Do It!Chapter 6 free porn video

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I had to admit, I was fascinated. Bella had led me once again into another part of the estate I hadn't seen before, also ... underground. I'd begun to think that all these tunnels and wings that were underground, were even more extensive than the property above ground! What was even more interesting to me however, was how lavishly furnished everything was. You didn't even get a sense really of being underground, save for there being no windows. But there wasn't that "cement" feel to it whatsoever. Everything was built in hard oak or mahogany, colors vivid, bright ... yet earthy that had a very warm soothing appeal to them. Leading me into one of the training areas, I was again surprised at the décor, even more so as we entered, one of the Attendings I'd met weeks ago was there. Obviously "Sonia", as I recalled hearing her name, was one of the Pets in training, and soon eligible for adoption. What was unusual and far different about her as opposed to Angel, was her appearance. She'd actually been painted, her body appearing much more like an animal in fact, like a Leopard.

"Ok, admittedly I'm confused here. How come she's painted? Angel certainly wasn't."

Bella laughed. "For some, many in fact ... they really do take on the persona of whatever "Pet" they want to become, treated like. In Sonia's case, she had determined early on she felt like she was a Leopard. As such, whenever she's in training ... or when she'll later become adopted and someone's Pet, this is how she'll see herself. And how she expects to be treated. Now true ... she may, or may not always wear the spots once she is. But to her owner, whoever it is that adopts her, this is how they will see her, and remember her. But again ... it's also how Sonia sees herself!"

"Oh, ok ... I see. I guess," I said still a bit leery, especially as Sonia sat atop some sort of circular platform, collared, with a chain attached to an upper beam. Fastened in this way looked somewhat precarious to me. If she were to fall off...

"Her prospective owner should be here any moment now in fact, and then you can see the two of them interacting ... training together."

"Her owner? You mean they actually go through training too?"

"Yes ... of course! You wouldn't buy a fancy sports car without first learning how to drive one would you?"

"No ... I suppose not. Still..."

"Let me try and explain further," Bella told me as we wandered over to the opposite side of the room, Sonia still perched on her stand, holding relatively still, though I noticed she did reach over and lick herself on the arm when she could, much like a cat might. It was strange. "When someone decides they are serious about becoming a Pet, they do so for several reasons, and it's not always about the money, even though a good Pet can make a lot of it. For most ... it's a way to escape to some extent, to become something other than who they are ... for a time."

"Ok," I said trying to understand.

"Now ... in Sonia's case, she's a Leopard. And as such ... she lets whoever it is that's interested in adopting her know ... that means she's wild, hard to control ... and in some ways, hard to train. But that's what the new owner knows and accepts going in. They learn how to control a wilder, less docile Pet as in Sonia's case. So, over time, they both come to respect one another more, learn one another's limits, expectations, so when it does come time for final contracts and adoptions to take place, they're totally familiar with one another in that regard. The new owner knows how far they can push things, and still get the results they expect, and the Pet ... well they quickly learn just how far they can take it without going too far over the edge themselves. So it's a mutual learning experience for each. Ah ... here she is now," Bella said as a tall good-looking redheaded woman came into the room, led in by Deidra. Surprisingly she was dressed almost comically to me in a way ... in what almost looked like a Lion-taming outfit, khaki shirt and shorts, complete with pith helmet and some sort of a cane she held in her hand. The moment she entered, Sonia grew tense, her eyes locked on the woman who stood there staring back at her.

"Down Sonia ... down!" The woman stated the moment she looked at her future pet. It took a moment, but the mere threat of the cane as the woman smacked it against the side of her own thigh seemed enough to cower the woman ... or the Leopard rather, though I was still semi-struggling with that. Almost at once, Sonia seemed to crouch rather than sit, the chain just then at the end of its tether not allowing her to sit any lower.

"That's one of the code words," Bella said whispering to me. "Down is a simple way of saying you're now my Pet, and it's time to play. Up, is the code word to end it, in which case Sonia would indeed very much become her true normal self once again. Oh ... and one other thing you need to know, those code words can only be used once per day. That's in the contract. Once used, Sonia would remain as a Leopard, until such time as her owner, her master were to use the other code word releasing her from that. The reason for doing it, is not to abuse it on either side. Pets are not yo-yos, and not to be treated as such either. It's a very simple ... but very effective rule really."

Once again I remembered the simple command being given to Angel, ending our bizarre little session with one another. "Yes ... yes, I can see how it would be. But what happens if her owner doesn't use the code word to release her?"

"That's another one of the rules in the contract, she is only required to be a Pet for a minimum of four hours. Any time after that, IF she wishes to, she can release herself. So once again, unless she's enjoying the moment as a Pet, she's not abused by being made to maintain it for any time longer than that."

"Oh," I responded, even then wondering if I could myself endure an extended period of time like that. I'd been a "Pet" myself for just over an hour and that for me had been long enough.

"Let's sit down and watch for a few moments, then I'll take you into the cage room. That's where we'll be seeing a brand new Novice taking her very first introductory course here tonight.

Deidra soon came over to join us, sitting on the other side of me on the couch we had taken, facing the makeshift "arena" if one could call it that. A circular section of the room, Sonia sitting atop her three foot platform. Her prospective owner then walking over, fastening a length of free chain she held in her hand to Sonia's collar, before removing the second chain still attached to the support beam well up over her head.

"Come Sonia, come!" The redhead commanded, once again tapping the cane against her own thigh, Sonia hesitating only for a moment, and then finally jumping down onto the carpeted floor, immediately positioned in a four point stance as it was called. The woman then held out her hand towards Sonia's face making a fist though with no obvious intention of hitting her with it. I watched as Sonia tentatively sniffed the woman's hand, looking as though she might now bite it instead, though a quick strike of the cane against her thigh reminded Sonia that might not be such a good idea. Picking up the chained leash, she now led Sonia around in a small circle, keeping her head taut, lifted as she did.

"Now comes the fun part," Bella said once again leaning over to whisper to me. "The first time she tried this though, Sonia left her with a pretty nice set of teeth marks. Didn't break the skin or draw blood ... but she could have. It was much too soon for Carol to be doing what's she's about to do, back then."

It was then that Carol unzipped her khaki shorts, allowing them to drop down around her ankles as she stepped out of them. She wore no panties as she did that, only then stepping back. Sonia immediately picking up the woman's scent, her face immediately tearing into the woman's crotch there on the floor, almost looking as though she'd chew a hole through them as she picked them up with her teeth tossing her head back and forth for a moment before suddenly discarding them.

"Get a nice whiff Sonia?" Carol asked. "See how aroused and anxious I am? You ready to come over here and please me now baby?" She cooed at her possible Pet, and then gave a little slack to the chain she held, allowing Sonia to cautiously approach her, close enough that in moments she'd nuzzled her face in the woman's crotch, sniffing her as she stood there. "No biting!" She warned, not quite striking herself with the cane, though she did trail it cautiously over Sonia's back as though a warning, still allowing Sonia to nuzzle her there between the legs, still sniffing, still familiarizing her with her personal scent.

Carol then stepped over towards a comfortable looking, but low-legged table. Gingerly lying down on top of it, she then spread her legs, I could see it was the perfect height for what Carol was now wanting ... expecting from her Pet. "That's right baby ... that's right. Mommy gave herself a little milk-bath before coming over here ... your favorite taste right?" She asked urging the woman-cat on. Sonia almost seemed to be purring now contentedly as she moved over, and sure enough, her tongue coming out with a great lapping fan-fair at the woman's openly displayed pussy.

"Well ... you get the jest of the more advanced training, what's say we go into the Novice caged room and you can see for yourself how it all begins."

Unfortunately Deidra didn't come with us, having to stay and oversee the training exercise, though she certainly didn't appear too sad in having to do that, smiling at the two of us as we departed, and then quickly returning her attention back towards the small table. I noticed her hand slipping down between her legs just before we left as we began walking a short distance down the still long hallway.

"And this ... is the Novice caged room," Bella said stopping opening the door. Once again I was surprised, taken aback just a little at what I saw. It looked much like an animal shelter in fact. There were rows of several neat and tidy cages on the floor, three stainless steel examination tables, each one with apparatus for binding, controlling ... along with various muzzles should one be needed. Along with obvious washing and grooming stations.

All of the cages except for one, were empty.

"We only have one Novice here tonight," she continued showing me around, though I kept glancing over towards the far cage, though it was hard to see who was actually in there. A small blanket had obviously been pushed up against the bars, baring me from actually seeing much, though I could tell someone was actually in there.

"Is that ... is that her?" I whispered curiously.

"Yes, and get this ... her names Kat too, though she spells it with a K. She's the new Novice that expressed an interest to go through the training, this is her first night of doing so. All new Pet Novices must first spend an hour or so ... depending on what type of animal they're trying to be, inside one of the cages. It helps them get a feel for it ... to begin to identify what it's actually like. In Kat's case ... she had three choices, and decided to first go with being a feral cat. Tomorrow, she might be, or trying being something else. But for now ... that's what she's trying to see herself as, and how she's being treated. In an hour or so ... someone else will come in, take her out of the cage, give her a thorough and complete examination, clean her up a bit, and then see how she responds to certain types of stimulation, or commands. We get a much better feel early on as to what their temperament might be later on when we actually do that."

Bella then led me over towards the cage, leaning over a bit. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty," she said poking her fingers through the bars, moving the blanket away just a bit. I was surprised at what I saw. "Kat", though I hadn't known her name, I had seen before during one of the other classes in the phallic room, though not quite like this. She actually looked quite disheveled, dirty even. Her beautiful blonde hair as I remembered seeing it, looked filthy, unkempt, almost matted and twisted in a way. There were also dirt streaks across her face, body ... which I of course noticed at once, as her being entirely nude as well. To my surprise, she actually hissed at us.

"Yes well, it's to be expected," Bella said pulling her hand back. "She is new, and no doubt slightly afraid and intimidated being here. Might be a while yet before she's comfortable enough to let anyone try and handle her ... examine her." Bella looked at her watch. "For at least another forty ... forty-five minutes anyway." Once again she looked inside the cage. "Very good Kat, very good ... just keep thinking like the feral cat that you are, someone will be in shortly to have a look at you, clean you up some. Try not to scratch anyone, or they might decide to declaw you if you do." Bella smiled at that, though I saw a nervous concerned look come into Kat's eyes as she hunkered back even deeper into the corner of her cage. Bella pulled the blanket up a bit more, giving her some privacy from prying eyes before leading me away.

"Not bad for a first time in the cage," Bella said. "She actually might make it through the course in a year or so."

"That long?"

"Oh honey ... yes, that long at least! And that's just for the more docile, trainable Pets we have here. Sonia's been doing this for almost four now, but it also looks like she's found a good match and is ready to be adopted."

"Good Lord!" I allowed myself to expel thinking, "No fucking way would I ever put myself through something like this. Playing at ... pretending for one night like I had, ok ... maybe. But actually living, thinking like an animal? Playing the part for going on four years now? No fucking way!"

Bella once again laughed at that. "You're probably right, I can't see you as anyone's Pet either," she told me, forming the words as though to say something else, but then suddenly deciding against it. "Now ... how'd you like to see the play room?" She asked me. "It's reserved specifically for Pets who've shown the most promise this past week, those who've obeyed instructions and commands well. We allow them some time to get used to one another, play as it were ... and enjoy themselves. We very often give them some sort of a pretend scenario to see how they respond to that, all part of their training. Would you care to see?"

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," I told her, and then followed her down towards the far end of the hall, and yet another room with another pair of fairly wide double doors. And I was still wondering how much of this place I still hadn't seen. As it turned out, there was a hell of a lot that I hadn't.

By now I was pretty much ready for just about anything, though I was still a bit surprised to discover that it was Marla, one of the other Attendings and one of the oldest women here who happened to be down in the "Play Pit" as it was called. The room itself was again very large, nicely and richly furnished with very expensive looking plush carpeting. In the very center of it was a likewise circular pit, some three feet deep sunken down into the middle of the room. A ring of chairs and small tables ran half way around the pit where people could sit, relax ... enjoy a drink. And of course watch their Pet's play down inside the circular area. Bella told me that besides this being used as a training, play area. It was sometimes used on very special occasions for sparring matches for other peoples, other owners Pets. They would bring them here whenever one of those special evenings had been set up, and then a very special clientele, mostly other owners, but also a few perspective owners, or just influential people interested in the sport, would then be invited to attend.

Bella and I took a seat, a nearby Attending on duty immediately coming over to take a drink order from us. Looking down into the Pit, I was again surprised to find Marla, simply laying on her side down there, three other's crawling all over one another trying desperately to get at her boobs ... or so it seemed anyway.

"Ah yes ... one of my favorites to watch. Marla's being the Lioness, and these are her three hungry cubs. Obviously, she only has two tits in order to feed them with, so they have to take turns sucking on her, fighting one another for the privilege of doing so. Sometimes it can get pretty rough, especially if one of them keeps getting pushed out of the way all the time and doesn't get their fair share. After a bit though ... we'll see one of Master's other special hires come in, he'll play the role of the dominant Male Lion. And that's when it gets really interesting, watching him service the entire pride."

Admittedly, I was actually looking forward to that, though it was oddly interesting in a way, seeing the three younger Novices, all trying to vie for one of Marla's two available tits. They indeed scrambled, pulled, yanked, and tried to nudge one another out of the way in order to do so, while Marla simply layed back, her eyes closed, content to let the three of them somehow work it all out.

We sat sipping our drinks, one of the Attending standing nearby, though moments later she walked over towards a door opening it and looking in.

Bella glanced at her watch. "Must be time," she said smiling to herself. "I think you'll enjoy this," she added.

I looked back over my shoulder, the Attending walking back over to stand near us, the door opening once more as a man suddenly appeared ... naked, looking more like an Adonis than man. Bella heard the catch in my throat, turning to look herself now, once again leaning over to whisper.

"That's Lionel," she told me.

I laughed, I couldn't help myself.

"No, seriously ... that's his name," she stated somewhat seriously. I rolled my eyes still trying hard to stifle another laugh.

"You're kidding me," I then added, but as I glanced at him even more closely, all humor just seemed to evaporate.

He almost looked like a male lion as he slowly made his way over towards us. His deep bronzed skin, long blonde hair cascading down around his shoulders as though sporting a mane. I followed his lines down his strong chest, Abs more defined, cut, than I had ever seen on a man before. But the most prominent, obvious feature immediately garnered my attention. He was as hard as a rock. His long stiff penis standing up like a spear pointing towards me. Balls likewise bigger than any I had ever seen dangling beneath his proud manhood. Nearing us, he stopped briefly as Bella made introductions. Only then did I raise my eyes away from his massive prick looking into this face, once again catching my breath as I did so. He had slits for eyes instead of pupils. Taking my hand, I likewise expected him to kiss it as he held it, surprising me as he licked it instead, running his tongue from my wrist all the way up my palm to the tips of my fingers before releasing it. He had spoken not a word, a low deep throaty growl coming from him instead as he released my hand stepping over towards the pit. It was then that I noticed the women had gathered together, all cowering, save for Marla who now knelt expectantly looking up. It was then that he dropped down onto all fours and slowly began to move down the carpeted ramp into the area below.

"Contacts," she had said as Lionel began making his way down the carpeted ramp. "Interesting though isn't it?"

"More like ... unnerving," I told her having seen that, contacts or no.

"Now it gets interesting," Bella said untying the sash on her robe parting it, revealing to me as I'd already suspected that she was naked beneath it. Almost immediately her hand dropped down between her legs. "Sometimes ... I actually wish I was in training," she sighed pleasurably.

The three younger looking Novices remained huddled together, Lionel moving between them separating them further away from Marla, though he did so, cuffing one harshly on her ass, hitting her hard enough at least to cause her to scamper away even further as he slowly circled Marla, still growling. He then moved up behind her, obviously intending to mount her, but not before falling over her, his mouth coming down onto the backside of her neck, biting, holding her there as he completed the maneuver. In moments, he was inside her as she held perfectly still. The man-lion, continued to hold her like that for several long moments, his thrusts though slow at first ... continuous. Finally releasing her neck, he increased the tempo, now rutting with her wildly, thrusting deeply forcefully inside as Marla collapsed down onto her forearms giving him even better, deeper access to her cunt. The three Novices still huddled, taking note, watching with curious interest, and perhaps wondering if they too would soon be serviced as well.

"He'll spunk her first, and then the three Kit's will lap him up ... clean him off before he's ready and selects another," Bella told me, all the while unabashedly fingering herself. As bizarre as this all was, it was also erotically stimulating, watching, seeing Lionel mate so savagely with Marla, Bella sitting next to me, her fingers pulling and pinching on her clit, the sounds of her sex so wet, so slick. I hadn't even seen the Attending who had suddenly come up from behind us, her hands now reaching over Bella's shoulders, sliding downwards in order to cup and fondle her breasts without even being asked to do so.

"Pull on them hard ... and keep doing so until I say otherwise," Bella told the young woman, now glancing towards me ... almost expectantly. "Well? Do you not find this stimulating?" She asked curiously. The truth was ... I did. And then parted my own robe.

As I began toying with myself, fondling my own slick wanton pussy, I leaned forward resting my now bare breasts over the small railing allowing it to support their weight. Looking up from below, Lionel seemed to like what he saw, snarling even more than he had been, his trusts furious, even deeper now than they had been, if that were possible. With a loud deep-throated growl, he pulled out, half sitting back, his prick on its own accord without help, suddenly spewing, lurching, and spewing again over and over. Several long, thick ropes of semen arching high up and over Marla's back, many landing in her hair, her neck, and then finally as he seemed to slowly diminish in his intense spurting, the remainder falling almost lazily on her back and ass before he more fully sat back. Even then, his magnificent cock remained mostly hard, though swinging a bit more freely from side to side as he once again circled around. The young Novice he had cuffed earlier now cautiously approaching. He allowed her to do so, seeming to be indifferent at first as she sniffed him out, smelling his still dripping prick, and then lapping at it.

"Hmm," Bella moaned hotly. "Now dear ... you can release my tits, and come around here and lick me."

I had glanced over briefly towards her watching this, but quickly returned my attention back down into the pit. Lionel had half laid down on his side now, still looking up towards me, half smiling contentedly. All three of the young Novices now vying for the right as it were, to lick, lap at ... and clean him up, much as they'd been doing when fighting over the right to suckle Marla's two available breasts. To my surprise, as they did that, he began stiffening again in a relatively short period of time. When he was hard again, as hard as he'd been when I first saw him, he rolled back over, once again cuffing one of the other females, then moving in, separating the woman he'd first struck when he'd gone down into the pit from the others now once again huddling off to one side. Including Marla this time. As he'd done with her, he likewise bit her neck, pinning her to the ground, and then slid up, easily mounting her.

Same as Do It!
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When Shyla Jennings breaks out of the asylum with her lover Aiden Ashley they disappear into the desert hills like fugitives on the run. Shyla is afraid, but Aiden already has a plan. After a mountainous hike they find their getaway car right where Aiden expects it. Aiden lights up a smoke and drives Shyla to the safe house. The couple are unwinding on the bed when Shyla realizes she’s missing her medication and none has been left at the house as should have been arranged. Aiden leaves...

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A Surprise Encounter

Tom had been asked to pop around and help his friend Emma move into her new house, as no one else was available.He turned up ready to go, and Emma showed him what needed to be brought in from the car and where she wanted it putting, As he started Tom notice Emma had disappeared up stairs, so he carried on unloading the car.After about 20 minutes Emma shouted down to ask if he had unloaded her suitcase as she needed it, before she could crack on as she was still in her work clothes and hadn't...

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hot party

Mostly girls more than boys that 2-3 girls with a boy so there is 30 percent boys and 70 percent girls. The party was rocking but not so loud everywhere is girls in t-shirt, jeans, skirts. And 2 call girls in bikinis. Drinks after drinks lover’s already went into the corners and bedrooms and started having fun I was alone and many girls are alone waiting for they turn’s the calls girls now only in there panties and shaking they boobs. All are very hard now everyone are Fucking. I say one girl...

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Love n the Library 2

“Sasha go to my bedroom in the back. I will handle this.” Claire tells her. Sasha quickly gathered up her clothes and scurried to the bedroom. Claire grabbed a short robe that barely covered her full hips and walked to the door. Claire twists the knob and lets the door fly open. There stood a tall, dark and handsome man. His olive skin and boyish looks took her by surprise. His stature was 6’7 and he was at least 250 lbs. He was sexy and manly and she wondered if she fucking should share her...

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NubileFilms Giselle Palmer Behind The Scenes

Giselle Palmer has brought Lucas Frost in for a photoshoot. Things start off innocently enough, but as Giselle gets a glimpse of Logan’s bare chest and Logan catches a peek of Giselle’s breasts, they feel an undeniable attraction to one another. Logan saunters over to check out Giselle’s shots, then slides his hand down to her ass to see how she reacts. Her positive reaction leads Lucas to snap a few shots of his beautiful photographer before taking a seat on a chair so...

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If the Broom FitsChapter 20

As per Pufynsnup’s directions, the witch finds Chiz and his captor fairly easily. “What have we here?” Burnnut asks, turning the face the catgirl. “I am here for the ... the...” Penelope looks at the creature lying stiff on the ground. “What is that?” Beats me. “I’m a gremlin, you moron,” Chiz says hastily. “Well, if I’m going to be insulted the moment I show up to save you, then I’m leaving,” she says, folding her arms across her chest and spinning around. No you’re not. “On second...

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Four New Urges

We were on our way home from Tom and Sally's when my wife dropped the bombshell. "Honey, I don't think we should go there any more." "Huh? You mean Tom and Sally's house?" "Yeah." "But that's crazy! They're our best friends!" "Well, I just don't think we should." I was totally baffled. "Why, Ann? Why in the world would you say something like that?" "I just don't think we should go," she repeated. "So what happened tonight? Did you and Sally have some kind of...

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Dick JonesEpilogue

File / Save. File / Exit. Start / Turn Off Computer / Turn Off. "Check please." The parking lot was empty, except for his car and the one next to the dumpster -- probably the cook. He knew the waitress walked -- he'd offered to give her a ride enough times. She probably thought he was coming on to her. That's okay. She didn't know. He wouldn't accept a ride from a guy like him either. A lone sodium lamp lit the entire lot from atop a pole in the far corner. Its buzz was louder than...

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slut tina part 4

Its been 2 months since I meet Tyrone at the casino and he has changed my life forever. He has turned me into a total nympho for BBC. I cant get enough BBC cock. One is not enough anymore I have to have 3 or more to satisfy me. He has been setting me up with bachelor parties with 6 to 10 guys usually black and I dance for them and strip and then the fun begins. I get fucked for 6 to 8 hours then go home and get fucked by my next door neighbor and his 3 friends. I call them when Im on my way...

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Felicity Ch 29

Chapter 29: The Ugly Woman I was on the walking trail around my condo complex when a turn suddenly put me across the path of a seriously ugly woman. She was a tall, pale, with longish blonde hair that had not seen a brush in a while. She looked as disheveled as anyone I had ever seen. Her gym shorts and her sleeveless t-shirt were of clashing colors and too big for her. She was not wearing make up so her lips and eyebrows blended with her skin in a strangely blank Carnival mask kind of way. ...

4 years ago
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Viking Instinct

Viking Instinct12/23/2010        It was during July of our last Northern California summer when I first noticed Christine. I had known who she was for the past three years, having gone to school with her and all, but it wasn't until I started playing football my senior year that I truly took a gaze at her voluptuous, half-white, half-Latina body in a cheerleading outfit. Standing 5'3" and weighing a feathery 105 pounds, she had the body to make a man's pulse thump. Such a darling young girl of...

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Laid Off

Cassie could tell by the look on her supervisor's face - and the folded piece of paper held ever-so-carefully in his hand - that she was not going to like what he was about to say. "Cass, gather your things. We need to talk." She stared at him for a moment, not comprehending. "Gather my things? Josh, what do you-" "I need you to pack up your things and come with me." Slowly she gathered up what few personal possessions she had in her office - a few pictures, her business cards - and stepped...

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I was in the front garden mowing the lawn, it was a hot Sunday in August and I was just wearing shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt, there was an ice-cold bottle of beer sweating on doorstep. When I’d finished the lawn I sat down on the step and took a long pull on the bottle. “Hey Mr Carter...” I looked up, it was my neighbour’s kid, she was stood on the driveway with a parcel in her hands. “Oh hey Gemma, how’re you doing?” “I’m doing great, I love this weather, so hot.” “It’s too hot for...

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Going to See my Big Black Cock King in miami

Ok...first off...if you don't worship Black Cock please leave now, if you are a hater of Black cock...Fuck you!!!im so tired of little dick men saying that they are better...maybe to some women who don't want to have the best sex of their NOT TO ME!!I LOVE MY BIG BLACK COCK KING and no other. I don't want to fuck any of you guys..even thesexy black ones...but i do like looking....lolAnyway, Im going to see Eugene; my Black Cock king who lives two blocks from Miami Beach. i bought...

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My Wife As A Dog

WARNING: This story has absolutely no transgender elements in it. Permission was kindly granted from the FictionMania task force to archive it within the "Miscellaneous Stories" category. It also was the author's first transformative story, written ten years ago in 1992, and this should be kept in mind when reading it. This story is a loose adaptation/novelization of the "Friday the 13th: The Series" episode "My Wife As A Dog," which originally aired on March 3, 1990. Earlier...

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Waiting and Watching

She stares intently at the screen, scrutinizing the data displayed before her. A few keystrokes, jotted down notes of changes made, and those that would need to be made. She looks from the screen to the stack of papers on her desk and thumbs quickly through the many pages. Scribbling some words along the margins to pass along to coworkers. She reaches one hand absent mindedly out to her cup of coffee and takes a slow drink before returning to her pressing work. After a couple of hours she takes...

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PornWorld Lika Star Nata Paradise Naughty Teen GF Lika Star Lets Boyfriend with BBC Plough Lesbo Friend Stefany Kyler

While her rich black boyfriend is off at work, Lika Star brings her new friend Stefany Kyler over to her place for a bit a fun. After fingering, licking, and fucking each other with a dildo the two friends are interrupted by Likas boyfriend Darrel, who arrives home after a long day of work. Although at first hes surprised at what he sees, after his initial shock wears off which happens to be quite quickly he joins the two sexy teens on the couch and whips his BBC out. Darrel then slams his GF...

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The Hidden Desires 8211 New Year8217s Eve

I hope you all are doing well. What you are about to read maybe a bit lengthy. But it won’t be a waste of time. That is what I think. What you think about the hidden desires, do tell me in the comment section. I am 22 years old, a guy from Mumbai living a simple life. To talk about myself, I was a virgin till this age, a tall guy, fair skin. My dad passed away due to an illness when I was just 10 years old. After that, it was me and my mother, a happy family of two. My father was a guy with old...

1 year ago
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The Letter Preparations Ch 01

Dedicated to Mac. Thank you for believing. Thank you to drksideofthemoon and AsylumSeeker for helping me edit and pointing me in the right direction. * I am preparing for my date with you tonight, just a casual dinner and a movie kind of date. It won’t be anything too formal or fancy, just allowing us time out to relax and enjoy each other’s company. We have been dating for quite a while now, around six months. I think you might be the one. Am I one hundred percent positive? Well not yet,...

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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 11 Two ladies of Verona

It was fast approaching the date of my thirty-second birthday and second anniversary of the deaths my wife and children. As you can imagine it was an occasion I viewed with trepidation. Last year I had spent the day in convivial harmony with Sergeant Major Benjamin Goodman and Spelky Woods in Bridgewater. This year I would have faced a bleak and solitary day had it not been for Claudia Garibaldi and Monique Kuensberg. Monique, a well-regarded opera singer, had been commissioned, by no less a...

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Bettyboop on Webcam

Bettyboop on WebcamOn Monday night I was searching the Internet for a holiday when the computer 'pinged' and a blue square popped up in the corner. Slightly surprised I read the message, "Flyboy; says Hi."It took me a few seconds to realise what it meant.Three months previously, just before had gone to University my daughter had set up an MSN messaging account for me to keep in contact with her and her sister in Spain.'Hi. Do I know you?' I replied to the stranger.'No...but I love your name. Do...

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Brushing Moms HairChapter 6

I slept in. Mom and Dad were already downstairs and were just finishing breakfast when I stumbled into the kitchen rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Mom was a picture of wholesome health but the girlish braids were unable to hide her underlying sexual maturity. She wore a khaki hiking outfit with a loose-fitting shirt made of that quick-dry material and a matching pair of shorts. The the shorts fit snugly around her hips and bottom and though the legs were a little loose they were quite...

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Abenteuer auf dem Reiterhof

Caroline Wismar saß gelangweilt auf einer kleinen Bank vor einer der Pferdeställe und blätterte lustlos in dem Modemagazin, welches sie sich in weiser Voraussicht mitgenommen hatte. Pferde und Reiten war nie ihr Ding gewesen und sie konnte daher die Faszination die viele Menschen, insbesondere Frauen für den Reitsport hatten nicht teilen. Im Gegenteil, die großen prächtigen Pferde machten ihr auf der einen Seite Angst, auf der anderen Seite bedauerte sie die Tiere, da sie als Sklaven für die...

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Fantasy for my wife

Well, I want to see my wife used by other men and women. I see it like this, As we get ready to go out dancing one night, I tell her not to wear a bra and wear her white button up shirt. She puts on a short skirt and no panties. Now she has 44dd breasts so they are coming out of her shirt a little,which is hott! When we get to the club I unbutton her shirt a few buttons to give the guys a better look.After a few drinks this guy who has been looking at her comes and asks if she would like to...

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Blackmailed Maid For Sex

Hello, guys and girls, I am Rishi (23) from Wadgaonsheri, Pune. I am 5’9” in height, with an athletic lean body, and with 6′ tool. I live in a 2bhk house. Girls, unsatisfied aunties who want to get satisfied text to me on I guarantee you all 100% secrecy. This is my first sex story on Indian Sex Stories after all these years of just reading. It’s a bit long but I urge you all to read this story. So coming to my sex story (completely real). I live with my parents and 2 siblings in Pune. The...

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With My Bhabhis While My Wife Was Pregnant

Hi all, this is ilrumjack here again. This is an episode that happened with two of my bhabhi’s while my wife was pregnant with my first child. As is the practice, we were having a baby shower function on the seventh month of my wife’s pregnancy. We were having the child after 4 years of my marriage. The function was being held at my parent’s place as the whole thing was being organized by my mom. Since both, I and my wife were working we had taken a day off for this function. Being a...

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Thanksgiving Treat

I have always looked forward to Thanksgiving. It is a special time for our family. My wife and I have been married for ten years and every year, we always go to her family’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. (We have Christmas at out house.)I like Thanksgiving, if for no other reason than I get to see family members we don’t normally get to see but once a year, like my wife’s younger sister, Tammy.Tammy is three years younger than my wife and while she is happily married, I couldn’t help but...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 5

EDEN CITY [Mindvoice shielded]Come to me Tarifa my slave; my love. Tarifa's head came up from the data pad she was reading, looking around the table at the others who sat with her. They had just completed a meeting with Administrator Corant, who was now walking around like a man who had won a great prize. He had cause to be happy as he had gained overwhelming approval from his company for what Tarifa and Selene had offered to them for the rebuilding of Earth. Even now hundreds of ships...

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At the hands of Jane and Sandra

I'd really done it this time. I returned from the police station, escorted my by mother who was so angry and upset with me for what I have put her through. On reflection, I was so spoilt and just couldn't see how lucky I was. She raised me on her own and worked a lot to keep the household afloat. I was known for having a temper and now known to the police for the same thing, having just received a caution for affray. After any setback, I took it out on pretty much anything, smashing up...

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Secretary Seduced Me

I was always taught never to have an affair with employee. I had read stories all about these bosses having sex with the young ladies that work with them. I figured most of this was pure fantasy, and no one would ever do something that dumb. Never say never. Patricia had worked for me for almost two years. A very attractive woman in her late forties, who took great pride in her appearance, and obviously went to the gym a few times each week. Our relationship was always friendly and we enjoyed...

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Knight in Shining ArmorChapter 21 Another Rescue

The four girls were doing quite well in school and I even got to help the older girls with their homework. Kim and Cathy bragged to their photography teacher so much about my work that they volunteered me to visit the class to show them some pictures I took and show them my techniques for getting the perfect shot. I related well to the students and found it refreshing the way they had a thirst for knowledge. I had anticipated a room full of disinterested kids just taking up space but I found...

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Unipart 1

At uni, Teresa or’Tess’ became by best friend. She succeeded my c***dhood friend Bethany who studied elsewhere. Me and Beth drifted apart. I met Tess on day 1. We were both 18 and we hit it off immediately. Drinks, laughter… …we are a similar size as well so there was plenty of dressing up together and clothes swapping. Tess never made any secret of the fact that she’d been intimate with a couple of girls in addition to boyfriends, and she would often make it clearly obvious that she was...

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5 The 18th Party

Following morning we ate a lazy breakfast before getting sorted for returning to Preston. “Can I leave most of these clothes here babe” shouted Lisa from upstairs “Yeah sure – if you’re not gonna need them back home” I replied. “Am I stopping at yours for a couple of days?” I asked, stuffing clothes into a holdall. “Well I hope you’re coming to Emma’s party with me – you’ve not met her yet have you?” she replied “Won’t it be a bit awkward with your ex being there and all that” I asked “Nooo “...

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My Moms Extramarital Affairs With Her Gym Trainer

Hi guys, I am Lakshmi, coming from a small family consisting of myself and my parents. My dad works in the UK, and my mom is a housewife. His name is Shanker, and her name is Ambika (Ammu). She is a fitness freak and spends a lot of her time in the gym and spa. This was evident in her physique. Unlike usual Indian housewives, she has a well-toned body and a flat belly. She was very fair and had all features to make any man crave to get her on his bed. I had often seen men ogling at her and...

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The Interview

It was the moment of truth; they had chatted online for a little over one week now, but finally, she would get to meet the man she had fallen in love with over the internet. He had kindly offered her a possible job as his care assistant if she thought she could handle working for him, but this was obviously based on the assumption that they hit it off in real life and that she could do the job. "A little cooking, cleaning and ironing doesn't hurt anyone" thought Beth as she walked up the path...

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My Slut WifeChapter 4 First Nights Out

The first week was much the same, accept for our sex life, which was instantly better. She would talk trash to me in bed, telling me how she had always thought it would be sexy to have two cocks at once, how she thought it would be fun torturing me by licking another cock in front of me. And she constantly made me tell her how I wanted her to do it. She was warm and upbeat with me, flirting with me much more. She kept herself looking beautiful, almost flaunting it in front of me, she would...

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From Afar Ch 03

After the soul-searching conversation that they had had, Chad was much more cooperative. Gone was the dark, sloppy stranger that she had seen on their first session. He had gotten a hair cut and shaved. He was even wearing work out clothes. Her heart filled with that old feeling that had gotten her through those lonely years. His heart still wasn’t one hundred percent in it, but he tried a bit harder, and sometimes he even relaxed and joked with Sara. Sara couldn’t have been more happy than...

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No Choice

Then one night, I just can't stand it anymore. And I tell you that. I say, "{HIS_NAME}, I have to have you. I can't wait anymore; I'm going crazy. Please come and see me. Please, baby?" So you come. According to Mapquest, the 35 mile trip takes an hour and a half, at legal speed limits. But it's quite late, past the witching hour, and with no traffic, you make it in 53 minutes, 'cause bats out of hell go pretty damn fast. You find my apartment without too much trouble, noting the rainbow...

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My Sweet Virgin Girlfriend

Hi, my name is anand, 25 year old living in mumbai. My email id is…You can send me feedback on my email….Now I am telling you a genuine story…The incident is one year ago… I have joined a job in mumbai in 2014 .Aage ki story hindi me. Mai delhi se mumbai aaya aur office jana start kiya tho ek din mai bus se aa raha tha tho mere mobile par ek phone aaya…   Lekin bhind jyada hone ki wajah se apna mobile pocket se nahi nikaal paya.Ghar jamar dekha ki ek unknown no tha. Maine wasps se us...

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If The Shoes Fit 4

If the Shoe Fits 4 By: Paul Jutras and Heather St. Claire The bank had taken over Moon Tech labs for failure of payment. When the auction took place for Dick's safety deposit box, a mousy little girl name Roxy Pizza stood and watched the bidders. She was never one to stand up for herself, but when the bidding got high enough to get rid of most of the buyers, she managed to raise her hand to cough at the right time to have it sold to her. "The box contents goes to...

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