A Pastor's WifeChapter 3 free porn video

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Doug arrived home on Thursday evening, leaving Janet and Ali at Barbara's. He had a lot of things to catch up on since he had neglected them earlier in the week. He had called his secretary to let her know he was going to be gone for a couple days in case of an emergency and called her on Friday morning to let her know he was back in town but was going to work from home.

He entered his home office and sat heavily behind his desk. He took a few minutes to gather his thoughts and focus on finishing his sermon for Sunday morning. It just needed an illustration or two and some more scripture for emphases. When that was done, he leaned back in his chair and thought about the events of the week.

He admitted to himself years ago that he liked to watch young girls. The curves of their pubescent bodies did something for him that older ladies couldn't do. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate adult female bodies, he did, but there was just something about a young girl that got to him. He had fantasized about some of the girls in the congregation but never wanted to do anything about them. This week not only changed that but it changed it involving Ali and that made him smile. The only thing that bothered him about his incestuous relationship was that it didn't bother him at all. With his religious training, the years of preaching morality and all that involved should have tormented his conscience. It didn't.

He closed his eyes and let the scene in Barbara's living room play through his mind. He smiled as he remembered seeing Janet lead Ali into the room and how his penis twitched in his pants when he saw her in just her panties. Her small bare breasts were a lovely sight as was the soft roundness of her hips and her long slim legs. His prick hardened as he remembered her getting between his legs and lowering her mouth to his cock as Janet encouraged her to do so.

He knew that if he kept thinking those thoughts, he would be on his way back to Barbara's that afternoon so he left his office and entered the kitchen in search of something to eat. One of the perks of being Pastor of this church was that someone, someone with a key to his house, always made sure that there were plenty of groceries in their pantry. "Looks like they were at it again," he said out loud as he saw the full shelves. Taking a bag of chips and getting a can of Pepsi from the refrigerator, he went to the living room to see what was on the TV.

His father-in-law, George, along with Barbara arrived the next afternoon with Janet and Ali. It took Doug thirty seconds to figure out that George did not know anything that went on in his house while he was in Montana. Which meant Doug could do nothing about the ideas he had all morning. His in-laws stayed the night and decided to go to church with them the next morning and then leave for home from there.

The weekend had been a surreal time for Doug and Sunday was no different. Over the years, he had counseled a many people about their love affairs and could not help but think that there had to be more people in this sanctuary that enjoyed a little extra than what the Bible permitted. As he got behind his pulpit, he scanned the faces that were staring back at him and counted the majority of them out. He could actually imagine a few of them doing wicked, evil things to satisfy their lusts. Some of them were capable of doing far worse than having sex with their teenage daughters.

After he delivered his sermon he wanted to be anywhere else but he made his way to the main door to shake hands with his parishioners. Whoever called Sunday a day of rest was defiantly not a Pastor. There were too many people to see, too many things that needed his attention on any given Sunday to let him relax with his family. When he was finally able to relax after the evening service, he went to his bed and quickly fall asleep.

He awoke to the sound of his alarm clock and headed for the bathroom for his morning shower. Adjusting the warm water and letting it wash over his body, he felt Janet step in behind him and put her arms around his waist. "Morning," she said.

"Good morning to you." Doug spun around in his wife's arm and placed his hands on her hips. He kissed her softly on her lips enjoying the sensation of her breasts pressing against his chest. "Did you have a good time after I left?"

"Would it be wrong to say we had more fun?" Janet asked as she slid her hands down his ass.

"I'd be surprised if you didn't." They washed each other's bodies in silence. Stepping out of the warm shower, they quickly dried off and got dressed. Doug in casual light tan pants and a dark blue button down shirt and Janet put on a floral sundress and a loose fitting shirt over top.

Doug usually got to the church by 8:30, which gave him about hour to himself before the weekly staff meeting. He drank his coffee, read his Bible and did a little studying during this time. However, Tom Garner, the head elder and his wife, Cindy, the church secretary, had made an appointment for this morning. They were insistent that it took place before the staff meeting and they also wanted Janet to be there.

Cindy and Tom were already at the church when the Berg's arrived. Doug and Janet greeted them warmly as the four of them made their way into Doug's private office. There was something different about Cindy this morning and it didn't take Doug long to notice it. Normally Cindy wore clothes that were modest yet attractive to the office. This morning she had on a white blouse that was tucked into a form fitting black skirt. This skirt was what got his attention. It stopped a full five inches above her knees and as she sat in front of his desk, smoothing the material with her hands the slit along the side show a great deal of her thigh. "She has a great pair of legs!" Dough thought to himself and glanced at his wife.

"We have been friends for a long time," Tom started the conversation. He was standing directly behind the seat his wife occupied and had his hands on her shoulders. "We trust you and have every confidence in you."

Every time someone entered his office and started the conversation in this manner, it meant one thing. The person or persons were upset with him about something he said or did so he braced for the worst.

"Pastor, when you told me you were going to your mother-in-law's for a couple of days, it gave me an opportunity to restock your pantry with some groceries," Cindy told him, knowing she was giving away the long kept secret. "I wasn't trying to be nosy, or anything like that, but I happened to see Janet's laptop in the kitchen."

"Oh God! No!" Doug exclaimed to himself, not letting his friends see the turmoil building in his mind. He looked at his wife and saw the horror that registered on her pretty features.

"You know what she saw, don't you, Doug?" Tom said looking directly into Janet's eyes.

"Yes," and then whispered to himself, "It is all over now, big guy."

"Janet," Cindy said as she scanned the Pastor's wife's chest with her eyes, "You really should be more careful if you are going to have pictures."

Janet's facial features relaxed a bit. Instead of scorn and judgment in Cindy's voice there was merriment and humor. She took a quick look at Doug and saw the same realization in his eyes. There was also a quizzical expression that slowly crept across it as well.

Cindy reached into her purse and handed Janet a compact disk. "Fair is fair," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

Janet opened her husband's laptop and inserted the disk. She opened the only file on the disk and as the pictures started to appear on the screen, Doug and Janet knew they were in no danger of being exposed. Cindy started out fully clothed and by the end of the presentation, not only was she naked but also there was a teenage boy between her legs with a very hard cock plowing into her. They were very careful not to show the boy's face.

"Interesting," Doug said when the show was over.

Janet's eyes were locked onto those of her friend. Neither lady blinked or shifted their eyes a millimeter. "Who is he?" Janet finally asked, knowing what the answer was going to be.

"Jason." He was the Garner's sixteen-year-old son. He was a smart, good looking, athletic young man and was well liked by not only his peers but also the adults that knew him. "These are of him loosing his virginity, we took them two months ago. On his birthday," Cindy said calmly.

"What about Christine?" Doug asked, his level of excitement building rapidly as he thought of their twelve-year-old daughter.

Tom looked at his Pastor and his friend, "we have not included her, yet. We were saving her for someone special."

Doug nodded his acknowledgement as he glazed upon Cindy's exposed thighs. "Do you want my little girl, Pastor?" Tom said as he slid his hands down Cindy's chest and cupped his wife's tits.

"Yes," Doug heard himself whisper as he watched him pinch his wife's nipples.

"Do you want to suck her titties?" Tom asked as he started unbuttoning her blouse.

"Oh god, yes."

Cindy placed her hands on the arms of the chair and uncrossed her legs. She slid her butt to the edge causing her short skirt to ride up her thighs, stopping just before revealing her black panties. Tom pulled her blouse out of her skirt and finished unbuttoning it, leaving it on her shoulders. He reached inside and pulled Cindy's bra up her chest, exposing her small tits.

Doug and Janet moaned in unison as they watched the married couple in front them. They noticed that Cindy's breasts were barely a handful with small dark areolas and her nipples were almost the same size.

"You may have her, Pastor," Tom said emphasizing the title.

Doug tore his eyes off of Cindy's chest and met those of Tom's. The look that was exchanged left it to no ones imagination that it was not Cindy he was referring to.

Janet rose from her seat and stood in front of her husband's secretary. Cindy did not possess a model's body; in fact, most would describe her as plain Jane. Many times Janet let her eyes roam over Cindy's body but this was the first time that she let lust control them. Not only did she have small breasts but also she had a bit of a roll around her midsection. However, there was a natural sensuality about her that most men and some women, found appealing. Janet slowly lowered her body to her knees and placed her hands on the inside of Cindy's legs and pushed them apart as she ran her hands up the soft, warm thighs. She could feel the excitement in Cindy. Small, almost unperceivable tremors rippled across her skin. Her nipples hardened as Janet's hands came back to the woman's knees. Janet could feel every bump and every flaw in Cindy's skin and it only drove her on. As if by some magical power, Janet noticed the gusset of Cindy's black lacy panties grow larger. It wasn't until her nose touched the material did she realize that this illusion was caused by her lowering her head.

Cindy smiled as she saw Janet standing in front of her. She admired the Pastor's wife's beauty for as long as she knew her. She knew that there was a special bond between her and Donna but never thought that it was a sexual one. She knew that bond was going to include her as she watched Janet get on her knees in front of her. She let Janet spread her legs and the feeling of her hands sliding on her skin caused ripples of excitement within her. Her breathing almost stopped as she watched Janet's head lower to her pussy. As her tongue slid up the front, a perverse smile came to Cindy's face.

Janet kept her hands on the upper inside thighs of her new lover. Doug and Tom were forgotten. The only thing that mattered right now was the pussy under these wonderful panties. Janet caught a whiff of Cindy's musk as her tongue reached out and licked the covered pussy but there was another smell that caught her attention as well. A smell that over the past few days she had come to enjoy in ways she never thought possible. It was the smell of semen. As she ran her tongue over the gusset, she looked up into Cindy's eyes.

"Yes, Janet, its cum," Cindy said, "it has not been there more than an hour..." Cindy said breathlessly, "and its not Tom's."

Janet's hands found the edge of the black panties and tugged them down. Cindy had to close her legs and lift her ass off the seat so that Janet could remove them. She smiled as Janet then lowered her mouth back to her wet, slimy canal.

"That's it, lick my son's cum out of me," Cindy moaned.

Janet pulled Cindy's bald pussy lips apart and drove her tongue deep inside. The taste of the pussy juice mixed with Jason's cum was driving her crazy with lust. Her nose pressed hard into Cindy's aroused clit and she barely noticed Cindy's hands in her hair, pulling her into the wet hole. She did notice that she was rocking her hips up to meet her invading tongue. She was amazed how smooth Cindy's pussy was and how the stickiness made it so much more exciting. She draped Cindy's legs over the arms of the chair before spreading her friend's ass cheek apart and running her tongue down the deep groove until it found its target. Janet licked more of the combined juices of the puckered rosebud and could also taste the sweat that gathered there as well.

Cindy looked between her legs. The sight of a woman licking her had more of a profound effect on her than her fantasies ever had. She loved what Janet was doing down there. Loved the feeling of her hands on her skin. Loved the feeling of her breath on her erogenous areas. She was used to having Tom's tongue do these things but there was something about the way Janet did it that made it better. "It does take a woman to know what a woman likes," she thought and pulled Janet's face back to her open cunt.

Janet had little choice but to put her mouth back on Cindy's clit as she felt her hair being pulled in that direction. Sucking the hard knob deep into her mouth, she flicked her tongue across it as she placed a finger on the rosebud she wetted moments before. Pushing with increasing firmness, Janet felt her finger slip inside to the first knuckle. Her tongue flicking faster on the love bud in her mouth all the while. With one hard thrust, she pushed her digit all the in Cindy's ass causing her to rock her hips up.

"So you like my finger in your ass, do you?" Janet teased as she slowed her tongue action but wiggled her buried finger.

"Oh, god, its good. So fucking good." She responded.

Janet pulled her finger back and then pushed it in hearing Cindy's breathing getting shorter as she toyed with her ass. The virgin hole was warm, wet and tight. She buried her finger again in the welcoming asshole and placed her thumb at the opening to Cindy's leaking pussy as she wiggled her finger deep inside. Her tongue kept playing with her clit and felt Cindy start to quiver.

"Oh god, oh god," Cindy groaned laying her head on the back of the chair and curled her fingers in Janet's hair. She had to bite her lips to keep from screaming as she remembered that she was in the church office. She rolled her head forward and looked between her legs as she felt her orgasm wash through her body. She pulled Janet tighter and shoved her hips up hard before her body relaxed and fell limp. Slowly her finger slid to her legs and she felt Janet's mouth leave her pussy.

Janet looked up and saw the freshly fucked expression on Cindy's face before looking around the room, noticing that they were alone. The clock to her left told her that the staff meeting started fifteen minutes ago.

"That was fantastic," Cindy said lazily, letting her legs fall to the floor.

"Tasty too," Janet responded.

Cindy giggled as Janet got to her feet. "You look a mess."

Cindy got to her feet and put her arms around Janet's neck. She leaned in and kissed her lips, tasting her own pussy juice. As Janet opened her mouth, Cindy slipped her tongue in.

"I want you." Janet whispered in her ear as they pulled away from each other.

Cindy smiled at her friend as she opened the door and walked to the restroom across the hall. She came back with some wet paper towels and handed them to Janet who had just finished fixing her hair. Janet took the offered towels and wiped her face as clean as she could.

"Let's go to my place." Cindy suggested and Janet nodded in agreement.

Walking out of the office, the two ladies looked in the room where the staff meeting was in full swing. They caught the eyes of their husbands indicating that they were leaving. The private looks that were exchanged were lost on the rest of the staff.

Janet opened the passenger door of Cindy's car but before she could slip inside, Cindy handed her the keys. "You drive," she said with a smile. By the time Janet walked to the other side of the car and slipped behind the wheel, Cindy was sitting in the car and had her skirt pulled up almost to her bare pussy.

"I've wanted Jason ever since he was a little boy," Cindy started to speak as Janet pulled out of the parking lot, "Tom learned about my desires when our son was about seven. He thought that was too young so we waited."

Janet glanced over to her friend's lap. Cindy was running her middle finger up and down her wet pussy slit. She felt her own pussy leak and wished she could do the same thing.

"A few months ago we started looking for ways to get him involved," Cindy explained as she pushed her finger inside herself. "We started wearing less clothes at night. At bedtime I would go change into my pajamas and my robe. After about a week, I just left the robe off and my boobs would be very visible through the material for anyone to see."

Janet had a hard time keeping the car straight on the road. She kept looking over at Cindy's spread legs and watched as she fucked her finger in and out in increasing tempo.

"With Tom watching, I would drop something in front of Jason and lean over to pick it up, knowing full well that he would see my naked breasts hanging down. It always had the desired effect on the poor boy."

"Mmmmmm," Janet moaned as Cindy described the scene.

"I would show him my boobs and as soon as I would stand up he would go to his room. Tom and I would listen at his bedroom door as he jacked off." Cindy was now lost in her own story. Her voice started to get breathy and her finger would stay buried in her pussy longer as her other hand was playing with her clit. "After a couple of weeks, Tom pulled my pajama top off me and opened the door to his room. Janet, the sight of him stroking his cock with me standing almost naked in his doorway was almost too much to handle. But I walked to his bed and took his young tool in my hands and finished him off. All I did was kiss him good night and left that night. This went on for two weeks until his birthday. You saw what happened that night."

For several weeks, Jason noticed something strange going on with his parents. When Jason turned fourteen, last year, his parents allowed him to stay up an hour later than his little sister, Christine. It seemed to him that after she had gone to bed then his parents would change into the nightclothes and parade around in front of him. They never came out of their bedroom with their pajamas on or if they did, his mom and dad had their robes tightly wrapped around them. The first time he saw his mother come into the living room where only the almost see through pajamas his cock sprang to attention immediately. He had tried to catch her many times in the past less than fully dressed but was always unsuccessful. He also didn't want to push it too far and incur his parent's wrath. The first couple of nights were amazing. He could plainly see that natural shape of her small boobs and her nipples always poked out.

After two or three nights of this his mother bent over in front of him. His eyes were drawn to her bare tits as they hung down. He would look over at his dad but he seemed to be reading his newspaper not noticing what was going on. Seeing her naked tits made his dick even harder and he would have to go to his room and relieve himself. One night while he was stroking his meat after the same kind of treatment, he was startled when his bedroom door suddenly opened. The light from the hallway showed his mother standing in the doorway wearing only the bottoms of her pajamas. His dad was standing behind her holding the top and his hand was pushing the door open. It was all he could do to not cum right then and there but he managed to hold back as his mother slowly walked to his bed. Without saying a word she reached her hand out and replaced his on his stiff cock and gave it several strokes. His mother's hand on his cock felt so warm and soft and so much better then his own that he could not hold back any longer and shot his seed all over his stomach.

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Shy Indian Wife Opens Up part 2

BELA'S PRE-MARITAL PASTThe story of her past might again seem too tame and anti-climatic to some of you, but if you consider the town she grew up in, and how conservative her parents were, it is somewhat of a big deal.Right from her c***dhood, Bela was known to be a very attractive girl. Her parents were very old-fashioned, conservative and obviously protective. So when their cute and pretty little daughter hit puberty and started blossoming into an undeniably gorgeous young woman, their...

1 year ago
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A Day in the Life

I walked into the kitchen that afternoon and my mother was there, smiling at me. "Hi Mom." "Hey Wendy. How's school?" "It was okay," I shrugged, dropping my book bag and sitting down at the table. "Do you have homework?" she asked and I shook my head. "No, not today," I smiled and she was putting a sandwich down in front of me and a glass of milk, as always. "Okay," Mom said and then narrowed her eyes as I'd been a little immodest sitting down. "Where are your...

2 years ago
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Lukes Initiation Ao

He was sitting, laying back on the bench just getting some sunshine onto his skin. Luke was 20 and had been in university for 3 months He was only 160cm tall but well build having been a champion bantam weight junior boxer. Although he never entered the adult world of boxing he still maintained his figure and strength through continuing his training program. Due to his family strict upbringing he kept to himself and had his own room in the student block, unlike others who shared with up to six...

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As I was on my way to get fucked, I reflected, once again, what I was up to... I was a married guy, happily married, who liked getting fucked...by another guy. It wasn't love, yuck. It was an extremely pleasant diversion that no one except a guy could provide. It messed with my mind when I thought about it, but in spite of my best intentions, I couldn't stay away. Tommy was the first, last, and only guy to ever fuck my ass. He was 35, 15 years younger than I, whom I had come to meet somewhat...

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A Second Opportunity Pt 2

The next few days went by quickly and Mary had gotten better. She was always laughing and making me laugh as well. I had taken her out to the movies after she insisted one day. Afterwards we had walked and she told me about her past and what she wanted for her future. She had been raised by loving parents when she was young but as she got older things had changed. Her parents seemed to argue all the time and the love they once had for each other quickly vanished. Mary had dreams of traveling...

3 years ago
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Better Than Drugs

I have been completely drug free for two months, though I still battle withdrawl symptoms. I have been going to my therapy sessions dutifully but in all honesty if it wasn't for him I would still be happily high most of the time. Well I still stay high most of the time but its a totally different high now. Its better than drugs and better alcohol. The high is much stronger and it rarely wanes. God its fucking incredible. I drag myself home after a particularly rough therapy session. A stressful...

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Sexing the Bridersquos Mom Part one

Vanessa Johnson and her husband Greg had just arrived in Negril, Jamaica for their daughter's wedding that weekend. Vanessa or Mrs. J had been assisting her daughter, Jennifer, in handling details of the wedding for some time and wanted it to come off perfect. She and Greg had arrived two days earlier to allow Vanessa to meet with the hotel staff and restaurant caterers responsible for the eventAs they checked into the hotel, her son Samuel came up and hugged his beautiful African-American mom...

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Asian wife

So my wife and I are in our early 30s and been married for 8 years. Her name is Lyn she’s Asian very pretty, a mother of our two girls. I’m a little chubby white guy who brought Lyn here from the Philippines and started a family with her. We’re happily married and always have been. So one day my wife and I our hanging out at home with a few guest. One of my best buddies Tony was there. He’s a good looking guy that I’d catch my wife eyeing when she didn’t think I was looking. Any how Lyn’s...

4 years ago
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School Lunch

As an early teen prefect at school I was allowed to leave school at a lunch-time, I used to go to an aunts for my lunch, usually just a sandwich or just a snack. During one time my aunt was having some building work, new kitchen extension to include a new bathroom upstairs. It was one lunchtime when I was desperate to visit the toilet for a pee, “ You’ll have to pee in a bucket” my aunt said. No problem I thought, until she brought a bucket out and held it and said, “Go on, it’s not if I’ve...

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HER WEEKEND SEX SEMINAR by Rumple Foreskin      Cindy Davis stood by the foot of the hotel bed watching the man she would spend the weekend with making love tip the old bellhop, lock the door, then turn and move towards her. What the hell had she gotten herself into? Wordlessly, Ray Mitchell, took the purse from her numb fingers and tossed it toward a chair. He missed. Neither of them noticed.      For a moment they just stared at one another. Then with a quick movement, he gathered her into...

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Wild Massage

For reasons which I won't go into, I recently found myself in possession of a bunch of cash. It was money I couldn't explain well enough to deposit in my bank, so I was in a squandering frame of mind. To that end I'd been researching masseuses. You know. The ones you see advertising with 'theraputic' in quotes. Well maybe you don't know, but suffice to say there's plenty of such options around these parts. I finally settled on a woman named Lucy whose ad was in our local paper. It read:...

2 years ago
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Palomino Ch 12

The wheels screeched as the brakes were put on and everything jerked. One of the horses screamed as the trailer was drug off the road and the railing was torn off with it. A woman screamed helplessly, and as soon as the truck hit the bottom of the ravine, everything went black. — Wesley jerked awake, panting hard. A cold sweat covered him from head to foot. He’d knotted his hands into the sheets. He felt movement beside him, and looked, wide-eyed. For a moment he thought it had all been some...

3 years ago
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Rachels Revenge

Rachel's Revenge "...And hurry up with that coffee, Rachel". "Yes, Mr Allcock. I closed the door, seething. That man was going to get his comeuppance one day. He treated me like a servant rather than a pretty good secretary, and he was always worse when he had meetings with other male members of staff. It was like a power thing, he could say and do as he liked, knowing I wouldn't say anything in front of his colleagues. I needed my job, and he knew it. He was just a bully. I...

4 years ago
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Slutty Sisieran Intensive Relationship

Hi, folks! After much brainstorming, I came up with this story. It is about an incest relation between a brother and innocent sister. This is my first time writing a sex story at IndianSexStories.net. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes. I am open to suggestions. Anyone interested can contact me at my Gmail – .Now let’s get to the story. Reminding you that it is just the first part, there will be many more parts (…even it has Gangbang with my Friends )!!! It was a sunny day. There was...

1 year ago
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OverwatchChapter 2

There were very few places to go in Belfast at the time 'cos most of them had been blown up. People didn't really venture into town at night anymore, so the pubs were very much not the sort of place you would take your girl. Entertainment was either the cinema, the local shebeen or, for those with transport, going down to Bangor. At the time, this was a Victorian seaside town of faded glory, but there was an old amusement arcade, a small roller coaster, a few pubs you could take a girl...

2 years ago
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Interesting Impregnation Invitation 1

Mother To Be Invites Impregnation By Me!The m0ther to be got a splendid idea to invite me to impregnate her during a hot holiday.The m0ther to be seduced her best girlfriend to ask me along on the trip to amuse them.The mOther to be knows that she shares her hot foxy fancy for me with the blonde beauty.The m0ther to be knows how to play that game: let Gorden Girl think it is her hot idea!The m0ther to be studied medicine and is a specialist in two branches. Too busy always.The m0ther to be...

1 year ago
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Flat Tire leads to BBC PT6

When John fell asleep on top of me with his cock still embedded deep in my pussy, I was in heaven and soon drifted off myself. I was asleep for a couple of hours.I was awakened by John's cock, it was growing in my pussy. He had not rolled off me during his sleep. The harder he became the more excited I became.I started flexing my hips gently, so as not to wake John. I flexed my hips gently but to no avail John woke up, "Sorry, I just......."John kissed me, our tongues were soon wrestling with...

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My MessagesNews FeedMy ProfileEdit ProfileLogout

My MessagesNews FeedMy ProfileEdit ProfileLogout BTW, your mobile devices can watch porn too ;) Video Pictures Stories Blogs DVDs Video Pictures Stories Games Dating Chat Live Sex Premium Fresh Sex Stories • Top Rated Stories • My Favorite Posts & Stories • Post Story! FIRST TRIP TO VEGAS LEADS TO FIRST BBC FOR GOOD WIWe had decided to take a trip to Vegas and spend some alone time together.. We started off with dinner, then went to hit the tables.. My...

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ExxxtraSmall Elle Voneva Tiny Thief Gets Trapped

Will and Romeo have noticed that all their stuff keeps disappearing out of nowhere! They have no idea who could be the culprit, so they decided to set a trap. They placed a pair of sunglasses under quite the cartoon like contraption. They pretended to leave the house then snuck in through the back to keep their eyes on the trap. Little Elle Voneva from across the way wandered inside to start looting. She noticed the shiny sunglasses right away and went in for the swipe. Just as she grabbed...

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Johnny Come Lately

Johnny Come Lately...No More! Anna Feie I have come out of hiding, I am sick of hiding hence I shall never again be ashamed of who I am. A bold statement on my part but a statement of life as I have lived it. My given name has been lost in the "mists of time"; I choose to be known as Sue. Let me go back to the beginning of my time and begin. I was born the last of seven, Ray, Margaret, Ted, Carol, Jane, Duane, and Sally came before. All but Sally had left home by the time I...

4 years ago
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Schoolgirl Lasses AttitudesChapter 3

Rory had a concern over Paris’ lack of people skills at the Yale Daily News which had finally reached a crisis. It reached a point where in mass the staff quit in protest. Logan had come to Rory’s, now in charge, in her great hour of need. Together they had managed to soothe the journalists back to work and were able to get the paper out. The interaction with Logan had its fringe benefits. It was a bonus of that offered the opportunity to save their relationship and put it back on the...

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A Genny Story Going to The Deja Vu

This is an adventure I had at an all nude strip club in Lansing Michigan. I am Genny In that spring that I had first met Melly, I had just over two years on the fire department. I had been all through my training and probation, and was running on the engine at headquarters and really loving the job. There was just one problem. Usually after about six months on the department a firefighter will be sent out to replace vacationing firefighters or guys that have called in sick. It is a hated...

3 years ago
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My Sister Became My Girlfriend

Hello. I am a regular reader of ISS. Being inspired from good stories I would like share my real life experience with you all. About me! My name is Mayank I am 24 years old, fair, 5’7’’ tall and good attractive physic and brought up in Pune. I own a small scale plastic industry. So let’s begin my story. Mrunal is the daughter of my mom’s cousin brother. She is no doubt very beautiful 22 years of age. Her physical maturity is far more than I would have expected; perfect 36, 26, 34 figure and...

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Band Geek DiaryChapter 28 February 29 March 1

February 29 After my trip with Mom over Presidents’ Day weekend, I thought back to something Becky said a couple of months ago, that if we were lovers who were experienced with each other and had been apart a while it would be quite appropriate to fuck like an animals. That’s how I started today. Instead of starting out by trading oral sex with Becky like we usually do, I treated her to a ‘sweaty caveman fuck’ first thing after arriving. She was primed for it, herself and fucked back at me...

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I pickup Straight Women PT3 Lesbian

Stealing a SeatIt's interesting I tell you, I never know when or where opportunities will come up to find a girl that needs that gentle, or not so gentle, push I give into a life of sapphic pleasures. Sometimes it's really in the most unexpected of places.It was a few weeks after my vacation when I found myself in a very unexpected place. Things hadn't worked out with Vanessa. I'd done my job too well. She was too clingy, talking about how much she loved me and how great it would be when the...

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I was seduced by the horny oldman

I’m 22 year old young male. I was 18 years when this incident happened. I look fair and sexy. Men usually get attracted to me. While I walk around public places I usually happen to see some men staring at me. I know an old man who lives in our neighborhood. He is single. He was a respected man in that neighborhood. He is a fun loving man who usually spends time spending time with children. He at times kisses children and invites them to their home. He was also very fond of me. I used to call...

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Morning after the Night Before

Olive and Sammy - The Morning After the Night Before After the excitement of the transformations of the last few hours, it's time to assist the new women to embrace their femininity. Feedback and comments posted or emailed have encouraged me to at least consider continuing the story of Olive and Samantha. Thank you all for the constructive comments, I do appreciate all the feedback received Thanks again to Cresser for taken the time to edit, comment and tweak areas of the story...

1 year ago
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Our First Meeting part 2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had been 2 days from I spoke to Jill. I didn’t want to bombard her as I wasn’t sure if Tom new about me and if he did what he was told. So I thought it best to let her contact me. Then I got a message asking if I wanted to meet up for lunch. I jumped at the chance. She told me where to go and to be there for 1pm. So as it was only 9.30 in the morning I went for a walk to take in some of the places I...

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It all started on the school bus pt2

Running my hands up and down the smooth skin of her stomach, I lightly begin to brush my hand across her pubic mound. Our lips meet again in a passionate kiss her tongue forcing its way into my mouth as she becomes more confident. Our hands exploring each others bodies more aggressively as the tension builds between us. Panting she pulls away from me gasping for breath. She looks into my eyes and reaches for the bottom of my shirt pulling it up over my head. She leans in...

2 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 31

"Oh, Tony!" I looked to the side just as Allie launched herself at me. I caught her and fell back against my locker. I slid to the ground with Allie on my lap. As my butt hit the floor, Allie pressed her mouth against mine and kissed me. Not the worst way to finish the school day. Not the worst way to finish a week of school. Not the worst way to finish nine weeks of school. "Get a room," Tami suggested when I looked guiltily up at her. "I got an A," Allie told her, and started...

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The Lighter and the Scissors

I divide the story of my life into two parts: the years before the incident and the time since. What occurred rocked my world like a psychic earthquake. I was looking for a transformation, and I found it in the abyss of a human soul.Growing up, I had been a loner, an introvert who withdrew from the company of others. I avoided social gatherings whenever possible. This practice conflicted with the wishes of my aristocratic family, whose business dealings and political pursuits kept them...

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First Bi MMF

I have always wanted a bi experience since I was about 20. There was just something about a cock pumping a pussy that made me want to be in the middle of it all. I put an ad online, with a pic of my 7" thick cock, along with some of my fantasies such as panties, hose and BBWs. It was soon after that I received a reply from a couple in Colorado Springs. The ad said it was from the female so I immediately had suspcions. She sent a pic of her in fantastic hot white lingerie, she was a smaller bbw...

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the story ive never told

many years ago i had a very unexpected, erotic voyeur experience.i had graduated from a midwestern college near my home and wanted to explore new territories.my older sister invited me to visit her in Portland, OR and test the job market.so away i went for a visit.but first, a little back story.my sister K and i were five years apart in school.i knew she was a tall, pretty and popular athlete but didn't pay her much attention. i'm sure i was invisible to her.one Saturday afternoon in the...

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Local Rumours helliphellipContinued

It had been a couple of weeks since Amy and I had discovered the rumours going around our small town were true. There was a woman from our small town appearing on the web site hornymilfs.com, doing cam shows. Apparently though no one else had figured out who it was. Amy was always clever and realised she could get a one day free pass on the site by entering a false credit card number, she had spotted an ad for one of the cam models, and recognised our town through the window behind the model....

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Whos The Boss Part 2

We showered together and climbed into bed for some much-needed rest. Nikki slept between me and Ben so that she could touch us both while we slept. There was some idle caressing and kissing, but we were all too tired to last for long, and soon we slept the sleep of the happily exhausted.I’m generally a heavy sleeper, but I awoke before the others the next morning, around 8:30. I smiled sleepily as I contemplated my lovers, then I headed for the bathroom. Upon my return, they had spread out to...


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