A Simple Suggestion free porn video

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Kimmie grabbed the towel quickly to cover herself. Glancing down, she saw a line of her own wet footprints leading to and from the shower. For a moment, it crossed her mind that she didn’t really need to get out of the shower to pee…then she forced the thought away like a bad dream. Wrapping the towel tightly around her breasts and body she shook her head for the mess she made, then, grabbing another towel, she dropped to her knees to wipe up the water.

Another therapist, another couple of hours wasted, she thought as she cleaned. More stress from trying to escape the stress, does this make sense? They always ask the same questions…what about your childhood?…how’s your marriage?…and, heaven forbid, they always asked about sex. Why, always about sex? What possible difference could that make to my stress level? They’re all just sex-addled pervs anyway. ‘There’, she said, rising. With a start her towel dropped and she let out a gasped, ‘oops!’ She pulled the towel up quickly, covering her nudity against no one’s gaze but her own.

Quietly, in the empty house, Kimmie walked to the bathroom door and peered into the bedroom, then closed the door. Facing the bathroom mirrors, she opened the towel like a Central Park flasher and inspected her body. Blushing slightly, she admired her full breasts (Yes- 36, why do you ask?), light brown dollar sized (and I’ll give you change back) nipples, conservatively trimmed V and, her straight, firm legs. Not a bad body for a thirty year old, not bad at all, she thought, then dismissed the thought quickly. With a sigh, she closed the towel and shook her wet hair back.

She dressed in white cotton panties, khaki shorts for a warm day, thick sports bra to keep her breasts under wraps and a thin white cotton tee shirt to keep cool in the mid-day drive. She brushed her hair, her teeth, anointed with lotions, and made a simple application of make up. There, good enough for a stranger who just wants my time and money…no, must think positive….she shook her shoulders slightly to settle the tension and grabbed her keys and purse on the way to her car.

She pushed open the doors and strode into the foyer of the office building. She checked her hand written notes against the address at the top of the building guide and then ran her finger down the listings. Suite 2D, Medical Offices. The elevators were in front of her, but, with a glance, she took in the two flights of open stairs and opted for them. Taking the steps two at a time, she quickly climbed the stairs to the next floor. In front of her, a twenty-something brunette sat behind a receptionist’s desk, chewing gum and talking on the phone. The waiting area was empty.

The receptionist appraised her. Another up tight, square shoed, white cotton, marriage refugee. ‘Gotta go, a patient is here.’, she hung up the phone.

‘May I help you?’, she asked, donning her best, ‘I’m not thinking what I’m thinking smile’.

‘Yes. I have a 1:00pm appointment with Dr. Buck.’

‘You’re lucky to get in so quickly, we had back to back cancellations this afternoon, fortunately.’

‘Yes. Fortunately.’ She shifted her weight to her other foot and crossed her ankles.

‘I’ll let the doctor know that you’re here.’

‘That’ll be fine.’

She glanced again around the empty waiting room. Kimmie choose the seat that let her keep her back to the wall and watch the stairs, the desk and the entrance the doctor’s office all at once. Wild Bill Hickok style, or was it Buffalo Bill? She absently prodded the stack of magazines.

Newsweek. A too-thin, too-flexible woman doing yoga on the cover with a silly smile on her face. Aquarium Life. How to get your Guppies Breeding Overtime! American Journal of Hypnotherapy. Finding the Goals within the Subconscious.

Turning away, she stared out the window. Then, in a double take, flipped the magazines again. Finding the Goals within the Subconscious? What does that mean? She picked up the magazine, flipped to the article. Skimming the sidebars, she picked up: ‘Patients often bury their own goals within their deepest thoughts. ‘Sex, love, money, power may be lurking motivations that your patients don’t realize they possess. ‘

Crap, she thought, and then tossed the magazine back down. I will be damned if I’ll let this guy charge me for an hour if he makes me wait past my appointment time. She flushed slightly, letting her anger rise.

‘Miss. Please come in. The doctor is ready for you.’

Standing, she walked to the offered door, held open by the twenty-something. The door was partly blocked by the receptionist, forcing her to turn sideways to get by. At that moment, the doctor stepped into the hallway beyond the door, catching Kimmie’s eye. Her breasts slid across the breasts of the receptionist. Slide, soft thump, slide, and soft thump.

Now, that was graceful, she thought. The receptionist giggled like she liked it, dark tiny nipples at attention, and closed the door. Turning to the doctor, Kimmie felt the heat rise in her face. Her anger disappeared in an instant.

‘Hi. I’m Dr. Buck.’ He extended his hand, pretending not to notice her close encounter with his receptionist.

‘Hi. Nice to meet you Dr. Fuck..er..Buck..’.

He shook her hand firmly, smiling evenly, and showed no reaction. ‘Hi, relax. Come on in.’ His eyes traced her neckline, her curves, and settled on her tightly bound breasts. Then back to her eyes. Hey, I saw that, she thought.

‘Please, get comfortable.’

‘Thanks. I’ll try.’

His office was furnished in early Sigmund Freud. The classic therapist couch (I’ve never seen one of those for real, she thought). Dark wood. Comfortable rug. Broad desk with a single file open. Large chair for him.

Sit down, he said, offering the chair to her. He sat on the couch. He swung his feet up and kicked off his shoes. She sat staring at him, confused.

‘Sorry. This must be a little strange. I just need to get my feet up after my noon work-out.’


She realized she could look at him in profile, while he looked up at the ceiling. In an instant, her eyes roamed him. Blue eyes, now closed, thick brown hair, broad chest, bulge hung to the left, long legs.

Eek. Bulge on the left, what am I thinking?

Kimmie felt an unwelcome, pleasant twinge between her legs. She crossed her legs tightly and stared out the window. For a moment, she remembered a beach, her husband, and a salty, fertile, musky smell…the ocean? Another wild thought escapes? Sorry, Bono, now I know what you were singing about.

‘Now, before we start, why don’t you ask any questions that come to mind.’?

She sat, again dumbfounded.

‘Well. Ok.’ A moment ticked by. ‘So what does the CCHT mean behind your name?’

‘Certified Clinical Hypnosis Therapist.’


Hypnosis, great, I’ll be dancing around clucking like a chicken in no time. That’ll relieve my stress.

‘So, let’s discuss your reason for being here. Tell me about what you’d like to achieve…’

She took a deep breath, and focused on the side of his face, tracing his profile.

‘I’m here because of stress I don’t know how to handle it and don’t really know why I’m stressed, and don’t have an outlet and that’s why I went to a psychologist in the first place and she sent me to you and she thought that you could help me understand what I’m stressed about and what I can do about it.’ She ran out of breath and stopped.

‘Oh. I see. Do you have anything else to add?’


‘Ok. Let me ask a few questions, then.’


‘Typical sources of stress for a woman in your age and situation are employment..money..?’

‘Nope. Not a problem.’


‘No, I’d never, ever do that…’

‘I meant your husband.’

‘Oh, well he travels. He’s out of town now, but I don’t think he’s doing that. At least I don’t
think he’s doing that, he’d never do that, I mean, he barely does that at home with me.’

‘I see.’

‘OK, let’s discuss hypnosis.’


‘Hypnosis can help you in many ways. First of all, you can experience forgotten or suppressed memories. This can help you understand sources of stress and anxiety. It will help me understand your unconscious mind. Hypnosis has also been proven as a way to make a person’s inherent healing capabilities accessible and in her control. It can help you visualize and create an alternate reality perceived as being safe and comfortable. It is helpful in relaxation and pain reduction by decreasing muscle tension.’

‘Well my shoulders are kind of tense….’

‘It’s more than just that. It’s a way for you to get in touch with things that you don’t wish to be aware of consciously, but may need to be aware of from your own subconscious.’

‘Oh. I see, I think. But doesn’t that give you control of me?’

‘No. No. Subjects in a hypnotic trance are not slaves to their ‘masters’ – you’ll have absolute free will. And you’ll be hyperattentive and aware.’ She thought she saw him smile slightly and he was definitely hanging on the left.

‘Let’s get started, then, shall we…’

‘OK, I guess.’

‘First of all, you must be fully committed to your success. An ‘I guess’ doesn’t qualify.’ While speaking, he stood, took her by the shoulders and guided her to the couch. He sat her down. She sat, feet on the floor, his crotch at her eye level. ‘Are you committed to your success here today?’

‘Yes. I am, 100%.’ she said, outlining his cock with her eyes. He felt a growing tension above his balls, a congestion. His briefs suddenly felt too tight and a little damp.

‘Now then, pick an object to stare at. Focus you concentration, and relax. You’ll feel your eyelids growing heavy and your body will relax.’ She stared, hard, at the outline of his cock, caught her self and looked past him at a spot on the wall. ‘You are relaxing. Your tensions are easing. You feel great. You’ll be able to follow my suggestions effortlessly.’

Standing, he lowered the blinds, darkening the room. ‘You feel relaxed all over. Your mind is clear. Your thoughts are clear. You’re focused on your own needs and tranquility.’ She nodded her head, once, twice and her eyes closed, her head tilted to one side.

She felt dreamy, almost asleep, but aware, and focused. She felt, excused, forgiven, granted. She felt truly, deeply, comfortable.

‘Now, now, trust me. Who do you trust?’

‘My husband’.

‘I am your husband, you trust me don’t you?’

‘Yes, of course I trust you, honey.’

‘Tell me about the time, the place that your stress was the least, the place where your trust was greatest, where you were most at peace.’

‘You know that place. You were there.’

‘Tell me about it, help me remember.’

‘I’ll just show you.’

She stood, extended her hand. ‘Come on, honey.’. The doctor stood and extended his hand, and she took the hand of her husband.

‘Don’t you love this beach, dear?’

‘Oh, yes, it’s beautiful, what do you like best about it?’

‘The warm sand, the cool breeze, the sound of the ocean.’

He opened the blind quickly, letting the sun back into the room. Oops, he thought. Almost blew that.

‘OK, hold that thought. I’ll be right back’.

Dr. Buck stepped to his desk, clicked on the intercom. ‘Kirsten, run out and pick up the case of wine I mentioned to you. I’ll need it for tonight. And don’t worry about being back until before my 3:00 pm appointment, but we have to stay professional.’

‘Ok, doctor. See ya.’

‘Now where were we?’

‘This sun is great.’

‘Let me help you off with your top.’

Kimmie lay back on the couch, a lounge to her hypnotized mind, and stretched out her arms. Dr. Buck pulled up her shirt and peeled it over her head.

‘Thanks, that feels wonderful.’

The sunlight spilled across her, warming her skin. ‘Honey, it’s wonderful here.’

The doctor reached out and grasped the side of her sports bra, drawing it upward. ‘Here, honey, let me help you take advantage of the sun.’ ‘But what if someone sees?’ ‘No matter, you’re safe with me, and they’ll only be jealous and horny….’ ‘OK, honey, you’re the boss.’

In an instant, her breasts were free and exposed. As the doctor pulled her bra upward, she sat up, stretching her arms over her head to allow the bra to slide free. At the moment the bra confined her arms the greatest, her husband kissed her, pinning her arms over her head. His tongue flicked and lingered on her lips and mouth, they shared deep hungry kisses that signaled passion arriving within them.

Kimmie gasped slightly at the hard kiss, then kissed back, equally hard. ‘Honey, I didn’t think you still wanted me like that.’ The doctor laughed slightly, then held himself in check, ‘Of course, dear, always, just like the first time.’

Her nipples hardened in the sunlight and under his gaze. Kimmie cupped one breast, offering the nipple to his mouth. She pinched the other nipple as he suckled, kissed, and tongued her. As he would switch sides, Kimmie would also switch, pinching the other. The erotic tension made her thighs tighten and her pussy and ass muscles clench. She sighed a deep emptying sigh. ‘Honey, you’ve never done that better.’ Her nipples had hardened to stiff points, and the clenching of her thighs together couldn’t satisfy the building need between her legs. Her pussy twinged, beginning to ooze into her panties. Life was good, and her shoulder were so relaxed, she thought, absently.

The doctor rose, overcome with his own tension. In a moment, he dropped his pants and freed his cock. He stood to the side of her head, raising a mild objection. ‘Honey, do you really want me to do that…is it OK with you?’

‘Oh, it’s more than OK.’ He placed two fingers at the base of his cock and pressed, then stroked upward to the head, freeing a dollop of pre-cum. He caught it on his fingers, and touched it to her nipple. Her pussy spasmed quickly, untouched and thrilled. Kimmie reached out and cupped his balls, ‘Dear, you’re so big today. You must really be turned on…’ ‘Oh, Kimmie, you always turn me on like this.’

He stroked his cockhead on her hard nipple, gently tracing the outline, then stretching open the opening of his cock to delicately wrap the tip of her nipple. For a moment she was fucking his cock with her breast. Pre-cum continued to drip from him, beginning to flow in a stream down her breast. He bent his head to lick the pre-cum. ‘You’ve never done that, that’s such a turn-on….’ ‘Any time, any place for you, love.’ Her doctor/husband replied.

‘My pussy need attention.,…’ she had begun to squirm, hard, trying to gain some tension and pressure where she now needed it most. The doctor straddled her, as she lifted her hips to help her husband pull down her shorts. She rolled up her hips and lifted her legs above her self as he pulled her shorts straight up. The cool air felt incredible on her exposed tender skin. Feeling freed, and a little nasty, she drew a finger between her lower lips and held it out to him. He parted his lips, then drew it in, tasting her juice for the first time.

‘Eat me, lover, you know how to do that so well…’ ‘Yes, dear, your pussy is meant for me alone.’ He bent, kissing each nipple, quickly, in turn, then traced a line down her tummy to her cleft. Placing a hand on the back of either leg, he rolled her hips up, and then pressed her legs apart. Her pussy and ass were now exposed to his gaze, and of their own accord, her pussy lips parted.

Then he lowered his mouth to her.

She felt a trail of pre-cum cool on her leg.

She felt the heat of his mouth surround her labia.

She felt his tongue enter her.

She knew that her pussy ached to come.

She knew that her husband had never
eaten her better.

Dr. Buck entered her pussy with his tongue. Then he gently licked and softly his lips caressed her pussy lips. Then, again, he parted her pussy lips with his tongue and pushed into her.

He lifted himself on one arm and looked up at her. Kimmie’s eyes were closed, her mind in another place, the warm sun from the window played down on her in her imagination.

It was time to let her come. He pushed one long finger into her, slid it from her pussy’s entrance along the front wall of her vagina, and felt a firm, spongy spot. It had grown engorged, almost rough to the touch. Her g-spot.

His mouth descended on her clit. He circled her g-spot. He pushed her hips upward to meet his mouth and with a low growl, she came: hard spasms clenching on his finger buried inside her, her clit pressed hard against his lips.

In a minute, she came down, her clit sensitive in his mouth. He pulled back and watched her body settle itself and a brief aftershock subside. Her pussy lips remained splayed. A thin line of her juice ran down between her cheeks, and dribbled on his couch. ‘Here, honey, let me help you up. I know what you need.’ He grasped her hips again, rolling her over, onto her hands and knees. Then bending, he parted her legs to expose her ass and pussy from behind. She buried her face in her hands and gently bit the side of her hand in anticipation.

His mouth descended to her behind, quickly kissing the tender opening, then descended to her open pussy. For a minute, two, another, he gently lapped at her pussy, drinking up her sex fluid. Her pussy quivered from the remaining sensitivity.

He stood, then, next to her, and slid one leg under her raised body, then deftly picked her up over his head, lowered her pussy onto his mouth. His cock was at her lips. 69.

She opened her mouth, and took him in, deeply, suddenly touching the back of her throat with his cock. Startled, she thought of a doctor, a therapist, another time, another place. Then his mouth began to caress her pussy again, and she was lost on a beach. The warm sun streamed down on her exposed pussy and asshole, her back warmed from the sun. She could hear the waves lap at the sand, the breeze over their heads in the palm trees, and could feel her husband drawing another orgasm from her, like he had never done before.

His technique was new, she acknowledged that, perhaps he’d been reading, no matter, it was good. His lips held her clitoral hood in a gentle grasp, like a foreskin, and gently rolled the tender flesh over the still hard shaft of her clitoris. He rested, then began again. He tongue drifted to her ass, then licked lightly down her perineum, then he grasped her clitoral hood again. Her tender clit objected to the direct tension, causing sensitive tremors to roll through her pussy. Then he began again, the delicate trail of her sex and nerve endings, ending at her tender button.

She deep throated him, hard, from the base up to the head. His pre-cum was slick on her chin and slightly salty, the smell was the smell of her memory, salty, earthy, fertile.

Her orgasm hit her quickly, with little building. It just appeared like a memory drifts into the conscious mind. Then it lingered, built, and then escaped in thick, billowing waves. He watched her behind, pussy and legs clench down in concert, each wave of tension releasing her stresses and her cares, each blowing away in the breeze from the beach.

His time, his place now. She was lost in a neverland of sex, tension and sensation, but he had just arrived. He rolled from under her, and stood behind her. It was now his time, his control, and she would accept his entry completely. ‘I’m going to fuck you now.’ ‘Yes, dear, please…please…fuck me. Please.’

He began to mount her from behind, placing the thick head of his cock at her vaginal entrance. With a shallow push he popped the head into her, past her outer muscles, then let it rest inside her. ‘Oooohhh.’ Kimmie groaned in her throat. ‘Yesssssss.’ Now, quietly, he began to tease her with the head of his cock, slightly in and then drawing out. Then he popped the head in past the rim of the head of his cock, and popped in across the threshold of her pussy. He began to pick up speed, fucking in her in a blur of shallow thrusts, sensitizing her opening to only the head of his cock.

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Simple Fun To Rough Threesome

Hi, all. A brief re-introduction to the new reader. I am Abhay from Jaipur. 29 years old. Penis size 6.2″ long and 1.5″ wide. Any female interested can email me Now let’s start with the real incident which happened with me last week.My wife had went to her parent’s house for a week and I was craving to fuck a woman other than my wife. It was Saturday evening, I went out to look for some fun. I stopped at a five star hotel with a good DJ night. It was crowded in there and many hot beauties were...

3 years ago
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Simple Singh With Delhihite In Boarding School

Hello people simple singh is back and this time with my incident with a delhi girl in my boarding school in mussoorie Last time when I told you about my encounter with the brahma kumari aunty fuck sessions and I came back to mussoorie for my 12 th std. People 12 th std was like heaven in our school we were the senior most and were treated as god you can say. We dint have any time to wake up no time to sleep no time to attend classes everything was up to our wish .And we took so much advantage...

3 years ago
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Simple Gay Fucking Story

Simple Gay Fucking StoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan Aah, the Christmas night. Colt was all alone and the quiet of the house seemed very odd because only a few hours ago there was music, party sounds, his roommates and friends had created. Colt was very horny. He started to stroke his cock, thinking of all the guys he was flirting with, all the evening. He particularly reminded himself of two guys. They had befriended Colt only few weeks ago in the bar and Colt liked both of them. They were both not...

3 years ago
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Simple Errand

Ryan left his office, and walked to his car with a song on his lips and a spring in his step. He was happy because it was shaping into a beautiful morning after far too many days of rain. He was happy because he had his driver's license. But most of all, he was happy because he and Alexandra were going to the ball at Hotel Roanoke that very night, and Ryan was never happier than when he was spending time with his girlfriend. Ryan just had one simple errand to take care of, and then the rest...

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Simpleminded Cousin

"Yes she was," Scott responded on auto pilot before escaping the elderly lady, only to bump into yet another one. "You must be Scottie," she said. "I was a friend of your mother. She was so young." "Yes she was." That's the way the day went after his mother's funeral, with everyone paying their respects and offering condolences. Scott wasn't annoyed. He was bored. Having left his wife home with their two sick children, he flew cross country to Florida for the funeral. He loved his...

3 years ago
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Simple LoveChapter 3

Suitably refreshed and beginning to be warm after a rather miserable ride, we sat in the lounge with our stack of mail. But before we settled enough to pick up the first item, Anji spoke. "Couldn't we light the fire, Pete?" I wondered, wryly, if perhaps she was able to read my mind, as the same idea had passed through it earlier. There are few more cheerful things than a living fire, and I keep a stack of suitable logs outside the back door, sheltered by a rough rack. "Why not? Good...

3 years ago
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Simple Words Guided by the Hand of GodChapter 2

In part one of the story of the life of Saint Teresa of Avila, an attractive young girl decides to devote her life to the service of God and to follow the teachings of Holy Mother Church. It is important to put the life of Saint Teresa in the perspective of the time in which she lived and labored in the vineyards of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The 1500s were a tumultuous period of human existence. Worldwide religion was relatively a new concept focused around the belief in a single...

3 years ago
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Power of suggestion

I was always an outgoing, flirtatious person, but sexually, I was very shy. Up to my early 20’s, I hadn’t really been with anyone who brought out my inner vixen. I did as I was told and just hoped they would do something I might actually like. In late 90’s, I was in an abusive relationship. I didn’t believe I was sexy or smart enough to move on. Tim spoke to me and treated me as I wasn’t worthy. After being with him since I was a teenager, I didn’t know any better. I was pushed around and...

2 years ago
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The Power of Suggestion

I'm in my late 30s, well-off enough that I don't have to work, and I indulge my hobbies: acquiring rare books and art in a modest way. My wife Jean is a few years younger, athletic and quite attractive. She fills her time with various women's clubs, tennis etc. with a special emphasis on Tennis with Jack, the pro at her club. They make a formidable team, and I'm proud of how she and Jack can take on all comers. Then there's Bill: a stock broker, tall, muscular and a natural...

3 years ago
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Power of suggestion

I was always an outgoing, flirtatious person, but sexually, I was very shy. Up to my early 20’s, I hadn’t really been with anyone who brought out my inner vixen. I did as I was told and just hoped they would do something I might actually like. In late 90’s, I was in an abusive relationship. I didn’t believe I was sexy or smart enough to move on. Tim spoke to me and treated me as I wasn’t worthy. After being with him since I was a teenager, I didn’t know any better. I was pushed around and even...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Just a Suggestion

Ide floated from the airlock with a gentle push of a thickly gloved hand, and drifted slowly toward the looming empty dark hulk of the station, glimmering faintly in the starlight. Ide's breath sounded loud in the confines of the suit, the whirr of tiny fans recycling air, scrubbing out carbon dioxide, adding back in the oxygen used by the precious human cargo it protected and nurtured. The tether trailed behind, sliding smoothly and silkily, securing but designed not to impede or...

2 years ago
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BSC05 the Girls of BSCChapter 9 Chloes Suggestion

Manuela Cortez had now caught up with Latoya and Stephen and they both had offered to help Stephen show the three visitors around BSC. As they were all leaving the gymnasium Latoya came over to Stephen and whispered in his ear, “That pecker of yours had better be in top condition Mr Penis Pal of mine! The girls of BSC can get pretty upset if their Penis Pal doesn’t deliver the goods! And tonight we start. Are you ready Mr Stephen Bartell? Are you really ready to be our PENIS PAL?” Suddenly...

1 year ago
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Improper Suggestion

Young Sam Barnet was a dreamy shy boy, yet he was extremely sexual; he stared at women, particularly large breasted women, and he fantasized about them. When he saw the new neighbours his eyes popped out for Mrs Braymore had enormous tits, they stood out like two pointed mountains and seemed to bounce as she moved. She watched young Sam on several occasions and noticed his eyes were often glued to her chest; he had a tormented look about him and she wondered what was going through his mind....

4 years ago
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RefugeesAppendix Advice and Suggestions

From: Tribune Leo Nevin, Head of Kindertransport Program To: Sub-Decurion Nicholas Kavanagh Subject: Issues Concerning Escardis Sub-Decurion, We are getting indications that the Arab League may approach us shortly to negotiate carrying some of their people from Earth to their colony on Escardis. With the Swarm already here, and the Salah al-Din returning to Escardis, they no longer have their own transport capability. Either they all stay on Earth and fight, or they try to get more...

1 year ago
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Femdom experiences ideas and suggestions

I’d like to share some experience, ideas, and tips I’ve put together after about 4 years of dominating my BF. This is all my personal experience, so it won’t apply to everyone.Firstly, I need to share that we aren’t in a 24/7 Domme-sub relationship. That doesn’t interest me or my BF. My BF came to me about 4 ½ years ago and confessed some of his desires for femdom sex, and I decided to entertain it with him. It’s been a lot of fun, but I’m not making it a “lifestyle”, although we do have some...

2 years ago
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Irresistible Suggestions

William had been reading through his grandfather's notes recently, and he couldn't believe in what he read. According to those notes, there was a reason behind his granddad's success - both with women and business. Although the man died too young - probably due to the life of excesses he led -, he had left a great fortune for his many women and many daughters... Well, it had been a great fortune once, but it had been diluted over his daughters and then dried out due to their inability to...

Mind Control
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Simple and Romantic Remedy

It’s hard when you’re nineteen and you’ve never had a girlfriend and a painful series of rejections has left you with a bout of depression which seems to be impossible to overcome on your own. Mom had eventually found a well known, although somewhat controversial therapist had who recommended daily oral stimulation to overcome feelings of depression, anxiety and rejection. Professionals were expensive and my parents were already paying the therapist, so mom’s thriftiness had gotten the best of...

2 years ago
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Simple And Romantic Remedy

"Nlk-nlk!" My mother's eyes were wide and shocked as I came. Didn't she like it? I had tried to hold back as long as possible and I thought everything had gone relatively well. I had managed to maintain my erection and the orgasm was surprisingly intense considering this was just mom who we were talking about.It's hard when you're nineteen and you've never had a girlfriend and a painful series of rejections has left you with a bout of depression which seems to be impossible to overcome...

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Simple Simon 2

Simon returned to work the next day more confused than ever. With his father’s lessons on how different they were from any of his clients, he knew instinctively that what happened with Jennifer was a bad thing. Of course, he didn’t share what happened with his dad or mom. How could he? He didn’t even really understand what had happened. Before Jennifer grabbed his thing in her hands and played with it, he never realized it could grow bigger. As for what happened when he pounded her against the...

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Simple Song Pt 01

Hi there, the wait is over! (OK, I don’t think anyone but me was waiting, but still.) This is the first part of my longer story that I have been working on. Part 01 (this one) does not contain any sex. These crazy kids will have to wait for their boom boom pow. I do think the sexy bits in the next part are by far the best I’ve written and it will be submitted at the same time as this one, so you have that to look forward to. The beginning might be a little odd and I’ve tried some...

3 years ago
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Simple Seduction Ch 02

Mallory sighed and pressed her fingertips into her forehead. She wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and never wake up. Her head was pounding, probably because some handsome, funny, but overly egotistical pro-football player had kept her out at all odd hours of the night after insisting upon going dancing to work off his dinner. She’d admit she’d have a very interesting night with Ryan. ‘Are you alright Dr. Evens?’ Mallory turned to the pretty little brunette who she’d just hired as the...

1 year ago
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Simple Seduction

Chapter 1: ‘Mallory, please! You have to do this for me!’ Mallory Leanna Evens stared at her older sister as if she had grown two heads. ‘Macey, I can’t just go on your blind date for you and tell this mystery guy that you aren’t interested. It doesn’t work that way. If you want to, you go and tell him yourself.’ she sighed. It was so like Macey to make her do the dirty work. Sometimes Mallory wondered how it was that they were sisters. Besides the fact that they looked nothing alike, they...

2 years ago
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Simple Song Pt 02

Welcome back! This is the second part of my longer story that I have been working on. Part 01 did not contain any sex, but this one does. First fair warning: it’s not right off the bat. These poor kids have to get in the mood, before they can get nude. I do think the sexy bits in this piece are by far the best I’ve written, but who knows. Second fair warning: if women with tattoos makes you upset you should be careful in reading this piece. Just try to substitute the word ‘stickers’ in for...

3 years ago
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Simple pleasures

I can remember it so vividly. I was 17 and he was James. He was tall, blonde, tanned and absolutely gorgeous. Every girls fantasy. From our first words together anyone could tell we were a perfect match, Oh god a remember how I would tremble at his touch. Every time he put his arms around me I could feel the blood flowing through my body faster than usual. My eye’ s would close and I would just let the sensation flood my body. He’d laugh and say how much he loved me and I believed every word. I...

1 year ago
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Simple Pleasure After Work

She smiled back and nodded, ‘Well shall we?’ He nodded and apparated them back to their room. ‘Saves more time,’ he said with a smile then kissed her passionately, dipping his tongue into her open mouth to duel with hers. She made a noise of assent while pushing him gently towards their bed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and walked backwards and fell as his knees caught on the edge of the bed, bring her down on top of him. She got up and said, ‘You stay there.’ She pulled back to the...

2 years ago
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Simple Life

Little Author's Note Start game now to get the full experience, almost every choice has a repercussion of some sort so i would appreciate it if you could play the story as it was intended to be read. It's a really long story so brace yourself for a journey, the first 15 chapters are mostly introduction and stuff like that but you will be able to choose 4 main paths, one of which is extremely naughty so if you are horny and want to see all of the sex scenes then choose that one. Apart from that...

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Simple Little Bottle

You are a 23yr chem. major on the verge of making a incredible find. Your father sent you a rare plant from the Amazon Jungle and it's sap's chemical compound is nothing like you have ever seen. For all reason it should not be. As you test the sap in numerous test you find some strange affects.

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I AM A I'm an ordinary woman, who desires nothing more than an ordinary wish, to be loved exactly as I wish until I am completely satisfied. I have had my share of “Wham, Bam, thank you, Ma’am”. Or moments where my mouth said “It’s OK honey, I love you”, but my mind would scream “Take that weenie out of me”. So, is it wrong to want to experience everything a white woman’s pussy wet and her knees buckle in orgasmic pleasures? So after few years of unsatisfying sex I decided to cut off my hubby...

1 year ago
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Simple shemale story

Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I'm an ex-professional boxer. Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the parking lot. There were several men beating up a beautiful woman, when I tried to break it up I ended up getting very banged up myself. Her name was misty, she thanked me for helping her and asked if I need a...

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Simple Oneshot

“Hey, Hon,” I say while walking through the door. I peck him on the cheek before putting my belongings down. It’s been a long day at work, and I’m just ready to call it a day.“Hey, Baby. I’ve been waiting for you since noon. I’ve got everything ready for our Valentine’s Day dinner.” Just how thoughtful can one man be? He has roses out on the table for us, and they fill the air with such a pleasant aroma that one cannot—wait, is that baked rosemary chicken I smell as well? Everything is just as...

2 years ago
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Simple Massage To Hardcore Fun

Hi there Indian Sex Stories readers, I want to share my experience with you all, hope you all enjoy it and please don’t forget to give your reviews, suggestions on my email id, further feel free to contact me for spicy chats as well. You can do all this by mailing me @ Now coming to the story, this is my first real incident that happened to me in last month. I was so exhausted out due to my job and side by side training going on for continuous 20 days, as it was all coming to end I sighed a...

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Simple Sex Life With Bhabhi

Hi!! Everything in life goes as surprise as we bond with it many changes. This is what happened in my life as all it started in months… I won’t say this is a sex story, this is what happened and still happening with us within the society. So let me start by my introduction myself dinesh from a small village near to gulbarga, my age is 24 years 5.10″ height normal gym body and I’m done with my degree. Then all turn in my life started when I started to hunt the job, many times I given interview...

2 years ago
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Simple To Strong Sex

Hi all, Little lengthy still hot enough to wet your panty and tighten the bra.. Guys you also be ready to shag. Coming to the story, as usual no change of name, bla blaaaa. Myself akil from banglore, story is about me and my nabour annu, it happened when I was in ou, yea its in the year 2004. Ohoo yea any aunty, ladies wana contact mail me to … Yea it was Tuesday I got the pu result and I was flunked,,, omg!!! One year at home ? I was like in hell… As my village is outskirt in banglore,...

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Simple Singh In College With Patel Girl In Surat 8211 Part 2

Hello people salaam namaste kemcho, People in first part of this story I told you how me and maitry had oral sex and foreplay ,it was her first time and mera bhi first time tha, but kisi gujju ladki ke sath. I will take this further how I fucked her as I wanted her badly. Jab se maine uske sath oral sex kiya tha and foreplay kiya ussi raat se mai use imagine karta tha fucking with me , mera dimag se nikal hi nai raha tha jab maine uski gand ke bahar se ghasse lagaya tha who bhi itna sexy tha...

4 years ago
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Simple Singh In College Surat With A Gujarati Patel Girl

Hello people I would like to narrate another incident which happened with me after I completed my schooling in mussoorie I came back to my hometown near Surat, my parents told me study in dehradun but as I wanted to come in business I said I will study nearby, I took the admission in Surat college in amroli in BBA .It was altogether a new experience for me because I was out of touch from Gujarati people from lot of time and dint understand gujarati also. I became more handsome and got a sexy...

3 years ago
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Simple Singh With Delhihite In Boarding School 8211 Part 2

Hello people I am back .Sorry for the late second part was out of India and had good fun. So coming to the story without wasting time. I was having good time with indu as I have said you before but I don’t know why from the time I have seen aparna pissing in the washroom I am crazy about her .Uski gori gori thighs and hairy choot ne mujhe pagal kar diya tha . Indu ke ana ke baad maine bahut kaam muth maarta tha but jab se maine aparna ko dekha tha main muth bhi maarne laga uski chut and uski...

4 years ago
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Simple Ideas for Dominating the Male

1. Must use "Mistress", Madame", or "Ma'am" at all times.2. Handcuffed to the shopping cart, while shopping.3. Handcuffed or tied to a pole outside store. (waiting for Mistress)4. Handcuffed, hands in front or back, while shopping.5. Metal cock rings, collars, chains, or leashes when going through airport security.6. Having him get a good tan while wearing a bra, for later exposure at the beach or while washing the car without a shirt.7. When at a restaurant, eating in an unusual way; being fed...

2 years ago
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Simple Pleasure

You've been laying on the soft silk sheets of the bed for a few minutes now. You haven't seen anything for a half hour. I've already taken the liberty of having you take your clothes off so the silk caresses your skin, and a cold breeze from a vent tickles your skin. You lay on your stomach, wondering what I'm up to. Suddenly, you feel a tickle on your thigh. You go to swat it away, only to find my head in place between your legs. And my moist lips, working their way upwards, towards your...

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