute redhead paused momentarily, reading back the words, her words, yet words it was almost impossible to believe she had just typed. Her mind must surely have blanked momentarily, for never would she have mentioned that sort of thing to one of her most trusted lovers, let alone a virtual stranger. And not only was he a virtual stranger, judging by the stories he posted, Dr Strangelust was possibly the nastiest, sickest. filthiest and most deranged sex fiend on Planet Earth. Despite all...

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Playboy Diaries 8211 Setting Up The First Meet

My real experience sharing here. Feedbacks to When I woke up in bed, Divya had already woke up and was checking her mobile. She was sitting in the bed with her back turned to me. I moved towards her nude body and slashed her dark chestnut hair to her front side thus giving the full view of her bare back. I saw red bite marks in her back. I kissed in there and she acknowledged the kisses with lusty smiles, while still checking her mobile. I moved my hands to her hip and let my finger enter her...

1 year ago
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I had been working on a major assignment for my degree in marine Biology at Boston university.I needed to spend considerable time in the library researching the material. It had been six months since I was in the library, and it took me a while to find everything. I had been searching online and got some information, but had to hit the library stacks for additional reference and print material. I was sitting on the floor between the stacks of books reading through some of the books to find...

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Dinner and a Show

Amanda and Matt shared a long glance as the question hung in the air, unanswered.Both understood that this decision could change their relationship; neither understood just how it would change.It was clear to Amanda that her husband wanted her to answer, “Yes.” And clear that he was not as surprised by the question as she was.It made some sense – Chris was a friend and former boss of Matt’s. Around ten years older than either Matt or Amanda, he was a semi-regular visitor at their home....

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Indian Wife Fucks A Auto Driver

HI we’re back with another story….not real but our fantasy…..hope you guys like it and send comments……. This is a fantasy which arose from us liking dirty or old men having sex with my wife while I watch them do it….About my wife she is 34 years old with a voluptuous figure….. 42DD-34-40……and i know for a fact that even if she walks slowly her boobs move because of the size… me i have seen men getting turned on….one time i saw a sabjiwala in the shop putting his hand inside his lungi and...

4 years ago
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Auther of my own Humiliation

A story based off of Chase sat up in bed as they looked up to the clock. 3am the worst part of the day. Chase had just finished thier last exam just a week before but the stress of it remained. They repeatedly were waking up, unable to sleep and increasingly horny at all times of night and normal porn was beginning to not be enough. As they threw the covers back they saw..

2 years ago
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Chrissie and Kate

Chapter 16 Chrissie & Kate It was the end of our first day of the working week and mommy and I sneaked into one of the empty rooms, locked the door and climbed on the bed. She lewdly spread her legs allowing me to lick her pussy clean, savouring the scent of her juices and the remnants of the many men who had been inside her. She let me tease her clit briefly but was too sensitive to let me carry her to a climax. After I was finished I wiped my lips with my hand and looked down...

1 year ago
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I hooked up my office mate

On this site, I used to be frank & open minded when some one chats with me. anyone can pass any type of comment to me, I like when they call me Indian whore, or sissy slut or sometimes they ask all types of thing to me like if I mind doing ass to mouth , yellow shower, toilet licking, humiliation acts, sex on live can , or making naughty pov. I enjoy all as per my mood. probably that's why I get lots of responses & many hook ups. I was chatting with a guy, he said he is a guy from...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Hot Girlfriend

Hi friends my name is Ali n I am a regular reader of ISS from last 2 years and I just love this site. the story am going to submit today is my first on this site hope u all enjoy it n will give me a feedback on my id any girl, married unsatisfied woman and around Mumbai can contact me 4 complete satisfaction or even just 4 friendship Now without wasting any further time I will start my story but 1st let me introduce myself Ali from Mumbai am 22 yrs old n I am studying in college were I met my...

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