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Ice clinked against his glass as he sat down in his favorite chair. It was eight o’clock at night, the sun was setting, the house empty and quiet. He sipped his first drink of the day and thought, ‘It wasn’t that many years ago when…


The bus with 48 very horny college freshmen strained up the long driveway and stopped in front of the Bellman Social Center. I was one of those 48.

The problem with the upper northeast colleges started about 200 years ago. At that point some genius administrator came to the conclusion that colleges should be all male or all female, otherwise the distraction of the opposite sex would inhibit learning. The apparent obvious conclusion was mostly followed from that time forward and was the sole reason for the bus. College administrators, sometime in the last 50 years, granted that the bias to single sex colleges would create an uncontrollable urge for the students at one college to visit a college of the opposite sex. These road trips, as they came to be called, had two dangerous components—cars and alcohol. Now one might argue that these college bureaucrats left out a significant third danger called sex, but that was not considered relevant. To reduce the risk of cars and alcohol, the obvious conclusion was to schedule a series of ‘Socials’ at various colleges and subsidize the transportation to these structured parties via the bus. The solution to the problem generally ended at the beginning of sophomore year, at which point cars seemed to be more available to the richer end of the student body who sold seats in their cars to the poorer end of the student body.

As I waited for the bus to empty to my row I wondered if I was going to get lucky tonight. Lucky is a relative term in my position. In my dreams lucky would be to meet the most beautiful student on campus, sweet talk her for 20 minutes or so, and then hit the mattress and screw for the next four hours until the bus was scheduled to leave. However, lucky in the real world was maybe that I would be able to meet a girl who wasn’t terribly ugly and talk and dance with her during the social—maybe even have her give me her phone number.

On the other hand, based on past sexual experience and my inability to carry out even a half witty conversation with the female species, lucky probably meant that I wouldn’t break my leg getting off the bus.

My name is John and my ability or lack thereof with the opposite sex didn’t seem logical to me. I am six feet tall with a lithe body that had been sculptured by four years of swimming on my high school swim team. My hair is brown and closely cut since my above average but not great swimming ability had given me a partial scholarship to college to continue my swimming career. So it was a mystery that although the physical equipment was there and the sex drive was there–I had let my fingers do the walking quite a few times since entering college–but still some force field appeared when I was within three feet of a female and whatever witty or intelligent thing I was trying to say never reached the other party. Shy might be another word to describe my condition.

I was lucky tonight, I exited the bus without injury and walked into Bellman Center.

Did I mention bus? Actually there were a total of six buses that pulled up to Bellman Center—not all from my school—which meant there were approximately 300 horny males entering the Center that night. My first observation was that the host college had provided, at most, 200 females to greet the 300 males. And by some statistical curse of nature, some of these females would not be horny. The odds were not good I thought as I made my way to the non alcoholic punch bowl for a drink. I was poured a glass of punch (non alcoholic did I mention) drink by a 90 year old female who was probably really only a 35 year old college employee who had been assigned by the college to keep things orderly.

I turned and faced the dance floor. One song had just ended and another one was beginning. I spotted a few females on the dance floor that met my high standards—roughly 80% of them—but they were already with a partner. There really was no grand strategy at these socials. The tactics, however, were simple. Meet a girl as quickly as you can, ask her to dance, and never let her stray or an opponent would steal her. I understood the tactic. It was the execution that was the problem.

I almost jumped as a female voice spoke into my ear, ‘Hi.’

I turned to the voice and saw a vision—or actually a girl that was about five feet seven inches tall with dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and a thin, but not too thin body. Somewhat contradictory, her breasts were very prominent and stood out against the sweater she was wearing.

Did I say she had blue eyes? They were laughing blue eyes that were extraordinary.

I stood there for a moment unconsciously deciding whether to look at those extraordinary eyes or those extraordinary breasts. The force field came down as my tongue refused to function, but I was saved as she asked me, ‘do you want to dance?’

I croaked out, ‘Sure…I’d like to.’

We went onto the dance floor just as a fast dance started. ‘Shit,’ I thought to myself, ‘The song is loud, we can’t talk, and I can barely fake this kind of dancing.’

The song finally ended and a quiet, slow one started. I held out my left hand as a question whether she would dance with me again, and she came into my arms. We started dancing.

She looked at me and said, ‘By the way, my name is Linda. I’m a freshman here. Which college are you from?’

I told her my college and finally realizing I had left something out also volunteered my name. The dance continued and, consciously or not, I moved closer to her. Her hair smelled wonderful as she came close to putting her head on my shoulder. I felt those extraordinary breasts against my chest. Now I had a significant problem—I wanted to keep those breasts against me, but the throbbing erection that was starting would soon cause me some major embarrassment. Just as the erection was growing to serious proportions, I pulled slightly away from her, but I knew she had felt me.

The song ended, she smiled and asked, ‘You don’t talk much, do you?’

Still worrying about how I was going to get off the dance floor with my periscope half up, I managed to say, ‘Linda, I never learned how to make small talk, I just don’t know how. But I really can talk.’

She really laughed at that and said, ‘John, I know you can talk. I’ve been listening to you. I was just teasing.’

She continued, ‘I’ve promised to dance with some of the other guys. Maybe I can catch up with you later.’ Her eyes gave me one last smile and she turned and walked away.

I couldn’t help it. For the next two hours I kept looking for her, and when I saw her, I stared. She was by far the most beautiful girl I had met since going to college. One time she caught me staring, I quickly looked away.

Finally I spotted her as a song ended, she was standing on the dance floor talking with her last partner. I gathered my courage and walked up to her and said, ‘Linda, how about the next dance?’

Her last dance partner was obviously pissed when Linda said, ‘I’d love to.’

The music started, it was another fast, loud one. Linda took a step closer to me and said loudly into my ear, ‘Why don’t we go outside for some fresh air instead?’

Without waiting for an answer she took my hand and led my to a side door out of the Center. There were a few other couples outside as we walked around her campus. Every college has a campus center and Linda’s college had a nice quadrant with a field of grass and statues surrounded by various college buildings.

Linda had let go of my hand at that point as we walked side by side. She said, ‘Tell me about yourself.’

I answered, ‘I’m a fairly good swimmer which got me a partial ride to
school. Without the ride I would be going to State where the tuition is much cheaper. I’m in liberal arts, whatever that means, and still haven’t decided what I am going to major in. I don’t have to make that decision until next year.’

Linda asked, ‘Do you like college?’

I glanced at her and said, ‘Not really. Money has always been a problem in my family, and even with the ride, it is costing a lot of money. And I guess I don’t like being a nobody. In high school my grades put me in the top 20 out of 300, and my swimming meant publicity and newspaper articles. In college I’m lucky if I will end up in the top half of my class, and I have learned that the difference between a good swimmer and a really good swimmer is so wide I don’t expect any more newspaper articles.’

‘But you still must have a high school sweetheart,’ Linda persisted.

I blushed and said, ‘There never was a high school sweetheart. I had plenty of dates because of my athletics, but most girls like their boyfriends to be a little less of an introvert. I guess I ended up being a boring date for most of them.’

Linda stopped walking, turned and said to me, ‘I’m a virgin John.’

I knew my face was beet red. I couldn’t believe she had said that. Then it hit me. She was asking a question, but why? Still blushing I replied, ‘And you wouldn’t be surprised if I told you I was too?’ I continued, ‘Why did you tell me you were a virgin?’

Linda’s eyes were not smiling now, but they were watching my face carefully and said, ‘Because I want to talk to you about something and I’m afraid if I hadn’t said that, you would get the wrong idea about me, and everything would go bad.

‘I want to tell you some things and ask you some questions and I guess that if you knew more about me, like my sexual experience, you might understand me a little better.’

I said, ‘Linda, you’re the first girl that I have talked to for more than a few seconds in over three months. I’ll listen to anything you say as long as you want to say it.’

Linda hesitated and then said, ‘My College does not allow sororities, but they don’t mind if friendship clubs are formed as if they were a sorority. There is no house and we all live in the dorms, but it is fun to be in a group of friends and do things together.

‘So I have been trying to get into a club with some really nice girls. The upper class members have been watching us since the start of school, and a few weeks ago they quietly asked some of us if we wanted to join. Of course I said yes and it turned out that two of my best friends were asked also. So now, if we had a sorority, I would be called a pledge. Until I get through the initiation routine, I am a club pledge.

‘There is a pledge leader who is a junior, and she decides what things we have to do. Some are fun, and some are silly, but I have been doing them. I’m a little like you in that I am lonesome, so I really do want close friends and the girls in my club are special. I really want to be a member!

‘So I guess I better tell you why we are talking. I came to the social today to look for a partner to help me. That’s why I kept moving from boy to boy. I have a real big problem.’

Linda had been looking down as she talked, but now she looked at me and asked, ‘Will you help me?’

‘Of course,’ I said quickly. ‘What do you want me to do?’

Linda looked at the ground again and said, ‘The pledge leader has given out our final projects. If we do them to her satisfaction, I am no longer a pledge. I think she knew I wasn’t very experienced in sex because of what she gave me as my project.’

‘What?’ I asked.

Linda continued, ‘Sharon said that I had to make up a game with couples that had a strong sexual flavor, but the game had to stop before sex started. No orgy or anything like that. And then I had to talk at least three of the pledges to play the game with me, each girl had to bring a boyfriend and he had to play also.

‘I’m embarrassed to be telling you this, but I really want to join the club, and I don’t know what to do’

I thought for a second and said, ‘Well the obvious thing that a boy would think of would be some sort of strip poker game.’

Linda interrupted, ‘No, Sharon ruled out strip poker completely. She said that boys almost always play cards better than girls. The game I have to make up has to be completely random. It can’t be a skill game, it has to be a chance game where anyone can win or lose.’

‘When is this game supposed to take place,’ I asked.

‘Three weeks from today,’ Linda answered. ‘Can you help me?’

I hesitated for a moment and answered, ‘Sure I can try. What if I think about it for a while and then take the bus back here next week and tell you my ideas?’

Linda smiled and said, ‘Fantastic. You really are nice to think I’m not the biggest nut in the world to talk you into something like this right after we met. I really need help, not only do I have to think of the game, I have to recruit others to play it.’

Her eyes were smiling at me again. She seemed happy, or at least relieved that she had told me her story and I was still there. She reached for my hand and we started walking again. We walked for about an hour and talked about our backgrounds, but no more was spoken about the game.

It was time for the bus to leave, so Linda and I walked back to Bellman Center. My bus was filling up with what I guessed were 48 still horny freshmen. But maybe someone had been lucky. I didn’t care. I turned to say goodbye, but before I could say a word she stood on her toes and gave me a quick kiss. She backed away quickly and said, ‘See you next week.’

I was exhilarated as I got on the bus. It had been a lucky night. I now knew a girl and she was nice, no she was great.

Two miles down the road it hit me. I never asked her for her telephone number. Mentally kicking myself I thought of something else, I didn’t know her last name, and I never told her mine. So much for quick thinking!

Game Plan

The following week found me back on the same bus pulling into the same driveway leading to Bellman Center. Forty-eight horny freshmen once again were looking to correct their condition.

I was looking for Linda. No last name and no phone number. The bus stopped and there she was. She didn’t wave or anything, she just waited for me to get off the bus. She took my hand and her eyes smiled at me when she said, ‘Hi John with no last name.’

Obviously, she also realized we forgot a few significant things to tell each other. She asked, ‘Do you want to go to the dance for a while?’

I said, ‘No. I’ve been thinking about the game all week and would like to describe it to you so I know if I’m going in the right direction or not.’

‘Super,’ she said. ‘Let’s go to the campus fountain room and get a soda. With the dance going on it should be mostly empty, we can get a quiet table in a corner and talk.’

She took my hand and we started walking. We reached the fountain room building and went in. I went to the soda bar and bought two Cokes. I turned and saw that she had been right. There were only a few people in the room. Linda was sitting at a table in the far corner. There were no other people sitting close to our table.

As I sat down with the Cokes, Linda said, ‘I’m dying to hear your ideas. I’m running out of time and nothing I think of seems to be right. I’m getting desperate.’

I began, ‘Linda, I spent all week thinking about a game. You told me strip poker was out. And you told me that any game of skill was also a no. The first thing I thought of was a card game of chance. We could give each player 10 cards and play war. The first one to lose all their cards would have to do something or take off some clothes.

‘That just didn’t seem too creative. There would be a lot of card shuffling and the game would probably take forever. So I gave up on war or any card game.

‘I thought of spin the bott
le, but even that was not very creative. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked a version of spin the bottle. Before I tell you my idea, you have to make some decisions.

‘How far do you want the game to go?’

Linda quickly said, ‘No actual sex for sure.’

I continued, ‘Do you want people to take some clothes off or do things to each other?’

Linda thought for a moment and said, ‘Either one would work I think. Seeing someone take their clothes off would be exciting.’ She blushed, ‘As long as it wasn’t me. But making people do things might be fun too.’

‘Then you have another decision to make. If a person is made to do something to someone else, could the action be with anyone at the table regardless of sex, or only with people of the opposite sex, or only with their date?’

Linda remained quiet for a few minutes as she thought. Finally she said, ‘Well a girl doing something to a girl or a boy to a boy is too kinky for me. So that idea doesn’t work. I don’t know what you are thinking about yet, but a boy doing something to any girl at the table might bring up some jealousy problems or someone might feel they are either being picked on or ignored. So I think the easy answer is that you do things only with your date.’

‘Fair enough,’ I said. ‘Let me describe a game and you tell me what you think. It would be a version of spin the bottle. So that takes care of any skill—wherever the spinner stops is pure chance.

‘We would have two spinners. The first, if there were four couples, would be divided into four parts. The game would start by having one of the dates spin the spinner. It would stop and point to one of the four quadrants, and that would tell us what couple had to do something.

‘Each couple would have an identical stack of action cards. The actions would go from the easy to the embarrassing. So the couple who lost the first spin would draw their first action card and read it allowed. As an example, let’s say the first card said that one had to kiss his or her date on the butt through their clothes. So that’s the action.

‘Then we decide who does it to whom. For each action there is a passive person and an active person. The next spinner is divided in four quadrants also, and they alternate between male and female. The second spinner is spun and if it lands on the female quadrant, the female is the active person and the man is the passive person. In my example, the female would have to kiss the male on his butt.’

‘I like this so far,’ said Linda. ‘It is all chance. But does it matter who spins the spinner?’

I answered, ‘Not really because the couple spinning might have the spinner stop on their own quadrant and force them to do something embarrassing. However, just to show that it is fair to everyone, I would have the spinner rotate around the table with each couple having their turn spinning. The male might spin the action spinner while the female could spin the active or passive spinner.’

Linda asked, ‘How bad are the actions going to be?’

‘That’s up to you Linda, because I think you are the one who should make the actions up. I think it would much better if the actions are a surprise rather than tell people before the game. Of course, once the first action card is drawn, the other three couples will know what they are going to do for their first action, but they won’t know who will be doing it to whom.

‘You could be as safe or extreme as you want. I thought of a lot of them. You could have one person give their date a kiss for 30 seconds, or they could French kiss for a minute. Maybe have one person massage the butt of their date for two minutes, or their breasts. Remember, it might be the girl massaging the breasts of the boy.

I do think that all the actions should take place with the clothes on. Touching would be through the clothes in part one of the game.’

‘Is there a part two?’ Linda asked.

I answered, ‘I have an idea for part two, but that decision is up to you too. You have to decide if you want someone to end up naked in front of everybody. What do you think?’

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Nude Teenager Walking Around

Nude Teenager Walking Around Back years ago before everyone had computers and air-conditioners teenagers had to find their own form of entertainment. I for one was hiding on my front porch in the shadows watching Mrs. Brown change into her nightie. It was a very warm night and almost everyone had their windows open. However Mrs. Brown did it on purpose. I had been watching her now for more than a week. She would enter her bedroom and put on the light closest to the window then she...

2 years ago
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Showing Her Around

Vince Taylor had been at work for not more than half an hour, and had barely drunk enough coffee to be sure that he would stay awake, when the new employee was brought around to be introduced. This was usually a very fast introduction, a fast handshake and an attempt on both sides to remember the name a minute later. If things went well, the nameplate was ready when the new employee came in, and that helped more. In this case the name stuck with Vince: Gail Mari. The last name was...

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Second Time Around

On Sunday, the older members of the family went to have their customary long naps after consuming the roast beef of old Argentina, father and mother upstairs and grandfather inert and snoring under an open copy of the “News of the World” with its coy tales of the escapades of vicars, scoutmasters, company directors and used car salesmen. I was left to my own devices; the opportunity was open and I took it. I headed up to Joanna’s cottage and knocked on the door, hoping that she, too, would...

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Just riding around

Tonight began just like all the other nights. My two friends and I were going out drinking and riding around. I was fourteen and my friend Jason was sixteen and Max was going on eighteen. Max knew a guy who would buy us beer and whiskey and not ask any questions. It was my turn to buy, so I gave Max the two twenty’s that I had earned mowing yards the past week. Max was a big guy, probably six foot two or so and weighed around two hundred pounds. He had a short crew cut and did not shave...

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Second Time Around

The sudden cloudburst caught us all by surprise, coming as it did from what moments before had been a clear sky. I was lucky, because I was only a few feet from my car, but some of the other parents weren’t so lucky. One, a woman I recognised as mother of one of Judy’s classmates, was looking around frantically for shelter. I tapped the horn button and she looked over at me. I beckoned and after a momentary hesitation she came hurrying across and scrambled into the car beside me. ‘Thank you,’...

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Shorts 02 The Second Time Around

‘What are you wearing?’ Heather watched the words appear on the screen, and even though she knew he couldn’t see her, she blushed. ‘Why do you want to know?’ she hedged, and waited tensely for his reply. ‘I want to see you in my mind more clearly. Your avatar only tells me you have long curly hair and you’re fair skinned. Aren’t you even a little curious about me?’ His words cut across her eyes like sharp needle points. She hesitated. How could she tell him she was afraid to let him see...

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I Want To Be Around

Note from Jake Rivers, This is my eighth semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The current effort consists of stories based on songs by Frank Sinatra, Ol’ Blues Eyes. Please read the stories and give feedback to the participating authors. Note from Jake Rivers: This is my eighth semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The current effort consists of stories based on songs performed by Frank Sinatra, Ol’ Blues Eyes. Please read the stories and give feedback to the participating authors. Regards, Jake There are no...

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The old switch around

I guess I should preface this by saying that my wife Lee and I don’t have what you would call a traditional marriage. We are swingers and a bit on the kinky side, she is bi-sexual and I’m straight but we have experimented with videos and toys. We tend to get a special itch from time to time that we know is best scratched by someone else. The evening started out with her and I at a local bar enjoying some drinks with friends of ours. The conversation turned to sex as it always did. It didn’t...

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A Valentines Day Run Around

All characters in this story are over the age of 18. * Lisa rose from the bed and walked slowly towards Joey. He stripped down to his boxers and the dim flicker of light from the candles burning around the deep circular bathtub danced along his skin. His hand reached out for her and as she walked closer he grabbed her blouse and pulled her close to him. Their lips met and the familiar jolt of electricity shot through her body and electrified her. His lips never parted from hers while his...

3 years ago
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Boss Me Around

Charlie was not having a good day, despite the sunny nature of the weather outside, the somewhat stereotypically legless sheep resembling clouds, and the annoyingly chirpy twittering of birds. It all seemed quite at odds with the irritation that she was experiencing, and the jocular expression on her brother’s face was not helping. ‘I refuse to believe it,’ she said, again, quite firmly, as if she would be able to command her wishes to life through her tone alone. ‘You simply cannot be gay....

4 years ago
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Office Sluts Chapter One Lurking Around

It is really cool to work at one of the best law firms of the world. Especially when you’re young, enthusiastic and you’re at least a bit interested in women. Because there are lots of them around here. They walk around here all day, bend over at the copy machine, they show their cleavage when they choose lunch at the cafeteria, and do stuff like that which make all the normal men crazy. Yes, it’s good to work here at Walden, Inc. And of course it needs a lot of sacrifice, self-discipline,...

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He Plays A Round So I Play Around

My husband and I sit on the deck of the Boothbay Country Club sipping gin and tonics and watching the golf – another glorious vacation day drifts by. A tournament is just finishing up, and another is about to start. He goes to get another drink, and when he comes back, he is excited. “I was just asked if I wanted to golf in this tournament that’s about to start. There’s a couple of teams that have had players drop out. If I want to play, all I have to pay is the twenty-five dollars for the...

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What Cums Around

‘No officer I’m not smuggling i*****ls, my girl friend’s giving me head in the car, OK? We have a law against cell phones and texting but there’s nothing that says you can’t get blown while driving, right?!’ ************************************************************************ Every time I fly into Tucson, the airport gets longer and longer. It doesn’t help no matter what airline I use they always wind up at the gate furthest from baggage claim. It’s just as well Tommy didn’t fly with me to...

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What Goes Around Comes Around

WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUNDMy name is Mike and I am the Senior VP of a large marketing firm in the Southwest. I manage a group of about 20 employees that handle the marketing for many fortune 500 companies across the globe. I moved here after graduating from college in the south. It’s a tough business, but if you work hard and are intelligent, you can move up fairly quickly. One of my employees is John Stanley. He is a lower level marketer with very little experience. We hired him fresh out...

3 years ago
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Turning the Evening Around

Karen looked at her watch.   Eight thirty-eight.   She would give him another few minutes (against her better judgement) and then she would go.   She ordered another glass of Chardonnay and looked across at the other person sitting at the bar.   As she did so, his mobile phone bleeped.   Mike flipped open his phone.   “ur boring – end of”.   He quickly looked up, hoping nobody else had seen what he had just read.   He caught Karen’s eye as he did so, and she gave an involuntary guilty...

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Threesome second time around

Having been a few weeks since our first threesome, I didn’t think it would happen again. Everyone’s schedules have been crazy so finding time to relax was hard but finally all of our schedules matched up. I, being a healthy male, am pretty much ready to go but my 2 pets need some liquid encouragement even though they both want to be with me in bed. So after a few hours of drinking, things loosened up but it was still up to me to get the ball rolling. So I just took it upon my self to hop into...

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Goes Around Comes Around

Introduction: This story is about revenge and Rape If this sis not your thing please move on. The second part is more about the charactors sexual adventures. Goes Around / Comes Around By Jax_Teller I had done many things in my life to make money but this was going to be different. As a young man, a fighter and ex-military man I was well conditioned and fit so to speak. I had been living life hard and fast and this job was going to be more than just interesting, it was an awakening. I would do...

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Slipping Around

There is an old country song called “Slipping Around” which is what I was doing a lot of when I was young and in the early years of marriage.I had married my high school sweetheart less than a year out of school. I was eighteen and much too young and immature for such a big step. But there I was, tied down, while all my buddies were running free and having a great time. Ties got worse when fourteen months after getting married, I became a father. There I was, less than twenty years old,...

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What Goes Around

"Have a good one, Nick!" "Sure, Jon, see you Monday." Nick shouldered his bag and shot down the stairs. In a moment, the office of Hastings Plumbing was behind him and he was in the car, on his way home. He thought about his girlfriend, Alice. He'd been getting less and less happy with her, recently; she wasn't tall enough, she wasn't that pretty and she was getting dull. On top of all that, she never wanted to do anything exciting or different, and Nick had had enough of giving up all the...

Mind Control
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A Sensible Turnaround

Gina was sixteen-years-old and ever since her Dad had remarried and forty-one-year-old Elaine became her Step-Mum there had been confrontation between the two of them. Gina felt the constant badgering by her Step-Mum was unfair whilst Elaine was eager to see Gina’s behaviour improve. Neither saw the other’s point of view. Gina of course argued that she was old enough to do her own thing when she wanted although was very careful to keep her Step-Mum informed of where she went, who with, and the...

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Passing my wife around

My wife Andrea and I went on a hot rod cruise in our 51 Pontiac Chieftain. It was warm so she wire a pair of really tight shorts and a tank top with a push-up bra . I commented on how sexy her tits looked and then I said those pants are to tight .she wiggled her hips and asked if I liked her in them. I said I don't see a panty line are you wearing a thong. She said no I'm not wearing panties then just before she got into the car she pulled the shorts up making them dig right into her smoothly...

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A New Taste Part 35 Lockdown Tom Turns Around

Young Tom would call me late at night. He would whisper under his duvet. He would tell me how hard he was and I would guide him to orgasm with my dirty talk. I often jerked myself off as stroked but not always. I enjoyed the gentle manipulation of his erotic desires. I had no idea if Tom was gay or straight or bi. It chance that brought us together in the woods that day and it was quite possible Tom would spend the rest of his sex life exclusively with women. In the meantime I just wanted to...

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Part 2 Pinky the second go around

Oh Part 2 of Pinky. Well the next day or I should say later that night, Pinky reached out to me by text. She was working overnight shift again. This time the tone was a bit different. She mentioned to me about how much she enjoyed our little time together, but she was upset with her boyfriend. He was mad she didn't call him back in the morning. Despite that face he knew she was working overnights for this week. I guess he expected her to call before she went to sleep or something like that....

3 years ago
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Passed Around

Brad and I had been fuck buddies for four months and I found myself sneaking away to St. Augustine as often as possible to see him. At my high school, I was still trying to regain my innocence after everyone found out that I cheated on Steve. At seventeen years old, I had been written off as a whore by pretty much every girl who wasn't already a close friend. Hoping to disassociate myself from that word, I had sworn off high school boys. I had also grown accustomed to Brad's rough, dominant...

Group Sex
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Harry comes around

I opened the door and let Harry in .... he smiled when he saw what I was wearing ....just barely black tights and high heels ..... he cupped my balls and gently squeezed them ''All ready  then'' he asked I nodded blushing as my cock stiffened he squeezed my balls harder making me wince.Harry let go and said ''Come on then you Bitch Boy get down on your knee's and suck me'' As he spoke he released his cock from his trousers and waggled it at me .....Thankfully he closed the door before I knelt...

3 years ago
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Club Night Second Time Around

Danielle and I had been to the swingers club once before. It had been her first time then and I was wonderfully surprised when she let me use my fingers and hands to bring her to a big orgasm as we sat on the sofa of the club's second floor balcony that overlooked the dance floor. That was an amazing display of public lust. I was hoping that we could repeat something like that.This visit held the promise of being even more exciting for us both. As we dressed at my apartment, Danielle was being...

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What goes around comes around

At nineteen, John had found himself in a position where he had to get a job. What it was didn’t really matter, he just needed something. After finishing college in the summer, he had waited eagerly for his results, but to his and his parents’ frustration, he had obtained the expected results so his primary job was unobtainable. More by luck he had found a local job in an Engineering firm. He fitted in well, especially with the women on the shop floor. He had an air around him, that made him...

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Familiar Cucking Around

Older attractive women are always hot topics for teenage boys, and Gary Darnell and his friends were certainly not exceptions. That the hot bodies were mothers, even their own, didn't matter. If anything, it only served to fuel their fires of fantasy. Ever seen her naked? Seen her pussy? Does she trim it? Would you fuck her if she would let you? When the teens got together the questions were always the same, differing only in where they fell in the conversation. The answers varied according to...

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Sarah,s friend April RIP used to invite us around from time to time, the two working in the same office, but her husband Jim see,Ed to be working most of the time so we rarely saw him. Avril,s neighbour Clyde seemed to be around even more than Jim, but Avril claimed he was just a good friend. Jim was loaded and they had a swimming pool in their rear garden in northwest London back in 1990, which they could use even in winter as it was enclosed in a sort of fibre glass cover which could be...

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We Jock Around

We 'Jock' Around - #6----------High school was so much fun and even though I was the shy one, always trying to stay in the background, it seems that I also had the most deviant ideas as well. I had a small group of friends and we met at each other's houses and did homework together, laughed and talked about all sorts of crazy things and had frequent sleepovers. Everyone liked my house for our get-together because our basement was partially finished into a game room. Dad had found several boxes...

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Slutting around

Teen-slut RevisitedI recently ran into this guy on line. We were friends in high school, after a while Ron knew about him. There were a few threesomes with him and he was part of my sweet-sixteen gang bang. Like a lot of my friends, I gave him his first blow job and I was his first piece of ass. Fred was a little older because he'd been held back a year. His father was a beer distributor in the small town of Kittanning, Pa., where I went to school. He was a pretty nice guy but we just had a...

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Kylie Minogue Spinning Around

Kylie Minogue - Spinning AroundGary could here that Kylie was just starting her last song of the concert out on stage so he decided to sneak into her dressing room and have a look around before she finished. He opened the door to her dressing room slowly while he checked that no-one was watching him, he walked cautiously inside checking to make sure that her personal assistant wasn't in there. The coast was clear so he closed the door and started to walk around her room .He had always been a...

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More of Paula and her playing around

Paula had agreed to meet with Alistair and Gary again on a Saturday night. This time they were to take her dogging to a local spot known for late night fun in East Lothian: Longniddry car parks along the shore front.Gary had been trying to persuade his girlfriend to try it and she had agreed. He had told her that his work mate Alistair was seeing a 'complete tart' who was game for a bit of fun. So they had set it up between them.She had been horny all week and on the Saturday morning Paula got...

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Well just fool around

She sent me the sexy photos every year when she got back from her Florida vacation. Claire went on vacation solo since she and her husband were no longer sleeping together. She was proud of her body and usually dated the pictures with her now advancing age. We exchanged sexts from time to time but it never went any further than that.Then, when she turned 65, she sent me a particularly sexy bikini shot with her captivating smile like always the highlight. I couldn't help but respond: "I'd...

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