TandraChapter 71 free porn video

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The Reverend Doctor Samuel Bennet pounded the pulpit before him; his graying hair in disarray as he expounded on the failing of Humans to heed his warnings. His foot momentarily slipped off the small platform that would allow his followers to see him better. "God's children have gone into Jehovah's domain and consorted with the sinful. Even now they are changing the very brain structure of every Human being in their grasp."

His voice rose and fell with the emotions he wanted to express and many avidly looked upon him as a natural leader. Sweat poured from his brow and his voice got even stronger in denouncing the harlot from the stars.

The TV cameras panned back and in the background a choir of children dressed in pure white gowns prepared to sing praise. In the foreground though, the good pastor showed his weakened state as his voice implored the faithful to reject Satan in all his guises. The children began to sing and the camera shifted to them in all their innocence.

Reverend Bennet drank a cold glass of water as a troop of attendants combed his hair, wiped his face, and helped him change into a fresh jacket. As the music was about to end he handed the glass to an attendant but it fell noisily to the floor. His face contorted in rage but he slipped onto the stage with a face showing how is emotions had been uplifted by the heavenly music.

His voice continued in a conciliatory manner. His words were different but his ideas remained the same. How could any God-fearing Human put his trust in an alien female? Their technology was far beyond man's and thus able to fabricate any evidence they chose to make. These other aliens, their enemy, could not be as ferocious or as strong as they were said to be. If they were, and came here, God would smite them to protect his chosen.

He talked of the few Humans that had come back young and strong but without their very soul to fortify them. It was much better for children destined for God's loving hand to meet him at the chosen time and not centuries in the future. Old men and women were flocking to the Jezebel of Satan to throw their last few moments on Earth away for an eternity of damnation.

In his closing remarks he explained in his tired voice how it was necessary for all to fight beside him and God in rejecting any and all influence from the ungodly. He took a seat to show his fatigue at struggling for the souls of those who believed in his ministry. Celestial music played softly and seemed to make his words more reasonable. The volume of music increased as the cameras panned back and stopped.

The reverend got up from his seat finished the last of his ministry to the local audience and directed some to the places to drop their donations. After the sermon he went backstage and found the four attendants, "You failed both me and God. Be off, your services are no longer needed."

The attendants bowed their heads fearfully and walked backwards as if from royalty and then left.

Duc talked aloud and his voice travelled to the planet below. "I have to get what?"

"I am sorry Mr. Tran but those are the rules; everybody from space needs to get an export permit. The processing time is minimal."

"We are trying to defend this system and your planet. At the same time we need to purchase surplus food that Europe is allowing to rot. We have almost a hundred thousand recruits to be picked up and they would like some Earth food till they get used to ours. Not only is the price skyrocketing but you are throwing all this red tape in our path. We should allow you and the rest of the bureaucrats to fight the Samutz and see how many forms they want to fill out for you."

The system AI compared all of her current problems with specific Humans and saw that there was a type of none too subtle conspiracy going on to subvert the war with the Samutz. The only reason that could be deduced would be to get Tandra technology in return for their cooperation.

Medium sized corporations were trying their best to deal for any and all Tandra technology. They were not above using the sick, the old, and the feeble, to push for what they wanted. The disadvantaged were put forward as a method of gaining knowledge or tying up the resources of the defenders. Government agencies started putting up more and more barriers to what was needed. Food was not really a problem, but it was used to bridge the time between their Earth past and their Tandra future.

All produce now had to be trucked to certain locations for pickup and they even demanded that all recruits only be picked up at specific times and locations. The troops themselves were of a lower caliber to start with and many more were sick or mentally unbalanced. She was at a loss to reason out why Humans would do such a thing. All her agents tried to find the source of the conspiracy but as yet only met with people that were simply told what to do and when to do it.

In a few days close to a 100,000 new recruits would be picked up and trained by the recruits previously educated. In three weeks an allotment of one million recruits was to be made and again three weeks after that. There were not enough ships to absorb all of these troops. Many other things had to be done to support all the efforts made to get the defenders into space to do some good.

Two days ago a large contingent of scientists, engineers and Canadian troops, had descended onto Henry's house again and striped any and all things that they thought might give them a clue to finding more information about a higher technology. The chair and base were taken along with the floor beneath it. The force could have been easily stopped but the house would be easily replaced as could all articles within. Earth knew of a base on the planet but as yet had no idea where exactly it was.

None of the articles taken were of a low enough technology for the Humans to discern anything. Any high technology would not be understood for a great deal of time. In any case all the power and information actually came from the base and not integral to the chair itself.

Troops did fan out and searched for kilometres around. The area around the old mine adit was searched but it had been meticulously reconstructed to resemble the form from before man came to this area.

With this overt hostility she looked into more of the Human's actions. Human agents now working for Mom were sent to many locations and it became apparent that the various governments were reducing the amount of cooperation they were giving. Henry's comrades in arms had still not been released from confinement no matter want was said before. Captain Meech's relatives were harassed into agreeing to do anything in their power to ferret out information about Tandra technology. Likewise; relatives, friends, and even neighbours of the Shingle family were co-opted.

The new soldiers could not be easily helped because they were still within the jurisdiction of Earth laws. If their relatives were rescued somehow, then more people would suffer similar incarcerations. This was done in an attempt to find a chink in Henry's armour, even if he was not here yet.

News commentators now went back to the way they used to be and started gradually denouncing all Tandra and the Earth people that signed up to help. They gave the excuse that the Tandra were not helping the people on Earth that needed medical help. This argument gradually widened to old people needing better means of travel and to the withholding of other articles that would ease the burden of all Humans on Earth. This meant vehicles, buildings, devices, and perhaps even a way for computers to take over all labour.

Mom contemplated giving them all they wanted and see how their civilization would last. A peek into some well hidden files showed the largest corporations ruled the governments and they wanted the technology, but not the actual articles to be given out. There was no profit in that happening, especially when the Tandra articles could and did stand up for millions of years.

Some Humans that had accepted the Tandra but did not look enhanced were flown secretly to Earth. They were to find out what they could about the present conditions and report back. Mom vehemently attacked the commentators and told the Earth people how the newspapers, television and even the radio, were being controlled by business interest with the only intent being to extort technology.

Since they could not silence her they went for the big lie and figured many people would believe at least some of it and refuse to heed the Tandra.

Mom was accused of taking all the Humans and brainwashing them to follow her and disregard their roots. Brains were being extracted and placed in weapons and the rest eaten. This was done by word of mouth by people that had supposedly seen the process. Evil experiments were conducted to find the best Human machine that would serve the Tandra purpose.

After a few Humans came back to refute the claims, the TV stations found that this was a losing cause to their position so no more Earth broadcasting was done. No newspapers picked up on the rebuttal because they too were controlled by big business.

When it came time to pick up the 98,000 new recruits it was found that many were harassed. The authorities were trying to dissuade them from taking this major step in their lives. These recruits had made up their minds long ago and the current policies instituted by the Earth did not have enough time to sink in. Mom knew that given a few weeks of a steady diet of only one side of an important event, the people would take that side. She knew how delusional Humans really were. Any leader could lead them to do whatever he wanted. If he worked it with enough media there would be no opposition to even the most obscene demands. All this only had to be promoted by religion, patriotism, or the dictates of a particular social structure.

Kitten was getting very tired. Her classes at the academy grew in number and in students. She was not completely necessary but it did quiet the Humans to see the Tandra walking amongst them. Her graduating class had worked with old designs and the hull of their class project was gradually taking shape. In the base itself, machines were made that made more machines that made small crystals. In a special room with many projectors, a computer started to take shape and grew into many dimensions and three universes.

Captain Meech and his exec Toosm had gotten their allotment of troops. 24,000 new people walked the ship and tried to learn what they were capable of learning. Space at a tutor was at a premium and Meech didn't think there would be enough infrastructure to support his future allotment of one million more recruits. The ship could hold that many but there was no way it could utilize all those people. There would have to be a lot of sharing of data till everyone came up to the same level. His recommendation that most of the recruits go into stasis till they could be trained was shot down by the all the AIs. He pointed out that there would be fewer troops but they would be better trained. Tutors relied on the computers for information and there was just not enough computing power to go around and still run a civilization.

Charlie and Paul had a small amount of growing pains too but there were enough computers in the small ships to handle all the new students. A decision had been reached and all the presently trained people had chosen either the carrier or the battleship. There was no purpose in now giving a specialized type of training to people that would go to the other ship. There was so much to learn that the point had not been reached yet for specialized training and would not for years in reality.

Mom worked in the Earth base with more than her usual effort. She had seen the performance ratios of the lunar AI Marcus and was determined to not fall behind the masculine AI in any appreciable way. There was still something about the masculine AI that she did not understand and was worried about it.

On the moon the old guard found Marcus even better at forecasting problems and then finding solutions before they actually occurred. He had a sense of humour that reminded Kitten of Henry. This reminded her constantly of his absence. Even Duc, Lam, and Doris made the same assumption and felt completely at ease with the new entity.

Doris and Kitten had their duties and each other to keep them occupied. The rescued people that were now 9 year olds did their best to make sure there was no rest for anybody. Marcus took special care of his charges even if Mom had not insured it in her programming. He had full access to everything on the moon except the weapons which were usually a prerogative of the Earth entity anyway.

With the academy's busy schedule there was little time for any of them to mix with the other recruits even if some were only 14 or so. The group that were picked up from the mental institutions all over the planet below responded perfectly to the treatment administered. This was a cause of heart break for Doris. She, like all Humans, had listened to the pleas from the Earth to take in the children that could not be helped otherwise.

"Why can't we get more of the children? They are languishing away in places where the doctors have no idea of what they are doing and just hoping for the best. Their parents have abandoned them and they have nobody to turn to."

Marcus said, "I have made an assessment of the situation Doris and we can take more children like the leaders on Earth want us to do. This will just open the doors to all children and then young adults, then adults. They will not let it end. If we took them they would say we are doing experiments on them. If we don't take them then we are heartless. If we just repaired the brain or bodies of the children, we do not have enough computer time to raise them. If they were repaired and sent home then there would be new problems found and we would be accused of causing them. They would not be accepted back into Human society."

"You said, 'Computer time'?"

"Yes Doris, there is a lot of time dedicated to each person here on the moon. All the processes have to be followed and controlled. Meals have to be made and even the dirty utensils converted to basic elements and then made into new implements. The very air you breathe has to be regulated. The computer here is just too small even if I am capable of handling more."

"Just make more computers or enlarge the one we have. Surely if you can take care of a million recruits that will be coming eventually you can take care of a few children."

"I will not be able to take care of the large influx. Many of the systems will be on automatic with no variation. Food will all be of very limited choices because it is faster. The tutors and medical will get preference while many other things will just have to wait till there is time and resources. The computer where I reside can indeed be enlarged but there is a serious shortage of control crystals. I cannot use the modules that Kitten is now using to make ships."

"I heard that there are worlds that are taken care of by computers and AIs. Why can't we?"

"Those worlds are highly developed. Civilized worlds do not have the number of living beings on them that Earth does. For each settlement there is a large computer like the one here and there are many small computers that take care of individual families, like the ones in a ship. A larger computer takes care of a section of the planet while others take care of the smaller subsections. Each computer gets more complicated as their duties warrant them to be. The moon was never intended to support a large number of people or coordinate large operations, so it is small and has the capabilities of only handling a community like a town or small city. The people do not rely on the main computers because computer time is allotted to each person as a form of payment. Otherwise some would monopolize the situation and have many things made for their own personal use. Others would have to do without till their turn came, if it ever did."

"This is so unfair. We need to get some of those crystals and make a much larger computer."

"Doris, the leaders of Earth are trying to get us the way you are now and just want us to accede to their demands. They will not be satisfied with anything less than our complete knowledge and control. Can you think of what will happen if they ever got that information without the stability our education gives them?"

"I see your point, Marcus. I just don't like sitting by when something is brought in front of my face."

Captain Shingle looked at his bridge crew and smiled at the thought of how efficient they were. Though he had no way of comparing a similar crew of Humans before the Tandra came on the scene, he knew that they would fall far behind. The Tandra sat in chairs and linked very directly to the computer itself. Nobody could make a direct connection but these people did better than he could think possible. Old records showed that even at the height of the Tandra Empire, the Tandra were quite slow when compared to crews that had many years of training behind them.

Things were shaping up quite nicely. The Humans had taken to the training like the proverbial duck to water and were able to absorb it almost as easily as a Tandra. While not as proficient, they were able to perform well within expectations. Though none yet were up to the level needed to perform on the bridge there were many other positions where they could show their mettle. Ship handling was one of them and they were able to get the ships to outperform the ones crewed by Tandra. The Tandra took it on themselves to push their boundaries when they saw how the Humans were doing the same thing.

Commander Santo used the time to exercise to its maximum. He pushed his body as far as he could to increase his speed and coordination. There were not many periods that he could steal time from to do this and he knew how necessary it was. Tandra officers had stopped by on occasion when they caught a whiff of his scent and there were usually urgent orders to Hans to increase the air flow to keep them from succumbing to the effect. The reports in from the fighters proved that all the intransigent Tandra had made dramatic turnarounds and made very good crew members, if not mates, by now. The Human women were still having a difficult time establishing a lasting rapport with the Tandra because their scent did not seem to have the same effect as the males.

Thinking of his adoptive father, Carl, he wondered how he was doing on Epsilon Eridani. The plan was being followed, at least when the ships were sent back. He was happy that his mother was taking the loss of her husband's company so well and in the usual Tandra way. Was Carl doing the same? It had been almost five and a half months since they left and the separation would be very hard, especially if he had to be away from Charlie the same way.

In a military base in Siberia an executive jet landed and taxied over to a line of other such craft. A man dressed in an expensive suit and his male secretary stepped out of the plane. They were met by military police who politely escorted them to administration. The MP's French was perfect and the two were led to a small room at the end of a larger complex.

An attendant said, "Bonjour Monsieur Gereux. Will you and your assistant come this way please? There is a bit of a formality and we thought it necessary to do this before the meeting."

"But of course. Lead the way sergeant."

The secretary put down his computer and then both removed their clothing and placed it into lockers. They showered like common plebeians while guards dressed in clean-room garb looked on.

M. Gereux asked, "What about our computer? There is a large amount of data on the drive that is both confidential and needed for the meeting."

The tall Russian soldier said, "The machine is safe. Your hard drive will be dumped into a computer downstairs for your personal use. Nothing except your bodies are allowed past this point. Just walk through the sealed door to your left. Water will start falling, you will have to walk through the flow or small devices may follow you."

They pushed their way through the heavy curtain of water and then through a door that closed behind them as soon as they went through. Standing under a special hot air dryer each were given sterile combs and made themselves presentable before donning similar clothing to the guards they left.

They were met by another guard just outside the next door and were ushered into an elevator that had no buttons at all. They descended alone and the elevator doors opened after a long interval to reveal a long hall. Men with various machines waited. Each of the waiting personnel examined the hair, ears, and neck of both men before passing them on to the next till they were allowed to go into a large, comfortable and well equipped meeting room. A large oak table in the centre had two dozen men around it and just two empty places.

John Mallard, the president and CEO of Fosta Pharmaceuticals chaired the meeting. "Hello, gentlemen. I am sorry to have you all put through the indignity of meeting this way. The aliens equipment is just too good to have our talks anywhere but in the strictest privacy. We represent heavy industry, energy, transportation, mining, chemicals, food, and of course pharmaceuticals. The challenge of getting information from the Tandra directly, or looking at what they have already done, is getting us nowhere. If they were to release their products to the general population most if not all of our businesses would flounder and take down the rest of our economy."

The meeting went on for the rest of the day and each tried to think of ways to gain information for the group. This was very difficult, for cooperation was not the usual way things were run with these men. They discussed ways of using the men from Buchanan's old unit as leverage. The way they had been found made the men even more cautious about dealing with the Humans and the Tandra.

Admiral Soduk looked at the representation of the sector on the large hologram. Many of the systems had already been captured while a few here and there remained stubbornly able to repel all attempts to take them. This area was claimed by King Sook but every Samutz alive knew it depended on who was able to take the systems that counted most. Well almost, it depended more on who was able to hold the systems after they were taken that really counted. Many small kingdoms had been carved out if they fought hard and then pledged allegiance to a more powerful sovereign.

After checking with the Tandra master of the ship, the Samutz sat in his seat and listened to the verbal discourse about the status of each of the systems. But his mind kept going to the systems that would now start to fall to the Samutz advance. All were defended by automatic weapons that still managed to function after all these years. A few systems had lower than expected response to the occasional foray into their regions and it was assumed that they would not be able to fight off a determined attacker.

Soduk considered the ships under his command. The heavy cruiser he was now in had almost the fighting power of a battleship. Two destroyers were presently escorting him and he could pick up some troop transports and an old carrier that could provide pickets. The new shielding and detection gear should make all the difference. Large missiles and powerful mines could still defeat a shield but it took a determined effort. Now the defences were just targeted and destroyed. Some did get through though, but ships had been destroyed recently by being too hasty.

The next local day he would call the sector governor. He, of course, would have to ok the allocation of troops and ships, but there was a good chance he would get all he wanted if he was willing to share the spoils. One system was fairly close and once the minefield was compromised he would take what he could and leave a small force behind as more of the protected systems were taken. The new method of detecting and destroying mines meant that there would be a lot of competition for these systems soon. If he was slow in acting he would get none of the spoils.

In any case there was no way he was going to make a name for himself if he did not take chances. Fighting from a ship like this was not the right way. A Samutz was supposed to face his opponent and fight for their lives with the victor getting to eat the vanquished. The thoughts of using weapons to cow a planet into submission so it could be systematically looted warred within him. The capitulating inhabitants would be sent off in ships as techs as the detestable Tandra around him had been. Others would be sent off to meet their destiny on a Samutz hunting preserve.

Presently the techs were altering the shields of the last vessel so that it too could join in the conquests.

The governor looked at the map and to the remainder of Soduk's proposal. It looked good in many ways. The new technology was only good for a while till all the systems were taken. After that he would still be stuck with only eleven systems if he did not act now. There were more than enough Samutz to crew the ships but the supply of techs was as low as it usually was. Too many still died when a crew became bored. Even the threat of death for this act meant little. There had been little in the way of raids recently, mainly because King Sook's daughter was by now married to their main antagonist. The Samutz would now gain a much larger empire when the present king died. It was in everybody's interest now to keep the empire in the best shape possible.

"Soduk, you can have the crews you need. Kronik and Dofer are doing nothing at the moment and have some battleships. Four cruisers like yours and two heavy destroyers are available. There are four systems almost in a line. You can take one at a time and garrison the systems with a small complement. There are six or seven troop transports to harvest the systems. You will then proceed to the next system. For this help I get one system for my own use exclusively. The other three systems I will get twenty percent of each. You, Dofer, and Kronik will share the rest with your crews."

The arguments went on for a few hours and almost came to blows. The security detail that had their weapons on Soduk kept this from happening. When the deal was finally hammered out, Soduk knew he had gotten what he originally wanted. He left happy but scowled anyway to let all know that he was cheated.

Captain Charlie Shingle woke up abruptly to the claxon signalling general quarters. His training allowed him to throw off his foggy mind and question Hans. "What is going on?"

"There are some large ships approaching the system. As yet they are twenty hours away."


"Their signatures appear to be two battleships and six cruisers. They are too far away to be sure."

"Any communications?"

"None yet. Captain Meech is now asking if we know anything more."

Charlie looked at the data that came in from the battleship and compared it to his own and saw no discernable differences. A look at the flight paths showed that the ships in the system were all following the plan worked out.

"Give him our data and link with Pasha."

After reaching the bridge and taking command he saw how things were shaping up. The Nautilus was leaving for Earth from the far side of the system leaving specific ships to thinly cover that area. The Terra's Pride was rushing to meet the approaching ships with the much more deadly fighters to do the majority of the work.

The waiting was very hard but the fact that all the ships had to be sent out heavily armed gave most something useful to do. As time went on it was shown that there were two battleships, two heavy cruisers, and four destroyers. One of the latter was hidden behind the bulk of one of the large battleships.

Earth had been warned of the approaching ships and everything seemed to stop. Preparations had been made long since and the populous took to their shelters. Television now had Mom talking about what she could glean from the incoming data. Some of the more strident commentators took up the fact of the approaching ships were coming to attack the Tandra and their works. Some of the viewers split into two camps one hid and discounted the man hoping that the Tandra would continue with their protection of the planet. The other group watched the show fervently knowing in their heart how bad all aliens were. God, this time, would have to come and protect them.

The hours passed and talk was if the units protecting Earth could take the newcomers if a battle happened. The minefield was the only thing that could decide the matter but it was known that the minefield had been cleared by the only other attacking ship quite easily. Discussion from commentators that were suddenly neutral about the Tandra gave their own ideas. Study groups had long since been assembled to assess the Tandra and their technology. These same groups now gave their more precise conclusions based on what Mom had told the Earth.

Same as Tandra
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Career Day "My daddy is prettier than your daddy!" Eight-year-old Billy Tayler stood in front of the classroom, his tiny voice growing larger by the moment. He was waring a short blue tie and a white shirt. The adults and children in attendance laughed gently at his opening line. Billy looked at the faces in the crowd, and he continued, just the way his mother and he had rehearsed. It was Career Day at Reagan Elementary School. You know the kind of day. The adults come to talk...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Slave sex

Hi am Amy and I am a sex slave to Ms Catter (Any) and Ms Larane (Denise) I am 20 at 5 foot 9 with long golden blound hair nice large tits and a clean shaven pussy with a tight ars and long smooth legs to top it off (I have a very flat stomach) The 2 masters are both 30 with brown hair perfect size tits clean shaven pussy's and a tight small ars. My work is simple enough, turn up on saturaday and be there sex slave for the weekend for a bit of extra cash. Now one day I turned up for work on my...

2 years ago
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Danas Revenge Part 2

Dana's Revenge ? Part 2 ? by: Tweak As I laid there in my diaper wondering what these next couple of years would be like I had a much more immediate need- I had to pee. Dana had left me nearly three hours ago and I now felt the desire to pee and hour ago and now that desire has become a need and necessity. I tried as long as I could to hold it back but the inevitability of nature took its course and I wet my diaper. It was an experience unlike any other I had ever had. It is hard...

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“Hi, I'm Elise! I'll be your server tonight. Do you know what you'll be having, or would you like to hear the specials this evening?”“I think we're ready to order,” says Carrie, her brunette hair framing her face perfectly, and bringing attention to her wide smile and hazel eyes.Elise takes Carrie's order first, then her cousin Melinda's, and finally, their friend David's, before turning to another table. As she walks away, Carrie and Melinda notice that David can't stop staring at Elise, and...

2 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 37 A Guest

Minutes later the door opened and the woman from the television screen entered and made a deep obeisance before the Earl, which embarrassed him a little. He was even more embarrassed when she stood up and he realised that beneath the mid-thigh length silk dressing gown she was naked. As she moved it opened, as it was buttoned only at the collar, and revealed a clear view of her belly, which had been shaved, and her breasts were nearly uncovered. He stared at her in disbelief. With an elegant...

3 years ago
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The HandshakeChapter 5 A Taken Advice

Ken: Aaron was smiling as he told me after our handshake to confirm his thanks, “I’ve said my thanks to you honestly. Your video publication was the most important that I could get rid of that cheating skank cunt in time to find a better woman and now I’m the proud daddy of two kids. As you told us, you weren’t her first lover, but your video was the most important clue to find out her true nature.” After a little pause, one of his friends spoke, “After a difficult divorce, I lived alone...

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Next Door Neighbors

My name is Chris Wills and I am a widower of four years. Whats more, I still live in the same house that I bought when my wife and I first got married. It is good that I finished paying off the mortgage over a year ago. It has a full basement and a full attic two and a half baths. I am reasonably well off so money is not a real problem for me. It was fairly early in the morning and I was having coffee in the kitchen when I heard the sound of a truck pulling into the driveway of the house next...

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Thicker Than BloodChapter 40

Marbury Transport Systems, MTS was always busy. Traffic at the border was crazy. And I was going crazy. I wasn’t in the warehouse anymore that was a plus, at age 51 I appreciated not having to be moving pallets and inventorying merchandise and tonnage. Oh yeah, dispatching was a way better gig and the pay was a tad better, about five percent better. Still it was a hustle all of the time. Run-run-run, that was the name of the game. The trucks had to move, and move on time. The loads had to be...

4 years ago
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First male encounter

It began with a few drinks with a friend who was moving away. We were sitting outside in the warm summer, night air, enjoying music and conversation. Part of the conversation being about the sexual encounters we had had with our girlfriends and previous women. We talked about things we wanting to experience with them and, out of nowhere, we both expressed how much fun it could be to have sex with another man. At this point it was getting late, so we ventured out into the shed as not to...

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Jake Roberts pulled into the parking lot behind Choy’s Chinese restaurant in Missoula, Montana about 7:30 Friday evening. It was a pleasant April evening, rare in spring in western Montana. He parked his bright red Corvette in a spot near the back entrance and strode leisurely inside. Choy’s was a fairly large place for a college town. It was also semi-expensive. Jake’s family had a lot of money so he had a generous allowance. The Chinese lady, Mrs. Chung, who ran the place, escorted him to his...

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Baron Lucheise and the Foreign FemalesChapter 2

I, Baron Lucheise, having already sampled the tasty tidbits of Lady Patricia and her charming daughter-in-law Constance on the road up to my Castle estate and many vineyards was ready to vigorously reaffirm my undying affection for both of their less than virginal pussies with my enthusiastic and highly-skilled noble cock of unusual size and girth for a person of otherwise average physical presence. I was altogether fully human and in the prime of my life for one so endowed and I owed it all...

3 years ago
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My surprise mmf

My wife and I were having fun experimenting with another couple that we had become good friends with. They were a good looking couple, she was shorter than my 5'10" wife with straight brown hair to my wifes curly blond locks. I guess that is what we like about each other....it was not what we had at home. One weekend we took a trip to Gatlinburg and shared a nice cabin....it was cold outside and we were having fun staying inside. The first night we all had fun fucking each others wives and...

1 year ago
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Something Borrowed Something Blue

I stood in front of the mirror, my wedding dress on, and turned side to side. My best friend and bridesmaid Sara beamed at me as she feathered the dress out. I peeked out from under the veil. "I can't believe it. This time tomorrow it'll all be over, and I'll be Mrs Cooper." Sara stood, admiring the dress in the mirror. "You look stunning. All eyes will definitely be on you. Now, let's get this hung up before anything happens to it." She helped me to take the veil off, then the dress, putting...

Group Sex
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The Paint Job Part 3

"So... onto the first consummation," I suggested, pausing for the two men to reposition themselves and sit alongside each other on the couch.  "In this painting, Adam is... er... making love to Stephen.  Am I okay to describe it like that?"I'd expected Adam to haughtily inform me that one man doesn't make love 'to' another but rather that their sex is collaborative and their love fully reciprocal.  Or some variation on that general theme.But instead Stephen giggled and surprised me by blurting...

Gay Male
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Neighbor with benefits

Twice she had come to my place unexpectedly and we had ravaged each other. I saw her husband leave for work hours ago. I knew that if the day was sunny and warm, she loved to sunbathe in the nude. If i just could wait, there she comes. Sits her drink on the table, unties her robe, YES ! look at that body, I've seen it, I've had it, I've enjoyed it, But every time I see it, it is exciting all over again. Huge shapely tits, tight firm abs, to die for pussy, long toned legs, just looking I get...

1 year ago
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Daddy daddy yes daughter

Hello ISS lovers! Here is another story in my favorite genre- incest. This time around I have tried to post one involving a father and his daughter. Hope you will enjoy as much as other stories and as always let me know your comments at Latha always felt a tingle in her pussy coming across those commercials about those famous textile showrooms in Ranganathan Street, Chennai. Actually, it was during her first visit to Chennai that she had managed to see the other side of her beloved father....

2 years ago
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Claire was the image of what I’d have imagined her great grandmother might have looked at the same age, I say imagined as Linda had been forty six when we’d first met, I had been the sixteen year old. Now I was forty six and the chance meeting with the two had me feeling like a sixteen year old all over again. Linda had done her best during our conversation not to give her great granddaughter even a hint that our relationship had been anything other than purely platonic but her giggles and the...

3 years ago
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Token Honeymoon

He had sex on his mind all day. Two hundred days; four thousand eight hundred hours since he'd kissed her goodbye. They'd had an eighteen-hour honeymoon in the airport hotel before her job sent her a few thousand miles away. Eighteen hours and nineteen minutes from when they signed the register to when she got on the plane to New York.He couldn't go with her, it was beyond their means and it would have killed Dan's emerging career as a freelance designer. He had to stay where he was, working...

Love Stories
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 50

Sarah stepped forth when all eyes turned to her. She had presented her plan of starting a talent agency that focused on developing young performers who showed promise. "As everyone knows with the exception of Mike," she began, "Allie has agreed in principle to a deal that will make her the spokesperson and feature performer for Daystar Studios. This will ensure her appearance in the features that Daystar, Dazzle and, we believe, Subarctic put together." Mike raised his eyebrows and...

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The Unknown Continent

You wake up staring at the sky. You felt disoriented and a little sore all over you body. You try and will yourself to get up but you don't feel strong enough. So you lie there and simply breathe. As you wait to gather your strength, you ask yourself, what happened?

2 years ago
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Payment For Services Rendered Chapter 2 The Marionette

The soft sounds of classical music stirred Christian from a deep sleep. He lay there, wherever there was, and tried to open his eyes. It was like they were glued shut but he relaxed and thought of the most beautiful dream he had last night.  He couldn’t remember much of it, his head was hazy and he tried to open his eyes again.He decided to leave them shut and listen to the music while his memory tried to recall the events of the previous evening. He remembered meeting his work colleagues at...

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A Mothers Love Chapter four

"Will you help me put it on darling?" she said huskily.We'd both finally managed to stem our tears, and she'd thanked me with a kiss on my lips."It's the most beautiful present I've ever had Terry," she'd said and then asked me to help her with it.I don't know why, or even how, to this day I don't, but after I'd clipped it around her neck, I kissed her. Not her cheek as a son might kiss his mother, not even her lips, which we'd done before, no I kissed the back of her neck, and then I kissed...

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A True Love Story

Here 27 yerar old guy ()love to tell u a real incident in between me and my aunt Riya (no real name)who works in bank on bangalore.My aunt and I had always been close but hadn’t seen each other in a while after she had moved about 150 km away. She had been very happy that I wanted to come out and see her, and even teased me with the fact that there were a ton of girls my age for me to chase. I had laughed and told her that there were a ton of girls for me to chase here but she told me that even...

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Latent DesiresChapter 4

I felt like I was pushed and then a sensation of falling into a never ending hole. There was no light and my arms and legs kicked and flayed trying to stop my descent to hell. But the impact of landing on the living room floor woke me before I reached that destination. Disoriented, I looked up. "Sally, are you okay?" Ron asked, the hand that shook my shoulder still extended. My sleepy eyes focused, trying to send messages to my bewildered brain. I shook my head and blinked several...

1 year ago
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The Education of Mrs Jones Part 3

Lydia arrived at her third massage appointment with a sense of determination. She had decided that this would be the day when she would discover, finally, if Olivia was purposefully manipulating her to orgasm. She planned to flirt a little with the massage therapist; either Olivia would respond in kind, or the therapist would be professional and put an end to it. Lydia wasn’t sure which would be more embarrassing, finding out another woman had the hots for her, or potentially being escorted...

2 years ago
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Dogging and Neighboury love continuing story of a

Back home we decided to add dogging to our portfolio of activities and after the success of the first trip we got bolder and decided to keep to locations closer to home. We kept it spontaneous, one warm clear night we turned up and saw one of her neighbours cars, it was an easy spot not many powder blue s-type jags about and saw that both front windows were down and cocks were being sucked and pulled from both sides. The passenger side we could make out it was the wife but couldn’t make out the...

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HornetChapter 7

Well, Mom's meeting was as explosive as I expected. She started off with, "Nancy, your father has been keeping me posted in your progress as a superhero. Well, I guess I should say as a pair of superheros. I want you both to know that I am proud of you, even though I had some great reservations at first. We were testing you in various ways. The fact that you were kept in the dark about my knowledge of your adventures was one of the tests. We wanted to know if you two had the mental...

2 years ago
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Rate Ch 01

Gaaaaaaah, come on! Ruby shouted as she adjusted her boobs around her beige strapless bustier. Her boobs looked good as she checked herself out in the mirror. Her cleavage would make any guy stop to look twice, she has C cup boobs which looked plum and soft pressed up against each other in the bustier. Nope. Uh uh. This is too revealing! she thought as she put on her lace black bra which matched her panties then grabbed her Nike’s logo t-shirt and pulled it over her head. She threw on her...

4 years ago
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She showed me how a bj feels

Hi, my name is John. My story is about the summer my sister Melissa and I shared when I was fifteen. She was seven-teen at the time. My story begins about three weeks into our summer break. I had just broken up with my girlfriend Mia. We had been dating all year and I thought it would last forever. She said she needed to spend time with others and wanted to date other people that summer. None of her reasons were very good. Well, we separated. I was devastated. I didn't understand what had gone...

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My mother my lover p20

I awoke the morning after feeling like I had slept for days. At first the night before with my mother felt like a dream, that was until I vastly became aware of my nakedness. I grinded my teeth as I do when I am trying to hide how nervous I am, so I guess I was trying to hide it from myself? After though my initial awe of what happened passed, I realized I heard the shower on, quickly I rolled onto my back, feeling with my hand the edges of the bed. My mother had already slipped out of...

1 year ago
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Executive Solutions Chapter Five

Executive Solutions By Michele Nylons Chapter Five - Homecoming "Natalie Styles," the woman replied. "I'm Natalie Styles, ex FBI agent, co-founder of Executive Solutions, and your sometime lover. A man in a white coat carrying a large medical kit came in behind the four paramilitary types. Two of them dragged the assassins' bodies into corner and covered them with the bloody blanket off the bed. "That'll do. We'll torch the place when we leave," Natalie said. Two of the...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e18 Kristen 37 housewife from Birmingham

Series 2, Episode 18: Kirsten It’s a beautiful day. A brief montage of life in King’s Norton in the suburbs of Birmingham. Scenic views of narrow boats crawling along the canal, of Tudor style buildings and ancient pubs. We come to rest on a very nice house in a tree lined street right on the edge of town. It’s warm and sunny, and the trees are still. Birds chirp. In one of those houses, we watch as a casually dressed, pretty young woman with flowing red hair, tidying up an elegant kitchen...

2 years ago
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Mumma8217s Hard Fuck By Old Man

Hi friends this is vicky.Today i am going to tell you a true incident which happened to me in my family.This incident happened when my mumma age was 38 she is a very beautiful women at the age of 38 also she looked liked 28 year old women the reason behind that she has maintained her body she looks really very hot and beautiful. Mumma Fucked I still remember the days when we were used to go for any party of my dad office my dads friends stairs at her body not even my dad colleague there were...

3 years ago
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Meri Behan Nidhi Or Main

Mera naam gouatam sharma hai age 25, hai or main barelly se hoon. Dikhne me almost hansome hun mera email Meri family me mummy papa main goutam 25 or meri choti behan nidhi age 23 or 15 sal ka chota bhai hai chintu hai.. Yeh kahani meri aur meri khud ki sagi behan nidhi ki hai.Yeh baat main kabhi kiso ko nahi batata lekin jub maine indiasexstory per sabki apni behan k sath hui sex life story padi toh mera bhi mann hua ki aap logo apni haali ki hui apni behan k sath wali sex life share...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Alison Rey Gina Valentina The IT Nerd

Alison Rey is trying desperately to work but can’t seem to get online. When her computer shuts down entirely, she just can’t believe her luck. She calls the IT department to find out that her IT guy is on vacation. Irritated, she begs them to send her someone competent enough to fix her damn computer. When Gina Valentina arrives and introduces herself as the new temp, Alison asks her why it took her so long to get there. Gina looks at the computer and asks her what happened. Alison...

2 years ago
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About 10 minutes later, I was in a cab on the way to his apartment. For some reason not explained to me, his crazy friend, who wanted me to get naked was in the cab with us. We arrived at the apartment and started smoking weed. I was already out of it but this felt great. Crazy friend started stripping and in an instant we were all stripping and smoking and dancing around the living room as loud music blasted. It was such a liberating feeling. My bass player friend lifted me up and carried...

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My friend Ben chapter 4

Subject: My Friend Ben chapter 4 Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction and not to be read by you unless over 18 so read your comics instead. Copyright 2011: not to be copied or changed without the owner’s permission or consent. MY FRIEND BEN CHAPTER 4 and final chapter Summer camp is ending soon. The boys were enjoying their summer camp and only a week was left before the boys headed back to their homes. All the gang had so...

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Young black man mature white female2

My mature, gorgeous, big breasted, mature white wife was thrilled to have delivered her recent 3 black babies with the young black man Rodwell as of two months ago. He’d like to see his three babies as my wife tells him they’re beautiful. So arrangements are made for Rodwell to visit for a weekend, my wife has arranged for our 3, 17 year olds to be away for a 4 day weekend. I was going to be away on business. Rodwell arrived early Friday morning, was thrilled to see his 3 beautiful babies. He’s...

3 years ago
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Day TripChapter 11

"John, Adel, can you give me a few minutes. I've had a brainstorm, and I'd like your opinion." "Sure, fire away." We walked over into a corner away from the others who were still madly asking and answering questions about life here and before they shifted. I said, "I have not had any chance to check up on my idea, and I'm not really sure that I know how to do that, but I have wondered if I panicked too much over the idea of the asteroid. It seems to me that the dry land we are...

2 years ago
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Sweet Little Holly Part 2

Introduction: The adventure continues Hope you enjoy. Happy Fapping. Comments welcome.. Part 2 ~~ As my dad loaded the minibus with the suitcases, all full of clothes, plus one full of food, we set off towards the Summer Shack. I was sat in the front, speaking to dad, while the girls behind me were giggling constantly. I longed to be there with them, but alas it was just a dream. As we drove further and further away from civilisation, my dreams became wilder and wilder. After 2 hours drive,...

4 years ago
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I Go to Work for BBC Ch 03

In parts I and II, our couple have been going through some new and innovating procedures to achieve a pregnancy. The husband has been humiliated by not only the way the procedure works but also by the way both his wife and her doctor belittle his manhood. Join us in part III as the husband is further emasculated by the bad news he has to give to his spouse. Afraid of facing his wife , he says nothing all weekend. Monday morning on the way to her doctor’s appointment, he finally informs his...

1 year ago
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cop fucked my prostitue wife

This story is about my wife rittu.and how I made her a five star prostitute.I got married to rittu in 2004 and before my marriage I used to fuck all types of prostitutes in all shapes and sizes.Some were very high class prostitutes and sometimes I used to pick up from roads.I had a very erotict sexual life After my marriage I stopped fucking prostitutes and all my concentration was on fucking rittu.I used to fuck her like a whore and make her do all wild things as a first class whore.I even...

4 years ago
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Meet Her In Train

Hiii friends I am Babar, 23 years old, 6’1″ smart man, having athletic body. Dont want to waste ur time, & will start my true story. I was travelling from delhi to mumbai in Rajdhani 2A. I reached station 30 min prior to train departure. Train was already at platform & i took my seat. After some 2nd person came to my adjacent seat. He is a fat bania. I thought now the journey will be boring, at that time one girl & boy also join the front two seats. They were management student at Mumbai MBA...

2 years ago
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The wifes Story of Adult book store with fri

One day I had an Idea to finally go to the adult book store and buy a toy but didn't want to do it alone. So I asked a friend to go in with me. My friend didn't mind the thought of 2 women going into such a place. On our way over my friend asked why I was going in the first place. Well, I replied, My Husband has been wanting for years to see me do things and I want to do them but don't know how to get them done. My friend asked, Like what? I said. The usual Man stuff. Two Girls together stuff....

3 years ago
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Overnight Change

Overnight Change by Janet Harris ?© 2014 When I woke in a strange bedroom, I didn't realise I myself was also strange. I looked around this rather feminine room and noticed the bra hanging over the back of the chair beside the bed long before I noticed that I had tits. I didn't have to put my now slender hand down to my crutch because only a slight movement of my legs was enough to be sure that all that had hung between them last night was completely gone. I was shocked, of course, but ...

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